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July 18, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-18

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor..............Carl Petersen
City Editor ............... Norman A. Schorr
Associate Editors...........Harry M. Kelsey,
Karl Kessler, Albert P. Blau-
stein, Morton C. Jampel, Su-
zanne Potter.
Business Staff
Business Manager ............ Jane E. Mowers
Assistant Manager .......... Irving Guttman
Out With
Vice-Presidents? .. .
WITH THE Democratic nominee for
President so long regarded as cer-
tain, the choice of a candidate for vice-pres-
ident has probably received more prior consider-
ation at Chicago than such a choice has re-
ceived from any previous convention in our
Our vice-presidency is a peculiar institution,
which few other countries, even the South and
Central American republics which have followed'
our own Constitution so closely in other respects,
have seen fit to imitate. The most important
function of our vice-president is usually served
during the few months while he is merely a
candidate. Then he "balances the ticket." At
best this is a geographical balance. At worst,
and much too frequently, the ticket is "bal-
anced" by nominating the vice-president a man
who believes precisely the opposite on leading
issues from what the candidate for President
After his election the vice-president has noth-
ing to do but preside over the Senate. A vice-
president is certainly not essential for this func-
tion: there is no reason why the Senate, like the
House, cannot elect its own presiding officer.
By custom the vice-president keeps his mouth
shut in public on all political issues. The re-
sult of this, as burlesqued in the figure of Mr.
Throttlelkottom, is that many able men refuse
the vice-presidential nomination. The chief rea-
son that the vice-presidency is esteemed is .that
it carries with it a statistical chance of becoming
President. Nine of the thirty-two vice-presi-
dents of the United States, more than one in
four, have gone on to be President. Those who
did so through the death of the preceding Pres-
ident were Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthur,
Theodore Roosevelt and Coolidge.
CONSIDERING the party motives and general
conditions that surround the nomination
for vice-president, the country has been luckier
on the average in the caliber of the vice-pres-
idents who became President than might have
been expected. But this relative good luck may
not continue. One way in which democracy
must meet the challenge of totalitarianism is
in improving its machinery to eliminate obvious
defects, to make possible a clearer expression
of the popular will, and to bring its ablest men
into leadership. Our vice-presidential institu-
tion beclouds campaign issues and forces many
voters in effect also to choose a man they do
not like in order to elect a man they do like. It
would be a decided improvement in our demor
cratic machinery if only candidates for Pres-
ident were nominated and elected and if som
day an amendment to the Constitution provided
instead, following the precedent in a number of
other countries, that in the event of the death
of the President the successor to fill an unex-

pired term would be chosen by the House and
Senate sitting as a single body. A President so
chosen would be certain to be an outstanding
man, who would receive the willing cooperation
of Congress and would represent the sentiment
of the country at the time he came into office.
-ThelNew York Times
'Dry War'
In Lati America..
W HEN THE Pan-American Conference
of Foreign Ministers meets in Ha-
vana next Saturday it will be confronted with
a situation which obviously demands something
more than mutual good intentions. Readers of
this newspaper have been able to learn from
Mr. Russell B. Porter's informative dispatches

The Straight Dope
By Himself
'T'HIS COLUMN will tell the faithful reader all for those of all religions which converge in
he ought to know about the second annual Democracy. This is no occasion for blowing off
Summer Parley. The Summer Parley, like its casual steam, this is a ritual by which those of
winter and spring counterparts is dedicated to us who are willing to fight for democracy may
the practice and principles of free speech. It is gird ourselves for what lies ahead.
especially pertinent at this time and hour since Let there be no question but that Democra+
with the coming of war all nations including and with it civil liberties and education and
those ostensibly at peace have felt the sting of religion are in the greatest, danger they have
the pear-shaped gag which fits in the mouth but ever known, Let there remain no doubt but
burns the heart and the guts. that the fight is near and ever nearer. Let
CC FOR THE MOMENT we at Michigan there be no delusion but that our outposts are
already in the enemy's hands and that his ener-
may speak. A panel of students ith gy will shortly deprive us of our main positions
decided and eloquent opinions will be aided i efi ofgtadfgtimdaey
by afacltysecion f wde ackif we fail to fight and fight immediately.
by a faculty section of wide background and For the hour has passed when any minor vic-
mature judgment. The sessions will embrace tory can be granted to reaction or tyranny with-
Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon out a protest, in the interests of order. The hour
and evenings. The topics covered are built is over when concessions can be made or there
around the subject of the war and what it will be no more to be made in very short order
means to the American way of life. indeed. Now is the time to clarify our thoughts,
Everyone is welcome to attend and speak. It decide on our plan of action and, last but most
may be your last chance. One word of caution important, purify our hearts for what lies
only. The Parley is no place for exhibitionism ahead of us. For without that purification of
or for sham. It is our earnest hope and sincere heart, that cleansing of spirit from greed and
prayer that those who speak at it will speak desire and hate we cannot win this struggle.
from their souls and their guts; will deal hon- This is the struggle wherein we, the whole
estly with infractions of civil liberties here in people, fight for what is dearer than life,
our midst as well as abroad; will not shirk their dearer than our daily bread. This is the
responsibilities because of fear of reprisals of hour before we go forth to defend our honor
any sort. and our gods. Prepare you the way for the
FOUR COLUMNIST has, at times, been ac- armies which must fight in the cause of
cused of over-levity in the face of today's liberty.
accumulated woes. Perhaps for this reason, as Let not one voice be stifled, let not one sigh
well as others, he feels it his bounden duty to be unheard, let not a tear fall unmarked. Let
go to the Parley and speak his mind on civil the whole people speak their mind with the
liberties at the University of Michigan. He feels heart of the life of our nation before them. There
it his right and privilege to listen to those bet- is no more in life for most of us than this; let
ter informed than he on subjects ranging from us not prove unfaithful to it.
the war to the finances of the Buildings and Go to the Parley then and say what you must
Grounds Department. say; say it for the cause of liberty in speech
He will think of what to say carefully and at and thought and religion and action and belief.
considerable length, and he will say it as ably Speak it sincerely and courageously. This is
and as briefly as his talents, if any, permit. This the penultimate preparation for the battle. Let
parley is, in short, almost a religious exercise us not fail it.
Washington Merry-Go-Round

CHICAGO-For the inner Democratic politi-
cos the big question mark over-hanging the
convention has not been the ticket. That was
settled for them last week when Roosevelt gave
the nod on the third term. To the insiders,
from that moment, the nomination became
But simultaneously there plunked into the
fore another myster that has had both New
Deal and regular chieftains going around in
circles ever since. This is the question, Whai-
is Jim Farley going to do?
Can he be persuaded to remain as National
Chairman, and manage a campaign which even
the most enthusiastic Administrationites admit.
is going to be very tough? Or will he step out
and leave a big gaping hole that will be ex-
tremely difficult to fill?
Only one man knows the answer-Farley.
Like Roosevelt, silent for two and a half years
on the third term question, big, genial Jim has
taken no one into his confidence.
You- can get both a yes and no answer from
his most intimate associates. Some are sure he
has made up. his mind to quite; others that he
can yet be talked into managing the campaign.
One widespread story is that he told the
President at their Hyde Park conference that
Roosevelt would have to find himself another
National Chairman if he ran again. Yet, Harry
Hopkins, the personal White House emissary
here, privately has expressed the steadfast be-
lief that Farley "will be with us."
Two Certainties
Two things are certain: One, that all hands
are extremely anxious to have Jim direct the
campaign; two, that strongly as he disapproves
of the President running again, Farley will not
"take a walk."
He may wash his hands of Roosevelt politics,
but he won't bolt the party. Jim is an organiza-
tion Democrat and regularity is a cardinal prin-
ciple of his political faith.
Also it is certain that if Jim is brought around
it will be only with the greatest reluctance and
after the hardest kind of pulling. He feels his
grievances very deeply, and arrangements he
already has made for re-entering business would
have to be revised. Jim has agreed to take over
the New York Yankees September 1.
Obviously enjoying the mystery over what he
will do, Jim laughingly meets all questions with
a counter-query: "What do you think?"
Frank Walker
If Farley does retire, his most likely successor
is Frank Walker, lawyer, head of a chain of
movie theatres, head of the Roosevelt Library
Foundation in Hyde Park, and an old personal
friend of both the President and Farley.
in Chile, reported to have indicated a plot to
overthrow the present regime.
The Nazi efforts are deliberate and unmis-
takable. Spying, terrorism, physical violence,
the boycott, misuse of the schools, the radio,
newspapers, the motion pictures, economic
pressure-all have been useed and each is used
as circumstances permit. The tricks are pre-
cisely those employed by the Nazis in the Bal-
kans, in Scandinavia, in Holland, Belgium, Spain

Friendly, quiet-mannered and retiring, Walker
doesn't want the job, either. It scares him. He
has been one of the most active people here
in exerting pressure on Farley, to remain. But
if Roosevelt insists, Walker will respond. He is
devoted to the President and will do anything
he asks.
If Walker becomes National Chairman, art
lieutenants he is pretty certain to draft Mayor
Ed Kelly of Chicago and Edward J. Flynn, Bronx
leader and New York Secretary of State. Next
to Farley, these two are the most experienced
executives in the Democratic organization. Ei-
ther would be a sure choice for the chairman-
ship but for their local machine backgrounds.
Chicago Chaff
The Utah and Florida delegations are divided
50-50 between men and women-the only such
at any major convention . . . Dr. Francis Town-
send, old-age czar, attempted to put the bee on
Democratic platform-makers and candidates as
he did at Philadelphia, but with no better luck.
The only one to give him a tumble was McNutt,
whom Townsend is now boosting for vice-pres-
ident. . . Chief pluggers for the "little business"
plank in the platform, promising loans and pro-
tection against big business, were Senator James
Mead of New York; Chairman Adolph Sabath
of the House Rules Committee; Dr. John F.
Carruthers, head of the National Small Busi-
ness Research Bureau; and James G. Daly,
President of the National Small Businessmen's
Roosevelt CIO
Though John L. Lewis may be rumbling anti-
third term blasts and secretly conjuring up a
third party movement, a score of the most po-
tent leaders in the CIO are playing a very im-
portant role at this Roosevelt convention.
They are doing it both as CIO chiefs with
an official CIO headquarters, and as delegates
from six states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky,
West Virginia, California and Washington),
Chief among them are Phil Murray, quiet, as-
tute CIO vice-president; Tom Kennedy, United
Mine Workers vice-president; John Owen, head
of the Ohio CIO; and Sam Caddy, president
of the Kentucky United Mine Workers.
The CIO men are silent regarding Lewis'
antics, but they are going out of their way to
let the world know they are for Roosevelt.
It was Murray, Kennedy and Owen who quiet-
ly arranged that third-term endorsement by the
United Autor Workers last week, on the eve
of the convention-a direct slap at Lewis, who
the week before had told the Townsend conven-
tion Roosevelt would be "ignominiously de-
feated" if he ran again.
Also it was Murray who, in direct contrast to
Lewis' anti-Roosevelt fireworks at the GOP con-
vention, denounced Willkie at the platform com-
mittee hearings as an enemy of unions and the
National Labor Relations Board.
All this, like Lewis' performance in Philadel-
phia, was no accident. It was carefully arranged
in advance for the express purpose of repudi-
ating Lewis' attitude.
Note-Neither Murray or Kennedy is certain
to be one of the co-chairmen of the Democratic
Labor Campaign Committee.

There's no catharsis this week at
the Lydia Mendelssohn but you'll
probably have. a good time. Elmer
Rice's "Two On An Island" draws
upon all the legends that are shared
by New Yorkers and out-landers alike
to prove that "the great beating heart
of the metropolis" is really a heart
of gold. Even the city slicker is a
regenerate character when the cur-
tain goes down and in the course of
the preceding three acts Rice brings
alive upon the stage (with varying
success) most of the mythical char-
acters who are supposed to live be-
neath the towers of Manhattan. His
sentimental story of what happens
to two innocents in the great city is
no profounder than was any nine-
teenth century melodrama with the
same theme but it is occasionally
amusing and usually pleasantly con-
vincing. The sordid details are seen
only through a rosy, romantic mist.
In fact the play has somewhat the
air and tone of something done by
a Hollywood continuit man for pub-
licity department of the New York
World's Fair but all the same I'm
going home and pack my typewriter
when I finish this review.
After the pretentious offerings of
the past two weeks this is something
of a relief. Rice occasionally tosses
off a pretense or two but theyget
mixed up in the shuffle and come
out smelling faintly of lilacs (or what-
ever the flower of th city of New
York is). The play receives the
benefit of a really professional pro-
duction and some capable acting.
Its very large cast managed to get
itself on and off the stage with dis-
patch and all of the realism that was
necessary under the circumstances.
If Valentine Windt had nothing else
to his credit as a director (and he
certainly does) he could establish a
firm reputation on the basis of his
ability to get the maximum of ama-
teur legs on and off a small stage
with the minimum of tripping.
As the aspiring playwright from
Iowa James Moll has an easy natur-
alness that is completely in keeping
with the mood of the play. Moll is
one of the least pretentious actors
in the group here and perhaps for
that very reason is one of the most
effective ones. Virginia Batka as the
playwright's female counterpart was
a trifle shaky at times but on the
whole managed her part with the
same natural quality.
If David Itkin lost anything by
last week's production he should have
gained it back by his performance
as the "heavy" last night. (Inci-
dentally how it is possible to pass
judgment upon a man's abilities as
a director on the basisof one pro-
duction of a bad play with actors
who were none too good, by any
means sort of ESP is beyond me.)
But to resume, Mr. Itkin gave a very
pleasant and credible interpretation
of a not-too-credible character. As
I may have mentioned, it was a large
cast and of that cast several did ex-
tremely well. There's not space to
mention them all but Osna Palmer
as a screwball society girl and Ray
Pedersen as a refugee actor certain-
ly do deserve some mentidn.
The sliding sets slid with never a
hitch. And I've saved the best to
the last. John Schwarzwalder, as
a yiddisher taxi driver, experimented
in the first actksuccessfully with an
Italian, a Greek, a Swedish and an
Irish accent and discarded them all
for the play in favor of a Mr. Moto-
Peter Lorre dialect that was a won-
der. It's worth the price of admis-

Irish Neutrality
easiness about its position. It
has seen that preservation of inde-
pendence cannot be accomplished
merely by a reiteration of the desire
to defend neutrality at all costs. It
realizes that aggression listens not
to words but to deeds, and therefore
it has begun to see the need for lay-
ing mines around the coast. There
has been much talk of a German in-
vasion. Northern Ireland has taken
all the necessary steps to counteract
it. The South has been more dila-
tory, depending upon assertions of
strict neutrality to protect it against
the consequences which befell neu-
tral Norway, Denmark, the Nether-
lands and Belgium.
However, Sean Lemas, thse Minis-
ter of Supplies in Eire, has discov-
ered that Eire is in thek center of
the war area, and is threatened by
the forces which have throttled de-
mocracy in Europe. So he calls for
the laying up of food reserves. He
apparently realizes that while Eire
may have a small army, it has vir-
tuallyno air force and no navy, and
that its position as an independent
State depends almost solely upon
the British fleet, the Royal Air Force,
and the vast land army which is
gaining strength daily across the
Irish Channel. What is the answer,

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Grin And Bear It...

0 1040 Chc TM-. Inc.
... and if you find the world pretty hard by the time you pass
the drug store, will you bring me back some tobacco?"

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session before 3:30
P.M. of the day preceding its pub-
lication except on Saturday, when
the notices should be submitted be-
fore 11:30 A.M.
The Linguistic Institute Luncheon
Conference meets today at 12:10 p.m.
James N. Tidwell will speak on "The
Accuracy of Dialect Representation
in Fiction."
A preview of school films is being
held in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building from 2:00 to 4:00
p.m. daily, until July 25. The film
to be presented today, Thpirsday,
July 18, includes Vocaions and Social
Studies as its area of interest.
A lecture "The Great American
Loneliness: A Study in the Psychol-
ogy of Native Painting," is to be pre-
sented by Daniel Catton Rich, Direc-
tor of Fine Arts, the Art Institute of
Chicago, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Wesley Foundation. Group leav-
ing Wesley Foundation (First Meth-
odist Church) at 5 p.m. for swim-
ming party and picnic. Please call
6881 before noon for reservation.
Small charge for food and transpor-
Deutscher Verein. A program of
recordled German music, Lieder, and
folksongs performed by famous art-
ists will be presented at the next
meeting of the Verein this eve-
ning at 8 o'clock at the Deutsches
Haus, 1315 Hill Street. Members,
students of German, and all inter-
ested in German are cordially in-
vited. Refreshments will be served.
Round-Table Discussion, 8:15 p.m.
today. American Spirit in Art and
Literature. Chairman, George F.
Whicher, Amherst College. Profes-
sors Dewitt H. Parker, Joe L. Davis,
Mentor L. Williams, Dumas Malone,
Roy W. Sellars, and Wells I. Ben-
nett, and Edgar P. Richardson of the
Detroit Institute of Arts. (Amphi-
theatre, Rackham Building.)
"Two on an Island" by Elmer Rice,
will be given at 8:30 p.m. m i
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Other performances will be giv-
en on Friday and Saturday nights.
This is the fourth production of the
Michigan Repertory Players of the
Department of Speech. Tickets are
available at the box-office (phone
6300); prices are 75c, 50c, and 35c.
The English Department will give
its second tea on Friday, July 19,
4:30-6 p.m. in the Assembly Room,
3rd floor of the Rackham Building.
All graduate students in English are
cordially invited to attend.
Vibration Problems Symposium,
under the direction of Professor S.
Timoshenko, will be held on Friday,
July 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation Institute Audi-
torium, corner of N. University Ave.
and Twelfth St. (across from the
Michigan League). The main speak-
er of the evening will be Dr. Carl W.
Nelson of the Timken Roller Bearing
Company, Canton, Ohio. Subject:
"Railway Track Stresses." All inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
"Some NeTJplecjtejiF'aita.gin. Na..-

a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
degree, Friday evening, July 19, at
8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music
Auditorium. The general public is
invited to attend.
The State Prison of Southern Mich-
igan at Jackson is to be visited by
the next Summer Session Excursion
group. The party leaves in special
motorbuses from State Street in front
of Angell Hall at 8:00 a.m. and -re-
turns to Ann Arbor at 1:00 p.m.,
Saturday, July 20. The round trip
on the bus is $1.25. Reservations
must be made in room 1213 Angell
Hall before Friday, July 19, at 4:30
Graduate Record Program will be
held on Saturday, July 20 from 3 to
5 p.m. in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building. The program will
consist of the Overture, La Grande
Paque Russe ,by Rimsky-Korsakoff;
Symphony No. 4 by Sibelius; Daphne
and Chloe, 2nd Suite by Ravel; Gym-
nopedies No. 1 and 2 by Satie and
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor by
Bach. Dr. Charles Hockett will be
in charge. All are invited to attend.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday July 21 at 2:30 p.m. in the
rear of the Rackham Building for
a trip to Clear Lake County' Park.
Swimming, hiking, softball. Supper
outdoors around a camp fire followed
by social hour. Those having cars
are asked to bring them. All gradu-
ate students, faculty and alumni in-
Square Dance Teachers' Class. A
class for those who are interested in
learning how to call square dancing
will be held at 5:00 p.m. Monday,
July 22, in the Michigan League
Ballroom. This will take the place
of the calling class previously held
after the square dancing Monday
evening. Mr. Benjamin B. Lovtt will
be in charge. There is no fee for the
Preliminaries for the doctorate in
4he School of Education will be held
on August 19, 20 and 21. Any grad-
uate student desiring to take these
examinations should notify my of-
fice, Room 4002 University High
School Building, by July 23.
Clifford Woody,
Chairman. of Committee on
Graduate Study in Education
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan State Civil Service Exam-
ination. The final date for filing an
application is noted in each case.
Institution X-Ray Laboratory Tech-
nician B, $105 to $125 per month,
August 10, 1940.
Institution Millwright Al, $140 to
$160 per month, August 10, 1940.
Further announcements can be
found on file in the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, 9-12,
The University Bureau
of Appointments.
Exhibition of American Painting
presented by the graduate study pro-
gram in American Culture and Insti-
tutions is being held in the Rackham
Building through July 31, daily ex-
cept Sunday, 2-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.

By Lichty

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