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July 18, 1940 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-18

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Fair and Slightly Warmer


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

4Iait t

Out With.
Vice- Presidents?..


Convention Drafts .D.R. n irst B




Warn Of

'March To South Seas'

Nomination Made


Mob Demands That United States Marines
Be Disarmed As An 'Apology'
(1IOKYO, July 18.--(P)-The army and navy took a stronger grip than
ever upon Japan today as Prince Fumimaro Konoye, advocate of totalitarian
one-party principles, commissioned to form a new government, outlined
plans for military-dictated policies which may include a "march to the,
South Seas."
The Premier-designate's first action after receiving the Imperial Com-
mand from Emperor Hirohito was to announce that national policies would
be formulated by himself, the War and Naval 'Ministers and the Foreign
Political circles regarded it as a foregone conclusion that the Prince's
choice for Foreign Minister would be Yosuke Matsuoka, former President
of the South Manchurian Railway, whose bristling reply in 1933 to the
League of Nations' censure of the Japanese seizure of Manchuokuo was
a sensation. -

The new policies are expected to
pivot around Japan's moves in the
South Seas, which the army is advo-
cating as the future field of action.
French Indo-China, the Dutch
East Indies, British Burma and Siam
may be concerned in these policies.
Premier Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai
was forced to resign Tuesday by
army leaders who regarded his for -
eign policy as too cautious in the
face of the French and Netherlands
collapse in Europe.
3,000 Japanese
Threaten Marines
SHANGHAI, July 18.-4P)-Japan-
ese-American difficulties over the
arrest by United States Marines of
Japanese gendarmes eleven days ago
reached a dangerous deadlock today,
after 3,000 Japanese demanded in a
mass meeting here that the Marines
apologize or be disarmed.
Authoritative circles declared the
case has far outgrown its original
proportions now that the Japanese
have invoked the honor of their
army, and that the nation won't be
satisfied with anything less than a
United States apology.
Colonel DeWitt Peck, Marine Com-
mander, stuck firmly to his original
stand that the Marines acted within
their legal rights when they arrested
the 14 Japanese plainclothes men
in the United States defense area
of the Shanghai International Set-
tlement July 7.
He was understood to be willing
to listen, nevertheless, to any fu-
ther evidencethat thetGendarmes
were "brutally mistreated."
A Japanese Embassy spokesman
described as "unfortunate" the ac-
tion of 100 prominent Americans in
Manila, who sent messages here and
toaWashington urging a firm United
States stand.
Art Director
Will Lecture
Daniel C. Rich To Speak
In Rackham Building
On American Painting
Daniel Catton Rich, director of
fine arts at the Art Institute of Chi-
cago, will address students and guests
of the Graduate Study Program in
American Culture and Institutions
at 4:15. p.m. today in the Rackham
School Auditorium on "The Great
American Loneliness: A'Study in the
Psychology of Native Painting."
The lecture will be illustrated by
hand-painted slides of. American art.
The public is invited to attend.
Educated at the University of Chi-
cago and at Harvard, Mr. Rish took
a Ph.B. degree from the former in
1926. He has been associated with
the Art Institute of Chicago since
1927, and has been director of fine
arts there since 1938.
Mr. Rich has been the chairman of
the Illinois committee of the section
of painting and sculpture in the Pro-
renient Division of the Treasury
Department, a member of the patron's
committee of the Federal Art Pro-
ject of Illinois, a member of the
committee on art projects of the Illi-
nois Emergency Relief Commission,
a member of the jury to select murals
for the Department of Interior Build-

British Admit
Steamer Sunk;
Awaitn Nazis
Agreement With Japanesej
Revealed To Commons;
Liberals Cry 'Munich'
LONDON, July 18.-(P)-Britain
announced today that Italian bombs
damaged a cruiser with some casual-,
ties in last week's Mediterranean
seafight, added to her sea losses an
Irish steamer flying the British flag,
and weighed warnings that Germany
is poised for one mighty air attack-
then invasion.
The Admiralty said the cruiser
was attacked July 8, the day before
the British-Italian naval action in
mid-Mediterranean, and that "the
damage, however, did not affect the
ship's fighting efficiency and she,
took her full part in the action
against the Italian fleet July 9." 1
Limerick Sunk
The Dublin steamer City of Limer-
ick, 1,359 tons, was sunk in an air
attack, off Cape Ouessant, France,
last Monday while carrying fruitrto
Liverpool.' All but two of the crew
wee saved.
While German bombers kept up
sporadic flights over Southern Eng-
land last night, King George in-
spected munitions factories there.
The announcement did not say whe-
ther he was in any of the sections
where bombs were falling.
Also admitted lost was a naval
auxiliary vessel, the 13,241-ton Van-
Dyck, formerly a 400-passenger liner,
which was sunk by bombs off the
Norwegian coast June 10. The Ad-
miralty announced seven officers1
and men were killed in the bombing
apd 161 taken prisoner. ,
Invasion Certain'
Meanwhile, Air Minister Sir Archi-
bald Sinclair warned in a broadcast
to the Empire that Britain is "cer-
tain" to face an air attack "many
times greater than any which the
enemy has yet launched." A "great
onslaught" of simultaneous air, sea
and land attack may come "within
the next month," he declared, but
"it will fail."
Geoffrey Shakespeare, Under-Sec-
retary of the Dominions, said that
Britain would accept any offer by
the United States to send American
ships for the children.
The words "appeasement" and
"Munich" with a reminder of the
grim consequences associated with
them were used by Geoffrey Mander,
opposition Liberal Party member,
after R. A. Butler, Under-secretary
of the Foreign Office, told. Commons
an agreement with Japan was im-
German Group
To Hear Songs
To Play 'Lieder' Records
At MeetingToday
A program of recordings of Ger-
man folk songs will be presented by
the Summer Session Deutscher Verein
at 8 p.m. today at the Deutsches Haus,
1315 Hill St.
Featured on the program will be

Parley Topics
Are Annotineed
In 3 Agendas
Elections Panel To Discuss
New Armament Program
And Standard Of Living
The vital problems that will form
a discussion nucleus for the two-day
Summer Parley, which opens with
keynote addresses at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union, were announc-
ed last night for three of the four
Heading the National Election
panel agenda under student chair-
man Phil Westbrook is "Can the
United States build an adequate de-
fense system and maintain its pres-
ent standard of living and its sys-
tem of democracy?" Other questions
will center on the threat of total-
itarianism to this country, both ex-
ternally and internally, and will in-
clude considerations of Fifth Colum-
nists, international trade, and vital-
izing democracy.
In the Civil liberties panel, headed
by Joseph Fairman, the term civil
liberties will be defined, and the re-
lation of liberties to professions,
workers, and industrialists will be
considered. The panel agenda will
also call for discussion of present
tendencies in civil liberty restric-
Government In Education
The agenda questions outlined
here are only a cursory presentation
of some of the problems that will
be presented with all aspects in-
Among the issues for discussion
by the Education group, headed by
J. B. Geisel, are: "Will Federal par-
ticipation in education grow?"-
"Whatiof academic freedom? "-and
"The International situation and in-
Agenda topics for the fourth panel,
Religion, will be announced in to-
morrow's Daily.
Opens Tomorrow
The Parley, sponsored jy the Stu-
dent Senate, and honorary faculty
Senators, opens tomorrow with key-
noters Prof.-Emeritus William H.
Hobbs, Prof. Lawrence Preuss, Pr.i;
DeWitt Parker, and Kenneth Mor-
gan, representative opinions on "This
War We Live In."
Panels convene at 3:15 p.m. Satur-
day, and reconvene for the evening
session at 7:45. Each panel will have
its own faculty keynoter plus the
agenda to act as intellectual stimuli
for the participating audience. The
panel student chairmen will pre-
sent sumnations at the general clos-
ing session at 9 p.m.
Suspensions Theatened
LANSING, July 17. -(?)- Seth
Whitmore, State Softball Commis-
sioner, said today he would recom-
mend suspension of at least 10 teams
as well as a number of parks at the
Michigan Softball Association's Ex-
ecutive Board meeting Saturday and
Sunday at Traverse City.


For Service

In One-Day Drive
Len gtihv Platform. Promises Country
Neutrality Unless We Are Attacked
CHICAGO STADIUM, July 17.-OP)-The Democratic National Con-
vention nominated President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the first ballot
tonight for a tradition-smnashing third term campaign. The President
had polled 800 votes--well over the required majority-at press time.
The Convention took this action despite a statement from the Chief
Executive which said he had "no desire or purpose' to run again, but did
not state whether he would accept-renomination.
None of Mr. Roosevelt's leading representatives here, however, enter-
tained the slightest doubt that he would accept nomination to, be the 1940
A report, given some credence, had it that the Chief Executive would
-__ - ---.address the Convention by telephone
or radio from Washington tomorrow
Dr. IF'.IR ogers night. Obviously, the situation called
for some word from him. His friends
said definitely he would not come to
Speaks B ef ore Chicago to accept in person.
The nomination, voted a full day
E oish Grown ahead of schedule, followed Conven-
tion sessions which saw numerous
speakers, from the very start deliver-
'Frequency Of Phonemes' ing what were virtually nominating
speeches for the Chief Executive.
Is Conference Subject It'all reached its first climax last
Of Harvard Professor night, when-after the President's
message that he was not a "candi-
dateP"--ha h pn r b voA f Ln I45 Ul


Third Term

American Aesthetics Termed
Revolutionary By Prof. Parker

Native American aesthetics, like
native American art, is revolution-
ary in character, Prof. DeWitt H.
Parker of the philosophy department
told students and guests of the Grad-
bate Study Program in American Cul-
ture and Institutions last night in his
lecture entitled "Some Trends in
American Aesthetics."
Professor Parker pointed to the
Conger 'Discovered'
Crossing Germany
Beach Conger, '32, European staff
correspondent for the New York
Herald-Tribune, from whom no word
had been received since he was
stranded in Amsterdam during the
German invasion of Holland, is now
on his way to Budapest it was learned
last night.
In a cable to his mother, Mrs. Sey-
mour Beach Conger of Rose Ave.,
Clinton B. Conger, '36, European
correspondent for the United Press,.
stationed in Zurich, Switzerland, said
his brother had called him from

writings of Santayana and Dewey
as examples of the revolt against cer-
tain traditional aesthetic theses and
the formation of new theories such
as the whole man being involved in
aesthetic experiences, the tendency
to think of art as based on life, to
think of the useful as the beautiful
and to look upon art museums as
"a collection of fossils."
These men believe, he said, that
sickness of the arts is due to a sick-
ness in society. They are departing,
he asserted, from "the ivory tower
way of thinking of art, and the art
for art's sake attitude."
Professor Parker indicated the,
three most influential European ideas
that have found their way into Amer-
ican aesthetics to be the concept of
formalism, the Crocean philosophy
and the theory of dialectical materi-
The followers of formalism, a rela-
tively small number in America at
this time, consider form to be the es-
sence of a work of art and separate
form from content entirely, Professor
Parker explained. The formalist
theory, he maintained, is a refuge
from the great complexity of art;
form is a necessary aspect of art but
not a nall-important one.
Art, according to Benedetto Croce,
is a form of language, an expression
of feeling, the lecturer stated. The
expression theory, Professor Parker
told, would correlate all art with emo-
tion. The strict Crocean theory con-
siders the language of art a personal
language, not to be communicated,
which Professor aPrker believes to be
a mistaken idea as the language pro-
cess is essentially a social process.
Theithird imported theory, thatof
dialectical materialism, 'includes the
Hegelian concept of art as the pro-
duct of a culture and theamore spe-
cific Marxian idea of art being the
product of the culture's economic
structure, Professor Parker pointed
'Two On An Island'
Continnes Tonight

That from the statistical analysis
of thousands of instances of the
sounds of language can be inferred1
the reason for the direction of lin-7
guistic change was theidea advanced
to the Linguistic Institute last eve-
ning- by Dr. Francis M.Rogers of
Harvard University in his lecture,
"The Relative Frequency of Pho-
nemes and Variphones in the Ro-
mance Languages."{
Dr. Rogers took the simple defini-
tion of a phoneme as the smallest
meaningfulunit of sound, and de-
fined a variphone as a .phonetic
variant within the limits of the pho-
neme, like the Spanish "n" before
the "k" sound in contrast to the
ordinary "n". He then described the
statistical approach to the problem
of linguistic change as being a pro-
cess of counting all the phonemes
and significant variphones in a long
text, containing perhaps 50,000 pho-
This approach, which has been
developed in this country chiefly by
Professor George K. Zipf of Harvard
University, has revealted, said Dr.
Rogers, a remarkable regularity in
the distribution of phonemes in the
European languages. For instance,
except for one explained deviation
in Hungarian, the European lan-
guages contain a higher proportion
of voiceless stop consonants than of
the corresponding voiced stops. That
is, there are more "t" sounds than
"d" sounds, "p" sounds than "b"
sounds, and so on.
The greater frequency of one
sound in contrast to a correspond-
ing sound is theoretically explained,
said Dr. Rogers, by assuming that
the more complex sounds are the
les frequent. It is then reasoned
that in any language there is a cer-
tain "threshold of toleration," both
upper and lower, for any given pho-
neme. When for any external rea-
son the frequency of a sound passes
this threshold of toleration, then the
tendency of the language to remain
in phonemic equilibrium influences
a sound change in order to re-estab-
lish the balance.
Summer Students
To Make Excursion
To Jackson Prison
Jackson Prison will be the objective
of the eighth Summer Session ex-
cursion, to take place from 8 a.m. to
1 p.m. Saturday.
Reservations for the trip must be
made in the Summer Session office,
Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 5 p.m. to-
morrow. Expense will be $1.25 for
round trip bus fare.

ua~e -aa eenrelyed to the deie-
gates by Senator Alben Barkley, the
Convention saw a roaring fifty-imin-
ute demonstration whose dominant
theme was the repeated outcry: "We
want Roosevelt."
Convention Shouts
Platform Approval
(A')-The Democratic National Con-
vention shouted quick approval to-
night of a 1940 platform promising
not to send the United States armed
forces to fight in foreign' lands, out-
side the Americas, "except in case of
Action came after Senator Robert
F. Wagner of New York, platform
committee chairman, read the docu-
ment amid frequent interruptions of
cheering and applause.
Just before the vote, Rep. Elmer
J. Ryan of Minnesota,, offered an
amendment to the platform declar-
ing that no man shall be eligible for
a third term for President.
Boo Anti-Third Termer
Booing drowned out the clerk's
voice as he read the anti-third term
proposal and then the delegates
shouted it down vociferously by a
voice vote.
The 4,000 word document, com-
pleted after hours of bickering in
the Resolutions Committee had
thrown the convention off. schedule,
also promised that "all the material
aid at our command, consistent with
law and not inconsistent with the
interests of our own national defense"
would be extended to "the peace-lov-
ing and liberty-loving peoples wan-
tonly attacked by ruthless aggres-
Middle Road
Some of its authors said the foreign
policy plank would assure a "middle
of the road" course in foreign af-
fairs and Senator Wheeler of Mon-
tana declared that if adhered to, it
would thoroughly protect the. United
States and guarantee that there would
be "no intervention" in foreign wars.
Before it was finally adopted, how-
ever, Senator Pepper of Florida had
led an unsuccessful fight of 'a plank
pledging "full aid short of war" for
the democracies and "a solemn
pledge" that the United States would
not extend the "hand of appease-
ment" to dictatorships.
Final adoption of the plank came
after efforts by some members of
the committee to strengthen the
Local Boy Makes Good
-In Small Sort Of Way
r.~s rror __ _ n / v..G a.

McClusky Will Lecture
On Youth Guidance

Will Give First Lecture
Today In The University,
High School Auditorium
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
School of Education now acting as
associate director of the American
Youth Commission returns today to
give the first of his two lectures, "A
Community Program for the Guid-
ance of Youth," at 10 a.m. in the
University High School Auditorium
for the sessions of the four confer-
ences of Educational Conference
Week convening here this week.
Dr. Irving A. Booker of the re-
search division of the National Edu-

the Conference dinner at 6 p.m. in
the Union.
Ten roundtables will be held at 3
p.m. today as usual in the University
Elementary and High Schools. Prof.
Thomas Diamond of the School of'
Education will open the first forum of
the guidance conference on "What
Can the School Do To Help Its Young
People Who Are Not Going to Col-
lege to Plan Their Occupational Fu-
tures"; Dr. Fritz Redl, lecturer in
education, "Technical Problems of
the Interview with Parents"; Mr.'
John Trytten, principal of the Uni-
versity High School, "Problems of
the Homeroom", Dr. Fred Stevenson
"Correspondence Study"; and Mr.

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