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July 17, 1940 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1940-07-17

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THE....u +MIs.C+.HavI < G aN 1 AITY a



Trojans Take
First Position
In Ball League
Rowland Limits Tiger Club
To One Run; Eskimos
Lose ToFaculty, 6-2
The Trojans took undisputed pos-
session of first place in the National
League yesterday by winning their
third game in a row against the luck-
less Legal Eagles, 13 to 2. Farnum,
who has won all the Trojahs' games
to date, was the winning pitcher
while Townsend hurled for the losers.
Stall and Perry were the catchers.
Rowland limited the Tigers to one
run while his teammates scored two
for the Blitzers' second victory of
the season. Seeley did the catching
for the Blitzers while Nelson and
Glasser comprised the losing battery.
The Faculty squad scored six runs
to give Hughes his first victory
against tie Eskimos who knocked two
across. Melvin caught for the Fac-
ulty and Sheppard and Lutz pitched
and caught for the polar team.
In the only other game in the
League the Ten Old Men shelled
Shafer of the Wolverines with 21 runs
while Loomis held the restaurant
team to two. Mitrovitch caught
Shafer while. Munger was on the re-
/ ceiving end for the Ten Old Men.
In today's game in the American
League the Terrace~ Club will face
Chemistry, Curriculum Workshop
will meet the League Lugs,
Intramural Softball

'The Sphinx' Gives Gavel To Bankhead Student Heads

Speaker William B. Bankhead, temporary chairman of the Demo-
cratic National Convention in Chicago, is shown as he received the
gavel from James A. Farley (left), chairman of the national committee.
In background at right is Senator Key Pittman. In his keynote speech
Bankhead called for an aggressive campaign on the "record" of per-
350 Educators Here To Attend
Four University Conferences

For Summer
Parley Named,
Advisers To Lead Panels
On Religion, Education,
Election, Civil Liberties
(Continued from Page 1)
former president of the Student Re-
ligious Association. He will be assist-
ed by Allen Kornfeld, William Scott,
Virginia Francis, Helen Corman,
Rosebud Scott and Zelda Sky, Secre-
tary for the afternoon meeting will
be Miss Francis with Miss Sky tak-
ing notes in the evening.
J. B. Geisel, of the education school,
student chairman of the panel on
education, will be assisted by Robert
Rosa, Miss Sankin, Dave Stocking,
Carlton Treadwell, Richard Gethman,
Charles Hendricks and Ethel Winnai.
Miss Winnai will be secretary of the
afternoon group and Miss Sankin
will record the notes of the evening
Agendas will be distributed at the
meetings by committee members to
facilitate the discussion, Schorr,;
chairman of the steering committee
said. Short keynoting talks will be
given at the beginning of each ses-
sion by faculty members. A brief
resume of the afternoon's discussion
will be given at the evening meetings
by the chairmen for the benefit of
those who were not present in the
Panels will meet in the evening
from 7:45 p.m. to 9 p.m., at which
time all groups will adjourn to the
ballroom of the Union to meet for a
general closing session and to form
ulate any resolutions brought up in
the group meetings.
Mal one States
.Free Cultural
Progress Best
(Continued from Page 4)
sition they now hold in American
life. The best example of this situa-
tion is the three periods American
literature has experienced. First the
immobile stage which was the local
and strictly a defensive style typified
in the antebellum South; next was
the semi-mobile type of writing
which acted as a crusade of the au-
thor for his respective locality. And
lastly we have the creative authors
of today who, since they are not
dependent on the local market, write

By A. P. Blaustein
Monday morning, on the eve of the Jack Dempsey-Bull Curry fracas,
Eddie Lewis, manager of Detroit's Arena Gardens, announced that if the
Manassa Mauler won he would match him with Arturo Godoy in the fall.
Well, Dempsey won his fight Monday night (in 1:05 of the second round)
and plans are already being formulated for a bout with the Chilean, one
of the leading contenders for the heavyweight crown.
It seems surprising that a fight like this is being planned. Dempsey
is 45 years old and, though Godoy is no "spring chicken" in boxing cir-
cles, he is considerably younger than the ex-heavyweight champ; and
considerably faster. If would be difficult to evaluate the relative punching
power of these men but this much is certain-even if Dempsey can hit
harder he will land fewer blows and those he does land will have little
effect upon Godoy.
Monday's battle was a far cry from the fights put on by the Dempsey
of old. In the other corner was Curry, a wrestler, and not the great Firpo
or Tunney. The gate was under five thousand dollars and Dempsey, it
may be remembered, fought in three fights which grossed more than on'g,
million. The Manassa Mauler himself is a far cry from the nation's hero
who lost four million dollars in the stock market crash of 1929.
* * *
Last month in Toledo Gene Sarazen challenged Walter Hagen to a
golfing match which was to have feastured the Red Cross Ryder Cup
matches that started yesterday. Now we learn that Sarazen has refused
to play Hagen because the latter is non-playing captain of the team and
the rules state that he can get into competition only in case of emergency.
However, as all concerned in the tourney, with the exception of Sarazen.
have been willing to waive a strict interpretation of the rules people have
been wondering just why Sarazen has backed out. We would like to know
very much whether or not Gene is getting afraid of losing what reputation
he has left. After all, the meet is being given for the Red Cross and without'
that match it is certain that much less money will be obtained for that
worthy cause. It's a case of pretty poor sportsmanship on Sarazen's part.
S* * *
If the present European War ever lets up enough to send an American
force over there of tennis players, not soldiers, the U.S. should be able to
give a good account of itself. No. 1 male star, Bobby Riggs, took Welby
Van Horn, one of the country's coming young stars, in the Western Tennis
Tournament and Alice Marble defeated Virginia Wolfenden. Both Riggs
and Miss Marble showed good form in their matches as did Frank Parker
and Don McNeill, who won the Spring Lake tennis title and the New York
state clay courts title respectively last week.
There's no amateur woman player equal to Miss Marble now that both
Anita Lizana and Jadwiga Jederozowska (Mlle. Ja-Ja) have retired from
competition and, with the possible exception of Germany's Baron Von
Cram and Australia's Jack Bromich, neither of whom is active, Riggs is
the world's top male amateur tennis player.
* * ,
Old Fat Freddy Fitzsimmons of the Brooklyn Dodgers made" baseball
history as he joined Lefty Grove, Red Ruffing, Ted Lyons and Carl Hubbell
in the 200-game winner class Sunday by shutting-out the Pittsburgh
Pirates with four hits. Grove, by the way, has won 292 and should win his
300th sometime this season.
Director Of Sao Paulo Hospital
Studies University's Methods



Team W
Tigers. . .:..... 2.
Ten Old Men.......2
Eskimos ......... 1
Faculty... . .. ... 1
Legal Eagles;........ 0




Yesterday's Results
Blitzers 2, Tigers I
Trojans 13, Legal Eagles 2
Faculty 6, Eskimos 2
Ten Old Men 21, Wolverines 2
American League
Terrace Club vs. Chemistry
Curriculum Workshop vs. League
Physics vs. Super Dupers
Buckeyes vs. Reds
Shenaut T4 Give
Violin Program
John Shenaut, violinist, of Gales-
brg, Ill., will give a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree at 8:15
p.m. today in the School of Music
The following program will be
"Sonate in D minor," Veracinni;
"Concerto in D major," Beethoven;
"La Fontaine D'Arethuse," Szyman-
owski; "Hora Staccato," Dinicu-
Heifetz; "Piece en Forme de Haban-
era," Ravel; "Spanish Dance," de
WANTED-Small apartment, WELL
furnished, private bath and kitch-
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Box 1, Michigan Daily, or call
Mowers, 2-3241.
dows. Half block from campus
Continuous hot water. 725 Haven.
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LAUNDRY- 2-1044. Sox darned.
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607 Hover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Shirts...................... .14
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Pajama Suits .............10
Socks, pair ................. .03
Handkerchiefs ..............02
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All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 14
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 34
page. Call mornings or evenings.

(Continued from Page 1)
60 publishing houses in the Univer-
sity Elementary and High Schools'
The five round tables scheduled
for the guidance conference are
"What Part the Schools Take in
the Guidance and Adjustment of
Out-of-School Youth" led by Prof.
George E. Myers; "Occupational Re-
search in Relation to Occupational
Adjustment," Prof. Cleo Murtland;
"The Guidance Programs of Selected
High Schools," Prof. Luther Purdom,
director of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion; "Recent Plans and Procedures
in the Selection of College Students,"
Prof. George E. Carrothers; "The

Use of Audio-Visual Aids ' in Guid-
ance Programs," Dr. F. D. McClusky,
director of Scarborough School.
In the sessions on reading prob-
lems Dr. Katherine Greene of the
School of Education will lead the
consideration of the "use of Mea-
surement for Analysis of Problems
in Beginning Reading"; Miss Elea-
nor Meston of Michigan State Nor-
mal College, "The Importance of
Right -Attitudes Toward Reading";
Mr. Fred Walcott of the University
High School, and Curriculum Work-
shop staff, "Practical Procedures in
Remedial Reading"; and Prof. O. W.
Stephensen of the education school,
"Increasing Reading Ability Through
Experiences in Oral and Written Ex-'

Detroit Loses
In Final Game
Chapman Hits Fourteenth
Home Run Of Season;
Tigers Out-Scored, 3-1
The Athletics dealt Detroit's pennant
hopes another blow today with a 3
to 1 victory that gave them the series,
three victories to one defeat. Sam
Chapman hit his 14th home run of
the season in the eighth for the
third Philadelp'hia run.
Freddy Hutchinson, making his
first start since the Tigers reclaimed
him from Buffalo, held the A's to six
hits but had the misfortune to pitch
against George Caster when the Phil-
adelphia hurler was in form. Caster
allowed Detroit six hits in winning
his third victory of the season.
Hutchinson struck out six and did
not walk a single batter. The A's
settled the issue in the third with two
runs, one of them unearned, on Pinky
YIiggins' errors and singles by Bran-
fato, Gantenbein and Miles.
The Tigers seemed on their way in
the sixth when Barney McCosky
opened with a triple, and Charles
Gehringer and Hank Greenberg
singled. Caster recovered, however,
to fan York 'and get Pete Fox on a
fly and Higgins on a force-out.
Hutchinson struck out Chapman
three times before the Philadelphia
centerfielder, with two strikes on him,
sent a long fly into the left field
stands in the eighth.
Humor's Role
Sanity Is Cited
(Continued from Page 1)
she has chosen to lie in. But we
need that humorist now!"
"I ask again, then, in this day of
two-bit American Hitlers, Lawso-
nomyites, Jehovah's Witnesses, Fath-
er Divines and Aimee McPhersons,
where are the Ward's, the Nye's, the
Mark Twain's to deliver those telling
blows of yesterday? We may sur-
vive without the humorous commen-
tator on the human comedy, but
survival would be infinitely more
pleasant with the humor than with-
out it."
Professor Williams distinguished
six phases of American humor, each
of which he said reflects an aspect of
our national existence and character.
These categories he listed as the
humor of the professional joke-crack-
ers, including banquet and vaude-
ville humor; the sardonic humor of
the cartoonist, such as Nast and
Bierce; the serio-comic reflections
of the columnists; the gentle humor
of the amateur observers of life,
sallies, puns and bon mots; the gro-
tesque humor of the professional
funny-men like Billings, Ward and
Nye; and the physical humor of the
frontier, the tall tales of Davy Crock-
ett and Paul Bunyan.
"Thus,?' Professor Williams assert-
ed, "America laughs, and nowhere in
all the world is the laughter so hon-
est, so true, so varied, yet so indica-
tive of a native spirit than here."
Professor Williams illustrated his
lecture by quoting liberally from the
works of various American humorists,
including Lowell, Artemus Ward,
Mark Twain and Will Rogers.

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC- NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Wednesday Afternoon
12:00 The Goldbergs The Old Dean News Ace Happy Gang
12:15 Life Beautiful Julia Blake Between Bookends
12:30 Rgt. to Happin's Bradcast Christian Educ. News Ace
12:45 Road Of Life Man on the Street Fan On The Street Carters
1:00 Dr. Malone Light of the World Indiana Indigo Symphonic Band
1:15 Joyce Jordan Grimm's Daughter Echoes of History Organist
1:30 Fletcher Wiley Detroit at Boston Favorite Waltzes Melody Time
1:45 My Son And I " " Cheer Up Gang
2:00 Society Girl Orphans of Divorce Symphony Band
2:15 News Honeymoon Hill
2:30 Linda's Ist Love " John's Other Wife Turf Reporter
2:45 Editor's D'ghter Just Plain Bill Tiny Hill Orch.
3:00 Lone Journey Tiger Talk Backstage Wife News
3:15 Mrs. Page Detroit at Boston Stella Dallas Melody; Turf
3:30 Woman 'o C'rge " Lorenzo Jones Jamboree,
3:45 Alice Blair " Widder Brown "'
4:00 Kathleen Norris Girl Alone "f
4:15 Golden Store '.' Malcolm Claire ".
4:30 Meet Miss Julia " Irene Wicker Miss Treat
4:45 Scatter" Baines " Tropical Moods T a Dance
5:00 News-Musical " Show World News; Melody
5:15 Hollywood Recording To Be Announced Turf Club
5:30 News-Review Dance Music Day In Review Ball Scores
5:45 World Today Lowell Thomas Bud Shaver Organist
Wednesday Evening

exactly the way they want.
Malone concluded with the
"and it is this freedom of
which allows us to maintain a
loving republic."


In The Majors

New York.......
Chicago ..........
Philadelphia ......
St. Louis.......
Philadelphia 3,1
Washington 11,

47 31
48 32
45 33
41 36
36 39
34 48
32 47
33 50
Detroit 1
Cleveland 8


Dr. Odair Pedroso, recently ap-
pointed director of the new State
University Hospital in Sao Paulo,
Brazil, is in Ann Arbor under the
auspices of the Rockefeller Founda-
tion to begin a summer-long study of
the workings of a large teaching hos-
The new hospital with which Dr.
Pedroso is associated is the first
teaching hospital ever built by the
state of Sao Paulo. The Rockefeller
Foundation has long shown an inter-
Graduales To Hold
Symposium Today
Frst of three symposia on investi-
gations made by graduate students in
speech will be held at 4 p.m. today
in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building.
Today's program will be devoted to
rhetoric and oratory, the second to
dramatics, oral interpretation, and
radio, and the third to problems in
speech science including phonetics
and speech correction.
Planned to give concrete studies
of opportunities for investigation,
graduate students will survey the
methods used by previous investiga-

est in the state medical school and
the plans for a new teaching hos-
Dr. Pedroso said that in 1925 the
foundation started its work by in-
viting a commission of Brazilian doc-
tors to come to the United States to
acquaint themselves with organzation
and construction problems of medical-
schools and teaching hospitals. The
new medical school was built in 1930
and construction on the hospital be-
gan in Oct. 1938.
A 1932 graduate of the Sao Paulo
school, Dr. Pedroso, was head of his
own laboratory until 1935. Since
then, he has been connected with
the Sao Paulo State Department of
Health. He was Physician Inspec-
tor of all the hospitals in the state
whether private or state owned.
Medical facilities in the state of
Sao Paulo as compared with those of
Michigan are shown by the following
statistics given by Dr. Pedroso. The,
Brazilian state has 5,000 doctors to
7,500,000 people while in Michigan
there are 6,362 registered doctors to
4,800,000 people. .

Chicago 5, New York 1
Only games scheduled.


6:00 News
6:15 Inside of sports
6:30 Dr. Meek
6:45 "
7:00 Question Bee
7:15 t
7:30 Dr. Christian
7:45 News
8:00 Star Theatre
8:15 $1
8:30 Stadium Concert
9:00 Glenn Miller
9:15 Musical
9:30 News of the War
9:45 Melody Marvels
10:00 Amos 'n Andy
10:15 Lanny Ross
10:30 Adv. In Music
10:45 "
11:00 News
11:15 Jack Denny
11:30 News ' Music
12:00 Al Kavelin Orch

Sport Review
C. C. Bradner
Bill Elliott
Sports Parade
Hollywood Party
Plantation Party


Abbott &


District Attorney
Kay Kyser College
Sports Exam
Fred Waring
Dance Music
Dance Music
Eastwood Orch.
Westwood Orch.

Easy Aces
Mr. Keen-Tracer
The Lone Ranger
State Police story
What To Do?
Green Hornet
The Factfinder
Harry Heilmann
Radio Magic
Police Field Day
News Ace
Crawfords Orch.
Baron Elliott Orch
Music You Want
Al Donahue Orch.
Dance Music

Rollin' Home
Dukedale Grocery
Tropic Com'ntary
Carson Robinson
Turner's Orch
County Speaker
Question Box

Cincinnati ........
Brooklyn ........
New York ........
Chicago .........
St. Louis ........
Pittsburgh .......
Boston ............
Philadelphia ......

51 24
48 28
42 33
43 40
33 41
33 42
27 45
25 49


e nner i/en





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