THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 20,1939 UI ILY Aspects Of The Struggle In China Dr. George B. Cressey Says Geographic Factors Should Prolong War Being Staged By Japan In China I _I d and managed by students of the University of n under the authority of the Board in Control of tPublications. shed every morning except Monday during the ty year and Summn Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republication of all other matters herein also ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier, y mail, $4.50. RPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADV5IR7'SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Refiresentative - 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORKANY. CHICAGO OSTOR ' Los ANOELISS" SAN FRANCISCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Stafff Mitchell . . winton . . . Norberg...... anavan . . Kelsey....... Kessler....... ELong.. ... Sonneborn . . . . . . . Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff Rip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager ul Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MITCHELL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. [eutrality 'ersus Impartiality It was clear from the beginning that China could not win a military victory from Japan, but it is now becoming clear also that neither can Japan win a military victory from China, Dr. George B. Cressey of the department of geology and geography at Syracuse University and visit- ing professor in the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, claimed in a lecture yesterday. "The war came two or three years too soon THEATRE. Our Town' By HARRY M. KELSEY "They don't understand," says Thornton Wild- er in "Our Town" of people, in general and in particular. "They don't understand. They spend and waste time as though they had a million years."~ How true, and yet-what a rather odd way to look upon this life of ours. Although we have only one to spend, if every moment were spent in doing all that could be done in that moment, how horribly tired we'd be of it all by the end. It's bad enough as it is. However rustic the philosophy of "Our Town" might be, and after all it is the philosophy of our town, a small village in New Hampshire, it is thought-provoking, and it is moving, and more than one pair of eyes were red, more than one pair of cheeks were damp and more than one stray tear was hastily wiped away before the lights went on after the final act last night. Our town's philosophy was expounded in the words of the dead, for yes, dead men do speak and dead men do tell tales-in a Wilder play; and in the words of the stage manager, Whit- ford Kane, past master of the fine art of win- ning an audience and stealing a show. I may as well confess right now, before going any further, that I am about to break a Daily tradition. For the first time to my knowledge, The Daily will print, in two consecutive weeks, two favorable, play reviews. From Whitford Kane, the infallable, down to the last member of the choir there was hardly a fault to find, hardly an error in lines, and one superb piece of acting followed another. To mention each actor individually would be a great mistake, for space would not permit comment on all and there's no drawing the line at which character to stop with. Suffice to say, Truman Smith as Mr. Webb, the editor, ran Kane a close second; June Madison as Mrs. Gibbs and Claribel Baird as Mrs. Webb we;e excellent; Mary Pray as Emily Webb de- serves special mention; Everett S. Cortright and John Schwarzwalder as father and son, Mr. and George Gibbs respectively, and-but what's the use? Remarkable is the use of the entire house to supplement a scenery-less stage: questions are asked from the gallery, the aisles are used as church aisles in the wedding scene-and on the stage, what could be more fitting for a second- story scene than to have the actors perched oi' step-ladders. Sound effects, especially in the first act; Editor Webb, with nothing in his hands, mowed his lawn with realistic hum and clatter. Paper boy George Shapiro as Joe Crowell throws nothing out of his hand to land with a resounding smack on the non-existent doorstep. Realistic, too, though unapparent, was the tall butter-nut tree and the white fence, to say nothing of main street and the Baptist church -near the water, of course. standing by and letting the bully walk off with the spoils. No, American boys do not have to die for dear old democracy, and they will not have to suffer in the trenches to stop Hitler or to pave the way for the Third International. All we have to dp is make it easy for the victims of aggres- sion to buy at will, with cash, in this country, and forbid aggressors to do the same. The de- feated bill would have permitted this. Possibly by the time Congress adjourns again, war-mind- ed maniacs in Europe will have realized the dis- advantages of small nations around them, and stepped in after preliminary flag-waving and shouting of racial slogans. We sincerely hope not, but the responsibility rests upon those legislators we elected. -Harry L. Sonneborn 0 " FURTHER DEBATE and discussion of the proposed neutrality legislation that has meant headlines for several weeks would simply result in a prolonged stalemate. That is the decision of Congress, speaking through its Senate majority and minority lead- ers. The august body will now exit right, and there will be no fourth act. The epilogue was Tuesday night's dramatic conference in the White House. Meanwhile, forces in Europe and Asia move toward possible war-not probable war, be- cause two weeks ago Lloyd's of London were offering odds of 39 to one against troops actu- ally marching, and as long as the odds are that high, nothing can be called probable. But there' is always the possibility that Herr Hitler may threaten Danzig, and in that case Poland's armies will not hesitate. What will happen when/if this eventuality becomes actuality? Under the present laws governing the neutrality of the United States, no arms, no ammunition, no trucks, nothing defined as "munitions" would be shipped from this country to either country involved in a war. What that would mean to Poland, for example, is readily shown by what it has already meant to Spain. Congress was quick to recognize that a state of war existed in the strife-torn penin- sula, and so the United States' resources were closed to both ,factions. This did not mean that both factions suffered. Germany and Italy were 4penly supplying the armies of General Franco with airplanes, guns, and ammunition, and, not so openly, with men. Russia, it has been charged, was aiding the Loyalists; but to what extent it is difficult to say. The difficulty here cannot be solved by im- partiality. Today the peace of the world -'is menaced by nations arming at a greater rate than ever before. All nations are arming. But those who will ignite, the spark are those which are better prepared than their victims; that is nothing more than. discretion and it is true of practically every conflict that has ever been fought. In such a case, impartiality means simply for China," he told his audience, "but at the same time came two or three years too late for Japan." Therefore, there is the probability that the con- flict will continue for a number of years in the future, he indicated. Speaking on "Geographical Aspects of the Struggle in China," Dr. Cressey compared the geography of China with that of the United States, and, to give his listeners a full realization of the Chinese areas under Japanese control, he situated the scenes of the conflict in cor- responding American locales. Japan, he psaid accordingly, would by now have taken New England and have penetrated the South to about West Virginia. At the present time, Dr. Cressey indicated, Japan would be attempting to fight her way across the Ohio River near Cincinnati. The University would probably be acting as host to guest universities including Harvard, Yale and Princeton and be thinking of moving to Mt. Pleasant or some such other less conspicuous spot to continue operations, he suggested. China, the lecturer declared, has only one asset, space, and to win or prolong the engage- ment can continue her policy of exchanging this space, of which she has plenty, for time. Further advances into Chinese territory, he explained, must be made into hilly or arid country where military operations are much more difficult. Dr. Cressey showed a map of China on which were indicated population centers and distribu- tion, commenting on the extremely great number of people inhabiting the country. "China's popu- lation problem is not one of distribution, as this map may seem to show," he related, emphasizing the fact that the sparsely inhabited areas were uninhabitable mountainous or desert lands. "China is a patchwork of the old and the new," the lecturer asserted. He described ex- amples of primitive peasant huts built in the shadow of modern factories, and of the spinning of thread by hand directly across the river from where huge mills operated. Native Culture In Sumatra Prof. H. H. Bartlett Describes Interesting Effects Of Cannibalism On Island Civilization. A glimpse of a spirit-ridden equatorial island whose natives are haunted by the" ghosts of can- nibal ancestors was unfolded in word and slide yesterday by Prof. H. H. Bartlett of the Botany Department in a lecture on "Man and Nature in North Sumatra." It was a strange picture he painted of a land whose people were cannibals only 30 years ag who not only devoured human flesh but sold it on the market, who once practiced wierd human sacrifices of which the relics and traces still survive. Everywhere is reflected the worship of the dead which the nat ives practiced in primitive superstition-in the graves which they build into their wooden houses, in the bones of their an- cestors who moulder there, in the charms and symbols which they use to ward off evil spirits, in the strange funeral rites, in the homes which they build for the ghosts of the departed and the facilities which they provide for their comfort. Elaborately carved grave posts are engraved with the symbols of centuries ago when Bhud- dism penetrated to the island, Professor Bartlett pointed out. Today Mohammedanism is making some inroad on the native religion and the con- verts' fear of their ancestor's wrath leads them to "imprison" their spirits in objects such as staffs and place them out of way. Yet the setting for all this was once one of the most beautiful stretches of jungles in the world,, blooming luxuriantly on a coral island whose western volcanic mountains and eastern lowlands were kissed by the blue waters of the southern seas. Today, however, the beautiful jungles have yielded to tobacco and tea plantations, the former producing the best tobacco in the world. Terraced rice, fields, of brilliant green at first, ripen into golden yellow landscapes of surpass- ing beauty, Professor Bartlett described. In size, the island of Sumatra, one of the world's largest, approximates California. Its climate is tropical with rainy afternoons blos- soming into beautiful nights. The Nature Of Viruses... Dr. C. H. Andrewes, member of the Medical Research Council of the National Institute for Medical Research in Hamstead, England, gave the first of a series of three lectures yesterday on viruses entitled "The Nature and Properties of Viruses" in the East Medical Building. Many viruses have been discovered recently, so that the number of pathogenic viruses to date exceeds the number of pathogenic bacteria, he said. Great economic losses to stock-breeders, potato and sugar cane growers have been due to virus diseases. Dr. Andrewes stated that it is much easier to tell what viruses do than to tell what they are. In relation of virus to host an important prob- lem in the study of viruses is the nature in which they are transmitted from one host to another. This may be brought about by droplet infection from the mouth and nose, as in the case of influenza; by direct contact; by gym- nasium apparatus; warts, or insect vectors. The latter are perhaps the most important mode of transmission. A well known example of this is found in the case of the yellow fever and equine encephalitix, where the virus is mechanically carried for an extrinsic incubation c own & Qownj By STAN M. SWINTON DEAR MR. SWINTON: As a preliminary observation might I say that your typewriters stutter. But the point upon which I wish to elaborate is the subject of your Mr. Kelsey's miraculousbversatility. As city editor of The Daily you probably know Mr. Kelsey. He works for you. At any rate, his control over the imponderables of time and space is marVelous. Did you, as city editor of The, Daily, notice he was visible on Campus at the same time that The Daily contained those lively and de- scriptive dispatches from himton board the S.S. Something-Or-Other en route to Buffalo? With this man's ability to sur- mount the obstacles of time and space The Daily should be the foremost news-organ in the world. Will you, as city editor of The Daily, not have him forecast Reichsfuehrer Hitler's next enterprise and write us eye-wit- ness accounts of the feverish activity in Ulan Bator, headquarters of Russian projects against the Jap- anese. Come, Mr. Swinton. In not making greater use of this reporter's exceptional talents you are failing in your duty to yourself, as city editor of The Daily, and to the reading public. Believe me, faithfully yours, M. Lecoq The above was inserted into our mailbox anonymously although we strongly suspect that Willis Player, columnist for the Ann Arbor News, was the author. We called our Mr. Kelsey into the inner sanctum and he confessed all. "Why," he said, "should I let such a fine imagination go to waste. Any- way I got my just deserts." We questioned him on the point. It turned out that W. K. Kelsey, his father and author of the excellent "Commentator" column in the Detroit News, comes out weekly and gives Harry his allowance. Last week he saw The Daily story early in the morning, fondly imagined his son was basking in Niagara Falls spray and didn't bother to stick around and pay off, leaving a hungry and premature- ly-cynical son. Big Ed Frutig, All-Conference end on Michigan's football team, deserves a rousing vote of thanks. Ed guessed what it would mean to Fred Janke, captain of last year's team, if he were invited to play in the All-Star game. En- thusiastically he went to work, writing dozens of letters and spending long hours mimeo- graphing petitions. Result: Janke is assured of a place on the squad. And Ed is two weeks behind in his school work but thinks it's worth while. * * * INCIDENTAL SPORTS NOTE: The Mr. Janke referred to above is coaching the Camp A-GonQuin baseball team. Mr. Ralph Heikkinen, All-American Michigan guard, is coaching the nearby Camp Charle- voix Team. Recently the two teams met. Janke writes friends his boys were nosed out, 17 to 2. He's praying the news doesn't reach Jackson, where he's to coach next year. of propagation in the body. Yellow fever and dog distemper are trans- mitted from one tissue of the body to another by the blood stream, while in the case of Poliomyelitis the virus probably travels from the nose to the olfactory nerve, thence to the brain. The pathological changes produced are those of necrosis and proliferation of the cells. Certain virus diseases give various pictures in the cell which enables one to identify the disease. Again virus diseases followed by bac- terial infection may often produce a complicated disease picture. The power of variation and adap- tation is another outstanding char- acteristic of viruses. If one takes a virus from one host and infects an- other, the virus changes its charac- teristics. Yellow fever virus growfn in the brain of a mouse produces a variant virus which can be used for vaccines in man. Attempts to cultivate viruses on cell free media have been in vain. Thus far viruses have been cultivated only on embryonic tissue, serum or plasma, and the chick embryo. The second division of Dr. Andrewes lecture dealt with properties of vir- uses as things in themselves. The size of viruses can be determined by the following methods; by photo- graphs using ultra-violet light, by collodion filters and by the ultra- centrifuge. The latter is by far the most satisfactory method for optain- ing relatively pure viruses. Stanley proved quite conclusively that a virus can exist in a crystalline form-such as tobacco-mosaic virus. Since they can be crystallized, show no metabo- lism and are as small as the blood pigment in cells, it is believed by some that they are minute definite substances rather than organisms. Still others believe that viruses may be in nature of an "auto-catalytic protein"-a self reproducing enzyme. Science Exhibit S University H. S. Building, Room 1012, Physics Lab. July 19, 20 & 21 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.;:11:00 a.m. Saturday. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1939 International Center. The Russian Tea which was announced for to- day, will be omitted because of ProfessorhCressey's lecture on Mongolia. The Chinese tea held regularly on Fridays will also be omitted this week because of prep- arations for the Ice Cream Festival. The Weekly Physical Education Luncheon will be held this noon in Room 116 of the Michigan Union. Prof. E. D. Mitchell will be the speaker. All students en- rolled in physical education classes are cordially invited to attend. Linguistic Institute Luncheon at 12:10 p.m., today, in the Mich- igan Union. Dr. Charles F. Hockett will speak on "Accentual Systems and Trager's Law." The following films will be shown in the Architectural Auditorium free from 2 until 4 p.m. today. Program in biology and nature study. Alimentary Tract Plant Traps Heredity Animals in Modern Life Digestion of Foods Circulatory Control Food and Growth Body Framework The Skin The Carbon Oxygen Cycle Lecture, "Issues of National Signifi- cance Emphasized at the San Fran- cisco Convention of the National Ed- ucation Association" will be given by Frank Hubbard, Acting Director of the Research Division of the Na- tional Education Association, at 4:05 p.m. this afternoon, in the University High School Auditorium. Lecture, "Viruses in Relation to New Growths" by Dr. C. H. Andrewes, Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, London, England. Dr. Andrewes will speak at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon in Room 1528, East Medi- cal Building. Mathematics Club will meet this af- ternoon, 4:15 p.m. in 3017 A.H. Prof. Hildebrandt will speak on "Patho- logical Functions" and Professor Dwyer will speak on "Methods for Obtaining the Numerical Solution of Simultaneous Equations, the Numeri- cal Evaluation of Determinants, of Determinantal Ratios, and of Linear Forms." All those interested are in- vited to attend. Stalker Hall. Swimming party and picnic, today, leaving Stalker Hall at 5 p.m. Small charge for sup- per. Please call 6881 before Thurs- day noon for reservation. Lecture, "The Mental Health of Teachers" will be presented by Dr. Paul H. Jordan in the Lecture Hall of the Ra*ham Building at 5 p.m. this afternoon. Bridge Lessons this evening at the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m. Cercle Francais: The Cercle Fran- cais will meet tonight at 8:00 at the Foyer Francais, 1414 Washtenaw. The program will consist of two brief talks, the first by Mme. Williams on "Quelques Influences Francaises en Amerique," the second by M. John Alden on "Les Romans d'Andre Chamson." Refreshments and singing will close the meeting. Graduation Recital. Kelvin Masson, violinist, will give a recital leading to the degree of Master of Music, this evening at 8:15 p.m. in the School of Music Auditorium on May- NOW! TWO FEATURES! ALEXANDER KORDA PRESENTS MMERLE OBERON A COMEDY IN TECHNICOLOR WITH LAURENCE OLIVIER AND nard Street. Myron Myers will play the piano accompaniments. The public is invited. "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder will be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players this evening at 8:30 in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. Doctor's Degree in Speech: All ap- plicants and candidates for the Doc- tor's Degree in Speech should call at the Speech Office, 3211 Angell Hall, on July 20 or 21 and arrange for an appointment with the Gradu- ate Committee of the Department. G. E. Densmore. Band Concert. The University Sum- mer Session Concert Band under the direction of Professor , William D. Revelli, in cooperation with the com- mittee in charge of raising funds for Chinese war sufferers, will give a concert in Hill Auditorium, Friday evening, July 21, at 7:45 o'clock. The general public is invited. Piano Concert. Robert Moss, pian- ist, pupil of Joseph Brinkman of the School of Music faculty, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Mu- sic degree, Friday evening, July 21, at 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Auditorium. The general public is invited to attend. The Rackham Record Concert will be held as usual, Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Men's Lounge. The records will pain be furnished by J. W. Peters /and Howard Hoving. The program will be as follows: Symphony Num- ber 40' in G minor, Mozart; Violin Concerto, Mendelssohn (Yehudi Menuhin); Symphony Number Four, Sibelius. Graduate Outing .Club will have a picnic at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake on Sunday, July 23. As this will be between camp seasons, the water- front facilities, diving boards, raft, etc., will be at our disposal. There is a good baseball diamond and lovely woods for hiking. There will be a campfire sing in the evening. The group will meet at 2:30 at the north- west entrance of the Rackham build- ing. All graduate students and fac- ulty members are cordially invited. Charge 40 cents. Transportation will be by car, and all those who own cars are urged to bring them. Drivers will be repaid for their expenses. There will be a meeting regardless of the weather. Campus Vesper: Professor Bennett Weaver will address the Second Ves- per of the Summer Session of 1939 in the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m. Sunday, upon "The Function of Cul- ture in our Democracy." Congrega- tional singing under the direction of Professor David Mattern. Miss Leah Lichtenwalter will sing "Agnus Dei." L.S. and A. Juniors now eligible for concentration should get Admission to Concentration blanks at Room 4, University Hall, immediately. These blanks must be signed by the adviser and the white slip returned to Room 4, U.H., at once. Notice to Seniors. Seniors expect- ing to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German, Spanish, and Itali- (Continued on Page 3) i u1~JI4! I [&~PI E Today's Events 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. (Amphitheatre, Rackham John A. Wheeler of Princeton University Building). 4:05 p.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. E. J. Williams, University of Wales (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). "Accentual Systems and Trager's Law," Dr. Charles F. Hockett at Linguistics Institute Luncheon (Union). Institute of Latin-American Studies luncheon and conference on literature of Latin America (Union). Organization meeting, Conference on Latin-American Literature (East Conference Room, Rackham Building). "Mongolia, Where Three Empires Meet," Far Eastern Institute lecture by Dr. George B. Cressey, Department of Geology and Geography, Syracuse University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building) "Issues of National Significance Emphasized at the San Francisco Convention of the National Education Association," by Frank Hub- bard of the National Education Association (University High School Auditorium). "Viruses in Relation to New Growths," lecture by Dr. C. H. Andrewes of the Medical Research Council of the National Institute for Medi- cal Research, Hamstead, England (Room 1528 East Medical Building). Mathematics Club meeting, talks by Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt and Prof. Paul S. Dwyer of the mathematics department (Room 3017 Angell Hall). "The Mental Health of Teachers" by Dr. Paul H. Jordan (Lecture 4:15 p.m. N 5:00 p.m. I - _ :.