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July 16, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-16

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Fair and somewhat warmer
today and tomorrow.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session




Dickinson Goes
To A Party ..


. .


No. 18




)rders WPA

Colorful Lighting Exhibit Awes
Niagara Falls Excursion Party


ork To Stop
>uncement Follows
tal Rioting; Mayor
reatens Army Help
empt To Amend
w Is Abandoned,

at Minneapolis in the
s followed yesterday
tration order closing
that city and the
f efforts by a group
amend the new relief
A officials said that
val of Col. F.C. Har-
al WPA commission-
losing all work proj-
polis for the time be-
lded that the work
e. given to other parts
re Injured)
ement came 12 hours
ear a sewing project
n the death of one
tijury or gassing of 17
enator Murray (Dem.,
of an amendment
estore the prevailing
elief projects and ter-
130-hour work month
aid the senatorial
ig this idea had de-,
ushing for action at

ad proved
to amend'

Trip To Whirlpool Rapids,
Brock's Monument Is
HighlightOf Morning
-Streamers of vari-colored lights
playing 'on the Falls, shooting up in-
to the moonless sky, criss-crossing
and revolving, climaxed a spectacular
exhibit here tonight for participants
in the sixth Summer Session excur-
sion. '
Earlier in the evening, solid color
effects in various hues tured the
Falls into a magical wonderland. Ex-
Dr. Phlppson
To Offer Talkg
.OnRenaiss ance
Geman Professor To Tell
Of Old Bohemian Book
In Lecture Tomorrow
Prof. Ernest A. Philippson of 'the
German department will lecture at
4 p.m. tomorrow in the Amphithe-
atre.of the Rackham School on "Der
Ackermann aus'Boehmen." -
Professor Philippson's lecture is the
third in a series sponsored by the
Graduate Conference on Renaissance
Studies. The lectures are given each
Monday on various phases of the
"Der Ackermann aus Boehmen" is
the title of a book written about the
year 1400 by a Bohemian Czech by
the name of Johann von Saaz. The
title translates "The Plowman of Bo-
hemia" and in some respects the
work may be compared to the well-
known English poem of the 14th cen-
tury, "Piers Plowman."
The work of von Saaz was one of
the first important books written in
modern high German, however, and
thus was, linguistically 'well in ad-
vance of the English poem, which is
in Middle English and is partially un-
intelligible to the average person to-
The subject of "Der Ackermann" is
a philosophical discussion. The plow-
man, who has recently lost his young
wife, talks it over with Death; and
although this type of debate with an
allegorical character was common in
the literature of the Middle Ages, it is
the ususual treatment of the subject
in this book that Professor Philipp-
son will discuss.
Besides being unusual in its ideas,
the work contains many allusions
which suggest the influence of the
Italian Renaissance, and Professor
Philippson will build his lecture
around the question of how impor-
tant the book really is as an evidence
of the new humanism in Bohemia
and Germany so early in the 15th
Atoms Are Left Behind
As Physicists Picnic
Proving that physics is after all a
practical science, professors, gadu-
ate students and wives yesterday af-
ternoon tortured baseballs a n d
churned the waters of Portage Lake
at the annual physics department
Climax of the afternoon's events
was the thoroughly welcome picnic
supper, at which the camera fiends,
represented by Prof. Samuel A. Goud-
smit and Prof. Enrico Fermi ran

cursionists were told that the lighting
effects were produced on the Cana-
dian side by searchlight operators
provided with revolving colored disks.
The morning was spent circling the
vicinity of the Falls by special bus.
Following the Canadian Niagara
Boulevard, a direct view of the Falls
was had while passing through'Queen
Victoria Park, bordering the horse-
Later the bus passed the Whirlpool
Rapids and rounded three sides of the
Whirlpool itself, passing through Ni-
agara Glen to Brock's Monument,
where lunch was obtained byna hun-
gry crowd.
The city of Niagara Falls, N.Z,
does not particularly appeal to most
of the group, smoke and railroads
proving, discouraging. Falls Street,
however, the best lighted street in
the country, surprised the party.'
Members found that they could
easily read at night on any portion
of the artery.
Most prevalent thought while view-
ing- the Falls was, what a lot of wa-
ter and how wet itlooks. supplied
with statistics, excursionists found
that 15 times as much water flows
over Niagara Falls as goes over the
African Victoria Falls, the South
American Iguassi Falls and the Yose-
mite Falls combined.
Tomorrow those who wish will de-
scend beneath the Falls in the Cave
of the Winds, steam below the cata-
ract in the little Maid of the Mist or
visit the Niagara Falls hydro-elec-
tric power house.
At 6 p.m. the boat will be re-board-
ed and the tour will end in Ann Ar-
bor about 10 a.m. Monday after a bus
trip from Detroit.
Saturday Is Deadline
For Dropping Courses
Courses in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may be
Oropped until Saturday, July 22, it
was announced yesterday by Dean
Erich A. Walter. After that time
courses dropped will receive a grade
of E.
An erroneous notice in yester-
day's D.O.B. had set July 15 as the

Capitol Gossip
Names Many
As Candidates
Presidential Possibilities
Loom Thick And Fast
After FDR'sSuggestion
Chief Executive's
List IsMystery
WASHINGTON., July 15.-(iP)-
President Roosevelt's observation this
week that there were a dozen charm-
ing young men who might be classed
as potential presidential candidates
set political tongues to wagging so
fast that by today the list had been
built up to three times that number.
Opinions Differ
Just who was on the President's
list was a favorite guessing game in
Capitol cloakrooms, but there was no
unanimity of opinion. Mr. Roose-
velt did not meption any names,
merely telling reporters who wanted
to talk about Paul V. McNutt that
he thought the new Federal Security
Administrator would not be found
running as a candidate any more
than a dozen others, some of them
in the Cabinet.
Senators Suggest Lists
Senator Ellender (Dem., La.) said
the President's list "might include:"
Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Com-
merce and former relief chieftain;
Frank Murphy, Attorney General and
former governor of Michigan; Jo-
seph P. Kennedy, Ambassador to
England and former Securities Com-
mission head; W. O. Douglas, new
Supreme Court Justice and former
SEC chief; Henry A. Wallace, Secre-
tary of Agriculture; and Robert H.
Jackson, Solicitor :General.
Senator Adams (Dem., Colo.), who
frequently has differed with the Ad-
ministration, said the Senate alone
provided more than a dozen poten-
tial candidates and listed these Dem-
ocrats: Senator Barkley (Ky). Clark
(Mo), Byrd (Va), Byrnes (SC), Har-
rison (Miss), Wheeler (Mont), Gil-
lette (Ia), Reynolds (NC) and Dona-
hey (Ohio).

In Education
To Open Here



Meetings Merged
General Program
ag During Week


ray h

Dr. William S. Gray
To Talk Tomorrow
An Educational Conference Week,
sponsored by the School of Educa-
tion, will be held tomorrow through
Friday for the benefit of teachers,1
supervisors and administrators in thee
Directed by Dean J. B. Edmonson
of the School of Education, the con-
ference will be based on recent na-1
tional reports and selected problems
of school systems.t
The week will include three sep-
arate conferences, the Tenth Annual
Summer Education Conference on
State and National Issues in Educa-x
tion, the Third Annual Roundtable
on reading and the First Book Ex-
hibit Conference. The merging oft
these programs for the first time is
intended to conserve the time of vis-
itors to the campus and to provide a
program of unusual attractiveness tor
members of the teaching profession.i
Mornings will be taken up by1
meetings of the Book Week Confer-
ence, a cooperative undertaking of1
the School of Education and the rep-
resentatives of the publishers of text-1
books and instruction materials.f
Forty-six publishers have requestedt
space for exhibits which will be ar-t
ranged in the halls of the Universityt
High School.
Afternoons will be reserved for the
Third Annual Roundtable on Read-J
ing, which provides a noncredit study
program, placing the emphasis on
the newer materials and the newer
methods of instruction, as well as the
diagnosis and treatment of reading
difficulti.e& f pupils.
All programs will be open to those
who wish to attend without charge
and many classes in the education
school will be adjourned for selected
programs. Programs during the day
will be held in the University Labora-
tory Schools and the evening pro-
grams will be held in the Union.
Tomorrow's program will feature a
lecture at 1:30 p.m. by Dr. William
S. Gray of the University of Chicago,
on "Are We Training Better Readers
by Our New Methods?"; a lecture at
4 p.m. by Dr. Gray on "Issues of Na-
tional Significance in Teacher Edu-
cation"; and a lecture discussion at
7:15 p.m. on "Selected Recommenda-
tions of the National Education As-I
sociation and the Educational Poli-
cies Commission" by Dr. Frank Hub-
bard and Dean Edmonson.
Linguistic Institute
To Hear Visitors
Two guest speakers highlight the
coming week's program for members
of the Linguistic Institute, Prof. E, H.
Sturtevant of Yale University and
Prof. Leonard Bloomfield of the.ini-
versity of Chicago.
Professor Sturtevant will speaJ
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the am-
phitheatre of the Rackham Building,
on the subject, "The Phonetic Basis
of Rhythm, Especially in Greek and
Professor Bloomfield will conclude
the public activities of the Institute
for the week when he returns to Ann
Arbor Friday for the third of his
series of lectures on the Algonkian
languages. Friday evening, in the
Rackham amphitheatre, he wil ctis-
cuss "Composition and Derivation in

Nine Men Trappe
In Min Exlion

19 Bodie

Play illOpen
On Wednesday

Mental Hygtene
Students, Visit
About 40 students interested in
psychiatry and mental hygiene visit-
ed Wayne County State Hospital and
Infirmary at Eloise yesterday.
This hospital, said to be the largest
in the world, contains approximately
10,000 persons. Included in the'
group are Seymour General Hospital,
the Infirmary and the Neuro-psy-
chiatric Hospital.
With about 1,800 employes and 4,-
000 mental patients, the number of
meals served daily amounts to around
A clinical demonstration of pa-
tients was given for the students in
which opportunity was given to ob-
serve various types-of mental diseases
and their causes, nature and certain
methods of cure. Patients seen rep-
resented cases of hebephrenia, cata-
tonia, circular insanity, paranoia,
simple schizophrenia, paresis, alco-
holism and arterial sclerosis.
Methods of cure seen were the hy-
perrexator, a modern invention for
fever therapy, and the occupational
therapy department, designed to give
the patients handiwork to occupy]
their time.
Pulitzer prize

Hope, Despair Expressed
By Officials; Cause Of
Blast Is Undetermined
Passages Are Filled
With Poison Gas
PROVIDENCE, Ky., July 15.-(/)-
Nineteeh soft coal miners were dead
but weary rescue squads pressed on
late today in an attempt to save nine
other men entombed 200 to 250 feet
below the surface by an explosion
last night.
F. V. Ruckman, president of the
Duvin Coal Company, owner of the
mine in which the accident occurred,
expressed hope the remaining nine
might be saved. He said if they had
"sealed in" behind an air-tight door,
they might have enough "good" air
to "last three or four days."
Disaster Is Second
Fred Ferguson, director of the In-
diana Bureau of Mines, assisting in
rescue work, however, predicted the
nine had "only one chance in a thou-
sand" of being found alive.
The disaster was the second to
strike Kentucky within 10 days. At
least 71 persons drowned in "flash"
floods in the eastern Kentucky moun-
tains last week. Search is continuing
there for approximately 10 missing
10 Others Rescued
Ruckman said the cause of the
blast was undetermined but other
mine people expressed belief it was
touched off by some kind of a spark.
Ten other of the 38 miners working
in the mine, the third largest in wes-
tern Kentucky, were rescued. They
suffered from "bad air" but none was
hurt seriously.
The 19 dead were found at or near
the scene of the explosion about 12,-
000 feet from the shaft entrance and
approximately 250 feet underground.
The nine still trapped were work-
ing in another section about 50 feet
above the 19 while the remainder of
the 38 were scattered from the shaft
entrance back along various levels,
some distance from the explosion site.
Ruckman said none of the bodies
had been brought to the surface and
probably would not be until after the
nine trapped men had been reached
by the gas-masked rescue squads.
Two Summer
Bands To Offer
Concert Toda


Town' Was Success
Broadway; Unique
HavingNo Settings

aders Confer
S, July 15. -(A')-
in the Army, and a
town of city projects
s' WPA strike at a
ay after a night of
ioting that left one
17 injured.
E. Stassen canvassed
ith a committee of
who bluntly turnedf
tion that they send
. employes back to
r George E. Leach of
nounced any new
bring a call for regu-

How To Get The Job You Want
To Be, Answered By Purdom


Guard troops in training
Riley, near Little Falls,
re under orders to hold
available for possible
in the Twin Cities. The
nided down quietly today,
11 officers and men to re-
onstant touch with their
o they couldbe mobilized
otice if the need arises.

First Of Three Meetings
To Show Importance
Of Grooming, Apparel
Why people don't get the jobs they
"might have had" will be answered
for Summer Session students Tues-
day by Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Direc-
tor of the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
The meeting will be the first of
three to be held on successive Tues-
days at 7:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Auditorium to demonstrate right and
wrong approaches to the problem of
getting a job.
"We have about 5,000 people on our
rolls seeking employment," Dr. Pur-
dom declared. "A large number of
them don't' get jobs which actually
are available."
Failure or success in landing a job,
assuming requisite ability and train-
ing, depends largely upon three fac-
tors wich Dr. Purdom has labeled
"appearance," "attitude," and "who
do you know?" Each meeting will be
devoted to one of these problems.
Dramatizing each point to make it
more graphic, Dr. Purdom has trained

on she

Haring Lecture,
Is Tomorrow
Central America Is Topic
Of VisitingProfessor
Prof. Clarence H. Haring of Har-
vard University, member of the In-
stitute of Latin-American Studies,
will discuss "Central America and
the United States" in a Summer
Session lecture at.5 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Auditorium.
Professor Haring will trace the
social and political evolution of the
people of Central America since In-
dependence and will outline their re-
lations with the United States. He
will discuss the colonial background
of the countries and the backgrounds
of their republics.
Professor Haring, who was at one
time a Rhodes -Scholar, is one of the
most prominent men in the field of
Latin-American study. He has writ-
ten several articles and texts on
Latin-American colonial history and
has been chosen to participate in
political and educational projects in
that field. He is a member of several

a "cast" of six students to demon-
strate by word, manner and dress
just where people slip-up in ap-
proaching prospective employers.
After illustrating the "wrong"
methods, the demonstrators will turn
about and show the audience how it
should have been done. Dr. Purdom
will play the role of commentator.
Attacking the problem from the
angle of "appearance" in the first
session, Dr. Purdom will emphasize
significant "Do's" and "Don't's" of
grooming and apparel which influence
prospective employers when they in-
terview candidates for available jobs.
"Attitude" will be discussed on July
25 and "Who do you know?" on
Aug. 1. All interested may attend.
Local Churches
Offer Varied
Services Today
Guest Ministers, Faculty
Speakers Will Highlight
Programs And Meetings
Special guests as ministers, organ-
ists and speakers will be heard in the
Ann Arbor churches today.
Dr. John Dunning, president of
Alma College, will preach the morn-
ing sermon at the First Presbyterian
Church this morning. Morning wor-
ship is at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Dunning's
topic will be "Why Not Try God?"
Dean Chester Lloyd Jones of the
University of Wisconsin will speak
at the Presbyterian student supper
to be held in the Council Circle at
the rear of the church. The supper
begins at 5:30 p.m. Dean Jones will
speak at 6:15 p.m.
The Rev. Lester Mondale of Evan-
ston, Ill., will deliver the morning
sermon at the Unitarian Church on
the subject, "Norway - Another
Middle Way."
Prof. Leslie P. Spelman, professor
of Organ at the University of Red-
ian. Redands. Calif. .n fnrmer

'Our Town,' Thornton Wilder's
Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, will
be the fourth production to be offered,
by the Michigan Repertory Players.
The play will open Wednesday night'
for a four-day run.
It was probably the outstanding
success of the New York stage last
year. Opening in February, 1938, it
ran to capacity houses both that year
and during the past year, while on
The play was written to be played
without scenery and has only occa-
sional "props." Wilder gave as his
reason that he wished to achieve a
uriversal significance by not localiz-
ing it.
The play concerns the life of two
families in a small town. Although
there is little real action, the beauty
of character portrayal and the s ycep
of the events which his people must
(Continued on Page 3)
Movies To Be Shown
From League Of Nations
"Emerging World .Federation" is
the title of a composite film to be
shown at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room
316 of the Union by Dr. Frances S.
Onderdonk, formerly of the College
of Architecture.
As feature attraction of the show-
ing will be a new film produced un-
der the auspices of the League of
Nations depicting the humanitarian
functions of the League in combat-
ting international drug smuggling
and trade in women and children.

Meinecke Tells How Greeks
Achieved Balance' In Music

Professor Revelli To Lead
Program At 4:15 P.M.
In Hill Auditorium
At 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditor-
ium, two Summer Session musical
organizations, the High School Clinic
Band and the Summer Session Con-
cert Band will combine to present a
concert of band music.
The concert will be conducted by
Prof. William D. Revelli of the School
of Music, with Dale Harris of Pon-
tiac and Cleo Fox of Kalamazoo as'
guest conductors. Mr. Ernest Hares,
supervisor of music in the St. Louis,
Mo., public schools, will solo on the
The High School Clinic Band is
composed of 100 musicians selected
on a merit basis to participate in the
fourth annual High School Band
Clinic held for three weeks beginning
last Monday. This is the Clinic Band's
first public appearance of the sea-
The Summer Session Concert Band
is made up of directors, supervisors
and other professionals from all over
the country who are studying or
teaching in Ann Arbor this summer.
First part of today's program will
be played by the High School Clinic
Band, after which the Summer Ses-
sion Concert Band will conclude the
performance. The progrkam follows:
Part I
Youth of America March, Paul Yoder
Niobe ................De Robertis
"Robin Hood" .... Lester Brockton

Stressing music principally for its
moral value, the ancient Greeks at-
tained a near-perfect balance be-
tween realism and idealism in their
classic art, Prof. Bruno Meinecke of
the School of Music told members of
the Institute for Teachers of Latin in
their closing session yesterday.
Unaware of the possibilities of har-
mony as we know it, Professor Mein-
ecke pointed out, the Greeks empha-
sized only melody and rhythm. Not
given to emotional flights, their mu-
sic was marked by "terse, clear ry-
thms." Of their melodies, six orig-
inal themes have come down to us
Aristotle, however, advocating a

music, he said. The dytheron, a form
of chorus, marked the "lyrical trage-
dy" which was a stepping stone to the
fullfledged drama of Euripides and
Music played an essential role in
the well-rounded life of the early
Greeks and Romans, he said. Every
Greek boy was taught at an early
age to play the lyre.
Other instruments in use wa c'i
were ancestors of our modern instru-
ments were the flute and cymbals.
The ancient flute, he said, approxi-
mated the shape of a clarinet and
the tone of an oboe of today. The
Romans, he said, were fond of brass
l instruments for military reasons.

Band Concert To Aid In 'Raising
Money For Chinese Medical Aid

Another step in preparation =for
the outdoor ice cream festival which
will be held to raise funds for medi-
cal aid to China was completed yes-
terday with the announcement that
the University Summer Session Band
will give a special concert in" con-
nection with the affair.
The concert will be given from
7:45 to 8:30 p.m. Friday in Hill
Auditorium, only a ,few feet from the
mall on which the festivities will
take place.
In agreeing to give the concert

"This year's festival will be much
greater than last year's," Beth
O'Roke, chairman of the student
committee working on the matter,
said yesterday. "We've been assured
whole-hearted cooperation from both
students and townspeople. The fine
program combined with the excellent
cause should bring out a capacity
crowd." .
The Women's Education Club, Miss
O'Roke said, has agreed to take
charge of distribution and sale of
cake during the festival. The League

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