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July 15, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-15

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ed and managed by students of the University of
gan under the authority of the Board in Control of
nt Publications.
lished every morning except Monday during the
rsity year and Summ r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
r republication of all news dispatches credited to
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
of republication of all other matters herein also
ered at the Past Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
d class mail matter.
scriptions during regular school year by carrier,
by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Per, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff
D. Mitchell . . . . -
. Swinton.. ....
. Norberg. ......
. Canavan . .«.....
M. Kelsey..... . ..
. Kesslet . . . .
L. Sonneborn . .
Business Staff

Press, 1938-39
Managiig Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Assocate Editor

i11p w. Buchen . Business Manager
al Park...... ......Advertising Mnager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Good Or Evil? . .
O NE OF THE most vital forces in pub-
lic life today is advertising. It per-
m eates our lives from the kindergarten onward.
Io single factor exerts so much influence on so
mpany people. Therefore, since it is so omnipres-
ent and all-important, it must be a social problem
significant enough to merit public attention.
Advertising is one of the most effective educa-
tional devices of our day. It is a new field, a
twentieth century by-product of modern busi-
ness. Today, before our children can read, they
see and are affected by picture advertising. Thus,
even by the time they enter kindergarten, modern
children have been conditioned by and exposed
to advertising, and a far-reaching pre-school
eduction has begun. Whether this education
is good or bad is a moot question.
Surely advertising has many good effects. If its
sole purpose were to create in the minds of the
yqung, vivid pictures of life around them, cer-
tainly the advertising medium would not be in
vain. Then, throughout the formative schoo
years advertising continues to play an important
educational role. It makes children conscious of
what goes oan in the world and informs them
profitably from a consumer point of view. More-
over, not only dpes advertising contribute to child
and adolescent matter when they refuse to digest
a weighty treatise on the same subject. This is,
of course, due to the inherent laziness of the
adult mind..
Then, since advertising is such an important
factor in the life of today, it must be handled
wisely. It must be truthfully, lucidly written. The
main pitfall in our international advertising is
its fallacious presentation. Facts are distorted be-
yond all proportion to make effective copy. Face
.creams are said to give you a new skin, pink and
bllemish-free, like that of Mrs. Got-Bucks. Drugs
are offered as panaceas for all ills. Even Federal
laws have been unable to prevent gross misrepre-
sentation and distortion of advertising copy.
Therefore, we face today the problem of the
social waste of advertising. One of the most
efficacious mediums of communication to the
public of all ages, all educations, is being laid
waste by unscrupulous or lazy copy writers, who,
seeking the obvious, easiest ways to impress the
public with their commodities, resort to tawdry
misleading copy of inferior quality. Our problem
is to raise public advertising to the heights it
-Alice Rydell
In Safety
The teaching of safety is most effective when
integrated with other subjects and supplemented
by one period of direct teaching if possible, Miss
F. Louise Cottrell of the New' York University
Center for Saftey Education told members of
several classes in the School of Education yes-
Miss Cottrell spoke here in conjunction with
a special program in safety education being spon-
sored by the Center, with representatives speaking
at 47 colleges and universities throughout the
Such departments as physical education and
industrial arts can take over much of the actual
safety program within the grade and high schools,
Miss Cottrell declared, but cannot give the time
to give a broad program of instruction in safety.

1' '1
In the Exhibition of Latin-American Art now
being held in the Galleries of the Rackham Build-
ing, perhaps the most unusual room is that in
which paintings of the Colonial Period are dis-
played. Examples of the art of Peru, Mexico, and
Brazil have been assembled, giving an idea of the
products of artists of the sixteenth, seventeenth,
and eighteenth centuries in those Latin-American
This exhibit is being sponsored by the Institute
of Latin-American Studies and has been organ-
ized from works loaned by museums, private in-
dividuals, and artists throughout the country. It
is going to last until July 25.
The materials displayed have been classified
generally into three main periods: PreColum-
bian, Colonial and Contemporary.
The six paintings from Peru are a part of a
large collection belonging to Mrs. Frank Bar-
rows F1reyer, now of Denver. Mrs. Freyer is of a
family which has claim to a long Sanish an-
cestry. She visited Peru in 1920 with her husband,
Captain F'reyer of the United States Navy, who
was sent on a Government mission to reorganize
the Peruvian Navy. At that time Mrs. Freyer
formed this collection, which also includes splen-
did examples of furniture, and since bringing it
to this country she has had the whole collection
exhibited in several leading museums. The Uni-
versity is especially fortunate in being able to
include in this exhibit some of these little-known
works of art.
The paintings are brilliant with gold and color,
particularly in the costumes, and present many
unusual features. The works are mainly religious
subjects and were painted either by Spanish
artists who came to Peru, or by Peruvian artists
taught in Spain or influenced by Spaniards com-
ing to their country. There is a mingling of.
Spanish, Flemish and Incan styles and tradi-
tions, with some Byzantine or Oriental influences
entering through Sp;anish contacts. One particu-
larly appealing painting shows the Virgin dressed
as an Inca Princess, naive and thoroughly charm-
ing in its unusual interpretation. Our Lady of
Victory of Malaga shows a magnificent treat-
ment of design and splendor of detail. An inter-
esting note in'the Adoration of the Magi is the
use of llamas instead of camels and the guards
dressed as Indian boys.
Mrs. Freyer feels that her collection of paint-
ings will help to create in this country a better
understanding of the splendid culture of the
Colonial Period in Peru, with the fruitful inter-
mingling of the ideas and culture of Europe with
the existing civilization of the Incas.
The paintings of the seventeenth-and eigh-
teenth-century Mexico are equally important,
and are loaned to our Ann Arbor exhibition by
the Philadelphia Museum of Art. These eight
paintings are only a few from the large Lamborn
Collection of that Museum, collected in the years
1881 and 1883 by Robert H. Lamborn during a
visit to Mexico. The works are painted on can-
vas or copper panels; the artists were many of
them monks. The Saint Augustine was done by
an artist actually born in Spain, Balthasar
Echave, who was one of the first Spanish artists
of the early seventeenth century to go to Italy
izing safety programs within the schools. She
prescribed letting each community and each
school meet its own peculiar safety problems,
using something from all of the various safety
methods now used.
The bicycle problem is more serious in the
United States than is realized, Miss Cottrell
said. She pointed out that use of bicycles has
about doubled in the last few years and that
accidents have increased proportionately. In 1935"
330 persons were killed in bicycle ;ccidents and
13,000 were injured. In 1937 the sale of bicycles
doubled, and deaths from accidents consequently
totaled 810. Over 32,000 persons were injured on
bicycles in that year. She recommended a patrol
for every school in a large city and showed how
safety education had been effective in reducing
the number of accidents.
Research on the field of safety training has
disclosed the fact that young persons have more
accidents than older people, Miss Cottrell said,
explaining this as the result of the fact that the
younger persons take more chances and are not
as careful as older persons. It has also been dis-
covered that pay-day is tied up with the distribu-

tion and number of accidents, she said.
A third conclusion that has been reached as
the result of study is that certain persons are
more prone to accidents than others, mainly be-
cause of faulty coordination. All of these fact,
have been effective in indicating new methods of
attack on the safety program.
In conclusion Miss Cottrell pointed out that
the teaching of safety education through text
books has been handicapped by the lack of uni-
formity in laws of different states. Most states
now subject bicycles to the same regulations as
automobiles, she said, and there is a further
tendency in some regions toward a greater uni-
formity of regulatory laws as between the states.
Recalling the President's toast to George and
Elizabeth, a New Jersey woman reminds us that
"raising that glass of champagne would have
been a cause for impeachment five years ago."
Right-o. Now bring back prohibition and let's end
it all.S-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

and to come under the influence of artists there.
He later came to Mexico, and his son was also
an artist of note in the new country. Spanish
influence is strongly evidenced, for the works
of Velasquez and Murillo were well-known to
the artists of Mexico. Miguel Cabrera was a Zapo-
tecan Indian born in Oaxaca, while Miguel de
Herrera was an Augustinian friar. The anony-
mous portrait of the famous Mexican poetess,
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, a member of a religi-
ous order, who lived during the second half of
the seventeenth century, is a very fine character
The painting loaned by the Detroit Insti-
tute of Arts, A Visit to a Ruined Chapel, is by
the Dutch artist Frans Post, who accompanied
the Count Maurice of Nassau Siegen to Brazil
during his eight-year period of Dutch occupa-
tion of that country. This work of the mid-sev-
enteenth century is one of the earliest landscapes
of America. The fine folio volume on loan from
the General Library of the University was pub-
lished in 1647 by Blaeu in Amsterdam. It relates
the history .f Count Maurice in Brazil and is
important in connection with our exhibition be-
cause the fifty-six large etched illustrations were
done from drawings made by Frans Post in
Brazil, and show an extraordinary variety in sub-
ject, with landscapes, marines, maps, and battle
scenes, and giving an insight into the architecture
of the country as/well as the richness of the
country itself.
Miss Helen B. Hall, Curator of the Institute of
Fine Arts, and Harold Wallace of the Zoology
Department with the help of Prof. Robert C.
Smith of the University of Illinois, organized the
cown&G own
Today's column describes what happened in
the League ballroom before and after Alice Rydell
wrote some paragraphs under the head "Thru the
Looking Glass" telling us just what we can and
cannot wear to a League dance.
. * *
Jerry crept into the ballroom on his hands and
knees, pushing the inevitable peanut with his
nose. Suddenly he felt a thrill of alarm and
quickly swept the room with a glance, putting the
sweepings in a little pile beside the orchestra.
There before him was Wishwumple Warple,
carrying his head in his hand.
"A trifle informal, this habit of carrying your
head in your hands at a League dance, isn't it?"
Jerry inquired.
"Yes," Wishwumple Warple admitted shyly.
"But I like it. The blood makes such pretty pat-
terns on the floor. Sometimes I feel sorry that I
have only one head to give for the League dances."
Together they went over to the other side of
the room where Tommy Prerevolution, a capital-
istic soul, was following the suggestion to be
printed in Thru the Looking Glass next week. He
owned white suits-linen, panama, palm beach
and what have you-and had followed Alice's
advice literally. They were out of the moth balls
and on the dance floor. However they failed to
make him handsome as Alice said they would,
probably because he failed to wear any of them
and contented himself with a triangle of zebra
hide. All three, Tommy, Jerry and Wishwumple
were silent, intent on playing hopscotch on the
linen, panama, palm beach and what have you
suits. Sometimes they dodged strangers who were
cutting initials into each other's legs or paring
toenails but mostly they just played. Every mo-
ment or so someone-probably Philip W. Buchen
-would scream "Read The Daily Classified."
That was all. Nothing more.
Jerry sat there, munching a trifle moistly on
his caviar and flicking imaginary specks from his
immaculate white suit. A beautiful blond creature
sat beside him.
"Shall we dance?" she finally asked shyly.
"No, dear," he answered. "I shall stay here
flicking imaginary specks from my immaculate
white suit. You go dance."
Over in the corner Wishwumple Warple III
slowly exhaled wispy, white opium smoke as he
square-danced. His partner looked up at him

with fiery eyes, probably because he kept flicking
ashes into them.
"Did you," she asked, "Did you read the
Chicago Tribune this morning?"
"Yes," he said. "Horrible, isn't it, the way
they've gone to the left. I actually think they'll
split with the Silver .Shirts any day now. And,
please dear, don't say 'read'. It reminds me so of
"Terribly sorry," she said. "Terribly, terribly
"That's all right. It just disconcerted me. After
all, those people can live on sugared pecan rolls
if there wasn't any bread."
Tommy Tommy came up.
"Hello," he said, passing by.
Wishwumple looked at him with longing in his,
eyes. "I wish I were a brilliant conversationalist
like Tommy Tommy," he said.
Suddenly Philip W. Buchen walked over. He'd
read Alice's column about how to dress and act at
a League Party also. He'd learned how to act
from it too.
"My darling," he was softly murmuring into
his girl's shell pink ear, "Have you read those
perfectly wonderful Daily classifieds?"

Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structive notice to all members of the
University. Copysreceived at the office
of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M.I
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.I
The Teaching Division of the Bu-I
reau of Appointments has received
calls for the following positions:
(1) recent young women gradu-
(a) General Science and physiol-
ogy-Ellenico (near Athens) Greece.
(b) English and history-Natal,
South Africa.
(c) Chemistry-Smyrna, Turkey.
(2)Single men with at least a mas-
ter's degree:
(a) English-University in China.
(b) English, German and French-
University in China.
Candidates meeting these qualifi-
cations who are interested, please re-
port to the Bureau at once. 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office hours: 9-12 a.m.,
2-4 p.m.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
United States Civil Service:
Meteorologist, salary: $3,800, July
Associate Meteorologist, salary:
$3,200, July 31.
Assistant Meteorologist, salary:
$2,600, July 31.
Farm Agent, Indian Field Service,
salary: $1,800, July 31.
Junior Bank Examiner, salary:
$2,000, July 24.
Senior Inspector, Navy Depart-
ment, salary: $2,600, July 31.
Inspector, Navy Department, sal-
ary: $2,000, July 31.
Junior Inspector, Aircraft, salary:
$1,620, July 31.
Buffalo Civil Service:
Assistant Examiner, Municipal
Civil Service Commission, salary:
$2250, July 19.
Applicants need not be residents of
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational gnfor-
No Classes in Physiology will meet
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, courses
dropped after today will be record-
ed with a grade of E.
E. A. Walter
Graduate Students Specializing in
Education: The Advisory Inventory
Test will be given this morning at 9
o'clock in the University High School
auditorium for those who have not
already taken the test. It is required
of those who have completed less
than 8 hours of graduate work in
Saturday's Record Concert will be
held in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building at 3 p.m., and ad-
ditional seating room has been ar-
ranged. The program is as follows;
Suite Number Three, Bach, Adolph
Busch Chamber Players; Excerpts
from Die Valkyrie, Wagner, Lawrence
Tibbett and the Philadelphia Orches-
ra; Symphony Number Five, Beetho-
ven, London Symphony Orchestra.
The records are being provided by
Howard Hoving and J. W. Peters.

The Two Gentlemen of Verona by
William Shakespeare is being pre-
sented tonight by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players in conjunction with
the Chamber Orchestra of the School
of Music, at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre,
Graduate Outing Club will have a
picnic, including swimming, baseball,.
and hiking, on Sunday, July 16, at
Clear Lake County Park, about 25
miles from Ann Arbor. The group
will meet at 2:30 p.m. at the north-
west entrance of the Rackham Bldg.
All graduate students and faculty
members are cordially invited.Charge
40c. Transportation -will be by cars,
and all those with cars are urged to
bring them. Drivers will be recom-
pensed for their expense. There will
be a meeting regardless of the weath-
Band Concert. The High School
Clinic Band of one hundred high
school musicians, and the University
SummerSession Concert Band, will
give a concert in Hill Auditorium
Sunday afternoon, July 16, at 4:15
o'clock, under the direction of Wil-
liam D. Revelli; Dale Harris and
Cleo Fox, guest conductors; and Er-1
nest Hares, pianist, soloist. The
general public, with the exception of

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 11240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Saturday Afternoon
12:00 Enoch Light soloist Noonday News News Commentator
12 :15 1 Stamps Organ Turf Reporter
12:30 What Price Bradcast Variety show Xavier Cugat
12:45 Campus Notes Fan on Street Leo Freudberg
1:00 Bull Session Dance Music u~xu uei, uolpoy Concert Orchestra
1:30 P.G.A. Tourney Matinee Rhythm Indiana Indigo Anthony Candelori
1:45 " * Music Please
2:00 " Vera Richardson To be announced From London
2:15 " Tiger Talk
2:30 " Tigers vs. Yankees Melodites
2 :45 " .~t
3:00 Empire Handicap " Club Matinee Songs
3:15 "*
3::30 P.G.A. Tourney To be announced
3:45 A ' y1
4:00 syncopation " Geo. Duffy Jamboree
4:15 " "
4:30 Nat Brandwynne Swing Benny Carter
4:45 " Dance Music
5:00 Melody, Rhythm Kindergarten El Chico Jack Teagarden
5:15 " ' Turf Reporter
5:30 Week in Wash. Art of Living Day in Review Gene Irwin
5:45 Vocal Embers Ink Spots Baseball Final _________
Saturday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Review Luigi Romanelli Little Revue
6:15 Grace Bermanto1
6:30 County Seat Dance Music Secret Agent Baseball Scores
6:45 ' " Friendly Music
7:00 Concert Orches. Dick Tracy Town Talk "
7:15 " The Sandlotters Mac Turner
7:30 Professor Quiz Avalon Time Brent House Hawaii Calls
8:00 Hit Parade Vox Pop Barn Dance Jamboree
8:830 " Playhouse "AHollywood whispers
8:45 Sat. Serenade "t" Chuck Foster
9:00 > Camel Caravan Allen Roth symphonic Strings
9:15 West Remembers ,*-
9:30 P.G.A. Summary Feature Al Donahue Moonlight Music
9:45 Doris Rhodes "
10:00 News to Life Sports Parade Tommy Dorsey Freddy Martin
10:15 Dance Music Woody Heriman
10:30 Sports State Highway Isham Jones Frank Trumbauer
10:45 Sammy Kaye Dance Music
11:00 News " Rudy Vallee Reporter
11:15 Harry James'" Eddie Duchin
11:30 Sammy Kaye Eastwood Blue Barron Joe Reichman
11:45 " ton r.,
12:00 Henry King Westwood Graystone Bill Ohmlan


small children, is invited without
admission charge.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
invites students to its regular Sun-
day afternoon meeting at 4:30 p.m.
in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall.
This Sunday Mr. Arthur Saunders,
who has just recently returned from
China, will speak on the subject,
"Fulfilling the Ministry in China."
There will also be singing and re-
Carillon Recital. On account of the
bandrconcert in Hill Auditorium at
4:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon, July
16, the carillon recital will be post-
poned until immediately after the
band concert, about 5:15 o'clock.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St., Sunday morning
service at .10:30, subject: "Life."
Golden Text: Amos 5:14.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv-
ice. Dr. John Dunning, president of
Alma College, will be the guest
preacher. Dr. Dunning will speak on
the topic, "Why Not Try God?" Spe-
cial music by the choir directed by
Hardin Van Deursen with William
Barnard at the organ.
5:30 p.m., Summer School Vesper
Service. A cost supper will be served
at the Council Circle at the rear of
the church. Following the supper the
meeting will' start at 6:15 with Dean
Chester Lloyd Jones of the University
of Wisconsin speaking on the sub-
ject "Church and State in Mexico."
First Congregational Church, State
and Williams Streets. Minister, Rev.
Leonaid A. Parr.
Public worship at 10:45 a.m. Doc-
tor Parr will preach on the subject,
"When God Laughs." Miss Leah
Lichtenwalter will sing "Pray" by
Guion. As a special feature the choir
will be assisted by 20 or 25 young
people of the High School Band
Clinic, here for the three weeks' ses-
sion. They will sing "Lord for Thy
Tender Mercies' Sake" by Farrant.
The guest organist will be Leslie P.
Spelman, who will play "Kom, susser
Tod" by J S. Bach, and "Jesu, meine
Freude" by Karg-Elert
Unitarian Church, Sunday, 11 a.m.
Rev. Lester Mondale of Evanston,
Ill., on "Norway, Another Middle
Church Worship Services will be
held in Zion Lutheran Church Sun-
day at 10:30 with sermon by the
Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn. This church
is located at the corner of East
Washington and South Fifth Ave.
Services of worship will be held in
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. William
at S. Fifth Ave. at 8:15 a.m. and
10:30 a.m. Sermons will be delivered
by the pastor Rev. Henry O. Yoder.
The Lutheran Students, their wives
and friends are invited to meet at
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall Sunday
at 4:30. An outing has been planned
at the large fire-place at Island Park.
This is the third of the meetings for
summer school students. Call 2-3680
by Sunday noon for reservations.
Christian Reformed and Reformed

Church services will be held Sunday
July 16 at the Michigan League
chapel at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Doctor J. C. DeKorne, famous China
missionary, will conduct both serv-
First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron
St. 9:30 a.m. Church School.
10:45 a.m. 'morning worship.
The Rev. H. Othman Smith of
Yonkers, New York will speak on the
thee "Is Life Worth the Struggle."
The Congregational Church an-
nounces the following which will be
of inerest to music lovers. At the
!Sunday morning service, Prof. Leslie
P. Spelman, Prof. of Organ at the
University of Redlands, Redlands,
California and former organist and
choir director of the American
Church ?f Paris, France will be. the
guest organist..
Miss Leah Lichtenwalter, Director
of Music in the Public Schools of
Des Monies will also sing a special
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach at 10:40
o'clock at the morning worship serv-
ice on the theme "Suffering."
Wesley Foundation, Student Class
under the leadership of Dr. E. W.
Blakeman. The theme for discus-
sion will be "Jews and Gentiles in
the Book of Acts." at Stalker Hall.
Wesleyan Guild meeting at the
Church at 6 p.m. Dr. Harold F. Carr
of Court Street Church, Flint will
speak on the subject: "The Youth
Situation in America." Fellowship
hour and refreshments following the
Kermit Eby, executive secretary of
the Chicago Federation of Teachers,
will speak in the Grand Rapids room
of the Michigan League at 12:45,
Monday, July 17 on the subject "Cut-
ting Fads and Frills-Chicago's Ex-
perience." Those interested may
join him at lunch at 12 o'clock in the
Graduate Commercial Club. There
will be a tea Monday, July 17, at
4:15 p.m. in the West Conference
(Continued on Page 3)

Mats. 25c

Eves 35c

Starts TODAY! -
Fighting furiously., living glori-
ously..loving recklessly! Romance
at a swift pace as handsome Brian
Aherne joins forces with Victor
McLaglen, hero-of "Gunga Din"!

i -

9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

Today's Events
Advisory Inventory Test for Graduate Students of athe School of
Education (University High School Auditorium).
"Roman Humanism-Cicero's Testimonial," Latin Institute lecture
by Professor Solmsen of Olivet College (Room 2003 Angell Hall).
"Music Among the Greeks and Romans," Latin Institute lecture
by Prof. Bruno Meinecke of the department of Latin, illustrated with



Val- v

EA A A M Romance-starved Men! Lonely Women!


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