Weather warmer; tomorrow. Y . today, somewhat asing cloudiness t Official Publication Of The Summer Session ~~IaitW Editorial Advertising- Good Or Evil? . AL. XLIX. No. 17 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1939 PRICE FIVE 'A Workers Falls Party Gains Its Sea Legs On Board S.S. Greater Detroit. we I lo Right ke, Says Uministration Roosevelt Brands Walkout 'Against Government'; Lauded InWashington' Violent Outbreaks Occur On Projects' President Roosevelt branded the walkouts of WPA workers a strike against government Friday while fresh kviolence flared on the picket ines. Making it emphatically clear that the administration recognized no ight on the part of WPA employes o strike, the President said at a ress conference: "You cannot strike against the government." His words generally were applaud- ed on Capitol Hill, but on hundreds f WPA projects thousands con- inued to remain away from their lobs in protest against the wage egulations of the new relief act. - Tear Gas Used In Minneapolis police used tear gas o disperse milling demonstrators who blocked police cars escorting non-. trikers from a sewing project. Rocks burled from the hostling tbrong broke nearby shop windows. Rochester,- N.Y.. projects , were closed to avoid the violence that Les- er We. Herzog, upstate New York WPA administrator, said appeared certain if they continued. He re- ported that roving bands of WPA strikers had visited the projects, try- ,ng to add to the walkout. Herzog asked a Department of Justice in- vestigation. Pressure Exerted In Washington, the American Fed- eration of Labor and the United Stain nferene of Mn.vnrs brought By HARRY M. KELSEY (Special to Th ke Daly) ON bOARD SS GREATER DE- TROIT ON LAKE ERIE, July 14.- Sailing over a slightly choppy lake ,ocled to a sweater-wearing degree >y a brisk northwest breeze, partici- pants in the sixth Summer Session ;xcursion, bound for Niagara Falls, tonight quickly found their sea legs and became hardened freshwaer "salts." Not one case of seasickness was reported after a hearty repast in the ship's spacious dining salon. Twenty-five strong, the excursion- ists traversed the gangplank shortly after arriving in Detroit at 5:05 p.m. today, following an uneventful bus Prof Sfolnsen W11l Address Latin Teachers Subject Of Final Lecture Given To Latin Teachers Is 'Roman Humanism' Describing "Roman Humanism: Cicero's Testimonial," Professor Solm- sen of Olivet College will open the closing session of the Institute for Teachers of Latin at 10:30 a.m. to- morrow in Room 2003 Angell Hall. Following Professor Solmsen's lec- ture, Professor Meinecke of the de- partment will speak on "Music Among the Greek and Romans," illustrating his subject with slides and demon- strating portions with the violin. Describing the scenery and myth- ology of the land of the Gods, Dr. Roger Pack of the Latin Depart- ment took members of the Institute on a verbal "Trip to Delphi" as he termed his lecture yesterday. The site of the ancient oracle which played such a determining role in the destinies of Greece's mythical heroes was originally named y- tho;, Dr. Pack said, since the God Appolo was supposed to have strangled a snake there. Through a process of alteration the word fi- nally became Delphi.. Especially significant for high school teachers of Latin, he said, was the legend concerning Brutus and the Oracle. Asked who would be the next emperor of Rome, the oracle re- plied, "He who first kisses his moth- er." Whereupon Brutus and his two competitors drew lots to determine who should go back to Rome. When his lucky competitors departed, Bru- tus threw himself upon the ground and kissed the earth-his "mother," thus eventually nearly fullfilling the prophecy of the Delphi Oracle. BULLETIN BATON ROUGE, La., July 14. -Dr. James Monroe Smith, for- mer President of Louisiana State University, was indicted tonight on nineteen separate counts of forg- cry and falsification of public records by the East Baton Rouge Grand Jury, which also returned indictments against three other officials and former officials at i the school. ride from Ann Arbor. White-coat- ed stewards smilingly usheredthe group to -the proper staterooms. Disconcerted was one niember of the party to discover that, should she wish to call the steward in the morn- ing for a step-ladder in order to .climb down from her upper berth, she would first have to descend from the berth in orders to ring the bell, located on the opposite side of thie stateroom. Lacking a moon, excursionists had only the stars to gaze at over Lake Erie's waters. A new experience to manytwas to pass close by to lake freighters on the way out of the IA- troit River before coming to the wid- er chanels of the lake. Prize view of the excursion, which will probably be so far eclipsed by the Falls tomorrow as to be forgot- ten, was the view of the Detroit sky- line as the boat steamed down the river. Gathered on the aft deck, party members wielded numerous cameras pointed in the general di- rection of the city. Tomorrow the group will dock in Buffalo and proceed to the alls, which is, of course, the main topic of conversation tonight. Prof. Irv- ing D. Scott of the geology depart- ment, who is accompanying the ex- cursionists, is forever the center of an inquiring group, as is Prof. Carl J. Coe, Director of Summer Session Excursions, who is along with Mis. Coe. Band Concert I sScheduled For Tomorrow High School Clinic Group, Summer Session Band Cobine For Program Two Summer Session musical or- ganizations will combine at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow to present a band concert in Hill Auditorium. The High School Clinic Band, made up of 100 high school musicians par- ticipating in the fourth annual Clin- ic sponsored by the School of Music, will make its initial appearance in the first part of the program. The regular Summer Session Con- cert Band made up of directors, sup- ervisors and other professionals from all parts of the country, will give the second half of the performance. William D. Reveli of the School of Music will conduct, with Dale Har- ris of Pontiac and Cleo Fox of Kala- mazoo as guest conductors. The high school bandsmen, ranging in age from 13 to 19 years, began their studies here last Monday, and have been going through a rigorous daily schedule. of lessons, practice sessions and rehearsals. They hie from six states: Michigan, Ohio, Illi- nois, Indiana, Pennsyvania and Mis- souri. The fourth annual High School Band Clinic, will continue for the next two weeks, during which a number of concerts and recitals will be offered the general public. Tomorrow's pro- gram is open to all interested in at- tending. Anti -=British Riots Staged By Japanese Demonstration In Tokyo Is Manifesto Attacking English Aid To China Police Hold Back Mob AtEmbassy (By Associated Press) One of Japan's greatest outbursts against a foreign power was taged yesterday in Tokyo by 50,000 anti- British demonstrators. T o k y o 's angry demonstration capped nationwide anti-British mani- festations in which Japanese news- papers said 15,000,000 persons parti- cipated to show their bitterness against Birtain for her aid to China. One thousand Japanese police, fore- warned of the outburst, ringed the British embassy and held back the throngs clamoring to rush its gates. Relations Strained Strained British-Japanese relations in China worsened when unidentified persons hurled two hand grenades into the British consulate at Tsingtao, where anti-British demonstrations launched three weeks ago have be- come increasingly violent. It was the third attack within a week on the consulate, which was the target of stones which British said Japanese - inspired- demonstrators threw last Mo day and Wednesday. The hand grenades dows and inflicted other damage but failed to injure anyone in the con- sulate, under a virtual state of siege since July 3. Property of the American Standard Vacuum Company was damaged by the Tsingtao demonstrators but Jap- anese officials apologized for the "mistake" and arranged for repairs. On the eve of the opening of Tokyo negotiations on the Japanese block- ade pf the British concession at Tient- sin, the commander of Japanese forces in the North China port de- clared: Face Serious Decision "The Brtish are facing a serious decision whether to cooperate with Japan in China or lose utterly their vast investment there." The commander, Masaharu Honma, intimated in advance that the Tokyo talks would fail and that "complete preparations already have been made for the second phase of restrictions on the British concession." Meanwhile, Britain's first peace- time conscript army will be mustered today when thousands of youths re- port for six months compulsory train- ing. The number of conscripts event- ually will total 200,000 as additional classes are added. Congressmen Reject Old Age Pension lan Members Of House Decide To Trust Salary Savings Rather Than Pension WASHINGTON, July 14.-(P)- House members decided today to trust to savings from their $10,000 a year salaries or risk possible want in their old age, rather than vote themselves into the Federal pension system. Charges of "demagoguery" and "political cowardice" were hurled back and forth in the chamber dur- ing a two-hour debate, but when the oratorical smoke had cleared away the Congressional pension plan had been stripped from a bill making changes in the civil service retire- ment system. The tally vote was 119 to 73. Members from farm states were particularly vocal against the propo- sition, contending Congress should not take such a step until it had pro- vided social security for the nation's 30,000,000 agricultural workers. "Pensions for members of Con- gress should be the roof to a well- rounded social security system, not a foundation stone," contended repre- sentative Mundt (Rep., S.D.). Prof. Eugene Rovilla n Speaks To French Club The similarity of the work of a G- man to that of an American attempt- ing to do research work in France Motor Strike Negotiators Seek Solution Existing Contracts Seen As A Possible Means For Final Arbitration Temporary Accord Reached By Factions DETROIT, July 14.-(AP)-Negotia- tors seeking to end the General Mo- tors strike turned today to the exist- ing contract between the corporation and the United Automobile Workers Union for a basis of settling the 10- day-old dispute. The corporation, which previously had proposed that the present con- tract be eliminated insofar as it applied to the CIO United Automobile Workers before the fundamentals in the dispute were discussed, agreed to accept the present contract as ground- work for settlement negotiations. In return, officials of the UAW- CIO agreed to shelve at least tempor- arily, a demand that the UAW-CIO be recognized as sole bargaining agent and to negotiate under the present contract. Recognition has been one of the most important of the five union de- mands. Labor observers credit Phil- ip Murray, CIO vice-president, with influencing other union leaders in their agreement to drop thatdemand for the present. Announcement that the corpora- tion would negotiate under the pres- ent contract was made by William S. Knudsen, G.M. president, and im- mediately corporation and union offi- cials met to begin negotiations. Eleven G.M. divisions have been affected since the UAW-CIO called a strike July 5 in an effort to force the corporation to grant a supple- mental agreement covering skilled workers. All state police had withdrawn to- day from the Fisher Body Plant at Pontiac, scene of rioting eary this week, and there was no disorder re- ported in Michigan. 30 Entombed After Cave-In Of Coal Mine Explosion Traps Workers Two Miles In Pit; Squad Members Rescues One PROVIDENCE, Ky., July 14.-(P)-- One of approximately 30 miners en- tombed two miles underground in a coal mine explosion near here tonight was brought to the surface by rescue squads. W. F. Hume, secretary of the Duvin Mining Company, said the rescue squads, working in shifts of ten each, had cleared the way into the pit for a depth of about a mile. The man brought to the surface, William Reynolds, was able to walk, Hume said, but he was not questioned as to the plight of his comrades because of his condition. Statement of the extent of the danger confront- ing the trapped men was withheld until the rescue squads reported on their predicament. Hume was unable to account for the explosion. He said word of it was brought out by one of a group of miners working in another section of the pit where the blast occurred. Warns. Axis Powers PREMIER DALADIER * * * Daladier Cites British French Military Might Bastille Day Demonstration Displays United Forces Of Two Great Powers PARIS, July 1.4. )- Premier Daladier proclaimed tonight the strength of the French Army after France and Britain joined on the 15 0th anniversary of the. French revolution in a massed parade of their land, sea and air forces. The French Army "is capable of breaking any attacks that can im- peril our country," the Premier de- clared in a world-wide Bastille Day broadcast. "Our reborn aviation is united to the aviation of a great, friendly people who would protect our soil as we would protect theirs if it became necessary for us to resist attack." f British planes flew in formation with French planes this morning ur- ing a great parade of 30,000 of France's finest troops with 450 spe- cially picked British soldiers. More than 1,000,000 persons saw the demonstration, the first joint dis- play of military might by the two powers since the World War. It was reviewed by President Lebrun, Dala- dier, British War Secretary Leslie Hore-Belisha and the chiefs of staff of the army, navy and air forces of both countries. Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of President Roosevelt, was among Le- brun's guests. Daladier spoke later in a downpour in the amphitheatre of the Trocadero Palace on the banks of the Seine at a solemn evening ceremony uniting the empire in celebration of the revolu- tion which began in Paris 150 years ago today with the fall of the Bas- tille. Physics Department Plans Picnic Today Nobel Prize winners, professors and graduate students will forget all about seeking the mysteries of the elusive atoms in the quest for fun and frolic at the annual physics picnic at Por- tage Lake this afternoon. Groups in private cars will leave the Physics Building at 2:30 p.m. and drive out in time for a fast game of baseball before going swimming at 4 p.m. A welcome feast of the usual calories and ants will provide a fit- ting conclusion to the afternoon's events. Arms Embarg Assailed Roosevelt And Hull Appeal To Congress To Scrap Neutality Law Clause Fear Fully Armed NationsMayFight WASHINGON, June 14.-{)- President Roosevelt andSecretary of State Hull, in a joint appeal to a rebellious Congress, urged today that the arms embargo in the neutrality law be scrapied forthwith lest it tempt nations already fully armed to plunge the world into war. They did not mention the Rome- Berlin axis by name, but they as- serted that the embargo clause "plays into the hands of those nations which have taken the lead in build- ing up their fighting power." The Senate, including numerous members of its "isolationist" bloc- who a few days ago locked the admin- istration's new neutrality legislaton up in the foreign relations commit- tee until next session-'listened thoughtfully as the message was in- toned with many oratorical flourishes by John Crocket, the Senate's frock- coated reading clerk. Message Applaued Administration leaders in the chamber applauded the message, but looked helplessly at the situation in the committee and were not optimis- tic of extricating the legislation from its plight. However, a final decision to abandon the bill until next session or to make one more effort at enact- ing it had still to be made. This, members of the leadership said, prob- ably would not come until next Mon- day, the time of their regular week- ly strategy meeting with the Presi- dent. The form of the appeal to Congress was a long statement by Hull re- emphasizing the administration views, and a short one by Mr. Roosevelt giving "'full approval" to the Hull remarks. Highly Advisable To Act The Roosevelt statement said that "in, the light of present world condi- tions" it was "highly advisable" to act at this session of Congress. Hull accused critics of the admin- istration policy of spreading mislead- ing "propaganda" and appealed for Congress to disregard;"partisanship" in handling the problem. The arms embargo, he said, "means that if any country is disposed to- ward's conquest, and devotes its en- ergy and resources to establish itself as a superior fighting power, that country may be more tempted to try the fortunes of war if it knows that its less well1prepared opponents would be shut off from those supplies which, under every rule of international law, they should be able to buy in all neu- tral countries, including the United States." Europe To See M Track Stars Watson And Schwarzkopf Selected By AAU Two members of Michigan's 1939 track team, Big Ten champions, have been selected for European trips this summer under the auspices of the AAU. The two are Bill Watson, 1939 c'ap- tain, and Ralph Schwarzkopf, 1940 captain-elect. Watson, who finished his Big Ten career with an all-time record of 49 points in three outdoor champion- ships together with Irecordsin the shot put and discus, placed second in the shot put and broad jump at the National AAU meet to win a trip abroad for the second time. He ;as a member of the European squad last year. Schwarzkopf finished second to Greg Rice of Notre Dame in a record- breaking 5000 meters race at the Na- tional AAU meet after running be- hind Rice in the National Coliegiare two-mile as a collegiate record was set there, to win his berth. Anti-War Pictures To Be Shown Here ances iro he voiu of its su The further, ho missal of s had been: five consect nouncement ton, WPA c at 1 National WPA at the new act must rictly was evidenced r, by continued dis- g WPA workers who .t from the job for days, and by an an- n Col. F. C. Harring- issioner, that 300,000 d from the rolls by Score Injured Outbreak S, July 14.--(P)-Day ering around a local oject, brought death ries to nearly a score and children and re- ncement tonight by dministrator Linus 11 WPA work in Min- e closed indefinitely. us outbreak occurred m. when 100 women, late day shift, were ty amid gunfire, tear sions and brick and MINN SPA : one mer lted olis escorted gas borr rock thn The fi day shift injuries Shortly' were es other mi Perplexities Of Indian Tongues Amaze Even Veteran Linguists st violence when the first went on duty broughtslight a policeman and a picket. ter noon when 120 women rted from the place, four or casualties occurred. Dr. Philippson To. Be Speaker Conference To Hear Talk By German Professor Third in a series of lectures spon- sored by the Graduate Conference on Renaissance Studies, a talk on "Der Ackermann aus Boehmen" will be given at 4 p.m. Monday in the amphi- theatre of the Rackham School by Prof. Ernst A. Philippson of the Ger- man department.' Although his title is German, Pro- fessor Philippson's talk will be given in English, contrary to prevalent ru- mors. "Der Ackermann aus Boeh- men" is a book in the form of a prose Even scholarly linguists stared with amazement as Prof. Leonard Bloomfield, chairman of the depart- ment of linguistics at the University of Chicago, last night revealed in a Linguistic Institute lecture the ex- traordinary complexities of the in- flectional system of the Algonkian languageshe has been studying for several years. With brief excursions to point out what he thinks are the original forms in the hypothetical parent language he is endeavoring to reconstruct, Professor Bloomfield used numerous examples from various existing Al- gonkian languagjes, especially Fox, to show the intricate patterns of the two Algonkian principal parts of speech, the noun and the verb. Even the children of ancient Rome or Athens, who had to learn to speak their fairly complex Latin or Greek, had a pretty easy time compared with the task faced by a Fox papoose who begins to learn the language of his people. to show whether the thing or person. named is immediate or not, and only one noun in a sentence can have the immediate or proximate ending. Then there are forms for the vocative, for what might be called an ablative, for a word used as prior member of a compound, and for one used as sec- ond member of a compound. The noun doesn't really look com- plicated, though, said Dr. Bloom- field, until you realize that there are. also prefixes to show whether the speaker or the listener or some third person stands in a possessive rela- tionship to the thing named. "Oki- mawa" means chief, but "neto- kimama" means my chief. If the possessor is plural, complications in- crease with the additional of a plu- ralizing"infix. "Neto-kimamenanaki" means our chiefs. Professor Bloomfield, before devot- ing the last half of his lecture to the greater and even more deeply in- volved intricacies of the verbal sys- tem, stopped to explode a common Andrewes' Work Aided Search To Reveal Cause Of Influei Much of the knowledge of influenza malady was provided by the a possessed by the medical profession ance of a new disease among today is due to the work of Dr. C. H. The cause of this new disea Andrewes of the Medical Research determined by Dr. Richard E. Council of the National Institute of of the Rockefeller Institute fo Medical 'Research in England, who ical Research at Princeton, N will speak here at 5 p.m. Tuesday in cording to his discovery, swine the Lecture Hall of the Rackham enza was the result of the con Building. action of two agents: a bac The first generally accepted view similar to that found in thel of the cause of influenza, according disease, and a filter-passing to Prof. Malcolm H. Soule of the of which the latter was by I medical school, was formulated in more important. 1892 by the German bacteriologist With a possible analogyt Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer discovered a small swine disease in mind, An Gram-negative bacterium which could working with Laidlaw and be isolated from the sputum and took advantage of an outbreak lunas of influenza patients, and con- fluenza in London in 1933. an I nza appear- gswine fTuenza. se was Shope r Med-. .J. Ac- e influ- mbined cterium human virus, far the to the drewes, Smith, of in- id tried