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July 14, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-07-14

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hTEML OVI NMp.,,1.,.1
ed and managed by students of the University of
an uinder the authority of the Board in Control of
at Publications.
ished every morning except Monday during the
sity year and Sumrn Session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
r republication of all news dispatches credited to'
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
of republication of all other matters herein also
red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
lclass mail matter.
criptions during regular school year by carrier,
by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39
Editorial Staff

,rt D. Mitchell
M. Swinton
-1 Q. Norberg
N. Canavan
y M. Kelsey
G. Kessler
olin E. Long
7y L. Sonneborn

" {

Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

Business Staff
Philip W. Buchen........Business Manager
PJul Park. . .... . . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
I;Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only
3dOn Lahors
Troubled Waters ***
greet the National Labor Relation
Board's recent action in "liberalizing" its pro-
cedural rules in favor of employers with derisive
shouts of "reactionary," sane-minded friends of
labor will hail the move as the first practical
step toward quelling the storm of protest which
followed the administration of the Wagner Act.
The procedural change, which went into effect
yesterday, permits employers to petition the
Board for elections to determine collective bar-
gaining represetatives when caught in the in-
ternecine warfare of rival unions.
These are troubled times on the labor front
anid unions may well look with suspicion on
efforts of the more selfish employers to rob labor
of its recent gains. Some of the latter would un-
doubtedly jump at the chance of emasculating
the Wagner Act through piecemeal amendment.
But ulterior motives stem from labor leaders
as well as employers, and, labor's ranks are
sprinkled with radical unionists who view the
entire union movement not primarily as a tool
to earn workers a fair share of what they pro-.
duce, but as a weapon of class struggle-a step-
ping stone to the proletarian victory.
Naturally such masqueraders welcome every
effort to weaken employers to the point where
profits will disappear and private enterprise
vanish. To them, a move to preserve private en-
terprise by protecting employers from unjust
restriction is naturally a move to sabotage the
labor movement-as they conceive it. Protests
against the reform in question largely hail from
this direction.
However the great majority of unionists who
are interested in their weekly pay check rather
than the coming millenium will recognize the
Board's action for just what it is--a sorely needed
guarantee against needless stoppages and bick-
ering which alike rob workers of their pay and
employers of their profits.
Previous to the reform employers caught be-
tween rival unions or battling factions of the
same union were helpless to ask the Board for
an election to determine the sole bargaining agent
of'the workers with which the Wagner Act com-
pels him to deal. Elections might be called only
at the bequest of the unions. And in such fac-
tional disputes as the UAW split where two or
more groups claimed the sole privilege of repre-
senting the workers, management recognition of
any one faction was sure to precipitate a strike
from the other. Since the employer was unable to
ask for an election, struggles and strikes dragged
on and the entire labor movement was in danger
of losing the respect of the public, not to mention
the lost wages of the workers.
The Board's reform should thus be praised for
guaranteeing workers against needless wage loss
and preserving the aura of respect founded upon
responsibility which must characterize the
American union movement if its is to function
effectively. It should likewise call attention to
the fact that the wages of labor depend upon the
profits of the employer just as much as the
profits of the employer depend upon the produc-
tivity of the worker. It should emphasize that
one can not flourish without the prosperity of
the other.
-Jack Canavan
McNutt Takes Post

On Japanese
Just as Japanese books are read in an order
which to an American is from back to front, so
the Japanese language uses helping words that
correspond to English prepositions, but puts them
after the nouns they belong with. This curious
aspect of Japanese was described at the Linguistic
Institute luncheon conference yesterday by Mr.
Joseph K. Yamagiwa of the department of Orien-
tal langauges and literature.
These "postpositions," as Mr. Yamagiwa called
these function-words, are formed upon simple
syllables that by themselves are case particles to
be used after a noun. For instance, "ga" after a
noun shows that the noun is in the subject-case,
or the nominative; "wo" after a noun shows that
the noun is the object of an action; "ni", equiva-
lent to the English "to," shows the noun has a
dative function.
In modern ,Japanese these case-particles fre-
quently become elements of compounds, and it
is these compounds which serve as postpositions.
One class, for example, is composed of three
elements-the particle "no" plus a noun indicat-
ing time or place plus one of the particles "ni,"
e", or "de." There are three similar classes.
Although such a combination may be used
with full word meaning, it i, particularly in
colloquial and informal Japanese, more frequent-
ly used as a postposition, said Mr. Yamagiwa.
Thus the compound postposition "ni taishite "
occuring after a noun, means "towards" or
.against." Some statistics revealing the propor-
tionate use of these combinations as postpositions
were presented by Mr. Yamagiwa as a result of
his study of Japanese newspapers.
Checking State Barriers
The wave of interstate business barriers that
has threatened of late years to engulf the Ameri-
can ecenomy and submerge the American stan-
dard of living is receding. That good piece of
news was reported the other day by the United
States Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
What makes this report particularly hearten-
ing, however, is that these damaging restrictions
(quarantine regulations, licenses, ports of entry,
taxes) are being eliminated-very slowly-the
hard way.
States face the choice in reversing this trend
toward the "Balkanization of the United States"
between individual state initiative on a coopera-
tive basis and Federal legislation. The first way
is the harder, for it calls for a practical applica-
tion of the Golden Rule-states doing unto other
states as they would be done by. It runs counter
to immediate local self-interest, to powerful lob-
bies, to backroom politics.
Perhaps the feeling of imminent Federal legis-
lation, should the states not reverse the trend,
played its part in hastening the legislative action
in several states. Nevertheless, the states did not
wait for such prompting from Washington.
In the accumlation of these business barriers
between states, retaliation played a part. States
whose products were discriminated against re-
taliated in kind. There was something of a vicious
circle in the way the barriers accumulated. Now
that a few of the barriers are being dissolved,
might not that tendency to retaliate be turned
about to work for freer trade in the returning
of good for good? In a field in which example
plays such a great part, an opening of markets
by one state might well set off a series of similar
actions by other states.
According to the Bureau's report, more than
a dozen states rejected interstate trade barrier
bills this year. Others lowered existing barriers.
Only two states were reported as setting up new
barriers; Maine forbade importation of "cull"
apples and Wyoming required labeling of "out-
of-state" eggs. The year's balance was on the
side of freer interstate trade.
The number of state laws that must be re-
pealed if all interstate business barriers are to
be eliminated, however, is still well in the hun-
dreds. There is much yet to be done by state legis-
latures. If the trend does prove to have been
turned, there is a great accumulation of dis-
criminatory statutes to be corrected. Constant

vigilance, continual publicity, and cordial co-
operation of all interested parties and persons
are necessary if next year is to see more business
barriers dissolved.
-Christian Science Monitor
Vandenberg-For-President Club
Offices of a "Vandenberg-for-President Club"
have been opened in Chicago by three Chicago
Incorporators of the Vandenberg Club are John
A. Ricker, I. Roy Ross and Sherman Henry Canty.
Ricker said none of the three had been active
previously in Republican politics.

Those Summer Session students who teach
school during the remainder of the year will best
appreciate this item . . twenty-four years ago
a Detroit school teacher had a fourth grade class
. . . in it was a particularly likeable youngster
to whom she devoted special attention . . . later
she quit the teaching profession, married a Uni-
versity of Michigan faculty man and moved out
here . . . last week she got a letter from the
youngster of 24 years ago . . . he's now 37 years
old . . . and chanced to hear his former teacher's
address . . . the former school teacher was near
tears when she told the story . . . for the letter
said "it's almost a quarter of a century ago but
I still remember you as the swellest teacher I
ever had."
That reminds of an incident which took place
during tag day. By way of explanation, let it be
known that three years ago I decided to take
to the healthy, outdoor life for a summer and be-
came a counsellor at the University Fresh Air
Camp, assigned to the waterfront. Along with
Bill Morgenroth, I taught swimming and lounged
on the dock, showing a considerably greater
ability for the lounging. During the tag day a
scrawny youngster of 13 summers, blond hair
disheveled and garments hanging to his lean
body, suddenly came up to me.
"You're the fellow who taught me how to
swim!" he said. And then he proceeded to give
me the latest dope on the camp and invite me
to visit his cabin if I ever came out.
I was so pleased the kid remembered the inci-
dent that for the next half-hour I concentrated
on making one of those value-judgments Profes-
sor Fuller talks about. Then I remembered the
number of mosquitoes at summer camps, decided
I'd best remain the nervous, indoor type after
all, and ordered a cup of black coffee after dis-
carding the idea of giving the red corpuscles a
break with a glass of milk. But you still may
hearkof Swinton the Camper somebody.
* * *
It was approximately seven years ago that the
powers that be decided to make attendance at
Summer School mandatory for a worker on the
Summer Daily. The city editor of that year
didn't like the idea at all, spent most of his time
grousing about it in fact. Then one day he came
into the office with a smile as broad as a Siberian
"What you'so happy about?" someone queried.
"I finally got even with the University. They
made me take Summer School but things are
even now."
"How come?"
"On the registration card I put my parents
address as Monte Carlo, Monaco. They'll have to
use a five cent stamp instead of a three-cent one
to mail out the grades!"
The fellow who said that, incidently, was Gur-
ney Williams. If the name doesn't strike a
familiar note, suffice to say he's one of the
country's best known humorists now, contributor
to the Saturday Evening Post, College Humor,
New Yorker and the rest. And if you still don't
recall the name look at his article in this week's
Colliers . . .
Real Reading
Mr. Arundell Esdale, presiding at the British
Library Association conference at Liverpool, con-
trasted "real reading" with "inert and credulous
absorption of whatever passes through the eye. "
Mr. Esdaile was alluding especially to imaginative
literature. He deprecated the idea that "real
reading" was "purely for the acquisition of knowl-
edge or of correct opinions."
The books that are read for pure recreation
are assuredly not the least important of our read-
ing. It is not to the discredit of a book that we
choose it for its own sake, and not for the ulterior
end of making ourselves better informed or wiser.
The pleasures of the imagination, the pleasure of

light laughter, the pleasure which we may get,
say, from P. G. Wodehouse (on whom Oxford
University has' recently conferred an honorary
degree) have their place, and indeed, as Mr. Es-
daile said, makes us richer in the "understanding
The good ,librarian, no doubt, will pay great
attention to the quality of the natural scientific
historical, philosophical, sociological and other
didactic works which he brings into his stock, but
his responsibility is not less-perhaps it is more
-when he is acquiring novels, plays, poetry,
imaginative essays, and those other books which
readers want for their holidays, for moments of
supposed idleness.
Christian Science Monitor

Publication in the Bulletin is con-
structive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office
of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.I
The Teaching Division of the Bu-1
reau of Appointments has received
calls for the following positions:
(1) recent young women gradu-.
(a) General Science and physiol-
ogy-Ellenico (near Athens) Greece.
(b) English and history-Natal,
South Africa.
(c) Chemistry-Smyrna, Turkey.
(2)Single men with at least a mas-
ter's degree:
(a) English-University in China.
(b) English, German and French-
University in China.
Candidates meeting these qualifi-
cations who are interested, please re-.
port to the Bureau at once. 201 Ma-
son Hall. Office hours: 9-12 a.m.,
2-4 p.m.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Miss H. Louise Cottrell of the Cen-
ter for Safety Education, New York
University, will be at our University
today. She will give the fol-
lowing lectures: 8 a.m., "The
Place of Safety Education in the
Curriculum," Elementary School Au-
ditorium; 10 a.m., "Some Research
Problems in Safety Education," 3011
UHS; 11 a.m., "Methods and Materi-
als in Teaching Safety Education,"
1422 UES. All those who are in-
terested are cordially invited to at-
tend these talks.
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.'
James Stark Koehler will be held to-
day at 2 p.m. in the East Council
Room, Rackham Building. Mr.
Koehler's field of specialization is
Physics. The title of his thesis is
"Hindered Rotation in Methyl Alco-
Professor D. M. Dennison as chair-
man of the committee will conduct
the examination. By direction of the
Executive Board, the chairman has
the privilege of inviting members of
the faculty and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and to grant permission to others who
might wish to be present. C. S. Yoa-
Excursion No. 6, Niagara Falls and
Vicinity. Two and one-half day trip.
A member of the Department of Ge-
ology will accompany the group as
lecturer. Round trip by boat and
special bus. The approximate ex-
pense of 18 dollars will cover every-
thing, including incidentals.
Tickets at the special reduced rate
may be secured at the bus this af-
ternoon at 3:30 p.m. The trip ends
earlyMonday morning, July 17, Ann
International Center Chinese Lan-
guage Tea. There will be a Chinese
language tea from 4 to 6 this after-
noon under the direction of Mr. Rob-
ert W. Clark.
The purpose of these teas is to
provide students in the Institutes of
Far Eastern Studies and of Latin-
American Studies an opportunity for
conversation in the languages they
are studying. Students at the Center
whose native languages are repe.--
sented are cooperating in the project.
Members of the Faculty or student
not enrolled in the language classes,
who may happen to have a speaking
knowledge of any of the languagcs
are cordially invited to attend the
There will be recordings of Latin-
American music rendered through

the sound reproduction equipment of
the Rackham Auditorium from 4:45
to 5 p.m. today, just preced-
ing the lecture on "Musical Ac-
tivities in Latin America" by Dr,
William C. Berrien.
Lecture, "Musical Activities in Lat-
in-America," Professor William C.
Berriend, University of California.
This lecture will be given at 5 p.m. in
the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Watermelon Cut. Students and fac-
ulty from the following states are in-
cluded in the invitation to the wa-
termelon cut to be held tonight at
7:30 in the League Garden:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Cal-
ifornia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,


750 KC - CBS 920 KC- NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator
12:15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter
12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Black and white
12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Songs
1:00 Ed McConnell Merle Clark Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel
1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Tyson Interview Grimm's Daughter word Dramas
1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Music
1:45 Girl Marries Gardener Betty Crocker Muse and Music
2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Band Quiet Sanctuary
2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins
2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young toMel and Jane
2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light Book Ends Musicale
3:00 Minuet N.Y. at Detroit Club Matinee News Commentator
3:15 U. of M. Program toModds in Music
3:30 .toSongs
3:45 Duncan Moore News Red Norvo
4:00 Binghamton Choir " Police Field Day Jamboree
4:15 Melody, Rhythm Bruce Becker "
4:30 Affairs of Anthony "
4:45 Alice Blair Bob Armstrong
5:00 Miss Julia Democracy Hollywood Hilights Muted Music
5:15 Eton Boys Malcolm Claire Stuff Smith Orch Turf Reporter
5:30 P.G.A. Summary Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores
5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News
Friday Evening
6:00 News Tyson Review Hal Kemp Stop and Go
6:15 Inside Sports Bradcast
6:30 Calling All Cars Midstream Lone Ranger Fintex Sportlight
6:45 " George Krehbiel Jimmie Allen
7:00 Western Skies Cities Service Universal Music Washington News
7:15 ""Factfinder Acadian Serenade
7:30 Johnny Presents " Don't Forget Symphony
7:45 '' '
8:00 99 Men and Girl Waltz Time Plantation Party Musical varieties
8:30 First Nighter Death Valley Harry Horlick Jamboree
8:45 "oItI
9:00 Grand Central Lady Esther To be announced Dance Music
9:15of"o Detective O'Malley
9:30 Ripley Radio Extra Horace Heidt Congress Review
9:45" " "
10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Graystone Police Field Day
10:15 Parker Family Vie and Sadeto$
10:30 Sports Fred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doc Sunshine
10:45 Cab Calloway " Enric Madriguera
11:00 News News Larry Clinton Reporter
11:15 Beach Comber Dance Music Music
11:30 isEastwood Erskine Hawkins "
11:45 Harry Owens "
12:00 Sign Off Westwood Sign Off Bill McCune


Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary-
and, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mex-
co, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South
;arolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
West Virginia.
So far as we know, these are the
Southern States, with the exception
)f California, represented by students
on the campus. Students and faculty
from any state which we may have
unknowingly omitted are also invit-
ed. There is no admission charge.
Linguistic Instituite Lecture: Pro-
fessor Leonard Bloomfield will speak
on "Algonquian Inflections" at 7:30
p.m. this evening, in the Amphithe-
atre. (third floor) of the Rackham
Concert. Martha Bailey, pianist,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, this eve-
ning at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of
Music Auditorium. The public is
The Two Gentlemen of Verona by
William Shakespeare is being pre-
sented tonight by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players in conjunction with
the Chamber Orchestra of the School
of Music, at. 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Saturday's Record Concert will'be
held in the Men's Lounge of the
Rackham Building at 3 p.m., and ad-
ditional seating room has been ar-
ranged. The program is as follows;
Suite Number Three, Bach, Adolph
Busch Chamber Players; Excerpts
from Die Valkyrie, Wagner, Lawrence
Tibbett and the Philadelphia Orches-
tra; Symphony Number Five, Beetho-
ven, London Symphony Orchestra.
The records are being , provided by
Howard Hoving and J. W. Peters.
Graduate Outing Club will have a
picnic, including sWyimming, baseball,
and hiking, on Sunday, July 16, at
Clear Lake County Park, about 25:
miles from Ann Arbor. The group
will meet at 2:30 p.m. at the north-
west entrance of the Rackham Bldg.
All graduate students and faculty
members are cordially invited. Charge
40c. Transportation will be by cars,
and all those with cars are urged to
bring them. Drivers will be recom-
pensed for their expense. There will
be a meeting regardless of the weath-
Graduate Commercial Club. There
will be a tea Monday, July 17, at
4:15 p.m. in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Henry Beaumont of the University
of Kentucky will speak informally.
Mail is being held in the Summer

Session office, 1213 Angell Hall, for
the following:
Leslie Boldrey
Walter Coulles
Sinesio Docdor
H. A. Fawler
Richard Heidner
Arthur Hocket
John Hollen
Hubert Holloway
Samuel Jacobs
Anatole Kopp
Paul S. Lane
George Luke
James MacDonald
R. K. Merton
Robert Mohlanan
Seymour Morrison
Harold Porkel
Eliver A. Schroeder
J. F. Shronts
Horace S. Telford
H. M. Tieter
Burgess Vine
Donald Courtney Wingo
James H. Zant
Michigan Graduates
Do Library Work
In Far A way Lands
Thirteen students who received de-
grees in library science from 1927 to
1938 are now doing library work in
foreign countries, according to statis-
tics in a recent issue of Alumni Notes
of the Department of ibrary Science.
Two of these are working in New
Zealand, one in Italy, one in Switzer-
land, one in Australia and seven in
Of the 514 who received degrees
during this period, ,399 are employed
in library or similar work, 5 in ad-
vanced study or travel, 96 are retired
from library work, 8 are deceased and
6 are unemployed, the report states.
The majority of those in the United
States are working in the East North
Central portion.
Investigation Ordered
HARLAN, Ky., July 13.-(/P)-Fed-
eral investigation was ordered today
in "bloody Harlan" county's newest
outbreak of coal field violence.




Ends Today

Today's Events
Excursion to Royal Ontario Museum of Archeology.
8:00 a.m. "The Place of Safety Education," by Miss H. Louis Cottrell of New
York University (Elementary School Auditorium).
9:00 a.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg, University of Saskat-
ewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building).
10:00 asm. "Research Problems in Safety Education," by Miss H. Louis Cot-
trell (Room 3011, University High School).
11:00 a.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi, Columbia University (Am-
phitheatre, Rackham Building).
"Methods in Safety Education," by Miss H. Louis Cottrell, (Room
1422 University Elementary School).
11:10 a.m. "A Visit To Delphi," illustrated Latin Institute lecture by Dr. Roger'\
A. Pack (Room 2003 Angell Hall).
3:30 p.m. Excursion to Niagara Falls for two and one-half days. Round trip
by boat and bus.
5:00 p.m. "Musical Activities in Latin America," by Prof. William C. Berrien,


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