THE MICHIGAN DAILY TM SDAY -erary To Win A ft er Monetary Bill Was Passed opwood Prize ts - Eligible n Awards Contest ling literary works Session will receive s, totaling $500, in s of drama, poetry, e gifts is the late playwright, '05, who of his estate to his order that creative ed at the University. olled student in the iglish Literature and z the department of compete in the con- Annual Camp Tag Day Drive, Is Tomorrow' (Continued from age 1) - ures, the camp's operation budget or 1939 amounts to $12,775-with ood taking by far the greatest por- ion of that. The physical camp is used during he entire year. OutsLanding boys are nvited there for a brief "Rendezvous" ust before they begin their fresh- man year at the University. At the aendezvous, which is something of a campus tradition, they meet ad- ministrative offici'als and professors; learn Varsity songs and .generally be- "ome acquainted with the institution at which they will spend the next four years. This winter the camp will also be open for use by student groups. A new health cottage built on a hill halfway between Patterson and Bass Lakes is being constructed especially for cold weather use and other ac- commodations will also be made for hardy collegians who like to ice skate or tramp in snowy woods. But that's next winter. What's on the mind of camp officials now is to- morrow's tag day-which may make or break a multitude of children's chances for a vacation away from the city's summer heat. Chinese Expert' Reveals Plans Of Ontario Trip Final plans for the trip to study Chinese collections at the Royal On- tario Museum of Archaeology Friday through Sunday have been announced by Mr. James Plumer, lecturer on Far Eastern Art. Groups will leave at hours to be arranged in private cars from the Museums Building. No public lous will be hired. A special excursion fare has been announced by the Canadian Pacific Railway, and those going by train will be expected to make their own private arrangements. I' Addresses of recommended tourist homes near the Museum may be ob- tained by applying on arrival to the Traveler's Aid Society, Union Sta- tion, Torcnto. Mr. Plumer will be on hand at the Museum in Toronto from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.. Anyone interested in Chinese arch- aeology who has a car with room for other passengers is asked to notify Mr. Plumer immediately at 4018 Museums Building.' Try A DAILY Classified Yugo-lavian Minister Panofsky Tells Of Renaissance Art - Theoretics (Continued from Page 4) Marsilio Ficino, Professor Panofsky emphasized thefact that there is practically no trace of the Platonic movement in teh art-theories of Al- berti, DaVinci or their immediate fol- lowers and attributed this to the lack of encouragement in the neo-Platonic ideas for the theory of these Renais- sance artists that art is a science. A later Renaissance art movement which Professor Panofsky treated was that of the art historians, Durer, Vasari and others. He pointed out. that while Durer's collection of art works and data was largely personal and unsystematic, Vasari's, on the other hand, was systematic and his- tori al. "It is a less well-known fact," he stated, "that the historical system to which we still adhere was chiefly evolved at the desks of Renaissance art-theoreticians who had turned in- to art-historians." It was Vasari, he said, who first suggested the practice, and Cinelli, a later art-historian, who coined the phrase, "historical justice," the judg- ment of a work of art according to the period during which it was pro- duced. Try, A Want-Ad My Lad lay on of the con- nearly $10,000 ti away by the Balkan interests in the "power politics" being played by Euro- pean statesmen are watched by. Ivan Soubbovitch (above), new Yugo-Slavian mihister in London. Old-Time Auto Racer Dies PHILADELPHIA, July 10. -(P)- Louis Disbrow, 62,, old-time auto raper who competed against Barney Old- field and Ralph de Palma in the days when 'the drivers sat in bucket seats and streamlining was unheard of, died at his Philadelphia home last night of uremic poisoning. stimulate literary versity offers courses iposition, so arranged ent who is properly work under s'pecial semester of his col- additional aid to those, the Hopwood Room, g library, book reviews, s and current maga- d at their disposal, concerning the Hop- ay be obtained by ad- Z W. Cowden, Director d Award, 3227 Angell Soarers Win t National Meet , to The Daily) Y, July 10.-Students ty of Michigan Glider k honors in the Tenth ig Meet here by win- ter offered by the Air e. . ce, '39Ed, president of Glider Club, was pilots compiling points Egan pilots receiving le Maxey, Detroit: Ly- i, Ypsilanti; Randall roit; William H. Put- and John Novak, De, The hard-'faught administration monetary bill enabling the treasury to resume silver purchases and continuing President Roosevelt's power to devalue the dollar, started on its way to the White House after Vice- President Garner affixed his signature. Looking over Garner's shoulder is Senator Alben Barkley, of Kentucky, Senate majority leader. Mental Hyiene Students Visit Girls' raining School At Adrian I 260 Girls Cook Meals; Ages Vary From Ten To Peak Of Seventeen Investigation of the operation of a state correction institute was the pur- pose of a trip undertaken last Friday afternoon to the Girls Training School in 'Adrian by 42 Summer Ses- sion students interested in the mental hygiene of the adolescent. The trip was under the supervision of Miss Rosalind G. May. The Institute houses about 260 girls between the ages of 10 and 17 who have been committed there by the Juvenile Courts. The girls, whose average age is 15, attend classes for half a. day, 11 months of the year, while the rest of the day is spent learning such practical work as sew- ing, cooking, laundry work and art. Housing for the girls is organized under the cottage platn. The girls mad cook their own meals under the supervision of a cooking teacher, and each girl is provided with a private room. The physical plant of the school includes an athletic building and a swimming pool and a laurndry for the needs of the school. Teachers of long experience are chosen for the staff, which also contains two resi- dent nurses and a physician who vis- its the school five days a week. In addition, the Neuropsychiatric Clinic of the University Hospital is available for cases referred there by the school. Church Landmark Burns ARMADA-(AP)-Fire Monday de.. stroyed the old Congrega 'onal church, and 82-year-old landmark here. In recent years the building housed a machine shop. There Is Safety in Numbers like, f! of VAN BOVEN'S BETTER MEN'S WEAR SUITS . . " . .,." ."." . . . . No w 29.00 Formerly values $45.00 and $5 5.00 I This group includes a special lot from our regular stock of tropical worsteds, shetlands, flannels and worsted suitings, sizes 36 to 42. Regulars, longs and cadets. SPORTCOATS. . . . Now $*.95 -1M.95 $14.95 These coats are from our' regular stock and represent broken lots that formerly sold up to $25.00. Regulars, longs and cadets. Size 35 to 42 ,are included in this group. I SLACKS . . .00 Now . . 0 . . 0 .0 uI Just a few pairs that formerly sold from $8.50 to $15.00. Sizes are broken, so if you are in need of a fine pair of trousers, hurry! SPECIAL....DOBBS HATS....X3.95 The hats in this group represent broken lots and are priced for quick clearance. They are smart in style and high in quality as they formerly sold for $5.00 and $7.50. For Correct Cleaning of Sumnmer Flannels, Slacks, Palm Beach, Tropicals call GREENE'S Drycleaners 516 East Liberty - opposite Michigan Theatre Bldg. FREE DELIVERY II III I SHOES Men's Sport Oxfords . Now $4.85 Former values to $8.50.1 Ladies' Summer Fdrmer values $6.75 Sport Styles to $8.75. . . A few pair of Arnold Authentics. Former value $10.95. SPECIAL FOR BARGAIN DAY BROKEN LOTS of Men's and Ladies' footwear sold up to $8.50 a pair . . . . . . . . and .85 S$4*85 Now $6.85 that originally NOW $2.85 Special lot of summer belts . . 1/2 price White Flannel Trousers . . 20% Discount Cashmere & Shetland Sweaters . 20% Discount . It t r 7 1 9 T A -r III All c,.1 Y ..+.. 1 .y . y II Al 'ti rAQPT All . Cilac 14lN4l I1 II