TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1939
Theodore Roosevelt Being Carved On Mount Rushmore
Ambassador Steinhardt Leaves
On Delicate Russian Mission
Soviet-American Relations $69,691,000 in 1938, an increase of 02
May Have Tremendous per cent over 1937. American im-
ports from Russia were down to $24,-
Influence On Far East 064,000, a decrease of 22 per cert.
The new agreement will probably
WASHINGTON, July 10.-()- continue the $40,000,000 minimum,
United States Ambassador Laurence j although in practice this is likely to
A. Steinhardt sails'Wednesday for his be exceeded, as it has been in the
new post at Moscow at a moment last several years. Soviet purchases
when Soviet-American relations may consist largely of machinery for mak-
have a far-reaching effect in both ing military equipment, and it is not
Europe and the Far East. known how long this demand will
The diplomat, recently appointed continue.
to the position which had been va- The question of Soviet debts to the
cant more than a year, will find United States-$700,000,000- is like-
that Russia today is one of the cen- ly to remain in abeyance for some
ters of world attention because: time to come, as is the question of
In Europe she is being courted by American credits to Russia. The- mis-
Chamberlain to join in an alliance understanding that arose after the
that may have the historic $n,or- Roosevelt-Litvinoff 'agreement in '33
tance of the old Triple Entente, and as to whether the American admin-
In Asia she is openly fighting Ja- istration had promised to make So-
pan on land and in the air along viet Russia a loan or merely to ex-
the Mongolian frontier. tend commercial credits has not yet
On to neither of these stages can been cleared up.
the United States climb-at least The activities of the Communist
openly. But American officials are International abroad form another
keenly interested in the role Russia quiescent problem. Maxim Lit /in-
will play on both, and their desires off promised President Roosevelt
are already manifest. that such activities would not be
They want Russia to go in with carried on on American soil. Com-
Britain in the Stop-Hitler move- munist proselytizing is conducted in
ment; and they would like to see her America but it is difficult to prove
weaken Japan's efforts in China, byany direct connection with Moscow.
diverting Nipponese attention to the Unless some flagrant examples arise,
Mongolian border. The White House with definite proof, Steinhardt is not
and State Department will want to likely to bring up. the subject.
know from Steinhardt, in detail,
every move contemplated or made by
the Soviets. Woody Malloy Leads In
Steinhardt, who was Minister to Metropolitan Golf Meet
Sweden and Ambassador to Peru, will
encounter only a few problems of Woody Malloy, former University
Russo-American relations on his ar- of Michigan golfer, lead the field to-
rival ,in Moscow day as the Metropolitan Open Ama-
By the time he gets there a new teur Golf Championship reached the
trade agreement between the two. half-way mark. Malloy shot 74-75 for
countries is expected to be nearly the first 36 holes of the medal play
ready for signature. Russia will event for a 149 total that was one
agree to purchase at least $40,000,- stroke better than any other player's.
On the lofty brow of South Dakota's 6,200-foot Mount Rushmore, a fourth face, that of President Theodore
Roosevelt, has made its appearance, joining those of Washington, Jefferson (second from left) and Lincoln
(right). The faces are being carved in the granite by Sculptor Gutzon Borglum,; who started monument in
August, 1927.
First Latin-American
LanguageTea Is Held
First of a series of Latin-Amerian
language teas will be held from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. today at the International
Center, 603 E. Madison Street.
Under the general direction of Prof.
Preston James, Director of the In-
stitute of Latin-American Studies,
the tea will give students in the
Spanish and Portuguese language
classes a chance to meet students of
those nationalities who are k. the
University for the Summer ;S ssion
and converse with them in their na-
tive tongue.
Who Says No. 13 Is Unlucky?
Not Camp Davis' Laine Jamaican
CAMP DAVIS, Jackson, Wyo., July
11.-A tall red-headed Jamaican
walked into the Camp Davis mess
hall Thursday and announced thatl
he was the person whose arrival had
been feared since the beginning of
the Summer Session.
He was, in fact, the thirteenth en-
gineer--in the person of Harold L.
Edwards, of Kingston, Jamaica The
Lecture, "Who Are the Enemies of
Education?" by Mentor L. Williams,
Assistant Professor of English. This
lecture will be given today in the
University High School Auditorium
at 4:05 p.m.
Lecture: "The University of Michi-
gan's Excavation of Seleucia-on-the-
Tigris." (Illustrated). This lecture
will be given today by Professor Clark
Hopkins in the Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building at 5 p m.
Graduate Commercial Club: There
will be a picnic at Loch Alpine to-
d~ay at 5 o'clock. Meet at
the University High School steps.
Transportation and food will be ,ro-
vided. Please get tickets from How-
ard Loomis, Donald MacDonald,
Noble Hanson, Jean Brown, or Law-
rence Winters.
German Club:
There will be a picnic for all stu-
dents of German and members of the
Deutscher Verein today. Meet at
Deutsches Haus, 1315 Hill St., at 5:30
To members of the Verein, free, to
non-members, 50 cents. Reservations
may be made with your instructor or
with Miss Shaben, Secretary Ger-
man Department, 204 U.H. by Tues-
day morning at the latest.
Beginners' Class in Social Dancing.
in the Michigan League Ballroom at
1:30 p.m. this evening.
Duplicate Bridge at the Michigan
League at 7:30 p.m. this evening.
Faculty Concert. Professor Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, will provide an
interesting program of piano music,
complimentary to the general public,
this evening at 8:30 o'clock in Hill
Auditorium, in the 'first concert of
the Summer Faculty Series
All foreign students expecting to
go on the excursion to Niagara Falls,
July -14-17 should leave their pass-
ports with Professor J. Raleigh Nel-
son, International Center, 603 E.
Madison Street by today in order
that permission may be obtained for
the trip through Canada.
Interviews will be held immediately
for summer {memberships for Michi-
gan Socialist House, student co-op
house at 335 E. Ann St.
Michigan Dames: The second in
the weekly series of bridge parties for
wives of students and internes will
be held at the Michigan League, Wed-
nesday, July 12, at 2 p.m.
Tea for Faculty Wives and Women
(Continued on Page 4)
superstitious had breathed a sigh of
relief, when on June 19 a count
showed only 12 surveyors instead of
the fatal 13. Their relief was short-
lived, however, for Director Harry
Bouchard soon made it known that
Edwards would arrive late because
of the unusually long distance it was
necessary for him to travel.
Edwards, who is in the survey de-
partment of the Jamaican govern-
ment, has already dispelled the
doubts of the superstitious as he has
begun his work as unconcernedly as
a fourteenth or fifteenth engineer
would. As a matter of fact, since
Edwards is here primarily to do spe-
cial work in practical astronomy and
triangulation, he has been reclassi-
fied as an astronomer in order to re-
store peace of mind.
Edwards, whose selection of a
school site so far-removed from his
home is surprising, thinks Camp
Davis the logical place to continue
his studies. "London," he said, "was
too far away and not particularly in-
viting at this time, so the States was
the only place. And the curricula
offered at this camp was the best
foi my needs, so here I am."
New York is the only city in the
United States that Edwards had vis-
ited previous to his journey here, but
the west has already gained another
admirer. "It's the only place I've ever
been where I've found a person who
wouldn't take a tip."
Try A DAILY Classified
Special Menus and Private Rooms
for Parties or Groups at
417 E. Huron St. Free Parking
000 worth of American goods in 1939-
40, and, on that condition, she will
be given the benefits of the tariff re- OR ENtAL RUGS
ductions accorded to other nations in 25% Discount on all choije pieces
trade pacts. (The Soviet pledge to buy Expert Cleaning and Repairing
$40,000,000 is similar to a promise N. L. Man ouni
made in an existing agreement:. 334 South Fourth Ave Phone 6878
American exports to Russia were
P,: M rA
- -- - -
I -
[ " A111ElTIC
Mats. 25c
Eves 35c
You'll Be Stranded
Without That 1939 Summer
Student Directory . .
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