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July 09, 1939 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1939-07-09

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Wage Battle For Intramural Golf Championship

Races To Be

First Feature
Of Swim Meet
Intramural Competition
Will Begin Tomorrow
With 25-Yard Dash
The Intramural men's swiming
copetition will get under way at 4:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Intramural
Pool when the 25-yard free style
race will be run off.
Competition in the 25-yard back
stroke will be held at 4:30 p.m. Wed-
Swimmers tomorrow will race
against time. The winner will' re-
ceive the Intramural ribbon symbolic
of his title and will get 100 points
toward his total in the all-event com-
petition. Second place winner will
get 80 points; third, 60 points, fourth,
40 points; and fifth, 20 points.
Other events which will be held
in the all-around competition in-
clude the 25-yard breast stroke; 50-
yard free style; 50-yard back stroke;
50-yard breast stroke; 100-yard free
style; 75-yard medley; plunge for
distance and diving.
Men may enter any of the events
and may apply their points toward
the all-event championship. En-
tries in single events only will also
be accepted. The deadline for en-
tries will be the time of the race, ac-
cording to Intramural officials.
Peach Mountain Is Scene
Of Graduate Club Picnic
In the second of its weekly Sunday
meetings, the Graduate Outing Club
will hold a picnic on Peach Mountain,
16 miles west of Ann Arbor, today.
Graduate students and faculty
members who are interested are in-
vited to attend. The program will in-.
clude opportunities for swimming,
hiking and baseball. A charge of 35
cents will be made for food and trans-
The group will leave at 2:30 p.m.
from the northwest entrance of the
Rackham Building.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday.

(Continued from Page 3)
Museums Building 10-12 a.m. Thurs-
day, Friday, Saturday, or phone Mr.
Plumer's residence 3 to 5 p.m. on
the same days. All registrations
must be in by Saturday, July 8.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts:
Students whose records carry re-
ports of I or X either from last semes-
ter or (if they have not been in
residence since that time) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
July 26th.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
dressed to tthe Administrative Board
of the College, and presented in
Room 4, University Hall, before July
E. A. Walter.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Doctorate in English will be held in
3217 Angell Hall on the following
American Literature with contin-
ental backgrounds, July 26, 9-12 a.m.
English Literature,. 1700-1900, July
29, 9-12 a.m.
English Literature, 1550-1700, Aug.
2, 9-12 a.m.
English Literature, Beginnings 'to
1550, Aug. 9, 9-12 a.m.
All those who intend to take the
examination should leave their names
with Professor Nelson, 3232 Angell
Hall, 11-12, .MTWTh.
Badminton, Women Students. The
courts in Barbour Gym will be open
for play during the following hours,
except Saturday afternoons and
Sundays: 8:30 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to
4:30 p.m. A medical checkkup must

be obtained from the Health Service
before playing.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are requested to call immediate-
ly at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.,
to fill out application blanks for the
Certificate. (This notice does not
include School of Music students).
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive the
Certificate in Public Health Nurs-
ing at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion must make application at the
office of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S.
Mail for Stuents, Faculty and
temporary residents at the Univer-
sity: All students and new members
of the faculty should call oc the U.S.
Post Office and make out a pink
card, "Order to Change Address,"
Form 22, if they have not already
done so. This applies also to tempor-
ary residents in Ann Arbor who may
be doing reference or research work
on the Campus.
Mail is being held in the Summer
Session office, 1213 Angell Hall, for
the following:
William D. Baten
Francis Russell von Bichowsky
Leslie Boldrey
A. B. Bronwell
Dr. Carpenter
Harland A. Carpenter
Beatrice Clark
Walter Coulles
V. W. Crause
Dave Cushing
Sinesio Docdor
H. A. Fawler

Joseph Brinkman, pianist.
8-:30 p'.m.Tuesday, Hill Auditorium
Sonata, Op 110.......Beethoven
Italian Concerto..........Bach
Florida Suite . . .........Sowerby
River Night, St. Augustine, Pines
At Sunset.
Four Piano Pices, Op. 119 .....
. . ........Brahms
Hampton, Charlotte Straus, Mildred
Northover, William Adams, Richard
Slade and George Shapiro. Sound
effects and music are under the direc-
tion of Miss Kleiner and Hares, re-
A section of George Eliot's "Silas
Marner" will be narrated and drama-
tized by the class in radio of Prof.
Richard D. T. Hollister of the speech
department for the first 15 minutes
Friday and readings from Tennyson's
poems for the next 15 minutes.
Bird Cages, Foods, Supplies
Birds Boarded. Reasonable Prices.
562 S. Seventh St. Ph. 5330

Arriving Wednesday Night!
"The Two Gentlemen of Verona"
Shakespeare's gay romantic comedy
Unusual 1 Delightful - Seldom Staged
Wednesday through Saturday at 8:30 P.M.
Prices: 35c - 50c - 75c
With Chamber Orchestra
Phone 6300





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nly a Few eft...
THE 1939 SUMMER STUDENT DIRECTORY carries the names of all registered
students in the Summer Session with their Ann Arbor addresses, phone numbers,
home towns, and the schools in which they are enrolled, as well as the names and
addresses of the summer faculty. Here is your chance to see if your old room-
mate or that fellow that sat next to you last year is in school this summer. You
will be able to locate all persons enrolled in the Summer Session, and won't have
to remember phone numbers, when you use ,the Summer Student Directory.
You Can Buy Your Copy at...
m 1~ < F1 01S 7_ 17WWT T T *

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