F S.um Wit At Recei Club tea to 5:30 sembly ing will presiden Louis A and Mr Thet wives o Session being pl dack, v cooperat mick, sq Assistin Ralph *N hospital Mrs. man of sisted b The fo ssist S. O nes, rk T ti ,.F t' Field. Pitch game, p and put This of week held un da V. B Educati pose of tive spoc test will at Palm shooting termg Lie Named For DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. 4 art Copy recelved at the office of the Summer Session1 until 3:0pm;11:00 a~m. Saturday. acly Par c c c c - ner Teachers' Wives (Continued from Page 2) are studying. Students at the CenterI 1 Be Honored Guestsi .. whose native languages are rep'e.. is the only registration held durng sented are cooperating inthe proect. Tea On Wednesday the summer session, and all those semtere operaing in te t. who antpostios orwhowis toMembers of the Faculty or student ----who want positions or who wish tonoerlednthlnggecas ving for the Faculty Women's have their records on file are asked not enrolled in the language classes a which will be held from 3:30 to fill out blanks at this time. This knowledge o anytofheasang p.m. Wednesday in the As- applies to both the Teaching and are cordially invited toattend t Hall of the Rackham Baild.:- General placement divisions of thee teas. 1 be Mrs. W. B. Pillsbury, Bureau. Office hours 9-12, 2-4, 201 t of the organization, Mrs. Mason Hall. Lecture: "Pharaoh Seeks Eternal . Hopkins, Mrs. Junius Beal Universiy Bureau of Appointments Blessedness." (Illustrated) by Pro- s. Edward Kraus. and Occupational Information. fessor W. F. Edgerton, University of ea, which is being held for|' Chicago, on Monday, July 10, at 5 f members of the Summer Householders: The Latin depart- p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rack- ;aculty and their guests, s ment is holding an institute for iham Building. The public is invited Lanned by Mrs. O. S. Duffen- teachers of Latin, July 10-15. Will to attend. ice-president of the club in anyone who will have rooms to let tion with Miss Ethel McCor- for that period please communicate Professor and Mrs. Winter will give ocial director of the League. with me at my office, 2026 Angell a reception for the graduate students g Mrs. Duff endack is Mrs. Hall, (telephone Univ. Ext. 333) be-ofteDprmnsfLaiad s. Hammett, as chairman of tween the hours of 10 to 12 a.m. andGofdhe Departmentsm b rs of t lt.r-2to 4 Geean frth.emer f 7h ity. Hi'd2bran4tp.mh.) Institute for Teachers of Latin, Won- heophil Hildebrandt is chair- F. 0. Copley. day, July 10, at 8 p.m. in the Michi-' refreshments and will be as- gan League. y Mrs. Harlow J. Heneman. Professor Geo. Axtelle of the School llowing members will pour: of Education of Northwestern Uni Phi Delta Kappa luncheon Tues- B. Edmonson, Mrs. Wells versity will speak at 12:45 Monday, day noon, Michigan Union. Bob , Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum, July 10 at the Michigan League on Carson will speak on his experiences dson R. Sunderland, Mrs. the subject "Training Teachers for at Stephens College. Smith, Mrs. Ralph Aigler, Reality." See bulletin board for room y W. Cowden and Mrs. John at the League. He will eat with- Graduate Commercial Club: There 11. those interested, in the Cafeteria at will be a picnic at Loch Alpine on ants around the table will be 12. This meeting is under the aus T sday July 11, at 5 p m. Meet at tto La Porte, Mrs. Preston pices of the Federation of Teachers. the University High School stepa.' Mrs. A. D, Moore, Mrs. W. / . Transportation and food will be pro-' Trow and Mrs. A. H. Cope- Graduate Conference on Renais- vided. Please get tickets from How- sance Studies. Lecture, "The Art- ard Loomis, Don'ald MacDonald, ing Mrs. Duffendack in intro- Theory of the Renaissance" by Erwin Noble Hanson, Jean Brown, or Law- people will be Mrs. Louis M. Panofsky, Professor at the Institute rence Winters. All members of the Faculty for Advanced Study, Princeton, Mon- ._ s Executive Board will act a day, July 10, at 4p.m., in the Am- s at the tea. phitheatre of the Rackham Build- . Ger a l Club : There will be a pc- ing nic for all students of German and members of the Deutscher Verein, 1, core E sT Lecture: "Whither Higher Educ- Tuesday, July 11. Meet at Deutsches ttion in America? by Henry Beau- Haus, 1315 Hill Street at 5:30 p.m. 'itch-Putt Match. mont Associate Professor of Psycho - To members of the Verein, free, to ogy, University of Kentucky, on Mon- non-members, 50 cents. Reservations I score of 12 all wasthe result day, July 10, at 4:05 p.m., in the may be made with your instructor or with Miss Shaben, Secretay Ger- bch and putt contest held at University High School Auditorium. man Department, 204 U.H. by Tues- Friday between Toby Davis This lecture is to replace Mr. Quig- day morning at the latest a Ann McCheskey at Palmer ley's. and putt is a modified golf Iternatinal Center Language Faculty Concert. Professor Joseph t 'being the approach shot Teas: The International Center an-, Brinkman pianist, will provide an t the strokes on the green. oes the folonglnaeteas interesting program of piano music, was the second in a series fomn4 te olock, forathis complimentary to the general public, fm nk4 to 6 o'clock, for this coming Tuesday evening, July 11, at 8:30 ,y contests which are being week: ocoki ilAdtrui h der the direction of Miss Hil- Monday, July 10. Japanese Tea, O'clockoin Hill Auditorium, in the urr of the Women's Physical under the direction of Mrs. Joseph first concert of the Summer Faculty on Department, for the pur- Yamagiwa. Series. fostering interest in competi- Tuesday, July 11. Latin-American All foreign students expecting to rs ford wospm. nother con T oken iogo on the excursion to Niagara Falls, be hld a 3 ~m. extFridy wil b spoen.July 14-17 should eave their pass- ner Field and will consist of Thursday, July 13. Russian Tea, prswt rfso .Rlei gh N e four holes of golf. s under the direction of .rs. Lila Parg son, International Center, 603 E. ment. Madison Street, before Tuesday, July BUY YOUR FILMS . Friday, July 14. Chinese Tea, underi11 in order that permission may be the direction of Mr. Robert W. Clack. obtained for the trip through Can- at frhe purpose of these teas is to ada provide students in the Institutes of 'do. CH'S CAMERA SHOP Far Eastern Studies and of Latin- Nickels Arcade American Studies an opportunity for Tea for Faculty Wives and Women conversation in the languages they Faculty Members. Faculty wives and women faculty members are invited by the Summer Session and Faculty S lows Continuous Today 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 P.M Womens' Club to a tea on Wednes- day afternoon, July 12, from 330 Daily 2-4 - 7 .9 P.M. to 5:30 p.m. in the Assembly Hall 0Whrurn Tuesday of the Horace E. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, honoring wives MIGHTY DRAMA OF A MIGHTY EMPIRE! of visiting staff members and their guests. Symposium on Graduate Studies in Speech: A Symposium on Gradu- ate Studies in Speech will be held Wednesday afternoon, July 12, at 4 o'clock in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All graduate students en- rolled for advanced degrees in the I Department of Speech are required t.' to attend. All undergraduate stu- dents contemplatin advanced de- grees will find it to their distinct 'Y ..advantage to be in attendance at this meeting. G. E. Densmore. E'xcursion: Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, Toronto, Canada, to study important Chinese archaeolo- S-tur DOUGLAS ad BASIL gical collections. Party will leave Ann Arbor Friday, July 14; return (optional). Expenses: round trip IGINIA FIELD * LIONEL ATWILL*] BARBARA O'NEIL bus fare approximately $8 plus meals In Addition j and lodging (tourist rates). Those tty Boop Cartoon -I- News Of The Day interested apply to Mr. Plumer, 4018 (Continued on Page 4) A Grand Idea Vastly Improved! yQUIlCIIS ANTI-DRYING Cleansing Pads 8 NICKELS ARCADE 55# for 115 Pads S.. X. and Vanity that GOSS-AMOUR* Carries 15 (the gossamer NET) r..in a slide They Soothe and Soften fastener girdle as well as Cleanse! A complete facial right from your purse... any time ... anywhere ... on a second's notice! QUICKIES are vastly -5 0 - improved cleansing pads ... because they're saturated with a gentle new ayon satin elastic flattens .lotion that cleanses without drying the you where-you-need-it-most, skin! One QUICKIES pad does the 10 . 1-. n ~trick ... freshens ... tones the skin Plenty bitter we were about the whole thing. With Machiavellian cun- ning we'd surrounded them. With a cool and calculating mind we'd planned our approach. With terrific reportorial subtlety we engaged them in con- versation. But it was no use-they wouldn't talk. Absolutely the only authen- tic jitterbugs in the League Ballroom Friday night and we didn't get their names! But we did see a few lads and lassies interpreting the spirit of the dance with youth and vigour, despite the heat. Betty (velvet-fist-in-the-iron- glove) Johnson was among those present, and seemed to j t° e doing very nicely in spite of that cast on her broken ...g . arm. Bob Edison, pre-freshman and roughly six feet four, had a distinct advantage when it came to cutting in. If he saw something he liked at the other end of the ballroom, a coupla strides sufficed to bring her within reach. Then too, we did bump into Gabriel Fuentes-and did he show up the local yokels on the tango-and come August, he'll be heading for home in Puerto Rico, where he hasn't been in nearly three years and where tangoes grow wild. One of the Nichols boys-forget which-anyhoo, he looked like a smooth dancer-was there-and Meyer Stein and Ed Egle didn't waste much of the music. And for statistical pur- poses only, let it go on record that at precisely 10:50 p.m. Martin Peckover was called to the main desk. Phil Simpson and Bob Cowan were mostly sitting-but Pauline Potter and Lydia Parkhurst weren't. Yesterday AA looked rather deserted, on account of every available car and not a few bikes and canoes were pressed into service for picnics. A camera for taking colored movies added that Hollywood touch to one bunch who spent the day well away from the rush and roar of this great city. Some of them were Betty Baldwin, Casey Carter, Lib Allington, Bob Kahn, Stewie Lowe, Ann Gilkie, Norah Kennedy and Bob Fraser. One of our operatives reports a circumstance of some disappointment to those educators who believe that "social consciousness" is desirable in our coeds: Grouped around a friendly table at the Bell; on a recent warm evening were Barb Brehm, Jim Allen, Dick Black, Dennis Flanagan, Lib Allington and another young pretty whose name we won't * mention lest this department be sued. Trapped in one of those split second con-..:* versational shifts that can turn the most congenial table into an armed camp, young Allen found himself embattled in a poli- tical argument. Living up to his Perspectives background, he was advocating the liberal viewpoint when the aforementioned young pretty turned to him, eyes narroed, voice dripping a cold contempt said, "And I suppose you're for those nasty old laborers, to." (Friend Allen is then said to have ordered a pitcher and kept quiet for the duration.) Old Man River sure had a laugh the other night, at the expense of a star- gazing twosome who, approaching an inlet unbeknownst to them, actually stepped off the island and found themselves in a puddle up to their ears. And did their bathing suits at home ever feel silly. Marcia Connell blew into town briefly t'other day. She leaves Tuesday for that job at the Fair. Back to the League-Lagoo, as some disrespectfully address it-yester- day, among other charming people, we noticed Lee Schaeffer, Jules Becker, Dight Adams, Steve Filipiak, Kay Parsons, Dottie Luthi-in fact practically everyone-just one big happy family, if we may be allowed to coin a phrase. SClassified Directory GA i') Bet 1 I I 1 1 I U