GA~TV~AY, $IYY 8, 1939
Golf Pros Hint At Strike
Over Barring of Shute
NEW YORK, July 7. -()- The
peeve a number of leading golf pro-
fessionals have had against their
own ruling body, the Professional
Golfers' Association, led to a "strike"
threat today as most of the 120 en-
tries in the annual P.G.A. tourna-
- ment played practice rounds over
the Pomonok Country Club.
Hinting darkly that they would re-
fuse to play Sunday unless Denny
Shute is permitted to play, the pros
drew up a formal petition to the
Executive Committee asking it to re-
consider its action in barring Shute
because he failed to pay his annual
dues until two days after theadead-
LaAUND)RY, - Student's Laundry.
shirts 12c. We call for and deliver.
Phone 4863 for other prices. Mrs.
Richards. 21
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 1
607 Hoover Phone 5594
Free pickups and deliveries
Price List
All articles washed and ironed.
Ulndershirts ......... .......04
Pajama Suits.............10
Socks, pair..........03
Iandkerciefs.. ......02
Bath Towels ....... . .........03
All Work Guaranteed
Also special prices on Coed's laun-
dries. All bundles done separately.I
No markings. Silks, wools our
specialty. 9
LOST-Black change purse contain-
ing bills, on or near Tappan. Re-
ward. Call Grace Maas, 4697. 31,
VIOLA STEIN--Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work.
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 3
EXPERIENC8D typing, stenographic
service. Phone 7181 or evening 9609.
TYPING. Accurate and reasonable.
719 Tappan. Phone 3025. 28
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,"
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 24
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 32
FOR SALE-Lake farm, 253 or 345
acres, 1 mile lake and river front-
age on 12-mile chain of lakes; 75-"
acre wooded point; attractive old
homestead, fireplace, electricity,
bath, furnace, spring water. Farmed
successfully 105 years by owner's"
family. Bargain at $50 acre. Other
good farms, hunting land and lake
property for sale. Oril Ferguson,
928 Forest.' Ph. 2-2839. 30]
For Men's Sing
First Round Will Be Played Tuesday;
70 Are Entered In Competition
With an entry list of exactly 70 players, headed by J. F. Thomson, last
year's champion, competition in the men's Intramural singles tennis tour-
nament will get under way Tuesday.
Because of the number of entrants who will compete in both the singles
and doubles,tournaments, the doubles matches will not be announced until
next week, with the tournament opening about a week from Tuesday,
Intramural officials said yesterday.
Separate Intramural courts have been assigned for each of the opening
matches, most of which will be played at 4:15 p.m. or 5:15 p.m. Tuesday.
Each entrant is urged to bring some new balls, if possible, for the first
Players are asked by the Intramural department officials to report the
results of their matches at the Intramural office immediately after the
match is over. They are requested to contact their new opponents immediate-
ly and to keep the play going as quickly as possible.
Pairings are as follows (day is Tuesday unless otherwise indicated):
J. F.,Thomson (6943) vs. Gerald Middy (4121-307) 4:15 p.m., Court 19.
G. Houston, Jr. (3810) vs. W. Rowland (6437) 4:15 p.m., Court 20
R. W. Sell (2-2372) vs. E. L. Treat (4335) 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Court 1
J. G. Faustma (2-1302) vs. Arthur Hakenen (2-1559) 4:15 p.m., Court 21.
W. R..Klunzinger vs. Robert Vanderlinde (2-4489) 4:15 p.m., Court 22
Al Melov (2-2688) vs. Grant Nelson (2-2928) 4:15 p.m., Court 23
C. L. Dolph (6251) vs. C. Posada (4295) 4:15 p.m., Court 24
Robert Weisman (2-2248) vs. R. Freedman (3347) 4:15 p.m., Court 25
M. G. Roberts (6768) vs. J. R. Horner (4804) 4:15 p.m., Court 26
Robert Windsor vs. David Bohr (2-2607) 5:15 p.m., Court 1
Jay Eggert (7392) vs. Alvin Round (4738) 5:15 p.m., Court 2
Doug Jeffrey (2-3125) vs. John Marshall (3242) 5:15 p.m., Court 3
Francis Hazen (9720) vs. P. R. Brown (2-1417) 4:15 p.m., Court 1
Geo. Sharrard (2-3125) vs. Donald Currie (6768) 4:15 p.m., Court 2
Fred Weeks (2-3872) - bye
Bob Luery (3668) vs. N. Upton (6817) 3:15 p.m., Court 3
Lee Schaffer (2-2932) vs. W. B. Connolly (9311) 4:15 p.m., Court 4
R. Highberger (2-3738) vs. A. Brand, III, (2-2280) 4:15 p.m., Court 5
J. R. Lawson (6683) vs. Charles Hicks (6437) 4:15 p.m., Court 6
John Sykes (5618) vs. E. J. Scott (4837) 4:15 p.m., Court 7
Devon Smith vs. V. E. Bottom (6660) 4:15 p.m., Court 8
Ed Brower (2-3189) - bye
L. Lubersky (7738) vs. P. Lindquist (3148) 4:15 p.m. Court 9
J. Watkins (2-1302) vs. C. J. Vett 4:15 p.m., Court 10
Dallas Stall (8181) vs. Leo Alilunas (for date, call IM office) .4
David.Rice (2-1280) vs. David Kiliner (2-1311) 5:15 p.m., Court 4
J. Schwarzwalder (6980) vs. T. Dixon (2-2491) 5:15 p.m.,,Court 5
Charles Decker vs. Conway Sarn (6740) 5:15 p.m., Court 6
C. M. Pelto.(2-3320) vs. M. Prince (7779) 5:15 p.m., Court 7
R. P. Mead (4439) vs. Dick Latta (2-4401) 5:15 p.m., Court 8
F. McGavock (2-4401) vs. G. Rosensweig (8590) 5:15 p.m., Court 9
Jim Porter (7322) vs. J. Stodter (4552) 5:15 p.m., Court 10
R. Nunn (2-1022) vs. R. Van Nordstrand (2-2491) 5:15 p.m., Court 19
Al Stanford (2-2688) vs. Tooi Xoomsai 5:15 p.m., Court 20
E. McLaughlin (5663) vs. Jim Bourquin (9524) 5:15 p.m., Court 21.
J. R. Kidwell (7754) vs. Bill McNabb (2-2996) 5:15 p.m., Court 22
Riggs Captures Greater Importance
Of Nation Planning
British Singles'" " a
Seen ByContreras
Tennis Finals
(Continued from Page 1)
Tournament Are Announced
Two Michigan Track Stars
STo Meet European Athletes
Watson, Schwartzkopf And'
Eight Others Compete
With Foreign Athletes
Bill Watson, captain of last year's
Michigan track team, and Ralph
Schwartzkopf, captain-elect, willj
compete with eight other American
track stars against foreign athletes
in a six-week tour of four European
countries this summer.
Watson will compete in the shot
put and broad jump, and Schwartz-
kopf in the 5000-meter run. Other
members of the team include Erwin
Miller of Southern California, re-
cent winner of the 440-yard dash in
the National Collegiate meet, Blaine
Rideout of Texas Christian in the
1500-meter run, and Clyde Jeffrey of
Stanford, winner of the '200-yard
dash and second man in the 100-
yard dash in the National Collegiates&
Roy Cochran of Indiana will run
the 400-meter hurdles, Charley Bea-
con, former Ohio State .star, will
compete in the half-mile run, and
Les Steeres of San Francisco will
high jump. Joe Batiste, high school
star who recently defeated collegiate
champion Fred Wolcott, in the 110-
meter high hurdles, and George Var-
off of Oregon will round out the team.
The squad will leave New York
July 26 and will compete with ath-
letes from Switzerland, Esthonia,
Greece, England and Scotland. Com-
petition will be both as individual
American stars in certain European
meets to be held this summer and
as a team against all-star teams
from the countries to be visited. Ed
Weir, track coach at Nebraska, is in
charge of the group.
Louis Anxious
To Fix Record
Wants Decisive Win Over
Bob Pastor And Farr
NEW YORK, July 7.-(,P)-Deter-
mined to clear up what he considers
the only blots on his illustrious
record, Champion Joe Louis has per-
suaded Promoter Mike Jacobs to let
him fight Bob Pastor in September,
probably at Detroit, and then to give
Tommy Farr, the Welshman, his
lumps one night next winter.
The Pastor fight was assured to-
day when the young New Yorker,
who stayed 10 rounds with Louis in
1937, dropped down, from his home
at Saratoga Springs to sign the
papers. He and the Brown Bomber
will go at it for 20 rounds this time.
The tentative date is Sept. 21 and
the site Briggs Stadium in Dertoit,
though the details are to be ironed
out here Monday in a conference
between Promoter Jacobs and offi-
cials of the Detroit Baseball Club.
Try A DAILY ClaSSified
W. L.
New York............53 18
Boston-.............39 25
Detroit..............38 33
Cleveland.............37 33
Chicago...... .......37 33
Washington..........29 44
Philadelphia.........26 43
St. Louis ..........20 50
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 8, Detroit 6.
Boston 4 Cleveland 3.
Boston 4, New York 3.
Cleveland '7, Chicago 3.
(Only games scheduled).
W. L.
Cincinnati. -........43 25
New York...... .38 32
Brooklyn ....... ..34 31
St. Louis.............35 33
Chicago ............,38 36
Pittsburgh.. . .. .....33 33
Boston ...............31 36
Philadelphia..........19 45
Yesterday's Results
Brooklyn 3, New York 2.
Boston 7, Philadelphia 3.
Chicago , Pittsburgh 4.
In The Majors
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday.
(Continued from Page 3) Dave Cushing
E. P. Dandridge, Jr.
be obtained from the Health Service Sinesio Docdor
before playing. H. A. Fawler
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
who expect to be recommended by
the Faculty of the School of Educa-
tion at the close of the Summer Ses-
sion are requested to call immediate-
ly at the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.,
to fill-,out application blanks for the
Certificate. (This notice does not
include -School of Music students).
Public Health Nursing Certificate:
Students expecting to receive, the
Certificate in Public Health Nurs-
ing at the close of 'the Summer Ses-
sion must make application at the
office of the School of Education,
1437 U.E.S.
Mail for Students, Faculty and
temporary residents at the Univer-
sity: All students and new members
of the faculty should call ra the U.S.
Post Office and make out a pink
'card, "Order to Change Address,"
Form 22, if they have not already
done so. This applies also to tempor-
ary residents in Ann Arbor who may
be doing reference or research work
on the Campus.
Mail is being held in the Summer
Session office, 1213 Angell Hall, for
the following:
Arvid Andresen
William D. Baten
Francis Russell von Bichowsky
Leslie Boldrey
A. B. Bronwell
Dr. Carpenter
Harland A. Carpenter
Beatrice Clark'
Walter Coulles
V. W. Crause .
WIMBLEDON, Eng., July 7.-(AP)-
Robert Larimer Riggs, an impish and
indifferent 21-year-old boy from
Chicago, beat his roommate and
doubles partner, Elwood Cooke of
Portland,Ore., 2-6, 8-6, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2,
in the finals of the all-England singles
championship today and thus staked
a claim to No. 1 ranking among the
world's amateur tennis players.
Trailing by two sets to one and
fighting against a cramp in his right
arm, Riggs started going to the net
for the first time in the fourth set
and rushed a weary but willing Cooke
right off the center court.
Both were so badly seized by]
cramps at the finish they had to see
a doctor and drink down a concoc-
tion of grapefruit juice and salt be-
fore they could continue in the mixed
doubles championship.
Alice Marble is a strong 2-1 favor-
ite to complete the United States
singles tomorrow, when she meets
Kay Stammers
provide for inter-American parks,
highways and natural resource pre-
Mr. Contreras, who is considered
one of the outstanding men in Mexico,
is vice-president of the National
Planning Commission and has de-
signed plans for several of the im-
portant Mexican cities as well as
for the Federal district of Mexico.
He is internationally known and has'
written a great deal on the subject
of city planning. He has been dele-
gate to the International Housing
and Planning Congresses and has
taught at Columbia University and
at the National University of Mexico.
"Italian Method"
Beginners Accepted - Auditions Free
Studio : 831 Tappan Ct.
Dial 2-3370 or 8389
417 E. Huron St. Phone 7781
f ..
Only a Few Left ..
THE 1939 SUMMER STUDENT DIRECTORY carries the names of all registered
students in the Summer Session with their Ann Arbor addresses, phone numbers,
home towns, and the schools in which they are enrolled, as well as the names and
addresses of the summer faculty. Here is your chance to see if your old room-
mate or that fellow that sat next to you last year is in school this summer. You
will be able to locate all persons enrolled in the Summer Session, and won't have
to remember phone numbers, when you use the Summer Student Directory.
You Can Buy Your Copy at ..
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