Thundershowers and cooler
today; toniorrow generally fair
<L G
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
At The University..
.... ... ...,r
XLIX. No. )1
I U i
i Comes
Secretary Swanson Dies
To Swanson
After Illness
Secretary Of Navy Known
For His Long Service
In Congress And Cabinet
Edison Is Expected
To Assume Position
WASHINGTON, July 7. -()-
Secretary Claude A. Swanson, 77-
year-old Secretary of the expanding
Navy, died today, leaving a gap both
in President Roosevelt's cabinet and
in Democratic party councils.
The Senate quickly recessed after
voting to hold a state funeral at the
Capitol Monday at 11 a.m. for the
longtime legislator who entered the
Cabinet at the beginning of the first
Roosevelt Administration in 1933.
Death came at 8:06 a.m. at the
Blue Ridge Mountain camp-a Rapid-
an, Va., where he was spending the
summer. For three years he had been
in ill health, forced to turn over to
aides direction of many phases of the
Navy's greatest peacetime expansion.
Build Up Navy
Nevertheless he was .credited with
helping maintain the Navy in such
good standing with Congress that
legislation and appropriations of
record proportions met with little op.
Forty-four years of, public life, in-
luding a term as governor of his
native state, and 23 years in tie
Senate, made the handsome erect
Virginian an elder statesman to party
Assistant 'Secretary Charles Edi-
son, himself ill for two months this
spring, automatically became acting
Secretary, and decreed for all ships
and navy yards a period of mourn-
ing to last until Aug. 7. President
Roosevelt ordered national mourn-
ing. Flags on Federal property 'will
be flown at half staff until after the
Edison To Follow
There was widespread expectation
in official circles that President
Roosevelt would advance Edison to
the Cabinet. 'However, Governor
Lloyd C. Stark of Missouri, a Naval
Academy graduate, also was men-
tioned for the post, although Repre-
sentative Cannon (Dem.-Mo.) said
he believed Stark desired to remain
in the governorship;.
Swanson suffered a cerebral hem-
orrhage early yesterday at the Rapi-
dan camp, which was President Hoo-
ver's summer White House and a
favorite retreat for the Naval secre-
tary. Death came 25, hours later, with
Mrs. Lulie H. Swanson, his second
wife, at his bedside.
League Holds
Dance Contest
Judges To Be Miss Pasco
And Miss McCormick
Judges for the dance contest to be
held during the social evening to-
night at the League will be Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
the League and instructor of the
summer dancing classes, and Miss Al-
va Pasco, director of the dancing
classes last winter, it was announced
yesterday by Harriet Thom, chair-
Judging will take place at 10:45
p.m. and prizes will be awarded to the
smoothest dancers and the hottest
jitterbugs. The dance will be held
from 9 to 12 p.m. and students may
come in couples or stag, or may get
dates by calling Miss Thom.
Hostesses for the dance as an-
nounced by Miss Thom are Roberta
Ferguson, Betty Bonisteel, Eleanor
Falk, Mildred Hayes, Sally Mustard,
Joan Munn, Mary Margaret Meloche,
Margaret Henry, Dorothy Skinner,
Frances Griffin, Esther Lakin, Esther
Spangler, Betty Fast, Alvira Sata,
Katherine Parsons and Dorothy Lu-
Faculty Wives Tea
To BeWednesday
Visiting faculty wives will be hon-
ored at a tea given by the Faculty
Women's Club from 3:30 sto 5:30
p.m. Wednesday in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building.
Mrs. 0. S. Duffendack, vice-presi-
don+ he a elits Women's Clubh
Final Session
Of S ummer
Parley Is Held
Summarized Discussions
Of The Four Separate
Panels; Thanks Voted
The relationship of the University
to the questions raised by the four.
separate panel disculsions was dis-
cussed at the 'final general meet of
the first annual Summer Parley,
held last night in the Union.
This meeting followed the final
sessions of the panels held during the
James Deusenberry, 'general chair-
man of the Parley, presided at the
session. Speakers at this meeting were
Prof. John Brumm of the journalism
department, Miss Edith Bader, visit-
ing members of the faculty of the
School of Education, Prof. Arthur
Smithies of the ecnomics depart-
ment, Prof. Mentor L. Williams of
the English department, Prof. Louis
Karpinski of the mathematics de-
partment, Prof. John Shepard of the
psychology depastment and Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department and Prof. D. H.
Parker of the philosophy department.
Discussed were the questions: Can
the University cope with the prob-
lems discussed at the panel sessions?
Should the University deal with social
questions? The dangers' of over spe-
cialization were pointed out.
Professor Williams said that it is
in the power of the students to make
any changes in the currirulum that
they desise.
Due to the great success of this,
the first Summer Parley, it is ex-
pected that the Parley will become
a regular event of the Summer Ses-
sion. A continuation body may bet
expected to be appointed in the near
A vote of thanks was expressed to
Director Hopkins of the Sommer Ses-
sion, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-l
selor in religious edocation and facul-
ty adviser to the Parley, the faculty
and students, The Daily and the
Michigan Union for their coopera-
Annual Camp
Tag Day Drive
Is Announced
More than 75 underprivileged
youths who are spending a summer
far away from the grime and heat of
city life will pour into Ann Arbor
next Wednesday to conduct the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp annual sum-
mer tag campaign for funds.
Tuesday night the boys, accom-
panied by counsellors, will leave
swimming, hiking; nature study and
all the other attractions which the
instiution's scientifically-planned pro-
gram allows them to enjoy and pre-
pare for the big day by attending a
motion picture through the courtesy
of the Michigan theatre. Then they'll
get to bed early in preparation for
the drive which is expected to put
the Camp's budget over the top and
make it possible for other youngsters
to vacation at Patterson Lake later
in the summer.
Camp . officials are enthusiastic
over prospects for this year's tag
day. "We had the best response in
May we've had since 1929," George
Alder, director, declared. "The pub-
lic has consistently shown an in-
creasing willingness and generosity.
War h'na fn th het ummar tr
Two Escape
Injury From
Plane Crash
Strike High Tension Wires
To Avoid Hurting Child
In Freak Accident Here
Had Been Filming
Campus From Air
A youthful aviator who felt it was
his duty to "take the rap rather than1
risk the life of an innocent kid"
escaped injury yesterday after he
nosed his plane, into high-tension=
wires in an attempt to avoid killingc
18-month-old Catherine Smith.
The nineteen year old boy, William
Baldwin, was flying Gail Ivory, 26
years old, over the city while Ivory
took photographs. Suddenly some-t
thing went wrong with the motor of
the plane and a forced landing be-
"ame necessary.
Baldwin, the brother of Don Bald-
win, another youthful aviator, who is=
now fdusting crops" in the South,
hedge-hopped as far as he could gof
and then headed for a small field
at the rear of 1618 Coler Ave. on thet
outskirts of the city., Then, accord-
ing to his story, he saw the child
playing in its sand-box. He had tot
choose between hitting the child and
nosing up into wires carrying 4,800}
volts, Baldwin said. He chose the later
and the ship crashed into the wires,I
knocking a pole to the ground barely1
15 feet from the child. Luckily, the
aviator managed to cut his ignitiona
just in time to avoid fire. Neither<
Baldwin nor Ivory were injured. 1
Asked how it felt to be in a plane
which was crashing to earth, Bald-r
win declared: "There wasn't any
special feeling. I just wondered what
had happened."
Why did he. decide to risk his own
life and the life of his companione
rather than strike the child?
"It was just an innocent kid who
hadn't done anything. It was up to
the fellows flying in the plane to
take the rap."
To Pay Visit
To Cranbrook
To See Well-Known Christ .
Church, Art Academy,
Boys And Girls Schools
Leaving at 8:30 a.m. today, the
fourth group to take advantage of
the opportunities offered by the Sum-
mer Session excursions will be on its
way to the Cranbrook Foundation in;
Bloomfield Hills.
Gathering in front of Angell Hall,
persons taking the trip will board
busses in private care are invited to
do so.
Round trip bus fare for the ex-
cursion will amount to $1.25. Lunch
at the Devon Gables Tea Room in
Bloomfield Hills will be about 45
cents. The group will return to Ann
Arbor at 3:30 p.m.
Excursionists will visit the Cran-
brook School for Boys, the Kings-
wood School for Girls and the Brook-
side School for younger boys and girls.
Cranbrook and Kingswood enroll boys
and girls from the seventh through
the twelfth grades; Brookside in-
cludes grades up to the seventh.
The magnificent Christ Church at]
Cranbrook is one of the attractions,
of especial interest which the group
will visit. Others are the .Cranbrook
Academy of Arts, where ,training is
offered in the fields of modelling,
sculpture, metal and leather work
and similar handicrafts, and the;
Cranbrook Institute of Science.
The excursion will be conducted by
Prof. Carl J. Coe of the mathematics
department, Director of Summer
Session Excursions. The group will
be guided through the schools by a
member of the Cranbrook Founda-
To Start All-Star
CHICAGO, July 7.-(P)-Balloting
will open tomorrow in the nation-wide
poll to select the collegiate football
stars who will oppose the New York
Giants, champions of the National
Professional League, in Chicago's
idh annnal charitv y ga at Roldier
Admiral Byrd
To Lay Claims
To Antarctica
Commissioned To . Form
Expedition To Layout
Area For United States
Appropriation Is
Voted B Congress
WASHINGTON, July 7. -(P)-
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, con-
queror of the two poles, was com-
missioned by President Roosevelt to-
day to lead an expedition which will
stake out American claims to a vast
area of the Antarctic continent.
The President directed government
departments to expend every effort
to equip and dispatch the expedition
at the earliest possible date. Byrd
said he thought it could sail between
Oct. 1 and 15.
The expedition will undertake to
map and clinch for the United States
Antarctic lands on which the Byrd
and Lincoln Ellsworth expeditions of
recent years planted the American
flag. It is regarded here as important
because of the possible value of the
southernmost continent to future air
Great Britain, Germany and Nor-
way, among others, also have evinced
interest in securing claims based on
the Antarctic explorations of their
Congress already has provided
$340,000 for the expedition and auth-
orized Dr. Ernest H. Gruening of the
Interior Department to claim for the
United States approximately 675,000
square miles.
The StatesNavy, Interior, Treasury
and Agriculture department all will
have a hand in equipping the expedi-
tion. Each will supply whatever
equipment it has that is needed.
WASHINGTON, July 7. -(IP)-
Appropriation of $340,000 to finance
an expedition to .the South Pole was
called by Representative Hook (Dem.-
Mich.) "double-dealing by the eco-
nomy bloc."
He charged the appropriation was
"slipped by" the House under "steam
roller" tactics when both Representa-
tives Taber (Rep.-N.Y.) and Wood-
rhm (Dem.-Va.), members of the
House appropirations committee, re-
fused to yield for a question.
"I witnessed the great program of
the friendly enemies, the gentleman
from Virginia and the gentleman
from New York, in their comedy act
of the hands-across-the-aisle," Hook
told the House.
Hook said he was informed tha
the Appropriation Committee in the
House refused to approve the item,
and that it was inserted in the Senate
and then accepted in conference and
"slipped by the House in a very clever
move of the steam roller tactics."
General Motors
Drops Employe
Knudsen Says CIO-UAW
Strike Will Delay 1940
Models And Cause Loss
DETROIT, July 7.-(P)-General
Motors Corporation, saying that a
strike of skilled workers "threatens
definitely to delay production of 1940,
models" and bring idleness to "thou-
sands of production workers," an-
nounced tonight immediate suspen-
sion of its Employe Income Security
The plan provided for advances by
the corporation to employes "to avoid
the complete loss of income to the
eligible employes during these periods
of enforced idleness." It was de-
signed to help workers during the
slack seasons in the automotive in-
dustry and did not apply in case of
strikes "or circumstances beyond the
control of the corporation."
William S. Knudsen, G.M. presi-
dent, issued a statement saying that
the strike, called by the CIO United
Automobile Workers and applying
only to skilled workers preparing for
new model production, "threatens
definitely to delay production of 1940
models and cause thousands of pro-
ductive workers to suffer -unneces-
sarily in layoffs and the loss of hun-
Big Top Followers To End
Convention With Gala
Meet At Sawdust Ring
Today's the big day-the Circus
Fans of America have been invited
to ride the elephants, stand atop the
animal coaches, dress in the cos-
tumes of regular habitues of the Big
Tops and generally disport them-
selves as befits a merry group of
adults who never outgrew their lik-
ing for pink lemonade, tigers and
the circus.
From the East, West, South and
North they've gathered-bankers,
lawyers, laborers, actors; from cities,
from villages they've come. They
arrived in full force Thursday with
a business meeting which stressed
the convention's key-note "Save the
Circus." Yesterday they traveled
to Detroit and then came back to
the Union for election of officers and
the annual meeting of the Koo Koo
But today's the tops (fun unenten-
tional). They'll be the guests of
Parker and Watts circus (the press
agent, who is Al G. Barnes' adopted
son, swears up and down it's the sec-
ond largest in the world). Then,
in the afternoon, they'll take 60 un-
Rain Expected
To Bring End
To Hgeat Wave
(By Associated Press)
Relief from the heat wave that has
gripped lower Michigan for the last
48 hours, resulting in at least three
deaths and four heat prostration
cases, was predicted Friday night by
the United States Weather Bureau.
Local showers were forecast for Fri-
day night and early Saturday accom-
panied by lower temperatures.
In Detroit the temperature reached
a 1939 high of 92 degrees at 3 p.m.
Collar-wilting heat plagued most
of the nation yesterday.
Thermometer watchers in scores of
communities in New England, the
East, the South, and the Middle and
South West saw the mercury columns
begin an early ascent and rise into
the high 80's or 90's by lunch time.
Twenty-two deaths were attributed
to the abnormal warmth but fore-
casters predicted thunder showers
moving eastward across the prairie
states and shifts in the wind would
bring relief to the Midwest overnight
and today and to states farther East
during the weekend.
The heat remained unbroken in
the Southwest, The 101 degree mark
attained in Emporia, Kans., at mid-
day matched Thursday's maximum.
Rain refreshed sections of Iowa,
Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dako-
tas. It was somewhat cooler in that
region in the wake of conditions so
oppressive that. 17 steers dropped
dead in a feed yard in Papillion, Neb.
derprivileged kids selected by the
local Kiwanis Club, to the circus,
showing them all the back-stage
glamor that they've dreamed about.
In the evening, just for variety, the
fans will go to the circus again.,
sitting in a specially reserved sec-
tion.A ter that they'llshave a colos-
sal, stupendpus banquet and end the
annual meeting.
In a Union which has cast off its
usually staid air and been given a
dash of color by circus posters and
a moving sign which implores the
world to come to the aid of the sore-
ly tried Big Tops, the group has its
headquarters. There you'll find such
fellows as Don Smith of Detroit,
who's traveled 6,000 miles in the last
six weeks alone to attend circuses.
Smith, who knows almost everybody
in the sawdust world, brought 500
circus posters and 10,000 circus pho-
tographs with him.
Judd Is Chosen
At the annual election last pight,
the Fans elected William H. Jud,
New Britain, Conn., as next yer's
president. They also chose William
Montague of West Hartford, Conn.,
Eastern vice-president; Stan Rogers
of Hollywood, western vice-presi-
dent; Frank W. Magin of Detroit,
central vice-president and Frank J.
Walter of Huston, southern vi l-
Other officers: historian, Col. C.
J. Sturtevant, San Antonio, Texas;
secretary and treasurer, Walter M.
Buckingham, Norwich, Conn.; edi-
tor of "White Tops," thencircus fan
magazine, Walter Hohenadel, Ro-
chelle, Ill.
Board Of Directors
The board of directors will be
composed of Melvin D. Hildreth, re-
tiring president, Washington, D.C.,
chairman; Porter Loring, ,San An-
tonio, Texas; Walter Loughr dge,
San ..Antonio; Charles Davitt,
Springfield, Mass.; Irving K. Pond,
designer of the Michigan Union, Chi-
cago; Dr. Thomas Tormey, Madsion,
Wis.; W. A. Murrell, Gainsville, Tex.;
Al Raymond, Norwich, Conn.; Fred
Shaw, Detroit; John Scheverman,
Pittsburgh; Dr. Charles Ryan, Des-
Moines; Joseph Minchin, Paterson,
N.J. ; John P. Grace, Kokomo, Ind.
and Harper Joy, Spokane, Wash.
Prof. Panofsky Speaks
On 'Art Of Renaissance'
Second in a series of public lectures
sponsored by the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Stufdies, "The
Art-Theory of the Renaissance" will
be discussed by Prof. Erwin Panofsky
of the Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, at 4 p.m. Monday in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham School.
Professor Panofsky is an expert
in the history of aesthetics, especial-
ly with reference to the philosophical
background of a given type of pictor-
ial or plastic art. It is expected that
in his lecture Monday he will dis-
cuss specific works of Renaissance
art against the background of such
popular Renaissance ideas as Neo-
Watch Out Elephants And Tigers-
Here Come All The Circus Fans
Senators Map
Opposition To
Neutrality Bill
Bloc Of 34 Announces It
Will Fight Plan To End;
Seek A StrictEmbargo
Some Observers
See 'Death Knell'
WASHINGTON, July 7.--)-The
Administration campaign to revise
the Neutrality Act at this session of
Congress suffered a stunning, if not
fatal blow today with a statement
from the opposition that an organ-
ized group of 34 Senators stood ready
to fight such legislation to the bitter
In the opinion of many persons qt
he Capitol, the development amount-
ed to a death knell. It was immedi-
ately assumed that the group would
filibuster if necessary. And it was
pointed out that 34 senators, or half
that number, could keep a filibuster
going for months, if not indefinitely.
Administration leaders could not
conceal their gloom.
To Go Ahead
"I'm going right on, of course,"
Chairman Pittman (Dem., Nev.), of
the Foreign Relations Committee,
said in an interview. "I don't know
whether they have 34 or not. People
sometimes guess in making their
polls; I've done it myself."
Although earlier in the week he
was talking optimstcally of holding
the Senate in session for weeks to
pass the bill, he would make no fore-
casts today.
In other quarters, the opinion was
expressed that if the opposition per-
mitted a vote at Tuesday's meeting,
it would be exceedingly close, with
victory or defeat for the Adminis-
tration turning on the positions of
one or two Senators.
To Reveal ' Embargo
The Administration wants to re-
peal the embargo which the present
neutrality law imposes upon sales of
certain war materials to belligerent
nations. In its place it proposes to
impose a system under which Ameri-
can market would be open to nations
at war, provided the purchasers took
title to the goods before they were
shipped. In addition, it desires au-
thority for the President to fix war
zones into which American ships and
citizens would venture only at their
own risk.
Prevent War Abroad
Its argument has been that the
most constructive course is to do all
possible to prevent the outbreak of a
war abroad. It believes that its neu-
trality legislation would act as a de-
terrent, upon Germany and Italy,
since it would leave American mar-
kets open, in case of .war, to France
and Great Britain, because of the
latter's control of the sa.
Contreras, Mexican Ah ic
Sees More National Planning
National zoning, conservation of re-1
sources and other planning functions
have developed rapidly within the last
ten years. Mexico has a national plan-
ning law and commission. The United.
States has its National Resources
committee and various departments
in charge of highways, forests and1
parks. Germany has an intensive
planning program.
It is the belief of Carlos Contreras
prominent Merican city architect who
is in Ann Arbor to take part in the
Symposium on Latin-American Art
and Architecture, that planning will
soon become one of the important
national governmental functions. And
he hopes that the more distant future
will see the development of organized.
international planning, such as has
been tried in a few isolated instances
so far.
Mr. Contrearas believes that the
national governments are going more
and more to formulate general plan-
ning and zoning policies for their
countries. These general programs
can then be the foundation for re-
gional or state planning, and the
local programs can be developed on
the basis of the others together. For
example, the national governments
can lay out systems of main highway
routes. Regional highways and road
systems can then be developed to fit
the regional needs, and the cities can
the location of the large industries,,
can see that there is no duplication7
of railroad and highway facilities,
can lay out main air lines and pro-
vide for other phases of the national
Zoning, Mr. Contreras stated, can
be used by the governments to set
aside land areas which in the past
have been purchased, saving heavy'
investments in forest conservation
or parks. A unified and graduated
planning system can also save dupli-
cation of effort. He believes that
cities can save by doing more invest-
ment in land while it can be bought
at low prices. This land can be used
in the city's development program
or can be sold as real estate if desired,
hesaid, and the idea has been tried
successfully in Germany.
Not enough r.ttention has been
given to slum clearance as a phase
of city planning, Mr. Contreras de-
clared. He pointed out that over 20
per cent of the population in Mexico
City were poorly housed, and that a
much higher per cent in relation to
the American standard of living were
in substandard homes in the United
States. While the United States is
meeting its problem by public works
programs, Mexico is forced to meet
the problem mainly by strict building
regulation, he said. City health in-
spectors give strict enforcement to
iac1al+i11 lVtUacaa . .
It received a rebuff in the House
last week in the form of a vote to re-
tain a limited embargo upon sales to
belligerent nations, applying only to
guns and ammunition.
The Senate "mandatory neutral-
ity" bloc held a strategy meeting to-
day, out of which came the declara-
tion that 34 senators would stand to-
gether against modification of the
present law. A statement was pre-
pared setting forth the position of
the group.. Then, Senator Johnson,
(Rep., Calif.) gave it to reporters.
Rumania Fears
A Balkan Axis
Nazis Express Sympathy
With Bulgarian Aims
LONDON, July 7.-P)-The Bal-
kans were projected into a position
alongside Danzig today as a spot to
watch for trouble in Europe.
Open alarm was expressed in Ru-
mania, richest Balkan power, over
what was described as a Nazi-fos-
-tered idea for a "little axis" in souti-
eastern Europe.
Events in Berlin, where the Pre-
mier of Bulgaria is on a state visit,
heightened fears among Rumanians
that Germany was attempting to con-
struct a pro-Nazi bloc in southeastern
Europe composed of Bulgaria, Yugo-
slavia and Hungary.
A Berlin communique said Ger-