H THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1939 [E MICHIGAN DAILY 1<, rI L~1 JRk*HAISO~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumnr T Session. 3 Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 54.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO r, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff SMitehrll _ _ _ n M. Swinton el Q. Norberg. an N. Canavan rry M. Kelsey rl G. Kessler lecAm FR Long ry L. Sonneborn Business Sta ff Press, 1938.39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Philip W. Buchen. . .... Business Manager Paul Park.. . . . . . (Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY L. SONNEBORN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Inch Ado bout Something . - . W ITH THE INAUGURATION of the first annual Summer Parley, being held today and tomorrow in the Union, an attempt is being made to carry over to the Sum- mer Session one of the successful student insti- tutisns of the regular term. Were it not for the eleven years of success back of the Spring Parleys, this would be no easy task. However, by a small nucleus of work- ers from the past few years, a number of gradu- ates who remember the Parley from their un- dergraduate days, and several other interested students and faculty members, a new tradition is about to be launched on this campus. The Parley always raises more questions than it can answer. And it probably never changes anyone's mind. But if it stimulates thought on the current t6pics of the day, if it encourages expression of ideas already held, and if it suc ceeds in breaking down the formality of the student-faculty relations so unavoidable at . a large university, then it has succeeded in its task. For eleven years, with an undergraduate crowd, this has been well accomplished. There is every reason why a more experienced group of people should find such a meeting even more interesting and should evolve more mature con- clusions. The topic of the Parley, "Which Way Progress -Social Responsibility or Individualism?" with its four panels on education, international rela- tions, government and politics, and industry and labor, cuts through the lives of all of us. Among the major problems which are bound to come up first are: does education owe its responsibility to the individual, as Rousseau argued, or to the society which supports it, fol- lowing Plato's ideas? Are the scientists responsible for the deaths from war because they manufacture the chemi- cals which become munitions? And to whom do they owe their responsibility? What is to be the path of the church, and is there any compromise between administering to lguman needs and remaining strictly out of poli- tics and the government? And can the church's doctrine, faiths and values be reconciled to life today? What is to be the relation of labor to capital and what is the social responsibility of indus- trialists to the working classes? And to the em- ployed? The more general subjects of war, peace, com- munism, fascism, dictatorship in this country, classic vs. contemporary literature, progressive education, the purpose of college education, what good it does the individual, the 1940 elections and candidates, third term and others cannot help being discussed. Listed on the faculty panels are some of the best known men in their fields. Thus we find Durselves with an opportunity that we may never have again-to express and compare our own points of view on these questions which are so important, with the viewpoints of some of the others facing these questions with us, both ex- perts and members of the general summer stu- dent body. -Malcolm Long Gain Civil Rights Today Swedish women win a new right. They may not be dismissed from employment by Totalitarian Japan, 16034867 Dr. Hugh Borton Of Columbia tniversity Explains Tokugawa Bakafu By KARL KESSLER Understanding of the present totalitarian sys- tem of government in Japan may be better reached after a study of the totalitarian features of the Tokugawa Bakafu in Japan between the years 1603 and 1867, Dr. Hugh Borton of the Institute of Japanese Studies, Columbia Univer- sity, stated yesterday. Taking up where his successors had left off in subjugating the country, Tokugawa Ieyasu suc- ceeded in establishing an absolute centralized control of the political and economical functions of the country and established his family as a ruling dynasty until the collapse of Shogu govern- ment in 1867. The military government of Ieyasu even sub- ordinated that of the Emperor in Kyoto. All opposition to the central authority was liquidated, and ruling families not in full accord with the government were given holdings in distant parts of the country. Socially and politically, the populace was sharply divided into four distinct classes. In order of importance, they were: the nobles, warriors (samurai), farmers and townspeople. Restrictions placed on free travel, trade and even on social conduct, Dr. Borton emphasized, were far greater than those employed by present dictatorial and totalitarian rulers. The eventual overthrow of the centralized government in favor of control through the emperor was finally brought about in 1867, chiefly under the pressure of the merchants in Osaka and other commercial cities. The part played by foreign powers in bringing about this change has been greatly over-emphasized, Dr. Borton concluded. It was merely the final spark which touched off the internal pressure. THEATRE By MARTHA GRAHAM and MALCOLM LONG It is small wonder that the play, "The Good Hope," which was written as a protest against certain abuses in the Dutch fishing industry, was influential in the passage of the Ships Act of 1909 which largely remedied these abuses. A play of such stark tragedy with such living characters can't be easily forgotten. Combining the artistry of fine character por- trayal with a vigorous social protest, writing a social document which has power 30 years after the conditions its proclaims against have been relieved is Heijermans' accomplishment. To those who went away from the play feeling that such a piece was too heavy for one night's entertainmnent, that it was too depressing, the answer is that it was only the fine acting, par- ticularly in the minor roles, that made so dis- tant a play real enough to be tragedy. First mention must go to Miss Claribel Baird as old mother Kniertie. Her drawn, haggard look as she sat in the offi'ce of Bos in the smashing final scene her powerful portrayal of the be- reaved mother going home alone, was one of the best scenes of the play. Nancy Bowman as Saart, Marguerite Mink as Marietje, Duane Nelson as Simon and Truman Smith as Uncle Cobus added unusually convinc- ing portrayals to the list of minor characters. Sarah Pierce as Jo handled a heavy role too un-Dutch-like-was too changeable emotionally for a real daughter of Holland. James Moll as Barend, the cowardly and foolish son of old Kniertje, seems now to be typed for the gawky, nimble footed fool for good. An extremely diffi- cult role, he perhaps became a little too hysteri- cal in a scene too long for credulity. Edward Jurist started well but stumbled before his last exit. Other members of the cast included Bettie Howard, Nathan Gitlin, Galen jWenger, Arthur Klein, Robert Cunningham, J. D. Moore, Donald Barbe, Evelyn Smith, Ray Pedersen, June Madf- son, Margaret Echols, Norma Vint, Odom Day, Kenneth Wax, Joseph Graham and Lee Delevin. The play is well left until last. A good reviewer, missing the first act, would not have been sorry. The third act finally became powerful, and the fourth unnecessary except for the final scene, handled so competently by Miss Baird. , Prof. Valentine B. Windt directed the Players, who by this time, have worn off much of their amateurishness. They bid fair to become an ex- cellent group well before the season draws to its close. Art direction was under Oren Parker with Miss Lucy Barton designing the costumes. The sound effects were unusually well handled, lend- ing much to the reality of the play. Somerset Maugham's truism that social impli- cations in literature wear away with time but that Man is an inexhaustible source for writings is well born out by last night's drama. has been much discussed lately, and last year for the first time two women were members of the Church Assembly. --Christian Science Monitor ,C6wn&CI own By STAN M. SWINTON The Summer Parley bids fair to become as firmly entrenched as the much-publicized Spring Parley. When it opens tomorrow dogma will be heatedly tossed against dogma, Republican will' face Liberal and the battle of words will be on. June Harris, the poetess-laureate of the Daily who's now sojourning in the East, just about in- cluded everything in her summation "Post- Parley Nightmare" last spring. Without further adieu we reprint: Post-Parley Nightmare By JUNE HARRIS Barker: Step right up my friends Come and join the fray See the pretty parley panels Standing in array. Hurry, hurry, hurry You all can have a say Buy one for your girl friend sir The parley starts today. Fascists and democrats Communists and autocrats Sorority, fraternity Are going -to solve eternity Students to the right of you Volleying and thundering Students to the left of you Open mouthed and wondering. Listen, listen, listen Thhe speeches will begn Come and see the awful mess The world is getting in. First speaker: Be of good cheer There's nothing to fear God's in His Heaven And Adam Smith's near. Listen to me It's easy to see When you build up your capital Life is a spree. Second speaker: Why be so dense Use your good sense Why not be happy And sit on the fence? To make a decision Is cause for division Thoughtful inaction Remains my position. SDAILY OFFICIAL I BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is con- structive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 9 Old High German: Will meet MTuWTh at 7 a.m., 303 S.W. Mathematis 278, Relativity: will meet from now on in 304 M.H. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., and on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock. There will be a physical education luncheon at 12 o'clock today in Room 116 of the Michigan Union. All stu- dents in physical education classes are cordially invited to be present. Linguistic Institute Lecture. Prof. George A. Kennedy of Yale Univer- sity will discuss "The Fundamentals of Chinese Word Order" at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the amphitheatre of the Rackham building. Speech Students: The Student- Faculty Luncheon for all students in the Department of Speech and their friends will be held in the Grand Rapids Room of the Women's League, today, at 12:15 p.m. Students who have not made reservations should do so by calling the Speech office, University 526. Mathematics 300, Orientation Sem- inar. Will meet today from 3 to 4 o'clock, in 3201 A.H. Tea for all Methodist Students and their friends at the First Methodistt Church from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today. Graduate Tea in Mathematics. An informal tea will be given by the staff members of the Department of Mathematics and their wives for the graduate students in mathematics (and their wives or husbands) in the garden of the Michigan League on Thursday, July 6, from 4 to 6 p.m. Summer Parley Sessions will be Sumner 'Parley Sessions will be held in the Michigan Union today and tomorrow, July 6 and 7, at 4 p1m. and 7:30 p.m: This agfternoo the general meeting will be held in the North Lohnge. Lecture, "Community Education.' George H. Fern, State Directoro of Vocational Education. This lecture will be given today at 4:05 p.m. in the University High School Audi- torium. Iolanthe Tryouts: Tryouts for "Iolanthe" are being held today in the Burton Tower, third floor, a 4:30. Both solo and chorus part will be tried out at this time. Score may be obtained at Wahr's. Michigan Repertory Players. Meeting of Undergraduate Hous Representatives: There will be a compulsory meeting in the Ethe Hussey Room at the Michigan League for girls who have been se- lected as Sign-out Officials or a House Presidents in the League Houses and Soroities at 4:30 p.m this afternoon. List of House Mothers who mus select a girl to be in charge of Sign. out Slips Mrs. R. Bannasch Mrs. H. M. Smith Mrs. Anna Smith Third speaker: Worry and gloom We're nearing our doom Don't be misled by This talk of a boom. Don't be a dolt Open the bolt -Students and faculty Join the revolt! RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ WXYZ CKLW 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 11240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Thursday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs Piano Recital Noonday News News [2:15 Life Beautiful Foot Health Farm Almanac Turf Reporter 12:30 Road of Life Bradcas t Golden Store Larry Bradford 2:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Hitmakers :00 Food Chat Feature Betty and Bob Concert Orch 1:15 Life of Dr. Susan ryson Interview Grimm's daughter Organist 1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Melody Time 1:45 Girl Marries Detroit Police Hymns String Orch. 2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Norman Cloutier Quiet Sanctuary 2:15 Editor's daughter Ma Perkins " 2:30 Dr Malone Pepper Young Dental Society Henry 'Cincone 2:45 Walberg Strings Guiding Light Book Ends Leo Freudberg 3:00 Lebrun Sisters Feature Smile Parade News 3:15 varieties " Moods in Music 3:30 " " Board of Health Two Keyboards 3:45 Duncan Moore Rhythm; News George Hall 4:00 Musical Detroit at St. Louis Jimmy Dorsey Jamboree 4:15 Reminiscing ~,i 4:30 " Affairs of Anthony 4:45 Alice Blair " Organ - 5:00 Miss Julia - hollywood Hilts. Dance 5:15 Console Reveries " Pat Gilmore Turf Reporter 5:30 Tomy Talks Day In Review Baseball Scores 5:45 Judith Arlen Spotlight Baseball Final News Thursday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Review Rasy Aces Stop and Go 6:15 Musical Bradast Mr. Keen-Tracer~ 6:30 Joe E.- Brown Midstream Green Hornet Fintex Sportltght 6:45 " Krehbiel " Jimmie Allen 7:00 Clark's Weekly Rudy. vallee James Bourbonnais Washington ,'News 7:15 ~ "Ba Sng Sheet 7:30 Story " It's Up To You First Offender 7:45 "' 8:00 Major Bowes Feature Symphony Jack Teagarden 8:15 ##$11k 8:30 " " " War veterans 8:45 "" Bob Stanley 9:00 Workshop Music Hall Yukon Drama Church 9:15 ~ Conert Band" 9:30 To be announced - " Jamboree 9:45 Exclusive Stories 10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Jan Savitt Henry Weber 10:15 Music Vic and Sade " State Highway 10:30 Sports Fred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doc Sunshine 10:45 Eddie Duchin " Jimmy Dorsey Li 1:00 News News Erskin Hawkins Reporter 11:15 MorceauxdeSalon Dance Music " Music 10:30 " Eastwood Artie Shaw 11:45 Henry King " 12:00 Sign off Westwood Sign Off Jack McLean Mrs. Isabelle Holcomb Rackham B u i l d i n g Auditorium, Mrs. H. W) Freeman this evening at 7. Mrs. C. S. Reeves T. Luther Purdomn, Director. Mrs. Nan Riggs Mrs. Olion Shauman Beginners' Class in Social Dancing Mrs. Lucy Austin to' be held at 7:30 p.m. ,this evening, Mrs. P. M. Keusch at the Michigan League Ballroom. Mrs. Albert Stegeman .Mrs. Leonard Miller Bridge Lessons to be given at .7:30 Mrs. Elizabeth .Wood p.m., this evening, at the Michigan Mrs. Fred Colvin - League. Mrs. Florence Slade Mrs. C. M. Paul Cerce Francais: Meeting this eve- Mrs. Olive Asman ning at the Foyer Francais, "1414 Mrs. Warren Cordes Washtenaw, at 8 o'clock. Program: Miss Mae McGregor Dr. Jeanne Rosselet, Directrice of Mrs. Leo Augspurger the Foyer will speak on "La Vie a- Mrs. Marie Maddy 1'Ecole Superieure d'apres Jules Ro- Mrs. Frank Gucker mains." Dr. Thieme, Head of the Mrs. A. T. Gorton Departmet, of Romance Languages Mrs. J. C. Wilson and friend of the late M. Lanon, Mrs. H. S. Curtis. former Director of the Ecole Normale f Will these House -Mothers please Superieure, will add a few personal see that a girl represents their house conversations. Students of French at the meeting today. desiring to join the Cercle are or-. Signed: dially invited. . Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, (Dean of Women, Summer "The Good Hope" by Herman Hei- Session). jermans will be presented by -the Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30 t Lecture "Niagara Falls." This lec- p.m., this evening, at the Lydia s ture will be given by Professor Irv- Mendelssohn Theatre. s ing D. Scott of the Department of Geology with illustrations at 5 p.m., Excursion: Royal Ontario Museum today, in the Lecture Hall of tthe (Continued on Page 3) Rackham Building. Registration: I would like to see all CANDID CAMERAS 1 the students who wish to register NEED SPECIAL CARE, n with the Bureau of AppointmentsBG s and Occupational Information; also See BOB GACH s all those who have registered pre- Nickels Arcade viously and are back this summer. I Audience: Yes, yes, yes, He's absolutely right No, no, no, We really ought to fight. Who, what, why? Why it's absolutely clear Ridiculous, impossible- The Revolution's here. Barker: Come one come all It's absolutely free Culture, University And foreign policy. Fight, fight, fight To get majority, Come along and listen to The latest prophesy. Culture The movie and play Are going to decay Culture's not culture So what's there to say? Education Smoking and drinks Nobody thinks Confidentially speaking Education stinks. Economics Let's have a plan I don't think we can There's been inequality Since men began. Foreign Policy You're most impolite- Maybe we're right- Roosevelt, no Hitler- We've all got to fight. Religion Let us all fast Look to the past Hallelujah my brethren Religion must last. Audience: An interesting pastime An enjoyaole discussion But an American is not the same As any common Russian. You can not change our biases No matter how you try, We have our little viewpoints And we'll have them till we die. i i t I for -- .- ,.- ; -.. futn.. 4 1 r pl, i. . 1 it II. JAMES HAMILTON, Tenor TEACHER OF SINGING "'Italian Method" Beginners Accepted - Additions free Studio: 831 Tappan Ct. Dial 2-3370 or 8389 R 22 BILLIARD TABLES 7 TABLE TENNIS TOP NOTCH EQUIPMENT TICKER SERVICE REPORTS ON LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES k'' i i I i Mats, 25c Eves. 35c You'll enjoy the real Michigan atmosphere of Today and Friday THE UNION BILLIARD ROOM' . Second Floor i * ; !I C Today's Events 12,:04 noon 12:30 4:00 p.m. p.m. Speech Department Luncheon of students enrolled in speech (League). Physical Education Department luncheon (Union). Linguistics Institute conference and luncheon. "Far-Reaching Effects of the Economic Collapse of the Tokugawa Period," lecture by Dr. Hugh Borton, Institute of Japanese Studies, Colunbia (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). "Community Education," lecture by George H. Fern, state director of Vocational Education (University High School Auditorium). Language Tea (International Center). Dangerous romanceensnares your favorite "man In white"I Op -ApAA nnc :ivionf#w -4Vwen4 oc.vavia :-j 4 F