easslional thundershowers
today and tomorrow.
Official Publication Of The Summer Session
Much Ado
About Something.
A n
XLIX. No. 9
te Passes
McClusky Discusses Limitations
On Adult Education In Lecture
lonetary Bi l;
egal Aspects
Lre Disputed
valuation Power Part
f Measure; President
ExpectedToSign Today,
bjeCtions Ignored
3y Administration
VASHINGTON, July 5.-(P)--The
d-fought bill continuing President
sevelt's power to devalue the dol-
and operate the $2,000,00,000 cur-
cy stabilization fund cleared its
Congressional obstacle today
n the Senate approved it, 43 to
but a vehement dispute about its
,lity still raged.
epublicans insisted that since the
sident's powers expired lat mid-
it last Friday, no measure to "con-
e" them was valid. They said,
Administration ,would have to
t all over again with a differently.
led measure, committee hearings
Adults' Learning Abilities
Show But Slight Drop,
Psychologist Tells Group
An optimistic "yes" was Prof. How-
ard V. McClusky's answer to the
question "Can Adults Learn?" which
he poised as the title of his lecture
yeesterday in the Rackham Auditor-
"For all practical purposes," he
affirmed, "you can learn as well at
60 or 65 as at 20 or 25." The degener-
ation 'of motor processes and alert-
ness which accompanies} the aging
organism is offset by increased moti-
vation, and wider experiential back-
ground for the association of ideas,
he stated.
Although Professor McClusky ob-
served that "the human mind seems
to reach peak capacity between the
ages of 20 and 30 for sheer native
power," and that "slight degenera-
tion seems to occur from year to year
thereafter in some lines," (the motor
processes), he pointed out that the
"mind remains the most plastic adap-
tive mechanism" and assured his
,audience that tests indicate imagi-
nation actually increases with age.
Among the progressive "disadvan-
tages" with which age burdens the
human mind Professor McClusky em-
phasized ossifying language patterns
which make the acquisition of new
languages more difficult than in
youth; "decreasing modifiability" or
adoptiveness to new ideas, and inter-
ference of sets of habits , aquired
through the years.
"Advantages" which tend to coun-
Objections Ignored
administration officials brushed
le the objections as unfounded,
I th'e President was expected to
n the measure quickly, probably
norrow. Preparing to act on a pro-
on of the bill, Treasury officials
fted regulations for the purchase
domestic silver at 71.11 cents per
ice. A section calling for such a
:e (which contrasts with the old
ce of 64.64 cents an ounce) was
ced into the monetary bill by em-
tled Senators from the western
er states.
the measure contained nothing'
ut foreign silver, thereby leaving
Treasury free to continue buying
metal from Mexican and other
rces. It was believed that a pur-'
se price for this metal would be
iounced at^-Tnon tomorrow, and
,t it probably be in'the vicinity of
38 cents an ounce price posted
Friday, thse last day on which
Gold Price Unchanged
The Senate vote also made no
change in the $35-an-ounce price
for gold, the bill merely authorizing.
the President to change it if an emer-
gency arises. It permits him to raise
the price (which is the way the dollar
is devalued) to a maximum of $41.34
per ounce.
Though the bill was written to pro-
long powers which expired at mid-
night last Friday, it was not passed
prior to that hour because Republi-
can orators, with some help from
anti-Administration Democrats, re-
lentlessly filibustered it.
Before today's vote, the Republi-
can leadership fought every inch of
the way to hold together the rem-
nants of its coalition with western
silver Democrats, and to attractto
its side certain Democrats from the
South. In both endeavors it was only
partially successful, and that was the
reason for its four-vote defeat.
From start to finish, so far as the
Sente was concerned, the controversy
hinged upon one of the strangest vot-
ing alliances the Senate has ever seen.
a coalition which united the "hard
money" Republicans of the East and
western silver Democrats and cur-
rency expansionists,.r
Women Urged
To Attend Meet
Judiciary Head To DiscAss
Hours And Penalties
A compulsory meeting will be held
at 4:30 p.m. today in the Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey Room of the League for
one woman from every house on cam-
pus except graduate houses, accord-
ing to Beth O'Roke, president of the
League Council.
Mary Jane LeGros, head of the
Judiciary, will idscuss -hours for wo-
men and penalties for lateness. Miss
Helen Ellis of the women's physical
education department will talk on
recreational possibilties and facili-
ties for Summer Session students. In
addition names of hostesses for the
dances will be taken and hostess'
duties, explained.
All members of the League Coun-
cil will attend the meeting to discuss
Critics Ready
To Fight FDR
On Neutrality
Both Sides Are Prepared
For Senatorial Battle;
No QuickAdjournment
WASHINGTON, July 5-(/P)-With'
the preliminary sparring finislhed,'
both the Roosevelt Administration
and its critics decided definitely to-
day on a knock-down-and-drag out
fight in the Senate on the issue of
neutrality law revision.
Hopes of any, quick adjournment
of Congress went glimmering. Sen-
ator Pittman (Dem., Nev.), admin-
istration leader in the fight, said
Congress would stay in session until
the showdIown. Asked what would
happen if Senators got tired of the
struggle and stampeded for home, he
shrugged and said:
"We can arrest them."
He referred to the provision that
the attendance of members of Con-
gress may be required; and obtained
by force, if necessary.
(The Administration wants to wipe
out the present law's provision that
when war breaks out abroad, an au-
tomatic embargo shall be clapped on
shipments of arms, ammunition and
ipleents of war. Repeal, it is widely
believed, would be of advantage to
Great Britain and France'since they
presumably would control the seas in
wartime. The House of Representa-
tives, however ipsisted on writing a
modified embargo into the Adminis-
tration's pending bill.
With President Roosevelt back in
the capital to urge his view that the
Administration bill would make war
in Europe less likely, his opponents
on the issue let it be known they
too were ready for the crucial strug-
gle in the Senate.
teract the aging process, according
to Professor McClusky, include asso-
ciative background, imagination and
increased concentration, due probably
to sharpened motivation and central-
ization of interests.
Significant, he pointed out, were
the "tremendous overlapping" of
these qualities among age levels in
different individuals.
To a large extent, he emphasized,
decrease of mental ability is a funcL
tion of mental environment - the
conditions of life. Thus advanced edu-
cation In adult years tends to pre-
serve the mental faculties he declared.
"If an individual were to exercise his
mental powers to anywhere near
optimum capacity, there appears no
reason for a decrease in mental
Rapid social-economic changes to-
day, tle increasing proportion of
aged to the total population, and
'the more abundant leisure flowing
from technological advance were
stressed by Professor McClusky as
prime reasons for adult education in
the modern educational scene.
Fresh Charges
Aimed At Smith
By Authorities
Alleged Loan Handling
Accruing To $400,000
Blasts Hope Of Release
BATON ROUGE, La., July 5.-(P)
-While campus friends strove fu-
tilely to raise $50,000 bail for Dr.
James Monroe Smith, fresh charges
struck today at the former university
president's hopes for early release
from jail.
District Attorney Charles A. Byrne
disclosed at New Orleans that he had
asked Baton Rouge a'uthorities to
turn Smith over to him, if and when
the educator makes bond on charges
that he stole great sums from Lou-
isiana State University in the nine
years he served as its president.
Allege Loan Manipulation
Byrne said Smith was wanted in
New Orleans for alleged manipula-
tion of loans from banks which At-
torney-General David M. Ellison said
amounted to $400,000..
Meanwhile the tall, bald doctor of
philosophy and Huey Long protege
silently mapped his defense plans for
his jail cell-and none could say
what form this defense would take,
nor whom it would touch.
Hints of further sensations in the
case which already had rocked the
political dynasty of the slain "King-
fish" Long came yesterday when
Smith was reported to have said he
would "not be the goat" in the scan-
Statement Denied
But today District Attorney Dewey
Sanchez and the prisoner had de-
nied making sucha staement and
"Dr. Smith has made no state-
ment for publication and says he
will not do so until he has engaged
counsel to represent him."
Newspapermen were refused per-
mission to visit Smith on the fourth
floor of the East Baton Rouge parish
Doherty To Speak
Track Coach Ken Doherty will de-
scribe the recent National Collegiate
Track meet and the Big Ten-Pacific
Coast Track Meet at the weekly lun-
cheon of the department of physi-
cal education at 12:10 p.m. today in
the Union.
Britain Points
To oopholes'
In Danzig Aid
Ifs' In Pledge To Poles
Pointed Out By Official;
Nation To 'Resist Force'
Chamberlain Makes
Vague Statements
LONDON, July 5.-(M)-An "if" in
Britain's pledge to Poland caused
misgivings tonight in circles where
it had been feared Britain might
seek a loophole if the Danzig situa-
tion came to a showdown.
The question of whether Britain
would fight for the Free City was
left without a clear answer by a
government statement in the Housej
of Commons which pointed out that1
Britain's guarantee of aid to Poland
provided for help only if there were
a "very clear threat" to Poland's
Butler Claims
This statement was made by Rich-;
ard Austen Butler, Undersecretary;
for Foreign Affairs when he was
asked in Commons whether Britain's
policy included resistance to any pos-
sible attempt to change the status
of the Free City.
Butler said Britain "will certainly
fulfill her pledge to Poland." Butt
when he was pressed for a more defi-
nite reply, Butler reminded his ques-
tioner that "the guarantee which we
gave to Poland refers to a very clear
threat to her independence."
(Prime Minister Chamberlain an-
nounced the joint British-French
pledge last March 31 as a guarantee
to support Poland "in the event of
any action which clearly threatened
Polish independence and which the
Polish Government accordingly con-
sidered vital to resist with their na-t
tional forces.")t
Express Alarmt
Alarm had been expressed befdre int
some quarters because Chamberlaini
Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax and
other ministers had avoided any more
definite statement on Danzig in re-
cent speeches than to say Britain
would fulfill her pledges or that Bri-
tain would "resist aggression." c
Doubts became widespread last
week when the well-informed TimesN
of London referred to Britain's ob-
ligation to aid Poland as binding onlyI
if Polish independence were threat-
Issues Statement
Foreign office sources, however,
issued a statement Sunday, saying
that Britain, France and Poland had
agreed to resist if any attempt were
made to change the status of Dan-
zig from within or without.
The Prime Minister himself was
asked a number of questions in Com-
mons but refused to answer most of
them. He made a brief statement,
however, in answer to a request that
he mobilize Britain's fleet or take
other strong action to impress Ger-
many. ;
"His Majesty's government," he
said, "will not fail to take any steps1
which may seem to them necessary1
and desirable to make their attitude
absolutely clear"
Announce Hours
For Libraries
Foresty, Dental Closed
All DuringSummer
Summer hours for the University
libraries were announced recently
by Samuel W. McAllister, associate
The General Library will be open
from 7:45 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays.
It will be closed Sundays during the
Summer Session as will all other
libraries. Hours of the departmental
libraries vary according to the de-
partment. The East Engineering and
Architecture Libraries will open from
8:30 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 5 p.m.
on weekdays.
Forestry and dental librarieswill
be closed entirely during the sum-
mer. Other departmental libraries
will be open from 8 to 12 a.m., I to
5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Monday
through Thursday. On Friday they.
will be open from 8 to 12 a.m. and
1 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday from
8 to 12 a.m.
Purdom To Speak
At Vaeaton Mpeetino
Many Drown
As Kentucky
Swollen Mountain Creeks
Trap Dwellers In Their
Beds InFlimsy Homes
Fear Death Toll
MayReach 100
MOREHEAD, Ky., July 5.-()--
Thirty-three mountain folk were
drowned and 81 missing today-
trapped as they slept when small
creeks and rivers swirled out of their
banks from torrents let loose a few
hours earlier by a cloudburst.
Genration after generation of these
people of the hills have built their
homes along the banks of these
treacherous streams because there is
so little level land between the tall
mountain peaks. Some structures
rest on piling in creek beds.
They have been through floods be-
fore, many of them, but old timers
shook their heads over the big loss
of life from the waters that came as
high as 15 feet in a short time.
Morehead Hit
Morehead was the worst hit of the
many communities flooded. Post-
master W. E. Crutcher said 38
drowned in this area.
Seventy-five miles almost due
south Breathitt C o un t y-called
"Bloody Breathitt" in feuding years
-had s ven known dead. Sheriff
Walter Deaton, who went to the vil-
lage of Keck, 10 miles west of Jack-
son, the county seat, said 69 persons
were missing.o
Forks Merge
At Keck the two forks of Frozen
Creek -merge,. The sheriff said the
tiny streams poured such a volume
of water onto the sleeping town that
the death toll may include ail of
those missing. Search for the miss-
ing was continued. The sheriff esti-
mated the crop and Propetay damage
in Breathitt County alone at $1,000,-
800. .
Expressions of fear that the death
toll in the mountains-many sections
of which may not be accessible for
days because of the many bridges
washed out and poor communication
facilities-may run above the 100
mark, came from government and
relief officials.
History Of Falls
To Be Explained
By Prof. Scott
Lecture Will Anticipate
Excursion To Niagara;
Trip To BeJuly 14-17
Non-technically, the geological his-
tory of Niagara Falls will be ex-
plained by Prof. Irving D. Scott of
the geology department at 5 p.m. to-
day in the Lecture Hall of the Rack-
ham School.
Through a study of the rock for-
mations beneath the receding Falls
and of the caverns that the Falls
has excavated during its many cen-
turies of existence, geologists have
been able to estimate the age of the
cataract and its former positions.
Changing every year, Niagara Falls
presents an extremely interesting geo-
logical study.
Professor Scott's talk will be given
in anticipation of the Summer Ses-
sion excursion to Niagara Falls Fri-
day to Monday, July 14 to 17. The
trip will be made from Detroit to
Buffalo by boat, and from Ann Arbor
to Detroit and Buffalo to the Falls
by bus. Excursionists will visit the
Falls proper, the various gorges, the
Cave of the Winds and take a steam-
er trip below the Falls on the Maid
of the Mist.
Jitterbugging will come into its
own Saturday night at the League,
as one division of a dancing contest
scheduled as part of the regular
social evening. Prizes will also be
awarded for "smooth" dancing.
Students may come in couples,
stags, or get dates by calling Har-
riet Thom. Judging will be held at
10:45 p.m. The dance will be from
9 to 12 p.m.
Students Visit
Ford Factories
On Third Trip
More Than 60 Are Shown{
Rotunda Of River Rouge
Plant And Laboratories
More than 60 persons tooki advan-
tage of the third Summer Session
excursion yesterday to visit the Fordt
plant in Dearborn.
The group left Ann Arbor by bus
and proceeded to the Ford Rotunda,I
which Henry Ford had transplanted
from Chicago after the World's Fair
and where various exhibits pertain- ,
ing to the Ford car are kept continu-
ally on display. There the group
transferred to Ford busses which took
them to the factory grounds.
Guides Explain
Once inside the grounds, guidess
pointed out the various buildings,
plaining the purposes of each, and
showed the group freighters unload-
ing at the company's docks on the
River Rouge, including the Henry
Ford , the longest freighter on theI
Great Lakes.
Within one of the buildings, the e
excursionists followed the motor as- '
sembly process from the point wherex
the cylinder block is bored by hugef
machines that drib the block in one
step to the end of the line whereI
the completed motor is ready to be
lowered into the chassis on the main
assembly line belqw.{
Assembly Line
The main assembly line was, of
course, the main attraction. 'There,
on a continuous conveyor belt rn-
ning at a uniform speed, the auto-
mobile takes shape before the eyes of
the onlookers. From a bare chassis
to a mere skeleton to the finishedl
product which is driven off the line
under its own power in 45 minutes
is one of the miracles of the modernl
industrial age, a far cry from the
older practice of hand craftsmanship.
Conveyor Belt
The various parts to be added
swing from another conveyor belt
above and behind the line workers,
or lie in neat, piles by the worker's
side. Each man has a job to do:'
placing a part, tightening a set of
bolts, applying grease, managing a
crane or any of the many other task
that must be performed before ti-
various bits of equipment become an
entity in the form of an automobile.
Also visited were the testing lab-
oratories, where samples of each ma-
terial used in the cars are tested for
quality, and precision parts turned
out by machines are periodically
checked for accuracy
Governor's Wife Ill
LANSING, July 5.-4'P)-LDr. H. A.
Moyer, Governor Dickinson's person-
al physician, said today that Mrs.
Zra Della Dickinson, 76-year-old
wife of Michigan's Governor, was in
a serious condition.
Summer Parley
Opening Session,
Panels, Are Today
Prizes To Be Awarded
To Jitterbugs At League'
First Annual Discussion
Of Modern Problems To
Begin At 4:15 P.M.
Three Viewpoints
To Be Presented
The first annual Summer Parley,
a student-faculty discussion of res-
ent problems, begins at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Union.
The parley begins with a general
session this afternoon, at which
three faculty men will present the
conservative, liberal and radical view-
points on the Parley's topic, "Which
Way Progress-Social Responsibility
or Individualism?" Speakers listed
are Prof. William A. Paton of the
school of Business Administration
speaking as a conservative; Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political si-
ence department speaking as a lib-
eral; and Prof. Mentor L. Willials
of the English department repre-
senting the radical viewpoint.
Divide Into Panels
At 7 p.m. today in the Union, the
Parley will divide into' four panels
to discuss education, international
relations, industry and labor, and
government and politics. Each pairel
includes a student chairman, a facul-
ty speaker, a student speaker and a
selected list of faculty panel mem-
Ruth Cunningham, Grad., will be
chairman.of the panel on eduaion:
"What's Wrong with Our Sch1dis?"
Miss Edith Bader, elementary school
supervisor of the Ann Arbor Schoils
and visiting member of the Scho1
of Eiducation faculty, will be faculty
speaker with Olfi' MifllAck, 'Grad.,
as student speaker.
Prof. George A. Carrothers of tie
School of Education; Dr. Edward A.
Blakeman, counselor in religious edu-
cation; Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne, as-
sistant dean of the literary college;
Dr. Wilbur D. West, visiting faculty
member of the School of Education;
and Prof. Lowell J. Carr, of the
Child Guidance Institute, will conm-
pose the panel.
Gardi Panel Chairman
John Ciardi, Grad., will act as
chairman of the panel on interna-
ional relations, "The Trend of World
'ffairs." Prof. Arthur Smithies of
he department of economics will be
acuity speaker Nth John A. Ses-
ions, '40, as student speaker.
Members of the faculty panel are
Prof. Robert Angell of the sociology
department, Prof. Mentor L. Wil-
liams of the English departmen,
Prof. Robert Hall of .the geography
lepartment, Prof. J. P. Dawson of
the Law School, Prof-Emeritus Wil-
liam A. Hobbs, Prof. Howard Ehr-
nann of the history ,'department,
Prof. George Cressy of Syracuse
University, and William W. Lock-
wood, member of the research staff
of the American Council of thte Insti-
ute of Pacific Relations in New York.
Bond 1IsChairnman
Floyd Bond, Grad., Will act as
chairman of the pane on industry
and labor, "Can We Have Industrial
Peace?" Prof. John F. Shepard of the
psychology department will be facul-
ty speaker, with George Quick, Grad.,
as sttudent speaker.
Members of the faculty panel in-
clude Prof. Edgar M. Hoover of the
economics department, Prof. Mar-
garet Elliot of the economics 'depart-
ment, Prof. Louis C. Karpnski of the
mathematics department,Prof. W-
liam A. Paton of the School of Busi-
ness Administration,' Prof. Mervin
Waterman of the School of. Business
Administration, Prof. Carl E. Dahl-
strom of the engineering college and
(Continued on Page 3)
Speech Lunch
To Draw 175
Similarities Of . Word Order
In Chinese, English Explained
How a similar cause, absence of a
complicated inflectional system, has
made word-order the chief factor in,
determining sentence relationships in
both Chinese and English was ex-
plained last night by Prof. George A.
Kennedy of Yale University in the
week's Linguistic Institute lecture.
In his discussion of the structure
of Chinese Dr. Kennedy limited him-
self to the principal regular charac-
teristics of its structure, since they
present the strongest resemblance to
English. These aspects are two, first,
that dealing with the noun-verb
and complex combinations. It is a
general principle, Dr. Kennedy stat-
ed, that in a sequence of two units of
the same class, unless they are clear-
ly marked 'as coordinate, the first is
subordinate. This principle, which is
like that in English, would cause
some ambiguities if some convention-
al associations were not recognized.
For example, Pfather-mother" in
Chinese means father and mother,
but "mother-father" means mater-
nal grandfather.
This general principle is that by
which are produced the Chinese
equivalents of adjectives and ad-
Traveling Library On Japanese
Li e And Culture Here For Week
Unique in every respect is the Jap-
anese Reference Library, a traveling
collection of more than 3,000 volumes
which arrived in Ann Arbor Tues-
The library is housed in a truck
with sides which open for access to
The books in the collecti6n are all
works whose cultural validity is an
accepted thing, according I'o Robert
Janney, assistant librarian and truck
driver for the library. The sections on
religion and philosophy are particu-
Faculty To Treat Students
At Annual Affair
More than 175 persons are expect-
etd to attend the luncheon given by
the faculty of the department of
speech for students enrolled in the