THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MY 4, GAN DAILY .1 I1 cattle. George VI dips a pink toe into the waters of power politics with a mild declaration that England is prepared in case anybody does ony- thing naughty. The Russian pact still is not signed although the French ambassador is reportedly willing to affix his signature to almost anything within the bounds of sanity. The possibilties for comple- tion of the pact are good. The United States, whether wisely or not, finds itself seized by a wave of isolationist feeling and an increase in nationalism. And the hour nears for the latest putsch, per- haps, for the latest World War. It will not be long before we know. -Stan M. Swinton STATION STATIC -from the University Biological Station : and managed by students of the University of n under the authority of the Board in Control of tPublications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Sumni 4' Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of epublication pfall other matters herein also d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mall matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier. y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO_ er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Editorial Staff 4 -"40-1- -imp- ---mw- - ton .. berg . ... . ,van....... .sey . . ler ong.......-.-. naeborn. .' . . . - Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff Philip W. Buchen... . . Business Manager tu1 Park ...... . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY The editorials published in The Michigan .Daily are written by members of/the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Another Sarajevo . . P RESS ASSOCIATION MEN have be- gun to flock into Danzig. The Ger- luan ministry of propaganda announces Hitler will visit the troubled sea-port on the very warship which he used to triumphantly enter MIemel. Pulitzer-prize winning Edgar Ansel Mow- rer radios the Nazi theory of how their latest putsch will prove successful: "France and Great Britain will restrain the fiery Poles; nothing will happen.. Hitler will, in German eyes, merely have Irighted another 1wrong' of Versailles; Poland will, like Czechoslo- vakia after Munich, have ceased to be an in- dependent state; German "vital space" will have grown again; the democracies will be that much nearer their inevitable collapse; Italy and Spain will prepare to inherit the spoils and Germany will prepare for the 'inevitable' conflict with Russia for the supremacy of one political system over another and virtual domination of the contination." From a dozen sources come new evidences of the plan: Berlin correspondents cable of the several thousand storm troopers, elite guard members, secret police and even troops, who have slipped, disguised, into the vital port with its all-important outlet to the sea. More than ;,500,000 men---more probably 2,000,000-are un-, :er arms in the Reich. The inevitable press cam- paign is underway, shrieking of British attempts at encirclement; telling of the woes of Ger- mans who are oppressed within the Free State's sonfines. The stage is set. Soon there will be internal 0onflict. Local incidents will spread, gain im- >ortance. Polish customs, railway and other ad- 65inistrations will find it almost impossible to function. Then-what? Annexation? On Poland ests the answer. If the Polish fight then reluctant Britain ill be forced into the fray. Already the French cabinet has announced it will back Poland fully end, while the French promise was little more ;han the kiss of death to Czechoslovakia, the mtraged nation will brook no more Nazi aggres- ion and a Dalader whose political future is at take will prove a different man from the weak- pilled creature of Munich. Britain is a far less certan ally. True, there is alk in London that the further policy of con- ession would prove suicide-but well-informed ources report that matinee-idol Anthony Eden nd opportunistic Winston Churchill may be idded to the Cabinet as a gesture to prove Bri- ain means business, one must study the implica- ions fully. Eden played a disgraceful part in elling Ethiopia down the river-that is now cer- ain. G. T. Garrat, the former Manchester Guard- an correspondent, gives a brief, accurate picture >f that in "Mussolini's Roman Empire.' Churchill may believe in what he is doing- nd he may be making political caiptal of his tand, forcing his way into the heretofore in- xcessible cabinet through obstructionistic tac- ics. And both are Conservatives-not members f the Hoare-Simo-Chamberlain clique, but nembers of the Conservative party. No one has uggested that Liberal Archibald Sinclair or 4aborite Atlee be included. Even the left-wingers cowl at Stanford Cripps' when he suggests a oalition. The Conservative Party, the Tories vhose blunders and stupid disregard of Foreign )ffice advice have led the British Empire to the rink of disintegrationstill are in the saddle. So Britain is still on the fence. If forced to he will fight but offered the slightest opportun- By RUTH SCHORLING DOUGLAS LAKE, July 2.-The University Bi- ological Station, familiarly known as "Bug Camp" got off to a flying start Saturday night, June 24, with the annual get-acquainted party in the Pteris Gardens Club House on the shores of Douglas Lake. From California, Texas, Maine, and half of the other states we assembled, two hundred and fifty strong, to hear an intro- ductory talk by Director G. R. La Rue. If you heard crackling noises 'way down in Ann Arbor, that was the ice breaking as charades, games, and novelty dances, under the capable direction of Dean of Women Odina Olson, converted stran- gers into old friends. Among the new-comers gladly welcomed were popular Professors Spar- row and Steere from the Botany Department of the University. Early arrivals, including Dr. William Brace of the University Health Service, were on hand Friday to greet the campers as they arrived, shouting gay "hello's" and making for the lake, where squeals and splashes testified that Douglas Lake was as cool and stimulating as always. New campers who were industriously filling in registration blanks Saturday morning were Barbara Benedict, Helen Hay, and Frances Hubbs, while "Dabs" Carnochan was heard to remark that some day she was going to write "Druid" in the blank after Religion. The "Baby Birds" class (Introductory Orni- thology) started off up the lake at five o'clock Sunday morning on their first trip, and arrived back for dinner covered with bites, smelling of citronella, and slightly pinkish as to face; but enthusiastic about birds, bogs, and professor Pettingill's new red hat. Tuesday the Invertebrate class set off for Grapevine Point to be initiated into the myster- ies of snails, under the guidance of Professor Eggleton. Up to their waists in water, and slap- ping at the mosquitoes biting their sunburns as they groped for the elusive gastropod were Betty Chandler, Fred Bromund, and Ella Heinke, while Royall Brunson splashed them enthusiastically. Wednesday evening brought respite in the form of baseball for all, as both men's and wom- en's teams prepared for encounters with the Station's hereditary enemies, the Geography Camp. Mrs. Stockard proved herself capable of slapping out a nice texas leaguer, while daughter Martha Jane, the four-year-old camp sweetheart, cheered from the side-lines. Ed Phillips and "Uncle Joe" Harris sneered at the feminine brand of ball, while husband Bob proudly watched the pitching of Dorothy Camp- bell. Conversation now is chiefly centered around the plans for Saturday night's party. It is to be a Bull Fight, complete with trimmings, includ- ing an audience gone Mexican .. . and ;Ferdi- nand! Sombreros, boots, and sashes are in great demand, while sunburned lasses are ruefully regarding peeling noses, and asking, "How'm I ever gonna look like a Spanish lady, even with mosquito netting?" Washington Battle The Battle of Washington is a worthwhile fight. Let us waive, for a moment, the legisla- tive objectives at issue, important though some of them are. Transcending those objectives is the trumpeting fact that a fundamental of American .democracy is reasserting itself. Con- gress is exercising its constitutional powers as our law-making body. Congress is resuming its traditional and indispensable stature as a co- operative branch of the Government. That is as it should be-as it, in truth, must be. That the American people are fed up with the practice of subsidizing the silver-mining indus- try is not debatable. Unwise as it is for the Gov- ernment to pay American silver producers U, price for their product far beyond the market value, it is wholly indefensible to extend this generosity to foreigners. On that point the mone- tary experts, hardly without exception, and the ownn By STAN M. SWINTON He was a sophomore on The Daily business staff. She was a freshman who'd tried out for Gargoyle and then quit after the editor wasn't impressed by her work. Yes, the scenario runs according to form. They fell in love. One day1 they thought of what seemed like a wonderful idea--why not do for the Michigan campus what Life did for America? The first collegiate picture magazine in history. For days they talked of; nothing else. Finally, plans complete, they sub- mitted a dummy copy to the Board in Control of Publications. Their hearts were in their mouths . . would it be accepted? It was. The first edition of the magazine was distribut- ed free to all freshmen. It was going to be a wonderful sucess. They'd do something for Michigan never done before. They forgot school work, spent night and day on the magazine. You'd see them hard at work in the Publications Building during vacations. They were around as much as The Daily gang . . . and that's a plenty. But the magazine-its name was "Panorama"- wasn't doing so well. Photographic expenses were high, publication costs skyrocketing, advertising scarce. A Michigan alumnus helped out by get- ting them some national advertisers. But it wasn't enough. Panorama abruptly announced suspension of publication. It had lost a tremen- dous sum despite its short span of life 'and the Publications couldn't afford its deficits any longer. College had meant Panorama to the pair. They didn't know quite what to do. The next thing their friends heard they'd married, quit school and gone to New York. Thenthey dropped out of sight. No one seemed to know quite what had happened. Suddenly, one day, a Daily man burst into the Publications building, carrying a copy of the Detroit Times. He yelled for the gang to look at Winchell's column. In it, under the heading "New York Novellette" was a story of the two-how they'd started a magazine at the University of Michigan, come to New York to seek their fortunes. How the boy had gone to work for' a grafting theatrical pro-. ducer who owed him weeks of back pay. How the kids were broke and the girl was sick and they didn't know what to do or to whom to turn. From all over the country offers of jobs flooded in to the pair. Their parents contacted them. The theatrical producer, afraid of what Winchell' could do to him, paid up. The crisis passed and a story-book campus romance had turned out for the best. Their names: Bob Lodge and Joan (Mrs. Robert Lodge) Hanson. Today he's secre- tary of the New York Alumni Club and doing very well, thank you ... We've been spending our time hiding out from some irated actors by browsing around the book- stores. There's something about thumbing through the volumes in Wahrs, Follets, Slaters, Ulrich's and the Book Room that suits us per- fectly. Yesterday we spent a couple of hours in the last named place, talking with Jim Green, who's running it this summer while John Mal- colm Brinnin, one of the nation's most promising young poets, isn't around. Jim's planning big things for the Room-he's starting them off with a reception Wednesday night for all and sun- dry. What got us was the mention of free refresh- ments-and the fact that he's just received a stock of the Penguin Books. They're the paper- bound six-penny English editions that usually pop up here costing two or three dollars. Jim somehow imported the originals and they're only thirty-five cents. There goes this week's pay-check. common sense of the people are agreed. As regards the devaluation of the dollar, even the professional critics of the President must acknowledge that he has not abused the power which Congress delegated to him under the pressure of demoralized world conditions. Never- theless, the power to fix the value of our money is vested in Congress by the Constitution. In moving to reclaim that power Congress is wholly within the organic law. Moreover, if economic chaos on a world scale should again make i advisable, in the judgment of Congress, to dele- gate to the President the devaluation power, that privilege could again be bestowed. The necessary legislative action demanded by relief requirements will of course be taken. But the right of Congress to be consulted on an ex- penditure of such magnitude cannot be ques- tioned, and the duty of provide safe- guards and administrative regulations is imper, ative. So the Battle of Washington rages, but above the tumult and the shouting rides the undeniable truth, now being impressively exemplified, that ours is a government of law, and our governing bodies derive their authority from public opinion. Democracy is fighting a fine, historic battle at Washington. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR 750 KC - CBS ! WwJ WxYZ 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1,1030 CKLW KC - Mutual Tuesday Afternoon TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 8 Old High German: Will meet MTuWTh at 7 a.m., 303 S.W. Mathematis 278, Relativity: will meet from now on in 304 M.H. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., and on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 o'clock.' The Intramural Sports Building will be closed all day today. The General Library will be closed all day today. The library is' open from 7:45 a.m. until 10 p.m. daily ex- cepting Sundays. d There will be no faculty of the School of Music concert this evening. Duplicate Bridge at 7:30 p.m., Michigan League, this evening. 4th of July Dance: The Michigan Wolverine is sponsoring another in} its series of informal summer danc- ing parties this evening from 8:30 until 12:00. The ballroom will be decorated in a gay holiday manner. Group singing and "mixer" dances will provide a part of the evening's entertainment. Refreshments will be served. All summer session students are cordially invited to attend this danc- ing party and 4thof July celebration, Gentlemen 10 cents. Ladies free. The Michigan Wolverine, 209 S. State St. 12:00 Goldbergs 12:15 Life Beautiful 12:30 Road of Life 12:45 Day Is Ours 1 :00 Musical 1:15 Life Dr. Susan 1:30 Your Family\ 1:45 Girl Marries 2:00 Linda's Love 2:15 Editor's Daughter! 2:30 Dr. Malone 2:45 Three Aces 3:00 Police Field Day 315 Demoiselle Race 3:30 Minstrels 2:45 Duncan Moore 4:00 Musical 4:15 Peaceful Valley 4:30 " 4:45 Alice Blair 5:00 Miss Julia 5:15 Stars and Stripes 5:30 Tomy Talks 5:45 Back to School President & Cabinet Foot Health Bradcast Women's Clubs KittyrKeene Recordings Cleveland at Detroit Tiger Talk Cleveland at detroit Spotlight Lowell Thomas Noonday News Farm Almanac Golden Store Fan on the Street Betty and gBob Grimm's Daughter Valiant Lady Hymns Army Band Rhythm and Song Club Matinee News Jimmy Dorsey Affairs of Anthony Xylophonist IHollywood Highits. To Be Announced Day in Review Baseball Final Newis Turf reporter Kavier Cugat Garden Club Concert orchestra Organist Melody Time Mich. WCTU Quiet Sanctuary Henry Cincone Musicale News Moods in Music rwo Keyboards To beannounced Jamboree Organist Turf reporter Baseball scores News The second luncheon meeting of the Graduate Conference on Renais- sance Studies will be held at the Michigan Union on Wednesday, July 5, at 12:15 o'clock, Room 116. Prof. Hereward T. Price will speak on "Absolutism in Renaissance Drama." All interested persons are cordially invited to attend. Excursion No.3-The Ford Plant. Inspection of the various Ford indus- tries at River Rouge. Expense: round (trip bus fare, $1.25. The party meets at 12:45 p.m., Wednesday, July 5, in front of Angell Hall and returns to Ann Arbor at 5:30 p.m. Students wishing to follow the bus in private cars are invited to do so. Reserva- tions are to be made in the Summer Session office, Angell Hall. Swimming and L i f e-S a v i n g Courses: Intermediate swimming and 'Red Cross Life-Saving courses will be given in the Union Pool this summer for men only. The swim- ming class will meet Wednesday from 2 to 3. The Life-Saving class will meet 6. Classes began Monday, July 3. Tea and Dancing: at 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Michigan League, Wednesday, July 5. Lecture, "Human Interest in Edu- cation," Byron 0. Hughes, Research Associate in the University Elemen- tary School. This lecture will be given in the University High School Auditorium, Wednesday, July 5, at 4:05 p.m. Tryouts for "Iolanthe": First try- outs for "Lolanthe" will be held Wed- both solo and principal parts. Scores nesday at 4:30 in the Burton Tower, are available at Wahr's Book Store. See bulletin board main floor in Tow- er for room number for tryouts. Professor Howard Y. McClusky will give a lecture on the subject "Can Adults Learn?" at 5 p.m. Wed- nesday, July 5, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. Intermediate Dancing Class, at 7:30 p.m., Michigan League, Wednesday, July 5. GermanHouse: Regular meeting (Contlnued on Page 3) i i i Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Review Easy Aces Stop and Go 6:15 Musical Bradcast Mr. Keen, tracer " 6:30 Helen Mencken Midstream hThe Green Hornet Sportlightr 6:45 George Krehbiel Jimmie Allen 7:00 Edw. G. Robinson Johnny Presents Inside Story Washington News 7:15 " t" 'Here's My Story' 7:30 Dick Powell Feature Information, please Benno Rabinoff 7:45 "i It 8:00 We, the People Battle of Sexes Melody & Madness Jamboree 8:15 "r 8:30 Bob Crosby Alec Templeton True Stories Success Session 8:45 9:00 Hal Kemp District Attorney Yukon Drama Musical varieties 9:15 " To be announced i 9:30 Number Please Doghouse InterviewsnTed Flo Rito 9:45 " Police Field Day 10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Noble Sissle Freddy Martin 10:15 Jimmy Fidler Vic and BadeHou tO0:30 Sports Fred Waring Richard Ilumber Doc Sunshine L0:45 Cab Galloway Dance Music "tGriff williams 11:00 News News Jan Savitt Reporter 11:15 Henry Busse Dance Music t> Music 11:30 Jack Fulton Eastwood Harry Owens s1:45 It $Iordy t .2:00 Sign off 1. Westwood Sign Off Freddy Martin ,,. LL- JAMES HAMILTON, Tenor TEACHER OF SINGING "Italian Method" Beginners Accepted - Additions free Studio2 831 Tappan Ct. Dial 2-3370 or 8389 N Drugs, Kodaks Make Mine A Want Ad -NOW-- Starting Today! -- GET YOUR SIARf OF 10E T Today and Wednesday 1 ES If W WA MARIE WILSON Allen Jenkins .Johnnie Davis Charley Foy.Jerry Colonna and Jane Withers in "BOY FRIEND" Holiday Prices 35c .All Day KODAK VERIC H ROME fIULM Careful developing and Printing Let your camera do its best work. Load it with Kodak Verichrome Film. Its lati- tude brings picture within reach that are often missed with ordinary film. Our de- veloping and printing helps, too, for films that go through our finishing process receive the best of care from the moment you leave them with us. CALKI NS-FLETCH ER DRUG COMPANY 324 S. State 818 S. State THOMAS MITCHELL" RITA HAYWORTH RICHARD BARTHELMESS " A HOWARD Candy 11 I Sodas pL___________________________________ jp II oday's Schedule _.., ... ..r,. I 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a..nt Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi, Columbia University (Lec- ture Hall, Rackham Building). Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg, University of Saskat- chewan (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). Beginner's Social Dancing Class (League Ballroom). Duplicate Bridge (League) 7:30 8:00 p.m. P.E' Faculty-Student DI RECTORY... 35c ON SALE WEDNESDAY . A. III!I4e IIll4 eIlmninnw ,'. Tomorrow' s Schedule 12:15 12:45 3:30 4:05a p.m. Graduate Conference on Renaissance Studies Luncheon (Union). p.m. Excursion to Detroit (Angel Hall). p.m. Tea and Dancing (League Ballroom). p.m. "Human Interest in Education," lecture by Byron 0.,Hughes, Re- I