THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, J 'Beer Barrel' Bounces Of f Canvas In Second Round Smith Winner In Court Battle At Wimbledon Detroit clung tenaciously to its first division berth yesterday with the aid of enough rain so the Indians could call the game off, but the big news came from Wimbledon, Eng- land, where a big, beaming Cali- fornia English teacher named Gene Smith entered the fourth round of the international singles tennis championships along with Bobby Riggs of Chicago and Elwood Cooke of Portland. Smith, who showed that you can upset the form books in the court- sport, trounced Franz Cejnar of Bo- hemia and Moravia in a two hour battle. On the baseball front the Yankees, in an absent minded moment, lost a game to Washington, 2 to 1, and then came back to blast out a victory in t he second stanza, 7 to 0. St. Louis split a double header with the White Sox, 9-3 and 5 to 7. Despite Conny Mack's illness the Athletics beat Boston, 8 to 6. In the Cub League the Chicagos trounced the Cardinals, 7 to 6. Bos- ton's Bees upset the New York's Terrymen, 8 to 2, while the Phila- delphias and the Brooklyns post- poned their night contest. The Cubs are now within a game of third place. Clipper Spans Ocean NEW YORK, June 29.--G')-The Dixie Clipper, carrying the first com- mercial airplane passengers across the Atlantic, landed at Lisbon, Por- tugal, at 2:10 p.m. (EST) today, Pan American Airways reported. The ship took off from its Port Wash- ington, N.Y., base at 2:10 p.m. yes- terday. Two-Term Defender Champion of the two-term tra- dition for presidents, Sen. John Overton, Louisiana Democrat, em- phasized that point during inter- view at Washington. He also pre- dicted that Roosevelt-who hasn't said yet-won't be a presidential candidate in 1940. In one of the wildest slugging battles in recent heavyweight boxing history, Joe Louis scored a technical knockout over Tony Galento, the pudgy Jersey barkeeper, in the fourth round at Yankee Stadium, N.Y. In the second round, Louis knocked Tony down as shown here. In the third round; Tony felled Joe. And in the fourth round, Louis battered the challenger into submission. Dr. Moyer, 39 Confirmed Others By Senate i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) 020, July '3. Assistant Chief Nurse, St. Eliza- beth's Hospital, Salary, $2,000, July 3. Director of Nursing School and Superintendent of Nurses, Free- dom's Hospital (for colored 'staff only) salary $2,300, July 3. Department of Interior. Public Health Nurse, Salary, $2,000, July 3. Graduate Nurse, General Staff Duty, Salary, $1,800, July 3. Indian Field Service, Including Alaska, Department of the In- terior. JunioruGraduate Nurse, Salary, $1,620, July 3. U.S. Public Health Service, Treasury Dept. and Veterans' Ad- ministration. Junior Warehouse Examiner, Dept. of Agriculture, Salary, $2,000, July 17. Dept. of Agriculture, Salary, $3,200, July 17. Junior Warehouse Examiner, Dept. of Agriculture, Salary, $2,000, July 17. Associate Warehouse Examiner,' Dept. of Agriculture, Salary, $3,200, July 17. Assistant Warehouse Examiner,' Dept of Agriculture, Salary, $2,600, July 17. Senior Field Aid (Forage Crops), Salary, $2,000, July 17. Asst. Laboratory Aid (Plant Tech- nology), Salary, $1,620, July 17. Junior Field Aid, Salary, $1,440, July 17. . Junior Laboratory Aid, Salary, $1,- 440, July 17. Senior Architect, Salary, $4,600, July 24. Architect, Salary, $3,800, July 24. Associate Architect, Salary, $3,200, SPORTS ENTRY BLANK Intramural Sports D~epartme~nt LANSING, June 29-G'P)-The Michi- gan Senate today confirmed Gov. Luren D. Dickinson's appointment of Dr. H. A. Moyer of Charlotte, his personal physician, as state health commissioner. Approval also was given to 35 other appointments. No action was taken towards con- firming the reappointment of Ed- win J. Donahue of Niles to the civil service commission. All men students are eligible for competition in the following sports. Check on the list below the sports in which you wish to participate. No Entry Fee Is Required The Intramural Sports Department will make drawings and sched- ules, furnish equipment needed for team sports, and provide officials for the contests where necessary. Notification of opponent and time of play will be mailed to each participant. I. Softball Swimming Golf (Average score). Tennis Singles Tennis Doubles ( Handball Singles ( ) ( ) ( ) Handball Doubles Horseshoe Singles Horseshoe Doubles ( ) } { ( () ) ) P yOQ { ) Squash ( ) Table Tennis ) Badminton ( ) Codeball (, ) ( ) . ( (E ) I Please indicate partner's name in space below doubles entries. Name..................Address...................Phone ...... Mail or bring this blank to R. W. Webster, Sunervisor of Intramural Sports, Intramural Sports Bldg., Ferry Field. All entries close at 5 p.m., Thursday, July 6. It's Nature's cool drink for thcse warm days. Phone 8270 July 24. Assistant Architect, Salary, $2,600, July 24. Principal Silviculturist, Salary, $5,- 600, July 24. Senior Silviculturist, Salary, $4,600, July 24. Silviculturist, Salary, $3,800, July 24. Associate Silviculturist, Salary, $3,800, uly 24. Assistant Silviculturist, Salary, $2,- 600, July 24. Bureau of Plant Industry and For- est Service, Dept. of Agriculture. Chief Occupational Therapy Aid (Arts and Crafts) Salary $2,300, July 24. St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Dept of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Complete announcements on file at the office of the University Bu- reau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 912 and 2-4. University Bureau, of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- matio'n. I A TYPEWRITERS Sold, Rented, Repaired Student Supplies 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State Ph. 6615 ANNUAL PRE-FOURTH OF JULY Clearance FRIDAY and SATURDAY I now U " ' I "THE SAINT STRIKES BACI -Last Times Today K.I 1 "WITHIN HTE LAW" I EI STARTING TODAY! . AIAIFJTIC BOB HOPE SHIRLEY ROSS swing out with their new tune triumph.. . "The Lady's in Love GENE KRUPA and his Orchestra get in the groove with "Some Like It Hoti" June 30 and July 1 Better Dresses Originally priced up to $49.95 A $5 -$9 - $13 Extra Added Musical in Color j I Cartoon, "Their Last Bean" f l World News P -2 Silk and Sheer Wool Dresses Formerly to $10.75 Now $3.00 Sweaters --Blouses -- ACCESSORIES BELLE SHARMEER HOSE . . 165 and 1.35 qualities . . .2 pr. for 2.29 SLIPS . . . tailored slips, lace trimmed slips, taffeta slips and petticoats . . Broken sizes . . . 1.49 XUNA MERKEL 47 maverti, .careenin'. queenr of the i~erflg E I . Ii