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June 26, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-26

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Sitr igan



The University's
Summer Session


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

Tnm --








Summer Theatre Group
Schedules Seven Plays
Whitford Kane Returns For Third Season As Guest
Director; 'Michael And Mary' To Open Wednesday


es H


a F ute
-(P)- Br
aliatory m
efore the
I quarters
anese agre
.g demand
abinet was
meeting V
se Governi

Celebrating their eleventh anni-
versary, the Michigan Repertory
ady Players Wednesday will open with
"Michael and Mary," first of the
less seven productions they will present
Rift at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
during the Summer Session.
Whitford Kane, star of the English
and American stage, will return for
his third year as guest director of
ire the season. Kane will also act the
lead role in one of the plays.
itain The plays, which range from three
ieas- comedies and a Gilbert and Sullivan
nd musical to a protest play and two
end more serious dramas, are presented
said at 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday through
e to Saturday nights beginning this week.
The last play, "Iolan he," will also
for carry over to Monda and Tuesday
id of the following week.
said The first production is to be A. A.
such Milne's domestic comedy, "Michael
Wed- and Mary," which will be given from.
mentJ Wednesday, June 28 through Satur-
itish day July 1. The second, "The Good
Hope" by Herman Heijermans, de-
swer picting the tragic lives of the humble
as to Dutch fishing people, will be pre-
by' sented July 5 through July 8.
in Shakespeare's comical "Two Gentle-
the men of Verona" is the third offering.
ould The chamber orchestra of the School
dis- of Music will accompany this produc-
tion with music taken largely from
that Mozart. The play, one of the author's

ect to an
;ement a
s made
oved by
Japan w4

5. -(JP)- An
t that a Bri-
wife were un-
. before being
ipanese barrier
:ommunity to-
id French con-
2th day under

erbert,.British Con-
d last week against
n which British men
and searched, an-
ian was permitted to
arment-a hip girdle
I to an examination
olicewoman in full
se sentry.
lved were Mr. and
who are employed
ional Country Club
rolled territory. Ma-
he incident occurred
nepts included:
tes Consul-General
1 announced he had
ations with the Jap-
them with mistreat-
S. Casey, an Ameri-
n Seattle, Wash., in
our days. The inci-
ed closed when Jap-
officials expressed
To Lecture
ism Today

10 Excursions
To Be Offered
is Summer
Niagara Falls, Put-In-Bay
Island And Points Near
Detroit Are Scheduled
Enabling Summer Session students
to visit points of scientific, industrial
and educational interest near Ann
Arbor, a series of '10 excursions will
be conducted during the summer to
places in and about Detroit, with
special trips to Put-In-Bay Island
in Lake Erie and to Niagaja Falls.
The first excursion, a tour of the
campus, will take place Thursday,
with groups leaving from the lobby
of Angell Hall from 2 p.m. to 2:30 C
p.m. This tour is to acquaint those
new to the University with some of
the most interesting features of the
Group To. Tour Campus
The groups will visit the Law
Quadrangle with the Legal Research
Library and the law dorm~tories,
and proceed from there to the Mich-
igan Union. The General Library
and the Clements Library will be
shown, after which the groups will
be taken to the Burton Memorial
Tower, where Mr. Sidney F. Giles,
guest carillonneur from Toronto,
will play the Baird Carrillon. Those
wishing to may visit the Naval Ex-
perimental Tank and the Aeronau-
tical Laboratory. There is no charge
for the tour.
A Day In Detroit
A day in Detroit comprises the
second excursion, which begins at
8 a.m. Saturday. The group taking
this trip will visit the Detroit Insti-
tute of Arts, Belle Isle Park, the
Fisher Building, and the Detroit
Zoological Park, with a drive through
the business district on Washington
Boulevard, Grand Circus Park and
lower Woodward Avenue. The trip
will be made by bus, and round trip
transportation cost will be $1.50, in-
cluding admission to the zoo. Lunch
will be extra.
Trip To Ford Plant
The third trip will be to the Ford
plant on the River Rouge. The par-
ty will inspect the motor assembly
plant, the final assembly line, the
open hearth furnaces and the rolling
mill. The round trip bus fare will
be $1.25. The trip will occur Wed-
nesday, July 5.
The Schools of the Cranbrook
Foundation in Bloomfield Hills will
be visited Saturday, July 8. This in-
cludes the Cranbrook School for
Boys, the Kingswood School for Girls
and the Brookside School. Lunch
(Continued on Page 3)
. I

lesser known works, registered a sue-
cess when it was presented last yepar
by Play Production.
"Our Town," Thornton Wildce]
Pulitzer Prize winner and the popul
sensation of the 1938 season in N2
York will be the fourth play. It runs
July '19 through 22.
George Bernard Shaw's satire,
"'Androcles and- the Lion," dealing
with the early Christian martyrs and
their persecutors as representative
of their kind during all ages, is
scheduled for presentation July 26'
to 29. Kane will play the lead.
Elmer Rice's. powerful melodrama,
(Continued on Page 6)
University Calendar
8 a.n. Classes begin in all
schools and colleges and at Bio-
logical Station.
4 p.m. Lecture on "Renais-
sance Philosophy" by Richard P.
McKeon, Dean of the Division of
Humanities of the University of
Chieago; Rackham Amphitheatre.
5 p.m. Lecture on "Aspects of
Hitlerism" by Prof. James K. Pol-
lock; Rackham Auditorium.
':45 p.m. Square and country
dancing directed by Benjamin
Lovett; League Ballroom.

J. M. Smith,
L.S.U. H ead,
Resigns Post
Leche Reveals Shortage
In University's Funds;
Postpones Retirement
Former President
BATON ROUGE, La., June 25.-
(l)-Gov. Richard W. Leche issued a'
statement tonight, deelaring the
president of Louisiana State Uni-
versity has resigned after large "fin-
ancial irregularities" had been fou ,
n L.S.U. funds and then announct 1
he would postpone' his scheduled
resignation as Governor tomorrow.
The Governor said Dr. James Mon-
roe Smith, president of L.S.U., could
not be found for questioning after
he had resigned and later announced
in a joint' statement with Lieut.-Gov.
Earl K. Long that he was deferring
his own resignation as Governor.
Long, younger brother of the late
SHuey, was to be given the oath of
office tomorrow after Leche had quit
she Governorship by proclamation.
Leche's statement concerning Dr.
ith, made in the executive man-
' heavily guarded by State Police,
id, "Our auditors and investigators
are in charge of the situation; and
are making a thorough check which,
on preliminary investigation, reveals
financial irregularities which may
reach a total of' several hundred
thousand dollars."
Dr. Smith, a native of Louisiana,
has been president of Louisiana State
University since Nov. 17, 1929. He
was. appointed in the administration
of Gov. Huey P. Long.
Leche in his statement regarding
Dr. Smith said District Attorney
Dewey Sanchez of East Baton Rouge
Parish would call a special grand
jury investigation immediately into
the "irregularities.'
Auto, Allowed
Only For Sport
Rules Necessitate Permi
For Student Driving

Dean McKeon.
Opens Lecture
Series Today
Renaissance Conference
Enters Second Season
With Talk On Aristotle
First of a series of' lecturers speak-
ing on phases of the Renaissance in
conjunction with the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies, Dr.
Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the
Division of Humanities of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will speak at 4
p.m. today in the Amphitheatre 'of
the Rackham School on "Aristotle in
the Renaissance."
Dr. McKeon, who took his AB, AM
and PhD degrees at Columbia Uni-
versity, did additional graduate study
at the University of Paris and the
Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris.
He was a member of Columbia's phi-
losophy department from 1925 until
he-went to the University of Chicago
in 1934 as visiting professor of his-
tory. He has been Dean of the Divi-
sion of Humanities at Chicago since
Author of "The Philosophy of
Spinoza," Dr. McKeon is also the
co- uthor of volume three of "Stu-
dies in the History of Idea." He is
the editor and translator of "Selec-
tion:: from . Medieval Philosophers,"
voh-me I, "Augustine to Albert the
Great," and volume II, "Roger Bacon
to William- Ockham."
Elbert Thomas

Ruthven Greets
New Students

Special Feature
Organized In
To Regular

! 1
j s

To Talk Here
:glator Will Give Three
Speehes On Far East

More Than 6000 Expected
To Start Programs Today
As Summer Session O pens


Michigan's first summer courses
were given just 45 years ago. Then
it was a brand-new experiment,
and very few courses were given
by a small group of professors;
the students, in those early years,
were traditionally those who had
to make up deficiencies. The
Summer Session is an integral
part of the University; its stu-
d nts are an . enthusiastic group
fifn all parts of the country; the
s& _e kind of work is done as in
the September to June session;
and, in' fact,'many courses, 'such.
as those offered by the various
Institutes, may be obtained in the
summer which, are not given at
all d"urng the, rest of the year. ,
In 1939 we believe that the.
University of Michigan has pre-
pared the best Summer Session
program of 'any time in.its his-
tory. To the students who have
come to Ann Arbor to take ad-
vantage of these unusual oppor-
tunities, I extend, on the Univer-
sitys' behalf, a sincere greeting,
and express the hope that your
summer here may be both enjoy-
able and profitable.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
Honorary LLD

Recreation, Social
Activities Planned
With incomplete registration fig-
ures presaging an enrollment of more
than 6,000, largest in' all of its 46
years, the University Summer Session
today officially opens its fullest pro-
From the geography and surveying
camp in far-off Wyoming to Angell
Hall, students began the daily trek
to the clasroom as the results of
months of preparation by Dr. Louis
A. Hopkins, director of the Summer
.Sessions, and other officials began
to show.
Facilities Ready .
Libraries containing more than a
million volumes, laboratories where
great discoveries haye been made,
the nation's greatest intramural ath-
letic. plant, museums, observatories
and classrooms reopened as the eight
weeks of classes started. Experts be-
gan their work at the Linguistic In-
stitute, institute of Far Eastern
Studies, Graduate Conference on Ren-
aissance Studies, Institute of Latin-
American Studies, Institute 'for
Teachers of Latin, Journalism In-
stitute for High School Teachers,
Physics Symposium, the special bac-
teriology program and other groups
affiliated with the Summer Session.
Cooperative programs are being
held with the Central State Teachers
College, and Western State Teachers
Courses At Camps
At Camp Filbert Rothi n lichigi'P
Upper Peninsula the Summer Session
in Forestry began. At Camp Davis
in Wyoming geology and surveying
courses are given. The geography
department has a sunmer camp near
the top of the lower peninsula.
Courses are being given at the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp at Patter-
son Lake, 25 miles from Ann Arbor.
Recreational facilities, especially
arranged for Summer Session stu-
dents, will provide dancing, swim=
ming and a complete sports pro-
gram. Ten excursions, varying from
a tour of the campus to a visit to
Niagara Falls,, have been planned.
Senators, Ambassadors, and famed
scholars will lecture here.
By noon, Saturday 3,133 students
had registered as compared to 3,031
at the same time last year when the
total enrollment reached 5,77f. The
male sex was preponderent with
2,146 men registered and 987 women.
The graduate school had 1,567; the
professional schools, 321 and the
undergraduate departments 1,245. All
Ad ~~n-n -ma'.. rp ah nV -at.-vtq.

Dr. Brashares Ren Amned
To Local Methodist Post
The Rev. C. W. Brashares was re-
appointed minister' of the First
Methodist Church here at the De-
troit Conference of the Methodist
Church yesterday in Adrian. J. F.
Lantz was appointed to work with
Dr. Brarares. I
Howar Busching was chosen to
the West Side Methodist post by the
Conference. Dr. Brashares has led
the local church
Expect Golf Tourney Here,
GRAND RAJIDS, Mich., June 25.-
(IP)-Ann Arbortoday appeared likely
to be selected for the 1940 Michigan
Union Printers Association Golf
Tournament. Bob Peters of Grand
Rapids won this year's tourney.

Relaxation of the I: Un ersi y ~~ E
ban to allow Summer Session si at discussions by Senator El-
dents to enjoy Ann Arbor's d D. Ti;, as of Utah on American.
sports and recreational laitierh tins wt the Far 'East high-,
beenannounced by the ')can ^fn$ fit the -rogram of lectures to be
dent's office.. en during the rest of the week.
Students will be granted d v: Senator* Thomas will appear in
permits for participation in su Ann Arbor in connection with the
sports as golf, tennis and swimming, program of the Institute of Far Eas-
and in case special -,ircumstances terin Studies. He will speak at 8 p.m.
necessitate the use of an automobile. Tuesday in the Rackham Auditoriunm

Students are urged to make prompt
application for permits at the Dean
of Student's office in Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall.
The auto ban does not apply to
the following students of the Sum-
mer Session:
1. Those engaged in professional
pursuits during the academic year.
2. Students 28 years of age or
3. Those who have a faculty rank-
ing of teaching assistant or its

on "The Place of Asia in Our Ameri-
can University Curricula"; at 8 p.m.
Wednesday on "The Far East and
the World"; and Thursday on
"America' and the Far East."
Senator Thomas is an authority on,
Asia by virtue of his many years of
residence and study there. He was
for many years professor of political
science at the University of Utah
and has written a text on Chinese
political theory. He is at present an
influential member of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.





Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
al science delpartment will open
series of general Summer Ses-
n lectures delivered by members
the faculty with a talk on "As-
cts of Hitlerism" at 5 p.m. today
the Rackham Auditorium.
Professor Pollock is an authority
the political science of Germany
d has spent several summers of
dy in Germany. He served as the
ly American representative on the
nmittee in charge of the Saar
biscite in 1934 and has written
out "The Government of Greater
Professor Pollock has also been in-
.ential in the movement for civil
'vice in Michigan and was chair-
in of the Civil Service Study Com-
ssidn here.
ussia Claimis 251
Jap Planes Downed
MOSCOW, June 25.-(A)-Tass,
ficial Soviet News Agency, today
>orted that Mongol-Soviet avia-
n brought down 25 Japanese-
inchoukuo planes yesterday in a
.r Eastern air hbattle.

FourUniversity eanps Will Provide
Practical Experience During Summer:

Practical experience supplemented
by, text book study will be given sum-
mer school students at the four Uni-
versity camps scattered throughout
the country.
Oldest and furthest removed of
these is the summer surveying camp
at Camp Davis near Jackson, Wyo.
Organized in 1874 under the supervi-
sion of the late Prof. J. B. Davis,
Camp Davis has pioneered in the.
establishment of field camps for
university training courses.
Camp Davis'again this summer will
function also as a base camp for
geology expeditions to surrounding
The camp is ideally situated both
for a surveying station and for its
more recently acquired function as
base camp for geology field studies.
The broad valley floor of Jackson's
Hole, its numerous lakes and streams,

variety of geological features. Many
types of strata and structual forma-
tions are within a 'short distance of'
the camp. Both mountain glaciers
of the Grand Teton Range and the
great slide of the Gros Ventre River
can be studied in the area.
Instruction in geology will also be
offered on the faculty conducted
tour from Ann Arbor to Camp Davis.
A study of the general physiography
and structural geology of the route
travelled vill be made. In addition,
the group will stop at various in-
terestin' features en route. Among
those mcluded are the Driftless
Area of Wisconsin, the Bad Lands
of North Dakota and the Black Hills
uplift. Both elementary and ad-
vanced courses will be given.
Largest of the Univer ity's summer
camps is the Biological Station on the
shore; :f Douglas Lake in Cheboy-
gan County for students interested in
advanced zoological and botanical,

forests of the south. In addition, both
virgin and second growth timber are
found in the area, thus affording an
excellent opportunity to study a vari-
ety of vegetation conditions.
For zoologists, the region surround-
ing the station is well stocked with
both aquatic and land bird and ani-
mal life. Numerous bogs and swamps
scattered throughout the area pro-
vide a natural habitat for a large
variety of species.
Summer instruction for forestry
students is offered at Camp Filibert
Roth at Goldsen Lake in the Ottowa
National Forest in the western part
of the Upper Peninsula.
Practical field instruction is given
during a ten-week session in the map-
ping and meaurement of forest stands
and forest products. Extensive studies
of fire prevention and fire control
and of the construction and main-
tainance of forest improvements will
be undertaken there.

Edward Johnson, 8 Others
Also Honored; Record
Number Wil Diplomas
Attorney General Frank Murphy,
who graduated from Michigan's Law
School in 1914, returned to his alma
mater's 95th commencement exer-
cises June 17 to receive the honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws at a cere-
mony' which saw a ,record class of'
2,167 receive diplomas.
Murphy was cited by.Prof. John C..
Winter, who presented the recipients,3
for "maintaining a trustworthy as
well as an informed judiciary" and
discharging his official duties "with
intrepid. courage and unswerving de-
votion to the public good."
Nine others were awarded honor-'
ary degrees following President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven's 'commencement
address in which he charged gradu-
ates to use the knowledge acquired'
during years of school for the preser-
vation and advancement of a civili-
zation fleeing from the onslaughts of
Eastern barbarism to the Western
Those honored were Robert Samuel
Archer, chief metalurgist for Repub-
lic Steel; Charles Ward Seabury, In-
surance executive and Chicago Civic
leader; Adolphus Mansfield Dudley,
Marine Application Engineer for
Westinghouse Electric; Bryson Dex-
ter Horton, philanthropist; Ward J.
MacNeal, prominent medical author-

Fdries Directs,'ort o u
O n,,Linguistics
With a double program of courses
and lectures for the linguistic schol-
ar and lectures and public discus-
sions for the layman curious about
various language problems, the Lin-
guistic Institute this week begins its
fourth year as an integral part of
the Summer Session. Under the di-
rectorship of Prof. C. C. Fries the In-
stitute is sponsored jointly each sum-
mer by the University aid the Lin-
guistic Society. of America.
Open to all interested persons each
week will be the regular luncheon
conference and one or two evening
lectures. The noon conferences are
scheduled for 12:10 p.m. each Thurs-
day at the Union. For the first con-
ference a symposium on the question,
"What is a Word?" has been an-
nounced by Professor Fries, who ex-
pects 'to have the question answered
from the several points of view of the
lexicographer, the. researcher in field
linguistics, and the psychologist. Lat-
er announcement will be made of
the first evening lecture, which prob-
ably will occur Priday, June 30.
In general, the subjects of con-
ferences and lectures will be related

aivisions were aneaa of cast, year


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