THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JUNE AN DAILY I - I v if - udents of the niversity of ;y of the Board In Control of. every morning except Monday during the ar. and Summ Session. ember of the Associated Press lated Press is exclusively entitled to the blication of all news dispatches credited to itherwise credited in this newspaper. All ublication of all other matters herein also Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as tter. g regular school year by carrier. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiSING 81( National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.' CHICAGO - BOSTON' LOS ANGELES - SAN FANCISCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff itchell.. . . inton........ rberg.. navan.. Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor ELong ,Sonneborn W. Buchen Business Staff Business Manager .Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Doctor's sis Be Creative?.. The European Colonies Of Brazil The European settlements in the rural dis- tricts of interior Brazil have been more per- manent and less wasteful than the settlements of the Bra lian pojlation, Prof. Preston James says in the first lecture sponsored by the Institute of Far Eastern Studies. There is a great contrast between the type of settlement the European colonists have set up in the interior of southern Brazil and the settle- ments of these regions by the native Brazilians, Prof. Preston E. James of -the geography depart- ment pointed out yesterday in the first of the series of lectures being sponsored by the Institute of Latin-American Studies. Professor Jaes spoke on "The European Colonies of Brazil." The Brazilians have built up some -magnificent coastal cities, Professor James said, but have not yet developed their interior districts. They need more farmers and rural colonists and must smooth the problem of coordinating their big cities with their comparatively undeveloped in- terior. The foreign colonists have been important in these repects. Prof esor ames spoke from his experience last year when he spent eight months on a field trip into the interior of southern Brazil to visit the colonies. His tour took him through the states of Sao Paulo, Santa Catharina, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul, where the Brazilian European colonies are located. Ihese and settlements at Antioquia, Colombia, are the important Euro- pean settlements in South America. The chief characteristics of the Brazilian interior settlements, Professor James said, is that of disorganized and nomadic "squat" sett- ling, with little attempt at permanent attach- ment to the soil. The Brazilian setllers enter a piece of land, clear it and plant crops, build rude and flimsy shelters, and move after a year or two, leaving exploited and despoiled land be- hind them. The European colonists, on the other hand, have settled with the idea of permanent colonization and have carefully cleared fields in order to preserve watersheds and other re- sources. They have built good homes and have established communities resembling the old frontier towns of the West. Such conveniences as movies and gas stations are to bee found, how- ever. There appears to be no danger of Nazi diffi- culties arising from the German colonies, Pro- fessor James stated. While most of the settlers, having recently come from Germany, are more interested in Hitler than the North American Germans, the yare no more interested promoting Naziism in American politics. Professor James also explained that the dic- tatorship of President Vargas of Brazil was South American in character and was in no way the same as the European dictatorships. He explained the Vargas regime as the result of the rivalry between the important state of Sao Paulo, which is the most important state economically in Brazil, and the other states. Vargas is supported by the coalition of states and recently put down a revolution arising from the interests in Sao Paulo. In the last 60 years about five million for- eigners have migrated to Brazil, Professor James said. Of these, about 34 per cent were Italians and about 30 per cent were Portuguese who settled as tenant laborers on the great plantations of Sao Paulo. In the last few years about 200,000 immigrants from Germany and a similar num- ber from Japan have entered the country and have gone back into the, interior in the south to form their settlements. The total population of Brazil is 45 million, he said. The colonies are locateG in a wooded area on soil largely determined in content by one-time lava flows. In Sao Paulo this soil is excellent for coffee, but in the southern regions where the settlements are found, frosts prevent the coffee industry from developing. These regions are heav- ily wooded and are fertile, however, he said. Professor James described the trip from the coast into the regions. From the coast there is a sharp rise in the typography of the country in- to a vast plateau. This plateau contains hundreds of miles of rolling grasslands and was setled early by the Portuguese colonists. Their cities and early roads still exist, and a prosperous cattle industry is maintained. To the west are wooded regions of pines and regions of tropical growth. Here are found the Polish settlements, which maintain for the most part the hog industry. To the west the regular settlements become more scattered until the lava base area is reached. Here the Brazilian colonists have entered, and have moved across the region slowly, despoiling it as they go, instead of permanently settling and developing the land. The German and Jap- anese colonies are to the north and west. With 89 years of existence, the Medical School has reached an enrollment of 668. Faculty mem- bers number 143. It consists of a four year course with prerequisite of three years in college. Degree. received is Doctor of Medicine, across that line in Lessing's "Nathan the Wise" which reads: "It is not children only that one feeds with fairy tales." -St. Louis Post-Dispatch IT IS INTERESTING to ponder upon the various theses for which the dis- tinguished recognition of the Doctor's degree is given. The degree is conferred by the University upon those who it feels have fulfilled certain basic requirements and have made a distinct and valuable contribution to the information in a certain science or field of activity. There exists, however, a possible criticism that the type of contribution recognized by the, Uni- versity is not enough creative in character. In the fields of art, literature, and philosophical thinking the theses written by candidates are concerned with evaluation of existing material in the field or with the compilation of facts and statistics. There exists an inference that theses in which most creative energy and discovery can be allowed are the ones in the field of ex- perimental sciences, and that in many other fields there is almost no opportunity for creative originality. This point of view might engage the interest and study of educators as well as those who intend to enter the lists for a higher degree. The University exists as a center of learning and as a cultural beacon. It seems appropriate that one of its chief occupations should be that of stimulating contributions to cultural life. Thus the thought occurs that it should be possible to receive recognition for a poem, a dramatic play, a novel, a painting, or a work of sculpture if outstanding talent were therein displayed. In the fields thus represented, the thesis limitation at present seemingly demands that the contri- bution be merely critical or evaluative rather than original. An analysis of an author's style, for instance, can now pass the criterion whereas the author's original contribution would not be allowed as a basis for a higher degree. Many doctor's theses are founded on a criticism of Shakespeare's tragedies, yet Shakespeare himn self-if he were here-could not obtain a higher degree on the basis of his writing of these trage- dies. Why should not the standards for thesi.s contribution be broadened so that the creativt aspects of art could be given definite recognition as well as the evaluative? In discussing the requirements for the docs tor's degree, however, it should be understood that the formal requirements are not included and would remain the same as at present, with all candidates fulfilling the prescribed work. The contention that is made is that it should be possible for a candidate to substitute a novel, original musical composition, a group of poems, a piece of sculpture, or other creative work for the usual formal thesis. In brief, it seems that the University should be the leader in stimulat- ing and preserving original contributions along artistic and literary lines on the part of its stu- dents as well as those of an analytical, evaluative, and philosophical content. -Robert Mitchell Germany's Lessing... Probably the most important influence in awakening eighteenth century Germany to a new consciousness of the problems of the modern world at that time was Gotthold Ephraim Less., ing, critic, dramatist and philosopher. Brilliant student that he was, he also was a fencer, dancer, horseman and friend of swashbucklers. Among his intimates were K. W. Rambler, a professor of the Berlin Military Academy and often referred to as the German Horace; J. W. L. Gleim, a fmn riof nf w.nA rr TT hanoi Pamo f , anr.. in C(3own & Qown By STAN M. SWINTON When Coach Fritz Crisler's Michigan eleven charges onto the field for the first game next fall, much of the crowd's attention will be on big Ed Frutig, the sensational end who won All- Conference honors last year. Talking with Ed (he's in summer school) the other day proved so interesting that I requested a guest column. It follows: By ED FRUTIG It's a little early to be talking football, but inasmuch as pre-season forecasting is precarious and may result in undesirable repercussions once the season is under way, it may be well to predict now and leave the reader with three months in Which to forget. First let's talk about Michigan. Prognosticat- ing on the coming season for the Wolverines, there seems little to worry about and three very definite factors which can bring only solace to apprehensive Michigan fans. one is the presence of last year's out- standing sophomore backfield,-Kromer, Harmon, Mehaffey, and Evashevski-with all the speed and truculence they showed during that season plus a year of experience which should bring them to their peak. Two is the mitigated schedule. An opponent trade brings Iowa to Michigan instead of North- western, which means that the Wolverines will not have to play one of the finest teams in the country. Iowa, with the newly acquired Coach Anderson, will be a formidable opponent, but without the power, speed, and personnel that Northwestern could pit against Michigan. Three is a tentative reason. He is a human bombshell named Bob Westfall who, though yet untried, has the drive of a Joe Louis right and can hit a line with just about the same amount of force that the Champ hits a jaw. Together with Howard Mehaffey and Ed Christy, Bob should give Michigan a real threat from the fullback position. Looking in at Evanston, Lynn Waldorf will sprinkle the best freshman team in North- western's history into a lineup which fin- ished third in the conference last year and from which only a few veterans have been lost. However, a difficult schedule should give the Wildcats a great deal of trouble and may block their Conference hopes. Bennie Bierman's charges up in Minneapolis will be strong as usual but they will not be as powerful as last year, when they finished on top of the Big Ten, for graduation has drained fifteen of their twenty-five lettermen. The final contender, barring surprises, will be Ohio State. But rumor from Buckeyeville has it that Straussbaugh, most able of their fullbacks, has been nipped by ugly, satanic ineligibility; and even with him, theirs is not the best team in the Conference. . So there you have the Big Ten race. Three months before the opening gun I'm predict- ing that Michigan and Northwestern will be two of the strongest teams in the Country and that Michigan will win the Big Ten Championship - provided Northwestern doesn't finish ahead of her. ' * * * CHATTER: Thanks, Ed . . . the bane of a journalist's life is the makeup man who has tb slash to make the stories fit into the page fori . what I was getting at in yesterday's yarn about Pepito Santini was that Harry BaxtIr brought the kid up from Puerto Rico without any hope of profit . . . "Some guys keep an animal- I keep a prize fighter," Harry says . . . now that Pepito has won over a toughie such as Charlie Parham he may get into the money . . . which would be swell, because he's a grand boy and a real fighter . . . a letter in the morning mail from Pete Lisagor . . . who says hello to his campus friends and reports he likes his job at the Daily News in Chicago . . . Willis Player (he writes "Ann Arbor Town" for the Ann Arbor News under the initials T.D.H.-Tom, Dick and Harry-) called up Senator Thomas before his lecture to find out whether it would be over in time for the Galento-Louis brawl . . . "It doesn't start until 10, does it?" asked the Sena- tor . . . "No, 9," Player told him . .. . coincident- ly the Thomas lecture stopped just before 9 p.m. . . . best news report on the fight was an AP yarn-"It was the first time a beer barrel ever tapped a man." * * * HEARD OVER THE RADIO: "Romance and glamor of old California for fifty cents and one Crisco wrapper." the beauty of the pulsing surf and a feel- ing of nostalgia are one Crisco wrapper extra. Law School The Law School, which was organized in 1859, now has an enrollment of 677. Three years in Law School with graduation from college or three years in college on a combined course lead to Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor. Further work gives Master of Laws or Doctor of Juridical Science. Education is to the fore this month,I what with the schools letting outI and the young folk taking examina- tions for college, and eminent edu- cators belaboring one another in the magazines. I had to take a hand in it myself.- This morning I was waited upon by a young man who wanted to know if he should go to college. His par- ents wanted him to go, and by some pinching of their pennies could pay his way. The boy didn't want to go to college. He wanted to go to work. Then I lunched with two men, one of whom had been graduated from a university and who considered his four years in cloistered scholarship a tragic waste of time; the other, who hadn't even finished high school, said that his lack of education was his greatest handicap. The college graduate said that my boy friend should certainly not go to college. The other man said he certainly should. Con And Pro All these arguments, it seems to me, condense to the simple question: "What is education?" And this ques- tion, so far as I know, has never been answered. It also brings up another difficult question. Educators talk a great deal about what they call discipline of edu- cation. But what is "discipline"? Some say that the only discipline worthy of the name is the discipline that is self-imposed. Others insist there is no discipline save that im- posed from without. I suppose the right answer is some- where in between. We are driven partly by conscience and by our in- terests, partly by social, economic and religious pressure. Some men can ed- cate themselves at a public library. Other men would never read a book if some professor didn't require it. Book Learning And that brings up a third ques- tion. Is "education" confined to learn- ing out of books? Somehow I doubt it.. Among the people I know are some who have read many books, but have little or no common sense. They are so poorly adjusted to life that one suspects their reading to be nothing more than a means of escape. On the other hand, I know people who read very little 'but who are on top of their world. Reading, said the poet, maketh a full man. Yes indeed. Sometimes it maketh him so full that he aches with intellectual dyspepsia. I sometimes think that we ought to scrap all our present methods of examination, and instead of trying to find out what a candidate for more1 learning had read, we should try to find out what sort of a person he was. It ought to be obvious, by this time, that the system of marking a person "A" because he could remem- ber what he had read, and another Cercle Francais Elects Officers Following the election of officers, two informal talks were givenrat the first meeting of the Cercle Francais held last night at the French House, 1414 Washtenaw Ave. Elected president was Catherine Swift; vice-president, Frederick Hall; treasurer, Winifred Cardner; and secretary, Daniel Erickson. Talks were given by Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, chairman of the department of Romance Languages, who wel- comed the members in the name of the department, and by Prof. An- thony Jobin of the French depart- ment and faculty adviser to the club. Professor Jobin, who Was in Paris at the time of the signing of the Munich Pact last fall, recounted some of his experiences while there and told of the French reaction to the pact. person "F" because he couldn't, sim- ply doesn't work. Aptitude Tests We've been groping along that way with what are called "aptitude tests." But what I am after is something more than aptitude. If I were an edlu- cator I wouldn't care to know wheth- er or not a candidate was likely to profit by book learning: I should want to know what sort of fellow he was. We have long been accustomed to grading people as "smart" and "dumb." But this is too simple. People vary in many things besides intelli- gence. As Herman Schneider pointed out in his "Problems of Vocational Guidance," there is such a thing as the indoor type, as opposed to the out- door. Comes a blizzard, and the in- door type rubs his hands cosily and is glad that he is a bookkeeper. The outdoor type throws out his chest and wishes he were a telephone line-, man. Some day we shall hitch education up to its material, and we shall then look back with tolerant amusement on the days when a good part of our educational effort was devoted to manufacturing useless silk purses out of self-respecting and marketable sows' ears. The higher education will then be something more than a four years' wait for a job. -Howard Vincent O'Brien in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tator Prmier Of China Back Japan Hints He May Rule A PuppetRegime SHANGHAI, Julie 29.-(P)-Wang Ching-Wei, ex-premier of China, was reliably reported today to have re- turned to Shanghai after visits to Japan and Peiping for consultation on Japanese plns to make him presi- dent of a Japanese-directed "Federal Government of China." Reports from Japan through us- ually trustworthy channels said Wang, whose arrest as a traitor has been ordered by the Chinese Govern- ment in Chungking, had held long talks at an unnamed mountain re- sort in Japan with Prince Fumimaro Konoye, President of Japan's Privy Council and former Premier. Just What Is An Education? Rev. Mondale DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 5 ; Summer School Reception is to be held in the Horace Rackham School for Graduate Studies on June 29 at 8:30 p.m. The following rooms have been assigned to the various de- partments: Administrative receiving line, As- sembly Hall, 3rd floor, Doctor Hop- kins. Education, Study Hall, 2nd floor, Dean Edmonson. English, East Conference Room, 3rd floor, Professor Bredvold. History, Exhibition Room 3015, Mezzanine, Professor Boak Hygiene and Public Health, Study Hall, 2nd floor, Professor Sundwall. Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Hall. Institute of Latin American Stu- dies, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Pro- fessor James. Library Science, 'Women's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Gjelsness. Linguistic Institute, Men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Fries. Music, Women's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Moore. Physics, West Conference Room, 3rd floor, Professor Randall Speech and Play Production, Wo- men's Lounge, 2nd floor, Professor Densmore. Renaissance Studies, East Con- ference Room, 3rd floor, Professor Rice, U I,; To FillPulpit Church services at the Unitarian Church during the month of July will be in the charge of the Rev.- Lester Mondale of Evanston, Ill., and a local committee composed of Prof. Chester Arnold of the botany department, Mrs. Roy W. Sellars, Mrs. A. D. Tin- ker and Ted Merkle. Reverend Mondale is a graduate of the Harvard Divinity School and preached at Hingham, Mass., before going to Evanston nine years agG He is co-editor of the "Journal of Liberal Religion." Activities for the month will in- clude the regular Sunday morning services at 11 a.m. and weekly round- table discussions to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the church library. Topics of current interest, the world scene and the latest developments in re- ligion will be among the subjects. The Rev. H. P. Marley, minister of the church, will leave next week on a trip to California. He will also attend the General Conference of the Unitarian Church in San Fran- cisco to be held in August. As in previous years, individual conferences with the visiting minis- ter may be arranged. Dancing. After the Summer School Reception tonight, all students are invited to dane free of charge in the Michigan League Ballroom or in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Danc- ing will be from 9 to 1 p.m. Bridge Tournament. A bridge to.' nament will be held in the Michian League tonight following the Sm- mer School Reception. Each player will play eight hands and post his score. Watch this column for names of players who are to receive prizes. Mail for Students, Faculty n temporary residents at the Univer sity: All students and ne' members of the faculty should call ut the U.S. Post Office and make out a pink card, "Order to Change Address," Form 22, if they have not already done so. This applies also to tempor- ary residents in Ann Arbor who may be doing reference or research work on the Campus. Unidentifiable mail is held in Room 1, University Hall. If you are expecting mail which you have not received, please call at Room 1 Uni- versity Hall, and make inquiry. Graduate Outing Club will have a picnic, including baseball and swim- ming, at Saline Valley Farms on Sunday, July 2. There will be an op- portunity to inspect this cooperative farming project. The group will meet at the north-west entrance of the Rackham Building at 2:30 P.M. All graduate students and faculty mem- bers are cordially invited. Charge, 35c. There will be a meeting regard- less of the weather. International Center: The Interna- tional Center will be open through the Summer Session from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily except on Saturday, when it will close at noon, and on Sunday, when it will remain closed till 7 o'clock in the evening. Foreign students in the Summer Session, and members of the various institutes In- terested. in the international groups are cordially invitedrto use the Ce- ter. Its facilities are entirely free. The entrance is on Madison Street just off State. J. Raleigh Nelson. Church Worship Services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church, East Washington'and South Fifth Ave at 10:30 with sermon by Rev. E. Q. Stellhorn. Church worship services in Triity Lutheran Church, E. William at S Fifth Ave. will be held at 8:15 a%, and 10:30 a.m. with sermons by the pastor Rev. Henry O. Yoder. The Lutheran Student Associatio. has planned an outing for all Lu- theran Students, their wives and friends. Cars will leave from Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 4:30 for a site near Portage Lake. A picnic supper will be served for 25 cents. After th supper Rev. Ralph Sel, Lutheran missionary to China en- rolled in the summer school will speak on Present Day China. Make your reservations at once by calling Rev. Henry Yoder, 2-3680 Linguistic Institute Lecture. Profs Leonard Bloomfield, chairman of the department of linguistics and pro- fessor of Germanic philology at the University of Chicago, will speak on "The Sounds of the Algonkian Lan- guages," Friday, 7:30 p.m., in the small amphitheatre of the Rackham building. Mathematics 278, Relativity. Will meet on Friday at 12 non instead at 11 o'clock, in 3201 AH. G. Y. Ranich. '1: t . RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ WXYZ CKLW 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Friday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator 12:15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter 12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store On Parade 12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street songs 1:00 Ed McConnell Farm News Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel 1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Tyson Interview Grimm's Daughter Word Dramas 1:30 YourFamily Kitty Keene valiant Lady Singing Strings 1:45 Girl Marries Gardener Betty Crocker Black and White 2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Navy Band Quiet Sanctuary 2:15 Editor's Daughter Ma Perkins " , 2:30 Dr. Malone Pepper Young " - Henry Cincone 2:45 Mrs. Page Guiding Light Zinn Arthur 3:00 Minuet Chicago at Detroit Club Matinee News Commentator 3:15 Promenade " 11 Moods in Music 3:30 Wayne and Dick 3:45 Duncan Moore News To be announced 4:00 Musical " Police Field Day Jamboree 4:15 Melody, Rhythm Xylophonist " 4:30 Affairs of Anthony 4:45 Alice Blair " Bob. Armstrong " 5:00 Plane Meet Castilla Twins Hollywood Hilights Muted Music 5:15 Howie Wing Malcolm Claire Stuff Smith Orch Turf Reporter 5:30 Tomy Talks Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores 5:45 Musical Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News Friday Evening U Today's Events 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. x 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 12:15 p.m. First Institute on Secondary Rackham Building). School Journalism (Women's Lounge, Symposium on Theoretical Physics, "Cosmic Radiation," lecture by Prof. Enrico Fermi (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Executive Committee of the Sociology Department (Crofoot Room, Union). Law Faculty (Room 101, Union). Linguistic Group (Alcove, Union). Prof. George Carrothers (Founders Room, Union) 6:00 News 6:15 Inside Sports 6:30 Calling All Cars 6:45 " 7:00 Buddy Clark 7:15 7:30 Johnny Presents 7:45 " 8:00 99 Men and Girl 8:15 8:30 First Nighter Tyson Review Bradcast Midstream George Krehbiel Cities Service Waltz Time Death Valley Woody Herman Lone Ranger Universal Music Pgctfinder James Bourbonnais Plantation Party Harry Horlick Stop and Go Fintex Sportlight Jimmie Allen Washington News Acadian Serenade Crossroads Evening Serenade Musical Varieties Jamboree