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August 13, 1939 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-13

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SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 1939

- .~-

ariety Artists
isk Removal
Of Whitehead,
'A Executive Secretary
Eiding Behind Skirts,'
ddie Cantor Charges
EW YORK, Aug. 12.-(P)-Eddie
tor, president of the American
d of Variety Artists, demanded
y that the American Federation
abor settle an actor's union juris-
onal quarrel by ousting Ralph
tehead, executive secretary of
embattled American Federation
a telegram to William Green,
president, Cantor said White-
swas attempting to "hide behind
skirts" of Sophie Tucker, buxom-
dent of the AFA.
Ze current dispute arose when the
ciated Actors and Artistes of
rica, parent AFL union of actor
ps, accused the AFA of misman-
ient, revoked its charter, and.
tered the new guild of Variety
ts in its stead.
e AFA, which claims 10,000
.bers among night club and
evsille perforners, then joined
International Alliance of The-
al Stage Employes (the stage-
is' union), also an AFL affiliate,
4-A then protested to the AFL,
ng for cancellation of the stage-
s-AFA marriage.
mplaining because no decision
given yesterday after a confer-
of the AFL Executives Council
tlantic City, Cantor said:
he actors have no fundamental
rel with Miss Tucker. Their
rel is with Mr. Whitehead.
onfidence of all honest unions
only be restored by prompt an-
cement that the Executive Coun-
pudiate Mr. Whitehead's actions,
ye him permanently from any
n to power in -a variety actors
n, and further instruct the
3E to withdraw the-AFA charter,
ng to actors the right and re-
sibility to represent actors."
ntor's telegram was made public
Ifficials of the 4-A who met
tely here. today to discuss medi-
1 proposals, the nature of which
not divulged. The AFL Council
expected to rule on the dispute

Roosevelt's Fiery Denunciation
Of Foes Highlight Of The Week







Four Statements Lash Out
At Legislators Against
A Progressive Program
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12- (AP)-
With four defiant, fighting mood
statements, President Roosevelt noti-
fied his foes this week that he was
digging in to fight it out to a finish
with nothing barred except compro-
He made it clear-as plain as the
flood-lighted Capitol Dome-that he
will insist first of all that Congress
approve the administration mea-
sures it booted about unmercifully
last session; and then exert his ev-
ery resource to obtain the nomina-
tion of a "liberal" democratic presi-
dential candidate, backed by a "lib-
eral" platform.
From the tenor of his own re-
marks and the angry retorts of his
Democratic Congressional opponents,
it was immediately obvious that the
bitterness of the row between the
party's Roosevelt men and anti-
Roosevelt men had been increased.
And, in the view of many Wash-
ington politicians, it all added up to
a Congressional session of unremit-
ting strife next year, with, simultan-
eously, such a hard-fought pre-,
convention campaign as the country
has never seen.
After Congress headed home, its
members heatedly arguing- the ques-
tion whether the people would sup-
port the rebuffs given the President,
the Roosevelt administration had a
statement to make almost every day.
And with each, the controversy
On Sunday, the Senate majority
leader, Barkley of Kentucky, said
the next session would see a renewal
of the call for passage of both the
lending-spending bill and of the
amendments to the neutrality act,
both of which were ditched in the
session just ended. He expressed
confidence that congressional recal-
citrants would find sentiment at
home against them.
On Monday, Mr. Roosevelt nettled
opposition Democrats with a state-
ment that all the objectives of his
1937 court bill, which they fought
tooth and nail, had been reached by
the changed attitude of the court
toward the constitutionality of so-

cial legislation and by piece-meal
acts of Congress.
On Tuesday, he accused those in
Congress who were responsible for
I the debacle of the lending and neu.
trality bills of gambling that businesr
would improve and that world peace
would continue. He hoped, he said,
that they would win both bets, but
obviously he thought they had only
a gambler's chance.
But the real climax of the week
came on Thursday with a message to
the convention of Young Democratic
Clubs, meeting at Pittsburgh.
The Democratic Party will fail "if
it goes conservative next year or if
it is led by people who can offer
naught but fine phrases," Mr. Roos-
evelt said. And he added that if
conservative or "lip-service" candi-
dates running on a "straddle-bug"
platform are chosen:
"I, personally, for my own self re-
spect, and because of my long service
to and belief in liberal democracy,
will find it impossible to have any ac-
tive part in such an unfortunate sui-
cide of the old Democratic party."
At the same time, without even
hinting at the possibility of, a third-
term for himself, he expressed con-
fidence the conservatives would not
4 ustralian Tandem
Favored To Annex
US3. Dou bles Crown
BROOKLINE, Mass., Aug. 12.-(AP)
-A jittery cavalcade of American
tennis stars converged on the Long-
wood Cricket Club here tonight for
the start tomorrow of a National
Doubles Championship tournament
that boasts entries from France,
England, Australia, Cuba, Czecho-
slovakia and the Philippine Islands.
In order to throw a star into a
virtual coma, one had little more to
do than steal up behind him and
ominously mutter the magic words,
"Quist and Browich."
For those Australian Davis Cup
stalwarts, Jack Bromwich and Adri-
an Quist, stand out over the rest of
the field that will battle for the title
won last year by Don Budge, now
turned pro, and Gene Mako.

Suing Victor McLaglen, movie
he-man, for $2,789 for medical
seryices, Dr. S. G. Sonneland
(above), Los Angeles physician,
disclosed that McLaglen had been
taking monkey gland "shots" for a
long time. McLaglen answered
that the treatments were for his

Privacy was not the privilege of residents in this three-story Des Moines apartment building when work-
bound crowds gaped at the spectacle of this fallen wall. Weakened by a cloudburst, the wall crashed into the
street. No one was injured.

Inonson Attends
Jducation Congress
ean James B. Edmonson of the
coo1 of Education will attend the
rld Congress on Education in De-
cracy opening Monday at Colum-
University as a member of the
risorship committee.
lore than 2,000 representatives
n the United States and other
locracies will attend the four-day
ference. Not only teachers, but
leaders of labor, industry and
al agencies will be present.
uth Skinner Plays
oncert On, Tuesday
Miss Ruth Skinner, pianist, of
ilanti, will give a recital in partial
illment of the requirements for
dekree Master of Music, at :8:15.
. Tuesday in the School of Music
[iss Skinner, a student of Prof.
eph Brinkman, will present the
wing program:
dante in F.............Beethoven
>ndo a capriccio, Op. 129 .. Beethoven
)nata. Op. 118........ .Beethoven
ildren's Corner............Debussy
ur le Piano...............Debussy'

Classified Directory



FOR RENT-3-room apartment, oil
heat, private bath, continuous hot
water, electric refrigeration. 911
Forest. Phone 8169. 66
ROOMS for discriminating men who
want the best. Mrs. Hendriksen,
'508 Monroe St. 72
FOR RENT-Board, room, laundry.
Lutheran boy or girl. Correspond-
ence invited. W. Eggert, 548 So.
Fifth Ave. 74
FOR RENT-For extra good food at
campus entrance see Mrs. Jeffery.
Clean, comfortable rooms and
shower baths. Hot water always.
Mrs. C. Jeffery, 608 Monroe. 75
FOR RENT-Furnished rooms, con-
tinuous hot water, 2 blocks from
campus. $3.50 per week. 522 Pack-
ard. Mrs. L. W. Platt. Ph. 8209. 76
FOR RENT-Suite with private bath
and shower for three. East, south
and west exposures. Also two beau-
tiful double rooms with adjoining
lavatories. Shower bath. Contin-
uous hot water. Mrs. Lewis, 422
E. Washington. 77

750 KC -'CBS 920 C - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual
Sunday Afternoon
00 Church Music Children's Theatre Baritone
15 " Garden Hour
:30 Mother's Album Symphonette " Salvatore Stefano
45 Musical " Lou qladstone Richard Love
00 Democracy Aunt Fanny Music Camp Concert Orchestra
15 " " '" "
30 Cabin Folks Round Table Treasure Trails Church Service
00 Grshwin Concert Concert Melody Sunday Afternoon
15 " " Booman's Notebook "
30 " Music Allen Roth Chapel Hour
:45 " Tiger Talk ~r
00 Musical Fun Detroit at St. Louis Nat'l Vespers . Tabernacle
15 "~
30 St. Louis " Music Festival Haven of Rest
45 I. ..,,
00 Father Coughlin " News Nobody's Children
15 to Jimmy Dorsey~
:30 " F r van Alexander
45 " " Ray Perkinsi
00 Gay Nineties Catholic Hour Soap Box Derby Concert orchestra
15 . ""'
30 Hollywood Vera Richardson Paul Laval Dance
45 " " ,Harry Heilmann
Sunday Evening

FOR RENT-Completely furnished
apartment. Also lovely double
room. Graduate or business wo-
men. 426 E. Washington St. 78
FOR RENT-Large front room, fire-
place, private bath, inner spring
mattresses. Close to campus, 1022
Forest Ave. 79
TYPING-Miss L. M. Heywood, 414
Maynard St. Phone 5689. 32
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist
and notary public, excellent work.
706 Oakland, phone 6327. 3
EXPERIENCED typing, stenographic
service. Phone 7181 or evening 9609.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 24
ographing. Thomas Curtis, 537 S.
Division. Phone 2-3646. 25
LJAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 1
WANTED-Three passengers to Cali-
fornia. New .Buick, leaving Satur-
day, Aug. 19th. Call Moore, 2-3189.
WANTED! 1000 FROSH. Whether
they are flat, square or round head-
ed for that collegiate individual
hair cut at the popular students'
Esquire Barber Shop, between
Michigan Theatre and State.
WANTED-Graduate (man) student
or small family to share my low-
rent apartment for fall semester.
Quiet location, greatly reduced
costs. Box J, The Daily. 82
WANTED-Passengers to share driv-
ing to West Coast, leave end of
week. Call Miss MacDuff, 2-3246
or 2-2604. 81
WANTED -Passengers wanted to
Colorado, leaving Aug. 19th, return
Sept. 3-15th. Call Low, 2-3759 be-
fore 6:00 p.m. 80
WANT Passengers to California, leav-
ing Aug. 19. Will return Sept. 20.
Call 6292, Mr. Hoblit. 83
WANTED-Passenger to share gas to
Texas in new car with student. Call
754 eveninas n rwrite Tnh x 65inh

Assistant Police Chief Grover Cogswell of Dolton, Ill., examines locked
tow chain on Alice Wisowaty, 14, which her father admitted placing
on her, according to police, "to keep her from staying out late at night."
The father was held on a cruelty charge,


That trigger finger of A. L. Keith of the White House police force
means business. He shot 296 (of a possible 300) in annual treasury
department shoot at Washington. Armvid Anderson of Warroad, Minn.
scored 299:


Henry F. Grady, the newly ap-
pointed assistant secretary of state,
who presided over Saturday's Ec-
onomic Conference here.

Taking off in a light plane from near St. Peter's, N.S., Alex Loeb, 32, and Dick Decker, 23, started on a trans-
Atlantic flight, announcing their destination as Ireland. Loeb is shown above at Roosevelt Field, L.I., with the
ship which friends said he was piloting across the ocean.

6:00 1 ",
6:15 ".
6:30 Music Playhouse
6:45 "
7:00 Gerald Smith
7:15 "
7:30 Stevenson Sports
7:45 "
8:00 Ford Hour
8:15 "

Aldrich Family
Band Wagon
Charley McCarthy
Merry Go Round

Popular Classics
Radio Guild
NBC Symphony
Hollywood Play.

Baseball Scores
Melody Design
Goldman Band


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