SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 1939
'.Onflo& own
We had the very great honor to be invited to a
dinner given"by the Chinese-students of the Uni-
versity for Dr. Hu Shih, Amabassador from the
Republic of China to the United States. And we
had a swell time although afterward in the
drugstore when we ordered our third bicarbon-
ate of soda we wondered whether five servings
of shrimp wouldn't have been enough after all.
* * *
' Dr. Hu smashed the ideas we had gleaned from
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer epics as to what Ambas-
sadors are like. He turned about to be a friendly,
completely likeable and extremely entertaining
gentleman without a single monocle, ivory cigar-
ette holder or secret treaty. Talking with him at
dinner we found that he served as editor of a
weekly paper when only 16. Later he worked
with\ several other papers. More recently he
founded a liberal paper which won international
prestige. Over a period of five years it published
more than 1,500 articles-all of which were con-
tributed gratis. If the author couldn't get his
work published in Dr. Hu's paper, then he sent it
to a commercial magazine and pocketed the
check but he always tried Dr. Hu first.
* * *
An amusing story told by the Ambassador had
to do with the foreign correspondent who is in-
ternationally known for his work in China. The
correspondent, it seems, doesn't like to bother
to check his facts. And in a book of his he
described in detail how the Japanese broke into
Dr. Eu's house and ransacked it.
"I am not one to unduly defend the Japanese,"
Dr. Hu smiled, "but if that ever happened it's
certainly slipped my mind. The correspondent
saw me often but he never bothered to ask me if
the incident took place."
Most authoritative of the Far Eastern corres-
pondents, incidently, is Chamberlain, Dr. Hu
The Chinese students on campus labored for
weeks on the Ice Cream Social, proceeds from
which have made possible purchase of an am-
bulance. Ani in preparation for the dinner in
honor of Dr. Hu many worked almost all night
preparing food. At the end of the dinner those
same students who had devoted so much time
to their country despite the academic burden
here, arose and sang the Chinese national an-
After watching their faces when they sang
that anthem, we understand what the foreign
correspondents meant when they say: "Japan
can never win the war for China has united and,
proud of nation and race, cannot be defeated."
* * *e
Sometimes we wonder whether romance isn't
dead in the world. The night of the Surrealist
Ball we dropped into Flautz's for a quick beer.
Bernie Freedman, philosophy student, scholar-
ship winner and waiter, asked if we were going
up to the ball and we said "yes."
Would we, he asked, request the lovely young'
lady X to call him. We smiled sympathetically
and agreed. Here, we told ourselves, is romance
On our way to the Ball we tentatively glanced
at our reflection in a store window to see whether
we didn't resemble Cupid just a little. When we
arrived at the Ball, feeling very much like the
page of a knight of old delivering a message to a
lady in the neighboring castle, we told the young
lady in question to call Bernie, smirking the
She finished -and we went up to her, ready to
tease her a bit.
"Well,"we leered, "what did he have to say?"
Anderson Ashburn. The Michigan Technic,
Ann Arbor, Mich. 25c.
A valuable guide to any engineer seeking to
find a place for himself in any of the wide and
diverse branches of that profession, this collec-
tion of brief analyses presents the problems faced
by the engineer in various fields of endeavor.
As Prof. A. D. Moore of the Department of
Electrical Engineering points out in his foreword,
each of the nine authors contributing to the
pamphlet has not attempted to present an ex-
haustive review of his field, but rather proposes
questions and gives a general outline of the type
and scope of the work in that field. The puropse
of each article is, rather, to stimulate further
reading on the part of the student interested,
and to awaken his curiosity sufficiently to com-
pare judgments and viewpoints of men in the
The nine articles present a general cross-sec-
tion of the field of engineering a a whole, and
were originally published in the Michigani Tech-
nic. It was because of their favorable reception
by the student body of the College that they have
been brought together in pamphlet form.
Optimism, flavored with benign advice, char-
acterizes the articles as a whole. Too evident
perhaps is the successful engineer's attitude: the
general review of all the hardships and heart-
breaks undergone as a stripling are merely fac-
tors contributing to the final glorious recogni-
tion as a leader. Perhaps we are being pessimis-
tic, but why not an occasional word from the
engineer who is not doing so well? We must be
willing to face the truth: only a select few of our
graduates will find themselves in the upper
On the whole, the advice appears to be sound,
well-organized, and to the point. With the ex-
ception of occasional reversions to Horatio Al-
gerian philosophy, they present well-considered
advice to the graduating engineer as to what he
may expect to find in the way of employment.
Accent of the articles appears to be less on the
professional or technical training as in its ap-
plication to administrative work and public rela-
tion. Suggested theme for the pamphlet:
every engineer an executive.
Of interest is a "back-page editorial" by Ash-
burn, in which he presents the avowed purpose
and function of the Michigan Technic. Its aim,
he adds, is to "sell engineering to the engineer."
Elsie's Adventure
There's a good deal of rejoicing in animal-
loving, but politically wise, circles that Elsie the
elephant-lost this week down near Staunton,
Virginia-has been restored to her friends. That's
a bad country for an elephant to be lost in. Most
of them have voted the straight Democratic ticket
down there for a long time, and an elephant
means only one thing: the invasion of the
G.O.P. There's no telling what would have hap-
pened to a lone, unprotected elephant in the
wilds near Staunton. Those of us who have a
particularly warm spot in our hearts for ele-
phants-not necessarily Republican-can hail
the return of Elsie to comparative safety.
-Christian Science Monitor
We expected a blush, a few mumbled words and
quick departure.
"He put up thirty bucks for the show and
wanted to know whether he was going to get it
back or not," she said coldly.
We guess we were born five centuries too late.
Has anyone got a good time-machine for rent?
Choral Vespers
Included on the program of today's
vesper service are two numbers of
special interest to musicians and lay-
men alike. They are "Abide With
Me," a hymn to be sung with special
descant arrangement. and "Straa-
thro,"an old Scottish psalm tune with
faux-bourdon. An explanation of
these terms, taken, in part, from
Etude Magazine, follows:
The earliest attempts at written
counterpoint, that is, the adding of
one or more parts to a canto fermo
or fixed air, was called descant. From
the 12th century, this was the term
applied to all counterpoint.
The term was, however, applied not
only to counterpoint but also to the
part, or to the first of the parts, so
added. The canto fermo or tenor
was the first melody to be construct-
ed. The descant was the second mel-
ody, constructed above the tenor
and in harmony with it. This mean-
ing has persisted to the present.
In those days, tenor (from Latin,
teneo, I hold) meant the part that
held the melody or principal part. It
was the function of the tenors to lead
the singing of the chants or hymns,
there being no female singers or
boy singers in the days of the early
church. The tenor voice was more
flexible. So the function of the ten-
ors was that now taken by the so-
Thus it was that the singing of des-
cants was the earliest form of part
singing. It has lately undergone
great revival in England and is
spreading in this country.
The descant of today is a two-part
song in which the lower part is the
air and the upper part is the inde-
pendent melody making, with the air,
a kind of free two-part counterpoint
which may go above or below the air.
The air is usually a well known
song, very often a folk song or song
of this type; or it may be, as it is
in the case of today's vesper service,
a hymn tune. The air corresponds
to the old canto fermo, the melody
in the other part being the descant.
The descant is, then, a very easy form
of two-part song and is introduced
as a variation of the usual two-part
In a two-part song, the interest lies
in the upper part, the soprano,
whereas in the descant, the main in-
terest is in the under part, the air.
The descant is a decoration to the air,
something similar to the obligato, but
it should not be so prominent that
it will dominate the air. Hence the
number of voices singing the descant
must be considerably fewer than the
number singing the air itself.
"The word "descant" was also spelled
"discant." In early times there exist-
ed a "discant clef" which became our
present day soprano clef.
The range of voices singing the des-
cant usually includes some second
sopranos for the descant often goes
below the air. Voices of a light,
lyrical quality are used in the so-
As already noted, the main interest
lies in the air, but occasionally, the
descant predominates in climaxes on
high notes. Immediately after the
climax, however, the descant is sub-
dued so that the air may be heard.
Some descants have survived to be-
come airs because they were good
melodies. In a few cases, the des-
cants have survived while the air has
been forgotten. A good descant is
also a good melody and can stand by
Special techniques used in the sing-
ing of descants are the emphasizing
of the cadences, especially when the
the descant has a moving melody to
the air's stationary notes or notes;
and short imitative passages in the
descant are exaggerated to bring them
to the attention of the listener, but
when the imitation is over, they are
Faux-bourdon is a type of descant
often heard in churches in the sing-
ing of hymns. Faux-bourdon is that
singing in which the tenor part in a
soprano-alto-tenor-and-bass number
has the air, the other parts being
written in counterpoint around the
.... .
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.;:11:00 a.m. Saturday.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-t
ence, and the Arts: It is requested byt
the Administrative Board that all
instructors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examina-a
tion on grade-report-sheets give al-k
so information showing the charac-a
ter of the part of the work whicha
has been completed. This may beF
done by the use of the symbols, I(A),v
X(D), etc.I
E. A. Walter,.
Mathematics 121 and 103 (10
o'clock section) will meet in 302E
South Wing instead of 304 MasonC
Hall for the final week of summer
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Kin-
dergarten; 11 Morning Prayer and
Sermon by Rev. Frederick W. Leech.
The Rev. Ralph Sell, Missionary to,
China will deliver the sermon at 8:15
a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in Trinity Luth-
eran Church, East William at South
Fifth Ave.
The Rev. Sell 'has been a student in
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies
of the Summer Session of the Uni-
versity. He will return to the Chinese
field in February.
First Baptist Church, 512 E Huron
St. 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:45
a.m. Morning Worship.
Rev. G. H. O'Donnell, PhD., Pastor
of the First Baptist Church of Mont-
pelier, Ind. He will speak on the
theme: "The Title Deed to the Fu-
An important business meeting of
the church will immediately follow
the morning service.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday service
at 10:30, subject: "Soul."
Golden Text: Lamentations 3:24.
Sunday School at 11:45.
Reformed and Christian Reformed
church services will be held Sunday,
Aug. 13, in the Michigan League
Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Henry Stob, newly appointed pro-
fessor of philosophy at Calvin Col-
lege, will conduct both services. These
will be the last services for the Sum-
mer Session. Dr. George Govis has
been appointed to labor here be-
ginning next fall.
10:45 a.m., Prof. M. Willard Lampe
of the School of Religion at the State
University of Iowa, will be the guest
preacher at the Morning Worship
Service. Dr. Lampe's topic will be
"The Biography of a Christian." Spe-
Scial music' by the choir under the di-
rection of Hardin A. Van Deursen
with William Barnard at the organ.
5:30 p.m., The Summer Session
student group will meet for a cost
supper. At the Vesper Service which
folows at 6:15 Dr. Edward Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education,
will speak on "Counseling Youth To-
day in Religion." The meeting will
close in time for members to attend
air. This type of faux-bourdon is
said to be strict.
This was what took place in the
early churches with the tenors and
the congregation, considered as the
weakest of the voices, taking the air
and the soprano, alto and bass sing-
ing their own parts. This technique
is especially used today in commun-
ity singing of hymns.
When the air is not found in the
tenor throughout, but partly in some
other parts or absent entirely, the
faux-bourdon is said to be free.
Composers today are introducing
the faux-bourdon into four-part
songs, especially irto folk-song ar-
Nickels Arcade
the campus vesper at 8 o'clock in
the Rackham Auditorium.
The Graduate Outing Club will have
a picnic, including swimming, base-
ball, volleyball, and hiking this
afternoon. The group will met
at the northwest entrance of he
Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. and
will go by car to a picnic spot near
Ann Arbor. Those with cars are
urged to bring them, and they will
be repaid for expense incurred. All
graduate students and faculty mem-
bers are invited. There will be a
meeting regardless of the weather.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
will have its final meeting of the
Summer Session this afternoon
at 4:15 p.m. in the Fireplace Room,
Lane Hall. Miss E. J.' Wheeler will
lead an informal discussion of "How
Practical can our Christianity Be."
Please bring a Bible or Testament if
convenient to do so.
Recital will be given on the Charles
Baird Carillon at 4:15 p.m. today.
. Sacred Concert: The final summer
vesper at Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m.,
this evening, is to be a sacred
concert given by the Summer. Session
Chorus and special soloists. Public
invited. William Breach, Director.
E. W. Blakeman, Counselr in
Religious Education.
Speech Students: The last student-
faculty luncheon of the Department
of Speech for the present Summer
Session will be held in the Ballroom
of the Michigan Union at 12 o'clock
Tuesday, Aug. 15. All students in-
terested in speech, whether enrolled
in the Department this summer or
not, are invited to attend.
Fellowship of Reconciliation meet-
ing Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. downstairs
in Lane Hall. A Chinese student will
lead a discussion on the war situa-
tion in the Far East.
The Life-Saving Course being held
in the Union Pool will have its final
examination Monday, Aug. 7, from
3 to 6 o'clock. The first hour of the
examination will be written.
Anyone taking the course who is
not free at the above time, please
contact me ('phone 6118) at once.
H. L. Gross.
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the
auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
without admission charge, but is re-
spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing small children.
Monday, Aug. 14, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ella
Mae Burton, pianist.
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium,:Ruth
Skinner, pianist.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
The Swimming course held in the
Union pool will not meet again this
The Intramural Sports Building
(Continued on Page 3)
Today 1 - 3- 5-7 - 9P.M.
Starting Today
Eighth Week's Schedule
9:00 a.m.
4:15 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Master's Breakfast (Union).
Carillon Recital.
Vesper Service,nusic under the direction cif Prof. David Mattern of
the School of Music (Hill Auditorium).
p.m. "Neo-Latin Poetry of the English Renaissance," lecture by Prof.
Leicester Bradner of Brown University (Amphitheatre, Rackham
p.m. "Practical Problems in Character Education," lecture by Fritz Redl,
lecturer in 'education (University High School Auditorium).
p.m. "Iolanthe," by Gilbert and Sullivan (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
4:05 .p.m.
8:30 p~m.
4:05 p.m.
"The Michigan Plan of Cooperation Among Higher Institutions of
Learning," lecture by Prof. Clifford Woody of the School of Educa-
tion (University High School Auditorium).
"Iolanthe," by Gilbert and Sullivan (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre).
"Trends in High School and College Relationships," lecture by Har-
lan C. Koch, of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Insti-
tutions (University High School Auditorium).
Continuous Today 1 - 3 - 5 7 - 9 P.M.
Examination Schedule
Hour of recitation .. 8 9 10 11
Time of Examination Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4
Hour 'of Recitation .. 1 "2 3Al te
Time of Examination Thursday Thursday Friday Friday
4-6 10-12 10-12 4-6
r!tnm tnxrmncm
Ann Soihern"Linda Drnell
James Elison Jean Rogers
Lynn Ban - June Gale - Joyce
r! L, Compton - Elsa Maxwell- John
LA ' Halliday - Katharine Aldridge
Alan Dinehart-Sidnav Rikmer.