RAGE TWENTY-TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1939, PAGE TWENTY-TWO SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1939. Over' Freshmen 11 Not Partici First Sem 100 Extra-Curricular Activities Are Open To Students 6 I 4ay pate .ester Speech Activities Are Only Exception To Opening Term Eligibility Rule More than 100 societies and extra- curricular activities in which students may participate, are offered by the University. Although the greater number of them are not open to first- semester freshmen, they offer a wide field of interest and those who can- not enter them in the fall may do so later on by completing the required number of years or other prerequi- sites. Honorary Organizations PHI BETA KAPPA Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest of all Greek letter secret societies, was or- ganized at the College of William and Mary on December 6, 1776. The be- lief of the founders that a knowledge of the basic laws which govern the universe is necessary to good living was reflected both in their motto and in the character of their meetings. Theirs were in great part given over to a discussion of the problems which affect humanity. The Michigan chapter was found- ed in 1907. Keeping in mind the pur- pose of the Society, the recognition and encouragement of scholarship and cultural interests the Student Elec- tions Committee makes a careful study of the entire University record of each possible candidate with a view to determine as far as is human- ly possible the student's standing both scholastically and as a citizen. The standards set are high and the rela- tively small numbers of new members elected each year bears witness to the care with which they are ob- served. Since Phi Beta Kappa has been, from the beginning, an organi- zation which functioned in the field defined by the old cultural college course, elections are restricted to jun- iors and seniors of the Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts, Sen- iors in the School of Education, and to candidates for advanced degrees in the Graduate School who meet the extremely rigid requirements. PHI ETA SIGMA The society of Phi Eta Sigma was founded for the purpose of giving recognition to the work of outstand ing freshmen and to serve as en- couragement for the continuance of good first year records. The members of the society hope that it will also urge incoming students to put forth their best efforts toward successful years in college. Eligibility for membership is based on scholarship. Any male student who receives a grade average .equal to or above half A and half B during his first semester may become a member,; and those who do not meet this re- quirement the first semester may be- come eligible at the end of the year by attaining the half A and half B average. Meetings are held each month, us- ually with a dinner at the Union. The programs include the business of the society, discussions, and an occasional guest speaker. A smoker is given at the beginning of each semester. PHI KAPPA PHI Phi Kappa Phi, national honors so- ciety, has as its motto "The Love of Learning Rules the World." Organized to provide an honor society dedicated to the unity of democracy of educa- tion and open to honor students of all departments of American univer- sities and colleges, the society's prime object is to emphasize scholarship and character in the thought of . college students, to hold fast to the original purpose for which institutions of learning were founded and to stimu- late mental achievement by the prize of membership. Members are chosen during either the first or second semester of their senior year. Outstanding faculty men also are invited into membership. The Society provides several scholar- ships for which members are eligible, issues its own journal, holds ban- quets twice annually and actively as- sists its members in every way pos- sible. Members are chosen by a fac- ulty committee for scholarship, con- tributions to the University and ac- tivities. PHI LAMBDA UPSILON Phi Lambda Upsilon is a national honorary chemical society. Member- ship consists of senior and graduate chemists and chemical engineers, elected on the basis of scholarship. The society sponsors an award each year to the highest ranking junior chemist and chemical engineer. PI LAMBDA THETA Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, trical engineering fraternity founded for the purpose of closer cooperation among, and mutual benefit to, stu- dents and others in the profession who by their attainments in college or in practice manifest exceptional interest and marked ability in elec- trical engineering. The local chapter sponsors elec- trical engineering colloquiums, and aids in all activities of the electrical engineering department. Members are elected from junior and senior electrical engineers who have main- tained a high scholastic average. Sup- per meetings are held bi-monthly at the Union. ALPHA ALPHA GAMMA Alpha Alpha Gamma, national honorary society in architecture and its allied arts, has as its goal the fostering of an interest in various forms of art. Students from the School of Architecture and of land- scape design, who are in the up- per one-third of their class scholas- tically, are eligible for membership. Meetings, held every two weeks, are usually held in the homes of profes- sors. PHI TAU ALPHA Phi Tau Alpha is the honorary Latin and Greek society. Intended for all students interested in partici- pating in the study of the classics, the society meets twice a month. Pro- grams of many and diverse phases pertinent to the fields of Latin and Greek are presented. Phi Tau Alpha has as its purpose the furthering of the student's inte- est in his or her work and the pro- viding of a closer contact between student, classmates and professor. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA Alpha Lambda Delta is a society established to honor those freshman women who attain a 2.47 average during their first semester or during their first and second semesters com- bined. ' In April, 1939, 23 women of the class of '40 were initiated, Shortly after the advent of the second semes- ter a group of freshmen and sopho- mores who raised their average dur- ing their second semester on campus will receive the small gold pin, in IZe shape of a candle, which is the Alpha Lambda Delta symbol. KAPPA KAPPA PSI Nu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary band fraternity, chooses its members on the basis of scholarship, leadership and musical ability. Its program includes spring concerts by its own concert band com- posed of fraternity members. Besides this, Nu sponsors an ensemble contest open to every member of the Univer- sity bands and in all functions assists the Concert Band. Meetings are held every two weeks at the Union, on alternate Wednes- days after band rehearsals. PHI EPSILON KAPPA Phi Epsilon Kappa is the only na- tional physical education fraternity in the United States. It functions to inculcate the principles of Peace, Friendship and Brotherly Love; to promote and enhance the happiness of its members and to elevate the standards, ideals and ethics for pro- fessionals engaged in teaching physi- cal education. Kappa Chapter was founded here in 1925. Membership is open to those stu- dents of health and physical edu- cation above freshman standing who, through scholastic rating, profession- al ability and character show prom- ise of furthering the ideals of the fraternity. Meetings are held bi- monthly'. The yearly banquet and 'get-to- gether' will be held in the spring to which all alumni brothers and men of Phi Epsilon Kappa are invited. MIME S Mimes is the men's honorary dra- matic society, founded in 1912 to provide for the continuation of the Michigan Union Opera as well as to provide entertainment at Union functions. In its early years Mimes was re- lated to the fairs and minstrel shows produced during the first years of the present century as a means of pro- moting the construction of a Union building. The first Union Opera was presented in 1907. The most suc- cessful was "Cotton Stockings," pro- duced in 1923, which became a hit at the Metropolitan Opera House after a tour of the Middle West and East. The last show was "Give Us Rhythm" in 1935. Participating in a Mimes show is required for membership. There will be a call for tryouts as soon as plans for a production are completed. No- tices of meetings, which are held in the Union, will be announced in the Daily Official Bulletin. THETA SIGMA PHI Theta Sigma Phi is a national hon- orary professional journalistic fra- ternity for women. Junior and senior women in the Department of Journal- ism who have a sufficiently highuscho- lastic rating and have been recom- r and social meetings are sponsored at various times throughout the semes- ter. Theta Sigma Phi corresponds to Sigma Delta Chi, the men's honorary journalistic fraternity. QUARTERDECK SOCIETY Quarterdeck Society is an honorary invitational society of the Depart- ment of Naval Architecture and Ma- rine Engineering, College of Engi- neering. One of the oldest engineering societies on this campus, it was formed in 1909. All meetings are student conduct- ed. At various times during the year members write papers on subjects relative to the field of ships and shipping which are read before the society. Following the reading of these papers there are general discus- sions. At present there is being formed, under the guidance of the society, a sailing club whose membership will be open to all who are or want to be- come acquainted with the ways of the wind and the water. ALPHA KAPPA DELTA Alpha Kappa Delta is an honorary sociology society with chapters in the University of Southern California and the University of Michigan. Its pur- pose is to promote interest in social research and social work., Second semester juniors, seniors and graduate students are eligible for membership. The requirements are five hours in sociology and a high B average in all academic work. The club meets monthly. TAU SIGMA DELTA Tau Sigma Delta is an international honorary fraternity in architecture and the allied arts. Its aim is to pro- duce men fit for the profession of architecture both by virtue of their professional training and their con- cept of the duty toward society on the part of architects. The belief that architecture is much more than a technical profession led to the or- ganization of Alpha chapter of Tau Sigma Delta at Michigan in 1913. The society was originally founded because of a belief that architecture owes to the world a finer place in which to live, a freer philosophy, and an in- digenous culture as expressed in buildings. There are two classes of member- ship, junior and senior. Members must be in the junior class. SCABBARD AND BLADE .The preamble of the Constitution of Scabbard and Blade exemplifies the purpose of the Society: "Believing that military service is an obligation to citizenship, and that the greater opportunities afforded col- lege men for the study of military science place upon them certain re- sponsibilities as citizens, We, Cadet Officers in various Universities do form this Society and adopt this Con- stitution in order to unite in closer relationship the military departments of American Universities and Col- leges; to preserve and develop the es- sential qualities of good and efficient officers; to prepare ourselves as edu- cated men to make a more active part and have a greater influence in the military affairs of the communities in which we may reside and above all to spread intelligent information concerning the military requirements of our country." Basis for election of members into Scabbard and Blade is founded- on three qualities: scholarship in mili- tary science courses, efficiency in drill, personal qualifications and cam- pus activities. IOTA ALPHA Iota Alpha is a society whose aim is to stamp approval on meritorious work of engineering students, to stim- ulate young practical alumni, and like objectives. The local chapter, authorized in 1925, was the second in the new na- tional organization that was formed at New York University in 1919. At its inception the organization was called The Engineering Honor So- ciety of Iota Alpha. At present the society's local chap- ter numbers more than 400 among its membership. Meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month in the chemical engineering room of the, East Engineering Building. At each meeting a member of the society pre- cedes the main speaker of the evening with a short talk on research works in his particular department of en-r gineering. Discussions usually follow the speeches,. SIGMA XIx The Society of Sigma Xi is a na-s tional honorary scientific fraternitya with over 100 chapters and clubs atr various universities. The society was x founded for the purpose of encourag-I ing original investigation in pure and applied science and for the promo-1 tion of friendship among those en-r gaged in research.- The Michigan Chapter was organ-t ized in 1903. Officers are chosen bien- nially from among the faculties ofe the various scientific departments ofI the University. Members are select- ed from nominations submitted byl staff members in the department of specialization. Membership is con-1 ferred upon staff members and grad- uate students who have demonstrated ability in research, usually through publications of noteworthy character. Seniors and graduates who have ex- hibited high scholarship together with a promise of aptitude in research may be elected to associate membership. TAU BETA PI Tau Beta Pi is the national senior engineering honor society similar to Phi Beta Kappa in the Literary Col- lege. It represents the highest honor accorded an engineer. For membership distinguished schol- arship is the first requisite. Seniors are elected in the fall and juniors in the spring. Regular dinner meetings are held every two weeks at which talks on engineering and other topics are pre- sented. Tau Beta Pi also assists in the various campus activities of cha- ritable and other natures. MU PHI EPSILON Mu Phi Epsilon is the only na- tional music honor society for women on campus. Qualification for elec- tion to this society are a scholarship rating in the upper quarter of the junior class in the School of Music, a minimum requirement of two years of theory and one year of history of music and a faculty recommendation in the student's major subject. Trans- fer students are not eligible until they have completed at least one semester in residence. Activities include at least six mu- sicales a year, at which members perform. Meetings are held twice a month during the school year. The objects of Mu Phi Epsilon are the advancement of scholarship among American musicians, the mainten- ance of national contest awards and scholarship awards and the promo- tion of fellowship and opportunity for exchange of ideas among outstand- ing music students. THE BARRISTERS This is an honorary law society, formed at the University of Michi- gan Law School in 1904. The purpose is succinctly stated to be the "social and professional advancement of its members and of the law school." It also seeks to give recognition to those law students whom it considers out- standing, by its selection of them to membership. Membership in any one year is lim- ited to 25 senior law students. It is self-perpetuating, the active mem- bers each year electing their succes- sors in two groups: 15 in the spring, and 10 more in the fall. Selection is made on basis of scholarship, char- acter, and all-around ability; em- phasis is placed on those working on Michigan Law Review, and in Case Clubs in the law school. As its pur- pose is largely honorary, membership may not be solicited; it is conferred. Meetings are held every two weeks, usually in the form of luncheons or dinners with faculty members, fol- lowed by short talks by outside speak- ers on subjects of current interest, legal and otherwise. Initiations are in spring and fall with the active mem- bers wearing the black robes and white wigs as worn by the English Barristers; from whom the society de- rives its name. Social Organizations SCALP AND BLADE The National Fraternity of Scalp and Blade is a social organization for the promotion of social entertainment and education recreation for college men from Buffalo, N.Y. The Michigan Chapter is one of the oldest and most active chapters of the fraternity. Any male resident of Buffalo in the University is eligible for undergrad- uate membership. The local chap- ter invites all Buffaloans to enjoy the companionship of their fellow townsmen. MICHIGAN DAMES CLUB An organization for the wives of students and internes on campus is the Michigan Dames Club. The club meets the second and fourth Tues- day of each month. There are nine interest groups which meet once a month: art, athletic, book, bridge, child study, charm, drama, home making and music. AIIPHA KAPPA ALPHA Alpha Kappa Alpha is a national social sorority for colored women. The organization of the group is similar to that of any other social sorority of the University in its purpose. Meet- ings are held the first and third Wed- nesdays in each month. THE HIAWATHA CLUB The Hiawatha Club, which numbers about forty members, was organized in the fall of 1935. The purpose of the Hiawatha Club is, first, to foster a feeling of good- will and friendship among Upper Peninsula men who are students at the University; and second, to create a "University of Michigan conscious- ness among high school graduates from the Upper Peninsula by sponsor- ing collegiate dances, advising the high school graduates, and keeping in touch with Upper Peninsula news- papers. The club sponsors speakers, mainly members of the faculty. It also par- ticipates in intramural athletics, and boasts a hockey team. Initiates are selected by vote of the active mem- bers. Dues amount semester. ALPHA GAMMA SIGMA Alpha Gamma Sigma is a social or- ganization for former Girl Scouts, Girl Reserves and Campfire Girls. A social meeting is held every other Monday night. i/an guige CERIWJE FRANCAIS The principal purpose of Le Cercle Francais is to acquaint the student with the more familiar aspects of the French tongue and culture through a series of lectures and semi- monthly meetings. The only necessary qualification for membership in Le Cerele is that the prospective member be able to carry on a conversation in French. LA SOCIEDAD HISPANICA The aims of La Sociedad Hispanica are to provide a means for students to hear and speak Spanish and to acquaint them with Spanish-Ameri- can culture.. Its functions are meet- ings with Spanish programs, a series of six lectures, and Spanish movies. Any student who has fulfilled the University requirements and is in- terested in Spanish culture is eligible. Meetings are held twice a month. to one dollar per Religious HILLEL FOUNDATION The B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation aims to provide a social and cultural center for students. Although it em- phasizes Jewish values, its facilities are open to all students. The Foun- dation is located at 1102 Oakland, and its physical facilities include a library, recreation room, chapel, lounge, of- fices and kitchen. Membership is approximately 500. Among the most important activ- ities are: Religious Services every Fri- day evening; Sunday Evening Forums (Avery Weisman, Chairman); Hillel Players-Dramatic Group (Louise Samek, President); Hillel Indepen- dent Club-Social Organization (Al Finkelstein, President); Palestine Club (Samuel F. Grant, President); Fireside Discussion Group; Hillel Book Club (Betty Steinhart, Presi- dent); and social events. KAPPA PHI Kappa Phi is a Methodist club, limited to Methodist women students who have at least a C plus average. Rushing is held every semester and meetings every other week. The meet- ings are both social and religious in nature. The motto of the club is (Continued on Page 24) .4ZZ 1,. .4 .;., ,,; . : , :r...r ~IJlassmate Br DO0BB S Here it is again ... gay and young ... ready and eager for campus and town! The casual classic that DOBBS does so well.., fine felt, good lines, kidskin trim ... gorgeous fall colors to match tweeds and sweaters. DOBBS accurate headsizes. $750 k A I J "o - Now I ,i O p 9i i -1 I the "Laura Belle" Shop . . 1108 South University -All Newly Stocked and Under New Management- Where Style, Quality, Personal Attention and Modest Expense Make This A Popular Shopping Center . . For Co-Ed and Town Girl . . . Something New and Desirable Every Day in the Year. PRETTY FROCKS ... SPORTS WEAR ... COATS AND SUITS . . Special Values in HOSIERY . . GLOVES . . . BAGS and PURSES . . KNIT- WEAR ... BLOUSES ... SKIRTS .. and the finest Silk Underwear Stock in "Jeeves, bring me my Daily - the Michigan Daily. You know since the boy has been away at the University, I read their daily newspaper, and find out just what is going on in Ann Arbor. They do a bang-up good job too. Sport news, society, editorials, and national news as reported by the Associated Press are in it every day." LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION '-$4.00 . f ',,T.'.t I i