PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1939 kummoolow Oxford Tutorial System Started Here Last Fall Trial Course Is Limited To 150 Picked Students; B AverageNecessary Two Other Schools Also Have Program With the inauguration of a tutorial honors system modeled after the Ox- ford plan last fall, the University took along step forward in the direc- tion of progressive education. .,Resembling the systems in effect at Harvard University and Swarth- more College, the plan is still in the experimental stage, being limited to a total enrollment of 150 picked stu- dents, o of whom were selected last fall from the sophomore class and were ready to embark this year up- on programs of academic concentra- tion. Michigan is the first state-sup- ported institution to give the plan a trial. Five years will elapse before any steps are taken to enlarge the plan or put it on a permanent basis. The keynote of the plan -is in- dividual attention to the needs, abili- ties and interests of every student. The result, it is hoped, will be a more thorough-going synthesis of subject matter and knowledge. Requirements for admittance to the system during the five year ex- perimental stage are stiff. Special criteria include at least a "B" scho- lastic average, personal interview with the Board of Tutors, and ac- ceptable qualifying examination in English composition and one foreign language. Half of the student's program con- sists of regularly scheduled courses. The remainder is devoted to an ex- tensive program of assigned read- ing and research administered by the student's tutor, who is selected from a special faculty staff. Each tutor is relieved of about two-thirds of his regular burden of teaching.1 During his last two years of un- dergraduate work, the student con- centrates his scholastic interestsI around a central theme, -at the same1 time endeavoring to extend his knowl- edge in collateral fields. Weekly con- ferences are scheduled for him witht the tutor who grades the student on his accomplishment. "A penetrating essay" upon any subject selected after consultation with his tutor is required of every student during his senior year. The merit of the essay is appraised byG members of the Board of Tutors and faculty whotare specialists in the subject. Comprehensive examinations, ad- ministered at the end of the year, re- place the traditional "package" sys- tem of tests. The exams are con- fined to the field of concentration and allied subjects, and demonstra- tions of special ability are rewarded with "honors" at commencement. Sophs Gloomy At New Return Of Black FridayI -Black Friday and the Soph-Frosh games-banned as "Joe College" by a blase campus in 1935-made a sur- prisingly lusty comeback year before last, and incoming freshmen may once again look forward to renewing their traditional feud with the soph- omores.1 Fanned to a flame by a revitalized Men's Council and abetted by mob spirit stimulated by the new dormi- tories, the fires of inter-class war, dormant for two years, ravaged the campus last fall. Sophisticated upperclassmen who had never descended to the "vulgar- ity" of Black Friday in their own underclass days were shocked, em- barrased, and amused when a horde of frosh burst into the midst of the Union Formal-sans trousers, their informal attire in striking contrast, to say the least, to the white ties and tails present. Pantless but dauntless, the em- battled frosh drowned out the din of Bob Steinle's orchestra with cries of "Yea '41" and "Down with '40," proof of their victory in the flag rush that afternoon and in the dorm riot of the night before that made Black Friday almost an anti-climax. Out for frosh blood, a band of 50 sophomores had planned a nocturnal raid on Allen-Rumsey dormitory. A freshman insomnia victim sounded the alarm, and dormitory firehoses were brought into play to repel the invading sophs. It took President Ruthven himself to break up the en- suing melee in which scores of fresh- men, completely shorn of clothes, battled naked in a sea of mud with their oppressors. That night two years ago made Michigan history, for a Detroit radio news commentator broadcast the story of the riot over the ether, and Talks, Teas, Guidance Of fered By Student Religious Association >---- i Organization Is Developed For All Groups; Morgan In Charge Of Program (Continued from Page 5) of the first discussion which will be held on Sept. 23. Prof. Mentor L. Wil- liams of the English department will speak. He will present a candid analysis of the reasons for coming to college and a discussion of the prob- lem of the relation of education to religious belief. On Sept. 30, "For What Are We Educating?" will be discussed by a speaker to be announced later. Dean Erich A. Walter, assistant dean of the College of Literature, science and the Arts, will speak Oct. 7 on the subject "Sifting the Cata- logue." He will discuss how a student can get a well-rounded education at; the University of Michigan and the general characteristics of a well ed- ucated man. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of the Student Religious Association, will discuss "Extra-Curricular Education" on Oct. 14. "For What Are We Pre- paring?" is to be the subject of Miss Gertrude Muxen, vocational coun- selor, at the round table on Oct. 21. On Oct. 28, "Boy and Girl Relations" will be discussed by a speaker to be announced later. After October, the round table dis- cussions will be planned by the mem- bers of the freshman class. Other activities of the Association include lectures given by members of the faculty and visiting speakers on the various phases of religion. Series Innovations. Planned In Year's Program By Hillel Foundation. Tutorial work in Jewish subjects, a career clinic and a new affiliate- membership plan are among the in- novations which will be added to the regular program of activities of the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation this fall. A honors course in Judaism with in- struction by competent tutors in the fields of Jewish history, post-Bibical literature, modern Hebrew and other subjects will be inaugurated. { A membership arrangement which will include several dances, the an- nual play and other social events at a new low cost only slightly over the+ former annual membership fee will also be put into effect this fall. In cooperation with several Univer- sity experts, a new career clinic will: administer tests and give vocational+ guidance to members desiring this service.; Conservative services are held every Friday evening in the chapel, Reform services are held Sunday mornings,] and Orthodox services are held daily. of talks planned now include four lectures on "The Existence and Nature of Religion," in answer to the ques- tion, "Why Be Religious?" This series complements the series "The Nature and Existence of God," on which Bertrand Lord Russel, Mons. Fulton J. Sheen and Prof. Reinhold Niebuhr were guest speakers. Other series to be given this year are "Religion and Politics" and one on "What I Believe" to be given by trained religious workers of Ann Arbor. Open forums meet at 8 p.m. weekly in Lane Hall. Topics for the first weeks are "Religious Principles Ac- tive in Social Problems," Sept. 27; "Religion and Education, on Oct. 4; "Religion and Economics," on Oct. 11; and "Religion and Politics," on Oct. 18. Each Friday from 4 to 6 p.m., stu- dents gather in the library of Lane Hall for an informal coffee hour and conversations with faculty members. Students interested in writing may join the staff of ""The Religious For- um," a small magazine published by the students. It contains essays, stories, poems, plays and articles. The editor is William Muehl, '41. Churches Offer Varied Activity Through Guilds In addition to the regular worship services and individual counselling, many social and recreational activi- ties are sponsored for University stu- dents by the churches of Ann Arbor. Picnics, teas, dances, parties, lec- tures, and fellowship meetings are held by the student guilds of the vari- ous sects in Ann Arbor. Many of the churches have separ- ate quarters with recreational facili- ties, lounges and libraries for use of student members. The majority of the churches and student guilds sponsor open houses for all members of that church on Friday of Orientation Week as a get acquainted meet. The churches of Ann Arbor include the First Presbyterian Church, First Methodist Church, St. Andrew's Epis- copal Church, First Baptist Church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ann Arbor Friends, First Congregational Church, Unitarian Church, St. Mary's Catholic Students Chapel, B'Nai Brith Hillel Foundation, Church of Christ (Disciples), Zion Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, St. Paul's Lutheran, Beth- lehem Evangelical, Pilgrim Holiness, Grace Bible Fellowship, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Free Methodist, Christian Re- formed and Reformed Church, the Salvation Army, Bethel African Methodist Church, and Calvary Ev- angelical Churches. II fli S pp J ,4 ii The Bookstore where the Most Students Buy the Most Books 0 0 . . . 9 . 0 Welcome the Class of '43 Come to SLATER'S ...*...SAVE MONEY on -w iffilmim 4 I I A I Irk RIDER'S1 302 South State St. (Near Liberty St.) MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS ON BRAND NEW PORTABLES Pens - Typewriters - Supplies lr. _ _ _ _ r& - - -/ "see you have a son in college. You are tremendously proud of him, but you know very little about what he's doing. I can't tell you that but I know that you can get all the campus news in the Michigan Daily, the official Uni- versity daily newspaper. In addition to reports of the student activities, there is national news as reported by - ~ ' (NEW TEXTBOOKS ..... IF YOU PREFER) All Books for All Courses including Engineering - Law - Medical 9 A BUY EARLY-AVOID THE RUSH As soon as you know the courses you are going to take come to SLATER'S and we will show you the Texts you wi l l need. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL OCTOBER 1st JL You'll find "FAIR PRICES" and "FRIENDLY SERVICE" at - -I I- J 44 i - - -_ i I