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August 12, 1939 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-12

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12, 1939



12, 1939 FAGE 4-A

Eight Men's


Halls Added

To University's, System

p -

Four More Houses
Scheduled To Open
For Second Term

Staffs Are Named For Halls In West Quadrangle


The New West Quadrangle Of Men's Residence Halls

_ _ .>

Approximately 1,500 Will
Be Lodged After West,
East QuadsAre Ready
Trmed Greatest
Change In Years
r J
Termed by the 'Ensian the "greatest
change in fifty years," the Michigan
House Plan goes into effect this fall
with the addition of eight new men's
residence halls to the University's
With the spring semester, an ad-
ditional group of four houses will be
opened, increasing the University's
capacity to approximately 1,500 men
in fourteen individual units.
In the Fall, the West Quadrange
will be opened. The West Quadrangle
consists; of eight houses and is lo-
cated adjacent to the Michigan Un-
ion, bordering on Madison, Thomp-
son and Jefferson Streets. The East
Quadrangle, to be opened in the
firing, will include four residence
halls in the block enclosed byChurch
and Willard Streets and East Univer-
sity Avenue.
, West Quadrangle Group
Houses in the West Quadrangle
are Allen-Rumsey House, opened last
'Frll; Robert Mark Wenley House,
Michigan House, Henry Carter Adams
House, Chicago House, Alfred Henry
Lloyd House, Alexander Winchell
House and George Palmer Williams
In the East Quadrangle will be
charles Ezra Greene House, Moses
Coit Tyler House, Albert Benjamin
Prescott House and Burke Aaron
Hinsdale House.
Other Residences
Aside from the West and East'
Quadrangles, the University residence
halls include Fletcher Hall, a small
house situated six blocks from cam-
pus, and the Victor C. Vaughan res-
idence at the corner of East Cather-
ine Street and Glen Avenue, for med-
ical students.
The Lawyers Club and John P. Cook
Building, not coming under the con-
trol of the Board of Governors of
Residence Halls, having been acquir-
ed under . the terms of special be-
quests, provide living accomodations
for members of the Lawyers Club, and
approximately 100 residents are ac-
comodated each year by the Union,
selected from men of the faculty,
graduate school and senior classes.
Includes Eight Houses
The West Quadrangle includes in
its eight houses 101 single rooms, 409
d ouble rooms and 13 suites. There is a
entral commons in which are housed
the kitchens and dining halls, of
which there are four on two floors,
to each of which residents of two
Iouses will be assigned for meals. In
eac1 house of the Quadrangle there
is a Resident Adviser, a House Direc-
ter and a number of Proctors. For
the entire West Quadrangle there is
an Athletic Counselor and a Scholar-
ship Counselor to sponsor intra and
inter house competition in those
phases of University life.
The East Quadrangle will include
}i its four houses 167 single rooms
.nd f 117 doubles. This group will
ve two dining halls to each of which
two houses will be assigned, and the
house staffs will besimilar to those
of the West Quadrangle.

Frosh To Note
Sundry Rules
Of Residences
According to the Regents' regula-
tion, "All undergraduate men stu-
dents not living with their families
shall live in University residence halls
for men, or other residences approved
' by the Dean of Students."
The University residence halls are
operated by the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls, of which the Ex-
ecutive Officer, Prof. Karl Litzenberg
of the English department, Director
of Residence Halls, is in general ad-
ministrative charge of the life and
activities in all Halls and Houses
which the Board controls.
Mainly Freshmen
So far as possible, freshmen will be
assigned- rooms in the University
houses. A limited number of juniors,
seniors and graduate students will
also be accommodated.
Before gaining a room, the stu-
dent is required to sign a lease for
the room for the academic year. Re-
lease from the contract to move to a
fraternity house during the second
semester will be granted juniors and
seniors upon notice of three weeks.
Freshmen are not allowed to reside
in fraternity houses during their first
year on campus.
Length Of Occupation
The student may occupy his room
one day preceeding the first day of
the Orientation Week. Rooms may
only be occupied while the University
is in session unless special permission
is granted. Rooms must be left the
day following the student's last ex-
amination in June.
Payment for rooms may be made
in full at the beginning of each se-
mester or may be arranged on half-
semester installments. Board is pay-
able one month in advance with pen-
alties for late payments. All resi-
dents in University houses with the
exception of those in Fletcher Hall
are required to take their meals in
the dining halls of the residences.
Furnishing Supplied
Each room is furnished with all
necessary furniture, lamps and the
like. Beds are supplied with two
blankets and linen, but no spread.
Residents must furnish their own
towels and soap and any extra blan-
kets they deem necessary.
Radios are allowed in residence hall
rooms but must be kept low so as not
to disturb other residents. They may
not be used from midnightto 8 a.m.
They must be installed by supervised
workmen with the permission of the
House Director, and installation and
operation fees will be charged.
Dogs, cats or other animals are for-
bidden. Firearms, cooking and the
installation of electric heating de-
vices are prohibited. Other regula-
tions may be found in the bulletin
issued by the Dean of Students Of-
fice entitled "Housing Facilities for
Application for rooms in any of;
the University residence halls should
be made through the Office of the
Dean of Students.
Handle All Activities
And Financial Work
The Business and Administrative
Offices of the University handle all
of the financial work and govern the
campus activities.
The more important of these offices,
are the Business Offices; The Build-
ing and Grounds Department; Regis-
trar's Office; Bureau of Alumni Re-
lations; Bureau of Appointments and

Occupational Information; Bureau of
Cooperation with Educational In-
stitutions; Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents; and Office of the Dean of

-Courtesy of The Ann Arbor News
When you read this, the West Quadrangle, of which this is the architect's drawing, will be under construc-
tion from the point (4) onward throughout the unmarked sections. When you get to Ann Arbor this fall, all
the rooms in this Quadrangle will be ready to move into. That's the way we do things at Michigan. Cbn-
struction was begun last fall on this group. Number (1) spots the Union, number (2) the Union wing, and
number (3) Allen-Rumsey House, all completed for some time. The Union is the oldest of the group and is the
center of men's social activities on campus.



President Ruthven's
Word To Residents
Since the welfare of its students
is a major concern of the Ujniver-
sity, and since it is the duty of the
University to aid its students in
achieving intellectual growth and
character development, the Board
of Regents of the University of
Michigan has encouraged the ex-
pansion of the University Resi-
dence Halls. The facilities of the
new Men's Houses and the pro-
visions of the Michigan House,
Plan offer many advantages which
have heretofore been denied to
men students at the University of
Michigan. Many of the desir-
able objectives of a college educa-
tion, which in a modern society
must not consist of formal class-
room work alone, can be accom-
plished through the agency of the
Residence Halls.
-Alexander G. Ruthven
Of Old Days
fin Ann arbor
Forty students on a greased tele-
graph pole, struggling to keep out of
the reach of barrel staves swinging
beneath . . A mob of rioting stu-
dents ripping the piano of a local
theatre apart, leaving the theatre in
ruins . .. The "laws" and the "lits"
battling to the finish in the grimy
mud that was State Street.
These are the memories of Ann
Arbor of a half century ago, called
forth by the sight of many an old
grad slapping another on the back
and starting a story "Do you remem-
ber the tine . .
These are the memories of a man
who has seen classes since '99 passing
in and out of Ann Arbor, Myron E.
Those were the days when State
Street was a two-way dirt drive, when
seniors wore high plug hats, when"the
cigar store had a wooden" Indian in
front, recalls Mr. Slater.,
Football scores from the away
games were shouted out to the mob
of students from a second story win-
dow of the State Street bookshop, Mr.
Slater particularly remembers be-
cause it was he who had to run with
the telegrams from the telegraph of-
fice to the bookshop.
Students in those 'days had to go
down to the postoffice to get their
mail each day, and each day there
was a riot all over again just before
the distribution began.

Director Of Halls

To Be Narned For First
Woman Student To
Enroll In University
With the opening for the spring
semester of Madelon L. Stockwell
Hall, still under construction, the
residence hall capacity for University
women will be increased to approxi-
mately 1037.
Named after the first co-ed to at-
tend the University (Miss Stockwell

New Residence Hall For Co-eds
To Open For Second Semester

came from Kalamazoo in 1870) the
new hall is located south of Mosher-
Jordan and east of the Women's Ath-
letic Building, at the corner of North
University and Observatory Avenues.
In about 354 rooms, it will house
approximately 390 women.
Two Dining Halls
Stockwell Hall will contain two
large dining halls, a recreation room
in each wing and kitchenettes and
laundries in the basement for resi-
dents. Conveniently located to Pal-
mer Field, outdoor athletics may be
enjoyed practically on the back door-
Near where Stockwell Hall is now
being built, Mosher-Jordan Halls
stand, composed of two distinct units
in one architectural unity. Mosher,
the sick end, for it extends in the
direction of the University Hospital,
houses 212 co-eds, while Jordan, the
dead end, jutting out toward a ceme-
tary, holds 226 girls. Jordan will be
exclusively a freshman house this
Across from Angell Hall, where
many of the literary school's classes
are held, two houses sleep (until 10
minutes before class time) and are
known as Betsy Barbour and Helen
Newberry. Betsy, as it is affectionate-
ly called by residents, has rooms for
88, while Helen holds 81.
Other Houses Listed
In addition to these larger resi-
dence halls are Alumnae House with
rooms ' for 16 and Adelia Cheever
House with accommodations for 24.
Both of these houses are semi-co-
Staff appointments for the wom-
en's residence halls made to date
are: House Director of the combined
Mosher-Jordan, Mrs. Martha Ray,
former Social Director of Mosher;
Social Director of Mosher, Miss Rose-
mary Neuhaus; Social Director of
Jordan, Miss Esther Colton; Resident
Counselor of Mosher, Mrs. Ruth L.
House Director of Betsy. Barbour,
Mrs. Mary Mitchell; Night Chaperon
of Betsy Barbour, Mrs. Dorothy Foy;
House Director of Helen Newberry,
Miss Ruth Danielson; House Director
of Alumnae House, Mrs. Florence
Preston; and House Director of Ade-
lia Cheever, Mrs. Holley Dobbins.

Houses' Board
Of Governorsc
Picks Officials:
Resident Advisers, House
Directors And Seniorc
Proctors Are Appoinedg
Staffs of the eight men's residence
halls included in the West Quad-c
rangle will be headed by three per-i
sons, the Resident Adviser, the HouseT
Director and the Senir Proctor, all9
appointed by the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls.\
The Resident Adviser is responsiblex
for the discipline and general aca-r
demic tone of the house. He is thej
liaison officer through whom a cor-s
relation between the formal educa-I
tion of the classroom and the infor-
mal education in group living in the
Residence Hall may be achieved. HeR
supervises the work of the Proctors
and gives personal counsel and ad-1
vice to students who require it. He
cpoperates with the Academic Coun-
selors of the literary college, and thet
Mentors of the engineering school.
He is the official representative of
the faculty in the Residence Halls.
The House Director is responsible
for the social tone of the house, and
therefore strives to create in her
house an atmosphere of refinement
and harmony which one would expect
to find in a cultured home. She
aids the house student organization
in planning a social program, ar-
ranges and supervises all social af-
fairs and presides as hostess upon
all social occasions. She is respon-
sible for the general welfare of the
students and for the custodianship
of the physical property of the house.
She receives and entertains casual
visitors, parents and friends of stu-
dents. She acts as personal and spir-
itual counselor to any residents who
are in need of her advice and ar-
ranges for the care of any, resident
who should be taken ill. She is in
charge of room assignments.
The Student Proctors are headed
by the Senior Proctor. They are
responsible for creating and main-
taining an atmosphere in which the
study required of college students can
be accomplished. They are directly
responsible to the Resident Adviser
of the house in which they live. They
advise students on general University
matters, traditions and problems.
They are the junior educational offi-
cers of the University.
Resident Advisers, House Directors
and Senior Proctors appointed to the
various houses of the West Quad-
rangle for the 1939-40 academic year
by the Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls are as follows:
.Allen-Rumsey House: Resident Ad-
viser, Charles H. Peake, teaching fel-
low in English, Resident Adviser in
this house last year; House Director,
Mrs. Virginia Harryman; Senior
Proctor, William Frank Andersen,
Wenley House: Resident Adviser,
Charles W. Knerler, instructor in
dermatology; House Director, Mrs. E.
K. Herdman; Senior Proctor, Roland
G. Usher, Grad., University Fellow
in the history department.
Michigan'House: Resident Adviser,
John H. Stibbs, Teaching Fellow in
English; House Director, Mrs. Laura
D. Niles, former House Director of
Allen-Rumsey; Senior Proctor, Mer-
ton H. Keel, assistant in biological
Adams House: Resident Adviser,
Prof. Sumner B. Myers of the math-
ematics department; House Director,
Mrs. Woolsey W. Hunt; Senior Proc-.
tor, Kooman Boycheff, member of
the staff of the intramural athletics
Chicago House: Resident Adviser,
Arthur R. Kooker, Teaching Fellow
in history; House Director, Mrs. Dane,

W. Poppleton; Senior Proctor,. John
R. White, '40L, former Proctor of
Lloyd House: Resident Adviser,

"omer A. Howes, lnstrucorrof i-
ernal medicine; HouseDirector, Ms
Beatrice Giard; Senior Proctor, Peter
ostafin, Teaching Fellow in sociol-
Winchell House; Resident Adviser,
John Arthos, instructor In English
and Tutor in the Honors Degree Pro-
gram of -the literary school; UqouSe
Director, Mrs. Katherine Wygant;
Senior Proctor, Walter S. Grimala,
Grad., candidate for doctoral de-
gree in personal guidance.
Williams House: Resident Adviser,
Roger H. Gillette, instructor in
chemistry; House Director, Mrs. Al-
fred 0. Lee; Senior Proctor, William
H. Berry, candidate for masters de-
gree in forestry.
In addition to the staffs of the
separate houses, two persons have
been named to serve the entire Quad-
rangle. They will reside in Williams
House. William G. Riordan of the
staff of the intramural athletics de-
partment will supervise intramural
sports activities for the Quadrangle
in his capacity as Athletic Counselor
and William D. Knight, research
assistant in the Bureau of Business
Research, as Scholarship Counselor
will supervise and keep the records
of inter-house scholarship competi-
Offers Courses;>
In 12 Field s
Eight Four-Year Programs
Of Study Are Accredited
By Engineers' College
Programs of study in 12 fields of
engineering and combined courses
with Business Administration, For-
estry and Law are expected to attract
a record enrollment again this fall,
judging by past increases wplh
reached a peak of 2,153 undergradu-
ates last year.
The college offers eight 4-year pro-
grams of study which are accredited
by the Engineers' Council for Pro-
fessional Development. This Coup-
cil represents the American Society
of Civil Engineers, the American In-
stitute of Mining and Metallurgical
Engineers, the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers, the American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, the
Society for the Promotion of Engi-
neering Education and the National
Council of State Boards of Engineer-
ing Examiners.
This Council undertakes to formu-
late criteria for colleges of engineer-
ing which will insure their graduates
of a sound educational foundation for
practicing in the engineering Oirofes-
Programs accredited by the Council
include those in aeronautical, chemi-
cal, civil, transportation, electrical,
mechanical and metallurgical engi-
'neering, naval architecture and ma-
rine engineering and engineering me-
chanics. Additional four-year curri-
cula, not accredited by the CounCil,
are offered in the specialized fields
of astronomy, geodesy and surveying,
mathematics and physics.
'The scope oif the. work offered by
several departments is usually broad-
er than the name of the department
implies. For example, under chemi-
cal engineering is to be found metal-
lurgical, industrial and general chem-
ical engineering; under civil engineer-
ing is found structural, hydraul-ic,
transportation, sanitary and munici-
pal engineering, and under electrical
engineering. is listed power, communi-
cation and illuminating engineering
and electrical design.
Geodesy and surveying encom-
passes geodesy, topographic and bon-
dary surveying and courses on the

legal and administrative problems in-
volved in titles and boundaries. Un-
der mechanical engineering is includ-
ed steam power, internal combustion,
(Continued On 4-B)


Summer Session
OpenedIn 1894
The first Summer Session was op-
ened at the University in 1894, and
has proved to be so popular that the
enrollment this summer reached ap-
proximately 5,500. The faculty dur-
ing the Summer Session is composed
of members of the regular faculties
in the' various school and colleges and
visiting professors.
The University also conducts sum-
mer field courses in biology, forestry,
surveying, geology and geography.

Message To Students
From Halls' Director
To the Residents of the Michigan
Residence Halls:
On behalf of the Board of Gov-
ernors of Residence Halls and the
personnel staffs, I wish to extand
greetings to those students who
will be living in the Residence
Halls for Men and Women durhig
the school year 1939-40. I would
point out to them that the Board
of Regents has provided for the
extension of University-owied
housing facilities, and has estab-
lished the bases upon which the
Michigan House Plan has been
constructed. But a House Plan
which is devoted to giving "the
student experience in communal
living and assistance in expanding
his education into those areas
which must be cultivated if he is
to become a citizens of the world,"
can achieve its aims only through
the cooperation and aid of the
residents themselves. In this year
particularly, when 12 new men's
houses and one new hall for wom-
en are being opened, such coopera-
tion and aid are especially im-
It is the sincere wish of the
members of the Board of Gover-
nors and the Director that the
Residence Halls will provide for
Atinhr n -t..-..-,- ,+.rnf.c ' rnn d~l inac

StockwellHall For Women, Now Under Construction



The East Ouadrangle To Be Opened In The Spring


L ~i3~ ~

.- ...NOWI

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