THE MICHIGAN. DAILY -I CHIGAN DAILY and managed by students of the University of undet the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. 0Le everymonmingexcept Monday during the y year and Summ .r Session. Member of the Associated Press sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the epubioation of all news dispatches credited to t otherwise credited in this newspaper. All republication of all other matters herein also . at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, we se mail matter. ptions during regular school year by carrier, helps individual students with their problems, points out their weaknesses and enforces study hours. In this connection it is important to note that many houses require freshman study tables, which again are utnder the direction of the aca- demic adviser and upper-classmen who assist him. In the field of outside activities, the student joining a fraternity immediately has. a group with which he associates himself. Group parti- cipation sports such as basketball, baseball and speedball are thus open to him. In addition, he receives advice and encouragement from his brothers in choosing one of the many forms of outside activities available to students on the campus. Association with a fraternity also provides the freshman with immediate social contacts on campus. He soon becomes a member of an in- timate circle of friends of his- own chosing: These friendships, as fraternity reunions so vividly testify, often become life-long, and open valuable business and social contacts for the student both, through th active chapter and through its alumni. Fraternity social activities have in the past been misinterpreted by picture magazines and local gossip in much the same manner as Gover- nor Dickinson's famous conception of high life in the big city. On the contrary, all 'fraternity functions are under the close supervision of the University authorities, and are always well-chap- eroned. That fraternities have been an integral part. of most American college campuses for over half a century surely indicates that they perform a valuable service to the student, and as they have successfully met all challenges in the past by improving the function and facilities offered, so again they will surmount any threat to their existence offered by the new dormitory expan- sion program. -Karl Kessler OR NATIONAL. ADVEftJ.SIN G mY Ivertising Service, In. Wishers Representatie AVE. NEW YORK, N.LA. Y. I.Los AnOELES " SAN rRAfeCISCO 420 MAQIS4 CHICAGO ' Bosr Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - - . B. . . S .a Busitess Staff Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor . Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Assocate Editor - Philip W. Buchen Business Manager Paul Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY SUPPLEMENT EDITOR: ETHEL Q. NORBERG The editorials published in The Michigman Dail' are written 6y members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Greetings To The Freshmen WITH THIS ISSUE of The Daily, the staff extends its greetings to the in- coming class of 1943. In this edition the editors have tried to sum up for the information of the freshmen all the many activities that may in- terest them. during their college. years, thereby helping to becomeacclimated to the new environ- ment which they have decided to enter next fall. To you freshmen, we hope that somewhere in these pages you will find the outside activity that will season the heavier work of the classroom with the spice of campus life. For it is outside of the classroom that the student makes his most last- ing friendships and acquires the memories that will brighten his reminiscences of college life in later years. That the University considers this true is evi- denced by the many. activities that it fosters. The. athletic teams, whether intercollegiate or intra- mural, the concerts, the social activities, the de- bating teams, the committees and affairs spon- sored by the Union and League, the theatricals and the publications all are enthusiastically sup- ported on the campus. Here is a list of activities that has never "before been surpassed for any generation of students. Because you are not given a personal invita- tion to. take up some special activity, do not be deterred from entering it when you .come to' the. campus. It is difficult for a great majority of students to take the first step toward being a tryout for a position, but if you will just remem-, ber that everyone who has made good before you' has had to face the same obstacles, you will be less overawed about entering into the activity of your choice. We who will be starting next year to try -to find the road to success envy you your future, which is still-so long before you, as a student at the University. Michigan is one the oldest and most important state, universities, and as ,such has acquired a tremendous background of schol- arly research and equipment in all fields of edu- cation offered in its curriculum. As an institu- tion it is vitally concerned with the advancement, well-being and happiness of its students. To thef freshman is accorded the place of the privileged younger member of the University family, a pest at times, it is true, but holding the hopes of the older members to carry on to greater, heights the traditions and activities that have occupied each one in turn. The staff extends to you of 1943 our friendli- est greetings and our best wishes for happiness and success as fellow-members of the great body of Michigan students.. -Robert Mitchell' RoosevelIt And:The Court When Franklin D. Roosevelt writes his mem- oirs, not the least fascinating chapters will be those on the "court-packing" plan of 1937. Perhaps Mr.. Roosevelt, as a private1citizen, beyond the temporary exigencies of politics, will admit that he is glad congress refused to au- thorize the six new justices he demanded. Most of his supporters already will admit it-willingly. But it is well to remember that the defeat of the court plan has been acceptable solely be- cause, as the President declared in his public statement Monday, the objectives he sought have been attained through other means. In congress Mr. Roosevelt suffered a defeat- the first major setback of his administration. But the court's interpretation of the constitu- tion, all the same, has been broadened and liber- alized. The change came only partly through the President's appointment of four neW justices to fill normal vacancies. In the beginning it came through the old court's deadly fear in 1937 that the "packing" plan would be adopted. Mr. Roosevelt's enemies do not like to admit this. They forget, however, that the decisions upholding the Wagner act, which enormously broadened the archaic definition of interstate commerce, came during the heat of the court fight, before the President had named a single justice. They forget that, before the Senate Judiciary Committee began hearings on Roosevelt's plan, the court reversed its previous rulings on state minimum wage laws and upheld, in five-to-four votes, the national railroad labor act. and the mortgage moratorium law. They forget that, in another five-to-four vote, it sustained the un- employment compensation provisions of the so- cial security act. They forget the eloquent wrath of Justice Mc- Reynolds and Butler, denouncing the shift which saw Justice Roberts, writing a decision in a case subsequent to the "packing" plan, virtually re- verse his own majority opinion in the original AAA case. They forget the shifts of Chief Justice Hughes.. The political consequences of the Roosevelt plan cannot yet be measured. The fierce con- troversy it provoked may be echoed in the coming presidential campaign. Reactionaries may cry out again in terms of "patriotism" and "the American way," as they did when{ they "defended the constitution against Roosevelt-neglecting to state that the Presi- dent, too, was defending the constitution, as ex- pounded in the dissenting opinions of Justice Holmes, Brandeis and Cardozo. Conservative Democrats will be pitted against !Neew Dealers in the nominating convention and possibly, also, in the campaign which follows. The fundamental Democratic split which the court plan exposed, though it did not cause, may profoundly influence the election. But whatever happens politically, Mr. Roose- velt rightly may take satisfaction in the knowl- edge that, by his boldness in proposing the dras- tic "packing" plan, he blasted out of the path of the American people an obstacle which had be- come a menace. lie destroyed an outmoded, constricted view of the constitution through which the supreme court majority, wedded to conservatism and la- boriously plotting precedents, had hobbled con- gress for two generations and throttled each sporadic effort to legislate on a national scale in fields newly recognized as affecting the national welfare. He smashed the little oligarchy of men who were warned by their own colleague, Justice Stone, against their reckless misuse of authority, but who= imagined they could deny the need of 130,000,000 people for a federal government with power to cope with poverty, unemployment and agricultural depression which had reached terri- fying proportions.. rc36wn & Qown By STAN M. SWINTON Of all the sports fans, we like the fight crowds least. Take the other night. The match-maker had obviously made a mis- take. The one light-colored Negro was over six feet, lean, thin armed with a grotesquely small, close-clipped head. The other was extremely' short, coal black with a flat nose and stocky, muscular build. They had been fighting for a round, the short man attempting to burrow in and body punch but always frustrated by his opponent's reach. Suddenly the lean, tall man's arm flicked out and the fist hit the small man a glancing blow on the eye. It seemed just another punch, bruising, perhaps, but important. The small Negro covered up and retreated. A minute later his legs went limp and he fell. The coarse-faced ringsiders jeered and from the press row close beside the ring we heard the referee caution him about faking. The words "he's scared of the big boy and taking a dive' -passed from lip to lip. But the Negro stood up and the fight went on. Yet something was wrong with the small man. Afraid, the fans said. He would tumble to the floor at the slightest blow. Once he fell when untouched. The crowd was laughing now, jeer- ing. Between rounds a coarse-faced, flabby man shouted "Fine going, Bill. You're doing swell." The crowd laughed again, they picked it up. The manager worked over his charge, who paid no attention to the crowd. The fans were getting a laugh out of it, pretty funny telling this yellow fighter that he looked good. The bell rang for the next round. The dark, squat fighter rose slowly to his feet, got half-way across the ring and pitched to the floor. The referee shouted for him to get up but he did not. He was unconscious. They put smelling salts under his nose and the face contorted but he did not come to. Finally another administration was successful . and, knees sagging, he was half-carried to his corner. The crowd wasn't laughing now. And then the gross humorist arose. "Good fight, boy," he said. A giggle ran through the crowd. The phrase was repeated. The Negro seemed happy that they thought he had done his1 best. He waved his gloved fist at them as he was aided from the ring. The crowd rocked with laughter. That squat Negro had been fighting by in- stinct since that glancing, seemingly harmless punch knocked him out. Instinct-primitive instinct if you will-carried him on, made him fight back and stay on his feet, the courageous battling animal with the will to fight who stops only when his body collapses. - But the fight crowd thought it was funny. Look around you at the fights sometime at the gross faces, high-belted trousers, the wo- men with lips contorted by blood-lust, sad- distic, uncivilized, willing to pay to see men smashed, uninterested in the science of the sport, eager only to see men fight, slug, hurt. When a blow thuds against a nose and starts blood a ripple of emotion goes through the crowd just as it went through the same crowd in the Coliseum when a gladiator fell, wound- ed with the fresh crimson blood throbbing onto the sweat-spotted sand. We don't like it. .1 * * Someday a good fighter is going to knock the block off Benny Goldberg, the bantamweight. And although it probably puts us in the category of the crowd des-cribed above, we want to be there. We don't like fighters who rabbit-punch in the clinches, who use laces and elbows. We don't like strutting egoists, who, after their opponent has gone nine rounds on heart despite the fact he is out-fought and over-matched, wave to the crowd and do a jitter-bug step in the ring to show their opponent's helplessness. We don't like it at all. Someday Goldberg will meet a better man and his curly hair will be mussed and gory with blood, his nose will be smashed down and his eyes cut. We've never wanted to see that happen to any fighter before. But we'd like to see it happen to him. * ** * SIDELIGHTS: The ring-sider shouted to his friend "60 to 50 on Goldberg." One of the press row veterans wheeled slowly around, looked the fellow up and down and said: "Cents, I presume?" And just to show we are persecuted what with goats, and all, we'd like to ask whether anybody else ever had a careless manager dump the water-bucket into their lap? grateful that it was not necessary to overcome the old court majority by packing the member- ship. It was better to have the issue settled with- out definitely setting that example. But if the court's prestige now is higher than before Mr. Roosevelt proposed his plan, not least of the reasons is that, heeding the warning, it began correcting its blunders. Due to the Presi- dent's courage and tenacity, the disturbed people no longer see every congressional effort to solve our national problems overturned by an arbi- trary court stubbornly repeating the letter of its own precedent instead of expounding the spirt of the constitution. Mr. Roosevelt's adversaries can deny it, but they cannot change the fact. (By The Associated Press). Following is the text of President Roosevelt's message to Pitt Tysonl Maner, President of the Young Dem- ocrats of America, and read to the Young Democrats' convention by Maner. Please convey my greetings to the convention. Never was there a more timely, gathering than that of Young Demo- crats at Pittsburgh. Recent events have demonstrated the necessity of a restatement and a , reaffirmation of democratic principles, and no group can undertake this mission as well as the young men and young women of our party. Democracy Has Meant Progress From the beginning, democracy has meant progress and its battle ever. since Jefferson's time has been a steady conflict with the forces of re- action and special favors. Every time the policies involving greater op- portunities for the common man have' triumphed, our political enemies have sought to minimize those policies and to neutralize the decisions of the peo- ple. Today is no exception to that classical course of events. Uniformly the party of Nicholas Biddle of Jackson's time, of Quay and Hanna of the Cleveland era and of the Theodore Roosevelt period, has bowed to the progressive wing to the extent of pretending accord with the. objectives of the progressive adminis- trations but has found fault with the methods requisite for putting and keeping these principles at work. Uniformly have they appealed to such elements in our own party as dreaded the departure from ancient habits or were responsive to the powerful agen- cies that financed and controlled local politics. Probably the hoariest story of corruption in American elec- tions is the history of those moneyed magnates who contributed vastly to the campaigns of candidates of both parties wtih the idea that they could continue control regardless of \the way which the political cat jumped. Just as there are progressives in the Republican ranks so there are reac- tionaries in our own party. Political affiliation is often the child of heredi- tary principles, begotten in the first instance of issues of terrific impor- tance in the beginning but which have no more significance at present. than the inflamed controversy of a century and a half ago as to whether the capital of the United States. should be at Washington or some- where on the Susquehanna River. The Aim Of Enemies Always has it been the aim of the enemies of liberalism to seek to at- tach to themselves such members of our party. Sometimes they have succeeded; . sometimes they have failed. When they have succeeded they have not infrequently been successfcl in their efforts to supplant a Demo- cratic administration with a Republi- can administration. Such happenings, though they have brought dismay for a period, have not sufficed to stop the general and inevitable movement to make our country a better coun- try for all of us rather than to make it a lush pasture for the seekers and holders of privilege. Leave Progressive Marks Every Democratic administration has left a progressive mark on our own history and has influenced world progress as well. But when it has been succeeded by a typically Repub- lican administration, progress has slipped backwards-sometimes a few feet and often many miles. It has been said that a great many voters today want us as a nation to stop, look and listen. What they fail to understand is that nations cannot standstillbecause by the very act of standing still, the rest of the proces- sion, moving forward, inevitably leaves them in the rear. Therefore, their desire to stand still actually means moving backward in relation to the rest of the world.I Reactionaries Want To Undo Republican and Democratic reac- tionaries want to undo what we have accomplished in these last few years and- return to the unrestricted indi- vidualism of the previous century. Republican and Democratic con- servatives admit that all of our recent policies are not wrong and that many of them should be retained-but their eyes are on the present; they give no thought for the future and thus, without meaning to, are failing to solve even current social and econ- omic problems by declining to con- sider the needs of tomorrow. Radicals of all kinds have some use to hu- manity because they have a least the imagination to think up (many kinds of answers to problems even though their answers are wholly im- practicable of fulfillment in the im- mediate future. Liberals Use Existing Plants Liberals on the other hand are those who, unlike the radicals who want to tear up everything by the roots and plant new and untried seeds, desire to use the existinguplants of civilization, to select the best of them, to water them and make them grow-not only for the present use of mankind,' but also for the use of generations to come. That is why I call myself a liberal, and that is why, even if we go by the modern contrap- tion of polls of public opinion, an, overwhelming majority of younger men and women throughout the The Text Of President Rooseveltr's Message To The, Young Democra United States are on the liberal side of things. In considering the present and the future of American politics or poli- cies, you have the right and the duty to say to those who want to stand still-"have you no program other than standing still? We are not sat- isfied if you tell us glibly that you believe in taking care of old people, that you want the young people to have jobs, that you want everybody to have a job, that you believe in a fairer distribution of wealth-we in- sist in addition that you give us specifications of how you would do it if you were in power." Do not let the reactionaries and the conservatives get away with fine phrases. Pin them down and make them tell you just how they would do it. Democratic Party Will Fail The Demo ratic Party will fail if it goes conservative next year, or if it is led by people who can offer naught but fine phrases. Last winter, in speaking at the Jackson Day dinner, I referred to the sad state the country would be in if it had to choose between a Dem- ocratic tweedle dun and a Republi- can tweedle dee. I want to amend that simile, so let me put it this way: the Democratic Party will not sur- vive as an effective force in the na- tjon if the voters have to choose be- tween a Republican tweedle dum and a Democratic tweedle dummer. Will Not Have Active Part If we nominate conservative can- didates, or lip-service candidates, on a straddlebug platform, I personally, for my own self respect and because of my long service to, and belief in, liberal democracy, will find it im- possible to have any active part in such an unfortunate suicide of the old Democratic Party. I do riot anticipate that ,any such event will take place, for I believe that the convention will see the po- litical wisdom, as well as the na- tional wisdom, of giving to the voters of the United States an opportunity to maintain the practice and the policy of moving forward with a lib- eral and humanitarian program. A large part of the responsibility for such a choice of fundamental policies lies in the hands and in the heads of the younger men and women of the nation. Be vigilant to keep tories from controlling your own ranks- just as vigilant as you will be to keep tory Republicans from controlling your own nation. We who have borne the heat and burden of the day salute you-you who are about to live! r ( Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Franklin D. Roosevelt. Ii it Contribution of The Fraternity . .' . CHALLENGED as they will be this fall .4by the new enlarged dormitory hous- ing plan,' campus fraternities will have an op- portunity to demonstrate the distinct and unique contribution they have to offer toward each stu- dent's education and development. Foremost perhaps is the spirit of cooperation that close association. with his fellow students instills in the fraternity man. 'Opinions are shared and discussed among the brothers, and the individual student can rely upon the aid -of hip, hrnthois in snlina rhis nwn nir,n ta1 h~h I