. . .. . ......... nal Tonight Ushers Out Summer Session Social Aetivith vens 'Boiler Kid' Gets Kissed By His Bride 'Iolanthe' Marriage Legiskaio ehestra 'u e Ins Long Historical Backgroz h{ M siwcssThreat Of Operetta's Fairy repealable by God, unaltera C'Queen Was Real Enough Then the wife' sister union B ChaiyransuB ALICE In Days Of Henry VIII be decreed "exceedingly To Be Held worthy" in every moral, religio The faithful old shirtwaist still remains in the fore for autumn sports By JUNE CAMPBELL MCKEE Christian sense. A period ev n Of Union dresses. Made on the same basic lines, this is one style that you can invest 'M-dJhither-thither tripping in vailed of dispension rates of mone ,i an be;sue i, wil b god fr yarsor ntilyouve orn itto >,"'Mid hte-hte rpigi for marriage with deceased wi's music, long swirl- money in and be sure it will be good for years or until you've worn it to China silken, pastel profusion, shep- ter, and of $833 for marriage w te dinner jackets - shreds. 1939 brings it out with a fly front to inject a little novelty herdy rusticness, and peery pompous- ceased wives' first cousins. he last al e into the usual theme. Exaggerated sleeves, unusual belts and r a.ey .a.nPrpm u- adw s the last socia eve- _ gg F. ness bedecked richly royal, "olanthe" One council prohibited im r Sessionctonight buttons, and full, flared skirts are other ways of identifying the ness.,.d.3k.dr..h.y royaSs"Io tnnhg" On.gc°unci Kpr"hib.td m 31 shirtwaist with this year's mode. . continues, through Tuesday, to greet with any kindred at all, or Robin Hood green and red are two swashbuckling new colors -<.: r . a formal dance -' Hood green, pull on red gloves and let them wrinkle on the wrist First douthe legislative paragon fiag mts rii idents .,~ peers, proud iately, dignified andmargewspoitdwh timbered - against the green of your costume stately," offend fairy feelings and re- blood or marriage relationshil th il f Corduroy, the sturdy fabric that revives itself for college girl ward- sultingly bestir a tremendous wrath anywhere traceabe. o ether with the robes every once in a while, has popped up again this fall in a wide variety and hideous vengeance, wreaking Then one decree after anot end a soft roman- of combinations-suits, skirts to wear with sweaters, hobo shirts, jerkins doom direful and prospect pretty dropped, down to Henry VI he scene. Reminis- and jumpers are a few of the ideas. Wines,\dark greens and fearful upon their gilded crowns. Yet ceased Brothers Widow d he formalsof the blues are the outstanding colors. in all defiance do the ever-singing, when a statement someonei ie~~~~~~erd forSinoftheblesarrthiotstndngiolrs on, the dance will Suits as usual are the backbone of every fall wardrobe. ever-dancing sprites besiege the peers' ferred: Since marriage wit its an opportunity Shetland wools in glowing colors remain popular for campus Courageous Fred Snite, Jr., who has spent the last three years and high-stationed prestige. ceased Brother's Widow is summer formals wear. Angora wool is a newcomer which promises to vie for four months of his life in an "iron lung," is shown here getting a kiss Backed by their authority goes to be a thing mtrinsica repi iting i the closet favor, and tweeds, of course, are basic. Some audacious souls , from his bride, the former Teresa Larkin, of Dayton, O., just after Strephon into Parliament, to pass, nature, I know not on what gr ccasion-. i will try the new hooded jackets which we'll all probably be wear- their marriage at the Site home in River Forest, Ill. The self-styled all fury despiteful, each bill and mea- can be maintained that marris "BolrKd s29"i rd 5 sure his pleasure pleases. "Through a Wife's sister is otherwise.' ance will be pro- ing anon after we've gotten used to them. At least they're very Boiler____dis_29,_.sbride_25. the grouse and salmon season," if he can be maintained that marria vens and his 10- practical and most flattering in a Red Riding Hood manner. sees reason, they must sit. "Their again the two were dovetaile r. evens a Mozart And Franck Kentuckians Invited crih rig Tur g s" Finally, the Bible, Le. XV he summer social Patriotic ColrsFeaurdar.L he might end, and even prick "that and "None of you shall appr so andaothesaf-aCoors kintreohim so furnishemusic Patriotic colors are being featured-pioneer green, a rich, In Record Concert To Watermelon Cut enal ier-marriage with de- anysthat irth, but a n i next fal. dark green; Potomac blue, a vibrant blue green; Plymouth plum, This last point, at that time, was cable to marriage of the si en to both stags a dark crimson-violet; Independence blue, a flattering slate- Selections from Mozart's opera, All Summer Session students from distinctly meaningful. Convicted of law, since she is'not of nea: ts for couples are blue; Confederate gray, a soft luminous silver; Quaker brown, dependable The Magic Flute, and Cesar Franck's Kentucky are invited to a watermelon its apropos rightness, legislation long nature. And so ensuing re-e and single tickets dark brown; and so on down the years. Symphonic Variations will be fea- cut at 5 p.m. tomorrow by Dr. T. had actively agitated for Marriage ment .ng to its sponsors, Huge white pearl buttons fasten a tan camel's hair reversible coat with tured at the last Rackham Record Luther Purdom, director of the Bu- with a deceased Wife's Sister. Tracts Thus is sidelighted the "sho gest event of the lining of beige gabardine. Four huge side-slashed pockets are other new Concert for the Summer Session, to reau of Appointments and Occupa- on it were always up-popping from ing" sentence, which wholly details. . . be held at 3 p.m. today in the Men's tional Information, at his home. every angle. up-heap the Peers' horror, w Designers have been looking through, old family Lounge of the Rackham Building. Dr. Purdom is of Kentucky vintage "Sin" might. be stamped on this ly plunge them grief and. crop of dressy clothes. The small waistline is tremendously important in all Other selections to be played will himself and presided at the annual taking of Sisters-in-Law to Wife, ward and generally show t silhouettes whether skirts are wide or lim The lnase be 'Le Beau Danube Ballet Syntheses; watermelon cut for southern students binding .upon Christians,. "A man End of those opposing fairy skirtshownbyBlencagira teul nmMto Perpetuo by Paganini; Through held earlier in the summer in the shall not marry any flesh of his Of "Iolanthe" this, and som e Tia of whic a revinva umn the? Looking Glass by Deems Taylor; League Garden. Dr. Purdom's resi- flesh, or his brother's Widow. It is and then, the fine, final up eabbreviated lengths. and Ravel's Bolero. dence is at 1722 Cambridge Road. plainly a part of the Moral law, un- airiness, Show s No topcoat is quite so satisfactory as the reefer. It fits so many occasions-smart enough for weekends, serious roum Page 2) enough for campus and warm enough for the first football M A RSHA LLEmmAT games. It's a boon to budgets. because -year after year it -231 S. State St. at Liberty St. - Phones: 5933, 9242- miwlamAzrmsacs.DRUGS... COSMETICS... TOBACCOS S oenksen and Al-- Sheepskin again blossoms forth, not only in the brief pa; Jeanne Oliver, natural jackets mentioned last column, but also in abbreviated SATURDAY'S SPEgC IALS Zobel Ajemian, jackets dyed to match skirts. These come in green, wine or rust and are ne McKee, assis- sporty and not too expensive. '"PennA" Tennis Balls 50c BARBASOL Donald Baldwin, 'Advent of the blazer into fall wardrobes is good news. It has that de- SHAVING CREAM%- Kenneth Wax and sird casual, tailored look and is sufficiently sporty. It comes in a variety of 4 ctricians; Lucille combinations--in navy and a wine binding that matches a wine-colored skirt,- kovic, Helene C or in navy piped with a plaid to match a pleated skirt. The blazer is extreme- 25c MOLLE TALC 25"C dith Driver, Mar- ly versatile, for it can be worn with slacks for bicycling and into classrooms 6TekEmin el Horrell, Arthur as well. for meny' adion HlenMA awll.TO THBR StyES 231 South State St. ostume assistants; Stripes Falling Behind ... 9C ATOOTH BRUSHES t the head of Liberty Street all Mary Mc- Stripes are falling behind the race with checks and plaids well in lead Stationery Special49C Phone 5933 ;and;Edith Steele 1 HE S peil ____________ ead ushers, position. Mostly the latter are tied up witha solid color, as a plaid sack-coat 75 SHEETS $1.25 cted by rof. Val- in tan and brown with a matching tan dress underneath. Checks and stripes 50 ENVELOPES$. - We Deliver - and Miss Claribel besides storming the coat, suit and dress fronts, are even used as trimming on With the U of M Seal ALARM CLOCKS -METeCDeliverC- are by Miss Lucy solid color's. They appear in severely or not so severely tailored ' . / - DRUGS - COSMETICS -TOBACCOS ion is by Oren one-piece dresses. .Clan plaids appear in genuine kiltie skirts C BEER-WIN ES .nsma is in charge fastened at one side with a large safety pin in the traditional f We stock Early-American Old Spice, Elmo, Yardley, Max Factor, Coty, ace Wilson acts as manner.syCut Rate 365 Days a Year I Miss Fannie Aar- Skirts this fall are interestingly varied. Besides the usual ."Hudnuts, Bourjois Evening in Paris, Gemy, Roget & Gallet. H. H. Ayers.Cea of pantomime. gored and pleated models, newly cut flares, more flattering and many other nationally advertised cosmetics and toiletries. 30 pieces accom- than ever are shown. They're full but slim at the same time. Thfn there is the new wedge-shaped pleat that is most effective in plaids and checks but good also in solid " colors. Period themes are especially important in formals. -The silhouettes are varied, reflecting Old World elements from LEAGUE the late Nineteenth Century and early 1900's as well as W. .L. Pet earlier periods. Hoops and stiffened foundations, hip shelves and full skirts, ,, ,,ono crinolines and Directoire bodices are a few of the outstanding motifs. ~nd tble by would praise- us, and en pre- $5,000 es' sis .ith de arriage kindred another, f a de- a God- stolical en from ers, and ns till re any ps were her was II's de- ecision, so pro- a de- declared ilsive to round it ige with Aid ige with d till v. 8, °oach to "° would inappli- ster-in- r-of-kin tangle- e-shak- helped retched- shame- iem the Will. e more, -in-the- ~ .64 37 .634 Elegant fabrics in stiff textures, glistening embroidery and a wide .56 48 .538 range of color heighten evening dress drama. Newest in evening silhou- .. .;..53 47 .550 ettes is the slim skirt with hipline accent. This is exemplified in pegtop ..55 49 .529 pleats, pouchy pockets, and the siren idea with fishtail train. Sounds drastic! ..47 58 .448 The short boxy jacket is receiving new attention in flat furs. 231 SOUTH STATE STR EET - 8 Doors Noah of Kresge's .....36 68 .346 ....29 72 .286 sResults delphia 5.FINAL CLEARANCE che ed). Games etroit. Philadelphia REPEAT T hl Boston } LEAGUE SPECIAL \ W. L. Pet. .rtP Cs56425at4r2ay Make your budget go further by Thrifty 56 4 5 3S t r a 51 49, .510 4450buyin at the MARSHALL Cut Rate Drug. .50 50 .500 _ _ _ _ - .43 57 430 COTTON and SPUN RAYON y- 29 68 .302 Nw Yrk1 .DRESSES Your checks will be cheerfully cashed. tsburgh 2 cheduled). _ Games CNew York "9 _YOURS FOR THE ASKING-A celluloid case, leather edged, St. Louis for carrying your official University identification card. (This )oklyn """""""""-_ card is necessary to admit you to all athletic events, and to RITERS Prints, Checks, Dots, Whites, Pastels verify your identity as a student of the U. of M. De 4 All f . a I.. 1m *r.4 4 9C 11 - 17- 17 - -lr4 -.n , n w ii lin nnr Iti i rocorvu rnp fnr vnt i