Y r e Official Publication Of The Summer Session Iatt Editorial Hate And The People. _I _ I Now Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 11, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' , In Visiting Ann Arbor 1 -Daily Photo by Bredehoft DR. IU SHIH i 11 The general topic will be "The Fu- ture of Foreign Investments in Latin America." First topic to be considered under this broad heading will be "The Cur- rent Position of Investment by Types." Otto T. Kreuser, second vice-presi- dent of the Chase National Bank, will conduct the pr liminary discussion: on portfolio investments, while Prof. Chester Lloyd Jones of the Univer- sity of Wisconsin and Professor Phelps will introduce the subject of direct investments. "Experience in the Administration of Direct Investments" will be the second topic of the afternoon. Wil- liam K. Jackson, vice-president of the United Fruit Company, will con- duct the preliminary discussion. Second Session At 8:15 T.M. The second session of the confer- ence will begin at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre with Mr. Culbertson again presiding. It will. continue the general topic of "The Future oftForeign Investments in Latin America." Prof. Max S. Handman of the ec- onomics department will open the evening meeting with an introduction to the subject "The Historical Func- tion of Foreign Investments In Lat- in-America." Preliminary discussion on the final (Continued on Page 4) State Hiohway Set-UpRevised Ann Arbor Alumnus Heads New SafetyDivision LANSING, Aug. 10.-(P)--Murray D. Van Wagoner, State Highway Commissioner, today reorganized the personnel of the Highway Department and created two new divisions. Van Wagoner appointed D. Grant Mickle of Ann Arbor, iormer assist- ant to the Director of the Highway Planning Survey, as director of a new Division of Traffic and Safety. A graduate of the University of Michi- gan, Mickle won a fellowship from the Erskine Bureau for Street Traffic Research at Harvard University and received a master's degree there. Mickle will have supervision over signs and traffic signals on trunk- line highways, will study state and municipal traffic regulations with an Train Wreck Halts Chinese Ambassador What might have, in some other country, resulted in an international incident with plenty of spy talk oc- cured hereabouts yesterday. A few hours before the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Hu Shih, was scheduled to pass through Ypsilanti on his way here from Washington, several cars of a freight train became derailed there, one crashing Into the station. All trains, including the one Dr. Hu Shih was travelling on, were halted. Service both ways was dis- rupted. The Ambassador was due in Ann Arbor at 9:48 a.m. At 9:30 a.m. the reception committee was on hand, consisting of Prof. Robert B. Hall, Director of the Institute of Far Eas- tern Studies; Utah Tsao, Grad., pres- ident, and H. J. Sun, Grad., treasur- er of the Chinese Students Club; and a Daily, photographer and reporter. At 9:48 the train did not arrive. The group was told that there was "trouble" in Ypsilanti. At 10:32 a train puffed slowly around the bend. As it chugged into the station, the group began scan- ning the cars, looking for the Am- bassador. He did not appear. A conductor was queried. The train turned out to be the 8:27. Finally, at 10:54, the 9:48 pulled in, and Dr. Hu Shih stepped off, all smiles. Four Freight Cars Jump Track In Ypsilanti YPSILANTI, Mich., Aug. 10.-(A')- Four cars of a fast New York Cen- tral freight train became derailed here this morning, plowed up a mile of roadbed, jumped the passenger sta- tion platform and demolished one wall of the depot. Traffic on the line was held up sev- eral hours. Among the trains de- layed were the Wolverine and the Motor City Special. The first derailment occurred as. the eastbound train passed the wes- tern city limits of Ypsilanti. The first car off was a loaded sand gon- dola. The car remained coupled but the trucks banged along the ties caus- ing sufficient damage to derail three more cars. As the train crossed the Huron Riv- 'er bridge near the station the gondola veered widely, but impetus carried it across until it reached the station, where it came free and crashed into one side of the baggage room. Bricks flew in every direction, and the wreck- age was spattered by eggs with which another car was loaded. Although five transients had been riding in the gondola they all jumped to safety. None of the train crew was injured. J W. Hachey, a teleg- rapher, had been standing on the sta- tion platform and ran to safety only seconds ahead of the crash. Screen Stars Threaten Strike Want Union Control Kept In Actors' Hands ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Aug. 10.- ()-Stars of stage and screen argued before the American Federation of Labor's Executive Council today to keep full union control of acting within actors' ranks, with a strike their threat of an alternative. Danzig Nazis Defy Poland; Hitler Silent Forster Beseeches World To Prevent War But Boasts Of Preparedness Protest Is Made At Demonstration FREE CITY OF DANZIG, Aug. 10. -(P)-The Nazi leader in Danzig, Al- bert Forster, at a vast outdoor pro- test meeting tonight hurled defiance at Poland and appealed to citizens of other nations aligned against Ger- many to prevent a war-but gave no hint of the plans of Adolf Hitler, the German Fuehrer. He said he had no startling dis- closures to make. The fiery spokesman, who hastened back to Danzig yesterday with knowl- edge of Hitler's views gained in long interviews, declared however that "Poland may rest assured" Germany and the Fuehrer "are determined in the event of attack to stand at our side." As for Danzig, he asserted, the Free City was prepared to defend its rights "with its blood." (Responsible quarters in Warsaw said the speech in no way changed fundamental questions at issue de- spite its "harsh tone and decidedly anti-Polish character," and that its general tone indicated Hitler had not yet decided on any definite move.) Forster spoke in a huge gathering amid the spotlights, loudspeakers and color of a typical Nazi rally, with the old Nazi refrain, "one people, one Reich, one Fuehrer!" ringing in his ears. Sound trucks wound through Dan- zig's narrow streets to make sure of the huge turnout. Nazis estimated 40,000 persons- many of them uniformed storm troopers-stood in the square before Forster and that 60,000 others were gathered under loud speakers in other squares and communities of Free City territory., But if Forster gave no hint of Hit-. ler's plans, he left no doubt of his ultimate intentions. "The Danzig population," he de- clared, "believes implicitly that the hour of liberation is coming and that- the Free City will return to the Reich. "The Danzigers look with especial veneration upon their Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, of whom they are convinced that he will fulfill their wish and thereby again give the right of self- determination that place which has been denied it in 1919. "May the day not be far distant when we convene here not for a pro- test meeting, but to celebrate the re- union of Danzig with the Reich." Plot Against Murphy Disclosed In Manila MANILA, Aug. 10.-(A)-A plot to capture former Governor General Frank Murphy and the Archbishop of Manila during the abortive uprising in 1935, was disclosed in a letter read today at the rebellion trial of Benigno Ramos, notorious Sakdal leader. It was alleged Ramos wrote the letter while in exile in Japan before the uprising and forwarded it to other Sakdal leaders here. Ramos is free on bail on several charges and continues his campaign for the presidency of the Common- wealth. Sixty were killed in the uprising, quelled by constabularly action. NLRB Orders Ford Rehire 24 Unionists' Charges 'Discrimination' In Discouraging UAW MembershipIn Plants Company To Fight Ruling In Courts WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-()- The National Labor Relations Board, revising a previous order, ruled to- day that the Ford Motor Company had violated the Wagner Labor Act and must correct certain labor prac- tices described as unfair. The Board held that the company was guilty of discrimination in the discharge of 24 employes. It ordered the Company to offer reinstatement to the 24 with back pay, and stop dis- couraging membership in the United Automobile Workers Union, assault- ing or intimidating Union men or in- terfering with employes' collective bargaining rights. Counsel for the Ford Motor Com- pany said tonight that it will fight the ruling in the courts. Company Has Complied "The Company has always com- plied with the law," said Louis J. Colombo, Ford attorney. "The deci- sion .of the Board is based on passion and prejudice. It is contradictory both to fact and the law, It is clear- ly erroneous, wrong and unjust. "The Company will take such steps in court as may be appropriate to have the Board's decision set aside." The case grew out of the UAW's at- tempts to circulate Union handbills at the Company's gates, and the violence that followed. Walter P. Reuther and Richard T. Frankensteen, UAW of- ficers, were beaten. ' Similar To Former Order Today's order was similar to one issued Dec. 22, 1937. After that time, however, the Board sought permission to withdraw the litigation from the courts to alter certain procedure. Over the objection of Ford attorneys, the Supreme Court consented to the withdrawal. The current decision found that the Company had not dominated or in- terferred with the formation or ad- ministration of the Ford Brother- hood of America, Inc., an employes' organization, and dismissed charges that Ford had discharged unjustly 11 employes in addition to the 24. Included In Group _ The latter group included: Homer King, George Smick, Alphonse Ku- zulis, Birtus C. Hall, George B. Zu- bick, Joseph Gutierrez, George On- nela, Richard Weyhing, Clarence Fleming, Elmer Mackie, Thaddeus Radke, Alfred Onnela, Ray Onnela, Martin Jensen, Clifford Sheldon, Fred Nygard, Percy Llewellyn, Joseph Ni- ervotko, Joseph Galusky, Hector F. Manseau, Emil Tomkow, Joseph Bailey, John Cwikiel and Fred Gul- lickson. Summarziing its long investigation of the Ford matter, the Board said: "The (Company) having engaged in unfair labor practices, we shall order it to cease and desist there- from and to take certain affirmative action which we find will effectuate the policies of the Act. "We have found that, by directly distributing the anti-union litera- ture consisting of statements in the 'Ford Almanac' for July, 1937, the 'Fordisms' and the pamphlet en- titled 'Ford Gives Viewpoint on La- bor,' and by assaults upon Union members and sympathizers by some of its employes." Mat In The Iron Lung Weds Pretty Brunette CHICAGO, Aug. 10. -(R)- Fred Snite, Jr., who has lived in "iron lungs" for three years and four. months, married today a pretty bru- nette who cheered and comforted him during his valorous struggle to shake off the shackles of infantile paralysis. The unheralded ceremony-it sur- prised some relatives and amazed friends the smiling "Boiler Kid" had made on three continents-was per- formnd in the home of Snite's banker fath~ in suburban River Forest. Young Snite and Miss Teressa Lar- kin of Dayton, Ohio,.were married by the Rev. J. W. Morrison in the large living room in the presence of a small gathering of intimates before a fire- place draped with white and decorat- ed with flowers. Snite lay full-length in the boileri type iron lung in which he has slepti and rested most of the time since the1 spring of 1936. Vocalist Tops Surrealist Ball ShowTonight Benefit Sponsored By ASU To Aid Refugees From War Ravaged Spain 1 Erwin Scherdt, prominent Ann Arbor vocalist, will sing four songs at the Surrealist Ball sponsored by the American Student Union for the aid of Spanish refugees from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. today in the Michigan Wolverine, 209 S. State Street. Tickets may be purchased for 50 cents at the Union, the Book Room, Wahrs and the Wolverine. Mr. Scherdt has chosen for 'his opening numbers two selections from Ernst Krenek's opera "Johnny Spielt Auf," the first, Johnny's Triumphlied, and the second, the Swannee-River Song. The presentation of these selec- tions is especially interesting at this time following, as they do, soon'after the all-Krenek program performed at the Rackham Building. ' Mr. Scherdt's third offering will bet a modern ;Russian- work cated - A Conteited Man by Alexander Tcher- epnin. The composer chose for his1 words an extract from Tourgeniev's "Poems of Prose." For his final num- ber Mr. Scherdt will sing RichardI Bennett's To Midnight Nan at Le-I Roy's, a pseudo-swing song set to words by the American Negro poet Langston Hughes. Sponsors of the Surrealist Ball are attempting to present a program of works of contemporary poets, musi- cians, and playwrights, thereby en- couraging the recognition of artistst who are living today,-and thusI avoiding the incompatibility of aiding the Spainsh refugees in southern France while remaining blind to thet needs of the almost equally unfor-2 tunate modern artist, according to the sponsors. Breach Directs Final Services Concert Of Sacred Music Will Be Held Sunday The third and last in the series of1 Summer Session Vesper Services will be held at 8 p.m. Sunday in Hill Au- ditorium. The program, which will consist of a concert of sacred music, will pres- ent the Summer Session Chorus un- der the direction of William Breach, visiting member of the faculty of the School of Music. Choral numbers and community singing of hymns will be included on the program. Scripture reading and prayer will be offered by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious' education. Soloists at the concert will be Mr, and Mrs. Hardin Van Deursen accom- panied by Ava Comin Case at the pi- ano; Rose Inghram, soprano; Ken- neth Knapp, tenor; and Leonard V. Meretta, trumpet. Organ selections predending and following the pro- gram will be played by William N. Barnard. Soprano To Present Graduation Recital Bertha Holman, soprano, student of Prof. Arthur Hackett, will appear in a Graduation Recital at the School of Music Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. to- day. The general public is invited. Miss Holman is the holder of a Roosevelt Will Quit In 40 If Democrats Nominate Tories' Nordmeyer Reports Nation-Wide Drop In German Study There is a slight drop nationally in enrollment of students studying German, stated Dr. Nordmeyer, head of the German department speaking last night at the annual banquet of1 the Deutscher Verein. He pointed out that the reason for this is due to unsettled conditions abroad and curriculum changes in American high .schools which leave little time for foreign laiguages. t Also, the arrival of numbers of distinguished refugees, such as Thom- as Mann, has stimulated an active interest in German in this countryk which, historically is of international character. Dr. Nordmeyer concluded his talk by advising teachers of German to keep the cultural ideal before them and to give more intensive work, con-c fident that the world will stay in thet path of reason. Chief Generalk Boasts Might Of Nazi Arms Stresses 'Preparedness' On Eve Of Germany's1 Conference With Italy BERLIN, Aug. 10.-(/P)-Germany through the Chief of her Army de-t clared herself today ready to "stand the test even if serious days should1 come. ' Col. Gen. Walter von Brauchitscht laid down that theme of prepared-r ness as the foreign ministers of Ger- many and Italy, Joachim von Rib- bentrop and Count Galeazzo Ciano, prepared to meet tomorrow after- noon. in Salzburg.e The Free City of Danzig, which Reichsfuehrer H'tiler demands beE returned to Germany, loomed as the greatest topic of the talks althoughf authoritative quarters said "the wholef gamut of the international situa- tions" affecting Italy and Germany would be discussed. (In Rome, foreign circles looked to Count Ciano to urge a peaceful set- tlement of Germany's claim to Dan- zig). Von Brauchitsch, army chief of staff, spoke to the entire nation in an address broadcast from Duessel- dorf. He stood on a tank flanked by two cannon before workmen in the gigan- tic munitions works of the Rhein- Metall-Borsig Company. There he1 gave Germans "the sacred assurance" that "never will the Fuehrer frivol-l ously risk the lives of Germans." "If, however," he' went on, "the time should come that the Fuehrer will demand our last and highest sacrifice, we may be sure that there was no other way and that this de-1 mand is an irrevocable necessity. Germany will not be intimidated." With Ciano and von Ribbentrop! when they meet in Fuschl Castle, the German statesman's summer haunt, will be Bernardo D. Attolico, Italian ambassador to Berlin. Besides the question of Danzig, the Axis attitude toward Japan was in- cluded in the problems for discus- sion. The possibility that Japan might be drawn into a military alliance with Germany and Italy at an early date aroused lively speculation in political circles. But Danzig appeared to be the more pressing issue and in informed quarters it was said Premier Mus- solini was counselling restraint. He was represented as opposing any action which might lead to a conflict with Poland and other developments. Germany was said to be making every effort to reassure Italy that there was no disposition to take any step without the full approval of Il Duce. Many changes have occurred since the last interview between the two foreign ministers, last May when the Italian-German military pact was signed, and it was regarded impor- Predicts Democrat Defeat Unless 'Liberals' Run For Coining Eelections Young Democrats Lauuch Convention PITTSBURGH, Aug. 10.-(P)- President Roosevelt tonight informed the Young Democrats' national con- vention he would find it impossible to take any active part in the 1940 Presidential electionif the Party nom- inated "conservative o lip-service candidates." The Chief Executive, in a message read to the crowded, opening meet- ing by Pitt Tyson Maner, of Mont- gomery, Ala., retiring president of the Young Democratic Clubs of America, asserted flatly he would not support a conservative in 1940. Will. Have No Active Part "If we nominate conservative can- didates, or lip-service candidates, on a straddlebug platform," he said, "I personally, for my own self-respect and because of my long service to, and belief in liberal democracy; will find it impossible to have any active part in such an unfortunate suicide of the old Democratic Party." He said, in substance, he not only would "take a walk" as Alfred E. Smith did on the party before Roose- velt's renomination, but he predicted the Democratic Party would "fail if it goes conservative next year, or if it is led by people who can offer naught but fine phrases." Giving no hint as to how he feels on a third term, Mr. Roosevelt added he did not expect a conservative to be nominated "for I believe the con- vention (next year) will see the po- litical wisdom, as well as the national wisdom, of' --givi ig to. the voters of the United States an opportunity to maintain the practice and the policy of moving forward with a liberal and humanitarian program." Senator Pepper (Dem., Fla.), in a keynot; speech following Maner's op- ening address, favored a "third term for Roosevelt's ideas" in 1940 and asserted the "king-makers of Wall Street" already had picked Gov. John M. Bricker of Ohio, for President, and, he believed, Thomas F. Dewey, New York district attorney, for vice-presi- dent. Maner Opens Meeting Young Maner opened the three- day meeting in spacious Duquesne Garden after much preliminary bick- ering among factions over the organ- ization presidency and following an interview by Sen. Claude Pepper, (Dem., Fla.) that "Republicans and turncoat Democrats have deliberately sent their spies" here to "disrupt" the convention. Former Rep. John J. O'Connor of New York, Roosevelt "purge" victim last' year, countered by saying the New Deal had representatives here of Thomas G. Corcoran, young adminis- tration lawyer, to see that everything "goes well for Roosevelt." Homer Mat Adams, 28-year old Il- linois state official, appeared to have the edge in the race for organization president, to be named Saturday. Pat Beacom, Huntington, W.Va., another candidate, withdrew during the day in the interest of "harmony." Quest For Fame Ends In Death Movie-Struck Girl's Body Found Near Automobile MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 10.-OP)-The ravished body of a moviestruck schoolgirl was found in a swamp to- day and police said her murder was confessed by a glib man of many names who enticed her from home with promises of film fame. Tragedy swiftly displaced uncer- tainty today in an investigation be- gun Monday when Ruth Frances Dunn, 17, and Jean Bolton, 19, failed to return to their Miami homes after starting for Palm Beach with a hand- some "talent scout" who called him- self Charles R. Jefferson. Shortly before dawn, blonde Miss Bolton stumbled into a fire station at Boca Raton, between here and Palm Beach, and told dazedly of being Hu Shih Finds Japan Striving For Crisis To End China War' Japan, not wanting a long war in China, is trying to hasten its end by bringing about some fundamental change in the general international situation, Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese Am- bassador to the United States, claimed in his lecture here yesterday. The intense anti-British campaign now being conducted by Japan in China, he said, has been planned to lay the blame for the long war on the English; Japan is determined to bring Great Britain to some issue. Dr. Hu Shih's lecture, entitled "Let Us Look a Little Ahead," was sponsored by the Institute of Far Eastern Studies. If there is no important change in Roosevelt's speech at Chicago two years ago as prophetic. The world can better understand his words now, he stated. At that time Roosevelt urged all "peace loving nations" to "make a concerted effort" toward in- ternational lawfulness. Three statements which he made here a year ago when speaking of the Chinese war still, at the end of the second year of conflict, hold good, only increasingly so, Dr. Hu Shih de- clared. They were: that China has shown a greater resistance than ex- pected; that Japan's weakness is greater than expected, and that China has received far more assist- ance from outside than she dared to expect.