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August 10, 1939 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-10

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Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat warmer.




In The Theatre Coumn...

- Official Publication Of The Summer Session

LIX. No 39




k I

-aFollette Hits
loosevelt Idea
[hat Coalition
ocked Peace
xperiences In Last War
Show Danger Of Arms
Sales, Senator Declares

Supported Lending,'
Housing Programs
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. -)--
President Roosevelt's assertion that
a Congressional coalition had tied
his hands from making any move
for world peace by preventing action
on the Administration's neutrality
revision program drew quick dissent
today from Senator LaFollette (Prog.,
"I don't see what move we could
make for peace that would involve
the sale of arms, ammunition and
implements of war, and that is the
nub of the issue presented to Con-
gress," LaFollette declared.
The Wisconsin Senator, a supporter
of much Administration legislation,
opposed the proposal of the President
and Secretary of State Hull for re-
peal of the embargo clause of the
present law which prohibits the sale
of arms to belligerents.
Dissents With President
Mr. Roosevelt said at a press con-
ference at Hyde Park yesterday that
a coalition of Republicans and 20 to
25 per cent of the Democrats in Con-
gress had gambled with the fate of
1,500,000,000 persons by delaying con-
sideration of the neutrality, subject.
Because no action was taken, he said,
he would be powerless to make an
American move for peace.
"To take the position that the sale
of arms would promote peace is to fly
in the face o our whole experience
leading up to our entry into the last
war," LaFollette said. "The Presi-
dent seems to be- proceeding on the
theory that we can have our cake
and eat it too.
Favors Isolation
"Thewa to sty out. of Eope is
to stay out. If we attemptrto in-
fluence the course of events prior to
hostilities by throwing the American
productive capacity on arms, ammu-
nition and implements of war into
the balance we would be gambling
with the fate of 130,000,000 people
who live in the United States, plus
those who live in the Western Hemi-
"More important still," LaFollette
continued, "we would be staking the
fate of American democracy on the
turn of a card in a game of power
politics which has been going on in
Europe for 2,000 years."
Supported Other Bills
LaFollette supported the Adminis-
tration's housing and lending bill,
whose defeat Mr. Roosevelt also at-
tributed to a coalition.
Mr. Roosevelt said the coalition had
gambled with the livelihood of 20,-
000,000 Americans by pigeonholing
the lending program, inasmuch as
there was likely to be a precipitate
drop in government employment
when WPA rolls are reduced and
PWA work ends.
Danzig Awaits
ReplyTo Poles
Nazi Leader Will Return
From Visit To Hitler
-(IP)-Nazis spread the word tonight
that their party leader, Albert For-
ster, fresh from a visit with Adolf
Hitler in Berchtesgaden, would give
the answer tomorrow nght to what
one spokesman termed the unbeliev-
able threat of Poles to shoot Danzig
down with cannon."
Party spokesmen predicted at least
30,000 persons would jam picturesque
old Lange marketplace to hear For-
ster at a mass meeting which sud-
denly was arranged with announce-

ment of his return tonight.
(Nazi charges of Polish "threats
grew out of this sentence in the Po-
lish newspaper Czas: "The guns of
the Polish army are facing Danzig,
should authorities of the Free City
not abandon in time the dangerous
road they are following \on orders


Expert Sees New Phase
In Undeclared China War
Dr. Linebarger Asserts Race For New Governments
And China's United Front May Decide Outcome
The undeclared war in China has become a race in the competitive
creation of new governments between the Japanese and the Nanking admin-
istration, Dr. Paul M. A. Linebarger of the political science department of
Duke University claimed yesterday in the packed Amphitheatre of the
Rackham School.
Japan, he pointed out, already has established four and has two in the
making; the Manchukuo government, the Provincial Government of Peking,
the Reformed Governpent of Nanking and the loosely organized Mongolian
government have been created, while
plans are being formulated for a.
Canton government and some sort of German Group
a Central China government.
This is being met by the Chinese, W ill H Id F i- 1
Dr. Linebarger asserted, by the democ-
ratization of the Nanking government
as it moved westward, leading to the Banquet Today
formation of the new United Front, a
unique grouping of all parties includ-
ing the Communist around the focal Program.Includes Waltzes
point of Sun Yat-Sen's Kuo Min o
Tang. Here, as in no similar situa- Following Dinner; Graf
tion, the lecturer believed, Commun- And Nordmeyer Speak
ism as such has been relegated to the
very remote future by the members of The Deutscher Verein of the Sum-
that party.
The United Front may mean every- mer Session will bring its program
thing to the outcome of the war, he of activities to a close with a banquet
stated. The technique being used at to be held at 6:30 p.m. today at the
present is one which entails three.Deutsches Haus.
stages, which Dr. Linebarger listed.
The first, he said, is mass retreat with The banquet, always popular, has
the Chinese army intact, leading the become an annual affair and serves
Japanese into the interior and weak- as a climax to the summer activities
ening their army as much as possible; of the Verein.
the second is deadlock, with guerrilla The committee in charge of ar-
warfare behind the Japanese lines rangements has prepared a program
working to cut off communications of which a new feature will be the
and supplies; and the third, the coun- dancing of German waltzes following
ter attack of a strong Chinese army the banquet. Dr. O. G. Graf of the
against a weakened Japanese force. German faculty will provide the mu-
Despite the politics of the United sic. Dr. H. W. Nordmeyer will give
Front, ultimate loss or victory or com- a short talk of interest to students
promise depends not so much on these and teachers of German.
as on the resiliancy and vitality of Throughout the Summer Session,
(Continued on Page 3) the weekly meetings of the Verein
have been very successful, according
to Dr. Nordmeyer. A considerable
Far bast G roup variety of programs was supplied in-
cluding two picnics, a lecture of espe-
Trn u hih cial interest to teachers by Dr. F. D.
rings H u h . McClusky of Scarborough School, an
evening of magic by Mr. W. Biberich,
For Talk Toda y president of the Verein, and a musi-
cal evening with Professor Hans Pick
of the School ,of Music faculty.
Ambassador From China, This year for the first time the
Noted Scholar Has Led department organized a Deutsches
i Haus for students of German, which
Literary Renaissance -served as an excellent center for the
Verein and its activities.-
Founder of the Chinese literary A large number is expected to at-
renaissance movement and Ambas- tend this evening. All faculty mem-
sador to the United States from Chi- bers, students of German, as well as
others interested are invited. For.
na, Dr. Hu Shih will lecture at 4 p.m. reservations call the German Office,
today in the Lecture Hall of the Ext. 788 by noon.

Outline Result
Of Recordines
By Linruists
Differences In Written And
Spoken Languages Are
Told In Institute Meeting
Voegelin Explains
Delawares' Tongue
Scientific values found in working
directly with the speech of a living
informant were explained in the final
Linguistic Institute lecture yesterday
when three Institute faculty members
outlined results obtained this summer
in the program of recording and an-
alyzing a spoken language.
The study of Lithuanian in this
manner was justified by Dr. George
L. Trager of Yale University, who ex-
plained that although written records
of Lithuanian go back to the sixteenth
century and there is today a standard
literary language, yet the spoken
tongue studied here this summer dis-
closed numerous differences in both
vocabulary and pronunciation.
Retains Old Word
An interesting example of vocabu-
lary differences observed by Dr. Tra-
ger in' the native informant's speech
is the retention in popular language
of the old word for drugstore, which
because it is ,a Russian loan-word
has been . officially banned from
newspapers and books by the Lithu-
anian department of education, and
in its place a native word has been
Reports Differences
Dr. Murray B. Emeneau of Yale
University reported that the study of
the speech of George Sundaram, a
Columbia University student from
Madras, India, has shown a number
of differences between colloquial Ta-
mil and the ancient literary language,
which is still used on certain formal
religious and acadepic occasions.
"Colloquial Tamil," Dr. Emeneau
said, "has, for instance, a quite dif-
ferent set of retroflex and alveolar
consonants. And the final 'm' and
'n' of the literary language have
largely disappeared in the colloquial,
only a nasal quality remaining."
No Problem In Delaware
With respect to ,Delaware, there is
no problem of a difference between
literary and colloquial forms, said
Prof. Charles F. Voegelin of De Pauw
University, as Delaware is still an
unwritten language.
Dr. Voegelin seized the occasion to
(Continued on Page 3)

Worst Storm In State's
History Leaves 2 Dead
(By The Associated Press)
Central Michigan was recover-
ing and picking up. its scattered
belongings Wednesday after one
of the most violent wind storms in
-the state's recent history.
The storm, striking late Tues-
day, left two dead in its wake and
caused property damage estimat-
ed at upwards of a million dollars.
The property toll rose as the
exact extent of the storm became
known Wednesday.
Surveys Wednesday indicated
that Kalamazoo and Kent counties
suffered the greatest damage,
while Jackson, Lapeer, Midland
and Gratiot counties were almost
as hard hit. Slighter damage was
.reported from Saginaw, Isabella
and Newaygo counties. Communi-
cation was disrupted in many
other counties.
The second death attributed to
the storm was that of Mrs. Oscar
Braun, 34, who was killed Tues-
day night on her farm home
north of Port Huron while try-
ing to crawl under a fence that
became electrified when lightning
struck it. The other death was
that of Lester Baker, Kalamazoo
county, who was crushed under a
falling chimney when wind leveled
the greenhouse in which he was
The Lake Pleasant resort, in
Lapeer county, sufferedheavily.
Resorters said a black, funnel-
shaped cloud appeared to dip into
the lake three times, each time
churning up water, mud and weeds
to a height of 50 feet.
Annual Banquet
Of French Club
Will Be Today

Talks, Musicalw
And Skits To
Program For

Yugoslavia Rejects
Protection Of Axis
InCase Of Conflict

S eetions

Domestic Strife
To Rock Japan,
Traveler Says
SHANGHAI, Aug. 9.-(MP)-Japan's
bitter domestic conflict over a pro-
posed alliance with Europe's totali-
tarian powers may cause the Cabi-
net's fall or "even more startling"
results, declared an informed traveler
arriving today from Tokyo.
"Young officers" of the army in
their insistence on an outright alli-
ance with Germany and Italy are
creating a situation of extreme ten-
sion, this source said, in which rum-
ors of extremist threats against the
lives of cabinet members are current.
Cabinet Opposes Axis
Most of the cabinet, including Pre-
mier Baron Kiichiro Hiranuma-
hitherto considered inclined to the'
otalitarian side-high officials close
to the Emperor and even the army
high command were described as op-
posed to the sweeping commitments
to the Romc-Berlin axis urged by the
"young officers." The army com-,
mand was said to want nothing be-
yond a mutual aid pact aimed solelys
at Soviet Russia.
(The "young officers" - majors,
lieutenant-colonels, and colonels-are
advocates of vigorous direct action.t
They played a leading role in pulling,
the Tokyo government into the con-;
quest of Manchukuo and the inva-
sion of China.
Report Is Arranged
(Lieut.-Gen. Seishiro Itagaki, war.I
minister, arranged to report to Em-
peror Hirohito Thursday on the
army's attitude toward European de-
velopments, according to a Tokyo
The traveler from Tokyo, who was
in close touch with government and
diplomatic circles there, described the
upheaval in Japanese political life
The proponents of the German-
Italian alliance have been furnished1
ammunition for their agitation by
several recent developments, chiefly
the United States.
UAW Charges
Pact Is Broken
Not Rehiring Tool And Dire
Workers, Is Assertion
DETROIT, Aug. 9.-(AP)-With the
General Motors tool and die makers
strike settlement only a few days old
the United Auto Workers (CIO)
charged today that plant managers
were "wilfully and flagrantly violat-
ing" the agreement reached last week-
An immediate conference with the I
management was demanded by the
union and granted by the corpora-
tion, although F. O. Tanner, General
Motors vice-president, said the cor-
poration had been proceeding in good
faith and was unaware' of violations.
George F. Addes, international sec-
retary-treasurer of the union, con-
tended in a telegram to the corpora-
tion that plant managers were not
reemploying tool makers according to
the terms of the agreement.

RackhamnSchool under the auspices
of the Institute of Far Eastern Stu-
Dr. Hu Shih has chosen as his top-
ic, "Let Us Look A Little Ahead."
A scholar of note, Dr. Hu Shih has
been the recipient of numerous hon-
orary degrees from American colleges
and universities, his latest being an
LL.D. presented in June by Colum-
bia. He has studied in this country
at both Cornell and Columbia Uni-
In China,' Dr. Hu Shih has been
professor of Chinese philosophy and
literature and dean of the college of
letters at the National University of
Peking in Peiping, professor of phi-
losophy at Kwang Hua University
in Shanghai, president of the China
Institute in Woosung, dean of the
Peiping National University and
Chariman of the Shanghai Confer-
ence of the Institute of Pacific Re-
lations. He was appointed ambas-
sador to the United States last Sep-
A prolific writer for magazines and
journals both in this country and in
China, Dr. Hu Shih is the author of
a number of books.

Democracy's Place In Education
Is Explained By Prof.. Williams

The annual banquet and dance of
the Cercle Francais will be held at
7 p.m. today in Room 316 of the
William Sage will act as master of
ceremonies during the program to
follow the banquet. Short talks will
be given by Prof. Hugo P. Thieme,'
chairman of the Romance Languagel
department; Prof. Eugene Rovillain
:f the Romance Language depart-
ment; Prof. Anthony Jobin, of the
Romance Language department and
faculty director of the Cercle; Mlle.
Jeanne Rosselet of Gaucher College
and directrice of the French House;
and Kathryn Swift, president of the
M. and Mme Andre Sallet of Lille,
France, will present several scenes
from "La Paix Chez Soi," a French
comedy by Courteline.
Other numbers on the program will
be the songs "Le Chaland Qui Passe"
ind "Plaisir d'Amour" to be sung by
Mme Sallet; and "Barcarolle from
Tales of Hoffman" and "Un Peu
d'Amour"' to be sung by Helen Hal-
Incidental music will be provided
by Alfred Neuman, violinist, with
Annette Danker at the piano. Group
singing of French songs will also
follow the banquet.
Decorations at the dinner will be
a model of the liner Normandie, fur-
nished by M. Joubert of the French
Line, French flags and flowers in the
French national colors, red white and
blue. An all French menu is planned.
Members of the committee in
charge of arrangements are Freder-
(Continued on Page 4)

Report Germany And Italy
Asked Right To Manage
Country's Rail System
Premier Speeds
To Deliver Answer
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Aug. 9.
-(/P)--Yugoslavia has refused Ger-
man and Italian demands for use of
her railroads and Axis supervision of
her economic and military centers in
event of European war, it was learned
tonight on the highest authority.
With the full support of Britain
and France, Premier Dragisha Cvet-
kovich will fly to Italy tomorrow in a
Yugoslav army bomber, it was said,
to tell Italy's leaders bluntly that
Yugoslavia- is determined to main-
tain strict neutrality even if it is
necessary to use her arms to do so.
Germany and Italy were said to
have described their proposals as a
form of "benevolfent" neutrality.
Resources Demanded
Besides use of Yugoslavia's rail-
roads and supervision of her econom-
ic and military centers in wartime,
it was said the German-Italian de-
mands would give them complete ac-
cess to all Yugoslavia's war materi-
als and foodstuffs in case of war.
Use of her railroads, besides giv-
ing them rail connections through
the Yugoslav province of Slovenia, in
addition to those they already have
through Brenner Pass, would give
them troop transportation in any ad-
vance toward Rumania and the east.
(While Premier Cvetkovich was
preparing to journey to Italy, it was
learned in Budapest tonight that
Count- Stephen Csaky, Foreign Min-
ister of Hungary, northeastern neigh-
bor of Yugoslavia, had arrived at '
Salzburg where he is a guest of Ger-
man Foreign Minister Joachim von
Negotiations Suspended
The Premier's sudden decision to
fly to Venice and Rome came after
"indefinite" suspension of negotia-
tions with Vladimir Macek, peasant
leader, over demands of 5,000,000
Croats for home rule.
Cvetkovich's plans were under-
stood to call for direct talks with
Italy's foreign minister, Count Gale-
azzo Ciano, and possibly with Pre-
mier Benito Mussolini.
It was said that the asserted Ger-
man and Italian demands, made "un-
officially," called on Yugoslavia to
promise to place her railroads at the
disposals of the Axis in case of a
ropean conflict.
All Yugoslavia's war materials and
foodstuffs would be at German-
Italian disposal and they would have
the right to cross her territory to
Rumania or Bulgaria, if therAxis de-
mands were granted, it was said.
Prince Paul, senior regent of Yu-
goslavia,, was said to have explained
the Axis demands to the British and
French governments on his recent
trip to London and Paris.
Railroad Control Asked
Authoritative sources said Britain
and France had told the regent they
would back Yugoslavia in case she
came into conflict with the Rome-
Berlin axis, for her surrender would
mean a staggering blow had been
dealt to Rumania, Greece and Tur-
key, which have joined the French-
British front or have been included
in it by British-French guarantees
of their independence.
One of the chief Axis demands, it
was learned, was for wartime con-
trol of Yugoslav railroads because
they would give Italy and Germany
rail connections across the Yugoslav
province of Slovenia. Further de-
mands, it was said, would place Yu-
goslav economic and military centers
under supervision "of the totalitarian
The government of Premier Cvet-
kovich and Prince Paul were under-
stood to have agreed that the slight-

est compliance with any such de-
mands would be incompatible with
the sovereignty of Yugoslavia.
Norgan To Visit
Western Alumni
Alumni Associations and Univer-
sity of Michigan Clubs in the western

"Learning and knowledge are essen-
tial to the preservation of liberty,"
Prof. Mentor Williams of the English
department told an audience of 200
last night at the Union in his talk,
"Education for Democracy."
It is commonly agreed by people in
all walks of life, that democracy is in
danger, that it must be preserved be-
cause we believe in it and that democ-
racy is Americanism, Professor Wil-
liams said. In addition to the gen-
eral definition of democracy which
includes the right of free speech,
assemblage and worship, he added,
we must remember that democracy
is the continuous progress in attain-
ment of the general welfare and the
progress of the individual selfhood,
and expresses faith in education as
the medium to achieve those ends.
Education everywhere since time
immemorial has been an indoctrina-

I tion for the achievement of a particu-
lar pattern of society which is in exis-
tence, Professor Williams said. In
order to be progressive, it must be an
organized and selective process, he
explained. Our government will not
be preserved by general and indis-
criminate dissemination of knowl-
edge, Professor Williams warned.
Quoting from the works of a well-
known educator, he read, "We must
dare through education to build a new
social order." Professor Williams
suggested that the teacher adopt cer-
tain ideas and attitudes to bring
social consciousness to the student.
Not only must the teacher drop his
aloof attitude but he must be con-
vinced that he is part of a social body,
he affirmed. He must believe that
the pupil is educable, Professor Wil-
liams added. Learning comes from
inside, he said, and it is up to the
teacher to provide the learning situ-
We are 1,000 years behind science
in developing our social reseources,
Professor Williams told the group.
Fart of the difficulty may be ascribed
to the fact that teachers do not em-
ploy all the resources available in
teaching, he asserted. A sense of per-
spective must be achieved in regard
to the material the teacher uses, with
a view towards social usefulness, Pro-
fessor Williams added.
It's Mutiny, That's What;
French House Is Batty
It took one of Ann Arbor's bats,
but the sacred rule of the French
House - that no word of English be

Antioquians' Progressive Traits
Are Described By Garcia-Prada

Analysis Of Words And Music
Demonstrated By Dr. Perrine

Ann Arbor to Chicago to New York
and back to Ann Arbor by way of
Albany and Cleveland was the route
by which a "cargo of music" emanat-
ing from a phonograph record in the
Rackham Auditorium was finally
presented to the audience in the Lec-
ture Hall last night.
This feat of juggling sound was
part of the lecture, demonstration
presented by Dr. J. 0. Perrine, as-
sistant vice-president of the Ameri-

are chiefly in the high-frequency
range. Through one of the three
parts of the speaker, he was able to
reproduce only the lower frequen-
cies, from 40 to 400 cycles per sec-
ond, through the second those be-
tween 400 and 4,000 cycles and
through the third and smallest, from
4,000 to 14,000 cycles.
Reproductions, through the use of
electrical filters, of a telephone con-
versation as it sounded in 1914, the
date of the first trans-continental

The racial and cultural develop-
ment of the region of Antioquia, Co-
lombia, was described in the sum-
mer's last 5 o'clock lecture yesterday
by Prof. Carlos Garcia-Prada of the
University of Washington.
Characterizing the Antioquians as
"aggressive, progressive and enter-
prising," Professor Garcia-Prada told
of their differences from the other
Colombians and other peoples in
South America in general. They have
been called "the Yankee-est Colom-
bians," he said, and like to deal in
the manner of American business

first settled by the whites in the 16th
century, but did not become im-
portant until many years later, after
the Colonial period,
The people of Antioquia, besides
being very industrious and hardy, are
extremely religious, Professor Gar-
cia-Prada said. They speak a very
pure tongue and have a reverence
for the elders in the family. To de-
scribe the temperament of the peo-
ple, Professor Garcia-Prada told of a
city of 90,000 persons that burned to
the ground but was immediately re-
built completely.
Coffee is the chief industry of the

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