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August 09, 1939 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1939-08-09

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e F


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the au hority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sum .Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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, Assodated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

rt D. Mitcheif
M. Swinton
[Q. Norberg




Press, 1938.39
Managing Editor
City Editor
Women's Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor

. Sonneborn

Business Staff
* Philip W. Buchen . . . a . Business Manager
Paul Park . . . . *. . Advertising Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
in Support Of
Married Teachers . .
AT WHAT have come to be almost
periodic intervals, some school board
in the nation gets the brilliant idea of firing all
its married women teachers and substituting men
or unmarried women. Today, almost 50 per
cent of the school boards do not hire married
women teachers.
The excuses range all the way from political
pressure to cigarette smoking. Seldom is the
matter of efficiency discussed.
The past ten years have heard much dis-
cussion of this matter. Due largely to the de-
pression and the ensuing unemployment, many
teachers have had to be discharged. The criteria
for firing the teachers were seldom sound. Too
often, the scape goat was the teacher who was
married. So it is that many married teachers
have found it necessary to end their careers.
This has been one of the factors in the currently
widespread struggle for permanent tenure.
No state has a law forcing discrimination
against married women teachers. This is prob-
ably due to the questionable constitutionality of
such a discriminatory law. The local school
board, then, decides for itself whether or not
to hire married women as teachers. Many states
provide that teachers may be fired for miscon-
duct, neglect of duty and other just causes. In
general, it has been established by the courts that
marriage is not' included in "other just causes."
The 1930 census listed 853,961 women teachers.
Of these only 17 per cent are married. However,
of over a million and a half servants and cooks,
30 per cent are married and of three hundred
thousand laundresses, 50 per cent are married.
This well demonstrates the impossibility of solv-
ing unemployment in this manner.
Charges against married teachers, gleaned
from the educational publications of the past ten
years, include proneness to gossip, poor knowl-
edge of hygiene, crossness and the like. They
are also accused of not raising the family ex-
pected of them, of shirking "woman's sacred
duty-maternity," of raising too far one family's
living standard, and of neglecting her duty to
:either the school or to the family or both.
In answer, it is pointed out that the married
woman teacher is usually better at discipline and
has a more intelligent interest in children, due
to her experience with her own family.
A study made several years ago by Dr. David
Peters between two evenly matched groups of
school teachers in Virginia shows that on the
whole, married women spen more time in the
preparation of their daily lessons; that they spend
only slightly more time in the care of their homes
and families; and that they belong to more
community service and social groups.
A iore permanent patt of her locality and a
better knowledge of her students, due to this ac-
quaintance with her community and its families,
marks the married woman teacher as a decided
asset. Likewise, the stability and contentment @a
marriage is brought to their jobs by these
The thousands of dollars spent by the state
in the education of these women is put to effec-
tive use.
Most important of all, the Peters study shows
that in the matter of efficiency, the ranking of
married and unmarried women is almost iden-
So it is that we can say, until teachers are
hired on the basis of their professional ability and
not on their marital status, the field of teaching
will not have reached its point of optimum
-Malcolm Lng

No Shangri-La
Father Divine is buying himself a new Shan-
gri-La in Newport and the Royal Fraternity of
Master Metaphysicians has just bought itself a
new Shangri-La on Long Island. That makes
half a dozen for Father Divine and two for the
Metaphysicians. The business of getting away
from it all is becoming an industry.
I think it is profoundly disturbing that there
should be a boom in the creation of private para-
dises at a time when the world has a headache
and is squinting badly.
When I read this news, all the old annoyance
I used to feel at the terrific success of "Lost Hori-
zon" comes back to me. That book, by all odds
the biggest opium deal in modern history, had
a success which indicated, not that there was
something marvelous in the book, but that there
was something wrong in the age. The pathetic
day-dream of life in a Hollywood set on top of
a high mountain in Asia, where you could read
back numbers of the London Times while the
world went to hell, did not impress me. I was not
even won over by the thought of living to be one
hundred and fifty years old, though that is just
the right age for reading back numbers of the
London Times.
* * *
Now it is the custom to stick around even after
failing to get to first base and I am impelled to
the hope that in time to come all of those who
are discontented with the world will resist the
temptation to move out of the neihborhood and
will stay to help make it better. Some writer has
brilliantly said that peace lies in the center of the
whirlwind. One of the circumstances which has
most impressed me lately about Father Divine
is his increasing tendency to put on the gloves
and bat it out with anybody at all on the general
question of racial discrimination, and I think if
he solves that he will have distributed a lot of
In my early days I had my own ideal com-
munity, a backyard shack. I still remember the
organization meeting. The first point on the
agenda was a discussion of who wasn't going to
be allowed near the place. It was one of the
pleasantest talks f have ever shared. We finally
got the eligibles down to three, but they couldn't
produce enough dues to keep the thing running.
That is the hard reality of economics for you and
sooner or later it gets all the experiments along
ths line. The world creeps in; it will not be
-Samuel Grafton in the New York Post.
The Mobilization
Within the next two or three weeks what are
still politely referred t as the "autumn maneu-
vers" will be fully under way throughout the
Continent of Europe. These evolutions are no,
longer Actually confined to the autumn-there
is hardly any season, in fact, in which troops
cannot be seen maneuvering over European coun-
trysides-and if they are "maneuvers" at all they
bear small resemblance to the relatively innocent
and theoretical rehearsals of the past. Totting
up the available estimates, guesses and boasts
one reaches a total of perhaps 9,000,000 men who
are or soon will be under arms-a mass mobiliza-
tion quite comparable to that of the first weeks
of the World War.
These are not mere training exercises; if they
are maneuvers at all, they are maneuvers in the
"white war" which has long since been joined.
The German hosts are reputedly deployed in
great numbers around the Polish borders, taking
the positions from which they would spring for
the annihilation of that state. The Italian Army
of the Po is now engaged in pushing a theoretical
enemy westward out of the Po Valley, an opera-
tion which will leave it in position behind the
passes through which the French counterstroke
to a German attack on Poland would be delivered.
German aviation has similarly been working out
the problems involved in repelling an air attack
from Great Britain-or in delivering the "light-
ning stroke" on London which many still believe
to be the German answer to the British guaranty
of Poland. Turkey is lined up in an acquisitive
attitude upon the Bulgarian border; Roumania
is massing her largest peace-time mobilization
upon her theatened frontiers, and so on around'
the map. The armies are or soon will be largely

on a war footing, they are instruments of direct
pressure in the war of nerves, and are taking
their battle positions for the real one.. Will they
ever be demobilized again?
Do words today have meaning? It is the great
European mystery. In April Hitler declared that
Danzig must return to Germany. In May Col.
Beck, the Polish Foreign Minister, rejected his
suggestion and declared that Poland did not
"know the conception of peace at any price."
In June Goebbels announced the return of Dan-
zig to be "inevitable" and implied that no power
could prevent it. In July Mr. Chamberlain re-
peated the pledge to Poland and specifically de-
clared that even an indirect attack on Danzig
could bring it into operation. Berlin replied,
through an official spokesman, that Germany
stood upon the demand for the "unconditional
return" of Danzig within a few months. Now
Marshal Smigly-Rydz, who has been quoted as
saying privately that Poland would fight for Dan-

owe & lown
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.--(P)--The sev-
enty-sixth Congress had a batting average
of .069 in the session just ended . . .
If he were a couple of years younger the
Dodgers would probably sign him-and a good
thing, too.
"McBride described himself as
«' alq eS allod e a a 8l7$aqut
o ' S4=1n 'An2 ap"tJ ut1-Tiis
-Detroit News
Can't say he wasn't candid.
* *
Ths column is in receipt of a communication
from the University of Michigan Fresh Air
Camp which brings a tear to our eye-a tear of
joy. The news was that the camp goat has died
and been replaced by another one. Just so we
won't seem brutal we better explain.
Three years ago we served as a counsellor at
the camp. Given to four meals a day (since the
food was free) we habitually ducked out of our
cabin after taps and went down to the kitchen.
One night the ingenious little fellows in our cabin
innocently took advantage of our absence and
played.a practical joke on us. They put the goat
into our bed.
We came home, saw the goat, pulled it
from the bed and chuckled to ourselves over
the good natured jest. Then we climbed into
bed, shrieked and leaped out again. You
ought to understand now how we feel about
the goat dying because-
He wasn't house-broken.

* * *

That was an eventful summer. We had one
likeable chap in our cabin of what even his
family was forced to describe as "moderate in-
telligence." ' One day, in the interests of our
tender feet, we announced a prize for the fellow
who could bring in the most nails he'd picked
up from the camp-grounds.
When Jack returned late that evening we
wondered whether we hadn't underestimated
him. He had nails-half-a-dozen cans of them.
We offered the lad hearty congratulations and
mediated over our unjust habit of judging
people too severely.
"Just think of the hidden potentialities
Jack showed today," we told ourselves.
Next morning the camp director called us into
his office. "Probably going to tell us what fine
work we've been doing," we thought gayly. It
turned out we were wrong. He just wanted to
know why one of our boys pulled down the chick-
en-coop on the next farm, why he departed with
the nails salvaged in the act and how we
were ever expected to be able to pay for the
damage out of our meager salary. So we gave up
the outdoor life.
From the Washington Post:
"A recent survey shows that college professors
are not better informed than average persons on
subjects outside their particular lines. It seems
the only person around a college Who knows
everything is the sophomore."
* * *
And H. V. Wade in the Detroit News sug-
gests that the general effect of those new
grand pianos with a tweed finish is General
Goering off to the hunt.
Harry Kelsey points out pretty bitterly that we
ommitted Prof. Harold Lloyd from that list of
campus namesakes yesterday.
Jack Canavan of the Daily Staff is still recover-
ing from an emotional experience of no little im-
port. Pat Conger, UP man, went around the
building and set every typewriter to stencil. Jack,
not too familiar with machinery anyway, couldn't
fathom what was wrong. After writing half the
paper in long-hand his shrieks for aid finally
moved one of the staff, who tipped him. Jack's
still blushing, and has developed a nifty, scurry-
ing walk when he scuttles by typewriter stores.
zig even single-handed, publicly repeats the Po-
lish position. If words mean anything there is
going to be a gerat war, with Danzig as the incit-
ing cause.
The air, of course, is full of the suspicion that
words of statesmen (especially on the anti-axis
side) do not have meaning. Perhaps not; but
it is growing ever harder to find the way out.
Perhaps a sudden switch of axis pressure to some
other theatre-Yugoslavia, for example-will di-
vert the immediate danger. Perhaps the issues
can be juggled into another winter and the ar-
mies sent home, as they were after Munich. But
they were not fully demobilized then; the con-
centrations are larger this year than they were
last; will they be still larger in 1940 than in this
year and so on? Already Europe has reached
the strange situation in which a sudden "out-
break of peace" would be almost as difficult as,
and perhaps economically even more dislocating
than, an outbreak of war. The modern method
of mobilizing gradually and beforehand slows
down the tempo, which is a great help. But it
makes the problem of demobilization almost as
insoluble as it was in 1914:
- New York Herald-Tribune.


Platonic Love
Dr. Kristeller Explains
Fcno' s Theory
The true love between two per-
sons is a common love for God based
on the original love for God whiche
constitutes the essence of human
consciousness according to Marsiio
Ficino, Dr. Paul Oskar Kristeller, lec-
turer in philosophy at Yale Univer-
sity, asserted yesterday in a lecture
sponsored by the Graduate Confer-
ence on Renaissance Studies.
True love and true friendship
which unite several persons to one
another are immediately derived
from the love of the single person for
God, he continued, and are reduced1
thus to the basic phenomenon of in-
ternal ascent, center of Ficino's phi-{
Dr. Kristeller termed Ficino the
inventor" of Platonic love, but re-
leased the early philosopher of all
blame in connection with the defor-
mation the term has suffered subse-
In one passage of Ficino's works,
part of a letter to Alamanno Donati,
the lecturer said he had found what
he believes to be the first mention of
the term Platonic love in the history
of philosophy and literature. Platonic
love to Ficino, he explained, is based
on the individual's love for God and
was so called with reference to Pla-
to's Symposium, that is, love in the
sense of Plato.
The term in Ficino, Dr. Kristeller
affirmed, has its clear and precise
meaning, intellectual love between
Platonic love, so Ficino taught, is
always directed toward beauty, is not
sensual, but limited to the eye, ear
and thought, Dr. Kristeller told. Mu-
tual love is the true and perfect form
of love to Ficino, the lecturer assert-
ed, for when one person loves another
one his love is like being lost in the
void if the beloved person does not
return the love. One-sided love, the
lecturer continued, according to Fi-
cino concerns only the lover, but mu-
tual love comes out of the individual
soul and constitutes a real and con-
crete communion between .persons.
The concrete basis of Ficino's meta-
physics, Dr. ,Kristeler related, is the
internal movement of the soul in its
ascent toward God. This ascent, he
stated, is characterized by two prin-
cipal elements, the inquietude of con-
sciousness which impels man from his
connection with the external world
to always higher degrees of certainty
and the contemplative attitude which
connects the soul on every level with
objects of a particular region.
The element of contemplation on
its different levels is expressed by Fi-
cino in his theory of the knowledge
of God which, the lecturer claimed, is
the center of his speculation.
Dr. Kristeller expressed disappoint-
ment in Ficino's philosophy of beauty.
Ficino, he pointed out, distinguishes
three kinds of beauty: that of bodies,
of sounds, and of souls; uses the an-
cient Greek conception which under-
stands beauty as proportion: a symet-
rical relation between the parts of a
whole. "This concept is very limited
and narrow," the lecturer said, "and
we are really disappointed by this
theory, if we expect from Ficino, the
first philosopher of the Renaissance,
an explicit analysis of its artistic
ideals. But we may excuse him if we
recognize the fact that he did not
want to give a theory of art or even
to understand sensible beauty in it-
self, but only tried to insert it in a
metaphysical system."
Beauty, according to Ficino, is not
limited to the empirical world, but
is diffused in different grades through

the whole region of being and derived
from God himself, Dr. Kristeller ex-
plained. As the beauty of single
things is derived from ,God, he went
on, human love is always indirectly
referred to God, and from that results
also a direct relation of the loving
soul with God.
The Renaissance speculatior on
love remains an important historical
phenomenon, according to Dr. Kris-
teeller, and it is one of Ficino's ob-
vious merits that he started this spec-
ulation and gave it its direction for
about a century. On the other hand,
he announced, this speculation is just
that part of Ficino's doctrine which,
had the largest and most lasting ef-
fect in history, and it must be recog-
nized that this influence is justified
if the totality and the real content of
Ficino's philosophy is considered. '
Platonic love, he stated, is that
concept uponvwhich he wanted to
base his school as a living intellectual
community, and it expresses thus the
essence of his historical existence and

To The Summer Faculty. For the
third summer, a breakfast for candi-
dates for masters' degrees will be giv-
en on Sunday morning, Aug. 13, at 9
o'clock, at the Michigan Union. Pres-
ident Ruthven and Professor Boak
will be the speakers. Members of
the Summer Session faculty and their
wives are welcome to attend. Reser-
vations should be made in the Sum-
mer Session Office, 1213 A.H., before
Friday, Aug. 11, at 4:30 p.m. The
tickets will be 55 cents.
Michigan Dames: Wives of students
and internes are cordially invited to
the regular Wednesday afternoon
bridge party, Michigan League, 2
Speech Students: A Symposium on
the field of Argumentation and its
relation to debating will be held
today, Aug. 9, at 4 p.m. in Room
1025 Angell Hall. All undergradu-
ate students contemplating advanced
work in this field and all graduate
students who are emphasizing this
field in their graduate study should
attend this conference.
Lecture, "China: Right, Left, or
Center?" by Dr. Paul M. A. Line-
barger, Department of Political Sci-
ence, Duke University, will be given
at 4 p.m. in the Amphitheatre, Rack-
ham Building, today.
Lecture, "Recent Trends in Educa-
tional Psychology" by William Clark
Trow, Professor of Educational Psy-
chology, will be given at 4:05 p.m. at
the University High School Auditori-
um, today.
Lecture, "A Historical'Interpreta-
tion of the Region of Antioquia, Co-
lombia" by Professor Carlos Garcia-
Prada, University of Washington,
will be given at 5 p.m. in the Lecture
Hall of the Rackham Building, today.
Lecture, "Field Work at the Lin-
guistic Institute on Delaware, Tamil,
and Lithuanian" by Professor C. F.
Voegelin, Dr. M. B. Emeneau, and
Dr. G. L. Trager, will be given at
7:30 p.m. this evening in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Professor Mentor Williams will dis-
cuss "Education for Democracy" at 8
p.m. today (Wednesday, Aug. 9) in
the Michigan Union."'
Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.
Eugene B. Reid, will be held at 2:15
p.m. in 309 Chemistry Building on
Thursday, Aug. 10. Mr. Reid's field
of specialization is Chemistry. The
title of his thesis is "The Compara-
tive Stabilities of Arylchlorome-
Professor J. o. Halford as chair-
man of the committee, will conduct
the examination. By direction of
the Executive Board, the chairman
has the privilege of inviting mem-
bers of the faculty and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and to grant permission to
others who might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum.
Speech Students: A Symposium on
the field of dramatics will be held
Thursday at 4 o'clock, Aug. 10, in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All
undergraduate students contemplat-
ing advanced work in this field and
all graduate students who are empha-
sizing this field in their graduate
study should attend this conference.
The last Russian Tea at the Inter-
national Center will be held Thurs-
day afternoon at 5 o'clock instead of
4:15 because of the lecture of the
Chinese Ambassador. All students
who speak Russian are cordially in-
vited to attend.
School of Music Concerts. During
the remainder of the Summer Ses-
sion, concerts will be given under the

auspices of the School of Music as
follows. All concerts will begin on
time and the general public is invited
without admission charge, but is re-
spectfully requested to refrain from
bringing small children.
Thursday, Aug. 10, 4:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium. Recital
of compositions by H. Grant Fletcher.
Thursday, Aug. 10, 8:15 o'clock,
Nickels Arcade

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday

School of Music Auditorium. Celia
Chao, pianist.
Friday, Aug. 11, 8:15 o'clock, School
of Music Auditorium, Bertha Hol-
man, soprano.
Monday, Aug. 14, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ella
Mae Burton,' pianist.
Tuesday, Aug. 15, 8:15 o'clock,
School of Music Auditorium, Ruth
Skinner, pianist.
Wednesday, Aug. 16, 8:15 o'clock,
Hill Auditorium, Fonda Hollinger, or-
Deutscher Verein: The final ban-
quet will take place on Thursday,
Aug. 10, at the Deutsches Haus, 1315
Hill Street at 6:30 p.m. Admission $1
to all non-members. There will be a
program of songs and other enter-
tainment.. Open to all students of
German and any one interested. Make
reservations at the German Office,
204 University Hall, telephone Ext.
788. Otto G. Graf.
French Banquet. The annual French
banquet will take place Thursday,
August 10, at 7 in Room 316 of the
Union. There will be dancing after
the banquet. There is no charge for
members of the Cercle Francais. Oth-
ers may come by paying $1.25. Every-
one expecting to attend must give
his name before Tuesday evening to
Mlle. Winifred Cardner, 1414 Wash-
tenaw, phone 2-254,7.
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers). De-
troit and Ann Arbor Friends will hold
a picnic next Sunday. We will meet
in the Michigan League lobby at 3:30
to leave for the picnic grounds. Sup-
per will be 25 cents, and reservations
may be made by calling Sheldon
Hart at 6943 after 7 p.m., by Friday
night. Please indicate whether you
will need transportation or can pro-
vide it. All interested are invited.
"Psychology Master's Comprehen-
sive Examination" will be given Sat-
urday, Aug. 12, at 2 p.m. in Room
3126 Natural Science Building.
Social Evenings. The social evenings
will continue throughout this week-
end at the Michigan Union. Satur-
day night, the regular dance, starting
at 9 p.m. will be a summer formal.
Admission is 35 cents a person.
Teaching Departments wishing to
recommend August graduates from
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. HIll before
Aug. 18.
Phi Delta Kappa: Keys for the new-
ly initiated members have arrived
and may be secured from the secre-
tary, Room 4200 U.H.S., upon pre-
sentation of personal history blanks.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
tions. Last date for filing applica-
tion is noted in each case:
Chief Dietitian, salary: $2,300, Sept. 5.
Head Dietitian, salary: $2,000, Sept. 5.
Staff Dietitian, salary: $1,800, Sept. 5.
Senior Marketing Specialist (Live-
stock Market Supervision), salary:
$4,600, Sept. 5.
Marketing Specialist (Livestock Mar-
ket Supervision), salary $3,800,
Sept. 5.
Associate Marketing Specialist (Live-
(Continued on Page 4)
I - -_________I





and Sales
Phone 3955
229 South State Street


Today's Events

o, .

9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.



Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg of the University of
Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building).
Physic Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi of Columbia University (Am-
phitheatre, Rackham Building).
Michigan Dames bridge (Grand Rapids Room, League).
"China: Left, or Center?" lecture by Dr. Paul M. A. Linebarger of.
Duke University (Amphitheatre Rackham Building).
"Recent Trends in Educational Psychology," lecture by Prof. Willian
C. Trow of the education school (University High School Auditorium)
"A Historical Interpretation of the Region of Antioquia, Columbia,"

Now Playing'.I
."" a y urageous
SPr-s.;d by WARNER BROS. S-149g

SHOWS DAILY 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 P.M.

mrr1}ift1 T 1

4:05 p.m.
5:00 p.m.


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