THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUG. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AVG. U U [CHIGAN DAILY .fi -,. , I I Edited and managed by students of the Uiversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summ r Session., Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper, All rights of republication of all other matters' herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular scboal year by carrier, #4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAl. ADVErTjSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -,BOSTON ' j..OS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Stafff M. Swinton Q. Norberg R. Canavan.. M. Kelsey G. Kessler m E. Long . L. Sonneborn , . . . . . k ". ". 4 Press, 1938-39 Managing ;editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff, lip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager 1 Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MITCHELL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. he 76th 0 ! DRAMA Pogram Notes On'lolanthe' By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Chorus boys recruited from the ermined ranks of the House of Lords-chorus girls who at 17 are mothers of sons aged 24-a hero who is im- mortal down to the waist, but whose feet and legs will someday die and be buried, leaving his upper half to do goodness knows what! It was for such typically Gilbertian characters as these that Sir Arthur Sullivan had to write the music for Iolanth'. "Had to," because the very Victor- ian Sir Arthur, like the clown who wanted to play Hamlet, always was seeking to be an English Brahms, and often professed to be ashamed of the musical devilment into which he was continually egged on by Gilbert and others. However, having once made up his mind to be musically "Naughty," as he thought it, Sulli- van could follow his leader Gilbert every inch of the way, and Gilbert's ingenious mixtures of nonsense, sentimentality, and satire seemed to awaken a genius in the composer that all the lofty ideals in the world could not. In olanthe, for instance, while Gilbert is having fun with the dignities of Parliament, Sullivan takes a musical poke or two at Weber and Mendelssohn. Iolanthe being an opera in which nearly all the female characters are fairies, he begins his Overture with an elfin horn call and echo that more than sug- gests the beginning of Weber's fairy-opera, Oberon. Then a little later in trip the fairies to strains that have a suspicious resemblance to the Midsummernight's Dream music of Men- delssohn. Wagner, too, must have his due, for when Iolanthe was written in 1882, Wagnerian music drama was the latest fad in music. So several of the leading characters have their own let- motives, with which the watchful orchestra in- toduces them whenever they enter. For the "law-embodying" Lord Chancellor there is a fugal motive suggestive of his strictness and eru- dition. For the fairies there is a dainty, tripping, tune. For Phyllis, who loves a shepherd, there is a rustic piping call. Other musical allusions might be mentioned, such as the "take-off" on God Save the King, "When Britain Really Ruled the Waves"-a "national anthem" some college might do well to adopt as its alma mater. Or the "Sousa March" (written before Sousa, however) com- plete to the trio with its frilly obligato, to which the Peers first enter. Or the mock-operatic cadenza in the "Friendship" Quartet. But Sllivan's music is never merely imitative, and its satirical qualities never interfere with its effectiveness as sheer music. Such numbers as the Fairy Queen's Invocation of Iolanthe, or, later, of her condemnation of the latter for revealing her fairyhood, are sincere and impressive pieces of dramatic writing. Finest of all is the Finale to Act I. Like all good operative finales, it draws everyone on the stage and leads them through a complicated series of musical numbers by which the action is carried on and accelerated, leading to a climactic conclusion. As in every Gilbert libretto, this Act I Finale is dramtically the cli- inax of the show, and Sullivan provides it with music -that is grand-operatic in scope and in- tensity, though still suiting the humorous twist of Gilbert's words. Other music in Iolanthe is either a flimsy but always clever scaffolding to support the tempor- arily more important words, as in the Lord Chan- cellor's patter-songs, or else it makes a more purely musical appeal while remaining true to the dramatic situation. Such are Iolanthe's ten- der, pleading ballad, the lovers' equally tender duet, and the gay little waltz that is so full of blithe Victorian naivete without a trace of Vien- nese seductiveness. And finally we must men- tion again the Overture. Though made up en- tirely of tunes from the opera, so well put togeth- er is it and so delightful are these tunes in them- selves that, as every good overture should do, it serves the listener as a delectable appetizer of the whimsy and lyrical charms that are to come. No Liquor-Business Good In the midst of allegations that young people are turning to the use of alcohol and other artificial stimulants in their quest for a "good time," it is heartening to hear of the roadhouse in Northfield, Ill., prominently displaying a sign which frankly says, "No Liquor." It is hearten- ing also to learn that its business is good-as good as that of New England's numerous liquor- less ice cream stands which are crowded nightly with young people. Dispensers of liquor go out of their way to dis- play their wares attractively before young people. It is encouraging to find those who refuse to sell the btuff and still do a good business. -Christian Science Monitor ART. WPA Art Project Exhibit The most important aspect of an exhibition such as the WPA exhibition, on display at the Rackham galleries, through Saturday, is the gen- eral tone of the show rather than the individual entry. Of course the artist is not to be belittled, he makes the show possible, but in a field so-con- troversial as government-supported art, it is the quality and attitude of the whole project that will justify or invalidate its existence in the eyes of the general public. In the minds of those who have seen 'the present exhibition there can be little doubt as to the justification of the art projects and the need for their continuation. The quality of the work presented is on the whole undeniably good in all of the several fields: oils, watercolor, prints and sculpture. The atti- tude is distinctly one of awareness to the con- temporary scene in all its different aspects. It is in this interest in the present world and its problems and the attempt to interpret them into artistic expression that the real value of the present show lies. If we are to develop an American culture it is of the utmost importance that the artist turn to his immediate environ- ment for his material. It cannot be denied that the most important factor in the development of any people is their environment and its problems, and the fact, so apparent in the present show, that the WPA art projects encourage the record- ing and interpretation of contemporary America, shows them to be of immense cultural and edu- cational value. So much for the significance of the show. As regards to the indivdual works presented, it is rather a hard task to discriminate. Perhaps it will be best to select those which were most popu- lar. In the oils section, two studies by Jimmy Lee, attracted the most attention. In both My Sisters and Girl Reading, the figures are Chinese but are treated in a disinctly occidental manner. Any qualities which may suggest the Orient seem to be in the subject matter rather than in the technique, although there is a delicacy in the rendering of skin texture and in coloring which we sometimes associate with Eastern art. The better of the two perhaps is Girl Reading, which is graceful and full of life as well as being better in composition. Another artist who is popular was Joseph Spencer, whose unusual portrait of himself and The Beer Drinkers are strong and original. The The former especially because of its luminous colors and bold line is veryi nteresting and at- tracts a great deal of attention. Other canvases such as Edward Ferguson's Portrait of Bazil Hawkins and River; Henry Bernstein's portrait, Margaret; and Landscape Number Two by Syl- vesterJerry are also popular. In the print section of the show, which in general quality of work and variety is the best in the exhibit, Bazil Hawkins deservedly is given the most space devoted to one artist.' His work is full of a vigor and movement which is immediate- ly attractive. Most of his studies are of Negro scenes but even his landscapes are permeated with the same dramatic movement that char- acterizes the others. He has an ability to catch attitudes and expressions and transfer them directly into line. His approach is consistently realistic. In watercolors such as Houses and Hungarian Protestant Church, the city is pre- sented with movement and strength. Interesting also, are the prints of Charles Pollock, who like Hawkins deals with Negro sub- jects. His colors, luminous yellows, which satur- ate his works, Negro and Indolence, is particu- larly distinctive in that he uses them to give a feeling of desolation. Edward Ferguson has many good industrial scenes which are sharp and precise, and John Davis in such prints as Performance, The Lake, and Barn Dance dis- plays an approach which is sensitive yet strong and concrete in execution. The sculpture on the whole lacks originality, although Sam Cashwan's Abstract Figure and Willoughby Miller, and Gus Hildebrand's Mother and Child Number One are interesting. -M.W. Fuel For Defense' There's power in the air. The army's thirtieth anniversary of its first airplane purchase emphasized the United States' ability to maintain its own in aviation. Same time the "Flyjng Fortresses" were skim- ming hihg above American farmland and city Wednesday in a gigantic display of the Nation's first line defense, both Germany and Italy on the continent -and Japan in Asia proudly contem- plated new speed and distance flight records- for defense. Britain announced-as a defense measure--an expanded naval and air corps build- ing program. And the world continued to hurtle on toward some obscure goal, possibly a "secret rendezvous" with "defense" someplace in space. --The Daily Illini By STAN M. fSWINTON In the new Mademoiselle, junior Bill Beebe has this to say of Michi- gan co-eds: "The Michigan co-ed has a fair amount of intelligence and uses it mostly on the problem of attracting attention. This type of girl is typical of mid-western schools. She dresses just well enough to get by and doesn't bother with a line, depending upon a stronger mutual attraction to lure the male. Companionable and agree- able, she is ingenious at keeping pins and is most concerned about the future." Retorts co-ed Louis Watters, a senior: "Well, well, you read us just like a book, but you said enough nice things so that we can't re- sent it. Remember just one thing, though-the only way to get pins is to know your men pretty well--and remember that we've got your number, too." What have you to say on the question? Drop us a line. We've been wondering whether friends express sympathy or, offer congratulations to the 16-year-old Walled Lake Miss who has just been selected as-of all things-Miss Yel- low Truck of 1939. * * * NAMES: Wonder how that girl named Frances Perkins ever got her job on the New York Herald Tribune . . . A Mr. Bully just served a term in the local jail for assault and battery . . . Miss Gertrude Stein is-and intelli- gently enough, too-an actor in the Summer Repertory . . . and Mr. Nelson Eddy is an instructor in the Spanish department. Our favorite Red story and one we've written up for publication be- fore, deals with the two fellows whose land-lady insisted upon using a red pillow sheet on her bed. Despite pro- tests, she said it was going to stay there until it wore out. One evening a year or so ago, the two were sitting quietly in the room studying. Getting up for a drink, one spilled water on the pillow case and hung it out the window to dry. Not ten minutes later an irate old gentle- man with a nifty set of waggling whiskers burst into the room. "Isn't America good enough for you?" he shouted, while they looked at each other in utter be- wilderment. "Isn't the country of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Cal- vin Coolidge good enough for you? It's young mongrels like you who'd murder us it our beds and build barricades in the streets." "What are you talking about?" the stouter of the two students queried. "You know perfectly well," re- torted the old man, pointing dra- matically to the red pillow-case. "Take it down, Communist." The roommates looked at each oth- er for a moment. Then the spokes- man for the two faced the visitor seriously. "Sorry, sir. We'll have to wait for orders from Moscow." Lockwood To Speak Here Charles C. Lockwood, Detroit at- torney and former candidate for the Board of Regents, will address the local student chapter of the National Lawyers' Guild Thursday in Room 323 of the Michigan Union. This year marks the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adop- tion of the Bill of Rights, and Lock- wood will speak on the significance of the Bill of Rights and what it means to the lawyer. Phi Delta Kappa Will Hold Luncheon Meeting Today Phi Delta Kappa held a business meeting last night a 7:30 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building, for the purpose of dis- cussing minor problems and questions of policy. There will be a luncheon at 12:10 today in the Union. Members are invited to attend. To The Summer Faculty. For the third summer, a breakfast for candi- dates for masters' degrees will be giv- en on Sunday morning, Aug. 13, at 9 o'clock, at the Michigan Union. Pres- ident Ruthven and Professor Boak will be the speakers. Members of the Summer Session faculty and their wives are welcome to attend. Reser- vations should be made in the Sum- mer Session Office, 1213 A.H., before Friday, Aug. 11, at 4:30 p.m. The tickets will be 55 cents. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Andrew Jackson Green will be held at 9 a.m. today, Aug. 8 in 3223 Angell Hall. Mr. Green's field of specializa- tion is English Language and Litera- ture. The title of his thesis is "Rob- ert Bridges: Studies in his Work and Thought to 1904." Professor W. G. Rice as chairman of the committee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Phi Delta Kappa will hold its week- ly luncheon today at 12:10. in the Michigan Union. Dr. Noffsinger will speak on satfety education, Lecture, "Ficino's Theory of Pla- tonic Love and Its Historical Impor- tance." by Paul Oskar Kristeller, Lec- turer in Philosophy, Yale University, at the Amphitheatre, Rackham Bldg., at 4 p.m. today. Lecture, "Interpreting Evaluative Criteria to High Schools" by Edgar G. Johnston, Associate Professor of Sec- ondary Education, to be held at the University High School Auditorium at 4:05 p.m. today. Record Recital, of Brazilian Music will be held Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 4:30 p.m., West Conference Room in the Rackham Building. The records to be played on both programs are non-commercial re- cordings made especially for the Bra- zilian Pavilions at the New York World's Fair and the Golden Gate International Exposition. With the exception of Carlos Gomes (1839- 1904), all the composers represented are now living. The records of works by Villa-Lobos are conducted by the composer; the Fantasia Brasileira of Gnattall is conducted by Romeu Ghispam, with the composer at the piano; all other records are played by the orchestra of the Sindicato Mu- sical do Rio de Janeiro, under the direction of Francisco Mignone. The intermissions are five minutes in length. Program for Aug. 8 I. Prelude to the opera, "Maria Tudor"........Carlos Gomes I. A. Lenda sertaneja, No. 7 ... .~Francisco Mignone B. Three Afro-Brazilian Dances 1. Cucumbyzinho 2. Caterete 3. Congada III. Legenda No. 2, Op. 22, for Pi- ano ...........Jayme Ovalle Maria Antonietta IV. Batuque .O. Lorenzo Fernandez Intermission V. Fantasia Brasileira, No. 3 for Piano and Orchestra..... ..Francisco Mignone Tomas Teran at the piano. VI. Bachianas Brasileiras, No. 2 ... - ...,........H. Villa-Lobos Prelude: O Canto do Capadocio Aria: O Canto da nossa terra Dansa: Lembrance do sertao Toccata: 0 trenzinho do Caipira Fellowship of Reconciliation. Meet- ing today at 7:30, downstairs in Lane Hall. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz will lead a discussion on the problem of anti-Semitism. Alma College Graduates and form- er Alma students. There will be a get-together at 8 p.m. today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. About 25 Almanians have already promised to be there. If you have not been noti- fied previously, please consider this notice an invitation. A program of vocal, piano and or- gan selections will be given in Hill Auditorium this evening at 8:15 o'clock by the following members of the University School of Music Facul- ty: Hardin A. VaniDeursen, baritone; John Kollen, pianist; Joseph Brink- man, pianist; Palmer Christian, or- I ganist and Ava Comin Case, accom- 'panist. The general public with the exception of small children is invited without admission charge, Puplicate Bridge. The Tuesday night duplicate bridge tournaments will continue at the Michigan League. Michigan Dames: Wives of students and internes are cordially invited to the regular Wednesday afternoon bridge party, Michigan League, '2 o'clock. Speech Students: A Symposium on the field of Argumentation and its relation to debating will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 9, at 4 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. All undergradu- ate students contemplating advanced work in this field and all graduate students who are emphasizing this field in their graduate study should attend this conference. Speech Students: A Symposium on (Continued on Page 3) 5U DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m,; 11:00 a.m. Saturday I ... W ITH THE TERMINATION of the first session of the 76th Congress, Uncle Sam finds his mind befuddled by a con- glomeration of controversial questions. As Senators and Representatives wend their ways homeward to find out if they are still in good standing with their constituents and discov-" er what they can do during the next session tol make themselves so, our Uncle reviews the last seven months of Congressional sitting and won- ders. Questions arising concern spending vs. eco- nomy; neutrality; third term; Roosevelt vs. Con- gress; relief; defense; and many others. Leading this in enigmatic order is the situa- tion between the President and the Congress,, for in the answer to this, if such there be, lies the solution to many of the others. Despite Republican victories at the polls last fall, the recent session opened with Roosevelt en- joying majorities in both houses, especially in the lower. Some of these votes he had already alienated, due to his primaries purge.. Others he lost through his spending-for-recovery the- ories.sStill others failedhim on neutrality legis- lation. A major item to be considered here is Roosevelt's third term talk, neither accredited nor denied by him, but a powerful enough threat to worry a number of Congressmen into attempting to thwart him at every possible turn, lessen his power and generally weaken his program. A look at the record proves profitable. President Roosevelt urged the passage of a neutrality act which would have removed the mandatory arms embargo, claiming that this embargo was an encouragement to the totalitar- ian states inasmuch as it assured them that no armaments could be received from the United States by any country they should choose to pick a fight with. To a well armed dictatorship, the embargo would have been a godsend. Con- gress did not agree. President Roosevelt asked for a three billion dollar lending program, in line with his original New Deal philosophy of federal spending in order to bring about "recovery. Such a move, he said, would encourage and enable business to go through with long-planned, depression delayed projects, increase employment and start the ball rolling. Congreess didn't think so. President Roosevelt requested an additional 800 million dollars for the Federal Housing Admin- istration. Congress refused. President Roosevelt wanted 50 million dollars to make up for deficiencies in relief operations. Congress seemed to think it had appropriated enough. On the other side of the ledger: The President believed a thorough going over of government agencies would do the country good. He made recommendations which were, drawn up into the Government Reorganization Act. This Congress passed, but not before mak- ing amendments serving to place a good many restrictions on the Chief Executive's work, which he began at once. The President asked $1,755,600,000 for the continuance of WPA work relief. This Congress deemed fit to appropriate to the penny, but placed certain restrictions on operation. The President urged Congress to accept a two billion dollar defense program. War clouds in Europe and Asia had the same effect on Con- gress that they had on the President, Secretary Hull and the country as a whole. Congress promptly came through. The President desired to retain the nnwr tn w $ 7 Z f $.. f , y.,,, Pt. : Out they go Sheers! Nets! 1..: Today's Events Prints! Cre pest at $5-u$7-$10 Values to $29.75 Summer "GO-BETWEENS" Late Summer's Top-notch. Successes! Fairest dresses for the Fair, traveling, business, to wear now, then in the Fall. In black, navy and prints. Siaes 1I - 17, 12 - 46, 16! to 26 Extra special group of Bem- berg prints, darker pastel crepes . . .at,.. 10:00a.m. 12:10 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. John A. Wheeler of Princeton University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Phi Delta Kappa luncheon (Union). "Ficino's Theory of Platonic Love and Its Historical Importance," lecture by Paul Oskar Kristeller of Yale University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Latin-American Language Tea (International Center). "Interpreting Evaluative Criteria to High Schools," lecture by Prof. Edgar G. Johnston of the education school (University High School Auditorium). Concert, Faculty of the School of Music, Mr. John L. Kollen, pianist; Prof. Palmer Christian, organist; Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pianist and Mr. Hardin A. Van Deursen, baritone (Hill Auditorium). Iii 4 I i