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August 06, 1939 - Image 1

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rtly cloudy and threatening
today and tomorrow.


Official Publication Of The Summer Session

~Ia i1

Hmnan Resources


XLIX. No. 36





;s In China

Band And Orchestra To Give
Fourth Feature Concert T oday

. i


Japanese Deny Campaign
As Citizens From U.S.
Prepare To Evacuate
Claim Drive Aided
By Duped Chinese
(By The Associated Press)
Demonstrations against Americans
in the interior of North China caused
the United States to file new repre-
sentations with Japan yesterday.
Despite Japanese denial that an
anti-American campaign was in pro-.
gress, reports to Shanghai said
increasingly threatening agitation
prompted Americans to get ready to
flee Kaifeng, Honan Province seat
of extensive missions and some busi-

Dr. Simon, Cornet Virtuoso
And Noted Bandmaster,
To Be Guest Conductor
A fourth feature concert by the
Summer' Session's band and orches-
tra will be presented by the Summer
Session Band at 4:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Frank Simon, internationally
famous bandmaster and cornet vir-
tuoso, will be the guest conductor.'
The band, which is directed by Prof.
William D. Revelli of the School of
Music, contains 120 pieces and is
made up of band leaders, orchestra
conductors, teachers and students of
music from 37 states. It has been
called by Professor Revelli "the fin-'
est Summer Session organization we'
have ever had."
Dr. Simon, a guest member of the
School of Music faculty this sum-
mer, obtained prominence for his
cornet playing while a youth. Born
in Cincinnati, he was tutored by the'
well-known teacher, Herman Bell-
stedt, and' became known as the "boy'
wonder of the cornet." Later he
Dr. Kristeller
To Give Talks
On Platonism
Renaissance Conference
To Sponsor Lectures
About °.Marsilio Ficino
Sponsored by , the Graduate Con-
ference on Renaissance Studies, two
lectures will be given at 4 p.m. to-
morrow and Tuesday in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham School by
Dr. Paul Oskar Kristeller, lecturer
in philosophy at Yale University.
Dr. Kristeller's lecture tomorrow
will be on "Marsilio Ficino and the
Renaissance of Platonism in the Flor-
entine Academy." Tuesday he will
speak of "Ficino's Theory of Platonic
Love and Its Historical Importance."
I Piainn r,. he liaIlneam ,ajntof

Department officials in
;ton kept a careful watch
s from China of what they
eared to be a Japanese move-
expel Americans and other
rs by getting the Chinese to
ese government circles in
aid the ambassador to London
nstructed to ask exactly what
/irnister Chamberlain meant
when he said it might be
y to send a fleet to the Far
i certain circumstances."
ese officials unanimously in-
: the assertion as a threat.
Lations designed to settle Jap-
ritish differences that sprang
le Tientsin, blockade of the
oncession have been in abey-
ree days. This delay streng-'
the Japanese belief that Bri-
i the United States were in

joined the band of John Philip Sousa
and became a partner of Herbert L.
Clarke,, celebrated cornetist. He
served-as premier soloist and assis-
tant conductor of the Sousa band
and was referred to by the late
"March King" as "America's Fore-
most Cornetist."
Dr. Simon played for two seasons
under Leopold Stokowski as a mem-
ber of the Cincinnati Symphony Or-
chestra. He is also known as the
organizer of the Armco Band of
Middletown, Ohio, famous industrial
In other programs this summer,
the Summer Session Band presented
a concert July 11 in connection withL
the Chinese Benefit Ice Cream So-
cial and joined with the High School
Clinic Band for an outdoor concert
attended by 3,000 persons July 18.1
Last Tuesday a program was offeredt
by the Summer Symphony which was
attended by 2,500 persons.
The pro'gram for today's concert:v
Grand March "Nordi"......Leidzenf
Overture to "Iolanthe" . . . .Sullivan
Cornet Trio: "The Echo Waltz" ..
. .. .. . . . ... . ... ...... Goldm an
Leonard Merettat
Alvin Roundr
Garrett Ebmeyers
"When Day Is Done" ...Carrie Bondt
"Calinerie" .................Ravina
"Marche Turque" .....MoussorrgskyC
Waltzes from "Die Fledermaus" ...
............. Straussa
Bouquet of Favorite Melodies ....c
... .....Schubertx
Selections from C-Major Sym-
Ballet from "Rosamunde" t
Selections from "Unfinished
"Hedge Roses"
"The Trout" , t
Knightsbridge March from "London
Suite" ............. ... Coatest
Churches Offer
Guest Pastors,
Student Guilds
Prof. Willard, ReV. Loucks
And Reverend Leech Are
Visiting Preachers Here
Guest pastors and student guild
suppers are the special presentations
of the Ann Arbor churches today.
Prof. M. Willard Lampe of the [
School of Religion at the University
of Iowa will act as guest preacher at
the morning worship service of the
First Presbyterian Church. Services
are at 10:45 a.m. Professor Lampe's
topic is "How God Becomes Real."
The student group will meet at
5:30 p.m. in the Council Ring for
supper. Alvin Zander, consultant on
community problems, will talk on
"The Place of the Church in a Uni-
fied Community Program."
The Rev. S. H. Loucks, Baptist
university pastor at the University
of Washington in Seattle, is guest
pastor at the First Baptist Church.
Services are at 10:45 a.m. with Rev.
Loucks preaching on "He That Hath
The Rev. Frederick Leech, assis-
tant rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church will deliver the sermon at
the regular morning worship services
at 11 a.m. Holy Communion will be
celebrated at both the 8 a.m. and the
I 11 a.m. services.
The Episcopal Student Guild will
hold the last picnic of the year at
Camp Birkett. Cars will leave the
church at 4 p.m.
"Misunderstood People" will be the
topic of the Rev. Charles W. Bra-
shares, minister of the First Metho-
_dist Church.I

CIO Ratifies
GM Settlement
To End Strike.
Knudsen Plans Accelerated
Production As 1940
Labor Peace Is Predicted
7.600 To Return
To Work Mondav
DETROIT, Aug. 5.-UP)--General
Motors Corp., a month behind sched-
ule because of a CIO-United Auto
Workers strike, today prepared to
swing into accelerated production of
1940 models, and observers predicted
the industry would have a 4,000,000
unit year.
The agreement ending the strike
was ratified by the Union's rank and
file membership "almost unanimous-
ly," R. J. Thomas, president of the
UAW-CIO announced. He said there
were "less than 100" votes against
the settlement terms. The settlement
memorandum was signed by repre-
sentatives of the corporation and the
Union late this afternoon.
William S. Knudsen, G.M. Presi-
dent, announced preparations would
be made for a year "at least as great"
as the 1939 production year, with the
corporation's employes receiving ap-
proximately $400,000,000 in wages.
Industrial analysts were inclined
to put an optimistic interpretation
on Knudsen's statement and fore-
cast a fatter year than the one just
closing for the industry.
Two factors figured in the predic-
tions. First, there has been a steady
up-trend in consumer. demand, and
it is believed that the replacement
needs still are far ahead of produc-
tion. Secondly, General Motors' set-
tlement with the Union carries a
promise of no more "wildcat" strikes
during the 1940 model production
Approximately 7,600 G.M. skilled
workers who have been on strike and
as many more production workers,
foced..into idleness because of the
stoppage, will return to work Mon-
day in plants in Detroit; Pontiac,
Flint, Saginaw and Cleveland.
Among the chief provisions of the
settlement were increases in wages
for tool rand die and- other skilled
workers, assurance that there would
be no discrimination because of the
striker, an extension of the corpora-
tion's income security plan to cover
certain skilled workers, and an agree-
ment that the UAW-CIO should have
exclusive bargaining rights in some
plants, estimated by the union to
number 42.
Walter P. Reuther, director of the
UAW-CIO's General Motors depart-
ment, said. the agreement "goes a
long way toward completing the elim-
ination of dual unionism and estab-
lishing the UAW-CIO as the exclu-
sive union of the auto workers."
Homer Martin's UAW-AFL, which
opposed the strike, scoffed at its
rival's claims.

Alters Social Security

76th Congress Adjourns
After Final, Bitter Clash;

y Of Japanese
'ON, Aug 5. -(MP-'I
.cvin wih +'hP a.pqit

Outlays Are Augmented
As Scheduled Increase
In Taxes Is Postponed
Roosevelt's Approval
Believed Certainty
Senate vote of 58 to 4 completed Con-1
gressional action today on legislationY
to increase outlays for Social Security
and, at the same time, postpone a1
scheduled increase in taxes.-
The legislation sailed to approval
4ter months of wrangling between
the House and Senate and after Sen-t
ator Connally (Dem., Tex.) had t
pounded his desk and charged that1
Congress paid $695,000,000 "price"
for elimination of his amendment to
increase the govenment's share of
outlays in the federal-state program
of old age assistance.
Connally's amendment would have
required the Federal government to
match state old age assistance con-
tributions $2 for $1, up to a total of
$15 a month per beneficiary. Above
that figure, the Washington govern-
ment would have been directed to
match state contributions on a 50-50
basis up to an aggregate of $40.
Congress retained the present
dollar-for-dollar matching basis, in-
stead of adopting this plan, but in-
creased the total that might be raised
in this way from $30 to $40 a month
per recipient.
The legislation, which members of
Congress agree is virtually certain
to be approved by President Roose-
velt, would make these major changes
in existing law .
Retain' for three years the present
old age insurance tax of 1 per cent'
on employes and 1 per cent on em-
Move up from 1942 to 1940 the date
on which old age insurance benefits
will start.
Fifth Summer
Faculty Concert
To BeTuesday
School Of Music To Offer
Baritone Soloist, Piano
And Organ Selections
Hardin Van Deursen, Prof. Joseph
Brinkman, Prof. Palmer Christian
and John Kollen will be featured in
the fifth concert offered by the fac-
ulty of the School of Music this sum-
mer. The program will be given at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Van Deursen, a baritone, will
sing four numbers in the main part
of the program. He is well known
throughout the Middle-West and was
head of the voice department at Al-
bion College before coming to Michi-
gan. Kollen, a newer member of the
faculty, has studied extensively
abroad in piano.
Professor Brinkman is well-known
to Ann Arbor audiences for his pro-
grams in piano. He has been heard
in New York and other large con-
certs, and has played with the Boston
Symphony Orchestra under Serge
Professor Christian is a leading fig-
ure in the field of organ and has
toured the United States and Europe

Surrealist Ball
Is To Feature
Milhaud Piece
Darius Milhaud's "Le Bouef Sur le
Toit" ("The Cow on the Roof") will
be performed in a special piano ar-
rangement by Richard Bennett andt
Katherine Ziff as a special feature of t
the entertainment at the Surrealist
Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday in the Michigan Wol-1
verine. I
The work, illustrative of the phan-
tasmagoria of Jean Cocteat, is baseds
upon South American airs and rhy-o
thms which are used both as thematicb
material for the Cocteau narrativeo
and as contrasting material which
give the polytonalities greater color
and unity. It was introduced in Pariss
and has rarely been played in the<
United States.t
Admission to the Surrealist Ball,
which is being given for the benefitb
of Spanish refugees, is $1 a couple.g
It is sponsored by the American Stu- f
dent Union in collaboration with thev
Committee to Aid Spanish Refugees.a
Institute HoldsC
Two Lectures1
. ee.
Far Eastern Studies Group
Schedules Talks By Drs.
Linebarger And Hu Shih
Two lectures bringing national andI
international figures to Universityf
audiences will be presented this weekt
by the Institute of Far Eastern Stu-
First of the two lectures will be
given by -Dr. Paul A. M. Linebarger
of the political science departmentE
of Duke University, visiting member*
of the faculty of the Institute. Hef
will speak at 4 p.m. Wednesday in
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
School on "China: Right, Left or
Second of the pair will be present-
ed by His Excellency, the Ambassador1
of the Republic of China, Dr. Hu
Shih. At 4 p.m. Thursday in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham School,
Dr. Hu Shih will render his message
entitled "Let Us Look A Little Ahead."
Dr. Hu Shih, B.AD., PhD., L.D.,
Litt. D., L.H.D., formerly professor of
Chinese philosophy and literature
and Dean of the College of Letters at
the National University of Peking,
Peiping, was appointed ambassador
to this country last September. He
is the author of a number of works
in Chinese and English.
Color Enters Teacher's
Life And Wakens Student
URBANA, Ill., Aug. 5.-(})-Col-
ored "blackboards" are going to help
drowsy students stay awake in the
classrooms of the world of tomorrow.
The scientific foundations for this
prospect were announced today at
the University of Illinois', where the
experiments have been under way
for two years. Colored boards and
'colored chalk, of the proper contrast,
make it easier to see the writing.



lave taken a new tack in their
;oward foreigners in the occu-
eas. Hitherto they have acted
' against occidentals, restrict-
ir activities, interfering with
reaty-granted rights and on
ni-American notes to Japan
barged-assaulting them.
Chinese at first were interested
ctive witnesses, wondering at'
clining prestige of the Occi-


Now, in the view of some analysts
here, the Japanese have decided their
most effective course is to " bring
about the withdrawal ox the foreigners
by getting the Chinese to work upon
An extensive anti-British campaign
is being carried on in China ostensibly
by Chinese. Crowds of Chinese dem-
onstrate before British consulates,
business houses and missions. Chi-
nese unions makeincreasingly heavy
demands on British employers. Anti-
British posters written in Chinese,
have appeared in a number of cities.
Chinese governors at Nanking and
Peiping have taken anti-foreign
Behind all this, some officials here
say, appears to be the hand of Nip-
pon. It is reported in news dis-
patches that Japanese agents have
been seen in the demonstrating
crowds. A few Chinese who took
part in the mass demonstrations have
later informed Brtish authorities
they were forced by the Japanese to
The danger to United States inter-
ests, some officials say, lies in the
fact that Chinese generally have dif-
ficulty in distinguishing among for-
Smith Heads
House Inquiry
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(P),-A
five-man House committee which
pledged itself to make a "thorough,
fair and impartial" investigation was
named by Speaker Bankhead today
to inquire into the administration of
the Wagner Labor Relations Act.
Bankhead, after more than three
weeks' deliberation, appointed these
members to the committee which the

where he wrote lengthy treatises in
Latin on Platonic doctrine and com-
pleted his most important work, the
i translation of Plato into Italian.
Scholarly opinion is somewhat
divided as to Ficino's accomplish-
ments and significance, as he was in-
clined to confuse Plato with the later
Platonists and also mixed his philos-
ophy with a fondness for astrology.
Dr. Kristeller, who has edited the
Latin works of Ficino together with
notes and introduction, will discuss
this question of the Italian philoso-
pher's historical importance.
Dr. Kristeller was educated in Ger-
many where he took his PhD degree.
He left the country soon after the
establishment of the Third Reich and
carried on his work at Pisa for a
number of years. He then came to
America where he has been visiting
lecturer at Yale University. He Will
spend the coming academic year at
Columbia University. He is an ex-
pert on the Italian Renaissance.
Spending Program:
Indians Get 38 Cents
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(iP)-One
of the last acts of Congress today
was to approve an appropriation of
38 cents "for Indian school build-
No one seemed to know on just
what building the sum would bel

Florida's Pepper Attacks
F.D.R. Foes; President
Sends Farewell Message
Vandenberg Makes
Filibuster Threat"
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-(P)--
The 76th Congress adjourned to-
night after a final, furious clash be-
tween a New Dealer and Administra-
tion critics within the Democratic
All work completed and the House
in recess, the Senate heard an- ex-
change between Senator Pepper
(Dem., Fla.), enthusiastic Roosevelt
supporter, and a group of other Dem-
ocrats which for plain forensic bit-
terness eclipsed any of the quarrels
of the preceding seven months.
'Pepper Objects
"I am unwilling," the Floridan
shouted, "to let this session of the
Congress end without lifting my voice
to decry the unholy alliance of those
in and out of Congress who have
been willing to scuttle the American.
government and the American peo-
ple and jeopardize the peace of the
world because they hate Roosevelt
and what Roosevelt stands for."
With that the administration crit-
ics were on the alert And when
Pepper went on to accuse members
of the supposed alliance "of having
prostituted th ir power to serve the
United States Chamber of Commerce,
the Manufacturers' Association, and
the beneficiaries of special privelege,"
a half dozen were on their feet si-
multaneously clamring for recogni-
Obtaining the floor, Senator Burke,
(Dem., Neb.), asked that, under the
rules of the Senate, the chair call
"Pepper to order." The chair did so,
forcing Pepper to take his seat. New
Deal Senator Minton (Dem., Ind.),
following the formula of the rules,
then moved that Pepper be permitted
"to proceed in order." On a roll call
vote, the motion carried and Pepper
Work Concluded
The day's work had been conclud-
ed in comparatively short order. It
consisted of three actions. The Sen-
ate, in a wrangle between Connally of
Texas and La Follette of Wisconsin,
approved a conference compromise
on amendments to the Social Security
Act. Both branches of Congress
adopted a "compromise" version of
the third deficiency bill.
It would not, of course, be ad-
journment day without a filibuster
or the threat of one. Senator Van-
denberg (Rep., Mich.) supplied it in
this instance. Pittman, chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee,
attempted to bring up a bill to permit '
the sale of warships and munitions
to South American countries on a
cash basis.
Vandenberg replied that so deep
was his opposition that he would see
to it personally that the measure did
not pass. Pittman, always a legisla-
tive realist, recognized the practicali-
ties of the situation and withdrew
the bill. But in doing so he made his
displeasure abundantly evident.
President Roosevelt sent the legis-
lators a little farewell note wishing
them a pleasant "vacation," and Sen-
ator Barkley of Kentucky, the ma-
jority leader, made a little speech in
"It has been a hard session," he
began and was much surprised when
both Senators and galleryites guf-
He went on to say it had been a
"hard working session," which' had
actually' accomplished much more
than the events of the last few weeks
would indicate. When he had finished
he moved adjournment. It carried
on a voice vote, with some comedians
in the gallery loudly "voting" in the

F.D.R. Leaves
For Sea Rest
President Roosevelt will need an over-
coa't as well as his well-worn navy
cape and fishing sweater for the first
leg of his 10,000 miles of post-Con-

Huge And Peanut Vacuum Tubes
To Be Demonstrated By Perrine

Comic Opera,
Jolan theEnds
Drama Season
Play Opens Wednesday;
Music School Joins
In Production
"Iolanthe," a'comic opera by Gil-
bert and Sullivan, will be the final
presentation by the, Michigan Reper-
tory Players this season. This pro-
duction is in collaboration with the
School " of Music.
To open Wednesday. the run of
this play will extend through Satur-
day with two extra performances tc
be given on Monday and Tuesday of
next week.
"Iolanthe" has been called by many
critics the most highly characteristic
work of its authors, Arthur Sullivan
and W. S. Gilbert. A ,story which'
gravitates between the Houses of
Parliament and fairlyland is set tc
sparkling, elfin music. This com-
bination of political satire and light
music is one that has been seldom'
The story is a simple tale. Iolanthe,
having married a mortal, has beer
banished to the bottom of a streamr
by the Fair Queen. When her friends
finally persuade the Queen to per-
mit her to return, it is found thai
Iolanthe has a son. Strephon. He is

Vacuum tubes used in present day
telephony, rannging in size from a
huge tube that must be cooled by cir-
culating water to a tiny "peanut"
tube no longer than the cap of a
fountain pen, will be shown by Dr.
J. O. Perrine, assistant vice president
of the American Telephone and Tele-
graph Company, New York, during
"Cargoes of Speech and Music," a
lecture-demonstration which he will
present at 8:15 p.m. Wednesday in
the Lecture Hall, of the Rackham
Dr. Prrine's lecture is sponsored
by the rantc Rdinnlinn rOh af the

at points along the special 2,000 mile
long distance circuit which the
speaker will use in his demonstration
will aid in showing how sound of a
finger snap may be sent around and
around the circuit until the sound
finally dies out. The finger snap
will be heard in the auditorium, over
the loud speaker, each time it com-
pletes the 2,000 mile circuit.
Although the subject matter of
Dr. Perrine's talk is rooted in serious
and complex science, his treatment.
of the subject will be thoroughly un-
darstaondnble tn the non-tehnical



Public Demonstration Debate
To Be Presented Tomorrow.

presenting concerts.

- I111 11} I I

A public demonstration debate, in
which debate coaches attending the
summer speech program will partici-
pate, will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The question will be "Resolved,
That the Federal Government should
own and operate the railroads," the
national and state high school ques-
tion for the coming year. The de-

er member of;the Butler University
debating team; Alfred K. Jones of
Indianapolis, also a member of the
Butler team; and Robert G. Turner,
instructor at Lincoln, Ill., a former
member of the Illinois State Normal
debate team.1
The negative team is composed of
members of the class of Prof. Gail E.
Densmore in the teaching of speech.
Westley Rowland of Comstock is a

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