THE MTCT-ITCAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 1939' THEu M.T T c 1NRA 11Ts VFRYDAY,7ALG. 4,L1939 DAILY Zen! I nexpiicable I " Edited and managed by students of the University of [ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the niversity year and Summ r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se for republication of all news dispatches credited to Cor not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ghts of republication of all other matters herein also nerved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as cond class mail matter. Subscriptions during-regular school year by carrier, 1.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOV*RtiSINQ BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CAICAO ' BOSTON - L.os ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO' Associated Collegiate Editorial Stafff 'ert D. Mitchell n M. Swinton el Q. Norberg n N. Canavan Ty M. Kelsey -1 G. Kessler colm E. Long ry L. Bonneborn " # . * " .f " f . " " f ... " M * " . . . # f ". Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff Pbilp W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager Paul Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager - NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON rThe'editorial published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff' and represent the views of the writers only. The Democratic Ideal In The University TRHE QUESTION of what constitutes a democratic educational institution is one that has been dragged through many a bull session. In a few notable cases it has reached the point of discussion by regents or trustees; and action has been taken by certain of these groups, with the result that true demo- cratic ideals of government have been applied to universities. Classic examples of student self-government are the University of London, and, in this coun- try, the University of Wisconsin. The principle applied is the same in both cases, but the ideal is carried farther at London than it is at Wis- consin. All of the students at the University of London are associated in a body known as the Associated Students of the University of London. This body meets at the beginning of each school year and appoints committees to submit budgets for vari- ous campus organizations and projects. The body is alloted a set amount from tutition each year, and they are allowed to spend it as they see fit, for athletic equipment, clubroom furnishings, or anything they want. That is certainly an ex- ample of democratic self-management in the University. Dr. Alexander Ruthven once said, "It is im- portant for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world." If released in the university, where careful plan- ning is a necessity, this ambition may well re- ceive the conditioning that will make it a force to be sanely reckoned with. Dr. Ruthven also said, "Only the schools which at on this belief are educational institutions in the best meaning of the term." Only those schools, which have some measure of student self-government and uncensored student'expres- sion, can really be called democratic educational institutions,. --Harry L. Souneborn Clothes And The Man Through generations, the male of the species has been caricatured as a creature who suffers the torments of a trapped animal when he is out- fitted in tails, stiff shirt and strait-jacket collar. Accordingly, there will be cheers for the Canadian symphony conductor who has branded formal dress as the worst enemy of musical culture. For the musician considered only the male. His contention is that all men are uncomfort- able at concerts, those without formal clothing "suffering" from a feeling of inferiority, and those formally attired just suffering." Can this painful submissiveness quite square with the established fact that there is a peacock strain in all mankind? Or with the reasonable con- clusion that one man wears "full dress" for the same reason that another sports "Sunday best?" Both like it. If the symphony leader really believes he can cause men to cast off self-imposed sartorial "shackles," let him prepare to hear from the la i sSt. Louis Star-Times By HARRY M. KELSEY Zen cannot be explained, Dr. Shio Sakanishi of the Library of Congress claimed in her lecture yesterday on "Dogen: The Spiritual Life Through Zen." Yet it was Zen Buddhism, she related, that, in the thirteenth century, appealed so to the newly risen warrior class which had a strong dislike for the emotional qualities inthe Buddhism of Honen Shonin and Shinran Shonin, founders of the Jodo Shinshu sect. Dr. Sakanishi's lecture, the last in a series of three on Japanese religious leaders, was spon- sored by the Institute of Far Eastern Studies. Yesterday's talk concerned Dogen, the man who popularized Zen in Japan. Dogen, she told, was born in 1200, 40 years after Eisei, the father of Japanese Zen, during the most troubled times of Japanesehistory. Due to the creation of a fewyears before of a military government the warrior class was just coming into its own, Dr. Sakanishi pointed out, and the former aristocracy, to which Dogen belonged, was on the decline. When Dogen was three years old he lost his father, and five years later his mother, both deaths making a deep impression on the child's mind, according to Dr. Sakanishi. At that young age, he had already read many of the classics of the day and in the year Honen Shonin died, 1212, he entered the monastery at Mt. Hiei; there, the lecture asserted, he was given the vestments of order and admitted to the regular school of the monastery. Tormented by doubts as to the worth of the priesthood under Buddhism, he decided to travel to Kenninji where the great Eisei taught, for, although 73 years old at that time, Eisei had a large following in the military classes, Dr. Sak- anishi declared. Eisei, she said, accepted Dogen as a pupil, but it is not known how much contact Dogen had with the master as he died the follow- ing year, Meizen succeeding him as master and taking charge of Dogen. When Dogen was 24 years old, the lecturer re- lated, he accompanied Meizen to China; this was the turning point in Dogen's spiritual life. On the voyage Dogen was taken seriously Ill with diarrhea caused by bad food and water, and while lying thus disabled a storm came up and he was forced to rise to help the crew. When the storm subsided, Dr. Sakanishi asserted, Dogen found himself cured and realized then that when his mind concentrated with spirit it had complete control over his body. During his wanderings in China; Dogen met the Chinese Zen priest Jojo who had shut him- self up in a cell for 50 years meditating and study- ing; his pupils, Dr. Sakanishi said, rose at three o'lock each morning and retired at midnight, spending the day in meditation while Jojo beat them, hit gongs and drums to keep them awake. Dogen studied under Jojo, who was so delighted with his pupil that he wished to make him his heir, an honor that Dogen declined, claiming that there might be antagonism to a foreigner's holding such a high position, the lecturer told. In 1227, Dr. Sakanishi continued, Dogen re- turned to Japan with material on Zen and the ashes of Meizen, who had died soon after Dogen entered Jojo's monastery. First returning to the monastery at Kenninji, he later founded, in 1234, the monastery of Kofuku-ji, and, according to the lecturer, ten years later the monastery of Eiheiji. In 1250 the Emperor bestowed upon him the title of Buppo Zenji, great teacher of Zen, ard in 1254, after devoting his last years to laying the spiritual foundations of the monas- teries he had founded, Dr. Sakanishi maintained, he died. The central idea of Zen, Dr. Sakanishi ex- plained, is that experience in life is primary, that theory and learning are of very little importance and that images and rituals have practically no place. Buddha, she said, is discovered in one's own nature; Buddha is the man and the mind is Buddha; Buddha is the way and the way is Zen; look into one's own mind and one finds truth. Out of sympathy for their pupils, the lecturer claimed, the Zen masters invented the Koen, an instrument to give the initial movement. The technique used was to sit in meditation, regulate the breathing and render the mind void of all thought; this was aided, she said, by the Koen, usually a problem to work out, and in Zen a logi- cal answer or a logical reply will not serve. After solving the problem the student must interview his master, she said. The masters, Dr. Sakanishi asserted, used paradoxical sayings often accompanied by blows, kicks and shouts to jolt the students into aware- ness, for the theory was that enlightenment does not come gradually, but suddenly. Thus, some perfectly irrelevent incident, she claimed, often brought the student to a realization of Zen. Dr. Sakanishi concluded her lecture by showing slides of ten steps in the spiritual development of a Zen follower, from the deluded state of mind gradually changing to the realization that every- thing is one in Zen. Most apt title for the recent WPA nation-wide strike probably comes from burly Heywood Broun of "Wise Acres," Conn., who charges Uncle Sam's relief men with "Mutiny on the Bounty." And Columnist Broun should know about such things. Over his name a few days ago in the New York papers appeared a classified advertise- ment for a job. His World-Telegram contract had not been renewed. (Dowro&G own By STAN M. SWINTON Internecine strife has flared up again at the Zeta Psi house. It started when Jim Allen and Dennis Flanagan-those two column-filling reliables-entered their room only to be confront- ed with a sign which room-mate Paul Park had set squarely over his desk. Contained on the-sign was a calendar of days remaining before exam- inations and admonitions to get on the ball schol- atically. "Paul," Dennis and James informed each other, "evidently takes this sort of thing serious- ly. We'd best help him along." And so they spent the afternoon laboriously printing signs. Paul, returning that evening, found the walls covered with admonitions: "Strive And Succeed" "Haste Makes Waste" "A Winner Never Quits and a Quitter Never Wins" "Don't Give Up the Shift" Etc. Marshalling his last reserve, Paul brought out pen and produced: "It Takes Grit To Win" (decorated with cherubs and curliques). "Industry's The Ladder Which Helps You To the Top" - (showing the Puritan influence strongly, undecorated and curlique-less). "Pluck, Man, Pluck!" "Work, Don't Sin, You're Bound to Win" and others. As this column goes to press a truce seems im- minent since the walls are covered with signs, which, incidently seem to work very well. "You have no idea," says Paul, "how depress- ing inspirational signs can be." * * * These interviews with Marcia Connell which keep popping up (one Gotham tabloid had a full- page spread on her which ended, a trifle saccha- rinely, "Why doesn't Marcia marry a New Yorker, we need her here") remind of the last time Associated Press sent her photo out. One small Michigan paper's photo editor was evidently in a state of confusion for the paper came out with a head "Beauty Winner" and below it the photo of a haggish creature of 40-odd summers, winters and falls. The transposed lines ran: "Most beau- tiful girl on the University of Michigan campus is Marcia Connell (above), etc." On the other side of the page was Marcia's photo surmounted by a head "Bigamist" and be- low it the lines: "One of the strangest bigamists of modern times is shown above. She is, etc." * * * CHATTER: The Daily is responsible for that column in Time on Chief Willie Long Bone this week . . . a Time representative saw it . . . and the article resulted . . . Sigrid Arne of the AP Washington Bureau writes in this month's Mademoiselle that it was her Daily training which won her success in professional journalism. Arthur Low deserves a break on that auto trip to Colorado he's sponsoring . . . you've probably seen the Indian-head ads on the bulletin boards . . . and that smartie at the Daily who answered the phone with "Whadda mean, you want Mr. Swinton? I recognize your voice, Fitz. Let's go downtown and soak up a couple of beers" might be interested in knowing that it was a Dean who was calling . . but he almost went down for the beers anyway. Between Tientsin And Shanghai If the fire that started in Tientsin were to reach Shanghai there might be an explosion. The American State Department's denunciation of the United States' trade treaty of 1911 with Japan comes in time to check the spread of flames, provided they are not deliberately fanned in Tokyo. Abrogation is a warning that if Japan's diplomatic victory at Tientsin goes to Tokyo's head it will also be felt in Tokyo's pocket. There is reason to suppose that Japanese pres- ses against foreigners in China will not be con- fined to Britons. Britons have been singled out recently chiefly because of the British Govern- ment's preoccupation in Europe. Moreover, Japanese leaders are aware that the pressure on British concessions has served to set off by con- trast the relatively careful consideration with which Americans so far have been treated. Japan's pui'pose no doubt has been to let Ameri- cans infer that incidents in which other foreign- ers are involved are purely "local" in character. But Americans would have to be extremely naive to count on such incidents' continuing so. Secretary Hull, observing that the Tientsin inci- dent which led to dispute between Britain and Japan did not originally concern the United States Government, nevertheless warned that his Government was concerned with "the nature and significance of subsequent developments, in their broader aspects . . ." One of those subsequent developments may be seen in the outcome of the Craigie-Arita .discussions at Tokyo in which Japan has seized an opportunity to gain con- cessions from Britain which can be employed to the disadvantage not only of British but of other foreign interests in China. Had the State Department moved earlier it is possible these concessions would not have been made. That is water over the dam. -But the United States Government has decided not to wait until Japan takes the offensive against American in- terests before taking positive steps to protect them, for Tientsin has illustrated the probable price of such delay. Abrogation of the trade treaty with Japan is full of just the sort of im- plications to cause Tokyo to pause. Decline of Japanese export trade and approaching exhaus- tion of gold reserves, the fact that the bulk of Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the cur- rent academic year, 1938-39, are in- formed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Lan- guages Building, from 2 to 5, on Sat- urday, Aug. 12. It will be necessary to register at the office of the De- partment of Romance Languages (112 R.L.) at least one week in ad- vance. Lists of books recommended by the various departments are ob- tainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the na- ture of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the department. This announcement applies only to candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lan- guages and Literatures, History, Ec- onomics. Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour- nalism, Fine Arts, Business Adminis- tration. Student Loans: The Committee on Student Loans will meet Friday, Aug. 4, in Room 2, University Hall to pass on loans for the coming school year. Appointments to meet the Commit- tee should be made at once in the Office of the Dean of Students. The Fellowship Committee of the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch of the American Association of University Women will accept applications for a five hundred dollar ($500) gift fel- lowship for a woman for graduate study at the University of Michigan ford1939-1940. Application blanks are to be obtained at the Graduate School offices and are to be returned there, complete with two letters of recommendation from professors with whom the student has taken work, ,by Friday, Aug. 4. Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: Students taking the lan- 1guage examination on Friday, Aug. 4, should bring their own dictionaries. Copies of old examinations are on file in the Basement Study Hall of the General Library. Mars Will Be Observed on Visitors' Night in the Students' Observatory, Angell Hall from 10 to 11:30 p.m. Friday (tonight), Aug. 4. Chinese Language Tea will be held at 4 p.m. today at the International Center. Record Recital f Brazilian Music: Friday, Aug. 4 at 4:30 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. The public is in- vited. The records to be played are non-commercial recordings made especially for the Brazilian Pavilions at the New York World's Fair and the Golden Gate International Ex- position. With the exception of Car- los Gomes (1839-1904) all the com- posers represented are now living. The records of works by Villa-Lobos are conducted by the composer the Fantasia Brasileira of Gnattall is conducted by Romeu Ghispam, with the composer at the piano; all other records are played by the orchestra of the Sindicato Musical do Rio de Janeiro, under the direction of Francisco Mignone. The intermis- sions are five minutes in length. Program for August 4: I. Bacrianas Brasileiras No. 1 ...................H. Villa-Lobos Introduction: Embolada Prelude: Modinha Fugue: Conversa II. Imbapara (Indian Poem) .........O. Lorenzo Fernandez III. Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 .H. Villa-Lobos Cantilena for soprano and 'cello or- chestra, Ruth Valadres Correa, soloist Intermission IV. Fantasia Brasileira for Piano and Orchestra .........R. Gnattall Rhadames Gnattall, soloist V. A. Ponteio, No. 1 ........... .M. Camargo Guarnieri B. Toada a moda paulista VI. Two Choruses on Negro Themes ...................H. Villa-Lobos A. Jaquibau! B. Bazzum! (Embolada). Lecture, "Algonquian Vocabulary," by Professor Leonard Bloomfield, Lin- guistic-Institute, in the Amphitheatre, Rackham Building, at 7:30 p.m. to- day. Piano Recital. Robert Shanklin, of Wichita, Kansas, will give a piano recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Music degree, Friday evening, Aug. 4, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium. Mr. Shanklin is a stu- dent of Professor Mabel Ross Rhead. The public is invited to attend with- out admission charge. Social Evening tonight at 9 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. Jason Lewis Saunderson will be held and advanced doctoral candidates to* attend the examination and may grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Final Doctoral Examination of Miss Mildred Thompson Woolley will be held at 4 p.m., Aug. 4 in Room 2, Waterman Gymnasium. Miss Wol- ley's field of specialization is Hygiene and Public Health. The title of her thesis is "Coccidioidin Skin Tests: Their Specificity and Value together with Cultures, for Coccidioides Im- mitis in Pulmonary Cases of Un- known Etiology. Report of First Case of Coccidiomycosis in Michigan." Dr. J. Sundwall as chairman of the committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board the chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advancededoctoral can- didates to~ attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. The Graduate Outing Club will have a picnic, including swimming, baseball, volleyball, hiking, and at campf ire, at Saline Valley Coopera- tive Farms on Sunday, Aug. 6. Charge 35 cents. The group will assemble at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m., and will go by car to Saline. All those who own cars are urged to bring them, and drivers will be repaid for their expenses. All graduate students and faculty members are invited. There will be a meeting regardless of the weather. C. S. Yoakum. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate to be recommended by the Faculty of the School of Education at the close of the Summer Session: The Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given on Saturday, Aug. 5, at 9 o'clock, m 1430 U.E.S. DAiLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Printed information regarding the examination may be secured at the School of Education office. New York State Teachers' Exam- ination. The examination for the New York State Teachers' license will be held on Aug. 5 at 9:15 a.m. in Room 108 in Romance Languages Building. The Rackham Record Concert for Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Men's Lounge will feature piano solos by Lilli Krause, outstanding German pi- anist, whose records are hailed in this country as representing one of the most gifted pianists of our day. The entire program will be as fol- lows: Overture to The Flying Dutch- man, Wagner; three piano selections, Ten Variations on a Theme by Gluck, Mozart; Rondo in D Major, Mozart; and Andante con Variazione, Haydn; Swan Lake Ballet, Tschaikowsky; Lieutenant Kije Suite, Prokofieff; Love for Three Oranges Suite, Pro- kofieff. The records are being pro- vided by W. H. Sullivan and J. W. Peters. Demonstration Debate: There will be a Demonstration Debate on the question "Resolved, That the Federal Government should own and operate the railroads," on Monday, Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Buildng. This question will be used as the national and state high school question for 1939-1940. No admission fee will be'charged. Speech Students: A Symposium on the field of Argumentation and its relation to debating will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 9, at 4 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. All undergradu- ate students contemplating advanced work in this field and all graduate students who are emphasizing this field in their graduate study should attend this conference. Speech Students: A Symposium on (Continued on Page 3) "M RADIO_ SPOTLIGHT' WJR WWJ WXYZ CKLW 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 11240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Friday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake News News commentator 12:15 Life Beautiful Feature Farm Almanac Turf Reporter 12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Black and White 12:45 Day Is Ours Words and Music Fan on the Street Songs 1:00 Ed McConnell Vcra Richardson Betty & Bob Freddy Nagel 1:15 Life of Dr. Susan Diamond Irust Grimm's Daughter word Dramas 1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Music 1:45 Rhythmaires Gardener a Betty Crocker Muse and Music 2:00 Linda's Love Boston-Detroit Navy Band Marriage Romances 2:15 Editor's Daughter orofOrgan 2:30 Dr. Malone " to Mel and Jane 2 45 Mrs. Page " Book Ends News Commentator 3:00 Minuet " Club Matinee voice of Justice 3:15 Gold Coast "x 3:30''s "+Songs 3:45 Duncan Moore News Henry Busse 4:00 Binghamton Choir Mary Marlin Police Field Day Jamboree 4:15 Melody, Rhythm Ma Perkins Bruce Becker" 4:30 " Pepper Young Affairs of Anthony 4:45 Alice Blair Guiding Light Bob Armstrong 5:00 Miss Julia Democracy Hollywood Hilghts To be announced 5:15 Eton Boys Malcolm Claire Gray Gordon Turf Reporter 5:30 Uncle Jonathan Soloist Day in Review Baseball Scores 5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Heilmann News Friday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Review Duke Ellington Stop and "Go 6:15 Inside Sports Bradcast 6:30 Calling All Cars Midstream Lone Ranger Fintex Sportlight 6:45" Dinner Music of Jimmie Allen 7:00 Western Skies Cities Service Universal Music voice of Justice 7:15Josr " Factfinder 7:30 Johnny Presents o Don't Forget Washington News 7:45 It ASymphony 8:00 99 Men and Girl waltz Time Plantation Party Musical Varieties 8:15toiit 8:30 First Nighter Death Valley Concert Jamboree 8:45 itetoJt or 9:00 Grand Central Lady Esther Dance Music 9:15 "" Novelettes Jimmy Dorsey 9:30 Ripley Radio Extra Hollywood Ladder Congress Review 9:45 It it toPromenade 10:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Graystone Police Field Day 10:15 Parker Family Vic and Sade 10:30 Sports Fred Waring Tommy Dorsey Doc Sunshine 10:45 Cab Calloway Dance Music p Ben Bernie 11:00 News News Larry Clinton Reporter 11:15 Beach Comber Dance Music toMusic 11:30 1 Eastwood Isham Jones 11:45°Harry Owens"o 12:00 Sign Off westwood Sign Off Dance Music I gI~* -s- , I d I 11, 1 9:00 a.m. Today's Events Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg of the University of Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building). Physics Symposium, Professor G.B.B.M. Sutherland of Cambridge, 10:00 a.m. p 11 I'