0 Weather Fair. Continued warm today. L Sit igan Official Publication Of The Summer Session :47lat.tig Editorial The Democratic Ideal In The University _.t - - I ; , Shall I Or Shan't I? PRICE FIVE CEN' VOL. XLIX. No. 34 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENT _______________________________ I House Defeats Spending Bill As Blocs Unite 'Make Art Part Of People's Life' Is WPA Credo, Director Asserts 0__ rd Session -. V 7 C s C 'S Coalition Of Democrats And Republicans Mow Measure Down Speedily Temporary Trucet In Wage-Hour RowE WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-The House completed the destruction of President Roosevelt's lending programr today with a 191-170 vote decliningt even to consider the $800.000,000t slum clearance and housing bill. A coalitic n of Republicans: and Democrats mowed the measure downt in precisely the same way it killedt the $1,950,000,000 works financing. bill. Coalition Victorious. The coalition consisted of 137 Re- publicans and 54 Democrats. A total of 159 Democrats, eight Republicans, and three minor party members sup- 'ported the Administration. The vote removed one more b stacle to adjournment, and soon after it was taken another was shoved aside. Representative Rayburn of Texas, the Democratic leader, an- nounced to the House the decision of the Administration leadership to scrap for the session highly contro- versial legislation amending the wage-hour law. However, leaders who had hoped to end the session Saturday night were forced to allow for a possible re- vision of their plans by developments in the Senate. There, a row was evidently developing over the third deficiency bill, which as it passed the House failed to provide funds for a continuation of price-bolstering loans on farm commodities. Senate Fer Farmer Omission of funds for this purpose was another victry for the economy bloc. The Senate, however, has re- peatedly shown itself more inclined to appropriate for farm relief than the other branch of Congress, and an f effort to write a $119,000,000 amend- ment for farm loans into the bill was in the making. Such an attempt ob- viously would be time-consuming. To- day, the measure was in the hands of the Senate Appropriations Commit- tee, before which Secretary Wallace appealed for the item, lest, he said, farm prices sag to disastrous levels. Social Security Remains One other piece 'of major legisla- tion remained to complicate the ad- journment situation: amendments to the Social Security Act were tied up in a tight snarl in a conference com- mittee representing both houses of Congress. The Housing Bill was brought be- fore the House today by Administra- tion Leaders who conceded in ad- vance that it would be beaten. It was reported on usually reliable author- ity that this tactic was suggested by the White House, because of Presi- dent Roosevelt's desire to fix respon- sibility for the wrecking of his pro- groin upon the rebellious Congres- sional elements. Brazil's Music PlayedToday To Give Record Concert In RackhamBuilding A record recital of Brazilian Music will be played at 4:30 p.m. today in the East Conference Room' ofthe Rackham Building.' Records to be played are non-com- mercial recordings made especially for the Brazilian Pavilions at the New York World's Fair and Athe Gol- den Gate Exposition. The -concert is open to the public. The program is as follows:, I. Bacrianas Brasleiras No. 1 ..... . . ......... H. Villa-Lobos Introduction: Embolada Prelude: Modinha Fugue: Conversa II. Imbapara (Indian Poem) ...0. Lorenzo Fernandez III. Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 .. .. ... H. Villa-Lobos Cantilena for soprano and 'cello or- Dental Clinic, Dormitory, And League Projects Are Scheduled,_Jerry Says The attempt of WPA artists to make art an accepted part of the daily life of the people was de- scribed last night by Sylvester Jerry, director of the Michigan Graphic Art Project, before a meeting in Natural Science Auditorium, spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Committee to Save the Federal Arts Project. Energy has been directed from easel painting and toward such work as murals and sculpture in publi,, buildings in line with this purpose, Jerry reported. Murals and a monument for the new dental clinic, a ceramic foun- tain for the League, and art work for the Union dormitory group are proj- ects which WPA artists will soon un- dertake, Jerry said. He stressed the progress made in the attempt to harmonize architec- ture, painting, and sculpture, and the development in skill of the project workers to the point where "WPA artists are setting a standard for the country." Frank Hartung, former professor of sociology in Wayne University and now a Detroit labor organizer, de- scribed and analyzed the political struggle centering around the Wood- rum Bill which sharply curtailed the WPA appropriation. Unity of labor around the WPA issue, and the clari- ty with which workers affected by WPA cuts have been able to place responsibility for. thecuts on sena- tors and representatives who voted for the Woodrum Bill are outstand- ing developments, Hartung said. He charges that politicians op- posed to the New Deal who had voted for the Woodrum Bill encourage WPA workers and others adversely affected by the measure to blame the Roosevelt administration for their worsened conditions. He predicted that the results of the 1940 elections would reflect the failure of this at- tempt. The activity of the AFL unions in conjunction with the CIO and the Workers Alliance was described by Hartung as an important advance in labor unity. He deplored, however, the failure of AFL leaders to take de- cisive action until after the Wood- rum Bill had been passed by Con- gress. Robert Taft Is Candidate For '40 Race Letter To Ohio Supporters Presents Formal Stand, Outlines Brief Platform Seeks Liberalism But Not New Deal S Y 8 c r 1 1 i i Nother, Dear, That Mr. Wells is BadcAgCain LONDON, Aug. 3. -(P)- H. G. Wells, gloomily surveying civilization in a new book published today, sur- mises that "the universe is bored with man" and that humanity, "whic began in a cave, will end in the dis- ease-soaked ruins of a slum." The British writer who poularized science and made history a best sell- er bases his pessimism on a conclu- sion that: "New powers, inventions, contriv- ances and methods are not the un- qualified enrichment of normal life that we had expected . . . They are proving dangerous and devastat- ing in our eager but unprepared hands." Can't Control Situation In a 330-page volume called "The Fate of Homo Sapiens," Wells makes these points: 1. Science and invention have al- tered the material environment of humanity; 2. The disruptive, driving force of bored and unemployed young men which must find an outlet probably will shatter human life altogether under the new conditions; 3. The present mental organization of our species is insufficient to con- trol the existing situation. Somewhat glumly the writer con- cludes, however, that the salvage of mankind is "still possible" by a "wil- ful and strenuous adaptation by re- education of our species" to fit it for a kind of universal democracy. Prof. Bloomfield Speaks On Algonkian Vocabulary Prof. Leonard Bloomfield, chair- man of the department of linguistics at the University of Chicago, will speak on "Algonkian Vocabulary" at 7:30 p.m. today in the small amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building. This is the fifth and last of a series of lectures during which Professor Bloomfield will have presented to the Linguistic Institute summaries of the work done by him and his research assistants in the comparative study of the Algonkian Indian languages. Annual Master< Breakfast Plans Are Announced1 All Candidates For Degree To Be University Guests; Ruthven, Boak To Speak The annual Master's Breakfast will be held at 9 a.m., Aug. 13, in the Union1 Ballroom. . The purpose of the breakfast is to enable all students who are candi- dates for master's degrees at the end' of this Summer Session to be the guests of the University and to see3 and hear President Ruthven. The program will be opened with; an invocation by Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, following which Dean Louis A. Hopkins will call upon Prof. A. E. Boak and President Ruthven to speak. Professor Boak will re-. spond for the Executive Board of the Graduate School. Invitations for the function will be issued to the Administration of the University, the Executive Board of the Graduate School and students in all colleges who are candidates for. master's degrees. at the end of this school session. A few extra tickets will be avail- able for guests of the candidates and for the general faculty of the Univer- sity who may make reservations at the Summer Session Office. Donations Are Made For Aid To Chinese Donations totalling $44.52 were re- ceived for the ambulance for Chinese medical aid following the announce- ment yesterday in The Daily, Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League, reported. This leaves only $39.48 to be raised of the required $810 in order to pur- chase the ambulance, she said. More than $600 was taken. in at the ice cream social two weeks ago. Donations towards the remaining $39.48, will be taken at any time in Miss McCormick's office in the League. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio entered the Republican presidential race today' with a statement in which he de- nounced "New Deal fallacies" and supported relief, old age pensions, subsidized housing and other aids to "the less fortunate people." Taft, son of the former President, sent a letter to George F. Eyrior of Cincinnati declaring his willingness to stand for the Republican nomina- tion. Eyrior is chairman of the Ham- ilton County (Ohio) Republican Ex- ecutive Committee, which has en- dorsed Taft for the nomination. Although saying he preferred his present Senate seat to any other office, Taft added that "I will not run away from a harder job, but whether I am a candidate for any other office is entirely up to the Re- publicans of Ohio., "I shall be willing," Taft added, "when the time comes to give my con- sent to have my name designated as the first choice by candidates for delegates throughout the state." . The announcement shot Taft from the presidential barrier in advance of candidates who are conceded a better chance, including Thomas E. Dewey, of New York, and Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. While his action in sanctioning the use of his name in the Ohio presidential primaries next May did not differ largely from that of Sen. Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan in accepting formally a campaign in his behalf by Michigan Republican sup- porters, a nationwide Taft-for-presi- dent campaign has been definitely launched. Both men start with virtual assurance of the backing of their own state delegations; and, for both, campaigns are already in progress in other states. .aG d aio u r Japanese Believed Prepared To Join x RomIe-Berin AXis Jap Ambassador To Italy BUL L E'TlIN Drops Hint At Parley r With General Oshima Strike Ends BF ' SMay Be Fascist Reply DETROIT, Aug. 4.-(Friday)~ To AflI-S 'IT ()-The strike of 7,500 skilledo vet alk HARRY KELLY workers employed in 12 plants of * * * General Motors Corporation was ROME, Aug. 3.--(P)-Japanese ad- __________________________ settled early today. James F Dewey, Federal abor herence to the Rome-Berlin military Rend Elbows Jatrs aid ay F eement alliance loomed as an imminent pos- Sterminatin he walkou wreeien sibility tonight as a result of a state- gan Jly thwakoutc h ichby -ment attributed by Italian journalists began July 5, was reached by ne- Japan's ambassador to Italy O Nelgotiators for the corporation and The ambassador, Toshiota , the CIO United Automobile Work- ismeeting at Villa d-Este, near ake D oesn t K now erg, which called the strike. The Como, with Japanese Ambassador to proposed settlement, he said, wil'l Berlin, Lieut.-Gen. Isohhi Oshima,M be submitted to a meeting of B er retie Isy oun- DETROIT, Aug. 3.-(P)-Consider, Union members here at 1 p.m. to- and their respective embassy cou- if you will, the sad plight of Secre- day and, if approved there, then sellors and military attaches. tary of State Harry F. Kelly. will be acted upon separately by The reported statement follows: Kelly left tonight to represent Gov. the strikers at the plants -affected. "Villa D'Este was not chosen by Luren D. Dickinson tomorrow when mere chance for this meeting of ours Michigan Day will be observed at after those which we have already the New York World's Fair. T°1IT had in Romhe and Berlin. Surfacely, the appearance is just Lord H alifax "It will be recalled that the Italian another display of interstate good® and German foreign ministers met. will. But the Governor's blast against Fears British hereto conclude the agreements fruit- "high life" he said he Witnessed on a ful in prosperity and power for the, recent New York trip left Kelly ap- + p a1 two friendly nations and Japan, allpeesv vrtercpinh t V deet oteat-riit at prehensive over th reception ahe. Conipiacency adherents to the anti-comintern pact. would receive. "This is a good augury for us who " Harry Kelly is a gentleman whose have now more fully examined the rules of conduct could not be criti- Believes Coming Weeks question of an eventually closer ad- cized, even by such a strict moralist May Prove C r iti c ali powers.e of Tokyo to the two ais as Governor Dickinson. But his at- )pwr. titude toward life and some of its Peace Is Seen By lnskip The Italian and German foreign pleasant non-essentials is slightly dif- ministers, Count Galeazzo Ciano and ferent. LONDON, Aug. 3.-(P)-Lord Hali- Joachim Von Ribbentrop signed the Under ordinary circumstances, fax, Foreign Secretary, cautioned VillaD'Eston military alliance at Secretary Kelly might bend an el- Great Britain tonight against taking The source of the statement said bow. Under diplomatic pressure, such the world situation too lightly as the meetings would continue until the almost be certain to take a drink. Prime Minister Chamberlain pre- 'end of this week. Well-informed sources believed As personal representative of pared to leave for a vacation and w that the meetings between the Axis Michigan's 80-year-old dry governor 'Parliament got ready to adjourn for Powers and Japan might be the it was pointed out that Kelly's posi- two months. Fascist reply to British and French tion, to say the least, is complicated. The Foreign Secretary told the conversations with Russia. All are The Secretary of State fears that no House of Lords in a foreign affairs de- committed to the Anti-Communist matter what he does he will be news. bate that "the next few weeks or pact. Withthat worry, and with good- months may prove critical" and "I In Moscow, meanwhile, an official natured warnings by friends against cannot encourage anyone to feel com- source said conversations, were being Gotham "high life pitfalls" Kelly placent about the situation in which slowed up by British refusal to modi- left for 'the Big City haunted by the the world finds itself." fy conditions which might "lead to feeling that it would be news wheth- "I do not think the anxiety is con- "indirect" violation of the proposed er he takes a drink or doesn't. fined to the people in this country," pact. Gov. Luren D. Dickinson came he continued. "It is felt by the peo- here today for a picnic of pioneers, ple of all countries and therefore we yIt e watched with pride some old fashion cannot be complacent. It would not Roosevelt bets dancing and expressed a dislike for be in accordance with the facts and jitterbugging and "that hugging kind possibilities as we believe them to of stuff we have today." exist." But Sir Thomas Inskip, Dominions * liicalgathering at Oban, Scotland, Frooram O K Newspaper Guild secretary, addressing a political For A Third Term gathering at Oban, Scotland, said that the Government had "very Congress Passes Measure SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3.-()- good reasons" for believing "war is For Cultural, Economic The American Newspaper Guild went not likely." on record today supporting a third Relations WithSouth term for the New Deal, and asking Chinese L a President Roosevelt to run for re- Language WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(P)-Con- election, 108 to 8. a o a gress handed to President Roosevelt The Guild condemned Father -T a To 10o 87 today the legislation he had asked to Charles E. Coughlin, Detroit radio ' promote economic and cultural rela- priest, as "an enemy of progressive The regular weekly Chinese lan- tions with i the other American re- unionism," and censured the "reac- guage tea will be held from 4 to 6 publics. tionary labor policies of the Associ- p.m. today at the International Cen- The bill, pased by the Senate today ated Press." ter, 603 E. Madison St. after previous approval by the House, Delegates adopted the legislative Sponsored by the Center and con- supplements accords signed at the committee report which advocated ducted by the Institute of Far Eastern Inter-American Peace Conference in opposition to any weakening of the Studies, the teas are arranged to Buenos Aires in 1936 and the Eighth Wagner Labor Relations Act, con- give those enrolled in the Chinese Pan-American conference at Lima demned evasion of the Fair Labor language classes of the Institute an last year. Standards Act and asked continua- opportunity to meet the Chinese stu- An interdepartmental committee tion of the LaFollette Committee In- dents of the University and converse appointed by the President drafted yestigation of Civil Liberties. with them. the program and estimated it would cost $998,804 in the first year. It is i ~composed of 74 projects, -including: Deadline For Hopwood Contest A survey to determine what Latin American products could be put on es SEUnited States markets without com- Entries Is Set F orNext Friday peeing with goods produced in this Theylending of technical experts Entries in the second annual sum- only, Dean Walter declared. Poems to help study agricultural resources mer Hopwood contest must be sub- and plays need not be double-spaced and problems in Latin American na- mitted by 4:30 p.m. a week from to- throughout, however. tions. T- hrehcopies of each unit of cor- Cooperation through the Civil day at the Hopwood Room, Prof. position should be submitted firmly Aeronautics Authority for unifica- Erich A. Walter of the English de- bound in a durable cover. Title pages tion of international air laws and partment, announced yesterday. should include the name and charac- encouragement of air travel. Eight awards will be given to the ter of the composition, a nom de Development of general cultural t winning contestants. One prize of plume and a statement that the relations, including expanded ex- $75 and one of $50 will be awarded manuscript is submitted in the cate- change of books and motion pictures. in each of four fields of writing, es- gory of drama, essay, fiction or poetry. say, fiction, poetry and drama. The title and non de plume should Fallet Sees France All regularly enrolled students of also appear on the cover. Accompany- the Summer Session who have been ing the manuscript should be a sealed As Aging Woman doing work of passing grade in all envelope containing the non de plume n courses up to the manuscript dead- and real name of the contestant along o line are eligible to compete if en- with a statement of eligibility from France can be compared to an d rolled in one course in English com- each instructor. aging woman who tries to stave off position in either the English or The contest was made possible senility with the three masks of gay- - irnina m i nn.+mano f:>rn+' Ion thrnuh the ognrnity of Avery Hn- etv. ravity and irony while she tries Patrols Striie Disarms Special Deputies At Green Mountain' GREEN MOUNTAIN DAM, Colo., Aug. 3.-(/P) -Colorado National Guardsmen occupied the strike-torn Green Mountain Dam project to- day and disarmed about 200 special deputies. The Guard Commander immedi- ately authorized resumption of work at the job, center of a strike battlei in which six men were shot and a seventh cut. The men, deputized by a county sheriff and part of a "back to work" force that pushed through union picket lines Tuesday night in the start of turmoil at the $4,000,000 Federal Reclamation Bureau Proj- ect, quietly surrendered their deer and .22 rifles, shotguns and pistols. Before the troopers finished tak- ing up the guns, Adj. Gen. Harold H. Richardson, guard commander, said work would be resumed as soon as possible on the Federal Irrigation and Power Project. A strike of five American Federation of Labor unions halted operations July 12. "Any man who wants to can go back to work," declared Genera Richardson. Crippled Child Aid IsSoughi Reduction In State Support Causes Drive Opening A drive to raise funds to aid Michi gan's crippled children got under way here yesterday. One hundred boxes were placed in business houses and contributions tc the "Teddy Bear Fund to Aid Crippled Children" were invited. Ach1N, .r (1amn ditrit e hair. Exhibits, Demonstrations To Fill Biology Station's Visitors' Day Exhibits and demonstrations will highlight the twelfth annual visitors day from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the University Biology Station on Doug- las Lake. . Educational exhibits illustrating the work of the classes and the scien- tific 'investigations conducted at the camp will be shown visitors on Sun- day. A demonstration will show the agents causing swimmer's itch, schis-r tosome dermatitis, and the methods used in freeing the swimming beaches of the organism causing this condi- tion. The Biology Station was estab- lished in 1909 and has held an eightl as well as large tracts of unoccupied wild lands including pine and jack- pine plains, hardwood forests, fir, spruce, 'and cedar swamps, sand dunes and farm landssmake possible a wide variety of studies. This summer 120 students are en- rolled, the same as last year's high registration. Of this group, 104 are graduate students, many of whom already possess a master's degree. The proportion of men to women stu- dents is 77 to 43, of whom 20 are married couples. During the school year, 78 are engaged in teaching and 42 are students at various colleges and universities. Investigation of biological problems