THE MTCHMTAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUG. ' a .I.a yiil I.x;l4:'a; ;'. V L11\ X1aiii.'i 1 I YII IIAIMI GAN DAILY S. 31 ited and managed by students of the University of igan under the authority of the Board in Control of ent Publications. blished every morning except Monday during the ersity year and Surm 4 Session. Member of the Associated Press s Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All s of republication of all other matters herein alsO 'Ied. tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, an ad class mail matter. bscriptions during, regular sebool year by carrier, ; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONA1 ADVER1,,SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 4i MADISON AV. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO 'BOSTOR 'JLOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCiSCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Mitchell . . . . . winton . . . . . [orberg . . . . . anavan . . . . . Kelsey . . . . / :essler . . . . . . Long . . . onneborn . .. . Press, 1938.39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff B uchenB . . . . usiness Manager .Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY M. KELSEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Mother India And Poppa Britain . . SEETHING INDIA, a complex of re- ligions and peoples, has faded from the lime-light recently. Europe's power politics, the diverse activities of our own politically-mind- ed Congress and Japan's use of the strip-act as a way to thumb her nose at Britain usurp the front pages. But those who have recently visited India say that the situation there is critical. Face is the all-important thing in the Orient. For years Great Britain had face. She was all- powerful, her troops and statesmen had won her a quarter of the world and the Oriental respected her power. But that was in the past. And the results of the Munich Deal and the more recent Anglo-Japanese pact have created an en- tirely new situation. For India sees the New Britain-the nation whose Prime Minister's umbrella has been set squarely between himself and the foreign office, thereby keeping him from the counsels of those who know the true situation. Blindly fighting the battles of class instead of Empire, unwillingly to concede that he has erred, Chamberlain con- tinues his policy of concessions. First Spain, then Czechoslovakia, now China. British citi- zens are insulted and Britain does-nothing. British diplomats are humiliated and Britain does-nothing. Having pulled the Lion's tail without dire results, the Japanese are now dili- gently sticking pins in him half the time and kicking him squarely in the teeth the other half. Instead of defending himself the Lion acts as if the Japanese were his Androcles and proceeds to dance with them. And, writes such a 'competent observer as A. T. Steele of The Chicago Daily News foreign staff, this weakness on the part of the British Lion is having its results in India. Convinced that the policy of non-resistance is getting no- where, the Hindus and Moslems and other groups are beginning to wonder whether the British would not give in if they used guns instead of words. With Hitler's Nazi legions awaiting an opportunity to seize Danzig and throw a fiery match into the tinder-box of Europe, England would be unwilling to expend her energies in far-off India, they reason. If Mahatma Ghandi should die, the situation would immediately become tense. Then there' would be little to hold the peoples of India back. Intent upon self-rule, they might smash Bri- tain's power. Look, tlgey say, at China. The dynamics of power politics have worked for Japan there. Would they not work for the Indians? Chamberlain finds himself more and more involved as he half-heartedly pursues the way of his convictions and his nation's ruin. Perhaps he will soon have another worry. It appears, cer- tainly, that India may ask the Lion for a dance and do a little pin-sticking and tooth-kicking in her own right. -Stan M. Swinton "coown & Gown By STAN M. SWINTON There wasn't any "Town and Gown" Sunday because we were learning a lesson about small .own gossip. Just as we sat down at the typewriter and began to fertilize a sterile mind .with a cigarette, the phone rang. It was the State Desk of the Detroit paper for which we labor and we were to get over to X., a small town which shall remain nameless, immediately. The correspondent there was too excited to offer much information but the general idea she seemed to be attempting to convey was that there was a murder. We com- mandered Vol Morin's car after seducing him with promises of mileage and started off. The whole small town was seething with rumors. The facts were these: a woman had hung herself, she had been an extremely sensi- tive creature, frequently quarreled with her hus- band and was intensely jealous of him. The coroner had pronounced it suicide. There wasn't a shred of evidence that the hus- band had done anything out of the way-but try to tell the town that. Every street corner was a hot-bed of rumors. Everyone remembered some incident which was clearly the reason for the "crime." When we tried to phone our editor they hung around the booth and attempted to listen in. The man concerned was in business in the town. Despite his innocence he would be ruined both financially and emotionally unless the vicious stories could be spiked. When we left the rumors were still circulating. Our job ended when we managed to fit the facts into the jig-saw puzzle of tragedy. A suicide was worth a couple of paragraphs, while a mur- der would have been a big story. But as we drove back to Ann Arbor that night we began to understand what those teachers in Summer Session meant when they told us they'd be fired if they drank a glass of beer or smoked a cigarette in their home town and anyone saw them. It's hard to believe what gossip is in a small town until you meet it first-hand. *. * * SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The sandy-haired seven-year-old next-door to the Publications has expanded his orange-box air armada to three planes. We stopped him as he was putting a propellor on the latest product and asked his reason for speeding up production. "The kids are going to have a war," he explained in preoccupied fashion," as soon as we can get a reason." Sounds familiar, doesn't it? ITEM OF INTEREST: Frank Buck and Fiorelo LaGuardia recently registered together at a World's Fair Exhibition. Buck signed himself "Frank 'Bring 'Em Back Alive' Buck." LaGuardia took a look at the signature and scribbled: "Fior- ello 'Keep 'Em Alive' LaGuardia." The girl at the theatre tells us that double- features sometimes ruin her day. You have no idea, she explained, how upsetting it is to have someone anxiously inquire "Who's pyingwith Shirley Temple?" The Editor Gets Told To the Editor: An apology seems to be in order in connection with the letter I sent to The Daily last week. I fear I have alienated some people by not ex- pressing sufficiently my sympathies for the Chinese people and my reasons for writing the letter. The moving picture made China, her people, and their plight, so very real to me that out of sympathy I was moved to write. And please do not believe that I am not sympathetic to China's struggle for freedom. I merely wished to record some impressions of mine as to how freedom could be best obtained. My position is not an easy one to arrive at, not a popular one to hold. I can only say that it represents the tuth as I see it now. If others find the truth to be different, then I hope they will uphold and follow the truth as they see it, to the best of their abilities. However, I also hope that others as well as myself will always be open to new light on the truth, and will always be willing to give up partial truths when better ones appear. I should also like to thank the Chinese Stu- dent for the pleasant courteousness of his reply. In connection with that reply, I should like to make a few points. I hope I did not imply that the Chinese have not been conciliatory. As a matter of fact, I did not touch on that subject because my knowl- edge of history and of current' events is very weak. Certainly the offers of conciliation made by the Chinese (and I am sure more will be made in the future) will play a great role when peace comes. However, conciliation along with mili- tary resistance does not seem to me to be very effective. It was suggested that non-violence would not MUSic By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Sm phony Concert "World premiers" of musical works by leading contemporary composers are by no means un- common to Ann Arbor, for every now and then May Festival sees the Choral Union and visiting artists bringing out some new choral work. But for our own orchestra to present a first per- formance of a symphonic work, and one by such an outstanding figure in modern music as Ernst Krenek, is an unusual privilege for both the orchestra and the public. Tonight Mr. Krenek, who is a visiting member of the School of Music faculty for the summer, will conduct the Sum- mer Session Symphony in the first performance of his Symphonic Piece for String Orchestra, Op. 86. He completed the work last month at Niagara Falls, before coming to Ann Arbor, and has dedicated it to the Chamber Orchestra of Basle, Switzerland, upon the request of whose leader, Paul Lacher, the Piece was written. Mr. Krenek, though only in his thirty-ninth year, already has seven operas, four symphonies, and over seventy other works to his name. Born in Vienna, he studied there with Franz Schreck- er until the early 'twenties, when his composi- tions began to win recognition at German festi- vals. Especially interested in the dramatic field, he conducted at various German theatres mean- while composing operas to his own librettos. It was Jonny Spielt auf, produced in 1926, which won world-wide fame overnight as "the first jazz opera." In the 'twenties Mr. Krenek par- ticipated in the post-war neo-classicist move- ment, but more recently he has turned to the "twelve-tone technique" involving the use of a tonal polyphony, which Arnold Schoenberg orig- inated some years ago. In the new Symphonic Piece this technique is freely used. Fragments of the "basic series" or theme, appear in each of its five sections, while new material characteris- tic of each particular section provides variety. What seems to be another first performance as far as America is concerned, for lack of data to the contrary, will be, provided on the same pro- gram when Thor Johnson, director of the Sum- mer Session Symphony, conducts an early and unpublished Haydn Symphony: No. 22 in the complete series of Haydn's 104, in E flat major, and titled "The Philosopher." This title un-' doubtedly refers to the unusual character of the symphony's first movement. An Adagio, placed first for emphasis, this movement is developed on the lines of strict counterpoint rather than of ordinary, thematic development, but it has a spirit of noble and serene earnestness that turns this witty pedantry into the truly philo- sophic. A further touch of rich, opaque color - added by the tone of two English horns, which, with two French horns and the usual strings, make up the orchestral body, and which ver likely were here used for the first time (1764) in the orchestra and in a symphony. The great vitality of this symphony and the rich musical imagination displayed in it make its con- signment to oblivion these many years a puzzle and a shame. Another symphonic work hardly more famil- iar will be the Symphony on a French Mountain Air for Orchestra with Piana of Vincent d'Indy, fin du siecle Frenchman and ap upil of Cesar Franck. This three-movement work, based on a haunting air of the Cevennes (in central France) as a "motto theme," uses the piano simply as an added orchestral instrument, for its glittering and percussive timbre, and not as a soloist. Rhythmically, harmonically, and orchestrally the Symphony is extremely colorful and cleverly written in a characteristically French way. The savage oriental dances of the Polovtsian slaves from Borodin's opera Prince Igor will conclude the program. work against irresponsible Japanese warlords I am a little confused by this point, for it seems to me that non-violent resistance works chiefly on the soldiers in the field, who are merely servants of the warlords. Lastly, I should like to reiterate that non- violent resistance is not a form of submission. The mere absence of violent resistance is not equivalent to organized and disciplined mass non-violence. William T. Scott Chief sources of the income of the University are the State's appropriations for current ex- penses and the fees paid by students for tuition, laboratory materials and similar things. Ever since 1867, the principal of the mill tax has been employed by the State in fixing the amount to be received by the University as a maintenance fund. It is the policy oft his and other states not to charge the students with the entire cost of their education, but to keep tuition fees at such a level that the advantages of the state univer- sity may be available to all. Anatole France, famous French author, had a collection of hundreds of hats. Each morning he selected the one hat that suited his mood. DAILY OFFI L BULLETIN I TUESDAY, AUG. 1, 1939 There will be an exhibit at the Cur- riculum Workshop in Tappan School of metal work, weaving, graphic art and photography. This, exhibit will be on display .all week beginning to- day. It representskwork done by students in the workshop. Phi Delta Kappa will hold its regu- lar weekly luncheon at 12:10 o'clock today at the Michigan Union. New members particularly are urged to attend. Latin-American Tea at A p.m. to- day at the International Center. Both Spanish and Portuguese will be spok- en. Lecture by Dr. Shio Sakanishi, Di- vision of Orientalia, Library of Con- gress on "The Art of Printing in Ja- pan before the Twelfth Century" at 4 p.m. today in the Amphitheatre, Rackham Building. Lecture by Robert K. Hall, Cran- brook School, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., on "The University in the South American Republics" at 4:05 p.m. to- day, in the University High School Auditorium. The Graduate Commercial Club: Dean Edmonson will speak on Occu- patidnal Patterns at 4:15 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building today. There will be tea and dancing in the Assembly Room following the lecture. Lecture by Professor John P. Gil- lin, Ohio State University, on "An Anthropologist Visits the Carib In- dians of Northern British Guiana" il- lustrated, at 5 p.m., today, at the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. Lecture, "Whom Do You Know?" by Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Dr. Pur- dom will speak at 7 this evening in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. This is the last in the series of three lectures concerned with tech- niques used in getting and holding positions. Chinese Students Attention, Dr. Wil- liam W. Lockwood, research staff of the American Institute of Pacific Re- lations, has been invited by the Chi- nese Student Club to a discussion meeting to be held in the Interna- tional Center this evening at 7:30 p.m. He is an expert on Far Eastern situation. Thediscussion will be very informative. Beginners' Class in Social Dancing at 7:30 this evening in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Duplicate Bridge at 7:30 this eve- ning in the Michigan League. Fellowship of Reconciliation meet- ing today at Lane Hall, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., downstairs. Fellowship members and others concerned with pacifism are invited. RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ WXYZ CKLW 750 KC- CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Tuesday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs President & Cabinet Noonday News News 12:15 Life Beautiful Foot Health Farm Almanac Trfreporter 12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store Xavier Cugat 12:45 Day Is Ours Women's Clubs Fan on the Street " 1:00 Shopping Guide Federal Housing Betty and Bob Concert Orchestra 1:15 Life Dr. Susan Comic Strip Grimm's Daughter Organist 1:30 Your Family Kitty Keene Valiant Lady Melody Time 1:45 Tune Time Medical Talk Hymns Mich. W.C.T.U. 2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Army Band Soprano 2:15 Editor's Daughter Detroit-New York " Musicale 2:30 Dr. Malone Rhythm and Song Mel and June 2:45 Three Aces"" News 3:00 Police Field Day " Club Matinee Voice of Justice 3:15 U. of M. Program " 3:30 " "o rwo Keyboards 3:45 Duncan ,Moore News To be announced 4:00 Musical Album toElla Fitzgerald Jamboree 4:5 Peaceful Valley Ma Perkins Ath1 4:30 to Pepper Young Affairs of Anthony * 4:45 Alice Blair Guiding Light Rollini Trio 5:00 Miss Julia Dance Music Hollywood Highits. Organist 5:15 Overtones Malcolm. Claire To Be Announced Turf reporter 5:30 Enoch Light Dance Music Day in Review Baseball scores 5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Baseball Final News Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Review Easy Aces Stop and Go 6:15 Musical Bradcast Mr. Keen, tracer t 6:30 IHelenMencken Midstream The Green Hornet Sportlight 6:45 " George Krehbiel" Jimmie Allen 7:00 Human Adven. Johnny Presents Inside Story Voice of Justice 7:15 to o o . 7:30 Feature Information, please Washington News 7:45 " " Benno Rabinoff 8:00 We, the People Battle of Sexes Melody & Madness Jamboree 8:16i, tt 8:30 Bob Crosby Alec Templeton True Stories Success Session 8:45 "~ 9:00 Hal Kemp District Attorney Yukon Drama Musical Varieties 9:15 " ", To be announced 9:30 Number Please Doghouse Interviews Morton Gould 9:45 Police Field Day" [0:00 Amos 'n' Andy Sports Parade Noble Sissle Enric Madriguera 10:15 Shep Fields Vic and Sadet" 10:30 Sports Fred Waring Richard Himber Doc Sunshine 10:45 Cab Calloway Dance Music " Dick Jurgen L1:00 News News Jan Savitt Reporter 11:15 Ben Bernie Dance Music " Music 11:30 Frankle Masters Eastwood Johnny Messner 1:45t 2:00 Sign off Westwood Sign Oft Enric Madriguera w tra will feature the Faculty Concert, to be given this evening at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The program will be conducted by Thor Johnson, Conductor and Ernst Krenek, Guest Conductor, with Mary Fishburne, pianist. The general pub- lic, with the exception of small chil- dren, is invited without admissionj charge, but is respectfully requested: to be seated on time. Engineering Mechanics Colloquium. Professor R. K. Bernhard, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Materials at the Pennsylvania State. College, will speak on "Induced Vi- brations in the Structural Field" on Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 3 p.m. in Room. 311 West Engineering Bldg. The talk will be illustrated with moving pictures. All interested are cordially invited to attend. An assembly of all professional stu- .dents in public health will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 3 p.m. in the West Amphitheatre, West Medical Bldg. All students are expected to be present. Speech Students: A Symposium on Graduate Studies in the field of Speech Science will be held Wednes- day' afternoon, Aug. 2, at 4 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. All under- graduate students contemplating ad- vanced degrees in Speech Science and all graduate students studying for advanced degrees in this field, should be present. Men's Education Club, Wednesday, Aug. 2, 7:15 p.m. Professor Wesley H. Maurer will show a film sequence on the betrayal of Benedict Arnold taken from original manuscripts on deposit in the Clempents Library. He has also agreed to show a second sound film, one in color on Pre- Columbian art by HarrylWallace. It will take about 45 minutes to show both films. The meeting place is the Michigan Union. Pi Lambda Thetans: There will be a formal reception in the Rackham Building on Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bertha Ashby Hess will be the Honors Day speaker. Call Grace Maas (4697) for reservations. Organ Recital. Edward Broadhead, organist, of Durham, North Carolina, will give a recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, Wednesday evening, Aug. 2, at 8:15 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The general public is invited to attend. Lecture Recital: Ernst Krenek, in- (Continued on Page 4) t F MIC HIGAN NOW PLAYING N N A Hit! in I I U- BOO K TEXTBOOKS REFERENCE BOOKS f Today's Events i i sr y 00 3 01V 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. WORDS The hard words John L. Lewis applied to Vice- President Garner have little importance in them- selves. They become important only if they are used as an excuse by the coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats to do further dam- age to President Roosevelt's program. 'There are some indications that the Coalition members are in a mood to try just that kind of dodge. 12:10 4:00 p.m. p.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. John A. Wheeler of Princeton University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Physics Symposium, Prof. E. J. Williams of the University of Wales (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Phi Delta Kappa luncheon (Union). Latin-American Language Tea (International Center). "Kobo Daishi: Founder of Nationalized Buddhism" by Dr. Shio Sakanishi, Division of Orientalia, Library of Congress (Amphi- theatre, Rackham Building). "The University in the South American Republics" by Robert K. 9 C $ 99 to 4:05 p.m. s:.nn "v Hall, Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills (University High School Auditorium). r/11 1 I