at warner today;
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Official Publication Of The Summer Session
The Summer Theatre
At Michigan
tl lilYl i , 1
No. 30
t _____
h Troops.
ew Crisis
Japan's Delegate
Students Of Many Nationalities
Gather For Summer Session
G. M* Strikers
Hit Production
Plan For 1940
es Are
d As Four
In Panic
fax Protests
onight in an in-
Japanese with
British troops;
sputed Interna-
'oduced no actual clash
nese temporarily de-
tish soldiers and threw
along the British de-
hich drew a strong
y protest as an en-
a British-guarded ter-
f terrified Chinese fled
as area before a Ja-
force of 200 closed the
the barricades on the
een the Japanese and
e sectors.
aign Spreads
les extended along the
i a half length of North
from Soochow creek
n limit of the British
iction occurred as the
impaign in north Chi-
Pehtaiho, seacoast re-
of Tientsin, with the
%id Chinese demonstra-
i government instruct-
Wdor to. Tokyo to make
ations against continu-
ipression Blameds
started when four
anders in a military
the Japanese defense
barbed wire. British
under the impression
as British.
:es quickly blocked off
n which the British
by stretching barbed
e exit and held the
.d their truck for two
alf as British officers
,h the Japanese for
se in the neantime,
3 speed, strung three
along the length of
-is, Chinese living in
ector fled across the
British side in scenes
the 1937 exodus into
from Chape when
Japan's military delegation at the
Nazis' congress in September will
be headed by Gen. Count Juichi
Terauchi (above), member of Jap-
an's supreme war council.
.Alma President
To Give Sermon
At Local Church
Churches Plan Services,
Regular And Special,
For Coming Week
Dr. John Dunning, pitsident of
Alma College, will deliver the sermon
at the regular Sunday morning serv-
ices of the First Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Dunning's topic will be "Divine
Restoratives." Services begin at
10:45 a.m.
The student group of the church
will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Council
Circle for a cost supper. A vesper
service will follow at 6:15 p.m. in the
Lewis-Vance parlors. Miss Edith
Thomas, special lecturer in Library
Science, will speak on "Beautiful
Books on Religious Themes." She
will exhibit several books and lead
a discussion on them.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
will celebrate Holy. Communion at
8 a.m. this morning. Regular morn-
ing prayer is at 11 a.m. with the
sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
The Episcopal student group will hold
a picnic at the Saline Valley Farms.
Cars leave the church at 4 p.m.
"Totalitarian Loyalty" will be the
topic of the sermon by the Rev.
Charles W. Brashares, pastor of the
First Methodist Church at morning
worship services today. Prof. Ar-_I
thur Hackett of the School of Music
will sing the solo "The Perfect Pray-
er" by Oley Speaks. Services begin
at 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Univer-
sity counselor in religious education
will conduct his weekly morning class
at 9:45 a.m. in Stalker Hall, student
center of the Methodist church. The
Wesleyan Guild meeting of Metho-
dist young people will be held at 6
p.m. in the church. Dr. Brashares
will speak on the subject, "Toward
Racial Understanding."
Services in German are held week-
ly at 9 a.m. in the Bethlehem Evan-
gelical Church. Church school is at
9:30 a.m. with morning worship serv-
ices at 10:30 a.m. The sermon topic
will be "Hope and Chains." The Rev.
Theodore Schmale is pastor of the
McClusky To Speak
Dr. Frederick McClusky, Director
of the Scarborough School, Scarbo-
rough, New York will speak at the
Deutsches Haus at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day on the subject of visual and au-
ditory aides in language instruction.
24 Foreign Countries Arez
Represented; All States
Contribute To Campus
Draped in gauzy saris, two Hindu
girls perch on stools at a soda foun-
tain, sip cokes and chat casually in
an exotic tongue.
Looking like one of your child-
hood's most treasured dolls, a tiny
Japanese sits in a booth at the five
and dime and ordering a three-deck-
er ham and cheese and a double-dip
banana split, opens a textbook on
abnormal psychology.
In a class in modern music a Chi-
nese student learns about the de-
velopment of the western branch of
this art from a composer who has
deserted the hampering influence of
a totalitarian government for the
freedom of America.
These persons are among the repre-
sentatives of the 24 foreign nations
who are attending the Summer Ses-
sion of the University. They convert
it into one of the most cosmopolitan
intellectual centers of the United
States; give it an unique color and
distinction; bring with them the ad-
vantages of their dissimilar and di-
verse"backgrounds, and take away
the learning than is disseminated
from the many schools of University
and the knowledge of the customs,
traditions and opinions of the varied
members of the student body with
whom they are associated. This is
internationalism in its finest sense,
providing as it does intellectual and
social contacts among those of widely
varying races, creeds and political
It is not only to those of other
Conyers Read
To Talk Here
. * O.
On Edward V1
University Of Pennsylvania
Professor To Lecture
At 4 P.M. Tomorrow
Prof. Conyers Read of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania's history depart-
ment will be the fifth lecturer of the
series sponsored by the Graduate
Conference on Renaissance Studies
and will speak at 4 p.m. tomorrow
in the Rackham School Amphithe-
atre on "Repercussions of the Renais-
sance in England under Edward VI"
Professor Read is a specialist in
English history and has written ex-
tensively on that subject. Among
his writings is a three volume treatise
on "Mr. Secretary Walsingham and
the Policy of Queen Elizabeth," and
a basic bibliography for historians,
"Bibliography of British History." He
is a contributor to various scholarly
Educated at Harvard where he took
his Ph.D., Professor Read subsequent-
lyf taught at Princeton University and
later became a member of the faculty
of the University of Chicago where
he remained until 1920. Entering
the textile manufacturing industry,
he kept up his scholarly activities for
13 years, after which he returned to
academic life as professor of history
at the University of Pennsylvania in
1934. He is executive secretary of
the American Historical Association.
Professor Read's lecture is open to
the public. All interested are in-
vited to attend.
Commerce Club To Meet
The Graduate Commercial Club
will hold a meeting at 4:15 p.m. Tues-
day in the east conference room of
the Rackham Building. Dean Ed-
monson will address the group, after
which tea will be served.
nations that the University is a mecca
this summer. Students are enrolled
from the 48 states, the District of
Columbia, 'the Canal Zone, Hawaii,
Puerto Rico and the Philippine Is-
lands. Lush southern accents reply
to questions asked in the crisp tones
of a Bostonian. Men who are fresh
out from under ten gallon hats cut
in on girls who usually do their danc-
ing at the Stork Club. Teachers who
hold their classes An one room shacks
in the Ozark; mountains compare
notes with those who instill learning
into the minds of industrialists'
daughters at fashionable boarding
schools. What price sectionalism?
After five weeks of borrowing al
German boy's notebook, sitting inI
class between a Mexican senorita and
a student from the Netherlands,
lunching with friends from every partt
of the country and dining at the
French house, you can't but wonder(
if perhaps the mythical crossroads(
of the world is neither at Shepheard's
Hotel in Vairo nor on the Rue de a
Paix in Paris but, instead, you be-
(Continued on Page 3)t
WPA Artists
To Show Work
I Exhibit Here
Display To Be Sponsored
By Faculty, ASU; Held
In Rackham Galleries'
Works of art produced under the
Works Progress Authority will be put
on exhibit at a two-week show be-
ginning tomorrow at the Rackham
Included in the showing, which is
sponsored by a faculty committee in
collaboration with the American Stu--?
dent Union, will be 35 oil paintings,
20 works of sculpture, numerous
prints and a group of easel paintings
collected from all parts of the state.
All the work to be shown was done
either ,on a Fer Art Project or
was loaned by one of the WPA artists.
"The object of this: show is to
demonstrate to the public the high
caliber of Federal art and the great
contributions to the community and
society which have been made by
Federal artists," members of the
sponsoring committee said.
Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the
Architecture School is chairman of
the committee presenting the exhib-
it. It will remain open through
Aug. 14.
Last Job Talk
To Be Tuesday
Dr. Purdom Will Discuss
'Whom Do You Know?'
"Whom Do You Know?"-the third
salient point in landing the job you
want-will be discussed for Summer
Session students by Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, director of the University
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information,at 7:15 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture
Third and last in a series of dem-
onstrations of "Do's" and Don'ts" in
seeking available employment, Tues-
day's program will be devoted to
problems concerning "'contacts" and
Dr. Purdom will illustrate his
points with case histories from the
Bureaus' files supplemented by years
of experience.
Private Enterprise
Non- Interference
Guaranteed By Bill
Leaders Threaten
To Hit More Plants
DETROIT, July 29.- (R)-The
"slow pressure" strike in General
Motors Corporation tool and die de-
partments cast uncertainty tonight
over 1940 production prospects, as
signs of increasnig friction between
CIO and AFL unionists appeared.
Every day the strike continues, af
corporation spokesman said, puts the
corporation that much further be-I
hind schedule on its new model auto-
Since its inception in the walkout
of a few tool and die workers July
5, the strike has spread to affect 7,-
500 employes, interrupting work in
12 General Motors plants.
Leaders of the CIO United Auto-
mobile Workers threatened tonight
to close additional G.M. units. R. J.
Thomas, UAW-CIO president, an-
nounced the union will take strike
votes at the Delco Battery plant in
Muncie, Ind.; the Delco Radio plant
in Kokomo, Ind., and co-ordinated
Chevrolet and Fisher Body plants in
St. Louis, Mo., Atlanta, Ga., and
Southgate, Calif.
Unionists in other plants in Flint,
Detroit and Pontiac have authorized
strike action but have not been
called out.
The CIO walkout as had little or
no effect on tool an die preparation
for production by the Chrysler Cor-
poration and the Ford Motor Com-
pany, General Motors' chief competi-
Threats of additional pressure
against G.M. came at the same time
as reports that an 11-hour conference
yesterday brought the corporation
and union so close to a settlement
that Federal conciliator James F.
Dewey for a time was confident the
strikers would return to work Mon-
'Saai ishi To Give,
Three Talks Here
Sponsored by the Institute of Far
Eastern Studies, three lectures will
be given during the coming week by
Dr. Shio Sakanishi of the Division of
Orientalia in the Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sakanishi will speak Tuesday
on "The Art of Printing in Japan be-
fore the Twelfth Century." Wed-
nesday he will tell of "The Ulysses
Motive in Japanese Romances" and
Thursday he will talk on "Humor in
Japanese Classical Writing."
All three lectures will be held at
4 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham School. They are open to
the public and all interested are in-
vited to attend.
France To Pay Bonuses
To Parents For Babies!
PARIS, July 29. -(P)- Cash
bonuses for babies were decreed
today by the French government
together with taxes on bachelors
and childless couples to pay for
the bonuses.
The decree designed to spur the
French birth rates as a part of the
national defense program was one
of 80 adopted by the Cabinet in-
cluding provisions for the preven-
tion of abortions and reinforce-
ment of the counter-espionage
The baby prizes and other meas-
ures for encouraging large fami-
lies were aimed at counteracting
rising birth rates in the totalitar-
ian countries while deaths exceed
3irths in France.
(In 1938 France had 34,741 more
deaths than births and Italy, with"
a population about the same as
France's 42,000,000, had 424,000
more births than deaths.)
Elmer Rice's
Play Is Bused
On Nazis' Plot .
A gripping drama of political strug-
gle and intrigue in a small Balkan
country characterizes "Judgement
Day," sixth of the series of seven
plays to be presented by the Michi-
gan Repertory Players during the;
summer season.
The action of the story takes place
in a crowded courtroom where three
people are fighting for their lives.
The trial is on the charge of attempt-
ed murder of the dictator. The charge
is attempted murder of the dictator
of the country.
The play is based partially on the
burning of the Reichstag by the
Nazis in 1933. The party then used
this as a pretext for staging a tre-
mendous trial with communists as
the defendents. Around this factual
background, Elmer Rice, the play-
wright, has built a strong melodrama.
The play created a great contro-
versy in New York when first pre-
sented there. It was successful in a
long run in London last year.
Elmer Rice is a strong believer in
the theatre as a medium for social
protest, as an instrument in man's
struggle to free himself. He could
have written no play better than
"Judgement Day" as an illustration
of his beliefs.
The play is under the direction of
Frederic 0. Crandall. The setting is
by Oren Parker with Miss Lucy .Bar-
ton as costume designer.
Lending Plan Anendment
Is Passed As Senators
Agree To Limit Debate
Curtailment Ideas
SpreadTo House
WASHINGTON , July 29.-(P)-
The Senate approved tonight, 45 to
24, an amendment to the Adminis-
tration's $1,640,000,000 lending bill
designed to prevent government in-
terference with existing private en-
Soon after adopting this proposal
by Senator O'Mahoney (Dem., Wyo.),
the chamber agreed to limit debate
on the lending measure and re-
cessed until Monday.
The, agreement, limiting Senators
to 15-minute speeches, was obtained
by the Administration leadership af-
ter many previous attempts to hasten
a vote had proved futile.
Sentiment Spreads
Sentiment for reduction of the lend-
ing program spread from the Sen-
ate to the House banking commit-
tee during the day, bringing about an,
$850,000,000 reduction in the measure
at that group's hands.
The banking committee recom-
mended House passage of a curtailed
bill carrying a total of $1,950,000,000.
The bill before the Senate already
had been cut down, by a coalition of
Republicans and Democrats, to $1,-
640,000,000. When first introduced
by Administration leaders, the legis-
lation carried $2,800,000,000.
Union Gifts Taboo
Before it recessed, the Senate ac-
cepted by a voice vote an amend-
ment by Senator Tydings (Dem., Md)
to prohibit political contributions by
labor unions or other organizations
except with the foreknowledge of
their members.
Tydings indicated during debate
that the amendment was aimed at
such loans as the $470,000 advance
made to the Democratic party in
1936 by John L. Lewis' United Mine
The O'Mahoney amendment pro-
vides that none of the proposed $350,-
000,000 of public works loans could go
for projects in any field which pri-
vate enterprise already was serving
adequately. It provides also, how-
ever, that if the owners of a private
business refuse a "reasonable" public
offer to purchase, then government
funds could be used for the construc-
tion of a competing enterprise.
Chairman Urges Adoptiot
O'Mahoney, chairman of the gov-
ernment's monopoly investigating
committee, told the Senate that
"there is no solution" to the nation's
business ills along the course of relief
"The solution lies rather in the
stimulation of private enterprise," he
"Ninety per cent of the business
men in the United States only want
to go forward," O'Mahoney shouted,
"Give them the signal. Adopt this
Economy forces predicted the bill
sent to the House by its banking com-
mittee would be trimmed additionally
when it was considered there, prob-
ably next week,
Representatives said 14 members
of the banking committee, including
one Republican, voted for the $1,-
950,000,000 bill and 10 against.
Between CIO AndI
Appears; 7,500
ers Are Affected
the J
Summer Symphony Orchestra
To Appear In Concert Tuesday
Latin-American Institute
Presents Lecturer
Speaking on "Leading Personali-
ties in Latin America," Prof. Charles
E. Nowell, member of the faculty of
the Fresno State College in Cali-
fornia, will present to his audience an
idea of what has recently taken place
and what is likely to happen in the
future on the South American con-
Professor Nowell's lecture will be
given at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Lec-
ture Hall of the Rackham Building.
The talk is one of the regular Sum-
mer Session series sponsored by the
Institute of Latin-American Studies.
An authority on Latin-American
history, Professor Nowell is known toy
the University from former years,
teaching as visiting professor here
during a previous Summer Session
when Prof. Arthur Aiton of the his-
tory department was on leave of ab-
The lecture will be. open to the
public. All interested, and especially
those enrolled in the Institute, are
invited to attend.
Japanese Language Tea
Ta RP HAA Tamarraw
Ancient Camp Davis Study Hall
Deemed Ready For Retirement
Carillon Concert Today
Sidney F. Giles, carillonneur,
will present the following program
in a concert on the Baird Carillon
at 4:15 p.m. today:
Prelude No. 2 .... Jef Van Hoof
Lead Us, 0 Father, in the
Paths of Peace .... Langran
Glorious Things of Thee
Are Spoken .........Haydn
Rondeau .... Vand den Gheyn
Theme with Variations
.............Kamiel Lefevre
My Heart at Thy Sweet
Voice .......... Saint-Saens
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life....
..... ..... . Herbert
Sanatina No. 4 ......... Pleyel
Square Dancing Session
To Be Held Tomorrow
The Summer Session Symphony
Orchestra, directed by Thor Johnson,
will play at the ,Faculty Concert to
be given at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in
Hill Auditorium.
Ernst Krenek will be guest conduc-
tor and Mary Fishburne will be feat-
ured as a piano soloist with the or-
chestras. The generdl public with
Directors Hold
Meeting Here
Administrators To Discuss
Athletic Accident Plans
Michigan school administrators and
athletic directors at the summer
school will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Room 318 of the Union to dis-
cuss an athletic accident benefit pro-
gram -for Michigan schools.
The meeting, sponsored by the
Michigan High School Athletic As-
sociation, will consider plans now in
effect in several representatives
states, and will sound out opinions
of Michigan educators toward the
plan which is in effect in one form
the exception of small children is in-
vited to the concert without charge.
The program will include Haydn's
Symphony No. 22 in E flat major,
known also as "The Philosopher," and
Symphony on a French Mountain Air
for Orchestra and Piano, by d'Indy,
with the piano part played by Miss
After the intermission, Mr. Krenek,
who is a distinguished conductor and
composer, will present the first ap-
pearance of his own Symphonic Piece
for String Orchestra, Op. 86, after
which the program will be closed with
Borodin's "Poloytsian Dances from
Prince Igor."
Mr. Krenek, who has been in Ann
Arbor as guest professor of composi-
tion in the School of Music, is the
composer of many works in the field
of opera, symphonic selections, en-
semble pieces and solo numbers. His
operas have been performed in the
great opera houses of Europe and his
"Johnny spielt auf" was well received
and presented by the Metropolitan
Opera Company.
Pelto And Giffen To Play
For Badminton Crown
Former Daily Man
Weds Eastern Girl
In June
CAMP DAVIS, Wyo., July 29. -
Director Harry Bouchard is begin-
ning to make plans for a new Camp
Davis study hall. 11
He would like to retire the old one
now in use, a 35-year old structure
that was the first residence building
at the present camp. The log cabin,
as it is called by students, was con-
verted from a stable to a dormitory
as a study hall until last year when
the geologists moved to Camp Davis.
Up until that time, there had been
little need for inside work, since the
engineering students had devoted
their time primarily to field opera-
tions. However, with the advent of
the geology students there was an
increased demand for study hall
space, better lighting conditions and
additional drafting tables. The pres-
ent building contains only one table,
The marriage of Marian Wellman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E.
Wellman of Jamestown, N.Y., to
Ernest A. Jones, '38, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albin E. Jones, of Jamestown,
took place June 28 at Levans Club in
Matrons of honor were Mrs. Albert
M. Townsend and Mrs. Bernard Bish-
op and bridesmaid was Betty Mix.
Donald Jones acted as best man and
ushers were Bert Blanchard, Bernard
Bishop and Walter Wellman.
The bride was a graduate in 1937
of the College of Wooster, Ohio. Mr.
Jones, who received his degree from