THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY k . r ... ._. ... - - - w - - - ~w W W I . } " . I UII d and managed by students of the University of in under the authority of the Board In Control of t Publications. shed every morning except Monfay during the ity year and Suxmrl c Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to. the, republication of all news dispatches credited to iot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All o republication of all other matters herein also d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, *A class mail matter. :riptions during regular school year by carrier. REPRESENTED FOR NAT1ONAL. ADVER.,SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represeotlawve 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * .LosANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Mitchell . . . . winton .* lorberg ... . . . . anavan . ... .. Kelsey .. . . essier........ .onneborn . . . . Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor, Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor E Business Staff W. Buchen . . . . Business Manager ark . . . . . . . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDI'OR: MALCOLM LONG he editorials published in The Michigan ily are written by members of the Daily iff and represent the views of the iters only. STATION STATIC -from the University Biological Station By RUTH SCHORLING DOUGLAS LAKE, July 27.-Black Lake, Stur- geon Bay, Wilderness State Park, Mackinac Island . . . this is indeed the season for trips as Biological Station classes comb the north for everything from snakes to mosses. Longest and most exciting expedition of the session is the Plant Ecologists' over-night trip to the famous Sleeping Bear Dune. The Sta- tion's twenty-two luckiest campers left Friday morning, complete with bed-rolls, meter sticks, and cameras innumerable. Under the direction of Dr. F. C. Gates camp was made near the Coast Guard station, on Sleeping Bear Point. After several hours of survey work on the nearby dunes, a few hardy souls such as Mabel Allison, Janette Dickson, and Katie Behrens braved the waters of Lake Michigan while "Motty" Mottes- heard cooled his feet from the sizzling dunes. Supper . . . under the efficient supervision of Dorothy Bline, Teter and Weber, chefs extra- ordinary, fried the steaks, while Dr. Sparrow of the Botany Department watched dubiously over the coffee. Marshmallows and music followed, and the evening ended with "The Farmer in the Dell" and a Virginia Reel in the sand to- the tune of Ed Phillips' harmonica. All too soon came Saturday morning and Dr. Gates, who narrowly missed being lynched as he woke the slumberers at five o'clock for an early breakfast. Then began the ascent of the highest sand dune in the world . . . and the ecologists agreed that climbing in sand is like going up a "down" escalator! But well worth it, as all agreed when they puffed triumphantly to the summit and looked down upon Lake Michigan and lovely Glen Lake where they were soon to lunch and swim before their return to the Station. Bingo was the order of the-evening on Satur- day night as the Station went rustic at the Grange Party. "White Elephant" prizes, con- sisting of everything from mosquito dope to baby bottles and a valuable antique inner tube, were presented to the horrified winners, among whom were Mrs. McMullen, Helen Hay, Frances Hubbs, Harry Wilcox, and Virginia Barrioz. Eating ice cream sticks on the Pteris before the dancing were Hay-Seeds Wade Hooper, Co- chairmen Bob and Dorothy Campbell, Larry and Jerry Penner, Dean of Women Odina Olson, Miss Boys, Frances Wynne, and Lois Steere. A busy weekend looms ahead . . . Saturday night brings the first perennial meeting of the Dissociation for the Retardment of Science to the Club House; tonight the baseball team battles with the Cheboygan Merchants; and Sunday a general exodus transplants the Station to historic Mackinac Island. The Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies was organized as a subdivision of the lit- erary college in 1892 andas a separate school in 1912. The present enrollment is about 4,100, with the faculty drawn from the other schools and colleges. This school confers master's (A.M., M.S.) and doctor's (Ph.D., Sc.D., D.P.H.) degrees and advanced professional degrees. It main- tains the Institute for Human Adjustment, In- stitute of Public and Social Administration (De- troit and Ann Arbor) and Center for Graduate Study (Detroit). The School of Education was organized in 1921, with the first professorship founded in 1879. The annual enrollment is about 2,100, and the faculty is 30. It offers a two-year course after two years of college and also a four-year course in physical education. It operates the University High School and Elementary School. Degrees it confers are A.B.Ed. and B.S.Ed. 'Gown & Qown By STAN M. SWINTON Bok Perlman, former member of the University Student Senate and an M graduate, recently finished a tour of the concentration camps of Southern France. Bob sent this letter to Ann Arbor-a striking picture of conditions there. We've received permission to publish it: Perpignan, France March, 1939 DEAR FRIEND, I hope that you arrived home safely, and that everything is going well with you. From the bot- tom of my heart I pray for you and for all who were able to return home safely. Now you are a free man, able to work, to sleep in a bed, to walk in the streets, to smoke, to eat, etc. Whereas we are still in a sorrowful state: the food is bad, there is little bread, barbed wire everywhere, no underclothes, only the things which each one wore on his arrival. In addition to this, we are nearly eaten up by vermin. Many of us are sick. It is cold; the wind blows roughly; and we always sleep on the sand. We have no luggage, which explains why we have no changes of linen. We have neither papers nor recommendations. There is nothing to smoke; in a word, the situation is really de- pressing. You can be glad that you are already far away. Who knows when we will be able to leave? No country wants us! And we all have a fervent desire to be free again; to look for work; unfortunately we are still behind barbed wire, guarded by French Mobile Guards, by the Spahis, and by the Carabiniers Senegalais. If you you can be thankful for having left here. If you have the time, we would be very very happy to receive a few lines from you, from the realm of golden liberty! Forgive me if I do not stamp this envelope . . we haven't a sou. Once again, best wishes from me and from the comrades who are here. Mit Freiheitgruss So runs the letter sent to a SwIss comrade by a former Austrian Mechanic who fought in the International Brigades of the Spanish Republi- can army. Today he is confined in a refugee camp on the French-Spanish frontier, -because -for reasons easy to understand-it was im- possible for him to return to Hitler's Austria. His fate is that of about 200,000 fighters for liberty who are today confined in concentration camps in France. 200,000 Refugees Since the day that France entered Barcelona, Jan. 26, almost a half million Spaniards have exiled themselves in France. 'About 200,000 of these refugees were Republican soldiers; the rest were civilians; industrial workers and peas- ants, for the most part demoralized and terrified by the bombardments, the deaths, the Phalan- gists, and the fear of having to live under the iron glove of totalitarianism. There are about 160,000 women and children. The hasty exodus from Spain of this famished, ill-clothed, heroic mass, gave rise to a'number of terrible problems which the 200,000 refugees and the French authorities of2the Department desPyrenees O- entales were unable to face alone. Although a large part of the criticism directed at France for the manner in which she has dealt with the refugee problem is justified, it must be remem- bered that the enormous proportions of the exodus were a complete surprise to her. In fact, she had scarcely expected to receive anything but disarmed troops in retreat, accompanied by a number of political refugees. The local authorities, the population, as well as all sorts of voluntary aid worked courageously from the beginning and are carrying on their work today. But the French government, in its anxiety to gain the gratitude and friendship of dulo . EDUCATION is still in the pioneering stage, Dr. L. W. Keeler of the School of Education was only agreeing with scores of liberal-minded educators throughout the nation hen he said once that "education is still an "xtrem ely wasteful 'process." ;Mut, unlike many movements, enterprises, and ideas that have been pioneered in the past, education may draw from suggestions from methods used in other fields which are similarly operated. Ignoring such criticism is worse than mere straight-laced conservatism. It is sheer laziness. And educators today are guilty of sheer lazi- ness when they flaunt modern curricula as de- signed for the individual. The truth is that the typical modern curriculum is basic, and any individual variations that may exist are varia- tions in quantity not in content of work. The child whose work is not quite up to par is not required to do quite as much, or he may be given special assistance. The superior student is required to complete the standard curriculum and possibly some extra assignment. But on the whole there, is no variation whatsoever in content of work accomplished. Of course, we must remember that in the field of special education for the mentally and physically handicapped, great strides have been mid are being taken. Our neighbors at Ypsilanti soon may be working in cooperation with our School of Education to help devise and apply the best possible curricula for the handicapped. But the plight of the particlarly gifted student Ls still pathetic. He is forced to do the same work everyone else in his class does. He may advance through a standard curriculum in less time than his fellows, but if he does he is forced into a high school, college, or business world to which he is poorly adjusted because of his age. New Tork City educators are beginning to realize his plight, and have generated a spark of realiza- ion that may some day light the torch that will point the way for individual training. For that is just the problem: to teach the ndividual, not the class. Mr. Gerald Rush of dhe Michigan State Parole Board tells us that ndividual education in its strictest sense is actu- klly accomplished in this state in the training and -ehabilitation of all persons confined in institu- Ions. This education is based on a case history eport that is compiled by an expert board, made ip of sociologists, psychologists, teachers, and loctors. The typical case history used in a Michigan penal institution treats of all the acs that enter into the makeup of the indi- idual from his childhood on. With such refer- nce material as this, it is but a short step to in education that considers only the particular iackground and aptitudes of the individual. Compiling such a case history for the public chool student would not be the herculean task hat it might appear. It would be merely a niatter of keeping a running record of the stu- lent's progress, supplemented by studies of his ome life and outside contacts. A start toward uch a record has been made with the so-called Jongitudinal studies" being developed by Dr. . A. Courtis. This longitudinal type of study s all right as far as it goes, but it is grossly ricomplete, in that it is only a record of mental .evelopment, with no supplementary informa- ion. A more complete record, with the necessary Wcompanying action in the shape of selective tudies adapted to the individual's -aptitudes, rould be the first step toward really individual- zed education. Much along this line is being done a studies of child development by Prof. Willard I Olson at the University Elementary School. Critics Again To the Editor: To obviate the necessity of unprof- itable controversy and to satisfy my, curiosity. I am supplying a multiple-1 choice question to the reviewers of "Androcles and The Lion," whose manifestly unfair criticism appeared in this morning's Daily. All that is needed is that they check the correct explanation,-I can think of no others at the moment-and return the clip- ping to The Daily which I feel sure will afford space for the answer. 1. Our assignment was to pan the play. 2. We are young adolescents who wish to appear sophisticated. 3. We are a little dumb and can't quite understand Shaw. 4. We haven't been getting enough sleep lately. 5. We didn't attend the play, but some one told us about it. 6. We tried out for parts but were not accepted. -Androcles the new Spanish dictator, makes no haste to better the deplorable condi- tions in the refugee camps and hos- pitals. At the beginning of March, when the census of all the refugees was completed,' it was ascertained that 40,000.of them could never be repatri- ated in Spain, since their former political work exposed them to the reprisals from the Nationalists. The French hope that most of them will be able to establish themselves in Mexico and other South American nations. Various groups of refugees see their fate ruled according to who they are: most of the women and children were rapidly distributed in small groups throughout France. Therest were enclosed, in various numbers, at Cerberes, Leperthus, Bourg-Ma- dame, Argeles, Saint-Cyprien, Le Barcares, and in a series of smaller camps. About 12,000 wounded and gravely ill were housed in two im- provised hospitals at Perpignan, a hospital at Toulouse, and two ships transformed into floating hospitals at Port-Vendre. In Concentration Camps The investigation that I have-made recently in three of the large camps and hospitals in the region of Per- pignan, enabled me to determine the following facts. At Argeles, where there are about 60,000 refugees, the conditions are absolutely shameful. It does not seem that any real effort has been made by the French Auth- orities to make them better. There is a great lack of sufficient shelter, of food, of medical supplies; the place swarms with vermin, and sicknesses are frequent. Yet, in spite of ad- versity, in spite of the moral and physical misfortune, of which I have found evidence in the entire camp, the morale of the refugees is in gen- eral extraordinarily high. One of the refugees in the Argeles camp, discussing the Czech govern- ment set up by Mr. Benes in the U.S., cried: "We too have a government of the same kind-the true Spanish government has been transferred to the south of France-andit will not be long before we return to claim that which belongs to us." This firmness, and that of his friends, gave no doubt that some day or other, in some man- ner or another, their convictions would be realized. Another refugee was telling that he had written his mother in Spain to ask her if conditions to allow him to return home. His mother replied that life was very pleasant, that he could return home when he wished, and that certainly he would be treated as well as his brother. It happened that his only brother had been shot two years before by the Fascists. But the censor is so strict that that was the only manner in which a mother ,ould inform her refugee son of the frightful repression enforced in Spain. The skillfulness and inventive spirit which the refugees have shown is surprising. With nothing else at their disposal than simple tools, and few of these, they succeeded in con- structing ingenious folding beds, den- tist chairs, keys, sterilizers, and a host of other indispensable objects. At Argeles, the Spanish guides of a large section of the camp were so !sappy to meet reporters who were not representatives of the press that they gave them a reception worthy of great heroes. The director of this part of the camp, 26 years old, a com- mander in the military staff of the Spanish Republican Army, embodies the very spirit of the camp. "Morale," he said, "is the only thing that they won't be able to take from us!" The Spanish doctor-in-chief and his assistant, although ill themselves, pay their daily visits so conscientiously and with words comforting enough to bring a dead man from his grave. When one of the visitors expressed his sadness at the condition of the refugees, a broad smile spread over the doctor's face, and he declared, "Mais quoi, they have a good time. It is like a camping party." Such is the spirit of all the Spanish directors of the camp, who work night and day. to make the most of an almost im- possible situation. --R Perlm. The Editor Gets Told DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1939 1 Ed. D. degree in Education. The3 qualifying examination for educa- tion students looking forward to the degree of Doctor of Education will be held this morning at 8:00 in 1022] University High School.' Those expecting to take this examination are requested to leave their names in2the office of Profes- so' Woody, 4002 UHS. Lecture Demonstration: "A dem- onstration of how one person can give a public speechor sing a quar- tet, without using his vocal cords" by Professor Floyd a Firestone of the Department of Physics, will be pre- sented in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building at 1:15 p.m. to- day. Open to the public. The Rackham Record Concert, which will be held today at 3 p.m. in the Men's Lounge, will con- sist of a group of smaller works em- bracing several periods in music lit- erature. The program is as follows: Suite for strings, horns, flutes and English horn, Purcell-Barbirolli; Bal- let Music from "Le Coq d'Or," Rim- sky-Korsakoff; Serenata Notturna, Mozart; Death and Transfiguration, Strauss; L'Apres-midi d'un Faun, Debussy; Rumanian Rhapsody Num- ber One, Enesco. The records are from the library of Mr. J. W. Peters. Androcles and The Lio' by George Bernard Shaw will be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30 this evening in the Lydia Men- . delssohn Theatre. Graduate Outing Club will have a picnic, ,including swimming, base- ball, volleyball, hiking, a treasure hunt, andaa camp-fire, on Sunday, July 30, at Saline Valley Coopera- tive Farms. The group will meet at 2:30 at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building. Transporta- tion will be by car, and all those own- ing cars are urged to bring them. Drivers will be repaid for their ex- penses. All graduate students and faculty members are cordially in- vited. There will be a meeting re- gardless of the weather. Sunday Worship Services will be held in Trinity Lutheran Church at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Henry O. Yoder will deliver the ser- mons at both services. Worship Service will be held at 10:30 in Zion Lutheran Church with sermon by the Rev. Ernest C. Stell- horn. The Lutheran Students, their wives and friends will meet at 5:00 p.m. SSunday at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Cars will take the group to the place of the outing. Mr. Rolfe Haat- vedt, professor at ,Luther College will speak on Archaeology and the Bible. Mr. Haatvedt was a member of the University archaeological expedition in the Fayum region. He spent from 1930 to 1933 with the group. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. . 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship Serv- ice. Dr. John W. Dunning, President of Alma College, will be the guest preacher. Dr. Dunning's topic will be "Divine Restoratives." Special music by the choir under the direc- tion of Hardin A. VanDeursen with William N. Barnard at the organ. 5:30 p.m., the SummertSession stu- dent group will meet at the Council Ring for a cost supper. At the Ves- per Service which follows at 6:15 in the Lewis Parlor, Miss Edith Thom- as, Special Lecturer in Library Sci- ence, is to speak on "Beautiful Books on Religious Themes." Miss Thomas will provide an exhibit of a few books and will lead a discussion relating to some of these books. This talk should be of great interest to teachers in church schools, to parents and to others interested in religious work. The Michigan Christian Fellowship invites you to attend its regular Sun- day afternoon meeting held in the Fireplace Room Lane Hall at 4:30. Mr. Mary Erickson is going to speak on the subject, "Why Study Reli- gion." There will be group singing led by Mr., Charles Yung-san Hsu and refreshments will be served. First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W. The Coolest Dining Room in Town! . . So our Patrons say The HAUNTED TAVERN 417 E. Huron St. Free Parking Brashares will preach on "Totalita- rian Loyalty" at the Morning Wor- ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Wesley Foundation. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead the class in "New Testament Religion" at 9:30 a.m. at Stalker Hall. The subject for dis- cussion will be "The Cross-First Tragedy then Doctrine." Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6 p.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will speak on "Toward Racial Understanding." Refresh- ments and fellowship hour after the meeting. First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron Street. 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Rev. C. Y. Boyd, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Tiffin, Ohio, will be the speaker. He will speak on the theme: "Does God Care." St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Hen- ry Lewis; 4 p.m. Student Picnic at Saline Valley Farm. Cars leave church at 4 p.m. Unitarian Church. Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. Lester Mondale of Evans- ton, Ill., will speak on "Men, Wom- en and Hate," an answer to Karl Menninger's essay on unhappy mar- riages. Christian Reformed and Reformed Church services will be held Sun- day, July 30, at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League Chapel. Mr. John H. Bratt will speak at both services. Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers): The Ann Arbor Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends will hold an un- programmed meeting for worship, Sunday, July 30, 1939 at 5 p.m. in the Michigan League. Following the meeting there will be a cafeteria sup- per in the Russian Tea Room. Friends and others interested are cordially invited to be present. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St., Sunday service at 10:30, subject: "Love." Golden Text: Jude 1:21. Sunday School at 11:45. High School Athletic Accident or Benefit Plan Conference. Athletic Ac- cident Benefit or Protection Plans in effect in several states will be dis- cussed by C. E. -Forsythe, State Di- rector of High School Athletics, Michigan High School Athletic As- sociation, in Room 318 of the Michi- gan Union, Monday, July 31, 7:30 p.m. Michigan school administrators, physical education instructors, and athletic directors and coaches espe- cially are urged to be present in order that problems involved in the posy sible establishment of an Athletic Accident Benefit Plan in Michigan may be considered. Piano Recital. Harry Gil-Smythe, pianist, of Baltimore, Maryland, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, Monday evening, July 31, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard St. The general public is cordially in- vited to attend. The Graduate Commercial Club: Dean Edmonson will speak on Occu- pational Patterns at 4:15 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building on Tuesday, Aug. 1. There will be tea and dancing in the As- sembly Room following the lecture. German Hause: Dr. Frederick Dean McClusky, Director of Scarborough (Continued on Page 3) 4 Apparatus In Investigation Of Ultra-Virus By KARL KESSLER Latest types of scientific apparatus used in the investigation of ultra-viruses and other micro-organisms were explained yesterday by Prof. Andre Gratia of the University o . Liege, Belgium in the final in the series of virus lectures. Difficulties encountered in the study of viruses were two, Professor Gratia explained. First, virus, since they are of a parasitic nature, cannot be cultivated artificially, except in living tissue or in other bacteria. Secondly, due to their small size, they could not be seen even through the best microscopes. Smallest object that could possibly be seen by means of the ordinary type of microscope has been calculated to be about 30 times the size of the smallest virus, and since the limit of visibility was determined by the wave length of light, a microscope constructed along different principles was seen as the only solution to the problem. By using ultra-violet rays of light in place of the ordinary visible beam, photographic images of particles half the size of thessmallest visible by previous means were observed. Latest and most complete results, however, are those ob- tained by the use of the electronic microscope. In place of the light beam, this instrument uses electronic rays, focused on a photographic plate by means of magnetic fields. Another instrument by means of which a great deal of knowledge of the mysteries sur- rounding the ultra-viruses is the ultracentrifuge developed by two French scientists, Henriot and 3 Huguenard. The principle of operation of the ultracentrifuge, Professor Gratia explained, is quite simple. The "whirling" part of the centri- fuge consists of a heavy,-hollow metal cone, with' small notches cut along the under side. This cone then nestles within a second cone which fitted with a series of air jets corresponding to the notches in the upper cone. In operation, air at a pressure of 5 atmospheres (about 70 pounds per square inch) is forced through the slanted jets under the cone. These jets of air then perform a dual function by im- parting a rotary motion to the cone and by supporting it on a "bearing of air." This cone-is in this manner able to attain a. maximum rotational velocity of 150,000 revolu- tions per minute, at which speed a centrifugal force of 400,000 times the force of gravity is exerted on the material within the central cone. Difficulties, however, were encountered when this centrifuge was first put into use. The mix- ture was sedimented readly enough by the machine, but it settled in a ring around the periphery of the cone, and when the speed was again decreased, the contents of the cone were remixed. Several methods of preventing this remixing were tried until a satisfactory solution was found by Professor Gratia. The cone now in use is con- structed out of duraluminum with small depre's- sions drilled around the inside of the cone. It is in these depressions that the viruses are sedi- mented. SHOWS 2 - 4- 7 - 9 P.M. Today's Events 9:15 a.m. Linguistic Society Session (Amphitheatre, Rackham =Building). 12:15 p.m. Linguistic Society luncheon (Union). 1:15 p.m. Artificial Larnyx Demonstration by Prof. Floyd A. Firestone of the 'P n h na+r r (T- p tin TT lan.-. n Starting Today The Devil Is Their Playmate ...Sudden Death Is The Game -ex - - , WARNER BROS with RONALD REAGAN I I ; ° ,H Ww