THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, HIGAN DAILY Minute OrganismsChange Biology Study Bacteriologists Probe Existence Of Living Organisms Smaller Than Molecule, Prof. Andre Gratia Describes In Lecture Here it The Editor ti Gets Told DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday - f 3 -1 d and managed by students of the University of an under the authority of the Board In Control of t Publications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Sunnu a Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of repubication of all other matters herein also d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, a class mail matter. criptions during regular scbool year by carrier, y mail. $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVE.,tSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Redresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO 'BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES S-AN FRANCISCO By KARL KESSLER Recent discoveries in the line of ultra-micro- scopic organisms may bring about a complete revolution in present concepts of biology, Prof. Andre Gratia of the University of Liege, Belgium, predicted yesterday in a lecture in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. Bacteriologists have now discovered evidences that living organisms exist whose size is even smaller than that of some of our larger known molecules, Professor Gratia indicated, but as always has been the case in the past, this con- cept is strongly challenged by other groups of scientists. Perhaps the most famous of these contro- versies between bacteriologists is that which centered about Pasteur's theory of the existence of bacteria. At that time was generally believed that the fermentation of grapes was due to a chemical substance present in the grape itself. This was the endoginous theory. Pasteur, however, contended that the phenom- ena of fermentation could be directly traced to the action of micro-organisms, o' bacteria. To prove his theory, Pasteur isolated a bunch of grapes from all outside contacts and from the surrounding air. These grapes, Pasteur showed, failed to ferment, thus disproving the endoginous theory. Bacteriologists today no longer question the existence of these bacteria, Professor Gratia in- dicated, but the frontier of dispute between exo- ginous and endoginous theories has shifted to the field of sub-microscopic oraginsms, or ultra- viruses. Certain diseases such as hoof-and-mouth dis- ease in cattle and tobacco mosaic on plants have been found. to be caused by a minute fitler-pass- ing agent. The endoginous school of thought here contends that this agent cannot be of the same nature as bacteria, but must rather be conceived as being of the nature of an enzyme produced by the host. Several phenomena at first seemed to point toward this conclusion, Professor Gratia re- marked, but in each case they can be equally well explained in terms of the exoginous theory. It is true, he admitted that their minute size, some- times as low as one three-hundredth of the size of a red blood corpuscle, is difficult to conceive, but the same was true of Pasteur's bacteria. Again, it was found that in the case of bacterio- phage, a minute virus affecting bacteria could not be cultured without the presence of bacteria, and that they multiplied always at the same rate as\ the host. The endogenous explanation appeared obvious, but equally plausible is the other theory, which contends that the agent is an ultra-microscopic parasite. Further experiments conducted by Professor Gratia on the effects produced by plant viruses known as tobacco mosaic showed that the eff/Ft was due not to an endoginous enzyme, but rather to an ultra-virus parasite. Further experiments showed that several very distinct virus strains exist and that some bacteria are virus carriers, just as humans may be disease carriers without being affected by the disease. In conclusion, Professor ,Gratia stated, we may soon see the day that these micro-organisms are synthetically produced by chemists. Visual Aids In Teaching The great increase in interest in photography and the increased use of visual aids in the schools were discussed by F. Dean McClusky, Director of the Scarborough School, Scarborough-On-Hud- son, N.Y., in his lecture yesterday in University High School Auidtorium. His topic was "Trends in the Use of Audio-Visual Techniques in Teach- ing." With the development of the candid camera and the great improvement in the materials of photography and better films has come a great increase in all types of photography, he said. Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff 4itchell inton. >rberg . . . . . navan . . . . .. elsey . . . . . ssler. Long . . . . inneborn . . . . Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff Philip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager P° I Park . . . . . . . Advertising Manager +ro X NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANA VAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily taf and represent the views of the writers only. A Diplomatic Jig-Saw Puzzle . .. NTO AN extremely confused world scene have been thrown within the. ppst weeks several of the most puzzling events Qbserved in recent years. Speculation is rife among both experts and novices but plausible explanations have yet to be found. Folkwing immediately upon the heels of the failures in negotiations for a Russo-British pact and for a three-way agreement including France, Russia and England, we find Germany and Russia beginning trade negotiations "for bartering Russian raw materials for German industrial products." This paradoxical move by the Nazis and their political opposites, the Communists, is interesting In the light of two interpretations. By some it is said that Russia is taking the initiative in order to force Britain and France into greater conces- ionss to the Russian government. Others declare that It is an attempt by Germany to "iron ring" Poland. Germany's announcement that she wanted no war in her next move of aggression (toward Dan- zig) still further confounds the prognosticators. Whether Germany is again lulling the democ- racies into a lethargy or. whether Germany is 3eally backing down can only be seen in the future, when\the moment for action arises. leanwhile Poland has made no concessions ,erself. She "stands pat" and declares that any move toward her territory or across it to free Danzig means a war. Undoubtedly she means this unqualifiedly. The two latest moves are only indirectly related to the European scene but are no less puzzling and no less inexplicable. The British have yielded to the Japanese and announce that the government will instruct British authorities and citizens in China to ab- stain "from such acts and measures" as "will obstruct" the Japanese or "benefit their enemy." Shamberlain seems to be granting belligerent .ights to this nation, an act which the United States has carefully avoided. Chamberlain's mind, as always, is either terribly confused or far too deep for any scrutiny. In face of the #nti-British demonstrations at Tokyo and the blockade at Tientsin, it appears like another #ppeasement. TOr it may be anotherkattempt to bring the Japanese back to the former Allies group. Again, he may have in mind coercing ,ussia who seems to be the reluctant member of the Russo-British negotiations. And now the United States decides to abrogate a treaty of 1911 made with Japan providing that no import or export prohibition would be en. forced by either of the two signatories which did not apply to all other nations at the same time. This treaty abrogation is in line with a reso- ution introduced by Senator Vandenberg sev- eral days ago. The State Department considered that this treaty was in the way of a resolution Df Senator Key Pittman calling for an embargo of Japan. The deck is now cleared for action. The u'nited States is in a position to act with a free Land in the Far East. But whether the sudden move for abrogation W in order to permit an embargo of Japan or is a.clever move of the Democrats to "steal the tlunder" of the Republicans' most likely candi- date for 1940 is still material for speculation. Key nations in the situation seem to be Japan, Russia and England. Underlying factors are British fear of Russia and her system, the TOWN & GOWN. By STAN M. SWINTON ROOSEVETL SAYSsshouts through contorted lips, "No, Oh, God, FEUD ON FARLEY No, No." IS TOMMY-ROT * * * -New York Herald-Tribune Complete frustration: Jim Allen reports that Phil Newman of the. Zeta Psi summer clan The Trib figures on makihg a deal. Roosevelt stumbled on a slot machine which had been turns conservative and they'll spell his name abandoned and was backless. Like any normal right.aadndadwsbckes ieaynra ri*ht.*human being, he decided here was his chance * * * * he'd l it until he won even If he would only "Referring to my Michigan lectures at win his own nickles. Smiling with anticipatory Ann Arbor, she (Amy Lowell) hoped I had glee he inserted nickles. They disappeared into been pleasantly entertained by the 'Ann the mechanism and when he went to retrieve Arborigines'"-Louis Untermyer in current thin they'd disappeared into the inner recesses "Harpers." of the mechanism. At last reports he was, in * * * a frustrated, cynical way, still pulling parts from the machine and looking for the nickels. In the same article: * * A toast to Amy Lowell, DEPARTMENT OF VITAL POLITICAL DE- That most incredible she, D T NIA P IE And all the little magazines, CTSIONS: . Tndhall thiettlmagazersre"Gov. John W. Bricker is not a candidate for That died to make verse free! President."-Washington column. Glad THAT'S settled.- Want a remedy for the heat? Don Anderson * * * of the University News Service has a swell one. ANN ARBOR SCENE: The room is a You venture down into the network of heating crowded restaurant. A lovely girl walks in tunnels which connect the University buildings accompanied by a male companion. They sit and stay there a while accustoming yourself to down, he motions for a waiter. Aloofly he the 120 degree temperature. orders two meals with a side-remark about "When you get up into a cool 90 or 95 outside the hardship of having to endure student again you feel as if you were at the North Pole," waiters. The boy in the white coat flushes Don reports. and the girl bites her lip. The superior chap * * * doesn't know that the waiter is her fiancee. At a local coke parlor, believe it or not: * * * She: There's something in my hair. Note to Bruno Roebbel: Thanks for the clip- He: Yes. It's your hand. ping of "The Square Peg" from the June 24 * * * Colliers. It's a swell story which faculty-men The Phi Kappa Tau house phones in a request would get a kick out of but copyright regulations we ask the burglar who broke in the other night forbid reprinting. to return. "You missed $27. We'll have it in the * * * * same suit at the same time," they asked us to tell Franklin Pierce Adams-a Michigan him. Tip to the burglar: Hold out for compound graduate incidetly-point out in the New interest at six per cent for the three days you York Post that there must be something to should have had the money. seeing into the future after all. When Mrs. Rose Hartwiek Thrope died in Washington last week at the age of 89, people took an STREET SCENE: Four policemen, billies interest in her "Curfew Must Not Ring To- ready, leap out of a squad car and run up- night Again." And to and behold she'd stairs into an office buildings on North Uni- known all about Neville Chamberlain when versity. A minute later they return, one she wrote it, for the poem starts "Slowly holding firmly to a youthful prisoner who England's sun was setting.. ." Today's Events 9:00 a.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg of the University of Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building). 11:00 a.m. Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi of Columbia University Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). "How Shall We Educate Adults In Religion?" (Alumni Memorial Hall). 2:00 p.m. Open House, (University Observatory on East Ann St.) "Jesus' Social Ideal," by Prof. Henry M. Battenhouse of Albion Col- leg4 (Alumni Memorial Hall). Linguistics Society Session (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). 3:15 p.m. English Discussion Tea (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). 4:00 p.m. "Religion and Mental Hygiene," Religion Institute seminar (Alumni Memorial Hall). Chinese Language Tea (International Center). 4:15 p.m. "Ultracentrifugation," by Prof. Andre Gratia of the University of Liege, Belgium (Room 1528 East Medical Building). 5:00 p.m. "Next Step in Pan-Americanism" by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the Department of Political Science (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). 6:00 p.m. Linguistics Society dinner (Union). Chinese Stand Clarified To the Editor: The letter of Mr. William T. Scott published in The Michigan Daily of July 26, 1939 has been read by the Chinese students with close atten- tion. Mr. Scott is one of those friends who contributed to see the benefit show. We are therefore grateful for his continued interest and thought- ful attitude. Fearing that his views might alien- ate American friends of Chinese de- fenders, I wish to present the follow- ing facts: 1. The policy pursued by the Chi- nese Government up to August, 1939 was in the spirit of conciliation ex- tolled in Mr. Scott's letter. Even to the very last moment the Chinese Government offered to negotiate a settlement that would satisfy all legi- timate peace-time needs of Japan, to be ascertained by a board of inquiry, composed of neutral experts, if Japan stopped the invasion and withdrew all her troops. 2. On the subject of non-violent resistance, a distinction should be made between the British Govern- ment of today which restored inde- pendence to Egypt and self-govern- ment to India, the British Govern- ment of the 18th century when the conquest of India was consummated, and the Japanese militarists of today who began the series of attacks that destroyed the system of collective security upon which the peace of the world depended before 1931. To the first, the method of non-violent re- sistance is applicable; to the last two, it is not. In our case we are dealing not with a responsible though obsti- nate and ambitious government, but with a group of irresponsible and un- scrupulous Japanese warlords. Per- haps the best place where the method of non-violent resistance should be tried against Japan is Korea. In fact numerous attempts have been made. Yet today we see no evidence of the existnce of such a movement. 3. The atrocities committed by Japanese militarists in the sack of Nanking and Hangchow is a familiar story which we try in vain to forget. In the occupation of Manchuria, the "three northeastern provinces" of Chi- na, by Japan, there was practically no violent resistance. A process dis- possessing and poisoning with nar- cotics the Chinese farmers there is now in progress. I must not conclude this letter with- out mentioning an all-important sub- ject. We are all very grateful for the help which the United States has extended to us, in the forms of relief funds from private contributors and credits granted by the government. It is gratifying to recall that even Senator Vandenberg has conceded the necessity of taking some action now. But the undeclared war has now entered a more critical stage and help to the Chinese Government is ur- gently needed. Therefore we implore our sister republic across the Pacific to extend promptly additional credits, in order that China may defend her- self successfully against the aggres- sor. China has never, on her part, failed to honor her share of obliga- tions. As participants in the affairs of state in the near future we feel safe in assuring our American friends that the generous help extended to us in our struggle for national ex- istence will be remembered forever and repaid with gratitude. Sincerely yours, A Chinese Student. Critics Criticized To the Editor: "They found no weighty social problems solved in grease paint, no 'biting indictments' of imperialism or of anything else," the reviewers of "Androcles and the Lion" state in their attempt to picture for The Daily the thoughts of passers-by who wan- dered into the Mendelssohn Theatre. Well, let's grant that the cracks at imperialism were probably stronger during England's Kipling-reading days than in the Munich world, but how about the satire on martyrs? The ancient world's martyrs were probably not too different from the modern world's, and newspaper men know that martyrs go to their mar- tyrdoms for as many reasons as people do anything else. Some die for vanity, some for friendship, some to attract attention, some to discomfit enemies (like Thomas a Becket), and some because of honest convictions. I submit that Shaw's play beautifully portrayed these mixed motives, and that therefore it is more than a "harmless little fable extolling kind- ness to dumb animals." As for the settings, there's no dis- puting opinions, though I thought that all of them were good, and the one for the first act especially so. I suppose judgments of acting are also subjective, but it seemed to me this was the best acted play of the season, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1939 E Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.1 Leonard Fellows Dean will be held at 9:00 a.m. today in Room 32171 Angell Hall. Mr. Dean's field of specialization is English Language and Literature. The title of his thesis1 is "The Theory and Background of1 Tudor History-Writing." Professor W. G. Rice, as chair- man of the committe, will conductl the examination. By direction of< the Executive Board, the chairmanf has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. Education and Conservation Pro- gram, Progressive Education From Cover to Cover Wild Fowl Conservation War On Insects Alaska Salmon Fisheries Fire Safety Fire Prevention Lest We Forget Smoke Speaking of Safety These films will be shown free to all who wish to attend, in the Archi- tecture Auditorium from 2 to 4 p.m. At Home: University. Observatory (East Ann Street) from 2 to 5 this afternoon. Women's Golf Competition: There will be golf competition on Palmer Field today at 3:00 for any women students interested. A small prize will be awarded. Engineering Mechanic Colloquium Mr. D. E. Marlowe will speak on "In- teraction of Trusses and Columns" today at 3 p.m. in Room 211 West Engineering Building. All interested are cordially invited to attend. English Department Tea. The sec- ond discussion meeting and tea for students in the English Department will be held in the Assembly Hall, Hall, Rackham Building, today at 3:15 p.m. The discussion of the first meeting will be -continued, with special reference to the follow- ing questions: (1) What goals do we wish to achieve through the teach- ing of literature in the secondary school? (2) What literary material is both worthwhile as literary art and teachable on the secondary school level? International Center Language Tea: Chinese language tea at 4:00 this afternoon. Candidates for the Master's De- gree in History. The language exam- nation will be held at 4 p.m., Fri- day, Aug. 4, in Room B, Haven Hall. Please sign for the examination be- before today in the History Depart- ment Office, 119 Haven Hall. Lecture: "Ultracentrifugation." Dr. Andre Gratia, Laboratorie de Bacteri- ologie, Liege, Belgium, will speak at 4:15 this afternoon in Room 1528, East Medical Building. Lecture: "The Next Step in Pan- Special Menus and Private Rooms for Parties or Groups at The HAUNTED TAVERN 417 E. Huron St. Free Parking Matinees 25c-Evenings 35c Now! Last Day ROBERT YOUNG ANN SOUTHERN "MAISIE" _______I Andl ANNA NEAGLE "LOOK OUT FOR LOVE" Extra NEWS OF THE DAY --_ _ Saturday Dead End Kids "ell'sI Kitchen" Americanism." Professor Jesse S. Reeves will discuss this subject at 5:00 this afternoon in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. The combined High School Clinic Band and the University Summer Session Band, will give a concert this evening, at Ferry Field, at 7:15 o'clock, to which the general public, with the exception of small children is invited, without admis- sion charge. Visitors' Night: Students' Observa- tory, Angell Hall, from 8 to 10 this evening. All members of Blue Key, national Leadership Fraternity, attending the Summer Session are asked to meet in Room 302, Michigan Union, today at 7:30 p.m. Organ Recital. William Barnard, organist, of Shawboro, North Caro- lina, will give a recital in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, this eve- ning, 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The general public is invited to at- tend. Androcles and The Lion by George Bernard Shaw will be presented by the Michigan Repertory Players at 8:30 this evening in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Ed. D. degree in Education. The qualifying examination for educa- tion students looking forward to the degree of Doctor of Education will be held on Saturday morning, July 29, at 8:00 in 1022 University High School. Those expecting to take this examifnation are requested to leave their names in the office of Profes- sore Woody, 4002 UHS at their earl- iest convenience. This week's Rackham Record Con- cert, which will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Men's Lounge, will con- sist of a group of smaller works em- bracing several periods in music lit- erature. The program is 'as follows: Suite for strings, horns, flutes and English horn, Purcell-Barbirolli; Bal- let Music from "Le Coq d'Or," Rim- sky-Korsakoff ; Serenata Notturna, Mozart; Death. and Transfiguration, Strauss; L'Apres-midi d'un Faun, Debussy; Rumanian Rhapsody Num- ber One, Enesco. The records are from the library of Mr. J. W. Peters. Graduate Outing Club will have a picnic, including swimming, base- ball, volleyball, hiking, a treasure hunt, and a camp-fire, on Sunday, July 30, at Saline Valley Coopera- tive Farms. The group will meet at 2:30 at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building. Transporta- tion will be by car, and all those own- ing cars are urged to bring them. (Continued on Page 3) w WARNER 8805.' IIdifng RONALD REAGAN A ERE ERIE JOHN IUTEL ".ILARHODES AVNUE James Stepheuson " Eddie Foy., Jr. Also Pete Smith's "Poetry of Nature" "Barnyard Brats," Color Classic "Land of Contentment," Travel News and Musical SUNDAY- Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever ., %- 1 U . r _ ... i P kc, R U I