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June 26, 1939 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1939-06-26

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MONDATRNE 29, 1939

Foods, Water And Playgrounds Lure Summer Students From


Variety Marks
Local Facilities
For Recreation
Swimming Chief Pastime;
Golf, Tennis, Canoeing,
Hiking, Fishing Popular
Widespread facilities for almost
every type of summer activity are
found in or near Ann Arbor, offer-
ing the summer student easy oppor-
tunities for a recreation program to
suit any interest.
Swimming is probably the chief]
summer recreation. Men students
will find the Intramural and Union
pools available on the campus, with
the pools open to women at certain
hours. The Municipal Beach onthe
Huron River is also easily and quick-
ly reached, as are several "holes,"
including Barton,. Loch Alpine, Del-
hi, Hudson Mills, and others on the
river. Public - beaches - are' found
within easy driving distance at Port-
age, Whitmore and Pleasant Lakes.
The University'o f 'Michigan' golf
course is one of, the\ best-known. and.
most difficult courses in the state
and -has been the' 'site of several
tournaments. Students can.play for
50 cents. Ann Arbor has six other
courses, including' B.rtOni Hills, Hu-
ron Hills, .Ann Arbor and Stadium
Hills. The Municipal Course, by the
river, is also popular with students.
Washtenaw Couitry .Club,. five miles.
west on the Huron River Drive, are
also well-known'aaid popular. courses.
Tennis facilities are mainly locat-
ed on University property. Men stu-
dents have available, to them 34.
courts on Ferry Field, while the
women have about 20 courts on Pal-
mer Field. Men may play on PalmerI
Field only with women students.a
About.12 public, courts are availalle
in the city pTarks, mainly in Burns
Park in the southeast' and ;in West.
Park in 'the, west pairt-of the city.
Numerous private courts in the, east

Lakes And Pools
Offer Cool Relief
From Hot Classes
Located on the Huron River and
only a few miles southeast of a
southeurn Michigan chain of lakes,
Ann Arbor offers the students plenty
of opportunity for swimming relief
from the summer heat.
More than 40,000 persons swam
last summer at the Municipal path-
ing Beach on the Huron RiVer on
Long Shore Drive, it has bee'h esti-
mated. This is about a mile from the
campus. The river also offers good
swimming at several unsupervised
localities between Ann Arbor and
Dexter, including Barton Pond (two
miles from the city). Delhi (four
miles). Loch Alpine (four miles),
and Hudson Mills (14 miles). Otler
spots are found to the southeast of
the city, including Rawsonville Dam
at Ypsilanti, about eight miles from
the campus..
Swimming trips to near-by lakes
are popular in the summer. Among
these, Portage Lake (16 miles from
Ann Arbor) and Whitmore Lake (10
miles) draw a large number of sum-
mer residents of the city. Newkirk
Beach at Portage, and Groomes and
Lakeview Beaches at Whitmore are
well-known private beaches. Sodts
Beach is popular at Pleasant Lake
(12 miles). Good public beaches are
found at Cavanaugh Lake (20 miles),
at Island Lake (18 miles), Walled
Lake (30 miles), and at Wamplers
Lake in the Irish Hills (35 miles).
Numerous resorts are found in the
lakes in the Lakeland district, 17
miles north of Ann Arbor, and in the
Unadillatdistrict, 20 miles northwest.
Development of a vast recreation
area is planned by. the Federal gov-
ernment in the Waterloo Park ter-
ritory, stretching north and west of
Chelsea, 15. miles west;of Ann Arbor.
Swimming facilitiesare also avail-
able to men in, the Intramural Pool
from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, and from
3 to 6 p.m. daily except Sundays
and holidays. The. Union pool will

560 Acres Of Scenic Parks
Beckon Pleasurebent Students

With 560 acres of park area, Ann
Arbor offers the summer student rec-
reational facilities far above the
maximum standards sets by authori-
ties. County parks also offer exten-
sive facilities for various outdoor ac-
tivities above the standard.
Park areas in Ann 'Arbor, in the
ration of about one acre of recrea-
tional space to every 60 inhabitants,
include 15 playgrounds, a golf
course, swimming beach, and several
tennis courts and softball diamonds.
Supervised programs will be carried
out at Burns Park, Wines Field, West
Park, Waterworks Park, Jones play-
ground and the Municipal Beach.
Best-known of the parks to the
students are the Nichols Arboretum
and Island Park. The Arboretum,
consisting to 90 acres on Geddes
Road, is controlled jointly by the
University and the city. It is one
of the scenic spots of the city and is
the site of extensive floral and plant
development. Island Park is the
favorite for picnics, consisting of 166
acres centered about the "Island" in
the Huron River.
The city has two baseball and 13
softball diamonds, with organized
softball proving very popular in the
summer. Competition is held at 11
of the parks which are furnished
with bleachers, scoreboards and
also be open to the men, and open
to the women at certain hours.
Excellent swimming is to be had in
any of the great lakes or in any of
MichigaA's famed northern lakes for
students wishing to take a day's or a
week-end's trip. Students at the
Biological Station are in the center
of the resort country and have an
excellent beach on Douglas Lake
at their front door step. Foresters
have their own private lake as well
as the cold Lake Superior, while
students at Camp Davis can dip in.
a mountain river at their camp in
Jackson'. Hole, Wyoming.

lights. A new park', Sportsman Park,
on Liberty Road will hold more than
2,000 fans. More than 40 men's
teams and 5 girls' teams competed
last year.
Two dramatic presentations and 13
concerts have been scheduled for the
orchestra shell in West Park. Among
concerts will be two given by the
University Summer Session orches-
tra, on July 6 and Aug. 3.
Washtenaw County has three
main parks, two along the Huron
River, which I offer extensive recrea-
tion facilities. Dexter-Huron Park,
about eight miles west of Ann Arbor
on the River, is the best-known and
largest of these parks. This park
contains facilities for bathing and
wading, has a baseball field, two 60-
foot banquet tables, 80' small picnic
tables, camp stoves and swings. It
was developed at a cost of $50,000.
Delhi Park, about four miles west
of Ann Arbor on the river, has bath-
ing facilities, swings, and about 10
picnic tables. Numerous small picnic
stoves and clearings are to be found
along the river bank. Cavanaugh
Lake Park covers two acres and has
a public bathouse. Picnic facilities
are also available in the county at
48 roadside tables maintained by the
state highway department.
A project to develop a giant recrea-
tion area along the Huron and Clin-
ton Rivers received a boost this
spring when the legislature passed
the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Au-
thority Act, authorizing the voters
of southeastern Michigan to estab-
lish an Authority to develop the
recreation facilities -of the two river
valleys circling Detroit.
No 'Fireworks' Says Chief
Acting Police Chief Norman E.
Cook asked the cooperation of Ann
Arbor residents in seeing that the
law prohibiting the sale or use of fire-
works is upheld to prevent ipjuries.

TYPICAL SUMMER SCENE: Torrid days find Summer Session students gathering at spots like this to soak
up the ultra-violet "tanning" rays of the sun in the cooling water. The diving float pictured above is located
on the Municipal Bathing' Beach on the shores of the Huron River.

part .of .town' increase the available
tennis facilities.
Ann Arbor has two riding, acade-
.mies, Mullison's on Jackson Road at
the fairgrounds, and Golfside, on
-Huron River Drive just. northeast of
the city limits. Several miles of
bridal paths are .available; as well
as narrow country roads.. Both
stables offer instruction in riding as
.,well as'.rent 'horses., Crop and Sad-
dle, women students' riding club, is
'the only- organized riding group,, al-
though organized supper rides are
provided on certain, night by the aca-
Boating and fishing are available
on allof the lakes mentioned above.

The fishing season opened yesterday,
with good angling predicted by state
conservation officials. Chief fish in
the small lakes and rivers of this dis-
trict include bluegills, sunfish, perch,
catfish and carp. Bass, trout, wall-
eyes and pike are to be found in the
lakes and streams of the north. Or-
ganized boating is to be found at
the Barton Boat Club at Barton
Pond and in the Michigan Sailing
Club. The Sailing Club is open to
students in general and has its fa-
'cilities on Whitmore Lake. Prof.
0. W. Blackett is head of the -Bar-
ton Club.
Canoeing on the Huron River is a!
favorite summer recreation. Canoes

can be rented at the Saunders Canoe
Livery on Long Shore Drive. Motor-
boat rides are available at Portage,
Island and Walled Lakes among oth-
Cycling and hiking are other popu-
lar 'summer activities. Bicycles can
be rented near the campus.
Observatory To Be Open
Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to students and:faculty of the
Sumimer Session at 8 'p.m. Friday,
July 7, on the top. floor of Angell
Hall. This is the first of a series. of
vistors' nights for the Summer
Session members.

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