0 THE MICIT A N fDAY THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939 .a. .. .a -. 1e1 1 lJ 11 1 l'}". tl 1 " _ 1J 1'L d L 1 ;... MICHIGAN DAILY _ 1 /. FI :77- Ied and managed by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in Control of nt Publications. ylhed every morning except Monday during the rsity year and Sunwl 4 Session. Member of the Associated Press SAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the or republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All s of republication of all other matters herein also ed. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ua ,d class mail matter. scriptions during regular sebool year by carrier, by mail, $4.30. REtPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVKET,.8ING BY NAtional Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * L.OS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff fitchell . . . . inton . . . rberg . aavan . . .... :lsey . . 'ssler * * Long . . nneborn . Business Staff Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor uchen . . .;. . .. . . Business Manager . . . Advertising Manager EDITOR: ETHEL Q. NORBERG The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers-only. Plant Virus And Bateriophage By KARL KESSLER Plant viruses and their striking similarity to bacteriophages was illustrated yesterday in the second in a series of lectures by Prof. Andre Gratia of the Laboratorie de Bacteriologie, Uni- versity of Liege, Belgium. Study of Tobacco Mosaic and other forms of plant virus, Professor Gratia demonstrated, greatly aided the determination of the exact nature of bacteriophage. The relation between phages and their host had been explained ac- cording to two theories. One held that the phage was of the nature of an enzyme, excreted by the bacteria itself. Several observed phenomena pointed to such a conclusion. One characteristic quality of these bacteriophages was that they always multiplied in the same proportions as the rate of reproduc- tion of the bacteria itself. These phenomena, Professor Gratia pointed out, could be explained equally well by either theory. The one claimed that this correlation indicated that the phage was of an endogenous nature; proponents of the other theory, however, sug- gested that the phage was of a parasitic nature, and could, therefore, not multiply faster than its host.. Turning to the investigation of plant virus action as in the case of Tobacco Mosaic, Profes- sor Gratia showed the striking similarity of the two diseases. Through several experiments, he demonstrated that the cause was due to a minute organism or corpuscle, and, as shown by differing effects of several strains on various types of plants, there existed several forms of these viruses. It was also demonstrated that they were of an exogenous nature. The conclusion, Professor Gratia stated, is that both plant virus and bacteriophage are very similar to parasites. Archaeology Of Bible Lands By MALCOLM LONG Prior to the World War, the main impression of "Bible Lands" was their remoteness and in- accessibility. But during the past 20 years, these lands have come out of the darkness caused largely by the old Turkish regime, and into the limelight of Western thought, according to Prof. Leroy Waterman, chairman of the Oriental languages and literatures department, in his lecture on "Archaeology of Bible Lands" delivered yesterday in Rackham Lecture Hall. Symbolic of this change is the fact that today the Sea of Galilee is the landing place of the seaplanes of the Imperial Airways route from London to Bagdad and to the Eastern parts of the British Empire.' Modern roads have played a large part in making the Bible lands into twentieth century lands, Professor Waterman said. Archaeological research has added a deepening sense of reality to the Bible. Like any book, the Bible assumes a 100 per cent knowledge of its background or setting and it is archaeology which is mainly striving to supply this. Professor Waterman, who has been closely identified with excavations and archaeology in this area, illustrated his talk with slides show- ing the sites of the excavations in these lands and objects discovered there. These sites in- cluded Ur of the Chaldees, Babylon, Ros Shamra, Tyre, Megiddo or Armageddon, Lachish, Jeru- salem and Sepphoris. Professor Waterman had examples of several types of lamps which have been found in excava- tions in Palestine and which he demonstrated to the audience. and many men in particular hestitate to attend the program. However, a challenge to this feeling of hei- tancy is presented in the fact that the two schools which have adopted the most complete program of this type are Purdue and West Point, two definitely masculine institutions. West Point has had a vigorous compulsory program of this type for years and has even gone so far as to give its men a regular course in dancing as well as general etiquette. Its stand is that the Army shall atttain the highest standard in every line of endeavor, social poise and ease of manner as well as military leadership. Other colleges are slowly beginning to appre- ciate the hard-headed practicality of this point of view. Michigan today is making a small beginning in offering this training through in- struction given in the various colleges and de- partments and through these demonstrations by Dr. Purdom. --Robert Mitchell )cial Training Vital Necessity . . . A WEEK AGO yesterday Dr. T. Luther. Purdom in an address in the Rack- ham Building demonstrated many of the habits of manner and appearance that are injurious to the chances of persons seeking jobs. Six assist- ants acted out the "right" and the "wrong" in the job interview. One girl used poor English; another was gaudily dressed and chewed gum. One of the men appeared with drooping socks and no tie; others sat down before the interviewer had taken his chair and committeed other minor breaches of good manners. This was a demonstration of the practical need from the point of view of the University of a program for which in recent years there has been a growing demand among students at cer- tain schools-a program in social training. Correct social training has become recognized more and more as a business asset. It not only is of value in enabling young men and women to obtain jobs, but is of definite importance in the successful fulfillment of positions in business and in the professions. Many students have be- c'ome interested in this training because they feel a lack in their personality development along these lines. Dr. Purdom's discussion demon- strates the increasing importance of this work from the standpoint of the school, which not only wants to successfully adjust its students to meet- irig life problems, but wants also to make a good record for its graduates after placement. The training can be presented in any number of ways. It can be given as an extra-curricular series of lectures or demonstrations, as is the case of the present program in marriage rela- tions at the University; it can be given as a required program for freshmen or for upperclass- men, as are the hygiene lectures; or it can be offered as a regular credit-bearing curricular course. The main objective should be to give an understanding of the various rules of courtesy. Although the demand for such a course has not been as spontaneous as for some of the other extra-curricular courses now offered, the pro- gram has been gradually growing and evolving at several schools. This lack of demand arises in general from -the fact that a great deal of the braining is acquired .at home, much of it consists of details that take several meetings to present, I DRAMAJ u. , 'Androcles And The Lion' By HARRY L. SONNEBORN and ALICE RYDELL Passersby who wandered into the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre yesterday evening, laden with the cares of Summer Session life, were relieved to find there a pleasant comedy in the slap- stick tradition, masquerading under the by-line of George Bernard Shaw, who says he is a satirist. They found no weighty social problems solved in grease paint, no "biting indictments" of imperialism or of anything else. The play was a harmless little fable extolling kindness to dumb animals which hurt nobody's feelings. The chief reason why the Shavian satire fell flat was that it was spread too thin. G.B.S. can usually make a dozen widely assorted people mutter dire things with one stroke of the pen, but here he failed because he is making polite faces at his intended victims, instead of employ- ing his customary rapier thrusts. And even the polite faces he does make are too heavily veiled to be effective. Even a poor play can sometimes be enjoyed, if the acting is skillful. But here there was no in- spired presentation to hold the cash customers' interest-except possibly James Moll in a lion costume. Ray Pedersen as Androcles was ade- quate, and the redoubtable Edward Jurist only muffed one line. Caesar, played by Richard Hadley, wore a fairly deserved laurel wreath. Sarah Pierce overplayed her part as Lavinia valiantly; Arthur Klein, as Ferrovius, was occa- sionally good; and the supporting cast func- tioned in the best Junior League style, spears and all. The settings were not quite up to the Reper- tory Players' standard; possibly "Our Town" had a bad influence, but a poor set is worse than no set at all. The music was written to be weird, but a couple of unintentional false notes made it even more so. Shaw claims with his customary stubbornness that he is portraying a characteristic of crowd psychology; that people enjoy persecutions not because they are antagonistic to the beliefs of the persecuted, but just because it makes a nice gory mess. The Romans in the play en- joyed the spectacle of Christians vs. Gladiators, but that is certainly not an indictment of im- perialism, as Mr. Shaw tells us to believe. That German Crown ,Prince who left the house dur- ing a performance in Berlin could not have been tortured by this heartless lampooning of imperialism (as Mr. Shaw affirms); he probably had a date. We are sorry to report that the play had no more social significance than a Mother Goose rhyme. It wasn't even obscene. The Editor GetsTold Doctor's Romance To the Editor: I read in the July 25th issue of your paper a description of life and experiences of a certain doctor in Arabia. Being an Arabian I was more than interested in the subject. But as I con- tinued to read I was disappointed at what the doctor was relating and to say the truth I was shocked. The topic has covered all Arabia and the Arabian people. But the matter dealt only with some forgotten corner in the desert where a certain tribe of Bedouins live, whose delicacy is to eat baked locusts. I do not blame the respected doctor who wants to show his natives what a hard life he was en- during for the sake of serving humanity and for the cause of science but I hoped that the reverend doctor did not call his speech "Romance In Arabia" while it was about donkeys, locusts and the Bedouins. This reminds me of the sort of thing the advertising agencies do. Arabia is a vast land the greater part of which is a desert but the inhabitants or rather the roamers of the desert, the Bedouins, are few. But the other part of the peninsula especially to the east, south and north is fertile and for this fact it is called the fertile crescent. In this part of Arabia the population are not like the Bedouins in their primitive life but they have their share of world progress and civilization. And so it will be a grave mistake to describe the backward life of the Bedouins and then after to make generalizations and say this is the life of the Arabs. We are not ashamed of the Bedouins and the life of the Arabs. We are not ashamed of the Bedouins and we are not trying to kill them off but we are encouraging them to settle and have their natural share of city education. We are trying to do to them what the American government has done with the Red Indians lately. The point which I am driving at is that we are what we are and we do not want ourselves to be called something else. You are an American for instance, you do not want to be called an Italian and visa versa. As the doctor was speaking about a certain tribe among the Bedouins he must be careful not to say, to quote him, "Describing the personal habits of the Arabs . . . etc," for these are not the Arabs who live in the cities and make up governments and countries. In the closing lines the doctor felt a great sympathy towards the Arabs in saying, "It is a race that has done great things in the past and is going to do great things in the future." This resembles what a grown up person would do with a child; after beating him, he gives him a piece of candy. This certainly proves that he was mixing up the primitive Bedouins with the educated Arabs which point I tried to convey to the interested reader. And if ever the Arabian people are going to do what the respected doctor expects from them in the future, they will come from the city people or from the roaming Bed- ouins who cease wandering in the desert and start building homes. -Arabian 'Zown & Gown IBy STAGN 'M. SWINTON (Roy Heath, former Daily sports writer and- columnist and soon to join the staff of a Boston paper. thought the readers of this column might be interested in the past and whereabouts of one Jack Sharkey. the only man who ever claimed to have seen the punch which lost him the world's heavyweight champion- ship. So here's his contribution.) By ROY HEATH BOSTON-By the spring of 1969, it is estimated that there will be left on this earth not a single man whoa at one time or another had the dubi- ous pleasure of fighting both Johna Harrison Dempsey, one-time heavy- weight champion of the world, anda Joseph Barrows Louis, king of the heavies in this year, 1939.$ At writing, there is only one man who is credited with having per- I formed such a feat. If you hear of any others, report them to the Mu- seum of Natural Science, Curiosa Americana division. The man of whoma I speak is Jack Sharkey, heavy- weight champion for a short period in the early thirties, now a prominent pub proprietor' and pillar of society in the city of Boston.r In 1927, Sharkey climbed into the same ring with Dempsey who at ther time was staging a comeback after having his title lifted a few monthsr before by Gene Tunney. For seven frames, the Boston Sailorman beat the champ like a rug. In the seventh,1 he turned to the referee to protest a low blow and when he came to in hisl dressing room,. his handlers were patting him in the face with a sponge. By 1936, Sharkey had gained and lost the title and was minding his own business which was dealing them over the bar at his Canal Street fill-t ing station in the Hub. At that time,l there was a shortage of opponents for one Joe Louis. The thought of longI green and gold lured Jack from be- hind the mahogany for a match witht the Bomber which was just too bad. It took Joe three rounds to lay the Beantown brave on the canvas. Thet fight was chiefly notable for Sharkey'sI classic understatement as he was be- ing led from the ring, "Somebody ' musta belted me." With considerable pro and con go- ing the rounds as to the relative fis- tic merits of the Old Mauler and Shufflin' Joe and in view of Mr. Shar- key's experiences at their hands, his conclusions on the outcome of a strictly imaginary match between the pair should be of interest. In case they are not of interest, turn to the editorials. Sailor Jack's opinion, handed down in a recent interview, is as follows: "Joe Louis would not last two rounds with Jack Dempsey. That includes the time it would take Joe to pull off his bathrobe." "The fight game is not what it was in my time," said the former John Cocoskey as he demolished a beer stain on his polished bar top. "When you take a guy like Tony Galento who was a bum ten years ago and make a contender out of him today when he is still a bum, things have come to a fine state. I am glad I am not fight- ing." Mr. Sharkey did not say exact- ly why he was glad he is not fighting but his tussle with Louis probably didn't improve his taste for fisticuffs. "Who has this Louis licked?" asked Sharkey in his best rhetorical style. He tolled off Joe's victims for the benefit of those laboring under the impression that the pride of Detroit had polished off some pretty fair Heed The Friend Who Told You To Dine at The HAUNTED TAVERN 417 E. Huron St. Free Parking ary: $2,600, Aug. 21. Michigan Civil Service: Hearings Stenographer range: $150-190, July 31. Instituion Psychologist range: $130-150, Aug. 1. Institution Psychologist range: $150-190, Aug. 1. boys."He beatsMaxie Baer, a burned out playboy, a scared old man, King Levinsky, an old Jack Sharkey and a few other bums, that's who he licked." As far as it went, the Lithuanian Larrupper's accounting was as good as gold. In all fairness, however, it must be pointed out that he neglected to mention such practitioners of the bash and belt art as Jim Braddock, Tommie Farr, Bob Pastor, Paulino Uzeudum and Max Schmeling. Jack also overlooked Primo Carnera who took Sharkey's title away from him with the famous "invisible punch," "I repeat," said Mr. Sharkey, thumping his bar lightly, causing patrons to grab their rocking drinks and duck under the impression that an earthquake was in progress," Joe Louis would not last two frames. He would not even make a good spar- mate." One thing about Jack, he is still full of pepper. Y Y f t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.mn,; 11:00 a.m. Saturday Aug. 21. Associate Seed Technologist, ary: $3,200, Aug. 21. Assistant Seed Technologist, ary: $3,200, Aug. 21. Assistant Seed Technologist, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1939 The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. Last date for filing application noted in each case. United States Civil Service: Tobacco Inspector, salary: $3,800, Aug. 21. Associate Tobacco Inspector, sal- ary: $3,200, Aug. 21. Assistant" Tobacco Inspector, sal- ary: $2,600, Aug. 21. Principal Seed Technologist, sal- ary: $5,600, Aug. 21. Senior Seed Technologist, salary: $4,600, Aug. 21. Seed' Technologist, salary: $3,800, sal- sal- sal- ir .. Iu#ui-li I, salary A, salary I, salary Prison Psychologist II, salary range: $200-240, Aug. 1. Account Clerk B, salary range: $105-125, July 31. Account Clerk A, salary range: $130-1,0, July 31. Photographic Laboratory Technician A, salary range: $130-150, Aug. 1. Institution Maintenance Black- smith A2, salary range-: $115-135, Aug. 7. Dietitian A2, salary range: $115- 135, Aug. 1. Dietitian Al, salary range: $140- 160, Aug. 1. Dining Room Supervisor C1, salary range: $95-110, July 31. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. The last physical education lun- cheon for this summer will be held in Room 116 of the Michigan Union to- day. The speaker will be Dr. Mabel Rugen. All students enrolled in physical education classes are cor. dially invited to attend. Luncheon Conference of the Lin- guistic Institute: Mr. Kenneth L. Pike will speak on "Linguistic Aspects of Bible Translation." The luncheon will be at the Michigan Union at 12:10 today. Miss Ruth Bristol of the Milwaukee (Continued on Page 3) w -1 I Buy Now! Save Money! y You can buy ANY SUIT at Saffell & Bush at 0% discount: (This includes STEIN-BLOCH suits.) ----_ 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m . 4:00 p m. Today's Events Physics Symposium, Prof. John A. Wheeler, Princeton University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Physics Symposium, Prof. E. J. Williams, University of Wales (Am- phitheatre, Rackham Building). "Linguistic Aspects of the Bible Translation" by Kenneth L. Pike at Linguistics Institute luncheon (Union). "Early Christian Manuscripts," lecture and exhibit by Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the Latin department (Room 300 Main Library). "Near East Social Movements," by Prof. George Michaelides of the Near East School of Theology, Beirut, Syria (Alumni Memorial Hall) "How Shall We Educate Adults in Religion?" Religion Institute seminar (Alumni Memorial Hall). "Japan in North China: A Two-Year Balance Sheet," by Dr. Wil- liam W. Lockwood, jr., of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). Russian Language Tea (International Center). "Trends in the Use of Audio-Visual Techniques in Teaching" by F. Dean McClusky, Scarborough School, N.Y. (University High School Auditorium). Band Concert, High School Clinic (Hill Auditorium). $50 suits now . $49 $45 suits now . $$3 $37.50 suits now $9 $35 suits now . $28 } ------------- TROPCAL WORSTED SUITS at a big saving! 201%. discount. Formerly priced $15 to $45 One group of Nunn-Bush and Edgerton SHOES formerly $6 to $8.504 NOwUN $3.95 One group of Colored Collar attached SHIRTS formerly $2 to $2.50 NOW 2 shirts for $3 f 4:05 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Buy QUALITY Clothing and be completely cntnt a nf . 1' 11