TTTF MI.CTTTAN DAILY ULU U4.V. . L.3 .PS..1 __ WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, i 11 LT11,4 ai l v is 11 .v naa a AN DAILY TOWN & GOWN By STAN M. SWINTON I -/, X- I anld managed by students of the University of n under the authority of the Board In Control of Publications. hed every morning except Monday durig the ty year and sumM Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to ot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All f republication of all other matters herein alo d at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier, y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ACVEmrSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGo ' BOSTON ' Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO "Hon. William Randolph Hearst, San Simeon Ranch, San Simeon, Cal. Dear Chief: You have known me for more than 50 years and as you remember, when we sat in your home on Riverside Drive, you wrote that beautiful letter about me to Arthur Bris- bane which was instrumental more than anything else in my election to Congress for the first timje. And I want you to take my word for it that my neutrality bill: H.J. Res. 306, which goes back to strict neutrality, is the only way we can kiep this country out of war, and I now want the help of the Hearst newspapers as ths bill will come up in the Congress a week from now.. . Please let me hear from you and advise me your decision in the matter. Very best re- gards and best wishes, Sol Bloom, M.C., Chairman of the House ,Foreign Affairs Committee The Chief said no. "You know that I am a sincere friend of yours and have always hereto- fore supported you but I cannot in this instance; and actually, Sol, not only for the sake of the peace and unity of our common country but for your own fine record and high fame, I hope the bill does not pass. You are an admirer of George Washington. Stick to his principles and keep free from foreign entanglements and disastrous internal dissensions," the Chief wired. And here's the sort of a guy the Chief is-he was afraid Sol might not get to read the tele- gram so had it printed on the front page of his Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff rg an eborn ', -;. « .. Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor city Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Business Staff p W. Buchen . y Business Manager Park Bh. . . . . Advertising Manager RIGHT EDITOR : HARRY M. KELSEY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers onily. 0 0 0 B LASE AND SOPHISTICATED colleg- ians may scoff at Governor Dick- inson's "expose" of the "evils" of modern "high- life," but all the scoffing in the world will not refute the Governor's basic thesis: that modern civilization has not kept pace spiritually with its material advance. The Governor's position, to be sure, is an extremist one. The problem goes far deeper than drunkenness and prostitution which are prob- ably no greater today than they ever were. And these vices, bad as they may be, pale into insig- nificance beside the spectres of want, insecurity! and brutality which stalk the world today. How "close to the brink of ruin" a few foolish virgins appear when they trek to a New York night club or an Ann Arbor beer garden may be of minor significance to a generation schooled in the easy morals of the post war, post depres- sion escapist trend. But how near to the brink of ruin is the America Dream of a free people living in comfort and security? That is the prob- lem which concerns us all. Viewed in relation to this larger problem, Governor Dickison's cry for a return to the Chris- tian way caries vital significance. America has seen, in the decadence of the stern morals of her founders, not just the ruin of a few misguided girls but the rape of a continent by robber barons who know no code but greed. She has witnessed not just the carousals of intoxicated citizens but the financial orgies of politicians drunk with lust for power. Dwarfing the growth of organized vice, have sprung huge cartels which have shackled her competitive economy by centering wealth and power in the hands of a few men. The apparent helplessness of the individual confronted with such forces has bred a phil- osophy of despair and a race of parasites. The pioneer hewing a path through the wilderness has been supplanted by the pressure group cut- ting a slice from the public treasury. The sweat- shop employer, the grafting politicians, the labor racketeer are characteristic of the times. Yet few of our economic microbes would plague us today if greed and selfshness were to disappear. Collectivists, of course, will argue that the problem is not individual, but institutional. Re- move the profit system by substituting collective for competitive control, they insist, and selfish- ness will dissolve as if by magic. The logic ap- pears obvious. Once the incentive to exploit is gone, exploitation will vanish. Ten or twenty years ago all this would have sounded quite convincing. But the debacle of Russian, Italian and German collectivism has demonstrated precisely the opposite to be true. Instead of the lust for power disappearing with the destruction of private, competitive enterprise, it simply manifests itself in new forms of ex- ploitation. The power-crazed dictator and the greedy bureaucrat replaced the wealth-mad financial magnate. And the net result was more misery and less liberty than before. The moral is obvious. Reform must come pri- marily from within rather than without. Insti- tutional change to be effective, must be preceded or at least accompanied by a spiritual regenera- tion of the individual. Until the latter is achieved, the promised land of peace and plenty will re- main always beyond the horizon. Progress, then, must come not through social. revolution but through individual evolution. Until the golden rule becomes a fact, not just a phrase, want,'insecurity and brutality will continue to .. . 4 .. I.1 -A" n hi ol rt fntrn, Anniversary Of Sino-Japanese War FROM 'TUE NEW STATESMAN AND NATION,' July 8, 1939 By F1EDA UTLEY (Continued from Yesterday) Not only are new mines being' opened up, new factories being erected, and new roads and rail- ways built to link China with Indo-China and Burma and so ensure the import of arms in spite of the loss of the old ports. Perhaps the most hopeful development of all in war-time China is the Industrial Cooperative Movement. By creat- ing a multitude of small production units all over the country, including the so-called occupied territories, this movement hopes not only to provide for the needs of the mobile Chinese forces, but also for those of the civilian popula-, tion. If the Chinese people can manufacture for themselves the few necessities they require, they will not be forced to trade with the enemy, the standard of life of the people will be raised, and Japan's economic and military con- quest of the country will be made almost im- possible. In estimating China's chances of survival cer- tain primary facts should not be disregarded by those who, after witnessing the defeat of the Spanish Government and the fall of Bohemia, are inclined to undue pessimism. China is not only vastly larger, but her unity, at least as long as China is supported by the West, is also greater than was that of the nations which have suc- numbed to German or Italian aggression. Japan has looked in vain for a Franco to emerge and cloak her conquest in a Chinese dress. No one of even second-rate importance has been willing to become a Japanese puppet. This fact is of im- mense importance and is in part to be explained by the nature of Japanese Imperialism, which can offer nothing to the possessing classes in China. Lastly, there is the stoicism of the Chinese people and their past conditioning to famine, floods and disasters. There are now estimated to be 50 million refugees in China-a figure so colossal that the suffrings of Jews, Czechs and Spaniards seem small in comparison. The Chinese, whose struggle for existence has always been so desperately hard, can, it would seem, survive a war which would break a Western people. All this does not mean that they do not suffer as acutely as ourselves, or that we should not be moved by their agony more than by the business interests of a few thousand British people in China. newspapers right along with equally touching and delicate essays on the latest murders, policyc raids and lynchings,. Somehow the Chief reminds me of those c guys in the other team's dugout when you've got three balls and no strikes on the batter,. They want to make absolutely sure you know 1 how they feel on the subject so they don't t just come over and whisper to you. "Yah, you big louse," they yell, "You're going to lose the game. You can't pitch. Go back to the farm, mush-face." Yes, sir, the Chief just wanted to make sure 1 Sol got his answer and he figured front page editorials were a nice, personal way of ; doing it. I'm particularly fond of the Chief's line about George Washington and foreign entanglements. It seems to me I heard something about a war in Cuba and people wanting circulation for news- papers and boys slain on foreign soil, some of them shot and some wounded and dying froni lack of medical attention and some killed by disease. And, come to think of it there isn familiar ring to that name Hearst When I think of the Spanish-American War. The way I figure out his stand on that one is this: The Chief and George Washington had a spat and for a day or so-say while a New York paper was picking up circulation-the Chief figured George was wrong and foreign entanglements were OK, especially when your advertising picked up. Then George and the Chief made up again and the Chief-who didn't need circulation any more- decided those damn entanglements were un- American after all. Now I'm all for Sol Bloom. I even support what Mr. Hearst has termed his WAR DICTATOR- SHIP BILL. Sol deserves some special considera- tion-he's the only Congressman who trained for his job by managing Little Egypt at a World Fair. But still and all I don't like the way Sol addresses Hearst at all, even if the Chief is an admitted nickname. As I understood it, Congressmen were their own chiefs. That's what my poly sci 1 book said and there wasn't a word in it about Congressmen writing newspaper publishers and calling them "Chief." It would be a good thing for what Mr. Hearst would call THIS AMERICA OF OURS if Sol and a number of other Con- gressmen whose names could be mentioned would refer to the Lord of San Simeon as Mr. William Randolph Hearst and save the Chief for their wives. Bacteriophages By. KARL KESSLER Bacteriophages, their origin and possible nature were discussed here yesterday by Dr. Andre Gratia of the Laboratorie de Bacteriologie of the University of Liege, Belgium. A minute organism or substance, bacterio- phages are recognized by their parasitic action on bacteria and viruses. Their exact nature, Dr. Gratia indicated is not definitely known, but several theories as to what causes the results observed on bacteria have been advanced by bacteriologists. One conception held that bateriophage was in reality an enzyme and of an endogenous nature. A further ramification of this theory concluded that it was not an organism, but rather a secre- tion of the bacteria, which, under the catalytic action of certain body fluids, destroyed the bac- teria. Another theory formerly quite prevalent maintained that all phage effects could be at- tributed to the action of a single micro-organism. Various manifestations of phages, of widely dif-' ferent natures were, according to this theory, ex- plained by ascribing to this organism a very adaptable nature. The enzyme theory was proved false by Gratia by a simple dilution experiment. If the phage were of the nature of an enzyme, the strength of its solution should decrease its power until, at a certain point, all action stopped. This point, if the theory is to hold true, should depend only upon the extent of dilution, not upon the total volume of solution in the container. Actual experiments showed that this was not the case, but that the points at which all action stopped was shifted by an increase in the total volume, thus pointing to the theory that the agent was in the form of minute corpuscles. + DRAMA George Bernard Shaw Discusses 'Androcles And The Lion' In this play I have represented one of the Roman persecutions of the early Christians, not as the conflict of a false theology with a true, but as what all such persecutions essentially are: an attempt to sup- press a propaganda that seemed to threaten the interests involved in the established law and order, organized and maintained in the name of reli- ;ion and justice by politicians who are pure opportunist Have-and-Holders. In short, a Christian martyr was thrown to the lions not because he was a Christian, but because he was a crank: that is, an unusual sort of person. And multitudes of people, quite as civilized and amiable as we, crowded to see the lions eat him just as they now crowd the lion-house in the Zoo at feeding-time, not because they cared two-pence about Diana or Christ, or could have given you any intelligent or correct account of the things Diana and Christ stood against one another for, but simply because they wanted to see a curious and ex- citing spectacle. You, dear reader, have probably run to see a fire; and if somebody came in now and told you that a lion was chasing a man down the street you would rush to the win- dow. And if anyone were to say that you were as cruel as the people who let the lion loose on the man, you would simply be indignant. Now that we may no longer see a man hanged, we assemble outside the jail to see the black flag run up. That is our duller method of enjoying our- selves in the old Roman spirit. And if the Government decided to throw persons of unpopular or eccentric views to the lions in the Albert Hal: or the Earl's Court stadium tomor- row, can you doubt that all the seats would be crammed, mostly by people who could not give you the mos superficial account of the views ir question. Much less unlikely thing have happened. It is true that if such a revival does not take place soon the martyrs. will not be members o heretical religious sects: they will b Peculiars, Anti-Vivisectionists, Flat varth men, scoffers at the labora tories, or infidels who refuse to knee down when a procession of doctor goes by. But the lions will hurt them just as much, and the spectators wil enjoy themselves just as much as th Roman lions and spectators use to do. It was currently reported in th Berlin newspapers that when An drocles was first performed in Berlin the Crown Prince rose and left th house, unable to endure the (I hope very clear and fair exposition of auto cratic Imperialism given by the Ro man Captain to his Christian prison ers. No English Imperialist was in telligent and earnest enough to d the same in London. If the report i correct, I confirm the logic of te Crown Prince, and am glad to fin myself so well understood. But I ca assure him that the Empire whic] served for my model when I wrot Androcles was, as he is now findin to his cost, much nearer my hom than the German one. S e t 1 S , if e 11 ..e d' .e 1, e ) r- i- to ,n h e g ie DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday RADIO SPOTLIGHT 750 KC - CBS I 920KC - NBC Red 11240 KC - NBC Blue 1030 KC - Mutual Wednesday Afternoon 12:00 Goldbergs Julia Blake Noonday News mews 12:15 Life Beautiful Recordings Fa imdAdvance To the Fair 12:30 Road of Life Bradcast Golden Store rur Reporter 12:45 Day Is Ours Field Day Fan on the Street " 1:00 Ed McConnell Vera Richardson Betty and Bob Freddy Nagel 1:15 Life of Dr Susan comic Strip Grimm's Daughter Scrapbook Stories 1:30 Your Family Ditty Keene Valiant Lady Holly'd Whispers 1:45 Girl Marries Humane Society Betty Crocker Great Britain 2:00 Linda's Love Mary Marlin Swingtime Trio Romances 2:15 Ed's Daughter Ma Perkins Popular Waltzes " 2:30 Drl Malone Pepper Young " , Women's Clubs 2:45 Mrs. Page Guilding Light Amanda Snow 3:00 Keyboard Capers Detroit-Washington Club Matinee Voice of Justice 3:15 U. of M. Program" 3:30 to o Songs 3:45 Duncan Moore toNews The Hitmakers 4:00 Brevities toCharles Barnett Jamboree 4:15 Melody-Rhythm9f1 4:30 "91- Affairs of Anthony " 4:45 Alice Blair Spotlight Dance Music Ace Brigode 5:00 Miss Julia " Holly'd Highlights Tommy Tucker 5:15 Eton Boys Recordings Jimmy Dorsey Tur Reporter 5:30 Enoch Light Buck Rogers Day in Review Baseball Scores 5:45 Tomy Talks Lowell Thomas Harry Helmann News Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Tyson Review Easy Aces Stop and Go 6:15 Inside of Sports Bradcast Mr. Keen-Tracer 6:30 People's Platform Midstream Lone Ranger Fintex Sportlight 6:45 " Dinner Music " Jimmie Allen 7:00 Honolulu Bound On Mans Family Universal Music Voice of Justice 7:15 . 9 9Factfinder 1 7:30 Paul Whiteman Tommy Dorsey Hobby Lobby King's Highways 7458:00 Playhouse What's My Name Twilight Trails Good Neighbors 8:30 Stadium Concert ofOld Traveler , 8:30 " George Jessel [dea Mart Jamboree 8:45 9 . 9:00 ," Kay Kyser Symphony Raymond Gram 9:15 t " ". Fulton Lewis 9:30 Rep. Ditter " Democracy Music Counter 9:45 Armchair " " 10:00 Amo 'n' Andy Sports Parade Graystone 10:15 Barry- Wood Vic and Sade t" Feddy Martin 10:30 Sports Fred Waring I'o be announced Griff Williams 10:45 Shep Fields Wanderlust 11:00 News News Ben Bernie Reporter 11:15 Reminiscing Dance Music B oMusic 11:30 " Lights Out Larry Clinton 11:45 Count Basle w 12:00 Sign Off Westwood Sign Off Carol Lofner 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. t VI Today's Events Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg of the University of Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building). Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi of Columbia University (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building). "The Home of Revealed Religion," luncheon talk by Prof. William W. Worrell of the department of oriental languages (Union). Excursion to Greenfield Village. "Old Testament Prophets," Religion Conference seminar, Prof. Leroy Waterman of the department of oriental languages (Room 2029 Angell Hall). "Moslems in the Near East," by Prof. George Michaelides of the Near East School of Theology, Beirut, Syria (Alumni Memorial Hall) "The Real Economic Problem of Japan," by Dr. William W. Lock- wood, jr., of the American Council of the Institute of Pacific Rela- tions (Amphitheatre, Rackham Building).' "The Development of Special Education in the Public Schools" by Charles M. Elliot, head c.f Department of Special Education, State Normal College, (University High School Auditorium). "Plant Viruses" by Prof. Andre Gratia, University of Liege, Belgium (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). Men's Education Club picnic (Portage Lake). "Archeology of Bible Lands," illustrated lecture by Prof. Leroy Waterman of the department of oriental languages (Lecture Hall, Rackham Building). The Editor GetsTold, To the Editor: I should like to record some im- pressions of mine after seeing modern China in "The 400 Million," Satur- day night. In the first place, of, course, there is the awful sense of tragedy. It is tragic to see on the one hand the apparently indiscrim- inate taking of life, and on the other hand, so many innocent civilians dy- ing to no good avail. It is tragic to see the wholesale denial of the worth of- individual personality that is im- plied in the use of the war method- in the attempted forcing of terms by one group on another. It is even deep- er tragedy to see a conflict that de- velops the most brutal part of hu- man nature, in Japanese and Chinese soldiers, and inevitably in large num- bers of Chinese civilians. And lastly, it is tragedy to watch the develop- ment of nationalism and a military machine in China, whose culture has been a peaceful and universal one for so many centuries (not to mention further development of Japanese na- tionalism and militarism). And then one gets a sense of fu- tility. All the horrors of war, and the great cost of it, might be over- looked if one were assured that worthwhile ends might be achieved. Saving democracy, ending war, crea!- ing a genuinely peaceful society, are things worth going through a lot of suflering for. But what will this war lead to? A victory on either side means saddling China with a military machine. I am not sure that the Japanese could ever really win a vic- tory, for a dictatorship really needs support of the population in general, and it is hard to see how the Japanese could get that support; but there would certainly be military rule if they should win. On the other hand, war being what it is, and humanity seeming to be pretty much the same around the world, one would expect WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1939 Stalker Hall. Luncheon today at 12:15 for Summer Session students at the First Methodist Church. Prof. one am not convinced that the results of war are worth the horror and the cost. However, one is faced with the ap- parent necessity of fighting. One sees only two possibilities, to fight or to submit. Certainly the picture last night implied only these two. And of these two, fighting is the only hon- orable way. But there is a third possibility. I should like to callt your attention to techniques of non-violent resistance which have been worked out, partly by experiment in India, and partly by extensive study of history, and of the nature of man and society. The essence of the method is a complete refusal to submit to injustice, or to assist it, coupled at the same time with a demonstration of complete willingness to seek justice, to con- ciliate on equal terms, and to make any concessions necessary for a solu- tion satisfactory from the point of view of both nations together. The four basic principles are these: 1. No services or supplies to be furnished the invaders. 2. No orders to be obeyed except those of the constitutional civil au- thorities. 3. No insult or injury to be offered to the invaders. 4. All public officials to be pledged to die rather than surrender. The fact that some of Japan's great- ,st difficulties in the present strug- gle lie in the cost of transporting supplies over great distances, and the near impossibility of getting substan- tial cooperation from local Chinese, gives an indication that this method might work. One can say that the losses certainly would not be more, and that the chances of bringing about an ultimate solution, while not perfect, are far better than those of the war method. It must also be mentioned that any such plan as this requires extensive mass training and discipline, perhaps on a similar scale as carried on now in military operations. And further, outside aid in the way of an arms embargo on international shipment of munitions is important. A few words about Japan's motives in fighting. I list three. There is first the desire for raw materials and markets. Non-violent resistance im- plies readiness to work out agree- ments for free trade, and hence im- plies that this could be achieved with- out fighting. The costs of fighting would have to be borne by the in- vader's industries without material recompense. Then, there is the de- sire of military factions for military victories. But non-violent resistance allows no opportunities foi glorious victories or demonstrations of mili- tary prowess, to keep up the morale of the soldiers. Thirdly, the Japanese people seem convinced that they are fighting a war to bring about peace and cooperation with the Chinese. If the methods outlined here were fol- lowed, that motive would be eliminat- ed (admitting of course that it will not succeed now). Lastly I should observe that solu- tions to conflict situations are really only, brought about when each side voln~tarily maikes con cessions The George P. Michaelides of Belrut, Syria will speak. Price 40 cents. Call 6881 or 5555 for reservations. Excursion No. 9, Greenfield Village. A visit to Ford's Village, Museum of earl American life, Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory, the Dearborn Inn. Round trip by special bus begins at 1 p.m., Angell Hall, and end's at 5:45 p.m., Ann Arbor. Reservations for the special bus fare of $1 may be made in the Summer Session office, 1213 Angell Hall. Michigan Dames: Wives of all Uni- versity students are invited to attend the Michigan League at 2:00, today. Social Science and Music Program, today, from 2 to 4 p.m. Architecture Audsorium, free. Bell Telephone Sound: New Voice Highways Seagoing Telephones Switchboards Old and New Newwork Broadcasting Erpi Sound: The Brass Choir The Percussion Group The String Choir The Woodwind Choir The Symphony Orchestra Men's Education Club Picnic: The Men's Education Club picnic will be held this afternoon at Portage Lake. Cars will leave the U.H.S. between 3 and 4 o'clock. Tickets should be se- cured from members of the Educa- tion Committee before this noon. Price 75 cents. Speech Students: A Symposium on ?raduate Studies in Rhetoric and )ratory and the History of the The- tre will be held in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 4 o'clock this afternoon. All candi. dates for the Master's degree and all applicants and candidates for the Doctor's degree, whose work lies within these fields should attend this onference. . G. E. Densmore. - Lecture, "The Development of Spe- cial Education in the Public Schools," by Charles M. Elliott, head of the Department of Special, Education, Michigan State Normal College, at 4:05, this afternoon, in the University High School Auditorium. Lecture, "Bacteriophages" by Dr. Andre Gratia, Laboratorie de Bacteri- ologies, Liege, Belgium, at 4:15, this afternoon, in Room 1528, East Medi- cal Building. Lecture, "Archaeology .of Bible Lands" (Illustrated) by Professor Le- roy Waterman. Professor Waterman will speak at 5:00, this afternoon, m the Lecture Hall of the. Rackham Building. Linguists Institute Lecture, "De- ciphering the Old Persian Ihcrip- tions." Professor Roland G. Kent will speak at 7:30 this evening, in the Amphitheatre (third floor) of the Rackham Building. Intermediate Dancing Class. The intermediate dancing class will be held tonight at 7:30 in the Union xBallroom. S 1 I