THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 22, 19 SAN DAILY - , ,I - ... ,-. X4 T D.(WTtor - - Vr ,ilted and managed by students of the University of higan under the authority of the Board in Control of dent Publications. bublished every mnorning except Monday during the versity year and Sumni c Session. Member of the Associated Press 'he Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also erved. |atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ond class mail matter. ubscriptions during regular scbool year by carrier, D; by mail, #4. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERKI9'NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAOISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.' CHICAGO BOSTON- * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO' er, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff D. Mitchell . . . . Swinton . . . . Norberg . . . . Canavan . . . . . . .Kelsey.... . . . Kessler.. . . . a E. Long........ ,. Sonneborn . .... Business Staff Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor City Editor Women's Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Philip W. Buchen . . . . . Business Manager Paul Park . . . . . . Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Racial Prejudice And The North... W ITH HITLER taking all the joy out of life for the Jew in Germany and he Southerners doing their best to make the NTegro uncomfortable, we Northerners sit back with a clear conscience and give ourselves a little pat on the back. We have no prejudice toward the Jew or the Negro, especially toward the latter. Didn't we fight for four long years to free the Negro from the bondage of slavery? Didn't we give him the same constitutional rights as ourselves? Don't we always treat him as an equal? Of course we do. And we of Ann Arbor are shining examples of democratic citizens of these United States, as free from prejudice as a babe in arms. I That's why we put up signs in our restaurants saying that "We Reserve the Right to Seat Our Patrons." That's why we push the Negro out into the kitchen or to some less conspicuous place. 'hat's why we charge him exorbitant prices, give hiim the poorest of food. We are so shocked at the treatment he' gets in Southern educational institutions that we shun aim in class, sit as far away from him as possible wherever we are. We keep him from all campus activities, not by outwardly declaring that he ,annot participate-we would never do that- but by isolating him, making him feel uncom- 'ortable, forcing upon him the fact that he is iot our equal. Oh, yes, we Northerners believe that the egro is as good as the white man. We Thun the rery though of racial prejudice. We are true lemocrats in both thought and action. To put t bluntly-"Oh, yeah!" -Ethel Q. Norberg Influenza Series Fnds Dr. C .H. Andrewes Declares Little Progress Is Being Made In Immunization Of Influenza By KARL KESSLER Pointing out the none-too-encouraging results obtained in investigating possible immunization against influenza, Dr. C. H. Andrewes of the Medical Research Gouncil of the National Insti- tute for Medical Research, Hamstead, England, yesterday ended his series of four talks on in- fluenza and viruses. Immunity to virus diseases, Dr. Andrewes in- dicated, is generally of short duration. One ex- planation of this may be that the viruses may persist almost 'indefinitely in the recovered ani- mal, apparently neutralized by the anti-bodies, but able at any time, under proper circumstances, to be liberated. Another difficulty to immunization, he pointed out, lies in the fact that the anti-bodies are also unable to penetrate into the living celles, where the virus resides, and can be effective only when the virus transfers from one cell to another. The importance of anti-bodies in immunity, he cautioned, has not been established, and some experiments cast considerable doubt on their potency. The mutual neutralizing effects of several re-. lated viruses must also be considered. As an example of this phenomena Dr. Andrewes cited an African disease similar to Yellow Fever whose virus in the presence of Yellow Fever Viruses nulled any effect. By vaccinating white mice with living virus filtrate, very good results were obtained, anq the immunity was almost perfect. However, whn white mice were again injected with similar virus filtrate from ferrets, the effect was negligible. This was discouraging, as obviously if the anal- gous experiment is to be applied to the cure of human influenza, virus filtrate from animals, not humans,. must be employed. Actual experiments carried out on volunteers have not produced any conclusive evidence, but. results so far have been rather pessimistic, Dr. Andrewes indicated. Soldiers treated in England by Dr. Andrewes with formalized viruses showed. an increase of approximately 25 fold in anti- bodies. 'RedIiIs Speake Educational Conference Ehd With Speech Asking Children Be Taught Pleasantly Closing the Educational Conference Week sponsored by the School of Education and under the direction of Dean J. B. Edmonson, Dr. Fritz Redl of the School of Education spoke yesterday on "Mental Hygiene Aspects of the Reading Problem." If anywhere, it is in the area of children's books that most people are ready to give the illusion that education must necessarily be pain- ful and unpleasant, Dr. Redl claimed. He empha- sized the need to accept the possibility of educat- ing and influencing through channels which would have seemed upsetting to the old fashioned school room approach. In the field of influencing the reading habits of children, Dr. Redl pointed out, there is urgent need of more specific knowledge and insight. Opening the morning's session, Dr. Henry J. Otto, educational director of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, told of "Implications of Research Findings for Administration of Elementary Edu- cation." Dr. Otto listed seven aspects of elementary school organization, giving a summary of pub- lished research on each. Included were the prob- lems of organization of districts, length of school year, the kindergarten, annual vs. semi-annual promotion, acceleration or grade skipping, de- partmentalization of teaching and homework of pupils. Speaking of reading improvement for grades four to six, Dr. Irving H. Anderson demonstrated a new type of motion picture film for increasing the reading rate. These films, by projecting phrases or sections of the-lines of print accord- ing to the pattern of movements and pauses of the eyes of the skilled reader offer a means of "pacing" the eyes of a poor reader so that he may learn to acquire the habits of eye movements of the skilled reader. Linguistics Institute Chicago Professor Shows Similarities Between Indo-European And Algonkian Languages With occasional references to similarities in Indo-European languages, Prof. Leonard Bloom- field of the department of linguistics of the University of Chicago last night sketched in out- line the complicated picture of word-composi- tion and word-derivation in the Algonkian Indian languages. The discussion was the third of a series of five weekly lectures on comparative Al- gonkian by Dr. Bloomfield. Four principal types of word-composition ap- pear in Algonkian, resulting always in something which is partly word and partly phrase, but which generally functions as a single word. One type is formed by a particle plus a noun, as in Cree "wapi-kakwa" (white porcupine). A pos- sessive prefix is sometimes inserted in such a word, though, as is shown by comparing Meno- minee "oskeh-mahkesenan" (new mocassins) with "oskeh-nemakesenan," which includes the possessive element "ne" and thus means "my new mocassins." A second type is composed of noun plus a noun, with loss of the normal noun ending on the first member. "Manetowa" (manitou) is changed, Professor Bloomfield pointed out, in the compound "manitowi-wikiyapi" (a mani- tou-wigwam). A third type, called "exocentric') compounds, is similar to one in Sanskrit in that the resulting compound functions as a particle and not a noun; and the fourth type, most complicated of all, is' formed by one or more particles plus a verb. As examples Professor Bloomfield gave "nenewaw" (I saw him), but "nekes-pesnewaw" (I saw him on the hither way; i.e., I saw him on my way here), and "kayes-pesnewak" (having seen him on the way here). Secondary derivation, in which a stem and a suffix are united to form a new word, was the second phase of Professor Bloomfield's subject. Here, too, several types occur. The suffix "-w" is added to noun-stems to form agent-nouns, for instance, and the suffix "-n" makes abstract nouns. Thus the Fox "pashkesikewa" (he makes things explode) becomes "pashkesikani" (a gun). Or Menominee "-apoh," a suffix meaning liquid- ity, is added to the word for fire, and the result is "eskotewapoh," firewater, that is, whisky. The most involved compound forms are found, Dr. Bloomfield concluded, in the verbs that re- sult from secondary derivation. Especially com- plicated are the intransitive verbs, which he illustrated briefly with examples of the peculiar reflexives and reciprocals. With special refer- ence to English he explained also the Algonkian transitive verbs that take two objects, very much like the English verb with both a dative and a direct object. STATION STATIC -from the University Biological Station By RUTH SCHORLING The Pteris Gardens Club House of the Uni- versity Biological Station Saturday night was the scene of the first annual Commencement Excercises of the Douglas Lake Acadamey. Head- master George M. LaRue, as portrayed by Bob Johnson, presented to the assembled camp the graduating class of 1928, only eleven years be- hind schedule. There was no valedictorian in the class, but the second brightest person in the class, Gertie Butch Goon gave the salutitorian address, entitled "Why I Am So Smart." Gertie, who without the mortar-board and horn-rimmed glasses is known as Barbara Benedict, was pre- 3ented with a Fly Bait key made of sticky paper, and a degree "Extra-super-magna-cum-laude- and-funnier" in recognition of her merits! Professor Fiddle D.D. as depicted by Chris Zerafonetis gave the Commencement Address, "Democracy and Mother Nature," after the Reed sisters, Ivy, Bamby, and Booy (Mrs. Dendy, Miss Briscoe, and Miss Shirmer) had rendered "Old Black Joe" on their home-made bamboo flutes. Kudos were given to members of the audience, including the degree of M.A.T.B. (Master of Arts in Bull Throwing) to Professor Steere of the Botany Department, and one degree of D.R.L. (Doctor of Romance Language) to newly-weds Dr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell. Dr. Welch of the Zoology Department received the degree of D.N.E. - Doctor of Nauttical Engineering - for the remarkable feat of showing his students how to start an outboard while the boat was still attached to the dock - precipitating "doc" and dock into the coolish waters. Gretchen Beardsly, otherwise known as that sweet girl graduate, Iva Past, gave the class phrophesy, and Helen Hay, the chairman of the party committee, unveiled the class gift in her role of Queenie Bee, the president of the grad- uating class. Ths magnificient gift was a tin wash-tub labelled "Hot Bath!" Following the program, there were refreshments on the Pteris and dancing for all in the club-house. Thursday night found all of Manville grabbing shovels and zooming off, ten to a car, to fight a fire which had gotten started across the lake and which was threatening the camp property. Led by the forestry crew with the fire-fighting equipment (although "Dutch Lenhardt nearly missed the fire, due to a previous engagement with a sunset) Fred Bromund, Eddie Phillips, Gene Kenaga, Harry Wilcox, Bob Jaedekke, and most of the rest of Manville got the fire under control in short order, although one bright lad was heard to remark, "Hey, stop putting that fire out, I can't see what I'm doing!" Friday the camp welcomed three distinguished visitors, Director of the Summer Session Hopkins, Dean Dana of the Forestry School, and Dean Yoakum of the Graduate School who visited the Station in their tour of inspection. Everybody is now looking forward to the Grange Party next Saturday night. There will be Bingo, with "white Ode Written at 8 a.m. In Soc 54 AndDedicated To Alice Thr The-Looking Glass, Who Still In- sists on Telling Us What To Wear I Dear Alice: We grant your pen's agility, l And praise your great ability, s In seeing that men's clothes and dress,t Do not for long remain a mess. We shall sow our last wild-oat, Promptly buy an Esquire coat, And beg The Detroit News, s For late sartorial views.7 We shall stay up late at night Saying "Ah, the dear, she's right. Now we know her earnest views t Men will wear shirts, ties and shoes." Ah, Alice, sweet belle,t We will like hell. * * * A professor given to punning contributes this: "That must have been a mis- take in the D.O.B. the other day. I can't imagine Prof. Bennett Weaver ever speaking to such a large audience in a Vesper." Alh, well, better he got it out of his system when he wasn't in the class-room. * * * CHATTER: Ever wonder what be- came of James Albert Boozer, the fast talking Southern lad who put out "What's Doing" and edited a Summer Session magazine last year? Well, Joe Gies, back from job-hunt- ing in New York, brings the answer. Boozer is really going places in the journalistic world. He's with Trans- Radio Press . . . as Women's Editor! Roy Heath, ex-Daily columnist, is in town and tells about flying over the Squalus just as the sub plunged to the surface and then dove once again to. the bottom. He's got a job on the Boston Herald-Traveler and did an interview with ex-heavyweight champ Jack Sharkey for this column. It'll be printed soon . . . Steve Sebo, who went to high school in Battle Creek with Michigan's Stark Richie, is in Summer School . . . he was a football and baseball star at M.S.C.. . . and is now coaching at Petoskey . . . Jake Dahgren ...who was the main factor in State's victories over Michigan in '35 and '36 has also seen the light . . .he too is summer sessioning with the opposition . . Just before Daily appointments came out for 1936-37 no one had any idea who'd get the job. There were more competent men than ever before in the paper's history. Fred Warner Neal, who temporarily joined Trans- Radio Press when he graduated and is now with an Omaha paper, had written more copy than anyone else in years. Richard Hershey, editor of the Summer Daily in 1937 and now a law student, has been outstanding. Clinton B. (Pat) Conger, son of a famous foreign correspondent and now doing remarkable work for the Detroit Bureau of United Press, had given the city its best coverage in history. Marshall Shullman, later with the Detroit News, was one of the half-dozen best editorial writers the paper had ever known. When the announcement was made the staff was stunned. The new man- aging editor: Elsie Pierce, the first woman to win the post since world war days. Now' Mrs. Edward Begle, Elsie dropped into the office recently to say hello and see how things were going and we were reminded of the days of her editorship. None of the honor societies knew what to do when she was chosen-it was part of the ritual to choose the editors but they didn't dare ask Elsie to duck-waddle up and down the Union tower seven times. She took over her job and made a success of it. The paper showed edi- torial courage and all went well until City Editor Fred Neal suddenly re- signed, charging his work had been censored. Elsie took over the job her- self, if we remember correctly, and did that well, too.dThen, after gradu- ation, she figured she'd shown her sex how to handle the job and opened the path for other girls on the staff. Content, she quit newspaperwork and married. 'down & Gown By STAN M. SWINTON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the summer session until 3:30 p.m.; 11:00 a.m. Saturday SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1939 e Excursion No. 8, Jackson 'rison. t This trip begins at 8 a.m. in front of d Angell Hall and endsat 12:30 p.m.. Ann Arbor, today. The special round trip bus tickets are $1.25. Reservations may be made in the Summer Session office, 1213 An- r gell Hall, all day, today. A few extras I may be sold at the bus tomorrow.c Attention Helpers for Ice Cream f Social: There will be a preview of' The 400 Million in Hill Auditorium at 8:15, this morning. HelpersN who hold a ticket may have the( chance to see the picture at that time. The Rackham Record Concert willi be held as usual today at 3 p.m. int the Men's Lounge. The records will1 again be furnished by J. W. Peterss and Howard Hoving. The program will be as follows: Symphony Num- ber 40 in G minor, Mozart; Violini Concerto, Mendelssohn (Yehudi Menuhin); Symphony Number Four, Sibelius. Visitors' Night, Students' Observa- tory, Angell Hall, from 8 to 10 p.m. this evening. Patrons of "Our Town": Due to the Ice Cream Festival on the' Mall tonight, parking facilities will be somewhat curtailed, so we suggest that patrons of the play arrive early to allow them to reach the theatre by 8:30. No one will be seated dur- ing the short introduction to the play. Michigan Repertory Players. L.S. and A. Juniors now eligible for concentration should get Admission to Concentration blanks at Room 4, University Hall, immediately. These blanks must be signed by the adviser and the white slip returned to Room 4, U.H., at once. Notice to Seniors. Seniors expect- ing to teach in the state of New York are notified that the examination in French, German Spanish, and Itali- an will be given here on Aug. 5. Those expecting to take this examin- ation will have to notify this office immediately so that we can inform the "Division of Examinations" to- day. School of Education Students (Un- dergraduate): Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary cir- cumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Regis- trar, Room 4, University Hall. School of Education Students (Un- dergraduate) who receive marks of Incomplete or X at the close of their last term of attendance must com- plete work in such courses by July 26. Petitions for extension of time, with the approval of the instructor oncerned, should be directed to the Administrative Committee of the School of Education and presented at 1437 U.E.S. before July 26. In cases where no supplementary grade or petition for extension of time has been filed, these marks shall be con- sidered as having lapsed into E grades. Students, College of Engineer- ing: Today will be the final day for dropping a course without record in the summer session. Courses may be dropped only with permis- sion of the classifier after conference vith the instructor. Students, College of Literature, St- mnce, and the Arts: Except under ex- raordinary circumstances, courses dropped after today, will be record- ed with a grade of E. E. A. Water. Graduate Outing Club will have a picnic at the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp at Patterson Lake on Sunday, July 23. As this will be between camp seasons, the water- front facilities, diving boards, raft, etc., will be at our disposal. There Is a good baseball diamond and lovely woods for hiking. There will be a campfire sing in the evening. The group will meet at 2:30 at the north- west entrance of the Rackham build- ing. All graduate students and fac- ulty members are cordially invited. Charge 40 cents. Transportation will be by car, and all those who own cars are urged to bring them. Drivers will be repaid for their expenses. There will be a meeting regardless of the weather. Band Concert. The second concert to be played by the boys and girls participating in the Fourth Annual High School Band Clinic, will be pre- sented in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon, July 23, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public is invited to at- tend. Carillon Recital. The carillon re- cital scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock will be postponed un- til about 5:15 o'clock, or until after the band concert which precedes it at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Campus Vesper: Professor Bennett Weaver will address the Second Ves- per of the Summer Session of 1939 in the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m. Sunday, upon "The Function of Cul- ture in our Democracy." Congrega- tional singing under the direction of Professor David Mattern. Miss Leah Lichtenwalter will sing "Agnus Del." Balloon Dance: The Michigan Wol- verine Student Cooperative will hold another of its informal summer danc- ing parties, Sunday evening, July 23, from 8:30 until 11:00. Music will be furnished by 400 recorded popular dance selections.' Requests will be played. Ice cream and cookies served. Everyone is cor- dially invited to attend. Householders: Will persons having rooms to rent during week of July 23-30 for persons attending the Con- ference on Religion please phone University 303. Services of worship will be held in Zion Lutheran Church at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning with sermons by the Rev. Ernest C. Stellhorn. Church worship hours at Trinity Lutheran Church are at 8:15 a.m. and 10:30. Sermons for both services will be de- livered by the pastor, Henry O. Yoder. The Lutheran Students of the sum- mer Achool, their wives and friends will meet at 5 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall Sunday evening. The praish hall is located at 309 . E. Washington St. Cars will leave from the hall for an outing with picnic supper. Wesley Foundation. Student Glass at 9:30 a.m. under the leadership of Dr. E. W. Blakeman at Stalker Hall. The subject for discussion will be "The Religion of Jesus in the Early Church." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. at the Church. Prof. John L. BrumM will speak on "In Quest of Religion." (Continued on Page 3) 4 8:00 axm. 9:00 am. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. day's Events Excursion to Jackson Prison (Leave Angell Hall). Physics Symposium, Prof. Gerhard Herzberg, University of Saskatchewan (Room 2038 East Physics Building). Meeting, Conference on Bibliography and Research Materials in Latin American Studies (East Conference Room, Rackham Building). Physics Symposium, Prof. Enrico Fermi, Columbia University (Amphi- theatre, Rackham Building.) Luncheon, Conferences on Bibliography and Research Materials in Latin-American Studies (Union). Meeting, Conference on Bibliography and Research Materials in Latin- American Studies (East Conference Room, Rackham Building). Rackham Record Concert (Men's Lounge, Rackham Building). Ice Cream Social (League Garden). Visitors Night, Students Observatory (Angell Hall). "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder (Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre). Social Evening(League Ballroom). - MARSHA LL CUT-RATE -231 S. State St. at Liberty St. - Phones: 5933, 9242- DRUGS... COSMETICS ... TOBACCOS - / 50c Molle SHAVING CREAM 25c GRASS BEACH or BEDROOM SLIPPERS 35c Value 9c 10c BABY FOODS 3 for 19c Gerbers - Heinz - Clapps Popular Brand CIGARETTES $115 Ctn. 2 packs - 25c 50 Pad Matches 8c Ap 8:30 9:00 p.m. p.m. Am ff i Duce Driving Out Foreign Press? Is it Mussolini's intention to drive all foreign ess representatives out of Italy? So it seems.. he Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago aily News and the Chicago Tribune, all long presented by staff correspondents in Rome, no nger have their own men to report Italian fairs and events. One by one, American news-+ per correspondents have been ordered to leave itil today only the Associated Press, the United 'ess, the International News Service, the New >rk Times and New York Herald Tribune have ame representatives. But it is the French correspondents who are as afraid of unbiased reporting as is Mussolini's Fascism must be mighty sick. --St. Louis Post-Dispatch From 1845, when the first collegiate class was graduated, until July 1, 1937, the University has conferred 78,752 degrees upon 68,388 persons. In addition, 42,539 persons have attended the insti- tution without graduating, making a total of 110,927 former students. Of this number 13,028 graduates and 10,487 nongraduates are know, to be deceased, and 55,360 graduates and 32.052 nongraduates, a total of 87,412, are presumed to be alive. Of these 36,190 live in the state of Michigan. -=- ... Daily 2 - 4- 7 - 9 P.M. STARTING TODAY! r(..Ir Mli[IT)Cj rl THE BEST OF THE TARZAN PICTURES! ff *1#611 .f~' U Al WE- -U All 19019 AM PA ..