r today, somewhat lay, fair and cooler Y Official Publication Of The Summer Session Idj Editorial Racial Prejudice And The North . . wommomm" 23 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1939 PRICE FIVE ite Moves Prof. Platt Cites Latin America As Possible Haven For Refugees 3,000 Attend Chinese lee Nazis See No Danzig W ion I % nsidered ig Funds i Opponents Is Able To >acity Load ot Satisfied' -Curtailments ETON, July 21.-(P)- nents of the new Admin- eding program began s off its proposed.$2,800,- orization today and let it hat even further. curtail- I be attempted. , a net reduction of was accomplished in the Delivers Lecture On Areas Of International Import; Considers Five Problems By JACK CANAVAN Emphasizing the "tremendous com- plexity" of Latin American problems, Prof. Robert S. Platt of the Universi- ty of Chicago pointed to the vast in- teriors of, Brazil, Chile and British Guiana as a possible haven for Ger- man refugees in a lecture last night entitled "Areas of International Con- cern In Latin America." Professor Platt divided the "Zones of international concern" into five classes: 1. International trade areas. 2. International immigration areas. 3. Areas of revolt against the exist- ing order. 4. Areas of military strategy.' 5. Areas of disputed political juris- diction. Embraced in these zones is a Latin America "more than just South America," he said. The problems range from whether the U.S. Navy should import beef from the .Argen- tine to the delicate question of what to do about Mexican expropriation of American oil interests. And the many-sided nature of these problems makes dogmatic answers impossible, he declared. Involving as it does the domestic production and market of the United States, the problem of international trade areas is an "American dilem- ma," Professor Platt declared. The problem is essentially one of utilizing the vast mineral and agricultural wealth of Latin American nations without undermining home indus- tries. The Germans in Brazil and Chile are "proud of their German culture and want to preserve it," Professor Platt said, referring to "areas of in- ternational immigration." However they are not necessarily pro-Hitler and wish to maintain South American independence. "The problem of refugees is one of the adoptability of groups of people to new environments under new cir- cumstances," he pointed out. The pleasant climate and attractive scen- ery offer no barriers in themselves, he said. . Mexico's expropriation of American oil interest is a symptom of "revolt against the established Old World order upheld by Great Britain and the United States," he said. Inspired by a desire to emulate the United States' own early example of revolt- ing against the established order, it indicates no real hostility toward this nation. Disputes over political jurisdiction rank among the most aggravating thorns in Latin-America's flesh to- day, according to Profesor Platt. He (Continued on Page 3) Band Concert, Floor Show And Dancing Feature Giant Outdoor Festival Documentary Film To Be Given Today Resembling a scene from an Orien- tal picture_ book, the lantern-hung mall between the League and Hill Auditorium was crowded last night with more than 3,000 bustling per- sons enjoying themselves at the ice cream festival, proceeds from which will be used for medical aid in China. Streaming out of Hill Auditorium following the concert given by the Summer Session Band under the baton of Prof. William D. Revelli of the School of Music which opened the evening's program, the mob des- cended on the mall to the various concessions where Chinese students in native costumes stood ready for action. Later Chinese students presented a floor show with demonstrations of shutle-cock, shadow boxing, panto- mime and a Chinese concert. This program was repeated whentheatre goers from the Lydia Mendelssohn joined the party. Old time dancing directed by James Johnson on ; the Rackham steps atracted many. Later Earl Stevens played for the jitterbugs of the crowd. On the mall proper, ice cream, Chi- nese delicacies and Chinese trinkets were sold. Popular were the "hot, ears," a delicacy which the Chinese girls prepared while the customers Cream sociAs Rumors SutNe July 21.-(A') 10,000,000 off 'ministration's Senate bank- d late tonight with restric- e funds from petition with iso rejected a r Iead (Den. i the Recon- 0 to snmaji bi British Appeasement Pla: Tucker' Brooke' Will Give Talk On Elizabeth ommittee by slash- es and making a in one instance. r Taft (Rep.-Ohio) licans on the cim- were still "not sat- Prof. Leicester Terms Yale Bradner Lecturer 3ut Witty Fears Of Another 'Munich' Caused By Expectation Of Forced Settlement Peace /Move Talk Denied In London LONDON, July 21.-(A)-A German suggestion that Great Britain press Poland for settlement. of the Danzig problem met a cool response tonight in official quarters but caused fears1 of a new "Munich" among opponents of an appeasement policy. A government spokesman said Britain had made it clear that any decision affecting the status of Dan- zig rested with Poland and that there had been no change in this policy. Poland, Germany Not Approached He insisted Britain had approached1 neither Poland nor Germany regard-I ing settlement of the issue. He also expressed doubt that the question would. be settled on the basis sug- gested by a German government spokesman in Berlin-unconditional return of the Free City to Germany,. Among those who still feared Prime Minister Chamberlain might return to the discarded "appeasement" pol-, icy, however, it was recalled that of-i ficial circles took a similar hands- off atitude almost on the eve of the Munich Conference last Sept. 291 which began the dismemberment ofl Czecho-Slovakia. Foreign Office Kept In Dak At that time the foreign office was1 keptn&the ark about be W Va 'lans anid he-1uartersleare the same thing might happen again. A Those fears were increased by a crop of persistent rumors of appease- ment moves, all denied. Within 24 hours the following reports have appeared in London newspapers: 1-The Daily Mirror quoted Par- liamentary sources as saying Sir Nevile Henderson, British Ambassa- dor to Berlin, might approach the German government shortly with a request that Hitler outline his mini-I mum terms for European peace. 2-The Financial Times, comment- ing on the visit in London of Dr. Hel- uth Wohlthat, German economic ex- pert, suggested he was aiming at get- ting economic assistance in return for "a measure" of disarmament. Latter Report Bolstered The latter report it appeared bols- ters to some extent by the acknowl- edgment in government quarters that Dr. Wohlthat had been in touch "un- officially" with British trade officials, sounding them out on the possibility of improving British-German trade relations. It was emphasized these were only unofficial talks but might lead to "more concrete proposals." Only this morning The Manchester Guardian asserted "fears and suspi- cions" of Chamberlain's government still existed in many minds and urged inclusion of Winston Churchill in the Cabinet as "proof that he is deter- mined to carry his policy (of resis- tance) to success." sub- nday .ham e of Uni- week on was in a position to handle the lend- ing program without further legisla- tion. RFC 'Can't And Won't' However, Jones said today that the RFC's existing authority "can't and won't" take care of the program. Under present law, he said, the RFC does not have adequate power to make some of the outlays contem- plated. He mentioned specifically the proposed purchase of railroad equip- ment to be leased to the carriers. "And I like that part of the pro- gram," he continued, "because, we think we can encourage the roads to discard some of their old equipment and buy new." While both committees were meet- ing, Administration leaders kept a sharp watch upon the progress of the bill, not only because of its im- portance as an Administration meas- ure, but because it is the last major piece of legislation standing in the way of adjournment. ,Senator Barkley (Dem.-Ky.), ma- jority leader and author of the bill, told reporters that while the bill would probably not be ready for action in the. Senate until Tuesday, adjournment by the following Satur- day was "not impossible." Just what Professor Brooke will have to say is something of a mys- tery. When asked to speculate on the line of approach which his acquaint- ance will take, Prof. Leicester Brad- ner, visting professor for the Summer Session from Brown University, re- plied, "Tucker Brooke is unpredict- able." He prophesied, however, that the lecturer would in any case make his talk witty and amusing. Professor Brooke is one of Ameri- ca's foremost Elizabethan experts. He has edited the works of Shakespeare, Marlowe and lesser figures of the Renaissance ,in addition to himself writing such widely used critical works as his "The Tudor Drama." BandConcert Will Be Given Cleveland Band Leader Is Guest Conductor The Fourth Annual High School Clinic Band, directed by Prof. Wil- liam D. Revelli and containing 110 pieces, will present its second concert of the Summer Session at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Ralph E. Rush, director of the Cleveland Heights, 0., High School band, will be guest conductor at the concert. The program will be as follows:' Overtue Tuitazel.. William J. Skeat Selection of Beethoven Themes . .... Beethoven-Lake Cornet Trio: Polka Dots ..Buchtel Slavonic Rhapsody No. 1 . Friedmann Father of Waters, from "Mississippi Suite"... ............Grofe Overture, The Traveller.....Buchtel By the Light of the Polar Star, from "Looking Upward Suite" ...Sousa A Whistling Novelty: The Warb- ler's Serenade .............Perry Fantasia-Three Days .........Lotter United States Coast Guard March- Semper Paratis .,....van Boskerck Slovakia Sets Up Fascist 'Republic' BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, July 21. -(P)-The Slovak Parliament today adopted a constitution which makes the little remnant of Czechoslovakia Utah Tsao, represen'tative of the Chinese students, extended an invi- tation to all to come tonight, saying that the festival is an excellent op- portunity for one to enjoy oneself and help China at the same time. Today's program opens at 7:30 p.m. with a showing in Hill Auditorium of "The 400 Million," a documentary film tracing the Chinese struggle for freedom. Early last night over 900 tickets had been sold at 25 cents each. with prospects of passing the 1,000 mark before the end of the evening. Repeated today will be the Chinese students floor show and the old time dancing. Special invitation is ex-, tended to those who have been at- tending the Monday night square dancing sessions to participate in the dancing today. FDR Foresees New Euro pean~ Trouble Ahead HYDE PARK, N.Y., July 21.-(A)- President Roosevelt said today that from every capital in Europe there was evidence of prepartions for an eventuality that was believed tobe fairly close, asserting at the same time that business would suffer from Congress' failure to act on neutrality legislation at this session. He added that it should be empha- sized,, however, that there were no allegations of probabilities of trouble abroad, only statements of possibili- ties. Pronouncing the neutrality issue dead until January, the President contended that Senators who favored postponing a showdown until Con- gress meets again had been gambling with the possibility that war would not break out across the seas. To a well-known businessman who called at the White House recently, the President attributed a statement that Congressional inactivity on neut trality was killing the nicest little business boom you ever saw. He men- tioned the man by name, but would not allow reporters to do so.. Because of uncertainty about the kind of neutrality law Congress may enact next year, Mr. Roosevelt said, business men did not want to make commitments. A newspaper owner who did not know how war might affect his business, he said, would be hesitant about buying a new prss. Dispute Statement1 WASHINGTON, July 21. -(P)- Leaders of the Senate bloc which fought the Administration neutrality bill to a standstill bluntly disputed today President Roosevelt's predic- tion as to the consequences. "That's poppycock," retorted Sen- ator Johnson (Rep.-Calif.), when in- formed that Mr. Roosevelt had said that business would be harmed by the postponement of action on the legislation. Senator McNary (Rep.-Ore.), the Republican leader, said: "I can see no reason why there should be any slowing up in the eco- nomic procession because of the fail- ure of Congress to follow the Presi- dent on neutrality legislation. Under the existing law our nation can do business throughout the world." Senate Passes No-Politics Act After Deadlock Wait President's Decision As To Outcome Of Bill Passed In Senate Today WASHINGTON, July 21.-()- The Hatch Bill barring Federal em- ployes from politics was endorsed fi- nally by the Senate today and sped to the White ouse after its au- thor, Senator Hatch (Dem., N.M.), had pounded his desk and warned against what he called a movement to bury it in the "graveyard" of a conference committee. There was no word as to whether President Roosevelt would sign or veto it. After the Senate first passed it weeks ago, Mr. Roosevelt criticized it as badly drafted. The House Ju- diciary Committee subsequently re- vamped it but its backers induced. the House. in a memoriable struggle last night to restore what they termed its "teeth.". There were still some differences in the Senate and House versions, how- ever, and so the Senate had to de- cide today whether to approve the other chamber's bill or send the leg- islation to a Senate-House confer- ence committe for adjustment of dif- ferences. ( Backers of the measure asked unanimous consent for the former course but Senator Minton (Dem., German Spokesman Feels Sure Of Change Soon In Free City's Status Says Some Power Will Use Pressure BERLIN, July 21.-(P)-Nazi Ger- many spoke out tonight in an official statement of her government to de- clare she was "100 per cent optimistic that there will be no war" over the Free City of Danzig. "On the contrary," an official - spokesman told the foreign press in one of the most unequivocal stato- ments yet issued here on- the Free; PHILADF1PHIA, JulY 21- The Inquirer in a coyright'dis- patch from Its Washington bureausaid tonight it had learned a, five-power agreement seeking to preserve peace In Europe, for 25 years "has been tentatively reached by Great Bri- tain, France, Germany, Italy, and Ijolland." City, "we believe in the commot sense of mankind and feel sincerely convinced the Danzig question soon will be solved without compromise but also without bloodshed." The spokesman made it obvious be- yond peradventure of doubt that by an uncompromising solution he meant the unconditional return of Danzig to Germany. Germany lost Danzig under the Treaty of Versailles. His attitude disclosed that Ger- m.any.expected-this solution would be attained by pressure by Great Bri- tafn on Poland. Fascists in Rome said they con- curred wholeheartedly in the Ger- man spokesman's declaration. Offi- cials in Paris were guarded in their comment, pending a report from their Ambassador to Berlin, but said they were inclined to regard the statement as a "possible change" in the situa- tion. "Rather than plunge all Europe into war," the spokesman said, "some power will brutally call Polish chau- vinists to order and tell them Danzig is not worth a world war." His reference to "some power" was taken as an obvious allusion to Bri- tain which, along with France, has given a pledge of aid to Poland. "As for ourselves," he went on, "we have not the slightest desire to pro- voke a crisis. "It is obvious, however, that the present state of things cannot go on indefinitely. The solution must come not in years but in months and pos- sibly weeks." In emphasizing Germany's pacific attitude, the spokesman said: "Our Fuehrer is 10 per cent for peace. . . . Germany has not the least desire for a conflict of arms to bring about the uncompromising solu- tion which we confidently expect. We reject 100 per cent such a warlike solution and would regret extremely if that were the only way." He con- ceded that the European air was "heavily laden with crisis possibili- ties." Nazis Arrange Wheat Barter Germany To Trade Arms For Rumanian Grain BUCHAREST, July 21.-(P)-Ger- many tightened her grip on Ru- mania's economic life today by ar- ranging, in partnership' with Italy, to trade armaments for 50,000 car- loads of Rumanian wheat. Diplomats said the barter would create a paradox since the Rome- Berlin Axis thus will aid Rumanian rearmament, which is spurred by fears the Axis is backing claims of Bulgaria and Hungary for territory Rumania won from them in the World War. The barter arrangement followed signature of a German-Rumania Protocol enlarging Germany's means * * , Rabbi James G. Heler, director of the Wise Temple of Cincinnati and leader in Hebrew cultural life in the United States, has been invited to give four lectures in conjunction with the program of the fifth annual Sum- mer Conference on Religion, which will open here Monday. Two other guest lecturers will par- ticipate in the program, which is be- ing offered to all students and facul- ty of the Session, ministers from the state, and directors and professors in religious education. Dr. Paul Harri- son, famed medical missionary to Arabia, who will give his initial lec- tures in the United States at the con- ference, and Dr. George Michaelides of the Near East School of Theology in Beirut, Syria, are the other guest speakers. Rabbi Heller will give four talks on the program. He will participate at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the seminar on "Toward Inter-Faith Understand- ing" at Alumi Memorial Hall. He will demonstrate "Sacred Music" us- ing recordings at 5 p.m. Thursday in Alumni.Memorial Hall and on Fri- day will give two talks. At 12:15 p.m. he will speak on "Palestine" at a luncheon in the Michigan Union (Continued on Page 4) Russo-German Pact Foreseen Reveal Trade Negotiations In Moscow Broadcast MOSCOW, July 21. -(R')- Trade negotiations are under way between Germany and Soviet Russia, the Mos- cow radio station announced to- night. The Soviet Trade Delegate in Ber- lin is carrying on the negotiations with an attache of the Nazi Econom- ics Ministry. Weaver Will At Vesper Speak Service; Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng- lish department will give the address at the second summer Vesper Serv- ice, to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Building. Professor Weaver will speak on "The Function of Culture in Our American Democracy." Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music will lead the hymns, and the scripture and prayer will be read by the Rev. Theodore Schmale of the Bethlehem Evangelical Church. Those Aren't Leering Lotharios, Governor -- They're Dodger Fans Excursionists To Visit Prison Group Leaves At 8 A.M. Today OnJackson Trip Leaving from in front of Angell Hall at 8 a.m. today, Summer Session students and faculty wall travel by bus to Jackson in the eighth Summer Session excursion, to visit and inspect the . modern physical plant of the State Prison of Southern Michigan. Besides the up-to-date cell blocks, housing more than 5,000 inmates, the visitors will see shops where the pris- oners work, recreation fields where they get outdoor exercise, and the model kitchen where their daily meals are prepared. This kitchen was de- By LEN SCULEIDER (Special to The Daily) NEW YORK CITY, July 21.---Gov- ernor Luren Dickinson's allegation that this city is a centre of "high life" left New Yorkers in an expec- tant mood this week as they surveyed their particular neighborhoods for examples of immorality suitable for exploitation. With New York's standing in the world of sin considerably lowered by competition from Kansas City, New Orleans and Port Said, seven million New Yorkers, from Grover Whalen down to Sean O'Brien who tends bar in the Bronx, grinned gleefully today for, in their opinion, Governor Dick- inson's amazing revelations of what he saw at the recent national gov- ernors' conference is the greatest Dickinson's words will mean even more to New York's "World of To- morrow" than Sally Ran'd's fans meant to Chicago's "Century of Pro- gress." But to the average New Yorker the whereabouts of the Empire State's dens of iniquity are still a mystery. No matter what Michigan's Gover- nor preaches, residents still believe that the most sinful objects in the city are the bathing beauty photo- graphs in the tabloids. Iced tea rather than hard liquor is still New York's favorite beverage and 16 year- old girls are as sheltered in the shade of the trylon and perisphree as they would be in Ishpeming or Grand Rapids. New Yorkers main- tain that their sons do not look that way because they are leering Lothari-