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July 21, 1938 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-21

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Irsih Honor Ambassador






I . .. . . ......

Tennis . . . golf . . swimming . . . archery . . . horseback riding
bicycling . . . badminton . . . canoeing . and the ever popular
picnicking . . . did someone once whisper that going to school in the
summer time might be boring? Some few might find it so . . . but certainly
anyone who is wise enough to take ad-
vantage of the facilities for recreation of-
fered both in and about this fair metrop-
olis finds it just the opposite.
Just how good am I . . . some 35
women who entered the tournaments
. in either golf, tennis or badminton
. which the Department of Physical
Education for women is sponsoring .
are asking themselves that little question . . . and for a few the bulletin
boards in the Women's Athletic Building and in Barbour Gym reveal the
answer. As to the badminton tourneys . . . the first rounds of which
were completed yesterday . . . and the second round is to be finished
by next Wednesday . . . the winners are divided into two different groups
. . . those in the beginners' contest and those who are more adept
at handling the racquet . . . and incidentally, the bird . . . but in either
case the winner took two games out of three . . . at 11 points per game.
Mary Allshouse . . . a graduate student from the Quaker State . . . and
Mary Johnson . . . a Southerner . . . played one of the finest games
in the beginners' group . . . it was a fight to the finish with three sets
necessary to determine the winner . . . before the Pennsylvania sporting
lady finally proved her superiority. Aledia Beukey . . . a local girl enrolled
in the education school . . . defeated Elizabeth VandenBossche in the
same tournament. In the more advanced group Addie Marie Clark de-
feated Cecilia VandenBossche . . . and Louise Morse won from Elizabeth
McDowell . . . who hails from Bad Axe . . . in'the heart of the Thumb.
The fairway pounders . . . in other words, the would-be golfers . .
have until Saturday to turn in qualifying scores . . . for 18 holes on the
University's course . . . and then the contestants will
be matched against one another . . . to determine . .
eventually . . . the winner. Incidentally . . . a small
award will be made to the victor in each of the De- ..
partment's tournaments.
Ruth H~atfield . . . who is a Chicagoan . .. who-.
attends the University during the regular year . . . and , +
who entered both the city and the Women's Educa-
tional Department's tennis tournaments . . . won her * +
-match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 . . . but she did not defeat her ."
opponent . . . Elsie Michalke of Saginaw . . . with- * , '
out some mighty clever volleying. . Ruth Steinke . . .
a Highland .Parker . . . and Eliz Patton . . . who -
comes from Detroit and who is also a regular session
student . . .'spend their spare moments playing tennis
S..and thus taking advantage of the fine courts at
Palmer Field.
Several sports minded . . . or shall one say, traffic minded .
individuals . . . have found that one can get places . . . so much farther
and so very much faster . . . on a bicycle than by assuming the role
of a mere pedestrian . . . and so . . . feeling that her education has been
neglected . . . Kay Brown . . . who is a whiz at both tennis and badminton
. . . proceeded to try to teach herself how to maintain her balance and
move her feet at the same time. Kay's
only trouble seemed to be her inability
' to get started . ah well, the spirit
was willing
Just to show what a little practice
can do . . . and to serve as a bit of
encouragement . . . to anyone who
may need it . . . it has been reported
that all of the beginners in the swim-
ming classes . . . which the Women's
Physical Education department con-
4lducts . . . now can not only grace-
fully yet safely propel themselves
through the water for a distance worth
mentioning . . . but are also learning to dive. Alice Quigley, Frances
Sullivan, Florence de Vries, and Dorothy Collins . . . as well as a great
many others . . . will verify the above . . . for they have learned that one
can do anything if one wants to . . . well, almost anything.
Mildred Compton . . . who comes from Traverse City . . . and who
is also one of the newly christened swimmers . . . is likewise very, very
able as far as hitting the bull's eye is concerned . . . she is considered to be
the most adept archer in her class. All the members of said class will be
arch rivals when a contest is held in the near future . . . Plans are not
yet definite but . . . and this is a secret . . . a feminine William Tell may
be discovered hiding under the proverbial basket.
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Japs' Iankow Pan-American Nations Quitting League
Drive Stalled
Stopped (Oin Yangtze I 'i Puerto Rico (U,.)
SHANGHAI, July 20 -{'-- Jap-ND
ese failed today to break Chinese SAN ALA
lines for an advance up the Yangtze- SAN SALVADORVN-ZUELA Ts
River toward Hankow, provisional COSTA RNICA
Chinese entrenched on the riverP-
banks held fast against airplanes andECIA
river boats guns attempting- to punc-
ture the defenses in a "big push"
which had Kiukiang, 135 miles belowI A7
Hankow, as its immediate objective.P
Two Japanese warships shelled
Chinese positions at Hukow, at the
mouth of Lake Poyang and 16 miles LEAGU LINEUPB A
downstream from Kiukiang. ThreeEU
others attempted to force a passage
upstream but were repulsed by land $/ MEMBERS CHILE
Chinese air headquarters announ-jWITHDRAWN
ced several Japanesetransports had ""*
arrived off Hukow, only to be bom- Venezuela's decision to resign
from the League of Nations makes tRGA
barded by Chinese planes. One of the her the ninth country in the
river craft was said to have been Americas-North and South-to
sunk pull away from a'Europe-domi- ARGENTINA
In the Shanghai area, Chinese re- Wtedroteoyea
ported formation of a new guerrilla . of Venezuela becomes effective
army for large-scale attacks against June, 1940, and of San Salvador in
Japanese occupied railroads and com- August. 99. Other nat ions out
munication lines. are: Guatemala, Brazil, Costa
Rica, Paraguay, Nicaragua and
Honduras. -
Dr. W olfe Talks Dear to the heart of Pan-American Union is conceit of westernhemis.
phere nations united by trade agreemen s, by a collective security pro-
gram. Map shows how, out of 20 original members, Latin American
At MIT Meeting __ ___,__ __ __ _
nations are quitting league.
Presents Lecture On Gas work in this field in collaboration nature, it was pointed out. This wa
with Dr. H. S. Duffendack, also of Professor Wolfe's second talk befor
the nivesityof Mchign.sad isthe conference. Dr. R. A. Sawyer e
the University also spoke to the grou
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., July 20.-- one of the first attempts to make earlier in the week.
(Special to The Daily)-An analysis an accurate analysis of gas mixtures
of the gas mixtures for oxygen, nitro- for a spectagraph. The necessity
gen, carbon dioxide and carbon mon- for such an analysis ,he pointed out, O.D.MORRIL L
oxide by Dr. R. A. Wolfe, research comes from the field of metallurgical 314 S. State St.
physicist from the University of processing where gases are given off
Michigan was one of the main fea- so rapidly that the analysis must be Typewriters, Stationery,
tures of today's program for the 1938 both quick and accurate, Student and Office Supplies
Conference of Spectroscopy and Its The scheme for the analysis con- Since 1908 Phone 6615
Applications being held here in the sists in mixing in the right propor- -
Geore* astan eseach aboa-lions the two rare gases of helium -
tories of the Massachusetts Institute an arghe stated. Hies ork lm
of Tchnoogyand argon, he stated. His work in
this field will have important indus
Dr. Wolfe's talk dealt with his trial applications because of its very'

Ireland agrees with Britain on one point, at least; admiration for
U. S. Ambassador to England Joseph Kennedy (left), who was given
honorary LL.D. degree by University of Dublin. Irish Prime Minister de
Valera is at right.

Loyalists Stem
Franco's Drive
Italian Troops Are Shifted
After Ragado Losses
HENDAYE. France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), July 20-P)---Fierce
Government resistance at Ragudo
Pass on the Teruel Highway to the
sea was reported today to have di-
verted the Spanish Insurgent drive
on Viver, Segorbe, Sagunto and Val-
Italian troops fighting under Gen-
eralissimo Francisco FTanco's Red
and Gold Banner shifted the brunt
of their mechanized assault to the
The Insurgents reported penetra-
tion of the Begis fortifications, 35
mniles northwest of Valencia, while
defense forces clung to their positions
at Ragudo Pass, barring the direct
southeastward path to the Mediter-
While the center of fighting in the
Insurgents' six-day-old drive shifted
on that front an Insurgent coastal
column struck Agai near Almenara,
about five miles northeast of Sag-
unto on the Valencia-Barcelona Sea-
board Highway.
Franco's artillerymen and airmen
were reported to have reduced Al-
menara's outlying fortifications. In-
fantry pushed a little closer to Sag-
unto, at the intersection of the Ter-
iel and Barcelona Highways about
15 miles from Valencia
Government counterattacks failed
to budge the attackers from the prin-
cipal positions.
e- M H Gw

Third Tea Dance Held
Yesterday At League
The third tea dance of the Summer
Session was held from 4 to 6 p.m.
yesterday in the League ballroom.
The affair which was sponsored by
the Southern Club in conjunction
with the League was attended by
more than 350 guests.




re's Your
-+ r

(Continued from Page 2)
Marquis Shattuck. The Effect of the
Saginaw Revision Plan upon Teach-
ing of English. Dr. Orrie I. Fred-
IEnglish in the Core Curriculum at
Denver. Dr. Agnes V. Clancy.
Evaluation of New Procedures in
English. Dr. J. W. Menge.
All who are interested in the teach-
ing of English are cordially invited to
"Why People Do Not Get Jobs" will
be discussed by Dr. T. Luther Pur-
dom at the Michigan Union, Room
316, Thursday evening, July 21 at
' p.m'. The meeting will be open to
all interested in securing jobs or pro-
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference, Thursday, 12:10 p.m., at thej
Michigan Union. Dr. J. F. Rettger
and Prof. T. A.. Knott will discuss
"Etymology and Semantics." All
persons interested are welcome.
Graduation Recital: Jeanice Byrne,
pianist, Du Quoin, Illinois, will give
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
degree, Thursday evening, July 21,
at 8:15, School of Music Auditorium.
The general public is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Stalker Hall. Swimming party and
picnic leaving stalker Hall at 5 p.m.
Thursday. Transportation will be
furnished. Small charge for food
and swimming. All Methodist stu-
dents and their friends are cordially

next meeting of the club will take
place Thursday, July 21, at 8 p.m. at
"Le Foyer Francais," 1414 Washte-
naw. Mr. Abraham Herman of the
French department will speak. The
subject of his talk will be "L'Ameri-
que vue par quelques ecrivains fran-I
cais." Songs, games, refreshments.
The regular luncheon meeting of
physical education students and fac-
ulty will be held Thursday, July 21
at 12:10 in Room 310 of the Michigan
Union. All are cordially invited and
urged to attend. The price of the
luncheon is $.57. Kindly make reser-
vations by calling 2-1939 between 8:30
and 5 p.m. daily.
Kenneth Doherty, freshman track
coach, University of Michigan, will
discuss "Trends in Physical Educa-
Graduation Recital: Lester McCoy,
(Continued on Page 4)
[I TfW

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