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July 21, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-21

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The Weather
Generally fair today; tomor-
row somewhat unsettled and
slightly warmer.




Mr. Lippmiann
On Liberty .

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Armed Troops
Quell Mavtag
Strike Rioting

500 Participate In
Battle As CIO
Fights Return To


Grabel, Famed Band Conductor,I
Was Personal Friend Of Sousa
Victor J. Grabel, nationally famous Mr. Grabel feels that in years to come
band conductor, director for seven when the present generation of
years at the Chicago Land Festival, musicians takes its place in the eco-
noted composer and arranger of band nomic and political world, its exper-
selections and intimate friend of the ience with music will make possible'
late John Philip Sousa, great band- the entrance of music more extensive-
master of his age, will direct the All ly into everyday life.
High Band Clinic Band, and the Uni- Nothing comparable to the high
versity Summer Session band in Sun- school band movement is known in
day's concert in Hill Auditorium. any country outside the United States
The only man ever to be invited by said Mr. Grabel, and eventually when
Sousa to lead his band at a public per- we can overcome the obstacles of in-
formance, Mr. Grabel in 1915 directed ferior musical arrangements for
the world famous musicians in one bands, an attitude that band play-
of his own compositions in Lansing, ing requires less in the direction of
Mich. skilled, artistic performance and the
"Sousa was probably the dearest reticence of the general public to en-
friend I ever had," Mr. Grabel said dow bands as highly as symphony
yesterday, "and his influence on me orchestras and other cultural groups,
has been very marked throughout band playing will reach a new era of
my life." beauty and art. Groups such as the
Mr. Grabel is now owner of the. High School Band Clinic are greatly
original John Philip Sousa Library to be credited, he praised, for the
of Musical Selections, which was pre- advancement of higher standards of
sented to him by the Great Band- band playing all over the country.

Military Zone Held
About Plant Ground
NEWTON, Ia., July 20.-GP)-This
vommunity of 12,000 persons operat-
ed under the command of National
Guard officers tonight after early
morning street fighting around the
Maytag Washing Machine factory
sent one person to a hospital and a
score home with cuts and bruises.
The street riot, in which nearly 500
persons participated, broke out like
a flash and ended just as suddenly
when National Guardsmen appeared
on the scene.
Lasted 20 Minutes
It lasted only 20 minutes, but dur-
ing that time there were 20 different
fights, one man suffered a slight con-
cussion of the skull, a policeman was;
knocked down and kicked, a constable;
lost his gun, several persons received1
cuts and bruises that required treat-;
ment at doctor's offices and many
received tears in their clothes. 1
Principals were CIO union strikersI
at the Maytag Washing Machine fac-I
tory, their wives, other'trike sympa-
thizers and back-to-work advocates.I
National Guard troops, who arrived
on the scene three hours earlier to
prevent just such a feared outbreak,
were eating breakfast at their camp1
on the edge of the city when the
trouble broke out.,
They had surveyed the strike zone
upon arrival, found it quiet and hadj
gone to eat. While they were gone,
several hundred strikers and sympa-
thizers gathered in groups near the
Had Resumed Work
Back-to-work advocates, who had
resumed work in the factory on a lim-
ited basis two days ago, came dwn
to see if the plant would operate.
Witnesses said women in the groups
around the plant shouted "scab, scab"
at the back-to-workers. Men took up
the cry and in a few minutes a dozen
fights were in progress.
Police, unable to cope with the
fights, summoned the Guardsmen,
who cleared the streets, took charge
of the area and established a military
zone', prohibiting public gatherings of
all kinds.
The Maytag Plant closed May 9
when 1,400 employes walked out, re-
fusing to' accept a 10 per cent cut.
Two days ago the company resumed
production with a skeleton force of
severalbhundred back-to-work advo-
rates, but today the plant remained
closed, only a few officials and 100
office workers being permitted to en-
Display Eihibit
Of 12th Century
Asian Art Here
Featured in connection with the
Institute of Far Eastern Studies, an
exhibit of art and craftmanship of
the peoples of southeastern Asia and
Malaysia, dating back as far as the
12th century, has been placed on dis-
play on the fourth floor of the Uni-
versity Museums building.
Th e University-ownedgexhibit
which will be shown until Aug. 1 in-
cludes Tibetan, Indian, and Philippine
art objects, relics in the latter group
having been found by an expedition in
1922-25 headed by Dr. Carl E. Guthe,
Director of Museums.
Religious objects of the Dravidian
and Tibetan* peoples constitute one
portion of the exhibit while other
sections feature implements of the
chase, writing materials and textiles.
The display, which has been arranged
by B. A. de Vere Bailey, assistant in
the Museum of Anthropology, will be
replaced next month by one featuring
Chinese-materials of a similar nature.

Campus Shows Up
TodayAfter Delay
The long-awaited "Campus" ap-
pears on sale this morning, after
an "unavoidable" delay.
The second issuedincludes candid
photographs taken in the Arboretum,
v..n .wcrra 4~n ~ammi Tn T ~. n


Prejudice Seen
Basis Jews'
Rabbi Tedesche Calls Jews
'Scapegoat' Of Difficulty
In National Economies
Dreyfus Case Seen
As Zionist Or.igin
The chief difficulty in any objec-
tive appraisal of the position of the
Jew in the world today is the fact
that too many people think with
their prejudices instead of scienti-
fically. Dr. Sidney S. Tedesche, rabbi
at Union Temple, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
said yesterday in a lecture at they
Rackham Auditorium.
Dr. Tedesche indicated that the
indictments against the Jewish people
today are against an imaginary force,
indulged in chiefly in order to make
the Jew the scapegoat for real and
concrete problems in various national
The beginning of the modern Zion-
ist movement is to be found in the
aftermath of the Dreyfus Affair in
France, Dr. Tedesche continued,
when Theodore Herzle, an Austrian-
Jewish journalist arrived at the con-
clusion that the only permanent solu-
tion to the Jewish problem is the
creation of a national homeland.
Dr. Tedesche, who will also deliver
a lecture here tonight on "The Bible
and Talmud," will be honored at a
reception at Lane Hall at 4 p.m.
today, according to Kenneth Morgan,
of the Student Religious Association.
Fr. O'Flanagan
To Talk Today

Daily Correspondent In Paris
Describes British Royalty's Visit


master several years before his death.
The second library compiled by Sousa
was presented in the years after his
death to the University of Illinois
by Mr. Grabel and the family of
Noted for his own compositions as
well as for his arrangements of other
music, Mr. Grabel will present on
Sunday's concert, an overture from
the opera, "Libussa," by Smetena,
and his own composition, "Fair Chi-
cago," played at the World's Fair
there in 1933. The arrangement of
the "Libussa" selection is the first to
be played in this country, Mr. Grabel
explained, as for a long time it was
not allowed to be played anywhere
outside the Prague due to its being'
an intensely patriotic piece of music.
Questioned about the status of band
playing in the modern high school,
Mr. Grabel replied that high schools
all over the country are achieving
a most significant and valuable con-
tribution to modern culture in dif-
fusing more widely and rapidly the
best in music to the average citizen.
Stahl Captures
State Open Title
Defeats Barfield In Third
PlayoffIn 7 Years,
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., July 20-
(P)-Marvin Stahl, a good looking
ex-caddie, won the Michigan Open
Golf 'Championship for the, second
time today, defeating Jim Barfield,
Grand Rapds public links profes-
sional by seven strokes in an 18 hole
The Lansing Country Club profes-
sional, putting on a great burst of
sub par golf on the way in after
being one down at the turn shot a
spectacular 69,three under par, to
a 76 for Barfield.
One over par with a 37 on the out-
going nine, Stahl blazed home with
a 32, four under regulation figures,
as he measured his approach shots
and putts with deadly accuracy.
Both had finished the 72 hole
event yesterday tied at 285, the third
time in seven years that a playoff
became necessary.
In 1931 Charles (Chuck) Kocsis,
then an 18-year-old school boy bested
the veteran Tommy Armour in an
extra match. Four years later Jake
Fassezke of Jackson defeated a fellow
townsman, Louis Chiapetta, in a
playoff for the title.
Stahl. who learned the game as,
a caddie over the Cascades Country
Club course, scene of the champion-
ship, won the crown in 1936 at
Jackson. He was unable to defend
it last year because of a streptococci
throat infection.
~'M' Net Players
Fall In Tourney


Bands Offer

Concert Sunday'
Summer Session, Clinic
Groups To Be Directed
By Grabel And Revelli
The AllUHigh School Band Clinic
andn the University Summer Session
Band will together present a concert
at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditor-
ium, Prof. WilliamtD. Revelli, direc-
tor, announced yesterday.
Victor J. Grabel ofChicago, will
conduct the greater portion of the
concert, Professor Revelli said, and
two selections, "Overture" from the
opera "Libussa," by Smetana, and
"Fair Chicago" will be played in his
honor. Mr. Grabel arranged the first
selection and composed the second.
The high school group will pre-
sent the first half of the concert with
Mr. Grabel directing. The program
follows: "Libussa Overture." by Sme-
tana; "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring,"
by Bach; "Elissa's Entrance Into the
Cathedral," by Wagner; "Moment
Musicale," by Schubert; and "Fair
Chicago,' by Grabel.
Beginning the second half of the
program the Summer Session Band
under Mr. Grabel will offer "Egmont
Overture,' by Beethoven; and "Slav-
onic Dance No. 1,' by Dvorak;. A
solo, "Two Grenadiers,' by Schu-
mann, Grad. Professor Revelli will
then direct the remainder of the
program by conducting the Summer'
Sesson Band in "Rhapsody in Rum-
ba," by Bennet, and "Perpetual Mo-
tion,' by Strauss.
Scientific Devices
Are Exhibited Here
An exhibit of recent products of
scientific research is being shown to-
day and tomorrow in Room 1012,
University High School, under the di-
rection of Dr. Wesley Steinbach of
the Chicago Apparatus Co., it was
announced last night by Dr. Francis
D. Curtis, head of the school's science
Included in the exhibit will be
samples of new large "polaroid" ma-
terial, or polarized glass, which is isedc
for glare elimination in automobile


Irish Republican
Address ASU

Father Micheal J. O'Flanagan,'
noted Catholic priest and Irish Re-
publican leader will speak here at
4 p.m. today in the Natural Science
Auditorium, under the auspices of.
the Michigan chapter of the Ameri-+
can Student Union.+
The subject of Father O'Flanagan's+
talk will be "Why the Loyalists Will
Win The War In Spain." A small
fee will be charged in order to help
cover the expense entailed in bring-
ing the priest here.
Hailed by many listeners as the
greatest Irish orator since Parnell,
Father O'Flanagan vigorously denies
that world Catholicism is against the
Loyalists, and in Ireland he has
worked unceasingly for the cause of
the Spanish government.
French Club Will Hear
Address By Dr. Herman
Dr. Abraham Herman of the ro-
mance languages department will
speak on "L'Americain vue par quel-
ques ecrivains francais" at the third
meeting of the Summer Session
French Club at 8 p.m. today in the
French House, 1414 Washtenaw Ave.
French songs, games and refresh-
ments will follow Dr. Herman's

Britain, France Will Backa
Czechs' InIlepend ence
Against Hitler, He Says
Editor's Note: The following letter was a
received by the Daily late yesterday frome
Mr. Swinton, a member of the Daily staff
now traveling in France. Although a largeC
part of the material is now outdated, we2
believe that the information which Mr.
Swinton 's communication conveys will,E
"evertheless, be of interest.
PARIS-(Special to The Daily)t
Whether or not it succeeds in luring
the pro-fascistic policy of Nevillef
Chamberlain back into line with r
French objectives Paris is going toy
give George and Queen Elizabeth a L
tremendous ovation.I
For months preparations have beent
made. On every important boulevard
Beaumont Says
Education Must
Be DemocraticF
Elective System Held To Be
Superior To 'Antiquated'
Classical Type Of Study
Because the democratic ideal ofe
education is the fullest developmentt
of the individual on the basis of his
capacities and needs, the elective
system, with unlimited latitude of
curricular adjustment to suit each'
individual, must be an essential fea-
ture of democratic education, accord-
ing to Dr. Henry Beaumont of the
University of Kentucky, who spoke
yesterday afternoon on "Adjusting
Education to the Individual."
Dr. Beaumont pointed out that the
ounter movement sponsored by Pres-
ident Hutchins of the University of
Chicago, attempting to go back to
a more classical, cultural education,
has destroyed the essential classical
oncept of developing the whole in-
dividual, which the democratic sys-r
tem has taken over and perfected,,
and has instead revived the medievalL
According to Dr. Beaumont, the
solution lies not in going back to anyt
antiquated system, but in a furthert
refinement of the rheans of disting-
uishing the capacities and needs of 1
each person and of making the .nec-t
essary adjustments in the curriculumc
to fit these capacities and needs. 1
The speaker traced the different
attempts to make education serve the
needs of the individual and the com-
munity in the light of the educationalt
ideals of the times, i cluding the clas-
sical, medieval, Rnaissance, andt
democratic concepts.
Blast Kills 10
P WA Workers
Six Others Injured Inside
New Water Tunnel
BALTIMORE, July 20.-OP)-Im-
mediate investigation of a dynamite
blast that killed 10 menand injured
six others working deep inside a new
water tunnel-part of a $5,300,000
PWA project-was ordered tonight
by Mayor Howard W. Jackson.
Fourteen workmen were tamping
down a charge of 450 pounds of dyna-
mite when the detonation mush-
roomed out of the solid rock, blasting'
men and rocks to bits. Seven were
killed outright; three others died in
hospitals. All were Negroes.
The investigation will be conduct-
ed by acting Chief Engineer Frank
Duncan and Leon Small, city water
bureau head, and their technical

Phillip Lesser, city explosives in-
spectortwho suffered severe burns
about the face, gave an eye-witness
account of the blast.
"I was standing back of the men
tamping the charge," he said, "look-
ing right at them, but I didn't see or
hear a thing. All I knew was that I
felt a terrific concussion that flung
me off my feet. It was pitch dark and
I thought I'd never get out of that
place alive."
Miss Jeanice Byrne
To Present Recital
Miss Jeanice Byrne, Grad., of Du
Quoin, Iowa, will present a program
of niano musica t 15 nm today in

are hung long streamers alternately
showing the colors of Britain and
France. The main squares contain
pillars with various welcoming sym-
bols. Near the Palace Opera'there are
a dozen large wooden soldiers paint-
ed to resemble British regulars in
dress uniform. Especially complete
are the preparations around the
Arch of Triumph. Frame pillars
overed with cloth and surmounted
by gold crowns run entirely around
the square.
Department stores sell British
flags and every shop has postcard
portraits of George and Elizabeth for
sale. Signs on the stores said "Long
Live their Majesties."
'That France is making prepara-
tions for diplomatic reasons is ad-
mitted. None too pleased by the
Chamberlain policy, the French feel
hey must cement relationships with
their neighbor across the channel.
With the fate of Czechoslovakia still
n the balance the need for a strong
front is intensified. It is felt here
that if Hitler took his weaker
neighbor he would not be stopped by
France or Britain. Neither has gone
far enough in her rearmament pro-
gram to feel secure in taking action.
When the programs are complete the
war will be near, until then-no.
Parisian-Czechs on the other hand
feel that Britain and France will pre-
serve the independence of their fath-
erland. This feeling is presumably
the .official Czech viewpoint.
Shio Sakanishi
Describes T ea
Ritual In Japan
Mental Discipline Of Rites
Inportant In Nipponese
Religion, Lecturer Says
The tea ceremony as an important
~mental and moral discipline in Ja-
panese religious life was discussed by
Dr. Shio Sakanshi of the Division of
Orientalia of the Library of Congress
in an illustrated lecture in conjunc-
tion with the Institute of Far Eas-
ern Studies yesterday.
The ceremony, developed primarily
by Sen No Rikyen, the aristocrat who
urned to the priesthood and also be-
came the foremost tea-master of the
16th century, was designed to incul-
cate lofty thought and moral virtue
into its participants, Dr. Sakanshi
said. In particular the ceremony
teaches both spiritual and physical
cleanliness, humility, mental concen-
tration, and meditation on things of
the spirit.
The elaborate ritual takes place in
an atmosphere of beauty in order to
instill a contemplative and philo-
sophical mood, Dr. Sakanshi assert-
ed. It is conducted in very small tea-
houses secluded in a garden by lay-
men wishing solace for their troubles
or a general spiritual uplift.
Upon entering the garden one is
supposed to forget entirely thoughts
of this world and to Toncentrate on
the spiritual. In order to get into the
tea-house it is necessary to crawl
under an extremely low threshold
which symbolizes humility.' The
house itself is bare and unadorned
except for a vase of flowers so that
one is reminded that simplicity and
simple things are things of im-
portance in this world. It is designed
on an assymetrical basis to symbolize
the fact that, although mortals may
strive for perfection, perfection itself
can never be achieved. Every step in1
the drinking and even of the prepara-
tion of the tea has an important
meaning, Dr. Sakanshi continued, but
every thing in the ceremony points to
the achievement of concentration

and meditation.
iGest Carilloneur
Plays Here Tonight
Repeating his visit of last summer
as guest artist on the Charles Baird
carillon, Frederick Marriott, carillon-
neur at the University of Chicago
chapel, is appearing here for two con-
certs, the first of which will be heard
tonight at 7 p.m.
Mr. Marriott will exchange with
Prof. Wilmot Pratt, University Caril-
lonneur, tonight and next Thursday
night, the occasion of the. second
guest recital.
This evening's program, which wil
last about an hour, is scheduled a
follows: "Toccata in D minor," b3

Laborites As~k
Prime Minister
To Bare Secret
of NaziParley
Lord Halifax, Hitler Aide
Allegedly Discuss Czech
Sudeten German Issues
Report Says Hitler
Called Conference
LONDON, July 20 -()P- Labor
members of Parliment today sought
from Prime Minister Neville Cham-
berlain an explanation of secret ne-
gotiations between Great Britain and
The action came after a quiet con-
ference between Viscount Halifax,
Forengn Secretary, and Captain Fritz
Wiedemann, Adolph Hitler's adju-
tant, had given rise to reports that
the two nations were preparing to
launch new diplomatic talks to end
all points of misunderstanding be-
tween them.
Lieutenant Commander R. T. H.
Fletcher, backed by other labor mem-
bers, give notice he would ask Cham-
berlain tomorrow to "make a state-
ment concerning the purport of con-
versations between Herr Wiedemann
and members of Hs Majesty's govern-
Wiedemann talked with Halifax at
the foreign Secretary's London home
Monday night.
In the case of Halifax and Wiede-
mann, both German and British offi-
cial sources disclaimed knowledge
of the subjects covered. But "un-
authorized interpretations" which
never were denied disclosed that the
problem of Czechoslovakia's Sudeten
German minority was uppermost.
Berlin sources said Halifax was
willing to back Sudeten demands
for autonomy from Czechoslovakia,
but not so far as Wiedemann wanted.
At the same time, Halifax was said
to have expressed himself against
the spread of anti-semitism to Czech-
oslovakia to have remained silent
in the face of German insistence that
Czechoslovakia sever her friendly al-
liance with Soviet Russia.
London sources said Wiedemann
brought hearty greetings and ex-
pressions of good will from Hitler and
requested that Halifax, now in Paris,
relay them to the French Foreign
Wiedemann was reported to have
said Hitler would be pleased to set-
tle the Czechoslovak-Sudeten ques-
tion peacefully and would like to
improve British-German relations,
which currently are "fundamentally
sound but not quite satisfactory."
British sources said the conference
was arranged at Hitler's request, but
others declared the British govern-
ment, together with the French, was
eager to join Germany in stabilizing
relations between Sudeten Germans
and the Czechoslovak government.
Group Will Visit
Proving Ground
Saturday Excursion Party
Goes To Milford
Milford, 30 miles north of Ann Ar-
bor, will be the scene of the eighth
University Excursion when it inspects
the, General Motors Corporation's
proving ground located there on Sat-
The excursion party will have a

chance to see the 1,268 acre labora-
tory in which General Motors auto-
mobiles are subjected to speed, en-
durance and safety tests. After pre-
liminary explanations by the en-
gineer-guide, the group will board
special proving ground buses for a
comprehensive tour of the various
roadways and testing devices. These
include a four-mile concrete loop, a
stretch of Belgian block road which is
featured by unsual bumpiness, a 24
per cent road grade, and other ob-
There are approximately 165 tests
administered at the proving grounds.
Hyma Will Speak
On Calvin Today
Y Prof. Albert Hyma of the history
J department will speak on "Calvin and
the Rise of Capitalism" at 12:15 p.m.
1 today in the Union. He will address
s the weekly luncheon conference of
y the Graduate Conference on Renais-

Dr. Sturtevant Traces History
Of Greek's Phonetic Symbols

Schultz, Lake Advance
Semi-Final Rounds


Tom Slattery and Ed Morris, both
members of the Michigan tennis
team, fell before two dark horses in
the second round of the 18th annual
city tennis tournament at Palmer
Slattery, a junior, went three sets
before losing to Merlin Schultz of
Ypsilanti, 4-6, 8-6, 6-4. His varsity
teammate, Morris, also went three
sets before a Princeton student, C. B.
Tompkins, downed him, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4.
Schultz will be tested in his next
match when he meets Bob Lake of
Alabama in the third round. Lake
advaneed when he easily downed Bill

Wtih a hypothesis unchallenged byf
members of his audience during theI
subsequent discussion, Dr. E. H. Stur-
tevant, professor of linguistics at Yale
University and associate director ofC
the Linguistic Institute, presented int
the regular Institute lecture last night
his interpretation of the phonetic
history of Greek iota, epsilon iota andz
Disagreeing with a few scholars,I
Dr. Sturtevant asserted that in clas-
sical Greek these letters representedc
quite different sounds, unlike the situ-t
ation in modern Greek in which they
represent the same sound. Evidence1
for this belief, which is quite widely1
lield, exists in etymology and in loan-
words to and froim other languages,1
including Indic, Sanskrit and Gothic.
Also widely accepted is the belief that
iota, the high front vowel, has re-
mained unchanged in Greek for the
past 2,500 years.
"Difficulties arise, however." Dr.

for the sound of h plus a, -e, or i. The
Ionic Greeks, having no aspirate
sound, borrowed only the vowel value
of the letter, happening to choose
that vowel which is spelled in modern
English with 'a,' as in 'hate.'
The character H in western Se-
mitic represented a velar fricative
(like 'ch' in German) plus a vowel.
Dr. Sturtevant, with a detailed trac-
ing of the changes in eastern Greek
dialects, then explained how this let-
ter was taken over with a different
sound also, so that for a time E and
H had the same vowel quality. A dif-
ferentiation was then inevitable, he
declared, and such a condition is
found in the earliest Asiatic Ionic,
where one symbol represents a close
sound as in English 'mate' and the
other the open sound as in 'met.'
Further explanation by the speaker
analyzed the problem presented by the
combination EI (epsilon iota), which

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