THE MICHIGAN DAILY AT, - _ r E ]HIGAN DAILY Letter Answers Charges 'On. ArabJew Struggle DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. .,4 ' ' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stodent ,-Publiations. Pudlishe every morning nxcept Monday during the University year and Summer Session' Member of the Associated Press 'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also " ,esexved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as sedin4 class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $450. Weamber, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 REPRIESENTED FOR NATIPNA ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, inc. Collee Publishers Reresntative 420 MADISON AVE. 'sEW YORK, . Y. CHICAGO + BosTON'- LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO' Board of Editors Managing Editor . . . . Irving Silverman City Editor. . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors . . . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department *l iness Manager . . . . Ernest A. Jones Cixedit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . . J. Cameron Hall Ashistants . Philip Buchen, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexande G. Ruthven. Rugged Individualism Takes The Count --- TWO OF AMERICA'S foremost finan- ciers appeared in the public prints with red faces last week. Pierre A. DuPont and John J. Raskob, whose names are fairly close to being household words in America, were found guilty by the United States Board of Tax Appeals ofattemptingg to evade more than $1,600,000 of income taxes on their 1929rincomes. The mills of justice, it may be noted, grind slowly, 'ut they grind on all six cylinders. :.Mr. Raskob, it will be recalled, was chairman of the Democratic National Committee and cam- paign manager for Al Smith in 1928. Mr. DuPont has been a large contributor to Republican cam- paign funds. The two men were the chief god- fathers of the Liberty League, which played so prominent a part in the 1936 election. * It is interesting to recall that the point of criti- cism against the. Roosevelt Administration which the Liberty League and Republican Party stressed most in the campaign was "government inter- ference with business." The latest example of this deplorable tendency on the part of the gov- ernment must be particularly annoying to citizens of the calibre of Mr. DuPont and Mr.Raskob. -Joseph Gies AProgressive Educational Experiment.-.---. A PROGRESSIVE experiment in edu- cation, the French House, enters its third year as a regular feature of the University Summer Session. In an atmosphere especially created to parallel that of a real French home, more than 40 students of French gather each evening to converse in French, to become versed in French customs and to learn to appreciate French food. The relative merits of fornal classroom instruc- tion and actual association and experience in any subject have long been debated by educators. This question is even more pointed in the case of a foreign language. The idioms, usages and un- familiar accent can never be mastered to per- fection from a book. Further than this, a formal knowledge of the essentials of French grammar does in no way constitute a complete knowledge of French. A knowledge of life in France, the psychological peculiarities of French people, the role which,- conversation plays in French life, all are essential to a really thorough knowledge of French. French conversation, as Mr. Charles E. Koella, a director of the Summer Session French club, pointed out in a recent lecture, is a game. It is entered into in the spirit similar to a battle of wits. It is peculiar to French alone, its technique cannot be learned from a book. It can be learned only through actual contact. This contact is supplied in the French House. Originated in 1936 by Mr. Koella, the French House has come to be a summertime center of French culture. Directed by Mlle. Jeanne Rosse- let, a native of Geneva, Switzerland and present head of the French department of Goucher College, Baltimore, Md., a rigid observance of the To The Editor: My attention has just been called t your issue of Wednesday, July 13, in which Mr. Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the Student Religious As- sociation is quoted as saying that "Jews are as harsh and feel as strongly in their anti-Arab sentiment as the Nazis in Germany do toward Jews. So much feeling is shown that the Arabs are winning the support of some Christians, people who in their time have suffered at the Arabs' hands." This is so rank an untruth, and does the Jewish people so grave an injustice, that I wish to relate some truths in answer to Mr. Morgan. Your readers and the audience which heard Mr. Morgan's address are entitled to know the truth in the situation; and Jews have a right to ask' that their sad plight in the present dis- turbing world situation should not be made hard- er by Christians. The truth of the matter is that Arabs them- selves have not made such rash statemnts as Mr. Morgan is quoted to have uttered last Tues- day. Arabs who are mobilizing forces against the reconstruction of the neglected Holy Land by Jews out of nationalistic motives admit that Jews have brought prosperity to the land. They admit that Jewish efforts are responsible for raising the standards of the Arab masses in Palestine whose position is as, a result of these efforts far superior to the status of their kinsmen in Egypt, Trans-Jordania, Iraq and other Arabic countries. We have yet to encounter among the arguments advanced by the Arabs against Jewish colonization the fantastic statement accredited to Mr. Morgan-that the attitude of the Jews of Palestine to the Arabs is comparable to that of the Nazis to the Jews. Not only is Mr. Morgan's rash statement con- trary to fact, but the opposite is true. The fact. that Jews in Palestine work side by side with the Arabs in Jewish colonies; that the Hista- druth (Jewish Labor Federation of Palestine) has made numerous efforts, often with success, to organize the masses of Arab workers into labor unions. Facts speak louder than words and available figures prove that more than two- thirds of the workers in the most flourishing plantation colonies belonging to the Jews were Arabs in the years preceding the riots. To this day, a very large proportion of workers in Jew- ish enterprises are Arabs, and both work to- gether and fraternize. Official figures available for 1935 show the comparative employment of Jews and Arabs in Jewish colonies as follows: February, 1935 Petach ,Tikvah .............. Rehoboth............... Ness Ziona ................... Hedera....... .............. 988 . 848 343 703 3,220 1,296 1,080 618 2,882 6,214 Jewish Arab February, 1935 .402 .444 .308 ........330 894 541 404 487 stigated by the Arab agitators; because it is so well known that Jews have heroically practiced self-restraint for two years and refused to re- taliate. Ours has been the Christian way and the traditional Jewish way of refusing to reply to murder with murder, to destruction with de- struction. It is only during the past three weeks that Jewish patience came to an end and several of our youths began to retaliate. The wonder is not that a few Jews have retaliated but that the tens of thousands held steadfastly to principle and refused to resort to the methods that had been introduced by the Arab bandits. But in spite of it all, the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish cormmunity of Palestine, in a statement made on Tuesday, July 12, condemned retalia- tion, urged Jews not to take the law in their own hands and declared: "Attacks on innocent Arabs are impure. If Arabs were to shoot me I would beseech Jews not to avenge my death." Mr. Morgan has done us an injustice, and we urge him to correct it by making a study of the true facts. At the same time I ask, you, in the interest of truth, to publish this state- ment in order that Christians may not be mis- led by unfair charges against the Jews. Philip Slomovitz, '20, Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle. Ii Seem loe HeywoodBroun Aviation is going to make or break civilization. Within the bounds of not particularly fantastic imagination it is possible to envisage a co-opera- tive world of peace and plen- ty or imperialistic tyranny. The old catchwords crumble. The theory of complete iso- lation for America is built upon the notion that the Atlantic is broad and the Pacific even wider. I am not denying that these are still damp spots upon the surface of the globe, and that as yet there are no regular excur- sion tours going around the earth in three days and nineteen hours. It is not altogether startling that flying has progressed sufficiently to enable Hughes to halve the time of Lindbergh to Paris. But is is amazing to note that the record of Wiley Post, established as recently as 1933, has also been split in twain. This rate of progression, naturally, cannot be maintained, but the globe is definitely smaller than it was when Magellan sprinted his way around in three years and twenty-seven days, and it will be further reduced within our decade. As far as the human voice goes, we alr~dy live in a tiny room, and it is possible for the speaker in even the furthest corner to whisper across it. Presently he will be able to get up and walk from door to door. Rescaling The Earth Indeed, by the curious circular tendency of his- tory, modern invention is scaling the earth back to the size which it assumed in the speculation of ancient man. Now there is a Northwest Passage to India, and the phrase "the known world" has practically lost all meaning. The terrestrial sphere has become an oyster, and if it still re- mains a rather Cape Cod it will be a Blue Point within the next few years. Just what the military and naval experts will say about the new range and speed of the air- plane I do not know. The cities of our land still present difficult problems of attack by bombers from abroad. It is hard to carry fuel and eggs in the same basket. But we no longer live behind a Chinese Wall. Nor is there any other kind of fence, either char- itable or spiteful, by which one people can im- molate themselves from the ideas of their neigh- bors. It may be an oversimplified statement, but I think the time has come for Americans and all other peoples to realize that perilously soon we must decide whether to-join the other fellows of this earth or fight them. I have begun to read Jerome Frank's ambitious book "Save America First," in which he argles for a self-contained economy and national phil- osophy. I am not sure I'll finish it, for already the new machine acts as a blue pencil to strike out many of the conclusions of the economist. The new freedom of communication can be a blessing or a curse, but. if humankind is cap- able of sanity, which I devoutly believe, the ad- vance of applied science should also mean an advance in applied civilization. Victory For Democracy The triumph of Howard Hughes and his as- sociates is a victory for democracy on the basis of first returns. Fascism, in spite of its eagerness to engulf outlying territories, depends upon the parochial notion of exaggerated nationalism. In the long run, at any rate, the tightening of the world's dimensions should mean a lessening of local pride and prejudice. Caste may prevail in a luxury liner, but a lifeboat is a one-class con- veyance. As the oceans begin to dry up and the moun- tains are dwarfed we draw closer to the others who have shipped with us upon this rolling planet. No longer are there any lands "down un- der" where the natives walk carrying their heads beneath their elbows. In a little world we can, to be sure, fly at each other's throat. But we can- structors concerned, should be ad- dressed to the Administrative Board Phi Delta Kappa. The regular week of the College, and presented in ly luncheon will be held at the Michi- Room 4, University Hall, before July gan Union today at 12:15 p.m. Dr. 27. T J. Cecil Parker, director of the Michi- Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry and Music: Sum- mer Session students wishing a tran- script, of this sumer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request will result in a needless delay of several days. Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day, July 19, at 3 p.m., in. Room 3201 Angell Hall. Professor A. T. Craig will speak "On Certain Linear and Quadratic Forms in Statistics? Prof. L. C. Karpinski will speak on "Mathe- matical Collections in the University of Michigan Library." Grand Rapids 'Picnic, Hamburg Fry at Dexter Park, Tuesday, July 19, 6 p.m. Everyone from Grand Rapids invited. Ask any Grand Rapids stu- dent for particulars. Education Students Interested 'in the Ed.D. A short meeting of those interested in the Ed.D. degree in edu- cation will be held at 5:10 p.m., Tues- day, July 19, in the East Conference Room on the third floor of the Rack-$ ham Building. Faculty' Concert. An interesting pro- gram of songs and operatic arias will be provided by the voice faculty of the School of Music: Professor Arthur Hackett, tenor; Professor Thelma Lewis, soprano; and Hardin Van Deursen, baritone; Tuesday evening, July 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi- torium. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. Reservations for Pi Lambda Theta initiation and banquet Wednesday, gah Study of the Secondary Curricu- lum, will be the speaker. On Wednesday evening the second of the pre-initiation business meet- ings will be held at the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. The meeting announced for next Friday in the School of Education Program of Ac- tivities is hereby cancelled. Dr. Orie I. Frederick will speak in the University Jiigh School Auditor- ium at 4:05 p.m. today on "Planning and Conducting an Intensive City- wide Curriculum Program." Students, School of Education (un- dergraduate) : Courses dropped after Saturday, July 23, will be recorded extraordinary circumstances. Noai with the grade of "E" except un- der extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Summer School Chorus: A recrea- tional hour open. to all summer school students without fee. 7 to 8 p.m. Morris Hall (Broadcasting Sta- tion), State Street, every Tuesday night. Excursion to the FordPlant, Wed- nesday, July 20. Inspection of the various Ford industries at River. Rouge. Round trip by special bus. Reservations may be made in the of- fice of the Summer Sssion, 1213 An- gell Hall. Excursion begins at 1 p.m., ends at 5:30 p.m. Chemistry Lecture. The fourth in the series of Chemistry lectures will be given by Professor C. S. Schoepfle on Wednesday, July 20 at 4:15 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Horace TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 19 Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Except under ex- traordinary circumstances, ,courses dropped after Saturday, July 23, will be recorded with a grade of E. Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Students whose records carry reports of I or X eith- er from last semester or (if they have not been in residence since) from any former session, will receive grades of E unless the work is com- pleted by July 27. Petitions for extensions of time, with the written approval of the in- July 20 must be made today. Call, Connie Jones at 23491. Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con- ference, 12:30 p.m. today, Michigan Union. Dr. S. I. Hayakawa of the University of Wisconsin will discuss "Propaganda and the Linguist." Approved, Houses for Women: Sign-out slips for the first three weeks of the Summer Session are now due. Dr. Shio Sakanishi will speak at' 4:30 this afternoon in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. Her subject is "Discipline through the Art, of Flower Arrangement." H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies. Subject: Discovery and De- velopment of Synthetic Dyes. All in- terested are invited. Lectures in Protein Chemistry: Dr. Vincent du Vigneaud, Professor of Biochemistry in the Medical School at George Washington University, will lecture at 2 p.m., July 18-21 in- clusive in Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. The subjects of the four lectures are as follows: July 18, Homocystine and Its Re- lation to the Intermediary Metabol- ism of Methionine and Cystine in the Body. July 19, Excursions into the Field of Stereo-Biochemistry. July 20, Studies on the Sulfur of Crystalline Insulin and on Certain Aspects of the Chemistry of the Blood-Pressure-raising and the Uter- ine-contracting Hormones of the Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary Gland. July 21, Carnosine and Anserine. Graduation Recital. Eugene Nord- gren, organist, Wausau, Wis., will give a graduation recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, Wednesday evening, July 20, 8:30 o'clock,,in Hill Auditorium. The general public is invited to attend Linguistic Institute Lecture, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, in the small amphi- theatre of the Rackham building. Professor E. H. Sturtevant of Yale University will speak on "The Pho- netic Interpretation of Ancient Greek I, EL, and H." German Table. Excursion to Cran- brook, Thursday, July 21. Cars will leave from the Michigan League at 1 o'clock (right after lunch). Dinner at Devon .Gables, 65 cents and up. Everybody interested please register not later than Wednesday noon'with Mr. Kellett, Mr. Birkman,-or the sec- retary of the German department, 204 U.H. A luncheon of the Graduate Con- ference on Renaissance Studies will be held at the Michigan Union Thurs- day, July 21, 12:15 p.m. Professor Al- bert Hyma will speak on "Calvin and the Rise of Capitalism." Make reser- vations at the English Office, 32221 Angell Hall. Kappa Phi Picnic Supper for Alum- ni and Actives: Members from other lchapters who are on campus are cor- dially invited. Leave Stalker Hall 5 p.m. Thursday, July 21. Phone 6881 (Continued on Page 4) N M 1,484 2,326 The truth of the matter is, further, that the Arab masses resent the instigation to% murder, riot and pillage by a handful of Arab agitators and by the leaders of the landed Arab aristoc- racy. They crave for peace and desire to live in harmony with the Jews, but threats from the gangs of imported disturbers of the peace is making their lot as miserable as that of the Jews. On June 9, 1936, the eminent British publicist, H. L. Brailsford, discussed the exist- ing troubles in the Baltimore Sun and explained the attitude of the Arabs as follows: "Why, then, do the Arabs strike against pros- perity? The usual answer is that they are nationalists, who intend that Palestine shall remain an Arab land. This is true of the small upper class, which boasts some education; it was a national movement even under the Turks before the war. "The illiterate masses, however, are not yet ripe for nationalism, and have to be roused by a fanatical religious appeal. This movement is led and financed by the feudal gentry. The land system is one of the worst in the world. The Arab landlords are mere exploiters, who justify their exaction of crushing rents in kind neither by the outlay of capital nor by scientific manage- ment. Most of them are moreover, usurers, who keep their tenants in perpetual debt-slavery. "While the Arab workers and landless laborers share in the rapidly rising standard of life, the peasants live in abject misery and have suffered like the rest of rural mankind from the slump in prices. The feudal gentry are anti-Semitic part- ly because the Jews have introduced higher wages and the eight-hour day. But chiefly what they feel is that economic power is passing from their caste to these newcomers who understand science and machines." I regret that it is impossible here to quote at length' from similar statements not only by Christians but also by Moslems who resent the fanatic attacks upon the Jews and who, know- ing the truth, realize that the persecution of Jews in Palestine means not only sorrow for the Jewish people but also for .the Arab masses" who benefit from Jewish friendship and co-op- eration and the genius of the Jew who is build- ing a new life in the Land of Israel. But I must resort to one more very brief quotation to prove my point that the charge that Jews introduce the Nazi idea into Palestine is untrue and un- fair. About a year ago Sheikh Zahiri, head of the Arab delegation from the department of Oran, while in Algiers to negotiate with the-Gov- ernor-General about rights of the native popu- lation, said: "The Mohammedan organizations of the country have issued an appeal to all Moslems to have nothing to do with the anti- Jewish agitators who, for their own private rea- sons, wish to bring about another Constantine massacre. The Arabs do not want any racial strife. They wish to live in peace with the other communities in the country." ____. l THE FACULTY -STU DENT" -SUMMER' DIRECTORY Only A. Few Left.. Buy therm at Follett's Bookstore, Ulrich's Book- I / 4-