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July 17, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-17

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M4it igan


Henry Ford's
C'harley Mc~arthy '

Official Publication Of The Summer Session



- - -~ -... -~ -.- - I q


Produced First Of Great Talkies In 'Hell's Angels';
Holds Several International Air Speed Records;
Directed Oil Machine Company As Texan Youth

wealthy inventor. Since then he has
variously been a oil-well machinery
manufacturer, Hollywood motion pic-
ture producer, one of the world's
crack pilots and holder of several
world's speed records, winner of the
Harmon trophy for outstanding con-
tributions to scientific aviation, and

manufacturer of air-craft.
Orphaned at eighteen he
run his father's oil-well tool


for a spell, but soon went to live with
his uncle in Southern California,
famed novelist Rupert Hughes,
' *From there it was but a short step
into Hollywood and the movies. At
first Hollywood refused to take him
seriously and regarded him as a
playboy "blowing" a portion of his
colossal bank roll. But when
Hughes follies" as his productions
were termed began to turn into
smashingfinancial success, Holly-
wood qualified its hasty judgment by
terming him "the playboy with a
purpose." "Hell's Angels" starring
Jean Harlow is the most famous of
By RICHARD KELLOGG his films and was one of the first
By RCHAR KELOGG successful talking pictures;~ It neted
Howard Hughes, variously styled as him a 200 per cent return on his in-
the American speed demon, "aviator- vestment-or $4,000,000.
sportsman," playboy witha purpose," Since childhood Howard Hughes
dispair of American tailors, has sky- has been of scientific bent but speed
rocketed within the last few days and speed machines have chiefly oc-
into the position of the worlds most cupied his attention. When his fath-
famous young man. At 32 the new er denied him a motorcycle at an
Lindbergh has probably led as varied early age, he built one for himself
and interesting career as any of the from a bicycle and a self-starting en-
world's great sportsmen! gine. Although speedboth on land
At 18 he inherited an 17 million and in the air has been his major
dollar fortune from hisf father a (Continued on Page 3)

Martin Forces
Reject Lewis'
Aid In Dispvte
Ask CIO Chief To Allow
UAW To Work Out Its
Problens Wfithout Help
ControlOf Wisconsin
Local Taken Over
DETROIT, July 16.-(AN-Lieuten-
ants of Homer Martin in separate
moves today seized control of a Wis-
consin local union that had rejected
his leadership of the CIO United Au-
tomobile Workers and opposed any
intervention by John L. Lewis in the
factional strife splitting the UAW
Lewis, chairman of the Committee
for Industrial Organization, is con-
fronted with conflicting demands
from two UAW groups of local union
presidents, each claiming to repre-
sent a majority of the estimated 375,-
000 members. A "peace" faction this
week urged his intervention to ob-
tain reinstatement of five suspended
international officers; today a Mar-
tin-allied group aked him to let the
UAW "work out its own problems."1
Fear that the battle for control of
the automobile union may cripple
CIO's political action already has led
to the indefinite postponement of a
Michigan convention of Labor's Non-
Partisan League.
Lewis this week sought to invite
Martin to confer with him and with
the "peace" committee in Washing-t
ton, but Martin, attending a familyc
reunion at Goreville, Ill., could not
be reached. Martin's allies have con-
tended any intervention by Lewis
would violate the autonomy of the
The Wisconsin union taken over
by a Martin representative was the
Allis-Chalmers local at West Allis, a
suburb of Milwaukee, which had re-
fused to recognize Martin's suspen-
sion of George Addes as secretary-
treasurer of the international union,
and had declined to send its per cap-
ital dues approximately $3,000 a
month to Martin's appointee, Del-
mond Garst.
George Kiebler, head of the Mil-
waukee UAW district council, led a
group of men into the local's offices,
announced he had been appointed
by Martin as administrator, and
carted away union records and a
cash box reported to contain $300.
Police who were called said the' re-
moval was carried out peacefully.
Frank Reid, president of theDodge
Local No. 3 at Detroit, headed the
committee which asked Lewis today
for a conference Wednesday. It
claimed to represent "a majority of
UAW members"' who want the sus-
pended officers to face trial July 25,
and contended the officers would be
given "a fair trial and an honest ver-
Sixteenth Concert
On Carillon Today
Carillonneur Wilmot Pratt will pre-
sent the 16th concert of the year at
4:15 p.m. today on the Baird Carillon
bells atop the Burton Memorial tower.
The concert will begin with the
regular opening anthem, "America'
by Carey, and inclu'de "Men of Har-
lech," an old Welsh tune; "My Old,
Kentucky Home," by Foster; "There's
Music In The Air, Largo," by Handel;
"With Happy Voices Singing," by

Tours; "When I Survey the Wondrous
Cross," by Miller; "There's A Wide-
ness in God's Mercy," by Zundel;
"Mercersburg Academy Hymn," by
Woodbury; and the concluding num-
ber "Laudes atque Carmina," by

PARIS, July 16.--P)--Samuel In-
sull, white-haired ex-monarch of a
$4,000,000,000 utilities empire he
created in the United States, died
today from a heart attack in a Paris
subway station.
Seventy-eight years old, Insull had
suffered from a heart ailment for sev-
eral years and had been asked by his
wife "never to take a subway because
it was bad for his heart."
But the aged Insull, true to his
frequent declarations of recent years
that he was "now a poor man," had
gone to take the subway train to go
out for luncheon.
He walked alone down a long flight
of stairs into the Place De La Con-
corde station and stepped toward the
ticket taker.
"Just as he extened his hand to
present his ticket to be punched," the
ticket taker said later, "he threw
his hands up in the air, his knees
gave way under him, and he fell for-
ward upon his face with a crash.
His glasses were smashed into a thou-
sand bits."
Subway attendants rushed to the
stricken man and called a policeman
who hurried him to a nearby emer-
gency hospital. He was pronounced
dead on arrival at 1:30 p.m. He had
died without uttering a word.
Thus ended one of the most spec-
tacular careers in the modern world
of business and finance and, adven-
ture. Insuill as a 20-year-old English

Samuel Insull Succumbs
To Heart Attack In Paris
Formier, $4,000,000,000 Utilities Ding *(Collapses~
In Place De La Concorde Subway Station;
Remains To Be Buried In London

clerk, had gone to the United States
in 1880, had worked for a time with
the late Thomas A. Edison, and then
had gone to Chicago to build one of
the world's great financial structures.
In 1932, after Insull had amassed
a personal fortune estimated at $100,-
000,000, his vast empire collapsed, and
he fled to Europe as embezzlement
proceedings were started against him
and his brother Martin. He even-
tually returned to face trial and was
acquitted, but his ruling days were

McAdoo Gets
Of Roosevelt
I President Says He Hopes
Senator Will Be Elected
In Talk At Los Angeles
Tour Across Country
Ended At Pacific
July 16.-(R)-President Roosevelt
gave his loyal supporters, Sen. Wil-
liam G. McAdoo, a clear-cut endorse-
ment for renomination today.
Speaking from the rear platform of
his special train at Los Angeles with
McAdoo at his side, the Chief Execu-
tive recalled he had written the Cali-
fornian last March urging him to
seek renomination.
"I might add that I meant I hoped
he would get elected, too," the Presi-
dent said.
The station crowd, which had
cheered McAdoo's appearance on the
rear platform of the train a few min-
utes earlier, broke into applause.
President Embarks
After his brief Los Angeles talk,
which completed his 4,000-mile trans-
contiental trip, the President set out
by motor for San Diego to board the
cruiser Houston for a Pacific fishing
voyage. The automobile route carried
Mr. Roosevelt through street crowds
in Los Angeles.!
Through Lbs Angeles and outlying
towns, thousands thronged the streets
to watch the President pass by. Sen-
ator and Mrs. McAdoo rode with him.
Placards were displayed by soe
onlookers, reading variously "Thanks
for the Labor Board, Mr. President,"
"We Believe in the New Deal," "Wel-
come to California."
At Wilmington in the Los Angeles
Harbor district, a group of men held
up a sign reading "Ford Strikers Wel-
come President Roosevelt."
Visits Gulf Waters
On the extended cruise, Mr. Roose-
velt will drop his lines in both Pacific
and Gulf Waters.
After fishing in t the Galapagos
Islands vicinity of the Pacific the
President will proceed through the
Panama Canal and back toward Pen-
sacolo, Fla., where he will, disembark
Aug. 9.
Mr. Roosevelt appeared tanned and
healthy after his cross-country tour,
which started July 7.
The trip gave the President an op-
portunity to hint his wishes in some
primary races and to tell the people
about New Deal legislation.
To Visit Canada
Before his Los Angeles talk com-
mending Senator McAdoo, Mr. Roose-
velt's clearest-cut endorsements of
primary candidates were given in
Kentucky and Oklahoma, where he
had a good word to say for Sen.
Alben W. Barkley, the majority lead-
er, and Sen. Elmer Thomas, an Ad-
ministration supporter."
The President's secretaries said to-
day he would make a goodwill visit
to Canada, leaving either Washington
or Hyde Park on Aug. 18 to meet Lord
Tweedsmuir, Governor-General of
Canada, for a "hands-across-the-bor-
der", celebration in connection with
the dedication of the Port Huron In-
ternational Bridge.


Rodkey Denies
Rise In Stocks
Denotes Boom
Although over the past three weeks
the trend of stock prices has been up-
ward, Prof. Robert G. Rodkey of the
economics department said yesterday,
sufficient time has not yet elapsed
over which an authoritatve predic-
tion of business conditions can be
The stock market is a barometer of
business it is true, he admitted, but
they are so only over a longer period
of active observation. The present ac-
tivity of the stock prices is yet too
short-lived to be reliable.
Professor Rodkey drew an analogy
to emphasize his point. The tide, he
asserted, makes increasingly higher
water marks on the beach as it comes
in which can be marked by little
sticks. On the other hand the re-
ceeding tide will make progressively
lower water marks. The whole tidal
phenomena may be markedly af-
fected by a huge off-shore steamer
churning up the water temporarily.
The same things may figuratively be
said of the stock market. The flurry
of rising prices may be attributable
to some economic "steamer" and may
soon subside.
Although the stock price trend has
been upward, Professor Rodkey ob-
served, the business indices have not
29 Yachts In Race
To Mackinac Island
PORT HURON, Mich., July 16--())
-A fleet of 29 sleek sailing vessels
tnw in T. ra n+nnixrh+ anntt

Invocation, Benediction
To Be Pronounced By
Rev. Howard Chapman
The second Vesper Service to be
held at 7:30 p.m. today on the Library
Terrace will lead the list of religious
activities for the day.
The Rev. Howard R. Chapman of
the Baptist Church will pronounce
the Invication and the Benediction
and Kenneth W. Morgan, director of,
the Student Religious Association will
be the speaker.
Special music will be offered by
the Summer Session Choir under the
direction of Prof. David Mattern of the
School of Music. Miss Leah Lickten-
walter, Grad., will sing a solo, "The
Lord Is My Light," by Allison. In case
of rain the Vesper Service will be held
in the Congregational Church.
The Rev. P. W. Lemon of the First
Presbyterian Church will address his
congregation on' the topic "What's
Right With the World?" at 10:45
a.m. today. Dr. Healy Willan will be
at the console and direct the choir.
At the First Methodist Church, Dr.
Edward T. Ramsdell will preach on
"Balance in Christian Thinking" at
10:45 a.m. Dr. Ramsdell is professor
of theology and philosophy at Van-
derbilt University.
"A Technique for Personal Living"
will be the topic of the Rev. Edwin
Wilson of the Third Unitarian Church
at 11 a.m. At 7:30 p.m. Reverend Wil-
son will lead a roundtable discussion
on "Religious Perplexities of Today."
The morning services at the Con-
gregational Church will be offered by
Dr. Leonard A. Parr who will talk on
"What Would You Ask of the
Sphinx?" at 10:40 a.m. .
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles of the
Baptist Church will preach on the
"'Supremacy of Jesus" at 10:45 a.m.
The Church school meets at 9:00 a.m.
The Episcopal Student Group will
hold a roundtable discussion today
under the direction of The Rev.
Henry Lewis on the subject "Of What
Use To 'Us Is the Apostles' Creed?"
Northern Interests
Set Back By I.C.C.
BUFFALO, N. Y., July 16-OP)-
Northern interests met a setback to-
day in their efforts to prove that
southern shippers should not be
granted lower freight rates on north-
bound goods.
An interstate commerce commis-
cinn ri nr r,.minr a rmif +-aefimnnv

Westinghouse Men Talk
Before Fourth Meeting
Of Mechanics Group-
The control of surface pitting in
ball bearings, roller bearings and gear
teeth was the subject of a talk given
yesterday morning before the fourth
weekly meeting of the engineering
mechanics Symposium on the prop-
erties of materials by Dr. Stewart
Way, research engineer of the West-
inghouse Electricity and Manufac-
turing Co.
Metal surfaces, even when highly
polished are 'irregular when viewed
under a microscope. According to
Dr. Way, the pits start from local
surface cracks caused by high loading
on the peaks of the irregular surfaces.
These fatigue cracks, he pointed out,
then develop in one direction, de-
pending on the direction of rolling
Whenever oil is used between the
surfaces, something which usually
happens in practice, the oil gets into
the initial cracks and, being trapped
in there, gives rise to normous hy-
draulic pressures when,; the two sur-
faces are in contact near the crack,
he explained, and finally the small
pits are literally exploded from the
The balancing of turbines when the
unbalance changes in magnitude and
position was the topic of the second
discussion of the morning, given by
R. P. Kroom of the Experimental Di-
vision of the Turbine Works of the
same firm as Dr. Way. He illustrated
the most recent technique in instru-
ments and measurements used for
balancing turbines in the field.
Three lectures will be given in con-
nection with the Symposium next

State Alleges
At Maltreated
Employers Are Defeating
Aim Of Michigan Law,
Frank Picard Charges
SAGINAW, July 16.-(0P)--Frank A.
Picard, chairman of the Michigan
Unemployment Compensation Com-
mission, charged tonight that, some
employers in the State were trying to
defeat the purposes of the Michigan
Unemployment Compensation Act.
Picard said that John Lovett, sec-
retary of the Michigan Manufactur-
ers' Association, sent a letter to As-
sociation members two months ago
explaining how the law could be cir-
cumvented. Lovett was away and un-
available for comment.
He also said he had received a
telegram from the Rev. James W.
Hailwood, Grand Rapids State rep-
resentative, saying "Unemployment
benefits made fiasco by Michigan
employers who since July 1 have
called back men to work one day a
week as means of preventing em-
ployes from receiving any part of the
Picard said he told the legislator
he would need specific cases before
the commission could "act vigorous-
ly "
"We have taken no action as yet,"
Picard said, "but have waited to see
if any manufacturers would take ad-
vantage of the situation. The com-
mission is not ready to 'crack down'
yet, but we are not going to let these
things slide by."
Governor Murphy announced to-
day the appointment of Charles P.
O'Neil of Detroit as the first mem-
ber of the commission's board of ap-
peals, at an annual salary of $5,000.
O'Neil, present director of the com-
mission's claims division, was named
for a six-year term.

Demaiids May'
Exceed Funds
Given To PWA
Renewed Fight Foreseen
In Congress Between
Spending, Saving Blocs
WASHINGTON, July 16-01)-The
Administration's lending-spending
attack on the depression showed
signs today of generating demands
from many communities arnd Con-
gressmen that still more money for
public works be appropriated at the
next session of Congress.
Of the $3,750,000,000 voted recent-
ly for relief and "pump-priming,"
PWA received $750,000,000 for non-
federal public works projects. Secre-
tary Ickes, the public works admin-
istrator, announced today that $329,
549,782 already had been allotted for
the undertakings of cities and other
non-federal agencies.
Scores of additional applications
are awaiting PWA action, and more
are pouring in every day. Some well
informed persons expressed the opin-
ion that, if the applications contin-
ued at the present rate until Sept.
30, the final day for filing them, ap-
proximately $655,000,000 worth of
approved projects would be left over
after the present appropriation was
Politicians speculated that the next
Congress would receive demands for
more funds to take care of the com-
munities which, would not get all they
wanted under the present program.
Such a development would revive
the dispute that raged in the last
session between advocates of economy
and continued government spending.
It doubtless would call forth argu-
ments on the one hand that more
outlays for public works would mean
ruinous debt, and on the other that a
sudden stoppage of public construc-
tion should be avoided lest it bring
on another depression.
League Offers
Dance Lessons
Second In Square Dance,
Series Given Tomorrow
The second in the series of four
lessons in country square and round
dancing will be given at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Ballroom of the Lea-
gue. All persons interested, whether
students or townspeople, will be ad-

W eek's Social Program W ill Feature
Idiot's Delight' And Ice Cream Social]


Law Lecture
I s TomOrrOw
Prof. Finch To Speak At
Graduate School
"Justiciable and Non-Justiciable
Disputes" will be the subject of the
address to be given by. Prof. George
A. Finch at 8 pm. tomorrow in the
small amphitheatre in the graduate
The lecture, which will be open to
the public, is one in a series of even-
ing lectures being given this summer
by the faculty of the Summer Session
on International Law in the Law
School. These lectures are being
sponsored by the Carnegie Endow-
ment for International Peace.
Prof. Finch, who is secretary of
the American Society of International
Law and managing editor of the
American Journal of International
Law is responsible, along with Dr.


This week's program slips back
into the usual routine with the Friday
and Saturday social evenings qnce
more in the League ballroom after a
week-end vacation at the Union, and
with the tea-dance again in the same
ballroom from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday. But entertainment hunters
will he able to find a "different" di-

Broadway master of ceremonies and
his chorus come into a conflict of
viewpoints with a munitions maker,
a fake Russian heiress and a French
radical in a war-surrounded Swiss
chalet to furnish the plot for this
play, which was first performed with
Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontanne in
the leading roles.
R Tnr I lmm Dncamnxv T a.n~ana ri

fever, will remain at the Majectic
until Tuesday. Robert Montgomery,
once more in a dramatic role, and
Virginia Bruce play the leads in this
screen version of the original stage
play by Sidney Howard. Charlie Mc-
Carthy shares the spotlight with
"Yellowjack", in "Free and Easy",
which also came to the theatre yester-

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