Ass THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA R U Girls' Summer 'Dirndls Have Men On Ropes, By CARL PETERSEN Not so long ago there 'appeared in. the Daily an article which stated,, from a feminine standpoint, the grievances the fairer sex bears in re- gard to the choice of summer wearing apparel on the part of local men. Now it so happens that the grie- vances are by no means limited to the fawirer sex.. With the advent of summer said fa.irer sex has reversed its customary 'Reading,'Riting And 'Rganization Are Unionists Three "R's" Yanks Win, Increase Lead NEW YORK. July 15.-A)-The day behind the effective pitching of Yankees stretched their winning Larry French, defeating the Phila- streak to' five straight and boosted1 delphia Phillies. 4 to 13, before a Ladies their American League lead to a game and a half today by blanking the De- troit Tigers, 3 to 0, in their second abbreviated contest in as many days. The Yanks tallied a run in the first on Rolfe's single, Tommy Henrich's double and Joe DiMaggio's fly. They added their second in. the fourth on singles by Lou Gehrig and Bill Dickey and Joe Gordon's infield out, and wound up the scoring in the fifth with a run on a walk, Rolfe's single and DiMaggio's grounder. INDIANS LOSE PAILADPKLPHIA. July 15.-(,?)i - Buck Ross won his fourth game of the season for the Athletics today, gaining a 5 to 4 victory over Cleveland when his teammates staged a three- run rally in the eighth. The Indians broke a 2-2 tie in their half 'of the eighth when Hal Trosky doubled to score Heath and Averill, only to see the A's rally with two out in the last half of the inning.. Day crowd of 21,968. I tenden appea bare .', tende of clot ye a r misses on at opposi ~many thatt summ wome no wa blema ., accom lustrat Howev ncy toward. ring in a (no pun in- d) minimum thes and this ' s crop of s seems bent ttaining the ite extreme. wasn't s o years go the accepted er attire for n presented ,rdrobe Pro- at all, as the apanying il- tion shows. ver it seems AT LAST!' ST. LOUIS. July 15.-A/P--The St. Louis Cardinals broke an eight-game losing streak today with a 10 to 6 victory over the Boston Bees. Snead And Runyan Reach P.G.A. Final At Shawnee Links SHAWNEE-ON-DELAWARE, Pa., July 15.-UP)-Little Paul Runyan and slugging Sam Snead today reached the title round of the Na- tional P.G.A. championship, and to- morrow will match accuracy and keen putting against power and length in the 36-hole final over the Shawnee Country Club course. They won by widely divergent routes. Runyan, the 1934 champion, beat Henry Picard of Hershey, Pa., 4 and 3. and Snead turned back Jim- niy Hines of Great Neck, N.Y., 1 up. Runyan won the first hole of the morning round and stayed out front for the rest of the match. Snead, taking a 6 on the par 5 17th in the Voters Will Decide On Loan For School Electors of the Ann Arbor school district will meet July 26 to vote upon the question of raising an $82,500 bond issue to be used as part payment in the construction of a new north- side elementary school. A petition for $67,500 in PWA funds to cover :he balance of the cost of the pro- posed $150.000 school is now in gov- ernment hands, and it is considered that the willingness of local tax- payers to bear a share of the cost burden will influence official decision in making the grant. The election, originally scheduled only in case of success of the local petition, was set for this month iol- lowing a recent communication from PWA officials. Also to be considered at the July 26 meeting will be the question of authorizing the increase of the 15-mill tax limitation by .5 (mill over a five-year period, 1939- 43. moi'ning to go to lunch one down, came back in the afternoon to wipe out Hines' lead on the 19th, go 2 up at 27 holes, and win the match with an eagle on that same hole that had been so costly four hours earlier. Both Sam and Paul were deadly accurate on. the greens. Sam had 12 one putters in 36 holes and Runyan nine in 33 holes. that as the years mount up so does the amount of wearing apparel with which ladies seem bound to burden themselves. Progressing from the pleasant state of near-nudity which the little lady in the first illustration is enjoying, we next see to what lengths the modern lady will sacrifice comfort for what she be?eve to be style. Now this thing in the next illustra- tion, according to the style books, is called a dirndl, which is about as appropriate a name as any. T h e principle of the outfit is an emulation of what European mountain wo- men have been trotting around in since time i m m e m o rial. The skirt con- tains about a country mile of cloth which is e x p e ted to swirl gracefully a r o und the knees but us- ually achieves only a dispiri- ted droop. If it isn't striped, it's flowered. If it isn't flowered it presents what seems to be a panorama view of an electrical storm. But the worst part of the whole outfit is usually the color. Are these dresses carried out in carefully blended colors that com- bine harmoniously to please the eye? On the contrary, the clash of hues ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other will induce in the hardest soul P-1 ihe feelings of one afflicted with locijaw and a terrific case of mal cein(r. These dirn dls if they are to be worn for the best results should be donned when going out into the rain. The reason for this is that a raincoat is usually worn when going out into the rain and can as well protect the rain from the dirndl as protect the dirndl from the rain. The point to remember, girls, is that dirndls worn under a large and ample coat are okay, "Reading, 'Riting and 'Rganization" are the three R's for these steel workers at the Steel Workers' Organ- izing Committee school at Camp Davis in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Charts devoted to "Labor Unity," "Union Structure," and "How to Conduct a Local Campaign" adorn the walls, while the tables carry union literature. The men spend a week in "school" with a swimming poul handy for recess time. _ it N I I IN THIS CORNER By MEL FINEBERG I In The Majors l I - A Saginaw Saga.. Bill Watson who hails from Sagi- naw, found out what his townsfellows think of him at an appreciation din- ner given in his honor Tuesday night. SBill, as any Saginaw youngster will tell you, reported for high school track as a sophomore weigh- ing 130 pounds. Imagine Bill Wat- son at 130 pounds. But by the end of his senior year Bill had won state championships in the shot, broad jump and the high jump. His shot put mark, which broke a 40 year record, still stands. According to Charley Hoyt who at- tended the dinner Watson is the "greatest all-around athlete in the world today". Said Hoyt, "I know of no athlete who can do so many things so well as Bill. I do not believe he has yet reached his peak. I expect Bill will do even greater things for us next year as captain." All of which points for a very profitable year for Michi- gan track hopes next year. Besides being a track star, Wat- son proved his versatility by croon- ing a couple of ditties. Can't you just see Big Bill warbling in the night. On top of all this, admirers of the Saginaw star presented him with three checks as "tokens of esteem." Watson will stop in New York for the Hibernian Games . at Randalls Island where he will compete in his favorite events, the shot put, the broad jump and the discuss. Then next Wednesday he will set sail for England as a member of a picked A.A.U. squad. * * * Corner Stones.. . American League sentiment ex-.. pressed by Johnny Allen who con- siders himself a dangerous hitter: "I think I'll pitch a few more years in the American League and then round out my career as a hitter in the Na- tional." In the 5th inning of the Yankee game on July 14th Flash Gordon made his first error since June 26 In that time, Joe handled a 100 chances perfectly. Any New Yorker will gladly volunteer the informa- tion that Gordon is a better second baseman than is Charley Gehrin- ger. Burt Smith, defenseman on the hockey team and varsity hurler, is back in Summer Session trying to graduate, Smith last June was signed by the Boston Red Sox but Burt passed it over for the present because he wants his degree. He is pitching for the Altes Lager team in Detroit. Herm Fishman, another varsity pitcher, who was signed by the Sy- racuse Chiefs in the International League, has been farmed out to Albany in the Eastern League. Johnny Gee, pitcher here two years ago, is still going strong for these same Syracuse Chiefs. He is pitch- ing about 630 ball which isn't so bad for a freshman in a double A league. Best crack of the week, of many weeks in fact, was in the SEP. In his defense of the National League, J. Roy Stockton calls the junior circuit "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" which isn't so far off. Lefty Grove's arm went dead and the Boston Red Sox will be in a bad way if it doesn't recover soon. If we are to believe the AP story in the New York Herald Tribune, Grove is all through as a pitcher. We quote: "The once mighty fireball arm of Bob (Lefty) Grove lay lilmpl ltolnilght and the career . . ." Wow, that is serious. Education Students Take Advisory Inventory Tests Advisory Inventory Tests will be given all students in the School of Education who have completed less than eight hours of graduate work on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in the University High School auditorium. This is the second summer the edu- cation school faculty has sponsored such tests, which are designed to de- termine special needs and interests of individual students. Results of the test will have no academic signifi- cance but will be retainedefor the in- formation of the Committee on Grad- uate Study in education. Approxi- mately 500 students are expectec. to take the test. FOREST FIRE RAGES SEATTLE, July 15-(M)-A wind- whipped 15,000-acre forest fire today raged uncomfortably close to Ryder- wood, "world's largest logging camp," and a few persons left the town of 1,200 population. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L New York...........47 27 Cleveland .............45 28 Boston ..............44 30 Washington ............41 39 Detroit ...............38 41 Chicago .................32 37 Athletics.............29 44 St. Louis ..............22 52 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pittsburgh............45 27 New York............48 29 Cincinnati............42 32 Chicago..............41 35 Boston...............34 35 Brooklyn.............33 43 St. Louis ..............30 43 Philadelphia ...........21 50 Pet. .635 .616 .595 .513 .481 .464 .397 .297 Pct. .625 .623 .568 .539 .493 .434 .411 .296 DODGER'S WIN PITTSBURGH, July 15.-W)-Luke (Hot Potato) Hamlin cooled off the Pirates today and pitched the Brook- lyn Dodgers to a 9 to 4 victory over the National League leaders. GIANTS SNAP STREAK CINCINNATI, July 15.-RP)-John- ny Vander 1MIeer's jinx over the New York Giants ended today. After three straight setbacks at the hands of the double-no-hit sensation, the National League champions beat him and the Reds, 3 to 2, to climb within twod percentage points of the loo~p CUBS STILL HOT CHICAGO, July 15.--(P)-Chicago s Cubs continued their revived play to- CROP CAUSES ALARM LONDON, July 15-(P-Represen- tatives. of 16 of the world's leading wheat producing nations, meeting today ata session of the Internation- al Wheat Advisory Committee,, were understood to have expressed alarm concerning an expected huge world wheat crop. I DARK STRAWS A Group of WHITE FELTS at $2.95 SPECIAL SALE of All .,_.s...e, DANA RICHARDSON 309 South State Street -- At the Dillon .Shop I i Ouster Rumor Looms Abovte Grimm's Hecad CHICAGO, July 15.--AP)--Rumors -This being the season for "firing" managers of fading ball clubs- boomed today over the graying head of Charlie Grimm. Bewildering confusion surrounds the future of the Chicago Cubs' pilot, whose team has skidded from near the top of the National League stand- ings down to fourth place. "Manager for a day" apparently was his latest title, despite the two victories scored yesterday over Philadelphia which snapped a six game losing streak. "Charlie will manage the team at least until tomorrow," said owner P. K. Wrigley with a smile as he emerged from his latest conference with Grimm. Later he said he "wouldn't fire Charlie unless I found a better man- agir, and I haven't found a better one yet." He emphasized, however, that he was not going to "back Charlie up" by offering to renew his contract at this time. The tip which touched off the blast of Grimm ouster reports cracked through the town yesterday. It had Catcher Gabby Hartnett taking Char- lie's job. While Wrigley has said heI would go outside his team if he ever did select a newpilot, he admitted to- day he might change his thoughts along that line. The leading Cub "candidates." apparently, were Hart- nett, Tony Lazzeri and second base- man Bill Herman. OBSERVATORY TO BE OPEN Saturday, July 16, from 8 to 10 p.m. will be Visitors' Night at the Stu- dent's Observatory on the roof of An- gell Hall, it was announced last night' by M. G. Slattery of the Summer Session office. All Summer Session students may attend, but it is not open to the general public. 1950 Classified Directory SILVER LAUNDRY-We call for and deliver. Bundles individually done, no markings. All work guaranteed. liver. Phone 4863 for other prices 1x when you buy,. a new stove today! TYPING - Neatly and accurately Phone 5594, 607 E. Hoover. 3x TYPING - Neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Dial 5244. 2x LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 5x FOR RENT-Furnished apartment with private bath and shower. Also large double and one single room with adjoining lavatory. 422 E. Washington Phone 8544 39x DRESS MAKING and Alterations. Mrs. Walling. 118 E. Catherine. Phone 4726. 34x STUDENTS or family laundry. Shirts 12 cents. Call for and de- done. Reasonable rates. Barbara Grill 719 Tappan. Dial 3025 37x EXPERT TYPING-done neatly and accurately. Rates reasonable. Miss DeWitt 114 N. Ingalls Ph. 3130 42x EXPERT TYPING-Correct form. Thesis work. Reasonable rates. Mr. Walters 435 Thompson St. Ph. 8632 35x TYPING - Barthell's Book Store 1216 S. University Call 3712 or 4436 36x. TYPING - Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 8344. L. M. Heywood 43r FOR SALE-Underwood noiseless typewriter, cost $135. Like new. $40. Phone 3917. 44x Electric cooking is the up-to-the-minute cooking method in use .oday. The modem electric range represents the last word in fine cooking equipment. But what about -tomorrow? Twelve years is the average length of time a family keeps a stove. This means that the stove you buy today will be cooking for you in 1950. If you buy an ELECTRIC range, you can be sure that it will be as modern then as it is now. The trend is to electric cook- ing: Sixty thousand of your neighbors now cook electrically. Last year alone, 10,000 families in and around Detroit switched to electric cooking. What 'are the reasons for this rapidly growing popularity? An electric range offers 6 proven advcintages that you get in no other stove: (1) CLEANLINESS-An electric range cooks with pure heat from a glowing wire-heat as clean as sunlight. - Your kitchen walls and curtains stay fresh for a much longer period of time, with less frequent redecorating. Cooking utensils remain bright and shiny after long use. (2) COMFORTABLE COOKING - An electric range will not raise the kitchen temperature even one degree, no matter how warm the weather. It is a boon during the hot summer months. (3) BETTER FLAVOR-Electric cooking has a deliciously different flavor - a natural flavor in foods. Meats and vegetables cook to melting tenderness in their own juices. _4 (4) WATERLESS COOKING - The waterless cooking method seals-in precious minerals and important food values. On an electric range, vege- tables are steam-cooked: l1f-a-cup yof water is ample. (5) MORE LEISURE-rAnelectric range is time-saving ,. it gives you extra hours of freedom away from the kitchen. (6) MODERN COOKING-This modern cooking method is fast, simple, safe- and convenient. Snap the switch and start to cook. Thanks to the accurate oven heat control, you can get the same perfect baking results time after time, without guesswork. Let your dealer tell you about these fea- tures of the 1938-model electric ranges. 'A / - - ONLY AN fEECTRIC RANGE GIVES YOU. ALL THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES ~1 ~.-.., tII :xeII .. K i I i 1 It