THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDA ZICHIGAN DAILY -$ ..- f i j. w~mo - me aera- -~~--- ."" tS.. LR !~ I~ S S A (m, rl I r UYi a nur, I wO~GIJaMHSOo -.,. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority'of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishea every morning except Monday during the University year and summer session d Member of the Associated Press. The Associated' Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. SSubscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50. Hember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 + RRRSSNTSD POR NATIONAL ADVRTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService,inc. College Publishers Rereseatative 420 MAW1oN AVE. NEW YORK. 'd. Y. SCNICAO . BOSTON LOS A4GELS - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors Managing Editor . Irving Silverman City Editor . . . .. . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Assistant Editors... . . . . Mel Fineberg, Joseph Gies, Elliot Maraniss, Ben M. Marino, Carl Petersen, Suzanne Potter, Harry L. Sonneborn. Business Department $usiness Manager . . Ernest A. Jones Credit Manager . . . . Norman Steinberg Circulation Manager . . J. Cameron Hall Assistants . . Philip Buc]ien, Walter Stebens NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY L. SONNEBORN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meaning of the term. -Alexander G. Ruthven. Roosevelt Draws. First Blood... T HE FIRST FRUITS of the Roosevelt swing through the South and West arrived yesterday in the form of a clean sweep bf the Oklahoma Democratic primaries by New Deal candidates. Senator Elmer Thomas, whose excellent record as a Senate liberal includes work on the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee, was renominated by a margin of over 40,000, in spite of the fact that another New Dealer, Governor Marland, was also in the race, thus splitting the liberal vote. Rep. Gomer Smith, anti-New Dealer who was defeated in the Senatorial race, was replaced by a liberal in the House primary. The other eight representatives, all New Dealers, were renomin- ated. Up to the visit of President Roosevelt, Senator Thomas' chances were considered uncertain by most political observers, leading to the conclu- sion that the President's aid was the decisive fac- tor in the contest. In any case, the issue before the people of (Oklahoma was a clear-cut one of liberal versus conservative, and their answer was conservative. Perhaps the most satisfactory part of the elec- tion, however, to liberals, was the defeat of Al- falfa Bill Murray, former governor and anti-New Dealer, in the gubernatorial primary. Murray, a one-time favorite son of Oklahoma in presi- dential primaries, ran third behind two New Deal candidates. His defeat can be attributed directly to the Roosevelt disapprobation ex- pressed in the already famous quip about the "candidate for office in the Democratic primary who is nationally known as a Republican." The President here referred to the 1936 presidential campaign, in which Alfalfa Bill took a walk with Al Smith and supported Governor Landon. This victory in the first of the "intervention" primaries may serve to strengthen the Presi- dent's determination to take a hand in other elections in southern states following his fishing trip in the Gulf. -Joseph Gies 'Let There Be Light'... MR. HEYWOOD BROUN, in his col- umn in yesterday's Daily, said a word for Thomas Mann's latest book, "The Coming Victory of Democracy," and in the course of his column touched on a subject of primary interest and importance to anyone who has ever written anything. Every author, whether he is a poet, essayist, novelist, reviewer, or what have you, has at some time been confronted with the question of so- called obscenity. The question he asks himself might be "Will this particular reference to sex, to morals, to religion, or to the less inspirational aspects of life offend too many people? Is it a vital, real part of the problem I'm writing about, and, as such, necessary?" For the problem of whether to tell the truth or the whole truth resolves itself into a question of things." Correct, absolutely correct. That is just the attitude a great many people had about say- ing anything about venereal disease until several years ago. See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil,. and keep the shades down on your own ivory tower. -Harry L. Sonneborn An Auspicious Band Season... HE THIRD Michigan High School Band Clinic has launched its season of activity with the encouraging announcement by its director, Prof. William D. Revilli, that it is the most expert and proficient group since the clinic's organization. This fact is of no little significance when weighed against the very successful season en- joyed by the clinic last summer when over 100 high school music instructors and directors were drawn to Ann Arbor to participate in the public concerts and recitals. The purpose of the band clinic is to enable su- perior high school student-musicians to assem- ble and perfect their skills in concert, ensemble and solo playing in a pleasant University atmos- phere. Guest conductors of nation-wide reknown are invited to direct the public recitals, thus en- abling the students to meet and gain the ad- vantages of association with the outstanding professional men. Among the guest directors for this present sea- son will be Victor J. Grabel, Gerald Prescott, Rus- sel Howland, Clifford P. Lillys and David Mat- tern. Combined with the great amount of ability on the part of the players, the direction of these men should make the 1938 season one of. parti- cular brilliance. Professor Revelli and the members of the band clinic are to be congra'ulated for helping to raise the standards of band playing in the State's high schools, an activity which is foremost among the cultural pursuits of the modern se- condary school. -Ben M. Marino The E;;ditor Gets Told .. You're Welcome, Governor State Executive Office Lansing, Michigan To The Editor: I am grateful for your thoughtfulness in send- ing me The Michigan Daily's editorial concern- ing the State Planning Commission (Tuesday, June 28_). I sincerely appreciate the sound liberalism of the Daily and I hope that it will. continue to maintain such an attitude so that it may be help- ful to the students in obtaining a fair perspective of present-day events and social trends. With best wishes, Sincerely, FRANK MURPHY Governor More Courtesy, Pease To the Editor: Not coming from a community wherein the totaltarian heel of authority and insolence at- tempts to crush the democratic spirit of a dy- namic spirited taxpayer, I have been very puz- zled at the extreme discourteous and domineering attitude as exemplified by the authority soaked campus guards. After driving some 500 miles with my family, tired, and longing for a place to call home for a few weeks, I drove into the parking area back of Angell Hall to park for a few minutes while I looked over the list of available furnished homes to rent. I no sooner parked, than a hard boiled guard oozing with authority and a divine desire to display it, bellowed forth the command, "Get that car out of there." This fellow does not know what the word courteous means, much less how to use a courteous voice especially as an employe of thetstate. (In other words I am pay- ing him to act like that). I could have and would have dismissed the entire incident but for what occured at Hill Auditorium Sunday. Arriving a minute late, we were quite natural- ly not expecting admittance until the comple- tion of the first selection. The guard, however, informed us that we could find immediate ad- mission from the balcony floor. Whereupon, we rushed the stairs in anticipation of hearing the first number and as we approached the landing L spied a door and my family followed. As I partially opened the door a fog horned voice re- verberated throughout the length ands breadth of the spacious halls, "Hay, there, YOU, get out of there." My two frightened daughters rushed up close back of me for protection and trembled in fear as the guard, red with rage, approached and slammed the door in front of us. The vol- ume of his command and utter lack of a cour- teous disposition completely weakened my posi- tion as a civilized being and a desire to revert to the animal embraced me for the moment. My, what a feeling of exaltation and supreme ex- hilaration I would have had from planting a nice sweet right-cross on the central and anterior part of his jaw. I recovered, however, quickly and quietly to normalcy without any evidence of being disturbed by the actions of this sot. After the concert my daughters and wife wanted to see the collection of old instruments located in the balcony foyer. Numerous other people had the same idea but another one of these autocratic guards turned out the lights above us and yelled out, "Everybody get out." As if to say, "Clear out you bums and punks. I aot 1/feernrioWe 1-leywood Broun One of the most familiar charges against Franklin D. Roosevelt is the assertion that he is a breaker of precedents. He has knocked down a few, I hope, but on the whole his activities in this direction are very much exaggerated. It just so hap- pens that America is a land of short memories. And, in addition to forget- ting, there is a national ten- dency to remember things askew. Lindbergh, of course, was not the first man to fly the Atlantic, but just try t the question on your friends and note the margin of error. The mortality of facts in politics is appalling. For instance, if Mr. Roosevelt indicates a willingness tg accept a nomination for a third term it will be said in many quarters that he has violated all American practice. It is true, to be sure. that T.R. sought "a sec- ond elective term" and that an interval elapsed before he put in his order for a third cup of coffee. His bid was rejected, but there is sn'all evidence that the third term factor played any very vital part in the result . The popular impression in regard to Calvin Coolidge seems to me inaccurate. The average citizen believes now that Calvin Coolidge defi- nitely eliminated himself as a candidate for a third term. But many Washington observers are 'of the opinion that the canny New Englander had no such intention when he said, "I do not choose to run." * * 1940's A Long Way Off It is possible to argue that Mr. Coolidge merely meant, "Come on and chase me." Certainly there is small foundation for the thory that Franklin D. Roosevelt is violating any canon of American political practice by failing to re- nounce every possibility o renomination long in advance of the 1940 convention. This is not the custom, and there is soundness in delaying any uch statement, even if it is eventually to be de.- livered. Like every other President, Franklin D. Roose- velt is eager to see the Democrats nominate some- one who will support those policies which he himself has initiated. That desire, I think, can be placed under the broad caption of. "human nature." Mr. Roosevelt's best chance of success in this ambition is to retain for himself the role of triple-threat man. His opponents cannot charge in upon him as long as they remain in doubt as to whether he intends to pass or kick or run. Many well-informed persons think that the President sincerely desires to flip the ball to some associate in the end zone. But he may be balked in this plan. His opponents know that if a pass comes it will not be to the right, and so the de- fense can concentrate in the assurance that the heave will be to the left or down the center alley. But the student of football and national politics must consider the contingency that a situation may arise where a pass is not possible. No Penalty For Roughing Let us assume that Garner, McNutt, Wheeler, Byrd and several others break through. There is also the distinct chance that every eligible receiver will be covered by the opposition. What is a good quarterback or a good politician going to do in those circumstances? And it is well to remember that in politics there is no penalty for roughing the passer. I do not think that in such a crisis a good poli- tician or a good quarterback will be content to let the other side smear him in his track. Rather, he will fake .a pass and then tuck the ball under his arm and run. Thus, through a curious irony, those Demo- crats of the right wing who are attempting to hurry the passer ai'e contributing very largely to the possibility that he may run. A man may be persuaded if his associates say, "You have done a magnificent job, and now you have the right to seek retirement." On the other hand, he is likely to step down willingly' if he is told that he should slink out and admit making a mess of things. That, too, is "human nature." If the critics of Mr. Roosevelt continue to crowd him, I think he will run again. I hope they continue, because it is my belief that he can re- verse his field, smash through the secondaries of reaction and sweep across the goal line to score the winning touchdown. As Others See It Some Common Words Most people would say that the NBC expert on spelling did not use very familiar words in the test that flunked out ten school teachers in twenty minutes. One-half of the list ran as fol- lows: Phosphorous, emollient, emolument, anonymity, reciprocity, oleaginous, contumac- ious, querist, verdigris, lachrymose, herbivorous, ocarina, occipital, grotesqueries, recalcitrance. But, as a matter of fact, all these words were no doubt discovered by the director of the spell- ing bee in a single sentence in the news of the day. It would be approximately as follows: "The contumacious Democratic members of Congress who persisted in their recalcitrance de- spite the oleaginous, emollient, and at time al- most lachrymose notes on the ocarina sounded by White House spokesmen whose anonymity no FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1938 d VOL. XLVIII. No. 16g Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, July 16, will be the final, day for dropping a course in the Summer Session without record. r Courses may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after con- ference with the instructor in ther course. Graduate Students: Without good and sufficient reason courses may not be elected for credit after Tuesday, July 19; courses dropped after same date will appear on the students' rec- ord as dropped. Dean Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. To- night at 8:30, "The Shoemakers' Holi- day" with Whitford Kane and Hiram Sherman from the original Mercury Theatre production. Box office open all day, phone 6300. Professor Frank Knight, University; of Chicago, will speak at 4:30 p.m. to- day in the Lecture Harl of the Rack- ham Building. His topic is "Economic and Religious Individualism in Ren-' aissance Political Thought." Negro Students: The members of Smith League House II., 1102 E. Ann St. will be "at home" to all Ne- gro students on Friday evening, July 15, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Niagara Falls Excursion. Bus will leave from Angell Hall this afternoon, at 3:30 p.m. (not 5:30 as previously stated). Seminar on The Bible, 12:15, Mich- igan Union. Prof. James Moffat of the Union Theological Seminary will speak today upon "English Transla- tion of the Bible." Conference on Religion, 3 p.m., Michigan Union. The Rev. Edwin Wil- son of the American Unitarian So- ciety, will lead a panel discussion to- day on "The Church as a Community Agent." Special Phi Delta Kappa dinner meeting will be held Saturday, July 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Dr. Erich Hylla, a former minister of education in Germany, now professor of education at Cornell University will speak. Tickets are 85 cents and reservations may be made with Dr. Schorling's secretary, 2442 UES or by calling Robert Carson, Tel. 4045. Wives and friends invited. Engineering Mechanics Special Lec- ture: Dr. J. N. Goodier of the Ontario Research Foundation will lecture to- day at 3 p.m. in Room 311 West En- in the Mcihigan League at 5 p.m., gineering Building on "Thermal ISunday, July 17. All Christian stu- Stresses."d Phi Delta Kappa. The business meeting announced for tonight in the Program of Activities of the School of K Education is postponed to Monday night July 18. The time is 7:30 p.m. The place is the Michigan Union. All members are urged to be present since several matters of importance must be passed on. Two new officers will be elected. The Tuesday luncheon will be held at the usual time and place. Dr. J. Cecil Parker will be the speaker. Beta Eta Chapter of The Alpha, Kappa Alpha Sorority invites. thet members of visiting chapters tota "Get Acquainted" tea, Saturday, July 16, from 3 to 5 at 135 Adams Ave. ; The Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, Julym17, at 2:30 p.m. to go to Silver Lake for a swim, baseball, and a picnic. Come and bring your friends. "Apparently Supernormal Informa- tion" will be the title of a lecture by Dr. John F. Thomas and Mr. C. T. Andersen of the Detroit Board'of Education, Monday, July 18, at 8 p.m.I in the Natural Science Auditorium. This lecture is under the auspices of the Parapsychology Club. Meeting of the Kingfish Club, Mon- day, July 18, Room 126, Michigan Union. Speaker, movies. All male members of the Music School are in- vited to attend. Grand Rapids Picnic, Hamburg Fry at Dexter Park, Tuesday, July 19, 6 p.m. Everyone from Grand Rapids invited. Ask any Grand Rapids stu- dent for particulars. Education Students Interested in the Ed.D. A short meeting of those interested in the Ed.D. degree in edu- cation will be held at 5:10 p.m., Tues- day, July 19, in the East Conference Room on the third floor of the Rack- ham Building. Colleges of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of, Education, Forestry and Music: Sum- mer Session students wishing a tran- script of this summer's work only should file a request in Room 4, U.H. several days before leaving Ann Ar- bor. Failure to file this request will result in a needless delay of several days. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its regular meeting dents are cordially invited. Mail is being held in the Summer Session office for the following peo- ple: Mr. Houston Brice, Jr. Robert.A. Brown Mr. Geo. Dietrich V. B. Emerson Mr. H. G. Flournoy Mr. O. V. Hausechildt Mr. F. M. Liimatamen Mr. Eugene Meaux Mr. J. William Mills Miss Jeannette Skidmore The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions: State Coordinator of Apprentice Training IV.: Temporary Entrance Salary will be $300 per month; Ap- plications must ht postmarked before midnight July 20, 1938; Michigan Civil Service. United States : Home Extension Agent, $.600 a year; Junior Home Extension Agent; $1,800 a year; Indian Field Servi\e, Department of the Interior. Junior Blueprint Operator, $1,440 a year; Under Blueprint Operator, $1,- 260 a yeair; Junior Photostat Operat- or, $1,440 a year; Under Photostat Operator, $1,260 a year. For further information, pelase call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. Vesper Service: The Second Sum- mer Session Vesper Services will be held on the Library Terrace, Sun- day evening, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. Kenneth W. Morgan, Director, S.R.A. The morning service of worship will be held at 10:45. The sermon by Dr. Leonard A. Parr will be on the theme' "What Would You Ask the Sphinx?" The following is the service of music: Anthem by chorus choir, "The Lord is Exalted," West. Solo, "These Are They" (Gaul's "Holy City"). Mrs. Grace Johnson Konold. Organ selections by Miss Mary Porter: Adagio, VI Symphony, Widor. Finale-Widor. Church Worship Services will be held in Zion Lutheran Church at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. E. C. Stellhorn. Trinity Lutheran Church will hold worship services at 10:30. The sermon "Adventurous (Continued on Page 3) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletip is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the ofice of the Summer Session until 3:30; 11:00 am Saturday until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. our, ii . THE FACULTY-STUDENT *SUMMER DIRE CTORY C Only A Few Left.. . Buy them at Follett's Bookstore, Ulrich's Book-. store, Student Publications._ Building (Second