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July 14, 1938 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1938-07-14

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The Congressional
Seniority Rule...

Official Publication Of The Summer Session


Dr. Freyberg
Sees Arthritis
Great Menace

Termed V



How "echoic" words are formed in
the Dravidian languages and are
utilized as motifs in folk tales was
the subject of the Linguistic Institute
lecture yesterday by Dr. Murray B.
Emeneau, Fellow of the American
Council for research in Dravidian.
The Dravidian languages, explained
Dr. Emeneau in his introduction, are
non-Aryan related tongues spoken
by all the inhabitants of the great
southern peninsula of India as well as
by some isolated groups in the north-
ern part of the country and by a
large group in Baluchistan. It is in the
southern portion of the peninsula
that Dr. Emerieau has spent the last
three years in recording the speech of
several Dravidian groups having non-
literary languages.
Using as a typical language the
dialect called Toda, Dr. Emeneau de-
tailed in phonetic characters its re-
markable phonemic make-up, or
utilizable speech-sounds, and then
proceeded to explain how the pe-
culiar phenomenon of "echo-words"
is manifested in that language.
In general, an "echo-word," Dr.
Emeneau elucidated, is formed by the
reduplication of a part of the word
after an inserted pattern syllable that
has no meaning of its own. As ap-
peared In discussion after the lec-
ture, roughly parallel English in-
stances are "helter-skelter," "hug-
ger-mugger," "harum-scarum," and
"hodge-podge." In Toda the inserted
syllable is always a combination which
sounds very much like the English
word "key." In another Dravidian
language, Coorg, it appears however
as "gu," with the vow&-unrounded
and hence not quite like the English
Dr. Emeneau discovered the pres-
ence of this phenomenon in Toda
quite by accident, as it is found only
in the most familiar and colloquial
speech and never in song or formal
discourse. Because the dictation
process by which he analyzed the an-
guage appeared to be a formal oc-
casion to his native informants, they
had avoided using echo-words, and
finally did use them only upon his
specific request once he had made
the accidental discovery.
Religion Seen
Society's Basis
By Dr. Dorsey
Speaks Before Afternoon
Forum Of Conference
On Religious Problems
Religion forms the basis for all
cultural society and establishes a
common plane upon which the mem-
bers of society meet in all daily oc-
cupations, Dr. J. M. Dorsey, assistant
director of the Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute, told the hird afternoon for-
um on religious problems yesterday in
the Union.
Dr. Dorsey said that the distinc-
tion to be drawn between mentally
sick and mentally well people was
that the sick gravitate about unreal-
ity and the well gravitate about real-
ity. Religion s a force in society, he
continued, concerning itself with the
reality of life. Consequently religion
and mental well being, he concluded,
are perfectly compatible associations.
Dealig with a huge mass of un-
kno'wn facts as well as with science,
° pointed out Dr. Dorsey, is the task
of the mental hygienist who attempts
to combine all the healing forces
known to science as well as the power
of psychiatry and religion for the
purpose of curing mental ills or even
more important, preventing them.
The seminar today will be featured
by a discussion of "When Is Behavior
Religious" presented by Rev. P. W.
Lemon of the First Presbyterian

Church of Ann Arbor and Prof. David
M. Trout of the psychology depart-
ment of Central Teachers' College.

Kermit Eby, former social studies
teacher at Ann Arbor High School
who resigned a year ago to become ex-
ecutive secretary of the Chicago
Teachers' Union, will speak at 8 p.m.
today in the Natural Science Auditor-
ium on "The Teachers' Union as a
Constructive Force in Education."
Remembered here 5s a popular
teacher and an active advocate of the
cooperative movement, Mr. Eby has
lately devoted most of his time to
the organization of teachers into
unions. Mr. Eby, who took his grad-
uate work at the University of Chi-
cago, has traveled extensively in the
Orient and has written a number of
articles foi educational magazines.
His speech will be open to all in-
terested in the movement. At present
the Chicago Teachers' Union is the
largest organization of its kind in the
I Terms Dutch
Colonies Vital
Asiatic Possessions Have
Figured In Economic
And Political History
Although the Netherlands itself is
territorially insignificant it owns a
vast colonial empire in southeastern
Asia that has played an important
part in recent world political and ec-
onomic history, declared Dr. Amry
Vandenbosch, of the University of
Kentucky, in the third lecture of the
second series of talks being sponsored
by the Institute of Far Eastern Stu-
This region is characterized by an
overwhelming concentration of pop-
ulation in the island of Java, while
the outer possessions are very sparse-
ly settled.
The Netherlands Indies first as-
sumed importance in world politics in
the middle of the last century, when
a long and bloody war was waged
against the people of Upper Sumatra,
declared Dr. Vandenbosch. Great
Britain held the Netherlands respon-
sible for the good behavior of this
territory, but insisted that the Dutch
should not destroy the independence
of the native state. In 1871, at the
time of the second partition of the
world's colonial areas among the
European powers, Great Britain re-
leased the Netherlands from the sec-
ond part of the understanding, and
the latter immediately began a war
against the native people, Dr. Van-
denbosch said.

Importance Is Due
To Its Prevalence
Terming it "the greatest single
cause of disability in the temperate
climate," Dr. Richard H. Freyberg of
the University Hospital said in a
University lecture yesterday that ar-
thritis causes a loss of 750 million
work weeks a year in the United
States alone.
With its prevalence accounting for
its importance in modern medical
science, arthritis probably produces
more invalidism than any other con-
dition, Dr. Freyberg stated, and he
quoted several statistical tables
among them being ones from Great
Britain, Sweden and the United
States to illustrate his point.
In the United States alone, Massa-
chusetts has a larger number of per-
sons suffering from rheumatic dis-
eases than from heart diseases, tu-
berculosis, and cancer combined. The
economic importance of the disease
was another point Dr. Freyberg
stressed, since, because of the long
duration of the disease, it entails a
great deal of expense for proper care
and the patient is unable to work,
causing a lack of income. In one
year rheumatic diseases cause the
loss of 750 million working weeks with
their cost reaching 700 million dollars.
There are various causes of the
different types of chronic arthritis,
he showed, and the treatment in most
cases depends on the special cause.
One of the most common types of;
arthritis has an unknown cause, mak-
ing the treatment and the methods
of prevention more difficult to apply.
The treatment usually depends on
the individual case, but the general
methods of treatment consists of rest,
physical. therapy, dietary measures,
change of climate, surgery and treat-
ment in regard to infection. A great
deal is being done today in this field,
an International League being formed
in France in 1930, and discoveries and
research in the field are becoming of
greater and greater importance, he
pointed out.
4 Are Drowned
In Tidal Wave
Coast Guard Saves Score
From LakeMichigan
GRAND RAPIDS, July 13.-()
-A tidal wave which coast guards-
men said was the worst they had
ever seen swept four persons to their
deaths today in Lake Michigan.
At least a score of others were
rescued from the turbulent waters.
Three of the drownings occurred
at Ottawa beach near Holland when
an undertow caught two young wom-
en and a man and swept them out
into the lake.
The dead were identified as Kath-
erine Schutt, 19, of Beaverdam; Ruth
Riksen, 19, of Kansas City, Mo., and
Herbert Browers, 49, of Grand Rap-
Their bodies were recovered.
At Muskegon, coast guards re-
covered the body of Oscar Thorsen,
34, who was caught in the undertow
while swimming between two sand

Route Of Howard Hughes On Record-Shattering Flight
A AN71 .
W _1
5 O 4
Indicated on this Associated Press map is the official itinerary for Howard Hughes' flight around the world,
as announced by his headquarters in New York. The broken line indicates the distance Hughes has thus far
safely negotiated on his globe-girdling dash on which h e hopes to make 14,709 miles in four days.
4)* * ,

Niagara Falls
Group To Start
Tour Friday
Prof. Irving Scott To Be
Group's Lecturing Guide
On Geological Features_
Plans for the University Excursiont
to Niagara Falls tomorrow have been
completed, Prof. Louis Rouse of the
mathematics department announcedS
The party will leave Ann Arbor at
5:30 p.m. tomorrow by special busf
and proceed from Detroit to Buffalo
via D&C lake steamers. Special buses
will conduct the excursionists from
Buffalo to the Falls where they will
spend the weekend following the
itinerary of a scenfk tour arranged
by Prof. Irving D. Scott of the geology
department who is leading the party
as a lecturing guide.t
Sixty-nine persons made the tripi
last year which included a 14-mileN
journey along the Niagara Gorge wall,
a ride on the Maid of the Mist, Fallst
sight seeing steamer, a trip throughE
Prospect Park, vies of the Cataract
and the rapids, Brock Monument,t
Canadian Heights Park, Niagara Glen1
and the Canadian Falls.
On Saturday night the party will
see displays of vari-colored lights pro-
jected on the American and Canadian
Falls, and then put up at the Tem-
perance House. On the return route
the party will stop on the river above
Whirlpool Rapids, perhaps the most
spectacular sight in the entire dis-
The representative of the D&C
boatline will have headquarters from
2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in the Sum-
ner Session office, 1213 Angell Hall,
where he will sell steamship tickets
directly to those contemplating tak-
ing the excursion.
Hold' Bargain
Carnival Today
Retail Merchants' Group
SponsorsOf Affair
Ann Arbor's merchants will feature
a summer "Bargain Carnival" today,
with decorations in store windows,
entertainment in the streets and spe-
cial bar-gain prices at downtown and
campus stores.
The committee in charge of the
program, headed by Charles G. Gies
of Mack and Co., has reported good
response from all merchants in the
event. The Retail Merchants' Asso-
ciation of Ann Arbor is sponsoring
the affair.
Free bus service will be given to all
residents of the city from their homes
to the business district. The service
will continue from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30
The entertainment will be made up
of comic acts by students and the
American Legion Boys' Drum and
Bugle Corps, which will march and
Today's event will be the first of
its nature in the city's history.

After Brief Stop At Fairbanks,
Hughes Is Of f For New York

Fliers Take Of f, CheeredE
By Weather Conditions ;
Trip MayEnd Tonight!
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 13-UP)
-Dare devil Howard Hughes and his
four-man crew sped through dark-
ness toward the United States tonight
on the next to last leg of an astound-
ing round-the-world flight they hopedt
would take them 14,709 miles in four
Tired, but smiling and happy, the
five aviators spanned Siberian wastesj
EDMONTON, Alta., July 13.-
(A'-United Air Transport Radio
station here was advised from t
Fort Nelson tonight that Howard
Hughes would land at Winnipeg.
today, spent an hour and 18 minutes1
in Fairbanks, then dashed southeast-.
New York flight headquarters an-
nounced the party had planned to
stop briefly at Winnipeg but that if
weather conditions were unfavorable
there the fliers might land either at
Edmonton or Minneapolis. Becauset
Willan, Knight
To Give Talks
Speakers In Renaissance
Lectures Will Discuss
Music, Individualism
Prof. Healey Willan of Toronto
University and Prof. Frank Knight
of the University of Chicago will lec-
ture in conjunction with the Gradu-
ate Conference on Renaissance Stu-
dies at 4:30 p.m .today and tomororw
respectively, in the Graduate School
Professor Willan, who is lecturer
and examiner in music and Univer-
sity organist at the University of
Toronto, will speak on "Choral Music
in the Renaissance." Professor
Knight, who is in the economics de-
partment at the University of Chi-
cago, will speak on "Economic and
Religious Individualism in Renais-
sance Political Thought"
Professor Willan is also chairman
of the Board of Examiners in Music
at Bishop's University, Lennoxville,
Quebec and is known here and abroad
not only as a composer but as a schol-
ar in medieval and Renaissance music
and has edited much of the music of
the English Renaissance. '
Professor Knight is the author of
many books including "The Ethics of
Competition and Other Essays" and
"Risk, Uncertainty' and Profit." He
has made a translation of Max Web-
er's "Economic History."
Concert Tonight
The 15th concert of the 1938 sea-
son will be played by Wilmot Pratt,

a short runway here prevented take-
off with a heavy load of gasoline, the
fliers abandoned hope of hopping
the 3,380 miles to New York non-
Favorable weather was ahead over
southeastern Alaska and northern
Speeding over the 2,456 miles from
Yakutsk, Siberia, in 12 hours, 17
minutes, Hughes landed here at 7:18
p.m. (EST) and hopped at 8:36 p.m.
In the brief stop here Hughes came
from the ship several times to pose
for pictures. He was in a smiling
mood, and expressed pleasure at ab-
sence of autograph seekers.
Radio engineer Richard Stoddart
and others spoke briefly, the former
explaining shortness of the 2,800-foot
runway here made abvisable abandon
ment of original non-stop flight
Hours before the estimated arri-
val time crowds had gathered at the
Fairbanks airport.
The American fliers flew over some
of the north's wildest and most de-
solate. terrain after taking off from
Yakutsk, Siberia, at 7:01 a.m. (EST)
In the crowd to welcome the
Hughes party was Mrs Wiley Post,
widow of the famed airmen whose
round-the-world record Hughes thus
far has halved. By coincidence Mrs.
Post, on her way to dedicate a me-
morial to her husband and Will Ro-
gers at Barrow, Alaska, arrived here
yesterday by plane.
At flight headquarters in New York
Albert Lodwick, representing Hughes,
predicted he might reach there late
Thursday night if no unforeseen de-
lays occurred. That would mean com-
pletion of the flight in about four
days, compared with Post's time of
seven days, 18 hours, 50 minutes.
Heavy, Heavy Hangs
Over Thy Head But
Not If B-G Knows It
Few Michigan students, as they
nonchalantly walked to their classes
during the regular school year, real-
izer that the huge slabs of stone that
make up the upper facade of Angell
Hall were practically ready to topple
The Buildings and Grounds de-
partment revealed yesterday that the
slabs, each weighing nearly two tons,
had been protruding nearly five
inches from their bases for some time
and that they could not have moved
much more without falling to the
The movement was caused by the
action of frost, rain and heat on the
brick work which holds the stones to
the building.
Workers are now taking the stones
out and rebuilding a foundation of
burned brick reinforced by steel.
Meeting Of French Club
To Celebrate July 14th
A special program honoring the
French National Holiday will be pre-
sented tonight at the French Club
meeting at 8 p.m. in the French
IHose, 1414 Washtenaw.-

Higher Taxes
May Be Result
Of Roosevelt's
Treasury Gathering Data
For Congressional Use
In Case Bill Is Revised
To Decide Course
Of Action Next Fall
WASHINGTON, July 13.-(A') -
President Roosevelt's estimate of a
$4,000,000,000 deficit for the present
fiscal year raised the question today
whether the Administration would
ask Congress to enact additional or
higher taxes.
Treasury tax experts, who were
unwilling to venture an answer, said
Mr. Roosevelt, and department execu-
tives probably would decide this next
Nevertheless, the treasury already
is gathering data that Congress may
use in drafting another tax revision
bill.' Department experts are study-
ing the integration of Federal and
state tax systems and the entire field
of exemptions and credits.
Any recommendations made, one
of the experts said, may be directed
primarily at making the tax laws
more workable and equitable, rather
than at increasing their yield.
May Not Raise Taxes
Three factors may result in a de-
cision against tax changes designed
to raise more money.
1. Existing tax laws brought in a
record amount of $6,241,000,000 dur-
ing the fiscal year that closed June
30. A major pick-up in business
would result in an even larger volume
of revenue from present levies.
2. Many Congressmen say the im-
position of additional taxes would
be a blow to business confidence.
3. Mr. Roosevelt himself, in dis-
cussing the new budget summary,
made no further reference to bal-
ancing the budget.
Treasury authorities, furthertnore,
said today they knew no formula for
raising any substantial additional
sums easily and painlessly. A bal-
anced budget could be obtained by
levying more taxes, they said, but a
reduction in Government expendi-
tures or an up-turn in business would
be just as effective.
Congressional Action Probable
President Roosevelt has made it
clear, however, that Congress will be
asked to take some action on taxes
at its next session. He has intimated,
at least, that he might press again
for a heavier levy on undistributed
corporate profits and for a graduated
capital gains tax.
He has suggested, too, that Con-
gress see what could be done about
eliminating the reciprocal exemp-
tions accorded by the state and fed-
eral governments to the interest on
federal, state and municipal officers.
Roswell Magill, treasury undersec-
retary, said additional revisions un-
der consideration included:
The repeal of more manufacturers'
excise taxes, which were intended to
be temporary.
The simplification and consolida-
tion of administrative provisions.
Further provision for the applica-
tion of net operating losses of one
year against net operating income of
subsequent years.
Cinic Concerts

Fleas And Garlic Included In
Linguistics Speaker's Research

Sleeping on an earth floor, attended
by the enthusiastic ministrations of
innumerable fleas, and subsisting on
a thrice-daily diet of native-prepared
garlic and beans or, for variety, of
beans and garlic, were just a few of
the many experience encountered by
Kenneth L. Pike, today's Linguistic
Institute luncheon speaker, when he
began his research into the structure
of Mexican Indian languages.
Some of the results of his research
he will present in his discussion to-
day, which will be on the topic, "The
problem of tones in Mexican Indian'
languages." The discussion will follow
the regular Institute luncheon. the

ciones of the University of Mexico.I
His primary purpose was to makef
such a linguistic study as would aid
in the translation of the Bible into a
hitherto unwritten Indian language;
but because the reduction of such a
language to writing is of inestimable1
value to the Mexican government in
its program of primary education1
among the Indians, Pike has become
affiliated also with the Department ofi
Education of the Mexican federal.
government. He is at present prepar-
ing a primer of the Mixtec tongue,j
that spoken in the region of the state
of Oaxaca, where for the past three
years he has been the only white re-
sident of an isolated Indian village.


High School Band Clinic
Shows Marked Ability
Because of the superior ability of
the members comprising the 1938 All
State High School Band Clinic, the
opening of the season of public con-
certs has been moved up to 4:15 p.m.
Sunday iin Hill Auditorium, Prof.
William D. Revelli, director of the
Michigan Band announced yesterday.
Ordinarily, Professor Revelli said,
the band must spend a number of
weeks rehearsing and ironing out the
various difficulties of the individual
players. However, the present band
excells in playing ability both on the
part of soloists, ensembles and as a
band over the membership of the past
three clinics.
The band will offer the following
program: "Youth of America," a
march v Voder: "Sleners Wake" by

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